HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-04-13, Page 15CONGRATULATIONS To all who "had 'a part in the construction of the New ST. JAMES' SEPARATE SCHOOL We appreciate the opportunity of supply- ing Lumber and Millwork for the new building. Seaforth Lumber Ltd. Phone 47 Seaforth CONGRATULATIONS To the d Board' Staff and Students of ST. JAMES' SEPARATE SCHOOL On the completion of Their ,New School. We are proud to have been chosen to do the Spray Painting , and Decorating. JAMES DOYLE 497 Charlotte Street GL 1-7296 LONDON, ONT. WE CONGRATULATE The Board, Staff and Pupils of ST. JAMES' SCHOOL On Their New School Building We appreciate the opportunity of playing a part in the construction. WM. BALTESSEN & SONS Contractors BRICK and STONE MASONS R. R. 2 : GRAND BEND Phone 38 R 4 — Thedford To the Editor Building Of the Huron and Bruce Brings Memories 240 West Park St., Lapeer, Mich. Editor, The Huron Expositor: An old friend at Kippen writes to ask me: "Jim, can you tell us when the London, Huron and Bruce railroad was built through Huron County?" Mercy sakes! Now, isn't that awful? I know I'm getting old, but lands' sakes, I wasn't born un- til late in the day on March 31, 1891 (I came within a hairsbreath of being one of those first of April fellows), but to gently hint I might have been watching them build the Huron and Bruce — whoops! Isn't that something? No, I don't know, but I do re- call Uncle Jack McQueen telling me that his mother served meals for all one summer to a lot of men working on the scheme, and that this money aided materially in Grandpa's efforts to properly stock the farm, buy needed implements, and so -forth. I think he told me it was 1865. Now, I'm not sure of the year, but it just comes to me that it was 1865. Uncle would be nine years old then. It would be 26 years before I came to peek at Huron County—and the railway. Anyway, here is a chance for argu- ment—just ask the elderly about you; creep up on 'em gently; don't give 'em the idea you think they actually saw it built. In any event, the good.Old Huron and Bruce served the stretch from Wingham to London well for years and years. It was a great blessing to the sturdy pioneers and to their offspring as well. My, how we Lov- ed to ride on those bumpety-bump coaches, hauled by a sort of make- believe engine, hopping along at (on the Bruce) about 30 miles an hour, Without the Huron and Bruce, Huron County could never have become the ideal county it blossomed forth to be. Only today a precious volume of literature came into our possession. I am referring to my Iate sister- in-law's Bible, and which was the Bible of her mother-in-law before her; in other words, it was pur- chased originally over 100 years ago. I am wondering'tonight if people nowadays value the Bible as the cornerstone of the home? Here in this grand old book are precious gems, more satisfying. than gold. The Bible doesn't tell us much about. Heaven, but it does speak of that beautiful city with walls of Jasper, streets 'of gold, and. where a thousand years are one. It does say to one and all that whosoever will, may' come. It does say that •in our Father's Home are many mansions. It does say that if we'll just be patient, and kindly, and compassionate to and with mankind here, then there'll be a place for us over there. It warns that the way of the transgressor is hard. It scorns love of wealth to the miserly de gree, 'and boldly asserts that the penniless like Lazurus begging at the -gate, these too may enter that realm when there is no more pain and parting, and where He who once wore a crown of thorns shall rule eternally. This Bible tells us that no sinner is without hope, if only he will grasp the dangling rope that will pull him to safety. It tells us that there is hope for all, if only, as Jesus told Nicho- demus, to be born again, or the Prodigal to go on back to the Father. It tells us the door is open, even to the most sunken, most saddened and discouraged soul, to the drunkard, and to the prostitute and the felon, if only he or she will recognize human frailty and inability to rise in one's self, but rather lean on the Lord. The more one peers into the pages of this book, the more clearly he sees the glory of the world to come. The more one peers into this book, the more he clearly, calmly, soberly understands -that the brevity of life here is but a step to the land of all eternity. Yes, it's a wonderful piece of literature! I'm afraid I'm going into something here that resem- bles a sermon, but it isn't intend- ed that way. It's merely the thoughts of a layman, now at three score and ten, and whom God has afforded an ,opportunity to see much and enjoy much on this planet, on the way to the invisible and unknown, but eternal home of the soul. And . maybe, too, some - We Congratulate the Members of the Board, the Staff and Students of the NEW ST. JAMES' SEPARATE SCHOOL The School is a credit to all who had a part in its planning. Draperies were provided and installed by our Drapery Department. STEWART BR'OS. Phone 32 -- Seaforth