HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-03-09, Page 9P BRODHAGEN NEWS OF THE WEEK Miss Phyllis Ahrens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ahrens, en- tertained a few friends on the occasion of her ninth birthday last Tuesday. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. John E. Sie- ▪ mon and family in the death of a husband and father. Many from here attended the funeral of John E. Siemon at First Lutheran Church on Sunday. The Chamber of Commerce members, of which he was a member, at- tended in a body. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leonhardt, Sr., observed their 55th wedding anniversary on Monday, March 6. Their family, Mrs. Ernest (Mar- tha) Drager, of Seaforth, and Her- man, RR 1, Bornholm, and the immediate family celebrated the occasion. The celebrants gave a donation to the new organ of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Mrs. Caroline Miller, 95, who has been ill at the home of her son and, daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Miller, has been mov- ed to Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth. Mrs. William Diegel returned a from Stratford Hospital and is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. Donald McLaugh- lin, and Mr. McLaughlin, in Kin- cardine. Mrs. W. L. Querengesser visited her sister, Mrs. Ed. Kressler, in Stratford, who had just returned home from Stratford Hospital af- '' ter undergoing an operation. Mr. and. Mrs. John Mueller and Ruth Ann ,of Hamilton, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. August Hillebrecht. Mr. Warren Sholdice spent the weekend with his brother, Mr. Gary Sholdice and Mrs. Sholdice • in London. A number of pupils'of the school took part in song under the direc- tion of Mr. E. Harley, school mus- ic director, at the public School church service at Main St. United Church on Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Dickison, Kenneth, Janet and Sylvia and • Mrs. Joseph Dickison, of Tees - water, with Mr. and Mrs. Ford Dickison on Sunday, Mrs. Dicki- son remaining for the week. " Mr, and Mrs. Jack Sillick, of Teeswater, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smyth on Saturday. Mr. andMrs. John Doerr, Strat- ford, with -Mr.- and Mrs. Dalton, Hinz on Sunday. Messrs. Ford Dickison and Mer- vyn Leonhardt attended the Heat Show in Toronto this week. New Organ Dedicated The dedication of the new organ took place at St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday morning. Rev. Erich Schultz, assisted by Student Harold Brill, were in charge of the service. Mr. Allan McLeod, of Waterloo, was the guest soloist, accompanied by Rev. Schultz on the organ. The Junior and Senior choirs sang an anthem, with the church organist, Miss Audrey Priestap, the accompanist. United Women Meet The monthly meeting of the United Lutheran Church Women of St. Peter's Lutheran Church was held with a good attendance and quite a number of visitors, aI- so a new member was enrolled. The devotions were in charge of 1 Mrs. Manuel Beuermann, Mrs. George Rock and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and Mrs. Fred Young, The guest speaker was Mrs. Or- ville Struthers, of Mitchell, who gave a very inspiring. message. Her topic was, "Over the Kitchen Sink, the Mirror, the Cupboards and the Light," She was introduc-, • ed by Mrs. M. Beuermann •and thanked by Mrs. Lew Hicks, and in appreciation she was presented with a cup and saucer, Mrs. Geo. Rock read a very appropriate poem, Be Still." The offering was taken by- Mrs. Fred Young and Mrs. Martin Dietz and .Mrs. Young gave a thankof- • fering prayer. The roll call was answered by naming a woman of the Bible. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs, R. Shbldice, Mrs. George Rock, the secretary, • s gave ha report of the last meet- ing and also of the trip to Kit- chener and of the World Day of Prayer. Business was conducted by Mrs. M. Beuermann, the president. It was decided to donate $10 to the Red Cross and to purchase a new electric clock for the church base- ment. Two layettes, all ready cut, were given out to be sewn. Plans are to be made for an every mem- ber of the congregation visitation. Thank -you cards and letters were read. A birthday hymn was sung for Mrs. Orland Rorher. Lunch was served by Mrs. Mar- tin Diegel, Mrs. Martin Dietz, Mrs. Harold Elligsen, Mrs. Lew Hicks, Mrs. Dalton Hinz and Mrs. Harold Mogk., CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter, of Blyth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter on Thursday. Mr. Luther Saunders was again a contestant at the Clinton Seed Fair last Friday and Saturday, and tied with Robert Fotheringbam, of Tuckersmith, for the Jones, Mac - Naughton shield for small seeds. He also won other prizes through- out the fair. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Glousher, of Blyth, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storey visited Saturday with Mrs. Thelma Bromley, of Kitchener, and also attended the Ice Capades there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der Molan, of Guelph, spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Mr. and Mrs, Joe Riley visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellwood and family, of Hensall, prior to Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood's moving to Oshawa. Mr. Ron Jewitt, of the Teachers' College in Stratford, is this week practice teaching at Hillcrest pub- lic school in Owen Sound, while Hr. James Jamieson, also of Strat- ford Teachers' College, is practice teaching in Listowel public school. Mrs. Frank Falconer, Jean and Leslie, Mrs. Roy Pepper and Mrs. J. Turner, all of Tuckersmith, vis- ited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson. CGIT Affiliation The CGIT held their affiliation with the WMS Saturday evening in the basement of the church. Mrs. B Brown, leader, opened the ser- vice with a welcome and a few words on the meaning of affilia- tion, and then called on Mary Mac- Gregor, the president of the CGIT, to take over the program. The girls presented a play of their study book, "We •Belong To- gether." Misses Lynda Nott and Mary Mcllwain played "How Great Thou Art," accompanied by Miss Glenyce Jewitt, pianist for the evening. Miss Joyce Brown gave a piano solo. Others taking part were Margaret MacGregor, Jan- ice Jewitt, who gave the meaning of the phrase, "Council of Churces," and Mary Buchanan, who gave the meaning of the word "Ecumenical,'.' Mrs. Donald Buchanan and Mrs. Ross MacGre- gor helped in "presenting the af- filiation service. A contest on the word "Ecumenical" proved very interesting. Glenyce Jewitt gave a vote of thanks to all. Lunch was served by the girls. legion Auxiliary Presents Badge The Legion Ladies' Auxiliary held their monthly meeting March 1st, in the Legion Hall, with 24 present. The 8:30 draw was won' by Mrs. Ina McGrath. The mys- tery prize was won by Mrs. Edith Jessome, and she was also pre- sented with her past president's badge by Mrs.. Olive Little. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the March lunch com mittee, SPECIALS FOR Thursday - Friday - Saturday Safco White Solid FANCY TUNA 7 -oz. Tin 33t Nescafe INSTANT COFFEE 6 -oz. Jar Domestic SHORTENING 1 -Ib. Pkg. Golden Dew MARGARINE 2 1 -Ib. Pkgs. Robin Hood Deluxe CAKE MIXES Large Pkg. Chocolate, White, Banana Maple Leaf CHEESE SLICES 8 -oz. Pkg. Clar'k's TOMATO JUICE 48 -oz. Tin 750 330 450 350 27¢ 290 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's Phone 12 SUPERIOR .PO')) MARKFT' FREE DELIVERY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT services 'of the On- tario Society for Crippled Children is the diagnostic clinics held in 15 or 16 different communities. Medical specialists from the major centres travel to these clinics where more than 1,500 boys and girls are examined in one year. Easter Seal contributions make it possible to hold these clinics. The campaign Objective is $875,000 with the local campaign han- dled by the Seaforth Lions Club under the chairmanship of L. F. Ford. ZION NEWS OF THE WEEK Mrs. Jack Burchill spent Mon- day in. Woodstock. We are sorry to report Russell Robinson has been out of school with the flu. Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Lannin attended the funeral of her grand- mother, Mrs. Richard Coulter, of Milverton, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore vis- ited their granddaughter, Wanda Moore, in Stratford Hospital on Monday. We wish Wanda a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mercer, To- ronto, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mary Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton. Malcolm, also taking their aunt, Mrs. Cecil Bownidn, back to 'Toronto with them to see her brother, Mr. Bert Yeo, who has been very ill since Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore vis- ited with their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Jar - mouth, recently. Mr. Wayne Pepper was home from OAC, Guelph, over the week- end. WA Has Meeting Mrs. R. S. Aikens was hostess to the ladies of Zion WA on Wed- nesday afternoon with 15 members and many visitors in attendance. Mrs. Glenn Pepper presided and opened the .meeting with the hymn, "We Give Thee But Thine Own," followed by Scripture and prayer by Mrs. Lorne Aikens and Mrs. Norman Bushfield. A poem was read by Mrs. Bert Mahaffy, and the president gave a reading, "Live a Day At a Time." Good wishes and congratulations were BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich and family visited at Ailsa Craig on Sunday. Mrs. Leon Jeffery and Edmund spent a week visiting in Detroit and Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber and family, of Kippen; Mr. and Mrs. William Oesch and family, of Var- na, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Penhale and Ricky; of Bayfield, spent Sunday with Mrs. Lizzie Oesch. expressed by Mrs. Laurence Han- non on behalf of the society to Mrs. Alex Roney on the occasion of her 45th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Roney was presented with a lamp. A poem, "Johnny Enter- tains" was read by Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. The meeting was clos- ed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction, A quilt was quilted by the ladies and lunch was serv- ed by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Laurence Barker and Mrs. Lloyd Barker, • FIRST CHURCH LADIES' AID Miss Jean Scott presided at the Marek meeting of the Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Charles Reeves read a poem on "Spring." The hymn, "How Sweet the Name ofJesus Sounds," was sung. During the .past month there were 41 calls made to sick• and shut-ins. Mrs. Ila Dorrance sang a lovely solo, "The Sunshine and the Rain," accompanied by Mrs. J. McGregor. The treasurer's re- port showed a good start for the year. Mrs. Harry McLeod was the guest speaker and her talk on Wild Flowers and Trees was most in- teresting, making all aware of the beauties and marvels of Na- ture, After the closing hymn, the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. A social time followed and lunch was served by the Reeves - Townsend group, WINCHELSEA , NEWS OF -TRE WEEK The Winchelsea Euchre Club was held on Monday evening' at the school with five 'tables in play, prizes going to: lady's high, Mrs. lin Gilfillan; men's high, Bill alters; lone hands, Mrs. John Coward; consolation, Mrs. Ward Hern. Hostesses were Mrs. John Coward and Mrs. Philip Hern. Mrs. Nelson Clarke is spending some time in Exeter with Mr. Maurice Quance and Clifford and Mrs. W. J. Beer. The children of Winchelsea School enjoyed an afternoon of skating on Monday at Exeter Arena, All the school children from Usborne School area were there. The Elimville Mission Band held their meeting on Wednesday af- ternoon at the school with their leaders, Mrs. Elson Lynn and Mrs. Philip Johns. The Elimville Women's Institute held their euchre party on Wed- nesday afternoon at the Township Hall with Eden and Winchelsea Iadies in charge of lunch. There were eight tables playing, prizes going to: ladies' high, Mrs. Archie Dewar, of Woodham; lucky cup, Mrs. Campbell; consolation, Mrs. Fred Walters. There will be an- other party on March 15. Mrs. Garnet Miners visited on .Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Johns and family, Elim- yille North. Mrs. Eric Carscaden and Laura Johns visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Garnet Miners. Mrs. Elywn Kerslake and infant son, Steven Ross, returned home on Thursday from South Huron Hospital in Exeter. Mr. Elson Lynn returned to his home on Thursday after 'having been in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, for a week. Mrs. Colin Gilfillan spent Friday in London with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Maher. Miss Carol Johns, of. Elimville North, spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Garnet Miners. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny were at Ann "Arbor, Michigan, on Sunday owing to the WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission Band will meet on Saturday, March 11, at 2 p.m, GROUP II, NORTHSIDE WA Group 3 of the WA of Northside United Church met Tuesday eve- ning at the 'home of Mrs. Glenn Staffen with 23 members and four visitors, Roll call was Canada's Health Rules. Mrs, W. Bradshaw presided. Mrs. H. Traviss and Mrs. E, C. Chamberlain were ap- pointed to visit the sick and shut - 'ins. Plans were completed for a bake sale to be held March 17, at 3 p.m. A quilting bee is to be held Tues- day in the church basement. Mrs. John Stevens was guest speaker, speaking on Corinthians 6:19-20: What know ye, not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which ye have of God and ye are not your own. For ye are bought with a price. Glor- ify God in your body and in your spirit which are God's. The topic proved very interesting and enjoy- ed by all. k Three -Act Comedy "HERE COMES CHARLIE" FRIDAY, MARCH 24th — 8:30 p.m. St. Columban Parish Hall Admission: Adults 75c Children 50c COME ONE ! COME ALL ! Enjoy a Full Evening of Entertainment ! SPRING UPHOLSTERY SPECIAL BEFORE Make Your Furniture LOOK NEW BEFORE AFTER Make Your Chesterfield Like New! AFTER Make Your Old Chairs Like New ! Why buy these items new? All these things you get for . . . Make Your Old Mattresses Like New ! Make Your Car Upholstery ' Like New ! HALF PRICE as compared to New Cost ! REMODELLING - REFINISHING - CLEANING Of All Your Furniture We will be glad to make a free estimate and show you our samples. JUST GIVE US A CALL SEAFORTh UPHOLSTERY Phone 446 Centre Street Seaforth sudden death of the late Gordon Walters, which occurred at Ann Arbor Hospital on Friday evening. Mrs. Philip Hern is a patient in South Huron Hospital at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Skinner, of Sebringville, returned to their home on Saturday after having spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn. Miss Wendy Gilfillan, of Exeter, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and family. !- TIM =ON s u, °$.0 PR � t3 P.} A.ac4 WEDDIN`0 J:Nt'AN' .._ . PERSONALIZED Napkins -- Coastiots Informals ' .-K Station 01 THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 141 •Seafprh, • SEAT COVERS Woven Plastic, in wide range of colors, models. Now 14.50 Installed $2.00 Extra LET US PUT Spring in Your Car MOTOR rTUNEUP for most INCLUDES—Clean and adjust spark plugs, test battery, adjust distributor points, check cap and rotor; check vacuum advance, set timing, clean air breather, free manifold heat control, tighten cylinder head and manifold bolts, adjust carbu- - retor, inspect hose ,connections, adjust fan belt, adjust tappets. Most Models NOW $5.60 Parts Extra NOW LIMITED TIME ONLY — at — FREE ! New Licence Installation First Line 7.50—I4 SNOW GRIP TIRES Now only 17.50 Battery Clearance Sizes to fit most models. 6 VOLT 6.95 Exchange 12 VOLT 11.95 Exchange SIMONIZE JOB - Includes minor touch-up, clean and vacuum interior. Now only 9.95 Equally low rates on all parts' and labor at your GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE CENTRE Sealorth Motors Phone 541 — Seaforth' T1T1T1T1TiT1TiTiT1 lir s SAVE $6.00 Per Ton on BULK FEED - F.o.g. Mill We are now allowing $5.00 per ton bulk discount, plus $1.00 per ton, pick-up allowance. No. 1 Canadian Alfalfa $1.9.00 per Bushel Canada No. 1„Certified No. 1 and Registered SEED PRICES ARE LOWER! Spring Seeding is just around the corner — you should be ordering, your seeding require- ments now ! 2-12-10 Fertilizer $45.55 per Ton No. 1 Seed Grain is Available ORDER TO -DAY and SAVE IS YOUR GRAIN SUPPLY GETTING LOW? If so, contact us on Cattle Feed. 0 SPECIAL CATTLE PELLETS $4$•00 per Ton, Bulk Ladies ! KEM - TONE $1.25 per Qt. SPRING PAINT CLEARANCE While it lasts ! KEM - GLO $2.25 per Qt. OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone 775 Seaforth "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR” Ti T1T1 T1 TLTL TJ. TjTj T, •