HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-04-13, Page 7• USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found • ✓ 4. Help Wanted b, Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy • 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15, Property For Rent 16, For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices' 20. Auction Sales • 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Cards of Thanks 24. 'In Memoriam 25. Personals The cost is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,, 13, 15 and 17 minimum 25 cents an insertion. • All other classifications, minimum 50 cents per insertion, except Auc- tion Sales (20), Tenders Wanten (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on application. Billing Charge, 15 cents if not paid by 10 days fol- lowing last insertion. a. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED • RATES (For Business Firms, Tradesmen, etc.) Minimum, 50 cents per inser- tion, Billing charge, 15 cents per advertisement, 1. Coming Events • • THE WOMEN'S HOSPITAL Aux- iliary are 'holding a Penny Sale in Whitney's Furniture Sore, from April 29th to May 6th. 1-61-1 THE CGIT of First fan Church, are having Tea, Saturday, May 20 5 p.m Presbyter - a Blossom 'from 3 to 1-61x1 HAIR STYLE Show, by Robert's House of Beauty. Styling done by Robert and Romeo, of London, on Monday, June 12. Sponsored by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. 1-61-1 FIGHT CANCER—Join the Can- a cer Crusade in Huron by giving generously to the house-to-house campaign in Seaforth, on Monday, April 17. Farm canvasses are be- ing done by the Federation of Agri- culture, Give generously. 1-59-3 • 2. Lost, Strayed N.. • LOST—Fox terrier, brown and white. Answers to name of "Butch'. PHONE 203-J, Seaforth. 2-61-1 LIGHT brown Collie, with Nova Scotia clog tag. PHONE 263, Sea - forth. 2-61x1 6. Teachers Wanted TEACHER WANTED Applications will be received un- til April 15th, for the position of teacher for SS No, 7, Hullett. Ap- proximately 16 pupils. Duties to commence in September. Apply stating qualifications, salary ex- pected • and name of last inspector to: MRS. LEONARD SHOBROOK Secretary RR 1, Blyth, Ont, 6-58-4 TEACHER WANTED Protestant Teacher required for SS No. 10, MOKillop Twp., Huron Co., with duties to commence Sept, ,1961. Apply stating qualifications, ex- • perience, name of last inspector and salary expected to: EARL McSPADDEN Secretary -Treasurer RR 1, Seaforth, Ont. .6-61-3 4 7. Situations Wanted PLOUGHING, disking and culti- vating done. Apply BOX 991, The Huron Expositor. • 7-60x2 8. Farm Stock For Sale 4 THIRTY PIGS, seven weeks old. CARL VANDER'ZON, North Main Street, Seaforth. 8-61x1 13 PIGS, 7 weeks old. HENRY KLA.VER, RR 4, Clinton, phone HU 2-9166. 8-61-1 55 YORK-Landrace pigs, 6 weeks • old. Apply JOHN CALWILL, RR 1, Brucefield, phone Clinton HU 2-3204" 8-61-1 BAY OLYDESDALE gelding, ris- ing 5. Well broken. Apply GEORGE COYNE, phone 71, Dublin. 8-60x2 SEVENTEEN HOLSTEIN heif- ers weighing 600 and 700 lbs. Priced right. Apply GLEN Mc- NICHOL, R.R, 2, Walton, phone 831 R 24, Seaforth. 8-60x3 9. Poultry For Sale • HY-LINE LAYERS eat less than heavy breeds and at the same time lay more eggs. They cost less to raise and eat less feed during the • laying period. For real economy when the chips are dawn, try Hy - Line, •the efficient chicken. For day old• chicks or started pullets, con- tact BRUCE ROY, Londesboro, • phone Blyth 28 R 6. 9-60-12 10. Used Cars For Sale WIRECKEIG 1953 Pontiac ear. whole or parte, MAIRM M[T RA1X, 0110116': '2, n 9,. Syltblin.,... 10-0m3 • tivYli''il 11. Articles For Sale ONE DINING room table. Phone 650 R 2, SEAFOR.TH, 11-61x1 GIRL'S BLUE tweed coat and hat set. Size 9x, like new.., MRS, LLOYD MILLER, S•taffla. 11-61x1 POTATOES, 76 lb, $2; onions, 50 1b., $1.50. EAST HURON PRO- DUCE, phone 66, Brussels. 11.58-4 CHESTERFIELD an41 chair, in real good condition. PHONE 242, Seaforth. 1161x1 TIMOTHY SEED, Alfalfa and Rodney oats. THERON BETTLES, phone 837 R 32, Seaforth, 11-61-1 NO. 1 RANGER Alfalfa, gov't cert. No. 40-8784, $18.50 per bus. E. BEIUERMAN, phone 891 R 11, Seaforth, 11-61-2 MAPLE SYRUP for sale" Will deliver to Seaforth. Apply to DAL- TON SMALE, phone Dublin 47 R 4 11-60-2 GIRL'S SPRING COAT, size 9, rose colour, good as new. MRS. R. TRAVIS, Walton, phone 394 W 5, Brussels. 