HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-04-13, Page 13• • • • 1 • • • • • • • • J... A. STEWART Past President D'ORLEAN SILLS Treasurer You Can't Hire These Men... BUT THEY ARE WORKING for YOU THROUGH Your SEAFORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE L. F. ' FORD First Vice -President K. B. MacMILLAN President • R. S. BOX - - Second Vice•President ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS OF THE SEAFORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JAMES A. STEWART LEN F. FORD KEN WILLIS Chairman Membership Committee . Chairman Industrial Committee Chairman Merchants' Committee Major Projects in Progress by the. Seaforth Chamber of Commerce 1. , Erection of additional street signs during the year. 2. Enlarging the annual Santa Claus Parade. S. Providing prizes for best decorated homes during the Christmas season. 4. Continuing our wholehearted support to the Seaforth Agricultural Society by promoting addi- tional merchandising displays at the Fair. 5. Promoting Chamber of Commerce Week with other Chambers across Canada as an invitation to become a member of the Seaforth Chamber of Commerce. 6. Promoting the beautification of Seaforth in spon- soring "Paint -Up, Clean -Up Week" during May. 7. Providing trophies to encourage area youth to participate in minorbaseball during the Summer months. 8. Working closely with Seaforth Town Council to interest new industry to settle in Seaforth, and to obtain a Technical School in the Seaforth area. 9. Working with the citizens of Seaforth to make this a better community in which to live in and to promote its welfare at every opportunity. 10. Co-operating with and supporting Seaforth Town Council in its efforts to improve Seaforth facilities such as streets and sewers. CLIFF BROADFOOT WILLIAM M. HART Chairman Agricultural Committee Chairman Civic Improvement Com. 'LEO HAGAN Secretary LEO RAGAN Chairman Publicity Committee VOLUNTARY RESPONSIBILITY A key word in this definition is voluntary. Here are men and women who have accepted the responsi- bilities of citizenship and who have recognized that their country, their province, their region and their community demand something more than mere ob- The Town of Seaforth from the air servance of the law. Canada depends upon strong, pro- gressive, vital communities. Only by giving something of themselves in time and effort can men and women make the contribution which spells the difference be- tween a live community and a dead one. THIS PAGE IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING COMMUNITY MINDED SEAFORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERS: G. A. Whitney Furniture Topnotch Feeds Limited Box Furniture Store Smith's Superior Food Market Stewart Bros. The Huron Expositor Geo. A. Sills & Sons Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Flannery Cleaners Maple Leaf Dairy Seaforth Sewer Tile Ltd. Ball - Macaulay Ltd. Highland Shoes Henderson Started .Chicks Robert Bell Industries Ltd. 41EE maw O E PO!?rvolt; 01413. o CHAMBER QF COMM E "Chamber of Commerce Weee was establis 1e& tO bring to ail. Canadians a concept the role of, the 1. Board of Trade or Chamber At` Coiprnearge in :co m fifty building for the national good, hero are cells 0 dem, ocracy—independent and vigerous,biindung cit zene to- gether to make their conununities_ better daces... m' which to live and in which to earn a.living,, Board' and Chambers can truly be called the'conseience. and the will of their communities.. The conscienceto see and recog nize the needs of the community and the will to tike effective action. It has been well said that a Com- munity is poor in purse and poor in purpose that hes not a strong vital and active Board of Trade or Cham- ber of Commerce. 11 Reasons Why I Should Be a Member of the Chamber of Commerce 1. Because I have a business stake in this commun- nity which can best be safeguarded by working with others through the Chamber of Commerce to protect and advance all business. I help insure this community's progress which in turn insures the success of my business. 2. It is only fair to me to support the Chamber since I reap benefits through the concerted planning, counsel and action that is best obtained through the work of the Chamber of Commerce: 3. Because I believe that the man who helps his com- munity through active participation in the work of his Chamber of Commerce will develop his own powers and broaden his own views. 4. Because my support is "plowed back" to yield many -fold benefits in new industries, ,increased payrolls, health, safety legislation, business pro- tection and community advancement. 5. Because through the Chamber of Commerce I can best discharge my obligations to this community in which I live and earn my living. I realize that every man owes a debt to the community that can- not be paid in taxes, a debt of personal service. 6. Because the Chamber of Commerce cannot carry out its broad program of work to protect and ad- vance business without personal service .and ade- quate financial support. 7. Because the Chamber of Commerce " unifies the public spirit of all and directs it into useful and constructive channels. 8 Because the Chamber of Commerce helps create and express sound opinions affecting the welfare of Canada. 9. Because without 'a strong, effective Chamber of Commerce we would be less able to compete with other towns for new industries and new payrolls. . 10. Because I believe it is essential to progress to have a central organization eternally watching com- munity welfare and development. I believe the Chamber of Commerce is the central organization adequately equipped to do this work. 11. Because the most effective and constructive influ- ence is the force of organized business functioning through the Chamber of Commerce for the pur- pose of improving our town. We can through organized effort make the kind of town we de- termine it shall be. TOWN OF SEAFORTH PROCLAMATION Chamber of Commerce Week APRIL 16th to 22nd WHEREAS, this community can benefit frim friendly,,, relationship among business competitors, between our town and the surrounding area and .other communities across Canada, between enTployer and employee; WHEREAS, the Seaforth Chamber of Com- merce is a voluntary organization of citi- zens enabling us all to work together to achieve the above goals and generally to improve business, to build a better com- munity, and to develop better citizenship in our community, our province and our country; WHEREAS, this community can benefit from new industries, good business conditions, more tourists, civic improvements, more jobs, better facilities for education, health and recreation; I, by virtue of the powers vested in me, do hereby proclaim civic support for Cham- ber of Commerce Week being observed nationally April 16 - 22, and call on all citizens to lend their interest, support and co-operation in making this observ- ance successful in every way. EDMUND DALY, Mayor. "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN"