HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-05-11, Page 9Usborne Cournil met for its reg- ular monthly session at the Town- ship Hall, ElimviIle, May 1. Pres- ent were Reeve Clayton Smith and Councillors Harold Hunter, Geo, Frayne, Ward Hern and Archie Etherington. At the hour of 1:22 p.m. the reeve called the meeting to order. Minutes of the last regu- lar meeting, held on April 3„ were placed before the members and adopted on motion by Hunter and Hern. Council was advised that the ratepayers on the Tuckey Munici- pal Drain Extension have been duly notified that the report will be read at 2 p.m., and that no written appeals had been receiv- ed on the Stone Municipal Drain. A petition for a municipal drain by Arnold Cann and others on the 6th concession was presented to council. Moved by Frayne and Etherington: That the prayer of the petition by Arnold Cann and others for a municipal drain be accepted, and that J. A. Howes, be appointed engineer to make a survey and report. The motion carried. Moved by Hern and Ethering- ton: That the fire truck commit- tee, composed of the Reeve, Coun- cillor Hunter and the Clerk, be authorized to commit the corpora- tion to the purchase of a fire truck with the Town of Exeter and others to the extent of 40% of the accepted tender price. The Tuckey Municipal'Drain Ex- tension report was read at 2:15 with Engineer C. P. Corbett tendance. No objection to the rt being heard, moved by Hun - ter and Frayne that the Tuckey Municipal Drain Extension report be provisionally adopted. Moved by Etherington and Hern: That by- laws authorizing the Tuckey Muni- cipal Drain Extension be printed and served by registered mail on the assessed ratepayers and a court of revision be set for the next regular council meeting on June 5. Council authorized the Clerk to advertise tenders for the 4'. if 4 • • s 4 • • • 4 4 6 • • • • MAYOR DMUND DALY (left) and Mrs. Fanny Dungey officiated at the reopening of the Com- mercial Hotel on Friday. They cut a ribbon across the lobby of the remodelled building that has served the area since 1895. In the background is Charles Dungey, who manages the Commercial, and (right) Frank Kling, general contractor. (Expositor photo by Phillips). Hundreds Visit Commercial -Join Opening C Opening ceremonies at the Com- mercial Hotel on Friday marked the completion 'of an extensive renovating and remodelling pro- gram that has left the 66 -year-old building shining from top to bot- tom. Mayor Edmund Daly officiated and was assisted by Mrs. Fannie Dungey, 80 -year-old owner of the Commercial, as a ribbon across the rotunda was cut. The ribbon - cutting ceremony symbolized the bringing in of a new era in the SUPERIOR Maintenance Service SEAFORTH -- PHONE 182 Wall Washing • Floor Maintenance . Brick and Plastering Repairing.. SUPERIOR Our Name SERVICE Our Aim RAY SQUIRE BOx 335 SEAFORTH CO and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth history of the hotel, built in 1895. Throughout Friday the public by the hundreds accepted the in- vitation of Mrs. Dungey and her grandson, Charles Dungey, to see the changes that had been made. The guests roamed at will through the three-storey building and 'then gathered in the new dining room for tea. Fully licensed, the hotel open- ed for business on Saturday, and throughout the day and until clos- ing time was. packed to capacity. Designed for the convenience and safety o€..the travelling public, the changes include a rearrange- ment of public accommodatiori"on the ground floor, new wiring, changes in heating, new bath- rooms on three- floors and fire- resistant stairwells. New tiling and carpeting has been laid through- out much of the building. The kitchen has been complete- ly rebuilt, with all new and mod- ern equipment. Stainless steel serving areas and large refrigera- tion and cooking capacity provides ample, facilities to ensure• an effici- ent dining room service. The dining room is open daily, with full meals and an in-between a' la carte service. For the time being it will remain closed on Sun- days. A large illuminated sign, erect- ed in front of the hotel, calls at- tention to the location. Parking is provided in a special lot east of the. hotel. The Commercial is under