HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-06-15, Page 2Since 1860, Serving the Community First
P* IIs$ed at SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning by McLEAN BROS., Publishers
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This is an anxious time for countless
students in the Seaforth district as well
as throughout Ontario. They are in the
Midst of the month for examinations.
So great is the concern in some quar-
ters that there are many—other than the
students—who would favor abolishing
them altogether.They fear examinations
create such emotions in the minds of
youth that these may result in injurious
and lasting effects.
The difficulty with such a theory, .of
course, is that it suggests that youth must
during his lifetime be protected from all
manner of tests. For after .all a school ex-
amination—while certainly a test—is mild
when compared to the test the student will
face in Life.
The Montreal Gazette points out that
critics of examinations don't like the com-
petitive spirit that enters into the exam-
ination system, with some- being ranked
ahead of others. The joy of learning
shotiid be recognized as a sufficient effort,
and just doing one's best should be recog-
nized as a sufficient achievement. The
,competitive spirit is bad, and the rank-
ing system is literally degrading.
"Such theories for getting rid of exam-
inations are tempting. But it is hard to
get rid of examinations. They would re-
main part of life,, even if they were abol-
ished altogether in the schools and uni-
versties," the Gazette says.
"All through life people are examined;
they are tested; they are faced with
crises; they will find themselves ranked.
Criticism of 'ranking' will not be spared
the person who fumbles with the keys of
the piano, or messes his golf, or fails to
meet a deadline, or who cannot be de-
pended on to pull himself together to meet
an emergency."
Examinations are part of life itself ;
no one can avoid them. If education is to
be a preparation for life, it fails consid-
Are Worthwhile
erably if it attempts to dispense with the
examination system. Fearful as it may
be, and troublesome, and exacting, it is a
form of training for what is to come.
This is not to say that the examination
papers should be the only means of .esti-
mating a student's ability. There may be
intelligence tests, and reports on his gen-
eral attitude towards work, and other
methods of assessment. But these other
methods, however useful as supplements,
ought not to undermine the examination
system itself.
The very fact that a student, in only a
few hours, must prove himself is not to
be held against the examination system,
as it sometimes is. This requirement to
rise to the occasion is not an incidental
disadvantage to the examination system;
it is an essential part of its value. Again
and again in life a person has to prove
his capacity to bring his knowledge and
judgment to bear upon the decisionsthat
must be made within a very limited space
of lime.,
should a student, or his educators,
or his parents, consider that a young per-
son ought not to be prepared in school and
college for the sort of testing he will un-
doubtedly have to face in later life?" the
Gazette asks. By shuddering at the idea
of discipline, an educational system maay
end by graduating the undisciplined.
The Gazette concludes that one of the
most important adjustments anyone can
make is to learn to meet with resolution
the inevitable challenges of his own ex-
istence, and to realize that he will be
j udged.
Human Reality
A four -ton truck filled with glassware
turned over after missing a curve near
Belgrade. Not one of the glasses was
broken, but the driver had five fractures.
—Nachrichten, Innsbruck.
Rev. Harold Brill was installed
as pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, Brodhagen, on Sunday af-
ternoon, with Rev. Jacobi, of Kit-
chener, in charge. Bouquets of red
roses were on the altar from the
25th wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. George Rock. The serv-
ices for the summer months will
start at 10:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Elwood Smart and Carolyn,
of Windsor, with Mrs. J. L. Ben-
newies for the weekend. Carolyn is
remaining with her grandmother
for several weeks.
Mrs. Manuel Beuermann is
spending a few days with her son,
Wayne Beuermann, London.
11rs. Albert Hinz underwent an
operation at Stratford Hospital last
Mrs. Eli Rapien has returned
from Stratford Hospital to the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed.
Gloor and Mr. Gloor.
Mrs. Henry E. Diegel is confined
to Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Diegel and
Matthew, of Geraldton, visited his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel
last week.
