The Huron Expositor, 1961-08-10, Page 911 a USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS To YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunitles 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8', 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 25c an inser- tion. All other classifications minimum 50 cents per inser- tion, except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. Billing Charge, 15c, if not paid by 10 days following last insertion. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Trades- men, etc.): Minimum 50 -.cents per insertion. Billing charge, J5 cents per advertisement. 4 Coming Events BINGO every Saturday, night, Canadian Legion Memorial Hall, Seaforth. Jackpot $64 in 58 calls, one $25 special and two $5 door prizes. 1-78-1 2. Lost, Strayed LOST -4 weeks ago, while moving furniture during our fire a coffee table was lost on road between Constance and Kippers.. Finder please eontact MRS. ROGER HOORNAERT, RR 2, Seaforth, phone HU 2-9209. 78x1 PRUNING SAW LOST on North Main, James, Church or Jarvis Streets, on Thursday of last week. Finder please phone 190 TOWN OF SEAFORTH • 2-784 4. Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER, 40 to 45 years. Must .be 95 to 125 pounds, small neat and tidy, good cook for widower, good home for keeps if right lady. Apply to BOX 1023, Tk1Ji HURON EX- POSITOR. 4-76x3 WANTED Young man to learn to rune shovel, must be free to travel. Steady job. Apply BOX 1028, TH.r, HURON EXPOSITOR 4-78-1 8. Farm Stock For Sale NINE PIGS 7 weeks old. Ap- ply LOUIS PIGS, phone 46 R 3, Dublin. 8-78-1 22 PIGS, 12 weeks old and 17 pigs, 9 weeks old. A@ply KEN BEATTIE, phone 834 R 6. 78x1 SHORTHORNS—Horned and Polled breeding stock for sale. Contact CRAWFORD McNEIL, Fieldman, Tri -County Shorthorn Club, Northwood, Ont. 8-77-4 11. Articles For Sale SAVE THE THE ONTARIO IS EFFECTIVE OR YO PRINT NOW! NOW! THE HURON Phone 8. Farm Stock For Sa . TEN CHOICE rugged York chunks, A. R. DODDS, phone 861 R. 14, Seaforth. 8-781 30 PIGS, 8. --weeks old. JOHN WILLEMS, phone 673 .1 4, Sea - forth. 8-78x1 NUMBER OF good pigs for sale. Apply JOSEPH NOLAN, St. Colurnban, phone 84 R 16, Dublin. 8-78-1 9. , Poultry For 'Sale 520 MOUNT HOPE Queen, started to lay. COR. DeCORTE, phone 836 R 22, RR 2, Seaforth. 948-1 10.. Used Cars For Sale 1955 BLACK DODGE sedan. Contact GORDON McGONIGLE, phone 166 or 178. 10-78-1 11. Articles For Sale ALL types of gravel for sale. Prompt delivery. DON WALL - ACE, phone 528, Seaforth. 11-77-tf TWO RUBBER -tired wagons and high capacity grain throw- er. ART • SMALE, Staffa, phone 84 R 10, Dublin. 11-78x1 GOOD USED rebuilt motor, rear end and transmission for 1952 Pontiac. LESLIE RILEY, phone 688 R 12, Hensall. ,11-78-1 SUPER REST crib .mattress, 49 x 25. Just like new. Plestic covered., IVAN CARTER, Eg- inondville, phone 134-W. 11-78-1 NOW ON SALE, galvanized roofing, aluminum roofing. Call and inquire. WAYNE SMITH, phone 83, Hensall. 11-69=13 STAPLERS—Never before! A stapler with quality and per- formance at the low price of 69e. See them to -day at THE HUR- ON EXPOSITOR, phone 141. HONEY for sale. Fresh clover honey, 25c in your own contain - 1 pail to a customer for the ffii.rst 10 days. WALLACE ROSS APIARIES, Seaforth. 11-78-1 SAVE $34.00 on new dehum- idifier, used only 3 weeks, re- placed with air conditioner. List price $139. See TED SAV- AUGE, phone 234, Seaforth. 11-77,tf NEW WASHING machine, $110; also flannelette blankets, prints., flannelette. Buy before Aug. 31 and save the 3% sales tax. BORDEN BROWN, phone 841 R 2, Seaforth. 11-77-tf MAGIC MARKERS — Instant dry; waterproof; write on any surface; just pull off cap and Magic Marker is ready to use. Refills atrailable. Nine colors of ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, phone 141, Seaforth. 11-73xtf FOR SALE—Transistor radios 3~,Bulova models, reg. $69.50, 64.95 and 49.95. Your choice only $39.95. Guaranteed 1 year. For the finest in quality tran sistor radios visit SAVAUGE'S. 11-774 HEINTZMAN PIANO, French Provincial design, with match- ing bench, new condition, tuned and guaranteed, $79; also 3 new Sherlock Manning pianos, apt. size, must be sold and deliver- ed before Sept. 1st. Going out of business, make us an offer. W. MARTIN, telephone 43, 558 Main St., Exeter. 11-78x1 McKEE SALES & SERVICE New & Used Harvesters New & Used Racks George White Implements Pedlars Farm Materials 1 used Massey No. 3 baler, 1 used Massey Dyna -balance mower. See: W. J. CLEMENT and WAYNE SMITH Phone 19, Hensall, Ont. Ll-77-tf SALES TAX ! NEW SALES TAX SEPTEMBER 1 DER UR INC NOW! EXPOSITOR 141 NOW! 11. Articles For Sale CATTLE OILER-McInntyre's cattle oilers, the greatest ad- vance in cattle oilers in 50 yrs. The only oiler with spiral curry comb teeth that groom the cat- tle. ORVILLE STOREY, RR 1, Seaforth. See the oiler at our farm, 11-77 tf 12. Wanted To Buy GRADE 11 used text books. BILL KLEINHAAR, phone 650 R 41, Seaforth. 