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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-04-06, Page 11
102nd Year
Whole No. 4890
Tuckersmith Reviews
Fire Protection Procedure
Crowds SDHS for
Inspction Tours.,
Seaforth District High School was
crowded Wednesday evening when
area residents accepted the invi-
tation of the board to come in and
inspect the new addition.
A short program preceded the
inspection. Held in the auditor-
ium, which was filled to~ capacity,
the program provided an oppor-
tunity for the public to meet mem-
bers of the board and area offi-
cials who, through their work and
co-operation, had made the school
addition possible.
In welcoming the audience,
board chairman F. C. J. Sills told
of the pride the board had in the
school, a pride which he hoped
was shared by the public.
Reviewing the history of the
school, Mr. Sills said that since
it was founded in 1878, the school
has had four additions. The first
was in 1887, when four rooms were
added to the existing four rooms,
and this arrangement continued
Nurses Learn
Fire Procedures
F. C. Anderson, of the Ontario
Fire Marshal's office, lectured
staff and nurses at Scott Memor-
ial Hospital Wednesday on the use
of fire -fighting equipment and pro-
cedures to follow in emergencies.
A second demonstration is plan-
ned for a later occasion, when
technique required in actual situa-
tions will be demonstrated.
The meeting was arranged by
Fire Chief John F. Scott. Hospital
property committee chairman J.
• M. Scott presided and introduced
Mr'. Anderson.
News of Dublin
Honor Family
Leaving For New
Logan Home
for fifty years until 1938, when
the white brick wing was built on
the north side. In 1955 the offices
and auditorium were added. The
present addition includes four
rooms and a cafeteria abutting the
back part of the stage.
Mr. Sills said the school. as it
stands represents a capital outlay
of approximately $400,000. "When
you compare it with some of the
million dollar edifices in the dis-
trict, you might say we suffer: by
comparison," he said. "Perhaps
in outward appearances we do, but
if you investigate fully, I think
that you will find that our finish-
ed product, the student, compares
well with the student from any
school anywhere."
On the platform were members
of the school board, Mayor Ed-
mund Daly, Seaforth; Warden Iv-
an Forsyth, Reeve of Tuckersmith
and Warden of Huron, who brought
greetings from the county, and
Reeve Dan Beuermann, of McKil-
lop; Reeve Tom Leiper, of Hullett;
Reeve Stewart Procter, of Morris;
Reeve Earl Dick, of Hibbert, and
Reeve Cliff Dunbar, of Grey.
Mr. Sills said Charles Mac -
Naughton, MPP Or Huron, was
unable to be present. He told of
the great assistance he had been
in working out construction details
with the Department of Education.
Commenting on the new addition
and the improved facilities it of-
fered students, Principal L. P.
Plumsteel said that while it would
be nice to have a complete new
school, there were other things
that were of greater importance.
Buildings in themselves cannot
produce students, he said. It is
more important from the stand-
point of the student and of the
extent to which he benefits from
his schooling that there be par-
ents who are interested in educa-
tion, interested in the progress of
the student. The success a student
achieves is a reflection of his
home training and of the degree
of self-discipline he has attained.
Members of the SDHS Glee Club,
under the direction of Lyle Ham-
mond, contributed .several num-
At the conclusion of the half-
hour program the audience roam-
ed through the school, visiting
classrooms and other facilities.
Members of the staff were in the
classrooms and explained proce-
dures to the visitors. As the visit
tors finished ..their tour they were
entertained to tea in the cafeteria,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul De Kroon, of
RR 2, Dublin, were guests of hon-
or at a farewel' party held at
th.gjr home in Hibbert Township,
before they leave for their new
home in Logan, two miles north
of Dublin.
Euchre and crokinole were play-
ed with high prizes going to Mr.
Arnold Harris and David Gray;
low to Mr. and Mrs. De Kroon, and
lone bands, Dalton Balfour. The
prizes for crokinole were won by
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Feeney.
At 12 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. De
Kroon took the chairs of . honor,
when Mrs. David Gray read the
address and Mrs. Dalton Smale
presented a trilight and reading.
lamp combined. Both Mr. and
Mrs. De Kroon thanked everyone.