the, management of Charles Dungey. Much of the staff that assists is BREAKFAST from 7 to 9 a.m. LUNCH froni.12 to 1:30 -DINNER from 5 to 7 Sandwiches and Light Lunches (A La Carte) Available at other hours from 12 Noon • (For the time being, the Dining Room will remain closed on Sundays) from the area and includes Grace Dungey, Barbara Dungey, Margar- et Beattie, Charles Wood, Charles Geddes, George Kruse and Mrs. L. Bedard. ANNOUNCEMENT, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brown, of Seaforth, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Mary Irene, to Kenneth Franklin Morey, soh of Mr. Morey, of Mitchell, and the late Mrs. Morey, the wedding to take place in Egmondville United Church on June 3rd, at 2 'o'clock. BRUCEFIELD Mother's Day will be fittingly observed on Sunday morning, May 14, at Brucefield United Church. Mothers and Fathers will have charge of the music, under the leadership of Mrs. John M. Mur- doch. Mr. Morley Taylor, of Sarnia, visited over the weekend with his brother, Mr. Arnold Taylor, and Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. M. Kruger is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. Ings. Mrs. M. Vaire has returned from a visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baird and Mr. and Mrs. 'Harvey Taylor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Taylor at Wingham. Baptismal service will be held in Brucefield United Church on Sunday morning. Our Modern Dining Room IS NOW, OPEN! We invite you to use our Dining Room for Dinner Parties, with up to 60 guests. PHONE US NOW FOR RESERVATIONS MOTHER A TR COMMERCIAL HOTEL PHONE 227 SEAFORTH District HOWICK COUNCIL. A regular meeting of the How - ick Township Council was held in the clerk's office on May 5. All members were present and Reeve Arthur Gibson . was •in the. chair. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on motion of R. Gibson and King were adopt- ed as read. The following motions were carried: . roadKing and R. Gibson: That the superintendent nt at end the course for road superintendents on May 8 and 9, if possible. Haskins.,..and Strong: That the assessor ,attend the school at Lon- don and annual convention in Hamilton, and receive up to $30 expenses for each. Haskins and Strong: That we appoint Robert Gibson as come missioner on the Blake Gibson drain, and Arthur Gibson as com- missioner on the Harkness drain, and Ivan Haskins as commissioner on the Renwick drain. Haskins and Strong: That we set the commercial tax rate at 13.5 mills and the farm and residential tax rate at 11 mills, and instruct the clerk to prepare the necessary by-law. Strong and R. Gibson: That we order one steel desk, No. 1804 in desert sand, for the assessor at a cost of $112,46. Strong and Haskins: That we authorize the road superintendent to put calcium chloride on road in front of farm homes in addition to that which has been done in prior years. Strong and Haskins: That the re- creation accounts as approved be paid. R: Gibson and Strong: That the road accounts as approved be paid. - R. Gibson and Strong: That the following accounts be paid: Cal- lander Nursing Horne, indigent acct., $88.25; Municipal World, supplies, $5.81; Misses Aylesworth, atlas, $10; W. E. Whitfield, part salary, $75; J. H. Pollock, part salary, $100; Engeland Produce, warble spraying acct., $600; Geo. Ashton, warble spraying inspector, $150; Howard Harris, equalizing schools, $10; Wm. Gallaher, clean- ing at cemetery, $30; E. E. Lath- ers, bulldozing at dumps, etc., $119; Wroxeter Telephone, tolls, $12,05; welfare accounts, $141.43; Art Gibson, welfare administrator, $18.60; Robert Gibson, hospital meeting, $5; road account, trans- fer, $2,067.85. Moved by Strong and Haskins: That we do now adjourn to meet again on June 5, or at the call of the reeve. MORRIS COUNCIL Morris Township Council met May 1 with alI the members pres- ent. The minutes of the last regu- lar meeting and the special meet- ings of April 15 and April 20 were read and adopted onmotion of Ross Smith and James Mair. The following motions were car- ried: Wm. Elston .and Ross Smith: That Walter Shortreed be appoint- ed as commissioner to look after the repair on the Ellison Drain. Walter Shortreed and James Mair: ' That