HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-06-29, Page 3• • • • • • 4 • • • • • • w • • • A • r • FUNERALS MRS. ANN AIKENHEAD BfiUCEF1ELD--Mrs. Ann Aiken - head, 84, Brucefield, widow of Hugh Aikenhead, died Saturday at a Parkhill nursing home where she had been a patient for the past three years. She was born in Stan- ley Township, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron. She lived in the BrucefieId area all of her life. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Abe (Janet) Zapfe, Byron; Miss Margaret, of London; Mrs. Anna Aldwinckle, Brucefield, one sister, Mrs. William Henry, Hen- sall; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren, The funeral was held Monday at 2 p.m. at the Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, Clinton, with Rev. A. H. Johnston, Brucefield United Church officiating. Burial was in Baird's cemetery, Stanley Town- ship. 'blue coal 1 Champion Stove and Furnace on WILLIS DUNDAS DUNDAS and LONEY Phone 573 or 138 w STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE Strawberries are now at their best. Order Early * Phone HU 2-3462 F. W. ANDREWS Clinton, Ont. DISTRICT WEDDINGS STQCKIE--NOLAN ST. COLUMBAN--Rev. David R. Doran officiated Saturday in St. Mary's Roman 'Catholic Church, Kitchener, for the wedding of Ann Margaret Nolan and William C. Stockie, both of Kitchener. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Eliz- abeth Nolan, RR 1, Dublin, and the late James Nolan, and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Stockie, Kitchener. Red and white carnations decorat- ed the church. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Frank Nolan, chose a floor -length gown of silk organza and Lace, designed' with fitted bodice featuring sabrina neckline and lily point sleeves, and bouffant skirt with back lace inserts sweep- ing to a chapel train. Her elbow - length veil was held in place by an iridescent crown, and she car- ried a prayer book crested with a white orchid and stephanotis. Mrs. Wilfred Hartleib, 'of Kit- chener, sister of the bride, was -ma- tron of honor in a street -length gown of mint green lace and or- ganza with square scalloped neck- line, cap sleeves and crushed cum- merbund at the waist of the bell- shaped skirt or organza over taf- feta.. Miss Karen Stockie, Kitchener, sister of the bridegroom, wore a similar gown. Both attendants car- ried bouquets in the shape of wed- ding bands covered with feathered white chrysanthemums and roses. John Shewchuck attended the bridegroom, and Robert Walz and Vincent Nolan, all of Kitdhertbr, 'ushered the guests. Following a reception in St. Agatha, the couple left for a wed- ding trip along the St. Lawrence Seaway and into northern Ontario. Why Summer Fill? Filling the fuel tank now is a fool -proof way to avoid troublesome condensation in the oil storage'tank during these hot months. It stops rust before rust can start. CO-OP Sunglo Fuel Oil contains an additive that not only prevents rust but protects the entire fuel system. You're assured trouble-free operation and clean dependable heat whenever needed. When you fill now, there is no need to pay until the fall, or if you wish use the CO-OP Easy Equal Payment Plan that lowers your mid- winter fuel bills. SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone 9 - Seaforth FUEL OIL NOW IS THE pi, TIMTO They will live in Kitchener. Prior to their marriage the cou- ple were entertained at several so- cial events. Fellow employees gave the bride a dinner, and presented her with a blanket'._Showers were held by Mrs. Wilfred Hartleib and Miss Karen Stockie at Miss Stockie's home, at the bride -elect's home and at the home of Mrs. Fa- bian Stockie, Kitchener. Friends of the bridegr,pom entertained him at a bachelor party where he was presented with a purse of money. Hensall Church WMS Entertains Mothers, Babies The Women's Missionary Society of the United Church entertained members of the Baby Band and their mothers Friday afternoon, June 23, with some 150 attending which included over 100 mothers and children. The schoolroom was attractively arranged with peonies, iris, daisies and yellow lilies, and decorations made by Mrs. Clarence Smillie. President Mrs. E. T. Rowe pre- sided for, the program which in- cluded a welcome by Mrs. Rowe; piano