Relatives received word of the
death of Dr. Heinrich Leonhardt,
97, at St. Petersburg, Florida. Bur-
ial took place at North Tonawan-
A number from here attended
the ordination of Seminar Harold
Brill in Preston last Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks and
Mrs. Ralph Hicks and Shirley and
Alvin in Toronto for the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens
and Mrs. Charles Ahrens with Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Ahrens, Hamil-
ton, on Sunday.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dalton Hinz on Reunion Sun-
day were: Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sip-
pel and Claudette, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Sippel and Ruth, of Tavi-
stock; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Klink -
man, of Elmira; Mr. and Mrs, Glen
Sippel and Eva, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Sippel and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Far-
rell Sippel and Steven, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Sippel and Bruce, all of
Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Farrel
Xinnaman and Tommy, Mr. Ken
'Wilder and Miss Lynn Ramsey, all
of Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Inns, St. Catharines; Mr. and
MrS. Glen Brickman and Barry,of
f3riatpton; Mr. and Mrs. Darrel d-
kins and sons, Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray Hart, Lon-
doni with Mrs. Louie G. Rock.
Mr: and Mrs. George Young, of
Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mtn and Mrs. Michael Connolly,
Sluth, Attn• and ttonald, of Sebring-
viU ; With, Mr. and Mrs. Lavern
Virolfb :ori Sunday.
Ta; S to hagen Band played at
Xitikiirsi fdt a cburc'h patade on
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Steffler, of
Midland, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Leonhardt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker and
daughters, of Toronto, with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred A. Kistner.
Mrs. Herman Leonhardt, Mrs.
Rosina Miller and Mrs. Lena El-
ligsen visited Mrs. Alma Puschel-
berg in Listowel on Monday.
Shower For Newlyweds
On Saturday evening a shower
was held in the Community Hall
for Mr. and . Mrs. Walter Stinson
(Ruth Ann Dietz). The address was
read by Charles Tully, and they
were presented with a bedroom
suite. Lorne Mueller's orchestra
played for dancing, and lunch was
served in the basement.
ULCW Have Meeting
Last Wednesday evening mem-
bers of the United Lutheran
Church Women held their monthly
meeting with Mrs. J: Vock, Mrs.
Orland Rohrer and Mrs. Albert
Bauer in charge of devotions. A
thank -you card was read from Mrs.
John Moore, and an invitation read
from the Ladies' Aid of Ellice for
June 21. Birthdays were reported
by Mrs. Manuel Beuermann, Mrs.
James Dittmer and Mrs. Martin
Twenty-flfth Anniversary
On Friday evening a large crowd
attended the 25th wedding anni-
versary celebration of Mr. and
Mrs. George Rock (Laura Benne-
wies), at the Community Hall.
Earlier in the evening a dinner
was served to immediate relatives
and friends, after which dancing
was enjoyed to music supplied by
Harburn's orchestra.
A mock wedding was staged dur-
ing the evening and the couple
were presented with a kitchen
chome set, card table, chairs, mir-
ror, electric fry pan and individual
gifts. Russell Sholdice read the
address, which was written by Mrs.
Fred Herbert. Miss Diane Hender-
son sang several solos, accompan-
ied by her mother, Mrs. John Hen-
Mrs. Hilda Voch was also pre-
sented with a gift as it was her
wedding day too, 35 years ago.
Lunch was served in the basement.
Mr. and Mrs. Rock live on their
farm at RR 2, Walton, and have
two -sons, Earl and Warren.
Takes Part In
CBC Production
Friends of Miss Ruby Smith, of
Toronto, were interested in seeing
her on the Monday night showing
of the lengthy CBC -TV play, Kill-
deer. She recently spent a week-
end at. the Smith family home in
Miss .Janice Jewitt spent the
weekend with her sister and bro-
ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William
Dowson, Varna.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Van der
Molen and Paul, Guelph, and Mr.
Marvin Van der Nolen spent the
weekend at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Whyte.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles , Dexter
spent a few days this past week
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Austin
Dexter, Blyth.
Mr. Bill Millson, Wyoming; Mrs.
