HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-05-18, Page 64"1"..41.4 'HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., MAY 18, 1961 GERALD PRATLEY is the type of person movie producers dream about. As CBC radjo's film critic he has viewed six movies a week for the past 14 years, which adds up to about 4,000 films and several thousand miles of celluloid. The results of his research are passed on to listeners on two weekly radio shows: Movie Scene, Saturdays on the Trans -Canada network and Music From the Films, Sundays on the Dominion network. He is also a regular contribu- tor to Audio and Assignment, both on Dominion network. HURON MPP OPENS MODERN SEPARATE SCHOOL AT ST. JOSEPH Sunday evening, May 14, at 7:30 p.m., the ribbon was cut for the opening of the new St. Marie Ex. R.C. School at St. Joseph, by Chas. A. MacNaughton, MPP for Huron riding. A procession, led by Monsignor Rev. J.. A. Roney, Chancellor of the Diocese of London; Rev. Fathers Caron and Charron, Wind- sor; Rev.. Fathers Martin and Dor- deaux, former priests at the par- BRODHAGEN The May. meeting of the Wo- men's Association was held at the home of Mis. Carl Eisler with Mrs. Weiterson as hostess. Mrs. Norman Eggert and Mrs. Irvin Rock were in charge of the devo- tional period of the Mother's Day meeting, at which 17 were pres- ent. Hymns, poems and readings were given, also musical selections by Mrs. Eisler and Mrs. Paulen. The roll call was answered to a Mother of the Bible. It is planned to entertain the Sebringville Wo- men's Association in June at the church. Thank -you letters were read from Mrs. Henry Hoegy and Crippled Children's Fund. A con- test was conducted by Mrs. Rock. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Lydia Franks and Gail, of Preston, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock and Mrs. Charles Eggert were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Muegge and Mrs. William Hoegy, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton. Dipple, Gowanstown; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vecke and Edward, Watford; Miss Vecke, Watford, and Mr. Ted Vandenberk, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Con Moore and Ian, Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Doerr. Mr. Jerry Doerr has returned home from Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth. Mrs. Charles ,Eggert is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea forth. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Regele at the Mme of Mr. and Mrs. John Kechnie, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Muegge at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koehler recently. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert and daughters with Messrs. Tre- meer, Kippen, recently. ish of St. Joseph, and Rev. Father Doyle, of Zurich, entered the school. They were flanked by the trustees of the school, Reeve V. L. Becker and Councillors Delbert Geiger, Karl Haberer and John H. Soldan, representing Hay Town- ship, and Reeve Harvey Coleman and Deputy Reeve Alvin Rau, of Stanley. Township. Monsignor Roney gave the offi- cial opening address and Mr. Mac - Naughton spoke for the riding. Addresses from attending priests and greetings from the township reeves and from Mother Rosella, principal of the school, followed. The new school, on Highway 21, South of Zurich, erected at a cost of $74,000, is a mark of elegance and progress. It contains four classrooms. The present attend- ance stands at 92 pupils. Blyth WI Members Consider Tour Due to the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. Charlie Johnston, who was attending the WI Presidents' Conference at OAC, Guelph, Mrs. Luella McGowan, vice-president, was in charge of the Blyth Wo- men's Institute May meeting, held Thursday afternoon in Memorial Hall. Many suggestions were offered for places to visit on a bus trip, set for July 6. These suggestions will be considered by the com- mittee in charge, Mrs. L. M. Scrim- geour, convener; Mrs. Charlie Johnston, Mrs. Ben Walsh, who will consult the bus driver, and report at the June meeting. Delegates to attend the• West Huron W.I. district convention, to he held in Wingham, May 17, are: President Mrs... Charlie Johnston, District Director Mrs. Wellington, Good, Mrs. John McNichol and Mrs, Lorne Scrimgeour. . Miss Josephine Woodcock, con- vener of Home Economics and Health, gave a splendid address on "Safety On the Farm and in the Home." Mrs. Scrimgeour had an exhibit of cookies, gave the recipe and told the method. Miss Woodcock made available to the members bulletins on the subject of her address. SPECIALS FOR Thursday .