12.784 WOODEN WHEEL, approx. 16 to 24", in good condition; such as from a wheelbarrow. J. C. CRICH. 12-78x1 ONE CENT pound paid in the area depending on size, condi- tion for sick, down, disabled farm animals. Prompt, courte- ous collection of dead, disabled farm animals and hides. Dead Stock Disposal Act Licence 42- C-60, Call collect, ED. AN- DREWS, 863 W 1, Seaforth. As- sociated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 12-78-tf 13. Wanted A PARTY to swath and com- bine 40 acres of grain, 8 miles south of Seaforth. Apply BOX 1031, The Huron Expositor. 78-1 14. Property For Sale 19. Notices CUSTOM SWATHING done. Phone 17 R 22, Dublin, THEO MELADY. 19-77x2 CUSTOM COMBINING and swathing. LYLE MONTGOM- ERY, phone HU 2-7231, Clinton. 19-78x3 ONE -DAY film developing ser- vice on black and white; sever- al days on Kodacolor, Ansco- chrome, Ektachrome. Fast ser- vice and low prices. At STAF- FEN'S FLOWERS, phone 49, Seaforth. 19-70-12 ELECTROLUX Sales and Ser- vice, cleaners and polishers, al- so reconditioned cleaners and parts. BERT HARRIS, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4.7917. 1.9-77-tf WHITEWASHING Barns and poultry houses cleaned, disinfected and white- washed. Carbola sprayed if de- sired. For prices phone J. M. BAERER, 95 collect or box 138 Brussels. 19-76-10 ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE $1 per 100 lbs., plus bonus for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle. Please phone promptly n) Atwood ZEnith 34900 (no toll charge) or Atwood 356-2622 col- lect. Seven day service. Licence No. 103-C-61. 19=66-26 REAL ESTATE Wilfred Mclntee—Broker OFFERS FOR SALE 6 -room frame house in Dub- lin, small down payment. Own- er will carry mortgage. 8 - r o. o m house in Seaforth, cduld be ,,made into 2 apts. 90 acres in McKillop with real good buildings. 100 acres in Hibbert, level and close to Seaforth. Good build- ings. Apply to Amos Corby Phone 598-M Seaforth, Ontario LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE for WILFRED Me]NTEE—Realtor Walkerton, Ontario 14-78-11 15. Property For Rent APARTMENT, on James St., heated, private entrance. PHONE 782. 15-78xs ONE newly decorated small apartment; gas heated. DR. E. A. McMASTER or Joseph Mc- Connell, Seaforth, 15-71-tf CABIN for rent at Goderich, fully equipped, sleeps four, $25 weekly. PHONE 526-W, Seaforth 15-78-1 19. Notices SERVICES --Custom combin- ing and swathing, grain put in grainary, down grain a spec- ialty. Apply or call C. WAL- KER, Cromarty, phone 12 R 13, Dublin. 19-76x3 JAMES DOYLE, spraypaint- ing-barns, roofs, houses, factor- ies and offices. Complete insur- ance coverage. Free estimates. Good references. Phone GL 1- 7296, 497 Charlotte st., London, Ontario. 19-77-tf FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned celaners for sale, BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich, phone Hensall 696 R 2. 19 -77 -ti SOMETHING to sell? Some- thing you need? Use the Want Ads each week in The Huron Expositor. They bring results. Just PHONE 141, Seaforth. Septic Tanks Cleaned Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6, Brus- sels. 19-56x26 BARNS CLEANED Whitewashed and Disinfected• for Brucellosis. ROLAND NEIL Phone 293-3225 - Ailsa Craig 19-36x52 THE SEPTEMBER SESSION of HURON COUNTY COUNCIL will commence on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER est, at 10:00 a.m. All communications to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Friday, August 25th, at 5:00 p.m. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario 16-78-1 SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street 'Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19-77t1 NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. J. 1. McINTOSH Clerk 19-79-11 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM DOIG All persons having claims against the Estate of William Doig, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on th2nd day of June, 1961, are hereby notified to send in fu)2 particu- lars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 31st day of August, 1961, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 9th day of August, 1961, McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate 22-78-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS - In the Estate of WILLIAM JAMES TAYLOR All persons having claims against the Estate of William James Taylor, late of the Town- ship of • Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 9th day of June, 1961, are hereby notified to send in full particu- lars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 31st day of August, 1961, after which date the assets will be distribut ed, having regard only to claims then received, DATED at Seaforth, this 9th day of August, 1361. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate 22-78-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS MRS. ANNIE E. FINLAY late of the Township of Hay, County of Huron, Farmer's wife, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of the late Annie E. Finlay, who died April 21, 1958, and alto joint accounts of Harold and Annie Finlay, are hereby required to send same to the undersigned duly verified on or before the 1st day of September, 1961. After the last named date, the assets of said estate will commence to be settled among persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims received by September 1, 1961. Executor HAROLD N. FINLAY and his Solicitors 22-78-2 Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are ac- complished by low cost Exposi- tor Want Ads. 23. Business Directory JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J Seaforth DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth If no answer call 317 D. H. McINNES Chiropractic • Foot Correction Commercial Hotel - Monday, Thursday -1 to 8 p.m. G. A. WEBB, D.C.' "Doctor of Chiropractic, 438 Main Street - Exeter X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointment - Phone 606 SEAFORTH MEDICAL CLINIC Goderich St., Seaforth, phone 26 P. L. BRADY, M.D., M,C.G.P. Telephone 750 W 1 E. MALKUS, M.D. Telephone 15 W. FLEWELLING, M.D., C.M. Telephone 223 OFFICE HOURS: Afternoons, except Wednesdays; Evenings, except Wednesday and Saturday Appointments may be made in advance. A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Phones: Office 173, Res. 781. Seaforth Ontario McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. L STEWART Seaforth; Ont. Phone 550 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist — Phone 791 Main Office, Goderich St., W., Seaforth, adjacent to Clinic Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Office Hours: Seaforth, daily except Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a.m:12:30 p.m.; Thursday evenings by appoint- ment only. Clinton: Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Above Hawkins' Hardware. A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants 55 South St. Telephone Goderich JA 4-7562 Licensed Municipal Auditor SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M„ V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaofrth W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 335 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 R 10 BOX FUNERAL SERVICE R, S. BOX LICENSED EMBALMER Prompt and careful attention Hospital Bed FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS Phones: Res. 595-W — Store 43 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St., W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 119 - Seaforth THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE—Seaforth, Ont. OFFICERS: President -J. L. Malone, Seaforth Vice -President --John H. Mc - Ewing, Blyth. Secretary -Treasurer — W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. DIRECTORS: J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; William S. Alexander, Walton; Harvey Ful- ler, Goderich; Wm. R. Pepper, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth; N. Trewartha, Clin- ton. AGENTS: Vincent Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; William Leiper, Jr., Londes- boro; onde-boro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; Harold Squires, RR 3, Clinton. 24. Cards of Thanks WE WISH to thank sincerely our friends, neighbors and rela- tives for tlir sympathy, kind- ness and•help during our recent sad bereavement. It was all deeply appreciated. The family of the late Harold Ryan. 78x1 WE WOULD like to thank all our friends who sent clothes and special thanks to Dutch friends who gave money and all who helped put out the fire. MR. and MRS. ROGER HOORNAERT and FAMILY, 24-76x1 24. Cards of Thanks THE FAMILY of the late Robert P: Watson, wish to sin- cerely incerely thank all their friends, neighbours, relatives and all who helped in any way during their recent bereavement. A special word of thanks to Rev. H. Johnston, the doctors and nurses of Scott Memorial Hos- pital and the McDonald Nursing Home. 24-78-1 25. In Memoriam WRIGHT—In loving memory of our dear parents, R. James Wright, who passed away Aug. 10, 1950 and Annie Wright, who passed away Aug. 13, 1960. Time may heal the