Dayman and Mrs. Glazier, Hensall,
and Mrs. Lindsay, Seaforth, spent
the weekend with Mrs. Millson and
Ross. Mrs. Glazier is remaining for
a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. David Dollimore
and family, of Ajax, visited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Buchanan and family.
Messrs. Wayne Greer and J.
Brown, of Wyoming, friends of
Mr. Bill Millseri, visited at the
Millson home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glanville
'and Wayne, Crediton, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Preszcator
and family on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Preszcator
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Fox, Port Albert.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt and
family visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. William Dowson on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley left
for Toronto on Monday' where they
will visit with their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Woods and Debbie, Ajax, while en
route by air to British Columbia,
where they will visit with Mr.
and Mrs. John Nottingham, Ladnef;
B.C., and will attend a convention
of the Canadian Order of Fores-
ters as delegates from the local
courts, to be held at Beverley
Hotel, Victoria.
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown,
Joyce and Elaine attended the
South Huron County LOL church
service at the Bayfield United
Church Sunday, and also attended
the service of the Anglican Church
at Glenelg, where Rev. Farr, Lon-
don, was the visiting speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson
returned home after visiting last
week with their daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donald
and sons, of Midland, Michigan,
and accompanied them on a trip to
the Sdo and Manitoulin Island,
this being the occasion of Mr. and
Mrs. Jamieson's 48th wedding an-
niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Donald
returned home on Sunday.
Worship, 11 a.m.; Junior Church
School during worship period; Sr.
Church School, 10 a.m.—Minister,
Rev. J. Cliff Britton, B.A.
Fearlessness is the mother of
Mother's Day in this country is
announced with a blaze of trum-
pets, a roll of drums, and a wild
jangling of cash registers. Com-
mercially, it is creeping up on
Christmas. Emotionally, it has
long since passed the Twelfth of
July. .Father's Day, in comparison,
is a sad little echo of this senti-
mental orgy.
Even the advertising reflects the
difference. Merchants and manu-
facturers overcome their custom-
ary delicacy as Mother's Day ap-
proaches. They don't suggest that
she might like a little token. They
bellow at us, in no uncertain terms
our duty towards Mom. "Get out,
you lazy, ungrateful, selfish bum,"
they holler, "and buy that sweet
little old mother of yours some-
thing worthwhile." Strong men
cringeunder the assault, and go in-
to debt for months, buying pres-
ents for women who are not even
their mothers, but their wives.
* * :k
The days when Mom received a
box of chocolates or a pair of
nylons on Mother's Day went out
with the ten -cent hot dog. Nowa;
days, men are warned, in black -
and -white or full color, that sweet
old Mom will settle for anything
from an automatic dishwasher to
the Taj Mahal, suitably gift -wrap-
What .a difference in •the adver-
tising prior to Father's Day! It
is slightly embarrassed, doleful,
feeble. It consists of such rousing
slogans as, "Don't forget Dad on
Father's Day." The implication is
that you probably will, but that
if you do, don't worry too much
about it. Oh, the men's clothing
merchants put a brave face on it
and beat the drum a bit, but even
they haven't the nerve to suggest
anything more extravagant for dad
than a sport shirt or a new hat.
The car dealer who will tout,
with a straight face, a "second car
for the family," just before Moth-
er's Day, suggests that dad would
be just crazy about a new tire
iron, or a jack. The appliance
dealer who will coolly try to sell
you a washer -dryer combination as
a gift for mom, will be pushing a
$1.98 flashlight for Father's Day.
* * *
Is there anything significant in
this contrast? • Oh, yes, indeed.
There is little doubt that it re-
flects accurately the prestige en-
joyed, respectively, by mother and
father, in Canada today. Mom is
a goddess, to be placated by appro-
priate gifts. Dad is a dog, a harm-
less one, to be thrown a bone.
This unnatural state of affairs
seems to be peculiar to North
America. In Europe, Asia and
Africa, woman is still playing a
supporting role only. Even in Mos-
lem countries, where a man• may
have up to four' wives, there is
no doubt about who is head of
the house. But in the States and
Canada, the natural order of things
is reversed.