solos by Ann Mickle, Lois Simmons and Doug Mock; vocal duets, "All Things Bright and Beautiful," Beth anff Carolyn Cook; "Cradle Song," Suzanne Rannie and Nancy Kyle; solo, "When He Cometh", Linda Beer; trumpet solo, "Can a Little Child Like Me," Bob Forrest; violin solo, "Blue Dan- ube," Brian Smillie. Rev. Currie Winlay told a children's Story and Mrs. Rowe gave courtesy remarks. Sixteen members of the Baby Band graduated into -the Mission Band in a graduation ceremony, with Joyce Flynn and Linda Lenag- han singing the graduation song and leading the graduate class. Graduating were Janie Heal, Dan- ny Turvey, Mary Blackwell, Billy Clement, Joan Goddard, Danny Smith, Cathy Cook, Kevin Buchan- an, Jaynie Williams, Joey Row - Cliffe, Joan Forrest, Paul Reaburn, Pat Joynt, Ricky Ingram, Kevin Bisback, Joan Marie Allan. Arlene Chipchase presented diplomas and Catherine Ann Christie shook hands with the graduates. Mrs. T. J. Sherritt was pianist for the hymns and graduation ex- ercises. Mrs. Currie Winlaw ac- companied for the musical num- bers. Superintendent of the Baby Band is Mrs. Clarence Smillie, and her assistants are Mrs. Blighton Ferg, Mrs. Edison Forrest, Mrs. George Hess, Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, Mrs. Ken Elder and Mrs. Grace Harpole. Decorations were arranged by the Baby Band committee. Refresh- ments were served and the chil- dren presented with favors. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Melvin Rods/0d, Charroline and Steven, of North Dakota, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Allan, Denver, Colorada, spent a few days with Mrs. Rodvold's sister, Mrs. Gordon Elliott. Miss M. Papple, teacher at S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith, ankher pupils, enjoyed a bus trip to Niagara Falls on Friday last. Mrs. M. Henderson and Mrs. F. Rutherford, of Woodstock, visited with Mrs. Rutherfofd's brother, Mr. George Henderson, and Mrs. Henderson, for a few days. Mrs. L, Forrest has returned home'after spending a few days in London. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smiley, of Erin, spent the weekend with Mrs. H. Berry and other relatibes. The sympathy of Brucefield and community goes ,out to the family of the late Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead, who passed away on Saturday last. Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Exposi- tor Classified Ad. Phone 141. R E bbl L• We need . . USED REFRIGERATORS Trade in now on the top quality line FRIGIDAIRE Be prepared for the hot days ! KEEP YOUR FOOD FRESH AND COOL IN A FRIGlIAIRE REFRIGERATOR CHECK OUR. LOW PRICES - HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ! BOX 'FURNITURE v p SEAFOR PNGNET4H3 z`lg• , GEORGE TOWNSEND, RR 3, Seaforth, was named the grand champion showman in the feeder calf club competition at Hensall Twilight Fair recently. He receives his tro- phy from Howard Scane ,of W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. At right is Joan Sinclair, RR 3, Kippen, who was' champion junior showman. (Exeter T -A photo). - NEWS OF HENSALL Initiate Plans:Leadingto -Swimming.Pool in Hensall A special meeting of the Kins- men was held at the summer cot- tage of Kinsmen Bill Fuss, at Elm Heights, near St. Joseph, Thurs- day evening, June 22, when the following committee was appoint- ed, composed of Harold Knight, chairman; Jack Drysdale, Ross Jinks and Johni. teal, to interview various organizations in the village with the purpose of laying plans for a swimming pool. The com- mittee will call another meeting after they get their findings. The meeting was presided over by President Bill Clement, who call- ed the special meeting, which had a 100 per cent attendance. A bar- becue was held outside on the lawn. Rebekah's Hold Meeting Noble Grand Mrs. E. Chipchase presided for the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge Wednes- day evening. Mrs. A. Orr reported for the visiting committee. Mrs. Alex McBeath, P.N.G., as repres- entative to the 71st annual session of Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, held in Toronto in June, gave her report, and Mrs. Glenn Bell, Jr. P.N.G., as scholar, also reported. Mrs. Lillian Grurhmett, D.D.P., of Seaforth, prepared an interest- ing, report of her year's work, which was read to the lodge. Sev- eral past Noble Grands attended the inaugural in Clinton on June 22, when Mrs. Ethel McPherson was installed as District Deputy President for the incoming term. Nominations were held for officers for the next year. Meetings will resume in September with a pot- luck lunch. Presentation To Choir Director At the conclusion of choir prac- tise at the United Church Thurs- day evening, Mr. S. G.