11.60x2 TWO WHEEL traitor with stock racks •and 16" (wheels) tires. ED- ISON MCLEAN, phone Hensall,, 668 J 3. 11-61x1 QUANTITY NO. 1 Timothy seed, cleaned at Londesboro. NOR- MAN EGGERT, 81 R 14, Dublin. 11-60x3 U'SE!D AWNING, 20' x 10', in good condition. Suitable for tarpaulin. Reasonable price at SHINEN'S Dry Goods Store. 11-61x1 RODNEY and Garry oats, Red, Clover and Timothy seed, JOHN W. THOMPSON, phone 861 R 23, Seaforth, 11-61x1 QUANTITY of baled hay; also some Alfalfa seed, cleaned at Lon- desboro. Apply LESLIE PRYIC'E, RR 1, Dublin, phone 850 R 14, Sea - forth. 11-61-1 GIRLS' "Little Nugget" fitted, beige spring coat, size 8; also hat. Cleaned and in good condition. Phone MRS. JOHN NAGLE, Dub- lin, 11-61x1 QUANTITY Alfalfa seed, clean- ed by Co -Op Mill, Mitchell; also some Red Clover. Apply CHARLES DIE'l'Z, RR 1, Dublin, phone 81 R 6. '11-60x2 STAPLERS — Never before! A stapler with quality and perfor- mance at the low price of 69c. See them to -day at THE HURON EX- POSITOR, phone 141, Seaforth. 11-60xtf WOOD -BURNING- kitchen range, with warming shelf and reservoir, black with white and chrome trim- ming; good baker.. Price, $15.00. Apply BOX 992, The Htiron Exposi- tor. 11-61-1 TYPING PAPER, 81" x 11", 60 sheets, 25c; 100, 50e; 500, $2.40, Better quality, 40 sheets, 25c;"100, 60c; 500, $2.75. Buy and save at THE HURON EXPOSITOR, phone 141. Seaforth, 11-61x2 HARD AND mixed s!laibs now available, also special price on all builders' supplies if you are plan- ning a new home or an addition. Let us explain how you can obtain the roofing free, FRED HUDIE, Clinton, phone HU 2.6655. 11-57x6 STAPLERS—Never before! A stapler with quality and perfor- mance at the low price of 69c. See them to -day at THE HURON EX- POSITOR, phone 141, Seaforth. 11-60xtt GOOD .5 -year-old Holsteincow, fresh 1 week with heifer calf, 4 - section Case lever spring -tooth 'har- row, with 3 and 4 section draw bars in good repair. RUSSEL COLE MAN. phone 665 11 41, Seaforth. 11-61-1 WHY PAY more? Lightweight bristols, in white, pink, buff, sal- mon, blue, green, goldenrod, only 10c sheet, (221/2" x 281/2"). Heavy- weight bristols, in white, golden yellow, green, orange -red, blue and black, only 2Oc sheet, (22" x 28"). THE HURON EXPOSITOR, phone 141, Seaforth. 11-61x2 ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement — Crushed Washed Stone and Stone FRANK KLING LTD. Phone 19, Seaforth 11-59-3 PRIVATE SALE of household effects of Mrs. Thomas Oliver will be held in No. 2 McMaster apartment,' West William St., Sea - forth, on Thursday April 6, noon till 9 p.m. and Friday April 7, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Items Include 2 piece chesterfield suite; Admiral T.V.; chrome kitchen set, 4 chairs and table; Clare Jewel 4 -burner electric stove; Kelvinator refrig- erator; bedroom suite; odd chairs; electrical appliances; dishes; lin- ens, bedding and vacuum cleaner, etc. Terms cash. 11-60-1 SHARP'S MAINTENANCE SERVICE SALES and SERVICE on Lawn Mowers—Engines Chain Saws—Tillers PARTS and ACCESSORIES Chain Saw-- Castro Oil Marine Gas—Bardahl Champion Spark Plugs RENTALS Power Lawn Roller—Mowers Tiller --Chain Saw J. DEAN WILLIAMSON Keenco and Brower Poultry Equipment Cooler Ventilating Fans R.R. 2, SEAFORTH, PHONE 868 i 1 11-68:14. 11. Articles For Sale GARRY SEED OATS; also alf- alfa seed. FREDH'ER BE R T phone Dublin 76 It 11. 11-59x8 WOOD, $5.00 cord, delivered in town. WALLACE ROSS, Seaforth. 11-61x1 •OEDAR 1POSTS, large quantity with 6" top; also good prices on asphalt and steel roofing. Book your order for seed potatoes. BOB - DN BROWN, phone 84,1 R 2, Sea - forth. 11-61-tf MAGIC MARKERS—Instant dry, waterproof, write op, anysurface; just pull off cap and Magic Mar- ker Is ready to use. Refills avail- able. Nine colors ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141, Seaforth. 11-60xtf HAVING CUT a number of posts from our bush, we have for sale all sizes of line posts, braces; anchors (quite a number of these are extra large and 10 ft. long) ; poles suit- able for pole barn; a few 30 foot poles. GEORGE POLLARD, phone 64, Brussels. 11-61-2 12. Wanted To Buy A GOO Dused saddle, reasonable. PHONE 80, Brussels. 12-61-1 14. Property For Sale MODERN two-bedroom bunga- low, •Rowland property on Ord St. Hot water heating, use of garden. Available May 1st. For information PHONE 88, Seaforth, 14-61-tf 8 -'ROOM modern home, centrally located. Two full bathrooms; oil heated; hardwood floors through- out. Could be used as two-family home for added income. BOX 993, The Huron Expositor. 