* * *
Oh, you don't have to believe
me. Ask the statistics boys.
They'll tell you who controls and
spends most of the money on this
Ask the manufacturers. They'll
tell you which sex their adi are
slanted towards. They'll tell you
why everything that's made nowa-
days, from cookies to cars, has to
come in a fancy package or a weird
* * *
Why has this situation develop•
ed in North America? Can we
blame our women for it? Are they
more pushy than the females of
other continents? I don't think so.
In fact, I think they are the ones
who were pushed—into a role they
never wanted, poor kids:
I think the whole thing is a pro-
duct of pioneer days in this con-
tinent. The North American wo-
man had to be a good deal more
sturdy, independent and capable
than her sister of other lands, if
she was to cope with the trials and
dangers besetting the early set-
She had to work like an ox.
She had to improvise, to use her
head. She had to be nurse, teach-
er and companion to her children,
because father was too busy clear-
ing the back forty to speak to
them during the day, and too tired
to do anything but fall into bed
at night.
* * *
After a few generations of this,
it was natural for the children to
look upon the mother as the foun-
tainhead of wisdom, sympathy and
human warmth. During the same
generations, the father faded into
a figure who appeared only at meal-
times and whose chief conversa-
tional item became, "We can't af-
ford it."
* * *
The entire process was speeded
up by two world wars. While our
men were off in Europe, fighting
and revelling in a society in which
the male was supreme, our women
had to take on more and more
responsibility. Whole generations
of children got the idea that Mom
was head of the family, simply
because Dad was not there.
There was no stopping the snow-
ball. After the first world war, our
women started smoking. After the
second, they began going into bars.
They have infiltrated the golf
course, the curling rink, the House
of Commons, and the stock market.
They have learned to swear, wear
trousers and make speeches. And
the end is nowhere in sight.
* * :, ..
I'm not complaining. It was in-
evitable—an accident of history.
All I'm doing is trying to explain
to you fellows why despite the
fact that your wife got a new wrist-
watch on Mother's Day, you are
going to wind up, on Father's Day,
with the usual $1.50 tie, for the
purchase of which the kids will
tap you for $2.00 and keep the
EC emo
ye) u
(Prepared by the Research Staff
of Encyclopedia •Canadiana)
What Was the Frank Slide?
The Frank Slide was probably
the most devastating landslide ev-
er' experienced in Canada. On
April 29, 1903, about 90,000,000
tons of rock from an overhanging
portion of Turtle Mountain fell on
the small Alberta mining and rail-
way community of Frank in the
Crow's Nest Pass. It killed sixty-
six residents of the community.
The slide, which was blamed on a
combination of geological faults, a
minor earthquake and coal -mining
operations at the base of the moun-
tain, lasted less than two minutes
but buried approximately a square
mile of the valley to a depth of
45 feet. •
Where is "The Land That God
Gave Cain"?
This is the term that explorer
Jacques Cartier applied to Labra-
dor on one of his visits to the
coast, a coast that must have ap-
peared very forbidding to him. He
visited the Labrador coast in 1534,
1535 and 1541. However, Labrador
was probably the first part of
North America to be seen by a
European—Bjarne Herjulvson, who
came within sight •of it while on a
journey from Europe to Greenland
in A.D. 986. Subsequently, around
A.D. 1000, Norse residents of
Greenland appear to have been
regular visitors to the coast
(known to them as Markland or
wooded land) in search of timber.
Rediscovery of the .Labrador coast
was due to John Cabot of Bristol,
leader of an expedition under the
patronage of Henry VH in 1498.
Th. *Ache
"This isn't fair, Mr. Boyd, I'm supposed .to. be on my coffee break!" ,
About three thousand years ago,
it was said that Jehu "driveth fur-
iously." And the great Book de-
clares that "a horse is a vain thing
for safety." And there are many
other references to the horse as
the -ally of speed. But faster and
faster has been the watchword and
the horse has been left so far be-
hind that he is no longer thought
of in connection with speed, ex-
cept at the track.
