HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-04-20, Page 6B^4fIp', Q> :. 93„S1TQR, SEAFORTH, ONT., APRIL 20, 1961 Y.ALTON NEWS .01411 $g - he Sixth xnegtirtg of the Wal - telt 'Willing Workers was held at P-te. at the home of Anne iali~, It was opened with the ging of , "The Old Rugged c;'rt,sg,” This was followed by re- Peattel4 the 4-H Pledge. The sec- retary's•report was followed by tile; roll. Call, It was decided to have the next meeting at Teresa RYan.'s home at 7:30 on April 11. During the meeting a discussion was held about the record books. Lunda Somerville and Linda Bry- enS are to supply the lunch for the next meeting. Roll call, "Why I chose the color of my dress"; home assignment, Make a sample of the zipper, stay stitch and hem for record book; work on dresses. Boundary Group The regular monthly meeting. of the Nth and Boundary Group of Duff's United Church, Walton, was held at the home of Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Sr., with 22 members and .the ladies of the Walton Group present. ,Mrs. Harold Smalldon was in charge of the meeting which op- ened with the singing of a hymn. Mrs. Roy Williamson read the Scripture, taken from St. John, chapter 1. Mrs. William Coutts read a pgem,; Mrs. Jan Van Vliet sang a solo, and another poem was read by Mrs. Baan. Mrs. Roy Williamson took the topic and Mrs. Glen Corlett sang a solo, with Mrs. Jim Williamson at the piano. Mrs. Nelson Reid gave an inter- esting talk on the African Student Foundation. Minutes and corres- pondence were read and approv- ed. At the close of the meeting a successful •bazaar was held and a delicious -lunch was served by the hostess and the Lunch committee. A social half-hour was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barrows have returned to their farm in McKillop after spending the winter months in Seaforth. Thesympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the Walters fam- ily in the death of Mr. George Raper, father of Mrs. Frank Wal- ters,who passed away on Satur- day at the Delaware Nursing Home. The funeral service was • held Monday from the Needham funeral home, London. Burial was made in Harrington cemetery. Mr. Edward Dougan is at pres- ent a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Mr. Wayne McMichael, of Galt, spent the weekend with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Michael. Mr. and Mrs. George Dundas are visiting with relatives in To- ronto. The April 'meeting of the Wal- ton Women's Institute will be held Thursday evening, April 27, with Mrs. Frank Walters and Mrs. Les- lie Oliver as conveners. Roll call was payment of fees and a gift for your Sunshine Sister. A pot -luck supper will be held at 7 p.m. Mrs. Howard Harris, of Fordwich, dis- trict president, will install the new officers for the coming year. Mrs. Edward Bryans is confin- ed to Wingham Hospital at pres- ent. Miss Mary Belle Archibald, of Tara, visited Monday evening with Miss Nora Anderson. Mission Band The Mission Band of Duff's Unit- ed Church was held in the church basement Sunday morning with. Gary Bennett in charge. The Mis- sion Band hymn, "I May Not Go To Africa," was sung with Audrey McMichael at the piano. The Call to Worship was "Create in us a clear heart, 0 God, and put a new and right spirit within us." The hymn learned last week, "God Loves All His Children," was sung, followed by the leader, Mrs. W. Bewley, talking about "Jesus Healin." Tom Leeming read the Scripture, taken from Mark 1:40- 42, telling about Jesus healing the lepers. The leader explained the thank - offering and the offering was re- ceived by Bruce Clark and Larry Walters with offertory prayer by Douglas Wey. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Bruce Clark, secretary in the absence of Jack McCall, who was ill. The next meeting will be held the third Sunday in May on ac- count of Mother's Day falling bn the second Sunday. The following will take part in the May meet- ing: pianist, Alexine Williamsonp; prayer, Billy Hellinga; Scriptufe, Larry Walters. A film was shown, "Bobo and the Easter Fair." The story picture was of an Indian boy named Bahu and his brother, Tallit, who went to the Easter play and Sunrise Service. Teachers were Mrs. S. McCall, Mrs. N. Marks, Mrs. A. Clark and Mrs. W. Bewley. WA and WMS Mrs. Nelson Reid presided for the April meeting of the Walton WA, held in the church schoolroom on April 13. After singing of the first hymn, the president took her Scripture reading from Revela- tions, 21:1-5 and led in prayer. Mrs. Ronald Bennett gave the sec- retary's report and read thank -you OF THE WEEK cards from the McArthurs, Mrs. J. Van Vliet, Jr., Mrs. H. McCal- lum, Mrs. R. Houston, Mrs. H. Hackwell and Mrs. E. Mowbray. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. A. Coutts. Delegates were picked to go to Winthrop on May 3, to the WA Presbytery. Mrs. M. Baan was asked to or- der more cards. Mrs. Reid won- dered if some one could be sent to Five Oaks on June 6th and 7th. The singing of a hymn, followed by the benediction, brought the meeting to a close. Mrs. Emerson Mitchell, vice- president of the WMS, presided for the April meeting. She opened by reading a poem and offering pray- er. Mrs. C. Ritchie gave her re- port as morning delegate to Pres- byterial at Wingham. Mrs. C. Martin gave her report as after- noon delegate. Mrs. R. McMichael reported a raise in the allocation. The min- utes and roll call were given by Mrs. T. Dundas. The articles for the bale are to be in the church by 'May 1. The topic was given by mem- bers of 16th and 8th, with Mrs. Don McDonald, leader, assisted by Mrs. J. McDonald, Mrs. Les Oli- ver and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Mrs. 11. Smalldon sang a solo, ac- companied by Mrs. M, Baan. Mrs. W. Turnbull gave the •treasurer's report and Mrs. E. Mitchell offer- ed prayer. "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross" was sung, followed by prayer which closed the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchanan were guests of honor Saturday eve- ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turnbull, the occasion be- ing their twenty-fifth wedding an- niversary. During the evening they were presented with a chair and other gifts. A turkey luncheon was served to 35 guests from Stratford, Goderich, St. Pauls, In- gersoll, Seaforth and Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Anderson, Nora and Pauline Thamer attended the wedding reception at Brodhagen Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCall, of Goderich. Mrs. McCall is a niece of Mrs. Ander- son. Miss Jean Mills, of Toronto, vis- ited with her father, Mr. Earl Mills, last week. Thomas Telfer McDonald Thomas Telfer McDonald, 70, Muirland distridt farmer, died re- cently after a brief .illness. Fun- eral service, conducted by the Rev. B. Summers, was held in Muirland United Church and burial made in a Saskatoon cemetery, with Clem- ents . Funeal Home in charge of arrangements. Mr. McDonald was born at Brus- sels and went West to Muirland district, near Zealandia, with his father, in 1907. In 1917 he married Miss Bethesda Freethy and with the exception of -from 1937 to 1942 when they lived at Sovereign, have resided on the farm in the Muir- head district. Mr. McDonald was active in church and community affairs. He was a member of Muirhead United Church, which he helped to organ- ize and was an elder at the time of his death. He also served on the Marriott Council and on the Dolly Bre 'school board. Mr. McDonald is survived by his widow; three daughters, (Beatrice) Mrs. Sinclair, Milden, and (Doro- thy) Mrs. Linklater and (Lois) Mrs. R. Linklater, both of Sov- ereign; two brothers, John and James, Brussels, and one sister, Mrs. Grace McCuaig, Seaforth. Gerry Montgomery (Continued from Page 1) 'pertinent of Agriculture, Toronto; Mrs. Dale Miller, Home Econom- ist, Clinton; D. Ii. Miles, agricul- tural representative, Clinton; D. G. Grieve, associate agricultural representative; Mrs. Gordon Mac- Kenzie„ RR 1, Seaforth, and Mrs. Aleft McGregor, RR 2, Kippen, 4-11 Ilol'nemaking Clubs; Robert E. McMillan, RR 2, Seaforth, and R. James Wallace, Seaforth, Seaforth Agricultural Soefety; Eleanor Keys, RR 1, Seaforth, Junior Institute; Brttee Coleman, RR 4, Seaforth, Junior • Farmers; George Under- wood, Mt 1 Wingliam and Harald Phan 'Fun Night At Home, School Seaforth Home and School As- sociation are planning a "Fun Night" next Friday at Seaforth Public School. The event promises to be a gay carnival for children and parents, officials said this week. Home and School president Mrs. W. Hodgert and Mrs. G. Miller, chairman of "Fun Night", have committees planning games, mov- ies, fashion show, fish pond, and tea room, as well as a bazaar and other activities. It should be a gay night for the whole family at "piggy bank" prices, the presi- dent said. Some of the students will de- sign posters to herald the affair and in all the evening will repre- sent the "togetherness" of Home and School, officials concluded. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamond, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caddick and family, of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dodds, of Winthrop, with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dodds on Sunday. A successful brush demonstra- tion was held on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. T. L. Scott. Communion services were held on Sunday afternoon. New mem- bers were welcomed into the con- gregation: Mrs. Alex Gardiner, Mr and Mrs. Gerald Carey by cer- tifi t d J h MD Id b ca e, an o n c ouga , y profession of faith. We are sorry to report Mrs. Jim Miller, a patient in Stratford Hos- pital, having undergone an opera- tion: We wish her a speedy re- covery. Couple Are Honored A presentation was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bar- bour for Mr. and Mrs. Gary Quance, when they were the re- cipients of many beautiful gifts. An address was read by Margaret Hoggarth. Sandra Barbour and Gwen Mahaffy assisted in unwrap- ping the gifts. Gary and Mildred expressed their thanks to everyone for the gifts and a special note of thanks to the ladies responsible for the enjoyable evening. Lunch was I er i, Vbdditafrt; �H Grlub ieaciers, served. 1i' , * *'a.i . b t 1.4 , THE MOST REV. JOHN C. CODY, Bishop of London, officially blessed and dedicated the new St. James' Sep- arate School here Sunday before a large audience that included representatives of area boards and councils, as well as members of the congregation. Bishop Cody, second from left, was accompanied by bis secretary, Rev. Fr. J. M. Williams, left, formerly of Stratford. (B-H photo). FIRE ON SATURDAY destroyed the McKillop Township farm home of John Lane. Saved was an attached kitchen. Mr. Lane was in the kitchen unaware that the main part of the house was on fire until neighbors alerted him and aided him in saving some furniture. Seaforth firemen fought the blaze and suceeded in saving the kit- chen. Fire Chief John Scott, who said the fire was believed started by chimney sparks landing on the roof, estimated damage at between $3,500 and $4;000. NEWS OF BRODHAGEN REVIEW ACTIVITY; NAME OFFICERS FOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The annual meeting of the Brod- hagen and District Chamber of Commerce was held on Thursday evening, following a dinner at the Community Hall. President Geo. Jarmuth conducted the business and outlined the activities of the year ruring his term of office, and thanked the executive and mem- bers for their co-operation. The yearly financial printed statement was presented and dis- cussed. The program committee distributed tickets to the members to be sold for the fund-raising campaign, which are to be drawn at the chicken barbecue and social on August 2. Election of officers resulted as follows: Past president, G. Jar- muth; president, Mervin Dietz; first vice-president, Edward Scher- barth, Jr.; second vice-president, George Rock; secretary, Russell Sholdice; seven directors: William Boyd, Rudolph Bauer, Edgar El- ligsen, 'Harold Elligsen, Mer lin Hodgert, Leonard Rose, Edwin Scherbath. • Reeve Wilfred Krauskopf swore into office the president and first vice-president. The executive Was installed and instructed to their duties by William S. Riehl, a for- mer president. He then presented the gavel to President Mervin Dietz. Mervin expressed the hope the members would continue to support him as they had previous- ly done. Entertain on 10th Anniversary On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Martin Diegel entertained about 36 relatives and neighbors to a turkey dinner in the club room of the Community Hall here, on the occasion of their daughter and Bon- in -law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fisch- er (Joyce Diegel) 10th wedding an- niversary. The table was centred with an anniversary cake baked and decorated by Mrs. Mickey Mc - Cloy, aunt of the celebrants, and blue and white flowers and can- dles. Mrs. Fischer wore a corsage of blue and white carnations, and Mr. Fischer a blue carnation bou- tinier. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Diegel, who sang at the wedding 10 years ago, favored with two numbers, `I Love You Truly" and "Moonlight and Roses." An address, which was written by Jack Summerville, was read by George Quincey, both brothers-in-law of the couple. Mr. Summerville presented them with Melmac dinnerware, service for eight. Progressive euchre was played, with prizes going to Mrs. Howard Querengesser and George Mogk (high), and Mrs. Jack Summer- ville and Howard Querengesser (low). Lucky chair prize went to Jack Kressler. Mr. and Mrs. Fischer reside on their farm in McKillop, RR 2, Walton. They have a family of two sons and three daughters: Laurie, Gregg, Starr, Joy Lynn and Gaye. Brs. Boris Bruder, of Montreal, fid. Mt Malin hReorckparenis, Mr. lift, Rudolph Thiel, of Thither - glen, called oh friends here lash week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simmons, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, S. Riehl. Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller and Ruth Ann, of Hamilton, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. August Hillebrecht. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and sons, of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson, of Exeter, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lav- ern Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and Beverley and Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann spent Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Gary Sholdice at London. Flowers were on the altar of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sun- day in memory of Mrs. Henry Dietz, who passed away one year ago, April 16. A.shower was held in the Com- munity Hall here on Saturday eve- ning for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mc- Cool (Gwenneth Wolfe). Clare French read the address and they were presented wit» cash. Yund's orchestra of Stratford provided music for 'dancing. Mrs: John G. Hinz and Mrs, Don Barber and son, John, of Guelph, visited Mrs. Charles Ahrens re- cently. ' Young Liberals' Plan Activity (By Gary Williams) A young Liberal dance, held last Friday evening, was a huge suc- cess, drawing over 200 young peo- ple from the surrounding area. The April meeting was held at the home of Louis Devereaux on the 10th of this month. A discus- sion on the current divorce laws resulted in a -resolution being pass- ed unanimously, recommending the careful study of these laws and their change to a more modern- istic viewpoint. A delegation of the Huron Young Liberal Association will attend the May 4 Liberal meeting in Clinton, at which the Honourable Lester B. Pearson will speak, The Political Action Committee met Wednesday at the home of Gary Williams, to discuss Can- ada's role in NATO and' NORAD. Your Dollar BUYS MORE at the WILLIS SHOE STORE FREE: FARM WELDING CLINIC Demonstrating . . . Hard -facing and Welding of Non-ferrous Metals with Arc and Acetylene INTRODUCING: LINCOLN ELECTRIC COMPANY AC - 180 - S WELDER and Harris Oxy -Acetylene Welding and Cutting Unit Trade-in allownlines for your present equipment PLACE: SEAFORTH MACHINE SHOP Welding and General Repairs --Your Welding Depot Main Street Seaforth Date: Thursday, April 27th TIME: 7:00 p.m., Sharp Sponsored by: ADVANCE WELDING SUPPLY CO. 279 Tecumseh St. -- SARNIA Synod -Concludes (Continued from Page 1) meeting. C. A. Reith was chair- man of the billeting committee. Rev. J. F. Goforth, D.D. Brant- ford, was the speaker at the Tues- day dinner. Dr. Goforth, who was born in China, is a son of the late Dr. Jonathan Goforth, noted mis- sionary. During the afternoon session, Rev. C. D. Henderson, St. Cath- arines, presented the report of the missions committee. After outlining extension work and ex- pansion which is taking place with- in the Synod, Mr. Henderson also, spoke of the need for a full-time field director of Synod activities. The meeting approved further stu- dy• of the proposal. Although •givings by the Presby- teries showed an increase of $25,- 000 over 1959, the convener of the stewardship and budget committee appealed for even greater support. In presenting the committee's re- port to the Tuesday meeting of the Synod, Rev. D. J. Firth, Lon- don, said that the acceptance of a budget does not necessarily mean it will be met. "Accepted budgets may not mean more than a few words on paper," he told the Synod. "I would like to impress on you that if a congregation accepts a bud- get, it must be met." Only one Presbytery, Paris, ex- ceeded its allocation for 1960, Mr. Firth reported, while three, Strat- ford, Huron -Maitland and Bruce showed a decrease from 1959. Bishop Of London (Continued from Page 1) School Board, St. Columban and Dublin School Board Area, and F. C. J. Sills, chairman of Seaforth District High School Board, and members. Following the ceremonies, ari in- spection of the five -classroom structure took place. Too Late to Classify ALL TYPES of gravel for sale. Prompt delivery. DON WALLACE, St. George St., Seaforth, east of library. 