14-61x2 FOR SALE—$30,000, Lorne Villa, 90 Goderich St., Seaforth. Solid brick home, 12 large rooms, oil heated, 8 marble fireplaces, full basement, coach house, 28 x • 30 feet. Lot more than one acre fac- ing on 2 streets. S. S. CROUCH, Box 983, The Huron Expositor, Sa- forth. - 14-60-tf REAL ESTATE Wilfred Mclntee — Broker LISTINGS WANTED On Farms, Homes Businesses and Summer Properties. FOR SALE 200 acres in. Hullett, modern brick house; 2 large barns, 21/4 miles from village. Terms to suit purchaser. 100 acres Tuckersmith, on bus route; all level and workable; 2 good barns and 8 -room house. 100 acres brick house, large barn; and school, Ideal building lot in Bayfield, overlooking the harbour. Hardware store in small town, with 6 -room ap0rtmen` above. Pric- ed fpr quick sale. A dandy. 6 -room house on Gode- rich Street; near school with large lot. Please send for free catalogue on farm listings. Apply to Amos Corby Phone 59'8-M Seaforth. Ontario LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE for WILFRDD McINTEE — Realtor Walkerton, Ontario 6 offices and 25 Salesmen to serve you 14-61-tf clay loam, 2 -storey furnace and bath;, 11/2 miles to village 15. Property For Rent LARGE APARTMENT, upstairs, gas heated. PHONE 141, Seaforth. 14-61-tf THREE BEDROOM apartment with kitchen, living room and bath, Apply FRANK NIGH, phone 670 W 2, Seaforth. 15-61x1 MODERN heated apartment, pri- vate entrance; four room with com- plete, bath. Available April 15th., Apply MRS. ED ,SMITH, phone 683J, after 6 p.m. 15-61-1 HEATED 3 -room ground floor apartment, spare bathroom, hot and cold water, separate entrance, furn- ished or unfurnished. to suit ten- ant. PHONE 669 J 3, Seaforth.' 15-61-1 THREE ROOM, ground floor apartment, In good residential district, large dining room, 2 bed- rooms, hot and cold water, share bathroom. Available April 26th. Apply Box 989, THE HURON 13X- POSITOR. 15-609(2 19. Notices 'WILL THE person who bor- rowed my wheelbarrow please return it or charges will be ,pend- ing. CLAYTON DENNIS. 19-60-2 STAPLERS — Never before! A stapler with quality and' perfor- mance at the low price of 69c. See them to -day at THE HURON EX- POSITOR, phone 141, Seaforth. 19-60''xtf FILTER QUEEN, sales and ser- vice. Repairs to all makes of vacu- um cleaners and polishers. Recon- ditioned cleaners for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich, phone Hensel]. 696 R 2. 19-60-tf Septic Tanics Cleaned Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR 2, Brussels, phone 442 W 6, Brussels, 19-66x26 SOMETHING to sell? Something you need'? Use the- Want Ads in The Huron Expositor each week. They bring results. Just P'H'ONE 141, Seaforth. 19-60xtf TYPING ,PAPER, 81/2" x 11", 50 sheets, 25c; 100, sec; 500, $2.40 Better quality, 40 sheets, 25c; 100, 60c; 500, $2.75. Buy and save at THE HURON EXPOSITOR, phone 141, Seaforth, 19-61x2 ELECTROLUX, Sales and Ser- vice, cleaners and polishers, also reconditioned cleaners and parte. BERT HARRIS, 109 Newgate St, Goderich, phone JA, 4-7917. 19 -60 -if MAGIC MARKERS—Instant dry, waterproof, write on any surface; just pull off cap and Magic Mar- ker is ready to use. Refills avail- able. Nine colors ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141, Seaforth. 19-60xtf JAMES DOYLE, Spray painting, barns, roofs, houses, factories and offices. Complete Insurance cov- erage. Free estimates, good refer- ences. Phone GL 1-7296, 497 Char- lotte St., London, Ont. 19-60-tf STAPLERS — Never before! A stapler with quality and perfor- mance at the low price of 69c. See them to -day at THE HURON EX- POSITOR, phone 141, Seaforth. 19.60xtf BARNS CLEANED Whitewashed and Disinfected for Brucellosis. ROLAND NEIL Phone 104 - Ailsa Craig 19-36x52 WHY PAY more? Lightweight bristols, in white, pink, buff, sal- mon, blue, green, goldenrod, only 10c sheet, (221/2" x 281/2"). Heavy- weight bristols, in white, golden yellow, green, orange -red, blue and black, only 20c sheet, (22" x 28"). THE HURON EXPOSITOR, phone 141, Seaforth" 19-61x2 THE SEAFORTH SEED CLEANING .PLANT Is now in, operation. Frank King, Manager Phone 648 R 32, Seaforth 19-61.2 SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre' Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19-60-tf NOTICE Tuckersmitb Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday after- noons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. CORA CHESNEY, Clerk 19-60-tf • A•OHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE One cent per pound paid in sur- rounding district for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle. For the fastest and proper removal of all animals, day or night, seven day service: Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD, ZENITH 3-4900 (No toll charge) Plant Licence No. 62 R. P. 61 • Collecting Licence No. 103 C. 61 19-53-26 20. Auction Sales THE 23rd SEMI-ANNIUAL Sale of the Grey -Bruce -Huron Aberdeen Angus Breeders' Association is he- ing held in the 'Walkerton Sales Arena, on Saturday, April 15, 1961, at 2:00 p.m. Eight Bulls and 20 Fe- males of exceptional breeding. Per- formance Tested, Bulls eligible for Premiums. Eight Angus Steers, suitable for 4-H Club work, are be, ing offered at the Sale. Catalogues on request. Gordon L. Ribey, Auc- tioneer. Harvey Campbell, Listowel President; T. Stewart Cooper, Markdale, Secretary. 20-61-1 Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are ac- complished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Box Holders' Names Not Given Out It is not possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser using a Huron Expositor box num- ber.- Please do not ask us for this information. 1,, Tenders Wanted DRAINAGE TENDER Township of McKillop For the repair and improvement Of the McCallum -Winthrop 'Munici- pal Drains, according to Engineer's specifications, will be received un- til April 29th. 37,200 lineal feet of open work, excavating and levelling material, also filling in part of old drain; 4,484 lineal feet of 14, 12, 8, 6, 15 inch tile and pipe to dig, lay and beateIl; also 10 catch basins, etc.; Township to supply tile and pipe within approximately one mile of work. Contractor to have Work- men's Compensation Insurance. A marked cheque for 10 per cent, with a minimum of $100.00 to ac- company ',tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to be completed by August 16, 1961. Plans, profile and speci- fications may be seen at the Clerk's office. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk M6Killop'Township RR 1, Seaforth, Ont. 21-61-1 TENDERS Township of Stanley WEED CONTROL Sealed Tenders for the supply of Weed and Brush Spray will be re- ceived by the undersigned until: MONDAY, MAY 1, 1961, at 3 p.m. for 55 gallons of 2,4-D Low Vol- atile Ester 96; and 45 gallons Brush Killer Low Volatile 128 Oz. Tenders are to be sealed and clearly marked as to contents. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, ' JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk Varna, Ontario, TENDERS SEALED TENDERS. for Road; side Spraying of Weeds and Brush in the Township of Stanley, will be received by the undersigned un- til: MDNDAY, MAY 1, 1961, at 3 p.m. Tender to state an hourly rate. The. Township will supply the spray and a helper. Tenders to be clearly marked as to contents, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk Varna, Ontario 21-61-2 22. Legal Notices NOTICE OF APPLICATION The Liquor Licence Act 1950 Licensing District Number 2 '., TAKE NOTICE that ALEX HAS - SAN and HANNY SHOUSHER, both of the city of London, in the County of Middlesex, will 'Make application at a special meeting of the Liquor License Board of Ontario, to be held at the Can- adian Legion Hall, 48 Ontario St., North, in the City of Kitchener, in the County of Waterloo, on Mon- day, the first day of May, 1961, at the hour of 10 o'clock DST, in the forenoon, for the issuance of a: LOUNGE -LICENSE: for the sale and the consumption of liquor DINING LOUNGE LICENSE: for the sale and consumption of liquor with meals PUBLIC HOUSE LICENSE: for the sale and consumption of beer in premises to which men only are admitted; for the following premises: The iueens Hotel, Goderich St.. East, Q Seaforth, Ontario, now being situ- ate on Lot 1, in the G. Spa,rliag survey. Any person, resident in the Lic- ensing District, may object to the application, and the grounds of ab- jection in writing shall be filed with Mr. R. B. Trott, Q.C., The Deputy Registrar of the Licensing District, whose address is Dunker Building, Suite 402, 251 King St., W., Kitchener, Ontario, at least 10 days before the meeting, at which the application is to be heard. DATED at London, this fifth dny