Not so long ago, we marveled at
travel over the land at a mile a
minute. What startled the world
a generation ago has become a
commonplace of travel not only on
the land but through the air. Not
so long ago, Lindbergh gained
fame by flying the Atlantic; now
mighty airships travel back and
forth between our country and Eur-
ope and in fact through the skies
of the wide world. Now the first
airplanes seem almost like toys as
compared to the great jet planes
of the present. And, having brok-
en the sound barrier, men are con-
cerned to break the atmosphere
barrier, and get back.
Speed for speed's sake is a poor
thing. The trouble is that so many
lives are being lost through the
sorry process.
Just a Thought:
In a manner of speaking, health
is like money; we sometimes nev-
er worry too much about it 'until
we find that we don't have enough
to take care of our daily needs.
We can buy insurance against loss
of health but the surest protection
comes through a' program of pro-
per living.
When Were Teacher Exchanges
The system of organized teacher
exchanges between countries of
the Commonwealth, and particu-
larly between Canada and Britain,
goes back as far as 1901 when the
League of the Empire (now the
League of the Commonwealth) was
established in England to bring
about "co-operation in education
between the countries of the Em-
pire." The idea for teacher ex-
changes arose from the feeling of
teachers that tours to other Com-
monwealth countries did not pro-
vide sufficient professional know-
ledge of the educational philoso-
phies and practices prevailing in
the places visited. Extra stimulus
to the exchange idea was added in
1910 with the founding of the Ov-
erseas Education League in Can-
ada. In 1913 this movement ar-
ranged exchanges between three
teachers from Manitoba and three
from New Zealand; 13 teachers
from 'various Canadian provinces
exchanged with a similar number
in London, England, schools dur-
ing the same year. Between 1919
and 1939, 4,06$ teachers exchang-
ed positions between Common-
wealth countries.
Red Cross Home Nursing Class-
es were conducted last year by 990
Registered Nurses serving_ as vol-
unteer instructors.
During the session last year, the
divorce mill operated by Parlia-
ment for the benefit of the citizens
of Quebec and Newfoundland was
constantly in the news as a result
of monkey wrenches thrown in the
works by two CCF members and
the evidence of fraud and perjury
that kept floating to the surface.
So far this session there has
been an uneasy quiet surrounding
the whole issue. Behind the scenes
persistent efforts are being made
to clear the way for a start on
remedying the present absurd pro-
cedure. If they fail, the subject
of divorce will be back on the
front pages with a bang.
Up to the eleventh hour last
year the two CCF members—Frank
Howard of . Skeena, and Arnold
Peters of Temiskiming—managed
to bring the divorce mill virtually
to a standstill by a very simple
device. They talked, and talked,
and talked about every divorce
bill that came before the House
of Commons in the limited time
allowed for their consideration,
defying a time-honored tradition.
For years the practice has been
for divorce petitions from Quebec
and Newfoundland—the only prov-
inces without divorce courts of
their own—to be submitted first to
the Senate. Before a special com-
mittee of.the Upper Chamber they
were given their only scrutiny,if
that is what it could be caled.
Witnesses paraded through, told
their time-honored story of the
man and the maiden, the Commit-
tee approved the bill, the Senate
approved the bill and sent it on
to the House of Commons. There
they were rubber-stamped in batch-
es, the House not even bothering
to repeat the charade.
That was before the two CCF
members decided the time had
come to do something about put-
ting -an end to the farce, at least
so far as the House of Commons
was concerned. They contended
that the House could not and
should not have to bear the re-
sponsibility of considering divorce
bills. Before the Commons com-
mittee handling divorces and on
the floor of the lower chamber
they pulled the evidence apart in
case after case in an effort to show
that it was based on nothing more
than a pack of lies solemnly sworn
to as the gospel truth.
As a result of their filibuster,
divorce bills piled up on the Com-
mons order paper. The two CCF
members threatened to continue
the blockade indefinitely unless
they receive an assurance from
the Government that some step
would be taken to l;emedy the
whole procedure.