Lunch was served by the ladies
in charge. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Morrison
and family, of Toronto,; Vincent,
Mary and John, of Kitchener, and
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morrison and
„family, Windsor, with Mr. and
Mrs. James Morrison.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Feeney, Till-
sonburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Maloney, Kitchener, with Mrs.
Mary Feeney.
Miss Marie Krauskopf, Hamil-
ton, with Mrs. Catherine Kraus-
Mr. and Mrs. Doug McGilvery,
London; Gordon, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Grosech and family,
London; Mrs. Joe Malone andfam-
ily; Mr. and Mrs. Danny Costello,
Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Miss Lydia Jordison, Toronto,
with Mrs. Elsie Jordison and rela-
Mr. Pat Maloney has returned
home from the Stratford Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Morris and
Glenn Butters, London, and Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Butters and chil-
dren, St. Thomas, with Mr. and
Mrs, Tom Butters.
Mr. Neil Stapleton, Ontario Ag-
ricultural College, Guelph, at his
Mrs. Mary Kistner in Gadshill,
with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bannon.
Mrs. James Ackroyd, Toronto,
with Mrs. Mary O'Rourke.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Looby have
returned from St. Petersburg,
Mrs. Edward Tozer and chil-
dren, St. Clair Shores, Mich, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Wilson and
son, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick Ryan.
Mr. Ed. Holland, Toronto, with
Mr. and Mrs. George Holland.
Third Time West,
Scenery, Thrills
`Mrs. George Connell has return-
ed from a trip to the West Coast,
where she spend five months vis-
iting friends and relatives, incliid-
ing Mrs: Gordon Marks, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Marks and Mr. and
Mrs. David Oshenak, at 100 Mile
House and Kamloops, B.C. While
it was her third trip to the west
coast, Mrs. Connell said she con,
tines to marvel at the scenery.
She was particularly impressed on
one occasion to see a flock of
24,000 sheep.
Story Before
Setting Date
No decision has been taken as
yet concerning a meeting of mer-
chants to consider Seaforth store
hours, according to Mrs. Jean
Hildebrand, who heads a special
committee which has been con-
ducting a survey of Seaforth area
Mrs. Hildebrand said it had not
been possible to complete the
analysis of the survey results, and
as soon as this was done a meet-
ing date would be set. She said
merchants would be advised by
mail of the time, and place.
SEAFORTH ALL-STARS meet Port Perry .Thursday afternoon in the' 'C' series of the Young
Canada Pee Wee hockey tournament at Goderich. If successful, the team will come up against the
winner of Elora and Port Edward. on Friday morning.
Shown here are (left to right,front), Colin Haney, George Vardy, Stephen Brady, Allan Carter,
Ferg Quinn, Jim Phillips; (second row), Gordon Moylan, Ray Devereaux, Brian Broome, Murdo Mac-
Lean, Doug Dalrymple, Brian Melady, Dennis Hodgert; (rear row), Jack Eisler, coach and manager;
Keith Finnigan, Murray Henderson, Craig Haney and Allan Nicholson, President of the Legion, the
sponsoring group. (Expositor photo by Phillips).
Need M�re Room
As Curling Booms
Plans for an $8,000 extension to
provide necessary accommodation
for a rapidly increasing member-
ship were discussed at the annual
meeting of the Seaforth Curling
Club Wednesday. The meeting, in
the Community Centre, followed a
pot -luck supper, attended by most
of the club's 200 members.
The meeting named a building
committee to be responsible for
construction. It is expected the
new accommodation w ill be
brought into use with the open-
ing of "the new curling season .'n
Designed to provide addition.
lounge room and locker and dress
ing space, the construction will be
carried out to the west of the
present rink. It will include a
new public entrance, which will
face onto East William Street.
Elect William Leyburn
Dr. M. W. Stapleton, club presi-
dent, presided during presentation
of committee reports.
The club elected William Ley -
burn as president, succeeding Dr.
Stapleton. Other officers and com-
mittees approved by the meeting
'were as proposed by a nominating
committee, which consisted of J.
E. Keating, G. Crowe, F. Kling
and William Leyburn.
The officers are: Honorary presi-
dent, C. A. Barber; past president,
Dr. M. W. Stapleton; president,
Wm. Leyburn; first vice-president,
A. Whetham; second vice-presi-
dent, Norman MacLean; secre-
tary, Len Ford; treasurer, R. S.
