HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-05-18, Page 13THE HUROIST EXi'oSf'T'O r SP''ORM '010.: ifOrl lr = 1"' NEWS OF THE WEEK IN HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. John McEwing, Karen and Alex and Mrs. Alex Mc - Ewing, of Seaforth, visited on Sun- day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Little Tommy had been warned not to fight with other boys in school. One day he came home with a aleeatng nose and a black eye. His mother reprimanded him: "Shame on you, Tommy! You have been fighting!" MOh, no, Mama, I haven't been fighting," answered Tommy. "I've been fought!" Norman Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lloyd, of Harriston. Mr. James McEwing attended a pistol tournament held in Lambeth on Sunday. The pupils of S.S. No. 6, Hullett, won the Hullett Township Federa- tion Shield for the two-part chorus at the Hullett Township Music Fes- tival, held in Londesboro. Rae McClure won first prize in his solo, and Arthur McMichael won third prize in his solo. It's bad enough to be a quitter. But it's worse to finish something you never should have started. Fix Up Your Lane for Spring GRAVEL Suitable for LANES -- ROADS and CEMENT WORK Delivered in any Quantity FRANK KUNG LTD. Phone 19 -- Seaforth FOR A HOUSE BEAUTIFUL... Outside' White HOUSE PAINT - "from $3.98 Gal. Try this Low - Cost Paint for that Exterior Job this year 1 We Have Paints For Every Use ! CLEAN-UP, FIX -UP YOUR YARD ! Grass Seed - Fertilizer - Weed Sprays Everything to brighten up that dull lawn KEEP IT CUT WITH A POWER MOWER—As low as $44.95 WATER THE GRASS WITH A Plastic Lawn Hose -50 ft. L. $1.69 Crown Hardware Phone 797 • Seaforth RECALL "GOOD OLD DAYS" WHEN SPRING CLEANING WAS CHORE Many of us remember the "good old days" of spring cleaning—with the rugs hung on the clothesline for a thorough walloping; every window thrown wide to let spring breezes blow away the odor of win- ter; and the cat perched high on the mantle, well out of range of the annual sweeping and scrub- bing and waxing. Today, it is said that new gad- gets such as air conditioners and vacuum cleaners make spring cleaning unnecessary. But early training dies hard, and most of us feel that Springtime should see our homes especially clean and sparkling. Luckily, cleaning techniques have improved over the years, and it's possible today to have our homes clean as new pennies with- out exhausting ourselves in the process. Here are a few tips on organization and techniques from the Singer Floor Care Council, who offer a two-day schedule for each floor of a home, so you can finish upstairs and downstairs in four days—with a day left over for flower arranging. The trick is to do each floor as if it were a single room, and to use all your mechanical aids at once, to eliminate constant trips to the broom closet. You'll need a basket to gather up odds and ends, and all the attachments for your vacuum cleaner and floor pol- isher. If you don't have a rolling table, drag out junior's red wagon. Make your first trip around the basket, and gather up all the old magazines, letters, broken ash trays, odd mittiens, toys and other litter. Put then in the garage to be coped with later. Clear the decks as much as possible. If you are taking down the curtains, do it" now. Then do all your vacuuming in living room, dining room, foyer, play room and kitchen. Start at the top with your dusting brush, getting moldings, larhpshades, win- dow sills, picture frames and other decorative items, all flat surfaces, including window panes, and fin- ally baseboards, Then ,switch to -your upholstery brush to take care of the fabric furnishings and the curtains, if they are still up. The crevice tool is next, to get behind radiators and into the cracks of the upholstery. Next comes the floor brush, and finally the revolv- ing brush attachment for the rugs. If window -washing is on your schedule, do that too, but save the outside till you can get at them with a garden hose and a squeeze. This should about finish the first day. Leave your vacuum cleaner out, for you'll have one more job for it tomorrow. On the second day, concentrate on your versatile rug -cleaning floor polisher. It will take care of just about every flat surface in the house, including the dining room table. Begin by fitting it with its scrub- bing brushes and filling its con- tainer with wax remover. Scrub the kitchen floor and all wood floors. Mop up solution from wood floors immediately after scrub- bing. Pour leftover solution into a bowl, and use it to do the wood- work, diluting it further accord- ing to the instructions on the can. Then fill the dispenser with rug shampoo, and scrub your rug. By the time this is finished, the floors should he ready for a waxing. Fill the zippered wax packs with paste wax, and let the polisher do the work of applying the wax. Begin with your good wood surfaces, such as the dining