Reluctantly t h e Government
promised that the issue would be
reviewed by the Commons rules
committee at the current session
in an effort to find a way out, and
the terrible twins relented.
Early this year it looked as if a
partial solution had. been found
when the . House of Commons un-
animously approved a Conserva-•
tive member's bill to give the Sen-
ate sole jurisdiction over divorce
The bill died on the Senate or-
der paper for want of a sponsor.
Allegedly the Upper Chamber was
opposed to the Bill because it was
a violation of the constitutional
principle that legislation must be
approved by both houses of Par-
liament. In fact, it refused to
touch it because of the extreme
reluctance of Roman Catholic sen-
ators to even acknowledge the fact
that Parliament grants divorces,
much less discuss any change in
the existing procedure.
In the meantime, nearly ' 350
divorce bills have piled up on the
order paper of the House of Com-
mons. Because of the very threat
of a renewed CCF blockade, the
Chairman of the Commons divorce
committee, Robert McCleave, has
pot even bothered to call them for
second reading so they can be re-
ferred to" the Committee for the
usual rubber stamping.
Quietly and informally, Mr. Mc -
Cleave and the Chairman of the
Divorce Committee of the Upper
Chamber, Senator Arthur Roebuck,
are engaged in a new effort to end
the impasse.
To overcome the objections to
the:. previous Commons bill, they
are proposing the introduction of
legislation to constitute the Senate
divorce committee as a judicial
body. It would function as a court,
in the same manner as the judicial
committee of the British Privy
Council, once Canada's court of
last resort. Its decision would be
rendered by judicial decree rather
than by statute, ruling out the
need for approval by both houses.
The new proposal would do noth-
ing to solve the far broader prob-
lem facing the country, the anti-
quated laws regulating the grounds
for founded on those laid
down in Britain in the mid -19th
century. Although t h e United
Kingdom overhauled its divorce
legislation years ago, this kind of
change is still probably five to 10
years away in Canada.
But it would represent a step in
the right direction, It would elim-
inate some of the hypocrisy and
absurdity of the present situation
so far as granting divorces to citi-
zens of Quebec and Newfoundland
are concerned.
If the Senate Committee was
constituted as a court it might al-
so possess wider powers to deal
with cases of fraud and perjury,
the practice of which has made it
easy for anyone who can afford the
price to get a divorce from Parlia-
Should the submission of rigged
evidence to prove adultery no long-
er be condoned, there would then
develop over time an irresistible
pressure on Parliament to provide
for wider and more sensible
grounds for divorce.
* * *
Capital Hill Capsule
There are now strong indications
that regardless of the census which
started June 1, there will be 265
members in the next parliament.
Redistribution is likely to be re-
ferred to a special committee at
the next session and the general
election will take place without it
being completed.
Which Was the Most Populous
Iroquois Tribe?
The Onondaga are believed to
have been the most populous tribe
of the Iroquois Confederacy. They•
were the central tribe or "fire -
keepers" of the confederacy, their
home being to the north of Onon-
daga Lake in central New York
State. In the . American Revolu-
tion, many of them took the side
of the colonists and remained in
the States. Others moved to Upper
Canada as allies of the Crown and
their descendants are living on
the Grand River Reserve near
Brantford, Ont.
Interesting items gleaned from
The Expositor of 25, 50 and
75 years ago.
From The Huron Expositor
June 12, 1936
Robert Bownian, reeve of Brus-
sels and Warden of the County of
Huron, presided at the June ses-
sion of county council, which con -
eluded on Friday.
Huron doctors met in Clinton on
Wednesday for the regular meet-
ing of the Huron Medical Associa-
tion, when Dr. Joseph Daly, of To-
ronto, delivered an instructive ad-
Miss Marge Forrest, of the
School of Nursing of the Hamilton
General Hospital, underwent an
operation for appendicitis 6n Wed-
Canon E. Appleyard, Mrs. Ap-
pleyard and Dr. R. Appleyard left
on Wednesday to visit their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Coulter, in Ottawa, where
their son, Charles, recently under-
went a serious operation.
Mr. T. G. Shillinglaw underwent
an operation in Scott Memorial
Hospital this week.
Mr. Scdtt Hawthorne, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Henderson and Mr. and
Mrs. Helmer Snell and Miss June
Snell attended the ordination ser-
vices at Metropolitan Church, Lon-
don, on Sunday when Mr. Harold
Snell, of Londesboro, was ordain-
The street committee was in
structed to have the police enforce
a "No Parking" sign on the road
at the ball park, as people were
sitting in their cars watching the
games without paying admission.
Twenty-four bowlers took part
in the men's bowling tourney Tues-
day when winners were William
Hart, 3 wins plus 20; Harry Stew-
art, 3 wins plus 19, and Ed. Bright,
with 3 wins plus 11.
* * *
From The Huron Expositor
June 16, 1911
Mr. Harry Pearce met with a
painful accident at the clothing
factory on Friday when he got his
foot eaught in the elevator and
had the lnuscles in his ankle brok-
enThe telephone company were
this week digging a trench across
Main Street in which they laid a
cable to their new office in the
Cardno Block, which is now being
fitted up.
A patriotic service in connection
with the coronation of Their Ma-
jesties King George and Queen
Mary, will he held in St, Thomas'
Church on Coronation Day.
Mr. James McNamara is in
Windsor this week as a delegate
from Seaforth Court of Catholic
Mr. F. Holmsted has moved back
to the office in the Scott block
which he occupied before the fire.
Miss Edith Neelin, daughter of
Mr. F. G. Neelin, has been ap-
pointed superintendent of Fergus
Mr. J. Harvey Colclough, of Clin-
ton, and a former employee of The
Expositor, was ordained as a dea-
con in St. Alban's Cathedral in
Toronto on Sunday last.
McIntyre & Edge, hardware
merchants, have leased the store
adjoining their present premises
on the north from Mr. M. Wil-
liams and will use it for a stove
The residence of Miss Harvey, of
Harpurhey, ,has been sold to Mr.
John Picket, of Clinton, who in-
tends coming here to reside.
• Mr. John Beattie has rented the
store in the Kidd block, now occu-
pied by Mr. Alex Wilson, and in-
tends moving his variety stock in-
to it. •
* * *
From The Huron Expositor
June 11, 1886
The Methodist Conference dos-
ed at 'Goderich on Tuesday last,
Moving been in session for over a
Rev. A. D. McDonald has gone
to Hamilton to attend the meeting
of the General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church, which open-
ed there this week.
A fine new sidewalk is being
laid down on the west side of Main
Street, from Kidd's corner to Log-
There were 83 tickets sold at
the Seaforth station on Thursday
for the Wingham excursion to
Mr. W. M. Gray, of town, was
appointed a lay delegate to the
General Conference of the Meth-
odist Church at the district con-
ference meeting held in Goderich
last week.
Mr. David Charlesworth, who for
many years occupied the position
of head miller in Egmondville mill,
has secured a situation in a mill
in or near Brantford.
Mr. Thomas Collie, who has reti-
cently graduated from The Huron.
Expositor office, left' this week to
take a position on the Galt Re-
former, of which his brother, Mr.
John Collie, is editor.
• Laidlaw & Fairley, of the Cen-
tral Grocnry here, have had a
telephone placed in their store for
the convenience of customers.
The junior department of the
public school having become so
crowded that it was impossible for
one teacher to attend to all the
pupils, even under the half-day
system, the trustees were forced
to employ an additional teacher,
Mr. Hyslop was engaged to teach
the senior pupils of the room un-
til the holiday, when a regular
female teacher will have to be en-
Messrs. J. Blanchard, Sr., J.
Scott and J. Wright are pathmas-
ters for the Village of Hensall
and are improving the streets and
sidewalks to beautify the village.
Mr. John Sadler, of Staffa, who
owns the saw and cider mill there,
has purchased the grist mill which
is under the management of the
Haskin Bros., of Exeter, from
Robt. Webb for the sum of $3,000.