Habkirk; ,..chaplain, Rev. D. J.
Committees named are: Mem-
bership committee, Fred Elliott,
The annual meeting of the Cath-
olic Women's League of St. James'
Church was held in the school audi-
torium, beginning with a pot -luck
supper, Tuesday evening. Mrs.
Gorden Reynolds presented the
president, Mrs. John Maloney, with
a corsage.
Following supper, Miss Phonsine
Meagher showed slides of her stay'
in Germany and trips while there
to Greece, Holland, France and the
Holy Land. She was presented
with a gift on behalf of the mem-
bers by Mrs. Joseph McConnell.
The annual meeting opened with
prayer led by Rev. C. E. Sullivan.
Conveners' annual reports were
read and highlights of the year
outlined. These reports showed a
very successful year for the Cath-
olic Women's League. The nomin-
ating committee, Mrs. James L.
Slattery, Mrs. Alvin Smale and
Mrs: Sam Bates, presented the
new slate of officers., which were
installed by Rev. Sullivan. The
Act of Consecration was then re-
cited by the new offipers.
They are as follows: President,
Mrs. Gordon Reynolds; first vice-
president, Mrs. James Devereaux;
second vice-president, Mrs. Harry
Hak; third vice-president, Mrs.
Frank Reynolds; recording secre-
tary, Mrs. James Kelly; corres-
ponding secretary, Mrs. John Flan-
nery ; treasurer, Mrs. Melvin
Rev. Sullivan congratulated Mrs.
Maloney, the retiring president,
for her co-operation and the suc-
cessful two years she was in of-
fice. Mrs. Gordon Reynolds pre-
sented Mrs. Maloney with a past
president pin.
The annual donations were - given
to St. John's Training School and
Training Seheol for Priests. There
will be a Mass April 26 for Our
Lady of Good Counsel, The an-
nual convention will be held in
Chatham in May.
The meeting adjourned and dos-
ed with prayer by Rev. Sullivan.
John Longstaff, Bev Thompson, R.
Gemmell, M. E. Clarke; property
committee, F. Kling, N. MacLean,
J. E, Keating; entertainment com-
mittee, C. Rowcliffe, Bruce Mc-
Millan, Art Wright; men's games
committee, G. Stockwell, Doug
Miles, J. Harvey, A. Whetham•;
mixed curling committee, John A.
Cardno, F. Godin, Laurie Slade,,
Ken Basset, John Patterson; build-
ing fund committee, Dr. M. W.
Stapleton, N. Scoins, L. Rowat;
house committee,' A. Dobson, H.
Williams, J. L. Slattery, R. Ma-
cauly; finance committee, N. C.
Cardno, P. D. McConnell, W. New-
combe; ' bonspiel committee, Wm.
Campbell, L. Rowat, Wm. Moore;
bonspiel draw committee, S. Hab-
kirk, C. A. Barber, D. Morton;
rules committee, Wm. Moore, Bev
Thomson; Clinton general commit-
tee, G. Crowe, H. Williams, Joe
Murphy, Harry Ball, Clayton Dix-
on; auditors, A. Dobson, N. Ran-
son; publicity, C. Kirk, F. Elliott,
N. Boswell; umpires, J. E. Keat-
ing, C, A. Barber.
First named on each committee_
is chairman.
Present Trophies
Presentation of trophies won dur-
ing the playing season was in
charge of Andy Whetham and
John A. Cardno. Winners were:
Carling Trophy: W. Moore, R.
Gemmell, L. Beattie, N. Ranson.
Seaforth Curling Club Cup: Dr.
M. W. Stapleton, Art Wright, Frank
Lamont and Bob Wright.
Vice Skips' Spiel: Dave Cornish,
Frank Case, C. Lamonden and Dr..
M. W. Stapleton.
Toronto -Dominion Bank Trophy:
Lee Learn, Dr. John Harvey, Gar-
net Stockwell and Eldon Hulley.
December Mixed: Doug Miles,
Jean Stapleton, Art Wright and
Bernice Longstaff,
January,, February Mixed: Wm.
Leyburn, M. Whetham, Garth
Holtham and Aileen Wilson.
'February -March Mixed: Dave
Cornish, Effie Stephenson, Jean
Webb and Ula Parke.