table, and do WHEN CLEANING UP AROUND YOUH HOME, CLEAN UP AND BRIGHTEN THE INTERIOR WITH NEW Floor Coverings Brighten up your old worn-out floors with one of the latest designs for 1961 — arrived for pre -summer laying. The Cost is Remarkably Low and Results Amazing ! • JASPE • CONGOLEUMS • LINOLEUMS • MARBOLEUMS TILES OF ALL KINDS Expert Floor Sanding and Finishing BOX FURNITURE Phone 43 • Seaforth. the floors last. If you prefer liquid wax, fill the dispenser withjt. By the time you've done all the floors and the wood surfaces, the first coat of wax will be dry en- ough to polish. Fit the polishing brushes to the machine, and pol- ish the floors. Then fit the lamb's wool buffer pads over the brush- es, and let the polisher buff your dining table, coffee table, and oth- er pieces of wood furniture before applying the buffer pads to the floor. By the time the waxing is done, your rug will be dry. Vacuum it slowly and thoroughly to lift out the suspended soil. the time this is finished, the oors all your equipment upstairs in- stead of returning it to the broom closet. Then follow the same pro- cedure for the second floor. If you start on Monday, you'll finish on Thursday—and have all day Friday to put things away, pick some flowers and put your feet up. You'll -feel that you've done your share to help spring over the threshold, and you'll feel more virtuous than Grandma ever did. Besides, .your house will be cleaner than hers was. Fire Chief Scott Urges Necessity Of Cleaning Up Don't let fire hide in. your home —Clean -Up, Fix -Up, Paint-Up— Fire Chief John F. Scott advises. "That old box of cast-off cloth- ing, the pile of newspapers in the basement. the oily mop in the clos- et, and the storeroom's flammable liquids' are all hideaways for fire's threat," the Fire Chief explained. "And unpainted wood is ready fuel for fire," Chief Scott continued. "For the protection of your fam- ily and home, get rid of old cloth- ing, magazines, mattresses and papers. Protect wood surfaces with paint. Dispose of oily mops and rags and all flammable items. Get rid of dried grass and leaves, especially those near the house foundation. Check your wiring to be certain it is adequate to jet present - day electrical require- ments. "Fight fire before it starts by getting rid of its hiding place," Chief Scott advised, as he urged full co-operation for the C of C Spring Clean -Up Campaign. DON'T KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN? Call on BALL - MACAULAY To Help You "Fix Up" Your Home For Spring? Here you will find a full stock of everything you need for Home and Farm Repair • LUMBER • ROOFING MATERIALS • MILLWORK • WALLBOARD • PLYWOOD • INSULATION EASY TERMS AVAILABLE! ASK FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Let us show you how easily and economically you can improve your property ! Make BALL-MACAULAY Your One -Stop Shopping Centre For All Your . Bali- Macaulay Ltd. Builders' Supplies - Sash - Doors - Lime - Cement SEAFORTH — Phone 787 WEDDING INVITATIONS CLINTON — HU 2-9514 THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 141 SEAFORTH Tops in Stairs . CONCRETE STEPS UNIT STEP Be Modern! Enhance the Beauty of Your Home with Safe, Handsome Unit Steps ! Installation is quick and simple. Railings in a variety of designs are optional. Unit Steps add many times their cost to the actual value of your home. The marble -like finish on the steps and the clean cut design en- hance the beauty of any home. The safety of you and your family is insured by the permanent sharp treads and uniformity sized riserg. Quick installation without damage to lawn and shrubbery from piles of sand, cement and gravel add up to economy -plus for the home -owner. A rugged -durable one-piece unit with no sections to be forced apart by frost or settling. A SIZE FOR EVERY NEED 1 PpT�05 Fine Products PATIO BLOCKS SIDEWALK SLABS BUMPER CURBS BARBECUES DOOR SILLS WINDOW SILLS SPLASH BLOCKS CURBING CHIMNEY CAPS GARBAGE BINS PATIO BENCHES HOUSE MARKERS SWIM -POOL COPING COPING PARK BENCHES Now's the Time to Think of Alterating Your Home ! If you're thinking of changing a room, think of SEAFORTH by FULVUE JACKSON ALUMINUM LTD. SLIDER WINDOWS All rigid vinyl track for lasting tight seal. Will not warp and is non-con- ductive. Lasting fixed col- or and equipped with rust- proof hardware, turned solid brass pulls, die cast lock, brass finish, easily adjusted rubber tipped and modern design. for ,tie Home: ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS Other Concrete Specialties Your HOME deserves ithe BEST I ate.. For: • FRAME _•� • DRY WALL • BRICK VENEER • CEMENT BLOCK or CONCRETE The Perfect Window to Modernize that Aged Kitchen or Bathroom! Check with JACKSON ALUMINUM LTD., or one of their Salesmen, when making plans for alterations or new construction. They'll show you the advantages of the FULVUE SLIDER WINDOW I Jackson Aluminum Ltd. PHONE 74 • SEAFORTH