- Friday - Saturday Rose Sweet MIXED PICKLES 16 -oz. Jar 310 Maple Leaf CANNED HAMS 11/}-1b. Tin 135 Heinz TOMATO KETCHUP .. 2 11 -oz. Bottles 45¢ Heinz TOMATO JUICE DinMoore BEEF STEW Golden Dew MARGARINE Sherriff's INSTANT MASHED POTATOES .. Pkg. 330' Beaver CHARCOAL 5-1b. Bag 39¢ Still time to enter the Win -A -Dryer Contest Over CKNX Radio One Westinghouse Dryer given away every Friday. 48 -oz. Tin 28¢ 24 -oz. Tin 49¢ 2 1-1b. Pkgs. 49¢ FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE. LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's Phone 12 FREE DELIVERY Seaforth W.I. Accepts Bid From Dublin Institute The May meeting of the Seaforth Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Grummett on Tuesday with a good attendance of members and visitors. The roll call was answered by "What an- noys me most about a manufac- tured product." Mrs. James Keys, the new presi- dent, opened the meeting. Min- utes and correspondence were read by the new secretary, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman. An invitation from the Dublin Women's Insti- tute to meet with them on May 27, at 8 p.m., was accepted. The annual picnic is to be in July. Mrs. John MacLean will be re- presentative .on the County Rally board. Mrs. Ross Gordon and Mrs. Gra- ham Kerr were in charge of the program for this meeting. The group toured the shoe factory and found this very pleasant and edu- cational. The balance of the meet- ing was held at Mrs. Grummett's home. A questionaire on where the group would like to go on an institute bus trip was passed around. The motto, "Staying pow- er is more important that start- ing power," was very ably taken by Mrs. Graham Kerr. A reading was given by Mrs. Gordan Papple on "What Is a Mother?" Mrs. R. M. Scott moved the vote of thanks. News of Brodhagen Install Pressure System At Hall FUNERALS MRS. D. L. HOLLAND BRUCEFIELD—Mrs. Mary Mor - risen Kelly, wife of Dave L. Hol- land, Moose Jaw, passed away very suddenly on Friday. She is surviv- ed by two sons; Ralph M. and Ron- ald K. Holland, Avonlea, Sask.; sisters, Mrs. Tena Dayman, Bruce - field, and Mrs. W. H. Rounds, Hot Springs, Arkansas. IGNATIUS McILHARGY Ignatius Mcllhargy died very suddenly, May 2, at his home, 624 Orange St., Toledo, Ohio. Born in London, Ont., he lived in Toledo for 39 years. At his retirement five years ago he was manager of The Sprenger Madison Ave. cloth- ing store. He was a member of the Third Order St. Francis, The Eagles, and was president of the Senior Citizens Club of St. Francis Last Thursday evening at the Community Hall club room the president, Mervin Dietz, called the monthly meeting of the Brodhagen and District Chamber of Com- merce to order and business ac- tivitie1 were discussed. The pro- perty committee reported a new water 'pressure system had been installed in the hall, and about 100 trees have been planted in the picnic area of the park. A vote of -thanks was moved for Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Elligsen, of Kitchener, for having donated and planted ornamental evergreen trees at the front of the hall. Harry Muegge was instructed to make a new rail- ing and Edgar Elligsen to install light standards leading to the front step of the hall. Fifty more stack -up chairs are being purchas- ed. Following the business, a so- cial time was spent, ending at mid- night with a light lunch served by the executive. New Pastor Welcomed On Sunday evening a very large crowd filled the basement of St. Peter's Lutheran Church for a wel- come to Student Brill, who has been called as pastor of St. Peter's. He will be ordained in June. A variety program was present- ed with Rev. L. Eberhart, of Mil- verton, the chairman. Student Brill was presented with an electric stove, with Rudolph Bauer, a member of the church board, mak- ing the presentation. Miss Joyce Priestap was the pianist in the ab- sence of her sister, Miss Audrey Priestap, the organist of the church. The pupils of Brodhagen School participated in the Menkton Music Festival. Mr. E. Harley, of Mit- chell, is the music supervisor, and Mr. Don Wolfe, the teacher. The following trophies and certificates were won by this school: Two-part chorus, Group A, first with 88 marks and received tro- phy; unison chorus, Group A, 2nd, with 86 marks; junior chorus, Group A, 1St, with 86 marks and received trophy; triple trio, lst, with 88 marks, and received tro- phy; duet, open, Diane Trutter and Joyce Rock, 1st with 87 marks and received trophy; girls' solo, 11 and under, Beverley Sholdice, 3rd with 85 marks; boys' solo, 11 and under, Douglas Leonhardt, 1st with 87 marks and received trophy; girls' solo, 12 and over, Diane Trut- ter, 4th with 83 marks; boys' solo, 12 and over, Larry Kistner, 1st with 86 marks; boys' solo, 12 and over, David Leonhardt, 3rd with 86 marks; girls' 'solo, 8 and un- der, Sharon Rock, 5th with 84 marks. Mr. C. R. Fenwick was the adjudicator. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer have purchased the home of the late J. F. Prueter and are busy instail- ing an oil furnace and redecorat- 1nMembers of the United Luth- eran Church Women attended a convention in Tavistock last Wed- nesday. Student Harold Brill has moved into the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Broughton and family, of Atwood, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker, De-. borah and Karen, of Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Kistner. Mr. and Mrs. Don McLaughlin and Dale, of Kincardine, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel; al- so Mr. and Mrs. G. Young, Strat- ford, and Mr. and Mils. I. S. Wint, of Milverton. Mr. Wayne Beuermann, London, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligsen and Gary, of Windsor, with Mrs. Ern- est Elligsen. • Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose, of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. W. Leonhardt. • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leeming, Lin- da and Randy, of St. Paula, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tait. The Sympathy of the commun- ity 'is extended to the family of Mrs. John Siemon, Sr., who passed away on Sunday. The Bornholm Women's Insti- tute were hosts to other members of surrounding institutes at the Community Hall here last Wednes- day, with a dinner and a meeting and other activities. Mrs. Dick Watson and Donald with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Watson, Centralia. de Sales 'Church. Surviving are his wife Elizabeth, formerly Dollie Carlin, of Seaforth and Hensall; sons, John, Wm. B., Robert, of Toledo, a n d Richard C., pf Kansas City; six brothers, two sisters and sixteen grandchildren,, The body tested at the Coyle funeral parlor, Collingwood Blvd., with Mass at St. Francis de Sales Church. Burial was in Calvary cemetery. MRS. WILLIAM R. DOUGALL HENSALL —Residents of Hen- sall and community were sadden- ed to learn of the passing of Mrs. William R. Dougall, a highly re- spected citizen, who died in Clin- ton Public Hospital, Clinton, Sun- day, May 14, having been admit ted to the hospital on Wednesday, May 10. The former Anna Phyllis Mac- Dougall, she was born in Usborne Township, taking up residence in Hensall with her husband from Hay Township 15 years ago. She was a valued member of Hensall United Church, Women's Mission- ary Society and Women's Institute. Surviving are her husband; three daughters, Mrs. George E. (Marion) Walker, Hensall; s. Douglas (Dorothy) Hughson, Exe- ter; Miss Phyllis Dougall, Toronto; one sister, Mrs. Belle McEwen, Exeter, and two grandsons, Grant and Murray Walker, Hensall. Public funeral services were held from Bonthron Funeral Chapel, Tuesday, conducted by Rev. Currie Winlaw. Burial was in Hensall Union Cemetery. Pall- bearers were Bob Glen, Lorne Chapman, Alex Munn, Albert Shir- ray, George Ingrain and Orville Taylor. Flowerbearers were Geo. Armstrong, R. H. Middleton and R. Y. McLaren. CUSTOM KILLING • Beef • Pigs • Lambs KILLED AND COOLED Modern Refrigerator under Government Permit CUT AND WRAPPED if Customer so desires W. L. BAEKER & SON Call 294 For Appointment Brussels, Ontario LET'S GET ACQUAINTED SMITH'S SERVICE vFs} a is 6. ••• • s Corner of Goderich Street East and Victoria Street and then obtain a Elmer Smith extends a sincere invitation for you and your family to visit him at his modern B/A Service Station, so that he may become acquainted with the people of the area. There you will find Elmer :and his staff ready to serve you with the finest petroleum products and service available. SO MAKE A DATE NOW TO DROP IN SOON Here's How To Get a Free Lubrication Ask for a Lubrication Card. See how quickly you can fill the squares, and then obtain a Free Lubrication. Elmer J. Smith brings to the B/A Station in Seaforth a new concep- tion in service. Long years of experience,„ in serving the public mean that he knows just how to fill your requirements. COME IN AND MEET HIM ! SMITH'S B -A SERVICE Phone 425 Seaforth