of April, 1961. ALEX HASSAN and HANNY SHOi1SHER ' 26 Erie Avenue, London, Ontario 22-60-L• 23. Cards of Thanks DOLMAG.E"--We wish to express our sincere appreciation to all our relatives, friends and neighbours for kindness shown us in our re- cent sad bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes andcards of sympathy. Special thanks to Rev, Elder, Rev. Firth, Box rimer - al Chapel and Needham's Memor- ial Chapel. WIFE SONS, DRQTHDIIS and SIMMS 2-61x1 2. Cards of Thanks - I WILSH to express my sincere thanks to the Timmer Nursing Home and staff and also to nay mother, who helped out at home, during my month of Illness. Also thanks to friends who sent 10+ 'belt- ing baking and who remembered. me with letters and cards, which were so greatly appreciated. 23-61-1 MRS. WILLIAM THAMER THE FAMILY of the late Robert McGonigle would like to express sincere appreciation to the friends, relatives and neighbours for kind- nesses shown, during the late Mr. •MdGonigle's illness and express- ions of sympathy since his pass- ing. Special thanks to the staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Whitney Funeral Home, pallbearers and all who helped in any way. It was all deeply appreciated. 23=61x1 24. In Memoriam WILLIAMSON—In loving mem- ory of our parents and grand par- ents, who departed this life, Thom- as Williamson, April 9, 1960 and his. wife Gertrude Forbes, July 19, 1960. They say they're gone, but we still hear their laughter, Like bells that echo on a frosty night, And we will know their courage ever after, The pain they bore and smiled to make it bright, They never showed a qualms when life ceased giving, The gift of health that to them was so dear, They say they're gone, but their strength and valour, Remain, with •ifs who keep their memory dear. —Sadly missed but fondly re- membered by all of us. 24-61x1 25. Personals HYGENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. samples, 25e; 24 samples, $1.01. Mail -Order, Dept. T-78, NOVA-, RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. 25-60-tf 26. Births COSTELLO—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on. April 12, te. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Costello, RR 2, Sea - forth, a daughter. DRAGER—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on April 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drager, Seaforth, a son. KLAVER—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on April 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Klaver, RR 4, Seaforth a daughter. KENNEDY—At St, Michael's Hos- pital, Toronto on March 23, to Mr, and Mrs. Lewis J. Kennedy, a son, Paul Joseph. MYLES—At Ottawa Civic Hospital, on April 8, to Dr, and Mrs, G. R. Myles, (nee Barbara Hillis), Ot- tawa, a daughter. OSTLAN—At Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on April 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ostlan, (nee Marlene Ross), God- erich, a daughter, Cheryl. VAN LOON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Loon, RR 3, Seaforth, a daughter. 28. Deaths McGONIGLE—In Seaforth, on Apr. 8, Robert T. McGonigle, Seaforth, in his 88th year. EGMONDVILtE Mr. Ivy Henderson has return- ed from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Pepper, of Niagara Falls, visited this week with Mrs. Pepper's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hays, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cook and family, of Kingston, were visitors this week with Mrs. Cook's moth- er, Mrs. Jean Weiland. Mrs. Wes Cockerline, of Pilot Mound, Man„ visited this week with her aun, Mrs. David Steph- enson. Mr. Robert Gray, of Toronto, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gray. Mr. Gray, who is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, is improving. TOP EURGN,A of o , L,s ' , %f Ar11 : WIN ELSEA NEWS OF THE WEEK Mrs. Jsabei Snyder ani Aix;., @n-' 0Y904 !ohne, fit ' Q$,, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wiseilitan, of Burlington, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke,, Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn, Lary: ry, Joan and Jim visited at Owen Sound with relatives this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith, of Crediton, were Tuesday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and family. The ladies of Elinville WA cater- ed to a banquet on Wednesday ev- ening at the church for the Re- bekahs. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny visited on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Penhale and family of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and family were dinner guests on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Penhale and fam- ily, of Elimville, Miss Joyce Armstrong, of De- troit, spent her Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford and Ricky, Miss Judy Walters, of Sunshine Line, spent her Easter holidays with Mary Ellen Prance and Hel- en Campbell. Mrs. Harry Ford, of Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johns and Emerson and Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Cooper, of Elimville, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Free- man Horne and family. Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Barbara Anne visited in London on Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maher. Master Randy Gilfillan, of Exe, ter ,spent a couple of days this past week with Miss Barbara Anne Gilfillan. - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle, of Thames Road, were guests on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Walters and Danny: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke, Bobby and Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake, Paul, Karen, Janet and Stephen were guests on Saturday evening with Mr. and Emerson Penhale and fam- Elimville. Miss Janet Kerslake is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner, of Sebringville, spent a couple of days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn. Mrs. Garnet Miners visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cas- caden, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith, of Credi- ton. • Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with DUBLIN Mrs. Louis Dillon aa4 Miss Dorothy Dillon in St. Thomas With Mr, and lira, 31 aa,uriee Diflca. Miss Mary Sullivan, Kitner, with ].dies. Margaret *•4•*. Mrs. Joe Dill in Simeon- with Mr. and Mrs. Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus SLtpleten have returned from St. Petersburg, Florida. Mrs. Lorne Cronin and children, Stratford; Mrs. G. Dennome, of Dundas, and Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Rourke, Dundas, with Mr. Jack and Bill O'Rourke. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carpenter and Mrs. Theresa Carpenter, Chat- ham, with Monica Byrne. Mr. Vissier has returned to his home from a trip to Holland. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stewart, of Kitchener, called on friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kramers in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kramers have moved into their new home on Ann Street. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kramp and family have rented the home va- cated by Louis Kramers. Mr. and Mrs. William Lands- bergen, of RR 1, on No. 8 High- way, east of Dublin, purchased a farm at RR 3, Zurich, and moved there the past week. Mr. Louis Brosens, of near To- ronto, has rented the home- of the late Fred Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mayman and children have returned to Deep River after spending Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. Wilfred Maloney moved in- to the home he purchased from Mrs. Norma Aslin, after making extensive alterations. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Hinz and sons, of West Monkton, with Mrs. Charles Kistner. The producer of "My Fair Lady" tells of the two women who sat in the orchestra, an empty seat be- tween them. At the intermission one"said, "I waited eight months for my ticket." "So did I," said the other. "What a shame—this empty seat," said the first. "Oh, that's mine, too," replied the 'other. "It was my husband's, only he died. "But couldn't you have brought a friend?" No," she said, shaking her head. "They're all at the funeral." I1ALF' I'AT T(EN I TH/NK G/NNY /5 OVERCOM/NG HER SHYNESS TOWARD BOYS/ FRIGIDAIRE Appliances for 1961! NEED WE SAY MORE ! See the "mighty fine" features of the FRIGIDARE LINES at our HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW April 20 - 21, in Zurich Community Centre LOW PRICES NOW IN EFFECT Or take advantage of our Auction Sale next Friday and Saturday and set your own price. See adbertisement on Page 15 I GER' SALES &SERVICE fiTD+ Phone Zuroh 34 Seaforth