--'Rannie, choir director for the past fifteen years, who recently tendered his resignation, was presented -with matching gold cuff links and lie set clasp, with Mrs. A. E. Clark making the presentation. Mr. Rannie made the presenta- tion of a Hymliary to Jack Chip - chase, who ]eves for Toronto' in September, and Mr. Harry Horton presented Miss Dianne Rannie with a white Bible. Miss Rannie leaves for Sarnia in the near future. A delicious lunch was served. Hold Closing Exercises The First Hensall Guide Com- pany and the Brownie Pack held their closing for the summer in the United Church on Tuesday, June 20. Brown Owl Mrs. E. T. Rowe welcomed the parents and Tawny Owl Mrs. Robert Cook con- ducted the Brotvnie program. Three Brownies received minstrel badges: Joan Simmons, Linda Keys and Carolyn Cook. Brenda Noakes was awarded her Golden Hand. Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin was given a "Thanks Badge" by Brenda Noakes on behalf of the Brownie Pack in appreciation for all the help she has given to the girls. Mrs. Walter Spencer gave Pat Rowe her Lieutenant's Warrant Pin from the local association, and Captain of the Guide "Company, Mrs. William Cameron, presented proficiency badges to the following Guides: Nancy Kyle, Child Nurse; Mary Payne, Homemaker; Sharron Skidmore, Swimmer and Handy - woman. Sharron also received her First CIass Badge. Brown Owl enrolled three new Guides, Lynn Faber, Christine Cameron and Cheryl Little. After campfire the local association serv- ed Lunch to , the parents, Guides and Brownies. Rev. Donald MacDonald, of Burns' Presbyterian Church, Mosa. Township, and former minister of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hen- sall, was elected moderator of the London Presbytery of the Presby- terian Church of Canada on Tues- day, June 20. He succeeds Rev. Richard Stewart, of New St. James' Presbyterian Church, London. Mr. MacDonald also serves as minister in Appin and Melbourne. Miss Jane Herton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Horton, won a Board of Governors' Scholarship from the University of Western Ontario, London, for highest stand- ing in ,junior group two. She re- ceived `it by reversion from two other students in the course, who were given special awards. Miss Ruth Smale was presented with a trophy Thursday evenig, at the bowling alley, Zurich, for the highest single score of the sea- son in the junior league bowling, her score being 287. -Miss Ann Mickle and Miss Lois Simmons won individual trophies for the highest team award. G. E. Walker, who has been a patient at Sodth Huron Hospital, has returned home. Mrs. David Dignan has been ad- mitted to South Huron Hospital as a patient. Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy, of Port Huron, Mich;, were recent visitors with Mrs. Catherine fled - den and Herb. Joey Bengough entertained 12 of his friends to a' birthday party at his home recently. Mrs, David Dignan is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid at- tended the Gardner -Young wed- ding at Langside Presbyterian Church on Saturday, June 24. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coleman, of Varna (nee Marion Datars), a recent bridal couple, were honor- ed at a reception held for them Saturday night in Zurich Com- munity Centre and presented with a purse of money. Disjardine orch- estra provided music for the dance. There was a large attendance. Mr. Fred Broadley was admit- ted to South Huron Hospital Sun- day in the further interests of his health. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cox, To- ronto, and Mrs. Harry Stewart, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell attended the Mitchell reunion at at Springbank Park Saturday, June 24, attended by 70 members of the elan from London, Exeter and Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shiels and son, Norman, of Lucknow, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan and family recently. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Venner, Stephen and Michael are vacation- ing at their summer cottage at Norman Heights. Sunday, July 2, at 11 a.m., un- ion services begin at Carmel Pres- byterian Church and continue throughout the month of -July. The Sacrament of Holy Commun- ion was administered at the Unit- ed Church morning service Sun- day. A male quartette„ composed kit: HURON WOSITOR,„SHOORM igsTA4 JVNF 0 4' WALTON CHURCH GR9UPS The fifth and 18th Greer) et Du 's Church WA, Walton,met at the' home of Mrs. C. Martin for the June meeting on Tuesday, June 20. The meeting opened with a hymn, followed by prayer. The Scripture, reading was 1st Kings, 21:1-10. Mrs. A. McDonald gave the topic, "Life of Jezebel." The minutes were read and the roll call an- swered by 17 ladies. A waist mea- surement was taken and the pen- ny collection was handed in. Lunch was planned for the fare- well evening . for Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Thomas on Friday night, June 23. The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction. Lunch MEE was served, .by Mrs, Xaa Wet, .; Xon McDonald, Mfrs. ,Tort .! fin„ • old and the hostess. Sell that usoeasa'""^-4`" furniture throe h a Heron o ;- ter Classified d. e i o 1'.. Insurance Real Estato Egmondvilie, Ont. P.O. Box 476, -- Seaforth Telephone 647 U%PIDCVIS 1960 MORRIS OXFORD 1959 MORRIS MINOR=Black 1956 METEOR TWO -DOOR 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1954 PONTIAC-Green 1953 METEOR SEDAN 1952 HILLMAN --Convertible DUNLOP Nylon AS LOW AS 13f;,99- EXCH. Rayon 9.99 EXCH. MILLER MOTORS Phone 199 - Seaforth of S. G. Rannie, H. •'W. Horton, Charles Mickle and Jack Chipchase sang, "Abide With Me." The choir offering was "The First Psalm." D • Mr. Richard Tipping, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. an Mrs. Alfred Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell visi t- • • ed in Blenheim last week and at tended the 'Knights -Rigby wed ding Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bowden, Lar- ry and Randy, of London, were Sunday guests with LAC and Mrs. Clarence Hoy, Ronnie and Gary. Miss Greta Lammie attended the Alumni reunion of the Ontario School for the Blind at Brantford last week. Miss Margaret Smith, of London, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Alf Smith, and her grandfather, Mr. Fred Ken- nings. Mrs. L. E. Borden visited last week with relatives and friends in Galt. and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Sea forth ALL KINDS of INSURANCE W. E. SOUTHGATE MAIN ST. : SEAFORTH Phone 334 - Res. 540 0 - One way to avoid a traffic accident this Weekend is to stay home on the porch!!! - But if you are planning to get out In the family car and go somewhere you tan help prevent accidents by travelling at a safe speed by obeying traffic signs and signals by leaving a safe distance between your car and the one ahead by signalling your intentions well in advance by core and courtesy 11 you do stn 'home, make sure the rocking chair h in good repEttrl II CIACo-operators Insurance Association -June 28-29-30 CARNATION MILK . Aylmer Choice PEACH HALVES Cheery'Morn Pure INSTANT COFFEE ..Large 10 -oz. Jar Van Camp's BEANS WITH PORK �.. 7 15 -oz. Tins Ballet TOILET TISSUE .. 5 2 -Roll Pkgs. (White or Coloured) KLEENEX TISSUES (Regular or Chubby) Mitchell's APPLE JUICE Nature's- Best TEN I)ER PEAS .... 10 10 -oz. T,ins ...7 Large Tins 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6 Pkgs. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5 15 -oz. Tins 6 20 -oz. Tins Minette's CHOICE TOMATOBS..5 28 -oz. Tins Mount Royal CREAM CORN 6 20 -oz. Tins Tempt I)OG FOOD Clark's Fancy TOMATO JUICE S 20 -oz. Tins Stokefey's Pineapple - Grapefruit J5RIN K 3 48 -oz. Tins St. William's ASSOR'JFED JAMS 5 9 -oz. Jars Henley's FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 15 --oz, Tins Ellmarr PEANUT BUTTER.... 3 16 -oz. Jars Golden Dew MARGARINE 4 1-1b. Pkgs. CIGARETTES--Pkg. of 20's... 3 for 1 00 r 12 15 -oz. Tins 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chr]stie's Assorted COOKIES -4 Varieties 4 Pkgs. THIS IS A CKNX "WIN -A -DRYER" STORE FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Sm• y S 1 U P R-1 R `.FOOD MARKETS; Phone 12 FREE DELIVERY