Barber Trophy: Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Miles, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Winthrop Loses In
Championship Bid
Winthrop Warriors lost a -very
close game to Atwood in the sev-
enth, game': of their Intermediate
'D' group finals. The score was
3-2, and this eliminated the War-
riors from the playoffs, with At-
wood taking the series four games
to three.
$2.50 a Yeerr ijl Advance
Sioge copies, S Vents
Tuckersmith no longer will con- gineers, Archibald, Gray Se Me-
tinue an agreement with the Town Kay, London, Ont., requesting
of Clinton for fire protection. The them to examine the drainage area
and report to council.
agreement which has been in ex- F. Harburn was engaged to
istence for eight years was term- spray the roadside weeds, at the
inated by council, meeting in Sea- rate -of $3.00 per mile. The gen-
forth Monday, eral and road liability insurance
Clerk Cora Chesney was instruct- was renewed withF. , A. Camp-
ed to inform Clinton of council's bell are
Son, and a grant of $20
decision, and to advise ratepayers was given to the Perth County
of the several fire departments Road Superintendents' Association.
that provide fire protection within An adding machine was purchas-
the township. The notices will in. ed for the Clerk's office, from the
dicate the phone number to call Underwood Company. General ac -
in an emergency. Tuckersmith has counts of $769.52 and road accounts
fire protection arrangements with amounting to $1754.97 were order-
Seaforth, Hensall and Stanley ed paid. -
(Brucefield). Hensel],. Council
All members were present and Building permits totalling $80,000
Reeve Ivan Forsyth presided. were approved byHensall council
William Campbell, Seaforth, was Mondaynight. Teermits includ-
appointed tile drainage inspector ed four for houses valued at about
for the township for 1961. Confirm
- $65,000, and a p ermit for con-
ing a resolution passed at the Janrustction of fourgrain tanks at
uary meeting, Bylaw No. 6, 1961, W G. Thom son & Sons mill, va-
covering tax prepayment certifi-
cates, was given its required read- lued at $15,000.
ings. Ratepayers may purchase Council refused to repeal a by -
tax prepayment certificates in law passed last month, closing a
denominations of $10, $20 and $50 portion of York Street from Albert
for credit on 1961 taxes, and will Street to Highway 4. Objections'to
be allowed interest at the rate of the road closing were registered by
6 r from June 15 to December 15. the Thompson firm, grain and feed
Notice to this effect will be pub- dealers, and by Hensall District
lished in future issues of this
paper• Council was reported threatened
Council agreed the "-municipal with legal action if the road al -
dump will be opened again, com-
mencing April 8. An ad appears
elsewhere in this paper. The
clerk was instructed to advertise
for tenders for the Elgie Municipal
Drains Improvement on the dos-
ed portion of the work.
The bid of Rowcliffe Motors for
the purchase of a half -ton truck
was accepted at bid price of $1750.
Other bidders were: Neil C. Bell,
$2,000; Cleave Coombs, $1,995; Sea -
forth Motors, $1,925. It was decid-
ed to purchase a blade and exten-
sions from Boyes' Farm Supply to
be used •on the tractor, The clerk
was Instructed to cal for tenders
for the purchase of a power grad-
er, and to request permission from
the Ontario Municipal Board' to
levy the cost over a two-year per-
iod. ,
Council did not concur in a,,re-
quest from the Town of Richnid'nd
Hill to submit the following ques-
tion to the ratepayers at the next
municipal election: "Are you in
favor of your Council seeking
changes in legislation which will
permit the Provincial Government
of Ontario to be responsible for
the full cost of education within
the Province of Ontario."
Accounts passed included: In-
surance premiums, $108.24; South
Huron High School debenture pay-
ment, $102.20; advertising, $12.60;
warbicide, $208; Ontario Hydro,
Egmondville and Brucefield street
lights, $211.51; relief and supple-
mentary allowance, $108.10; Equit-
able Life Pension, $13.50; salary
and allowance, $221.46; income tax
and unemployment, $21.18; roads
accounts, $7.620.23; Ausable Con-
servation Authority, $112.76; nurs-
ing home care, $92.75; Huron Coun-
ty Municipal Officers' member-
ship, $20; sheep killed, $82; post-
age, $15.