Specializes in the Making and Installation of Draperies Of All Kinds. THERE WAS A LARGE ATTENDANCE for a ceremony, consecrating the new St, James' Separate School . Sunday afternoon, October 9, 1960. Members of the School Board who were responsible for construction . are shown (left to right) in this picture taken following the cere- mony. They are Maurice Etue, Gordon Reynolds, Dr. M. W. Stapleton (chairman, 1960), John Lansink, Leon Bannon and Arthur Devereaux. With them are Father Charles E. Sullivan, of St. James', and Rt. Rev. J. A. Roney, D.P., Chancellor of the Diocese of London, who officiated. WED 25 YEARS, MR., MRS'. E. TOWNSEND HONORED About fifty-five friends and rela- tives surprised Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Townsend on Saturday eve- ning to honor them on the occasion of their silver wedding annivers- ary. Progressive euchre was played, with the prize winners being: ladies, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. John one reading these lines, now adrift on the Sea of Time, will see the lighthouse on the shore and wheel to safety. One never knows, does one? Sincerely, JIM O'NEILL Broadfoot, Mrs. Erlin Whitmore; gents, Harold Taylor, Gordon El- liott, Erlin Whitmore. Mr. and Mrs. 'Townsend were presented with a beautiful wall mirror by Lorne Carter and 'Har- old Pethick. Mrs. Harold Hugill read the following address: "Dear Elmer and Dorothy: We have met this evening'te offer our congratulations and to wish you much happiness on your Silver Wedding Anniversary. You have made 'Walnut Shade Farm' a good place to live. Your family of three boys and two girls are young men and women to be proud of. You have been most diligent in giving them a sound background in the church and its many activities, which has made them a credit to you and to this community. "You have both always taken a big part in the community life. Each of us can recall some friend- ly act, or your generosity which has made our district a happier and more pleasant plade to live. You have also acquired a new son-in-law and become the proud grandparents of a fine young grandson, and a daughter-in-law in the near future will make your this gift. May it remind you of anniversary complete. this pleasant evening, and may "On behalf of• your neighbors you have many, more annivers- and friends we ask you to accept aries. WO MS%N EXPQSITolt, SFAF01 TH DINf BEDAR01,-BATES Yellow daffodils and white .car- nations graced the setting of a' pretty • wedding .at St. James,. Ronan Catholie Church, Sealorthl,. on Saturday, April S, at 11 a.ni., when Bonnie Eileen Mary ,Bates, daughter of Mr. and MS,. Sam Bates, Seaforth, exchanged wed- ding vows with John Joseph Bedard, son of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Bedard, Seaforth. Rev. Charles E. Sullivan officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a ballerina length gown of white lace and a shoulder- length veil and white shoes. She carried a bouquet of red roses and white carnations. News of St. Columban Family Gathers As Mr., Mrs. V. J. Lane Wed 35 Years Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Lane and their family met for dinner at the Country Club, Stratford, on Satyrday evening to celebrate the 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mr. Lane. The guests of hon- or onor were married April 7, 1936, in St. Columban's Church by the late Rev. J. Dantzer. Mr. Lane is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Lane, and Mrs. Lane, the former Margaret Mc- Quaid, is the daughter of Mrs. Mary McQuaid, London, and the late Joseph McQuaid. They have two sons and three daughters; Jack, St: Columban; Ken, Strat- ford; Mrs. Thomas . (Beatrice) Kale, St. Columban; Mrs. Pat (Marie) McDaid, and Mrs. Ben (Rosemary) Flanagan, both of Kitchener. Rev. Thomas McQuaid, S.E:M., St. Marys, is a brother of Mrs. Lane. Following the dinner, relatives and friends gathered 'at the Lane -home and enjoyed an evening of cards, music and songs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver were in Kitchener with Mr. and -Mrs. Martin Purcell. Pat Feeney, Niagara Falls; Mrs. Joe Leiss, Kitchener; Mrs. Dick Feeney and children, St. Agatha, and Miss Joan Leiss, Waterdown, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eckert, Miss Patricia Manley, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hick - Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Murray and children, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray. Rev. Thomas McQuaid, S.F.M., St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. John O'Reilly, Stratford; Mrs. Mary McQuaid, London, and Mr. and Mrs. John McQuaid, St. Thomas', with Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Lane. YOU ARE Miss V* ?rine MuIv Sarnia, was maul' ,of ho . r�. 