11-62-tf WEDDINGS BEAVER—BELL HENSALL—Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, Saturday, April 15, was the setting for the wed- ding of Elizabeth Ann Bell and Robert Eugene Beaver. T h e bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Bell, RR 2, Hen- sall, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Beaver, RR 1, Hensall. Rev. D. Leslie Elder, of Seaforth, performed the ceremony and traditional wedding music was played by Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor -length gown of Chantilly lace and nylon tulle, fitted bodice, sabrina neck- line embroidered in iridescent se- quins, lily point sleeves and skirt of alternate ruffles of lace and nylon tulle. A crown of seed pearls held her fingertip veil, and she carried a bouquet of pink roses. Matron of honor was Mrs. Ron- ald C. Passmore, London', sister of the bride, who wore a mauve street -length dress of net over silk. She carried a bouquet of white and mauve carnations. Lloyd Beaver, Dashwood, was groomsman for his brother, and ushers were Donald E. Bell, Exe- ter, and Gary Beaver, Hensall. Following a reception held in the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, the cou- ple left for a wedding trip to Nia- gara Falls. The bride .chose a green and white stroller suit with white and green accessories and corsage of white carnations. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver will reside near Hensall. Hostesses at showers honoring the bride -elect have been Mrs. Keith Brintnell, Exeter; Mrs. Jim Love, RR 1, Zurich, assisted by Miss Sharon Block, and Mrs. Har- old Elder, RR 2, Hensall. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Charters wish to announce the engagements. of their twin daughters, Mary Elizabeth to John Alexander Mc- Gregor, and Annabelle Mae to' Douglas Edgar McGregor, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McGre- gor, all of Tuckersmith, the mar- riage to take place on May 13, 1961, at 3 o'clock in St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, Ont. To Save Money . . You Should Be in Our Shoes ! WILLIS SHOE STORE Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are ac- complished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, Apr. 29 at 1:30 St. Thomas' Anglican Church Hall Sponsored by the Ladies' Guild of the Church. DANCING BRODHAGEN Community Centre Friday, April 21st Elgin Fisher and the Rhythmaires ADMISSION 75c RECEPTION and DANCE for Mr. and Mts. Dennis Jewitt (nee Janet Rowcliffe) SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Friday, April 28th Music by Norris Orchestra Brownie's Drive -In Theatre Ltd., Clinton FRIDAY Only—April 21 — Double Feature "PHAROAH'S CURSE Mark Dana -- Dianne Brewster "TROOPER HOOK Joel McCrea Barbara Stanwyck — ONE CARTOON — SAT. - MON., Apr. 22 - 24 — Double Feature "NOSE FOR A GUNMAN" Bart MacLean -- Jim Davis "NIGHT FIGHTERS // Robert Mitchum -- . Ann Haywood — ONE CARTOON — TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY — April 25 - 26 "THE FUGITIVE KIND !/ Marlon Brando -- Joanne Woodward Adult Entertainment ONE CARTOON Coming — Mamie VanDoren in "VICE RAID", and Ernest Borgnine in "RABBIT TRAP" This Week's Special (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) SPRING MOTOR TUNE-UP HERE'S WHAT WF DO: Clean and adjust spark plugs Clean and set points Check and set timing Adjust carburetor for idle and mixture Check coil and condenser Check generator and voltage regulator Check battery (8) Adjust fan belt ONLY 6.66 Any 6 Cylinder Car SEAT COVERS Now 14.50 Installed $2.00 Extra FREE INSPECTION MUFFLER SERVICE Example—Muffler to fit '51 through '53 Chev. or Pontiac Installed' $7.95 BOY'S USED RACING BIKE 28 -inch Frame; new condition — $30.00 Boy's New Standard CCM Bike $37.50 POLISH JOB 9.95 750 x 14 NYLON TIRES 17.50 NOW Includes minor touch-up, clean and vacuum. Now 4 ONLY — 670x15 GOODYEAR TIRES Now Only, WHITEWALL 18.95 All Mechanical and Body Jobs includ- ing parts — Special Spring Prices ASA FOR ESTIMATES Seaforth Motors YOUR GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE SERVICE CENTRE Phone;541 -- Seaforth- Y 6 b 0 n 4,