Council adjourned to meet May
2, at 8,p.m.
Winthrop opened the scoring in
the first period on a goal by Ray
Powell. Atwood scored twice be-
fore the period ended, to lead 2=1.
Ames and Newbigging scored for
In the second period, Bundscho
scored to make it 3-1 for Atwood.
In the third period Winthrop car-
ried the play and made it 3-2,
when Art Strong scored. The At-
wood goalie had his share of luck
in the final 10 minutes as Win-
throp did everything but put the
puck in the net, so the final score
was 3-2.
Atwood now meets Teviotdale
for the championship.
Seaforth Skaters
Pass New Tests
The Canadian Figure Skating
Association conducted tests among
members of the Seaforth Figure
Skating Club on Wednesday,
Results are as follows:
Preliminary figures: Mary Sills,
Mary Eckert, Margaret Elgie.
First figures: Mary Cricli, Con-
nie Britton,
Third figures: Christine McKen-
zie, Sarnia F.S.C.
Canasta Tango: Ann Sills, Mar-
garet Elgie, Dianne Kirk, Mary
Sills, Elaine Oke, Mary Eckert.
Dutch waltz: James Rowat, Mar-
garet Elgie, Elaine Oke, Angela
Devereaux, Kerry Moore, Mary
Moore, Mary Kunz, Joan Coleman,
Sheila Rowat.
Swing dance: Mary Eckert, Mar-
garet Elgie.
Fiesta Tango: Bruce Brady.
Willow, waltz: Connie Britton,
Mary Crich, Cathy Eckert.
Len Fox: Connie Britton, Cathy
Eckert, Judy Crich, Judy' Harns-
worth, Sarnia (F.S.C.).
Hibbert Council,
At the regular meeting of Hib-
bert Township Council, court of
revision was held on the O'Reilly
Drain and as no appeals were re-
ceived, the court was closed. Three
tenders were received for the re-
pair of the said drain, and the
tender of A. Clark & Son for $250
was accepted,
A petition was received from F.
Williams for a cleanout , of the
Tyndall Drain Extension, also a
petition from F. Feeney for a re-
pair of the Tyndall Drain Branch.
These were forwarded to the en-
er of the, Liberal, Party, who
will be the speaker at the an-
' noel dinner meeting of the
Huron Liberal Association be—
ing held in the Legion Hall,
Clinton, on Thursday evening,
May 4.
lowance, which has existed since
the original survey but has never
been developed, was closed by by-
law, although name of the com-
plainant was not disclosed:
Mr. Campbell said the bylaw
was passed to insure that traffic
on the road, site of a school, did
not get too heavy. He- also said
that the water pumphouse is now
located on a travelled portion of
the dead-end road and opening
the street to Highway 4 would
mean carving allowances on both
sides to bypass the pumphouse.
Legal advice received" lb "entiii:--
cil was that the corporation had
the power to close the road allow-
ance and to pass the necessary
bylaw, but that those objecting
still have the right to appeal.
Both the Thompsonfirm and the
Co-operative in their objections.
asked that the road allowance be
opened right 'through to Highway
4, each pointing out that their re-
spective businesses are growing.
Scouts Hike As
Spring Arrives
Seaforth Boy Scouts enjoyed a
hike on Good Friday to a camp
site near Hannah's Bridge-, near
the McLeod farm in Tuckersmith.
A demonstration of fire -lighting
without matches was featured.
About twenty Scouts took part in
the hike with the leaders, Keith
Sharp, Ken Powell and Harry Mc-
McKillop Council
Land owned by the Township of
McKillop has been reduced by
402 68 square feet. The loss of area
resulted as township council, at
its meeting Monday, agreed to
accept $47.34 from the County of
Huron, as the amount covering the
expropriation of an area 17 feet
by 236.58 feet.
The approval followed action by
Huron to expropriate a small sec-
tion of land in front of the town-
ship building at Winthrop. It is
required in the road widening pro-
gram being undertaken by the
Reeve Dan Beuermann presided
and all members Of council were
Council approved membership in
the Huron Municipal Officers' As-
sociation, and agreed that coun-
cillors and officials who wished
could attend a meeting in Gode-
rich on April 25. •
A petition covering construction
of the Fortune Municipal Drain
was accepted and instructions
were issued to provide for nec-
essary engineering.