4/ear,. nig •a; dale green taffeta and et dress with pale Veen hall bat,and' White, accessories. She carried It bouquet of -yellow roses ,and pin, carnations.' William Bats, Seafoxth, *other- of the bride, Was beLetman. Ken Bedard and- Henry nsu►kt Sea forth, ,were ushers. A weddi)g .breakfast followed. at the Legion 'Mall, Seaforth. (.treats .present metiided the 'W*4 ged groom');arents. the ,ushers,. Rev, C.E. Sullivan,l: Mr, and Mrs; .Mei Cooper, Mr.and Mts. John McCue, Rose Mary and Lynda Bedard, Mrs. Masse, grandmother of.. the groom, Mr. andrs M, Tom Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. Dave .Stewart and Elizabeth, Mrs. Margaret Clouthier, Clarence Brydges,, MiSo Pearl Miss Valerie •trope, Mrs. Carron Pinder; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Acheson and Mrs. Alice Stiles. A wedding dinner also took place in the Legion Hall. For a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, Ont., the bride donned a white brocade sheath dress with three-quarter length sleeves, pow- der blue accessories and an orange ice coat. On their return the cou- ple will reside in Seaforth. Out-of-town guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Resume, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Davidson and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goyeau, Mrs. Margaret Clouthier, Clarence Brydges and Miss Shirley Currie, all of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Jay, of Sarnia ; Mr. and Mrs. James Bates and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nyman and Jerry Locking, of Lon- don; Mrs. Al Bonnie and family and Mrs. Deanne Altanim, Strat- ford; Mrs. Nelson Masse, Wind- sor; Mr. and Mgrs. Napoleoon Den- omme, of Detroit; Claude Bedard, Courtright; Mr. and Mrs. emery Bedard, of Godericb; Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Denomme, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Denomnle, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Denomme and Mrs. Adeline Denomme, all of Zurich. OBITUARIES E. A. DIEHL A 47 -year-old Goderich mechanic died of a heart attack on an Ethel dance floor Friday night. Edward Alfred Diehl, attending the dance in the Grey Township village with his wife and several friends., com- plained of dizziness after chmbiig a flight of stairs to the second - storey dance floor with soft drinks for his party. He started back out- side for fresh air, but collapsed be- fore he could leave the room. He is survived by his wife, the former Hazel Eliza Abell; three sons( Ronald, of Monkton, and Donald and ''Garnet, both of. Gode- rich, and two daughters, Mrs. Har- old (Edna) Jantzi, of Clinton, and Miss Karen, at home. There are four brothers, Andrew, of Monk - ton; Norman of Oshawa, Christian of St. Marys, and Oliver of Toron- to, and four sisters, Mrs. Ab Rock of Mitchell, Mrs. Robert Fairman, Mrs. Stanley Broughton and Mrs. Jack Hulley, all of Monkton. ELC:OME TO OUR ANNUAL HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW AT THE ZURICH COMMUNI11 CENTRE THURSDAY, APRIL 20 — 1p.m.tolOp.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 21 — 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. 1:00 p.m. —Special Thursday Feature 1:00 p.m. —Special Friday Feature "ELECTRICITY'S IN THE AIR" Hydro Homemaker will be present to show "Quick Tricks" for everyone who works in the Kitchen and Home. FOR THE MEN -- Experts To Answer All Your Problems Barn Ventilating - • Heating - Hot Water Heating - Farm Service - Silo Unloaders - Garden Equipment Demonstrations, Etc. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE 4:30 p.m.—Special Children's Hour—Free Prizes . EVENING PRODUCT DEMONSTRATIONS - STAGE SHOW BY STAFF FAMOUS TWIN TUNES -r BARBER SHOP QUARTETTE FILMS_., - STAGE PRESENTATIONS - FREE DRAWS REFRESHMENTS FRE E DRAW — FRIGIDAIRE RANGE Don't forget to bring your Magic Mirror, on the special invitation you received. If you did noti'Viceive a Special Invitation, pick one up at one of our Stores -- or at the Community Centre. STOCK - REDUCING AUCTION SALE Clinton Jantzi, Auctioneer OVER 300 ITEMS TO BE SOLD - - - NO RESERVE ! We Must Reduce Our Stock — Here are Some of the New Items: Ranges, Refrigerators, Washers, Dryers, Freezers, TV Sets, Hi-Fi Sets, Electric Razors, Transistor Radios, Plastics, Picnic Equip- ment, Tools, Hardware, Gift Items, Motors, Pumps, Furnaces, Space Heaters, Radios, Lamps, Paints, Electrical Fixtures, Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, Clocks, 31pee. Bathroom Sets, Stainless Steel Single and Double • Kitchen Sinks Power Lawn Mowers, Riding Models, Laundry Trays, Floor Polishers, Vacuum Cleaners, Gas Heaters, Gas Furnaces( Gas Water Heaters, Plastic Pipe, and many other items too numerous to mention. WE HAVE MANY USED ITEMS TO AUCTION Refrigerators, Ranges, Washers (standard and automatic), Sump Pumps, Gas Space Heaters, Toilets, Pumps, Oil Space Heaters, Coal Heaters, Furnaces, Oil Burners, Power Lawn Mowers, Push Lawn Mowers, Gas Ranges, Gas Water Heaters, Floor Polishers, Vacuum Cleaners, Air Conditioners, Ventilators. YOU CAN PICK UP A LIST OF ITEMS AT ONE OF OUR STORES ON SAT., APRIL 15 4:30 p.m. -- Special Kiddies' Auction EVENING PRODUCT DEMONSTRATIONS - STAGE SHOW BY STAFF FAMOUS MAGICIAN, DICKY DEAN,. PRESENTATIONS - PRIZES - REFRESHMENTS GINGERI(H'S SALES & SERV1(E ZURICH LIMITED SEAFOR1.fl