broken- hearted, Time may make the wound less sore, But it cannot fill the longing, For the loved ones gone be- fore. Who shall say the grief is lessened, Though smiles hide the tears, Memories keep the wound still open, With the passing of the years. —Ever remembered bg sons, Gordon and Frank, and daughter Laurablelle and Families, 78-1 27. Births BAKER—Murray' and Greta Baker, (nee Pfaff), of Hensall, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Vicki Lee, at Clinton' Public Hospit- al, July 28th, 1961. A grand- daughter for Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff, Brucefield, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker, Hensall. KING—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on August 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank King, Egmond- ville, a daughter. SIEMON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Siemon, RR 1, Bornholm, a son. SMITH ---At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on August .5, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith, Egmondville, a son. FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY, SEE - PAGE 4 BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manson, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Newell Gei- ger, John, Mrs. Mary Manson and Robert. Master Douglas Mansoh returned home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manson. Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Benidictus and family are visiting with friends in this vicinity. Mr. Hughie McBride, London, is spending a week's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride and John. The tub salesman asked his boss if he could refund the mon- ey to an irate customer who had discovered that the lot he bought was under water. "What kind of a salesman are you?" demanded the boss. "Go out there and sell him a motor boat:" Box Holders'Names Not Given Out It is not possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser using a Huron Expositor box number. Please do not ask for this information. WEATHERMAN FAVORS MEMBERS AS WEST HURON The weatherman was kind to almost 200 members of the 11 Women's Institute branches which comprise the district of West Huron, when they met Thursday in Harbor Park, Gode- rich, to mark the 60th annivers- ary of the organization of the district in 1901, at the home of Mrs. Harry Morris, Colborne Township. Miss Laura Rose, of the De- partment of Agriculture, was present at the organizational meeting, and explained the aims and purposes of the Wo- men's Institute and installed the officers. The late Mrs. Robert Dures was chosen first presi- dent, but later a meeting was held in the Temperance Hall, Holmesville, and Mrs. Fred El- ford, Holmesville, was elected president; Mrs. Colin Campbell, secretary, and Mrs. Isaac Salk- eld, treasurer. As the popularity of the or- ganization increased, so did the membership, and because of this various branches of West Huron District were formed. Miss Josephine Woodcock, of Blyth, is the present district president, and presided through- out the afternoon. Past presi- dents attending the outing were Mrs. Wesle Bradnock, Auburn; Mrs; Otto Popp and Mrs. Lorne Ivers, Dungannon; Mrs. Tait Clark, Carlow, and Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour, Blyth. ' Greetings and a hearty wel- come were extended by Mayor E. C. Fisher, Goderich, and Councillor Mrs. May Mooney, chairman of the parks commit- tee of Goderich Town Council. Miss Woodcock spoke briefly, al - INSTITUTES MEET 80 Mrs. Clifford Holland, of Goderich WI branch. A brief program was arrang- ed by the district directors, un- der the convenership of Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, Clinton. Mrs. Thomas Allan, Londesboro, and Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Auburn, each contributed aecordian solos. A complimentary poem for the 60th anniversary was written by Mrs. George Mon- crief, Kintail, and read by Mrs. Stewart McLennan, also of Kin - tail. Many couples entered the 'old fashioned couple' contest, but the judges placed Mrs. J. Bur- rell and Mrs. James Henry, of Wingham, first, with Mrs. N. Clairmont and Mrs. Andrew Straughan, Goderich, second. Mrs. Annie Gowans, Wingham, who was 90 years old this year, won the prize for being the old- est member in attendance. Mrs. Sam Daer, Auburn, was first, with the most grandchildren, having a count of 28. Mrs. Ben Comfort, St. Catharines, came from the farthest point to at- tend the function. A beautiful anniversary cake was a work of art, being iced with Institute colors, of blue and gold, and was shaped to form the Institute crest. It was the work of Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Goderich, and was cut by Dis- trict President Miss J. Wood- cock, assisted by past president Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour, who had cut the cake at the 50th anni- versary, held 10 years ago in Harbor Park. Contests and games filled in the afternoon and provided much enjoyment. ST. COLUMBAN NEWS OF THE WEEK Misses, Elaine and Mary Lou Murray returned home Sunday after spending a week's holi- days with their cousin, Miss Marilyn Manley. Miss Manley and Master William Manley re- turned with, them. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith, De- troit, and Miss Nell Doyle, Lon- don, with Ted Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Purcell and family with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Purcell. Mrs. J. J. Holland home from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Don Heard at their cottage near Wiarton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sloan • and family, Napanee; Joe Sloan, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Don Brady and Pat Sloan, London; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gaffney, Stratford; Gerald Sloan, Co- bourg, with Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Meihn and baby, and Vincent Nolan, Kitchener, with Mrs. Elizabeth Nolan. Rev. John McIver, of South Bend, Indiana, with Mr. and Mrs. William McIver. Peter Hicknell, of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hick- nell. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. D. Costello and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan, Kitchener, and:. Mr. and Mrs Pat Murray and family, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mur- ray. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Morris and Paul. Port Credit, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jordan and family, Sarnia, with Mr. and IALF-fAST TEEN Nth OAO—NOTANY GCW.F BALLS—BUT I 0/0 LOSE THREE OF YOUR al/BS. Mrs. Jack ,Moylan. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doyle and baby, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Connolly, Tillsonburg; Mr. and Mrs. John Connolly, Linwood; Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kenny, London, and Mr. and Mrs. John Young, of Woodstock, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Connolly. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Leary. London, with Mr. and Mrs. John Coyne. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, and Ken Ducharme, Wingham, with Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Du- charme. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cebulski, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Mar. tin Murray. Mrs. Joseph O'Reilly, Kitchen- er, with Mrs. Joseph Melady. Joe Matthews, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Eckert and Sharon, Owen Sound, with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dalton. James McQuaid, Albert Cron- in and Angus Kennedy in Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Horbach, Kitchener, with' Mr. and Mrs. Ted Melady. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrard March- and and sons, Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray. Misses Jean and Patsy Mel- ady in Chatham and Belle Riv- er. Blyth W.I. Hold Children's Day August 4 was Children's Day at Blyth Women's Institute meeting in Memorial Hall, when 58 pupils of the Daily Vacation Bible School presented a half hour entertainment of some of the things they had learned dur- ing the four days the school had been in progress. The primary division, with Miss Melda McElroy. leader, sang in unison, "Trust and Obey," followed by an action song, "What Sort of a Backbone Have You?" The pre-school children sang a chorus, and a double solo by Debbie Hicks and Barrie Young was enjoyed. Mrs. Wellington Good is superintend- ent of the pre-school division. Archie Mason favored with a recitation, and readings were contributed by .Jimmie Webster and John Adams. The junior girls of the vacation school sang the school theme song which is, "Living With Jesus." Miss Pearl Gidley was pianist throughout. Miss McElroy spoke of the spiritual stimulation she received, working with the 'pupils. The Vacation Bible School will close Friday morn- ing, August 11. The business part of the In- stitute meeting was cut to a minimum. An invitation to vis- it Londesboro WI Wednesday evening, Sept. 6, was accepted. The earliest date available for a "cooking school" will be Apr. 6, 1962; this date was accepted. The question of selecting local leaders for the 4-H Club girls' fall project, featuring fruits, was left with the executive. The hostesses in charge served re- freshments.