Abandonment,, of a telephone
trunk line between Dubin and Sea -
forth last December resulted in
the cancellation of assessment on
the line. In all, $125 is involved,
being divided between Tucker -
smith Municipal,. $25; McKillop
Municipal, $25; and McKillop, Log-
an and Hibbert, $75.
Council approved road vouchers
-totalling $1,314,16, and general ac-
counts amounting to $1,062.25.
Legion Entry Wins
Wingham Spiel
A rink representing Seaforth
Branch 156 of the Canadian Legion,
skipped by Carm Rowcliffe, won
top honors at a Legion bonspiel in
Wingham Wednesday. Rinks re-
presenting Legion branches
throughout Western Ontario took
part in the spiel.
Hubby: "Did you ever notice,
my dear, that a loud talker is gen-
erally an ignorant person?" ..
The Wife: "Well, you needn't
shout so; I'm not deaf."
Name Teachers
To Vacancies
On School Staffs
Seaforth Public School board on
Monday named two new. teachers
to its staff.
Replacing Mrs. R. J. Boussey,
who has resigned, will be Ronald
Eyre, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Eyre, of Kippen.
Miss Ella Elder, who is retiring,
will be replaced by Miss Margaret
Wood, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Wood, of Kippen.
SDHS Appoints .
Appointments to the SDHS staff
include: Harold Brockset Vodden,
of Welland, formerly of Blyth area,
to teach senior English,
Hazel Slavin, of Barrie, a daugh-
ter of Thomas Slavin, Kippen, to
teach girls' physical education.
Visitors Feature Easter Holidays in Seaforth Homes
Mr. Douglas Scott, of Montreal,
spent Easter with his mother,
Mrs. James T. Scott. Mr, James
Scott and his mother: Mrs. James
T. Scott, returned with him Mon-
day to spend a week,in Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore,
of Wallaceburg, were guests on
Good Friday of Miss Hazel Reid
and Mr. D. L. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hi egy and
daughter, Loretta, of Nivonia,
Mich., were guests of Mrs. Louis
Hoegy for Easter. While here they
and Mrs. Hoegy visited in Kitchen-
er on Good Friday.
Mr, and' Mrs. Ray Mason, of
Windsor, were Easter guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGonigle and
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson, of
Mrs. Elliott Walters is a patient
in Scott Memorial Hospital.
Miss Margaret Grieve of'Oak-
vill'e, spent Easter with tier moth-
er, Mrs. James Grieve.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gardner, of
Toronto, were guests of her moth-
er, Mrs. W. D. Smith.
Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Grant, John
and Elizabeth, of Waterloo, spent
Easter with Mr. and Mrs. A. Y.
Miss Sharon Hotham, of Strat-
ford Teachers' College, Is spend-
ing the Easter holidays at her
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McFadden
and Brenda, of Burlington, were
Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Don Morton.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Scott and
family, of Bracebridge were Eas-
ter guests of Miss Belle Smith.
Mrs. Henry Ford. and family, of
Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Miss
Cathy Ihnnin, of Petrolia, were
guests of Mrs. W. A. Wright for
Miss Elsie Drover, of Hamilton,
was the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Drover.
Miss Peggy Willis, of Deep Riv-
er, was an Easter guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edmunds,
of Barrie, % spent Easter with Mr.
and Mrs. �W. J. Finnigan and Mr.
and' Mrs. F. Kling.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brown, of
Toronto, were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith, Main
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geddes
and family spent Easter in Sarnia
with Mr. and Mrs. James Camer-
Mr. Bill Stephenson, of Quebec,
visited with his mother, Mrs. Leo
Stephenson, over the Easter week-
Mr. James R. Scott anta Katie,
of Ottawa are spending the "holi-
days at their home here.
Miss Erma Broadfoot of Sand-
ridge, and Dr. and Mrs. 11. Si
Treffrey, of Richard's Landing,
visited their many relatives here
over Easter.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wright and
baby. of Hamilton, were guests of
Mrs, Alex Wright.
Mr. and Mrs, Trafford and fam-
ily, of Carleton Place, are Easter
guests of her parents, Mr. atld
Mrs. Ben Loney.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Wright, of
Brampton, and Mrs. Etta Eyre, of
Sarnia, were Easter guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Eyre, of Tucker -
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Thomas
and family, of Port Stanley, spent
Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Hotham.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Doug Keys, of
Chatham, are visiting their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Keys and Mr.
R. W. Campbell, in McKillop.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Arm
strong, Bryan and Debbie, of
Cobalt, were Easter guests of Mr.
and Mrs, Harold Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ament, of
Kitchener, were guests of Mrs. E.
P. Chesney on Good Friday.
Mrs. R. K. McFarlane spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Johnston in McKillop.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter,
of Chatham and Miss Gertrude
Crich, of Toronto, were Easter
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cardno
and Kenneth spent the Easter holi-
days with Mr. and Mrs. Sam J.
McKenzie, in Georgetown.
Miss Sally Nott, R.N., London,
and Miss Nancy Nott, Kitchener,
spent the Easter weekend with
their mother, Mrs. Raymond Nott.
Nancy leaves Saturday. April 8,
from Malton for Hawaii, where
she has accepted a position for a
year at the library in Honululu.
Mr. and Mrs, D. 11. Giffin, of
Wyoming, were Easter visitors
with Mrs. G. Hoggarth.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Scott, Mr.
and Mrs. George Tunney and Don-
ald spent Good Friday in Brant-
ford with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Har-
rison, Mr. Wilmore Scott return-
ed home with them.
inspector John L. Hotham„. and
Mrs. Hotham and family, of Wind-
sor, spent the Easter weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham, Wil-
son Street.
Master Blaine and Miss Cheryl
McCutcheon, Brussels, are visiting
their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs.
J. T. Hugill and Karen,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams and
Trudy, of Goderich, spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James McGregor.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Adair To-
ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Adair, of Ajax, spent Easter Mon-
day with Mrs. J. Sclater.
Miss Marjorie Bickell, of Toron-
to, spent Easter with Mr. and
Mrs. George L. Smith, Hullett.
Mrs. Stockley, Long Island, New
York, and Mr. George Vardy are
visiting their brother, Rev. J. H.
Vardy and Mrs. Vardy.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacLean,
Billy and Elizabeth and Miss Mar-
ilyn Miller arc spending a few
holidays in New York.
Mr. Fred Williams is a patient
in Scott Memorial Hospital.
Mr. Donald Stephenson and
Carol, of Ottawa, visited with the
former's mother. Mrs. Leo Steph-
enson, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Patterson
visited with the former's parents
in Peterborough for Easter.
Mrs. Georgene Smith spent. the
Easter weekend with her son, Mr.
Donald Smith, and Mrs. Smith, in
Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Eckert and fam-
ily, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J.
M Eckert.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams, of
Whitby, spent. Easter with Mr.
and Mrs. Mike Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Dungey,
Brenda and Bonnie and Norm
Dodds spent the Easter weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg,
F10 and Mrs. F. A. Golding and
family left on Saturday for their
home in Chatham, New Bruns-
wick, after spending two weeks at
the home of Mrs, P. B. Moffat.
Mr. William Britton is a patient
in Scott Memorial Hospital at
present, but is making favorable
Miss Judy Crich, Miss Anne
Troutbeck and Bryan Brady are
in Owen Sound this week attend-
ing a special Red Cross swimming
Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Hall, Craig
and Brock of Windsor, visited Dr.
and Mrs. P. L. Brady.
Miss Margaret Patrick, of To-
ronto, is spending the Easter holi-
days with her brothers, Bob and
Jack, of Tuckersmith.
Mrs. Grace Hoggarth, of New
Hamburg, is spending the holidays
at her home here.
Mrs. V. R. Pfeiffer and daugh-
ters, Diane and Jean, of Ithica,
N.Y., spent the past week with her
mother, Mrs. Henry Hoggarth, and
sister, Mrs. Roy Brown,
Senator W. H. Golding has re-
turned from Ottawa and is spend-
ing the Easter recess at his home
Rev. D. H. Stewart, Mrs. Stew-
art and family, of Ottawa; are
visiting his mother, Mrs. Harry
Mr, and Mrs. Donald E. Hillier
and family, of Ingersoll, are spend-
ing .Easter with Miss M. E.bull
Mr. and Mrs. Allan .Nicholson
and family spent the weekend hi
(Continued. on rage 6)