the court of revision on the Bryant Drain be opened. There were no appeads on the Bryant Drain. Wm. Elston and loss Smith: That the court of revision on the Bryant Drain be closed. Walter Shortreed and William Elston: That the road accounts as presented by the road superin- tendent. -be paid. Ross Smith and James Mair: That the general accounts as pre- sented be paid. The tax ,collector reported that 85.34%, or $111,134.14 of the 1960 taxes had been paid before the takes were sent to Goderich for collection. The following accounts were paid: Charles Souch, warble fly inspector, $202.07; Wingham Dis- trict Retarded Children's School,, $50; Advance -Times, advertising, $1.00; Municipal World, supplies, $31.31; Callander Nursing Home, p.m. $176.50; Pinecrest Manor Ltd., in at $88.25; Stewart Procter, court of ' repo Councils Meet liam Elston, mileage to Goderich, $6.40, William Elston and Jas. Mair: That. the meeting adjourn to meet again on June 5 at 1 p.m., or at the call of the reeve. EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL East Wawanosh Council met May 2 with all the members present, Reeve Hanna in the chair. The minutes of the meeting held April 4, and special meeting April 20 were read and adopted on motion by Buchanan and Robinson. The following motions were car- ried: Snell -Pattison: That the road superintendent attend the Ontario Good Roads Association Road 5up- erintendent's school, May 8 and 9, at Toronto, and council pay $5.00 membership fee. Robinson -Buchanan: That the road and general accounts as pre- sented be passed and paid. Pattison -Snell: That council ac- cept the collector's roll and pay balance of his salary and exchange. Robinson -Buchanan: That coun- cil pay Aubrey Toll for a sheep killed by dogs, Snell -Pattison: That council ap- prove plan D 4846-1 of the propos- ed Zetland River bridge on High- way 86. The following accounts were passed: Road Cheques — Stuart McBurney, salary $185, bills paid $1.40; Alan McBurney, wages, 5153.45; Douglas Bruce, wages, $17; ,Jim Robinson, wages, $17; George T. Currie, wages, checking gravel, $68; Campbell's Garage, battery $12.95, 50 -ft. tape $5.60; Charles Hodgins, gas, $12; Harry Williams, gas, fuel oil and grease, $193.76; Wingham Motors, truck repair, $1.20; Ontario Hydro, mov- ing lines, Con. 6, $93.31; H. C. Blair, 7. hours trucking snow fence, $21; W. C. Becker Equipment Co., elements, $21.24; Ontario 'Hydro, shed lights, $5.44; Canada Culvert Co., steel pipe, $579.91; Receiver - General of Canada, income tax, tax, $10.25. General Cheques—Hesson Ivior, balance salary as collector and ex- change, $54; Frank Cooper, WF sprayer, $225.60; Leroy Rintoul, WF spray helper, $221.45; Frank Thompson, WF inspector, $224.48; Receiver -General of Canada, in- come tax, $49.10; Belgrave Co-op, warbicide, $308.36; road credit, 150 hours WF spraying, $150;• 'Ontario Good Roads Association, member- ship Road Superintendent; School, $5,00; ,. Brookhaven Nursing Home, maintenance patient, $88.25; Aub- rey Toll, livestock claim, 1 sheep, $20.00. USBORNE COUNCIL revision, Bryant Drain, $5; Wm. EIston, court of revision, Bryant Drain, $5; Ross Smith, court of re- iffSion, Bryant Drain, $5; James Mair, court of revision, Bryant Drain, $5; Walter Shortreed, court of revision, Bryant Drain, $5.00; Brookhaven Nursing Home, $176.50; Gorda!!Nicholson, warble fly spraying, 178; relief account, $120; George Martin, collector's salary, $325; postage, $10.25; Wil - construction of the work and in- vestigate the supply of the re- quired field tile. The Stone Municipal Drain by- law was read for final adoption at 3 p.m. No appeads were made against the assessments in the by- law. Moved by Hern and Hunter: That the Stone Municipal Drain By -Law No. 4, 1961, be finally pass- ed. Hunter and Frayne: That the proper petition be made to the Department of Public Works of Ontario for the grant provided under the Provincial Aid to Drain- age Act. Tenders called to close at 3 p.m. for the construction of the Stone Drain repairs were op- ened and considered as follows: William Lawrence, $1,595; L. H. Turnbull & Son, $1,850; R. Nichol- son & Sons, $1,230; Levis Contract- ing, $1,280; C. P. Dietrich, $1,495; R. K. Clarke, $1,765. Hern and Frayne: That the contract to con- struct the repairs on the Stone Municipal Drain be awarded to Robert Nicholson & Sons, of Monk - ton, at the tender price of $1,230. Tile drainage loan applications No. 20 for $600; No. 21 for $3,000; No. 22 for $2,000, and No. 23 for $1,000 were considered. Moved by Hunter and Frayne: That tile drainage loan applications Nos. 20, 21, 22 and 23, be accepted and forwarded to the Provincial Treas- ury Department for approval. Warble Fly Inspector Allen Flet- cher reported that the program is proceeding and the second spray is in progress. Etherington and Frayne: That Fred Harburn be paid $500 on warble fly spraying account. The road superintendent's report was made and road accounts pres- ented. Etherington and Hern; That road superintendent's report and road accounts, amounting to a to- tal voucher of $1,627,96, be pass- ed. Treasurer N. G. Clarke reported receipt of $85 in accounts receiv- able from the road superintendent and other receipts of $2,774.72, and a balance of cash as of April 30 of $3,836.93. Deputy tax col- lector B. M. Woods reported col- lection of $1,109.44 in April. Tax collector William Johns, af- ter 24 years of continuous service, tendered his resignation. Ethering- ton and Hern: That the resignation of William Johns as tax collector 'be accepted with regret. Correspondence was read as fol• lows: From the Township of Bl'ah- shard, copy of By -Law No. 59, 1959, authorizing the issuing of $150,000 in debentures for the reconstruc- tion of the Blanshard Municipal Telephone, noted and filed; from the Feedral Minister of Agricul- ture, copies of submission on "Arda", noted and filed; from the. Department of Municipal Affairs, re school for assessors in London, June 8 and 9. Hunter and Hern: That the cur- rent accounts vouched of $5,460.01 be passed for payment. OKE Insurance -- Real Estate Egmondville, Ont. P.O. Box 476 -- Seaforth Telephone 647 WANTED LIVE FOWL Picked Up At the Farm Top Prices LOCKER SPACE AVAILABLE Phone 751 J 12 — SEAFORTH or 393 J 15 = BRUSSELS RONALD BENNETT WALTON THE liRURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTIt QWJIt&& xi, 1961w,: 7.QlJALlfil(; SEED E'E-"4-.NS. FOR SALE • American Certified No. 1 Sanilac American Certified No. 1 Michelite CONTRACTS AVAILABLE Harriston Fertilizer At Attractive Prices ORDER NOW ! E. L MICKLE g SON HENSALL ONTA ,IO Phone 103 WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 Read the Advertisements It's a Profitable Pastime O GINGER ALE with cool sparkling flavour — the perfect treat, every season ... every occasion: Flavour sealed for Perfection; Protection, Purity. KI -6347 Tuckey Beverages 451 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario Phone Exeter 515 London 2-5924 VOTRE� EMBOUTEILLEUR rs1<� We congratulate the Management of the COMMERCIAL HOTEL on the splendid new facilities that have been made available to the citizensof the Seaforth area and the travelling public. WE ARE PROUD TO HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO SUPPLY THE HOTEL WITH- QUALITY BEVERAGES Tuckey .Beverages PHONE 515 EXETER, ONT. BEANS and SEEDS Now Available: OAT CONTRACTS DIRECT FROM COMBINE OAT CONTRACTS TO BE DELIVERED LATER BARLEY CONTRACTS FOR SEED We have Clover and Grass Seeds Full line of C.I.L. SUPER -FLOW FERTILIZER Buyers of All Kinds of Grain and White Beans W. G. THOMPSON and SONS LTD. Phone 32 : Hensall CANADIAN LINEN SUPPLY CO. LTD. LONDON KITCHENER SARNIA GE. 2-6305 SH. 3-1021 Digby 4-3842 155 ADELAIDE ST, S. LONDON, ONTARIO P.O., Box 1134 ,Join the thousands of happy Customers who use our CUSTOM SHIRT SERVICE We will supply you with 5 SPARKLING WHITE SHIRTS PER WEEK FOR $1.89 (with French cuffs, $1.99 per week) You have no Fuss ! No Bother ! No Investment ! On the original order, we supply you with eleven NEW high quality shirts. We call weekly at your home to pick up and deliver. As the shirts become worn we replace them automatically. Call us and let us know your collar size, and sleeve length. We look after the rest. You have beautifully finished shirts to wear at all times. Call Ann White at any of our offices. " It Pays to Keep Clean " Congratulations , to THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL Another Happy Customei !