HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-02-09, Page 9T
SDH.SDHS Chatterbox
THE SENIOR SDHS BASKETBALL TEAM has had a successful season. Shown here are (seat-
• ed): Bob Govenlock, Donald McKercher, Mr. F. A. Godin, Peter Rowat, Pruen Willumsen; (stand-
ing): William Menheere, Glen Walters, Bill Campbell, Tom ,Love and Lloyd Pethick. (Expositor photo
by Phillips),
Cheerful Before Breakfast
' SDHS Students TeIIHow.
(First and second prize winners
in an essay contest conducted by
SDHS English department, appear-
ed in the last issue of Chatterbox.
The third winner and the first of
• the 'three finalists appear below.
The remaining two winners will be
carried in the next Chatterbox.)
(By Cathy Eckert, XII -B)
Having decided to write on the
above topic, I thought of conduct-
ing an experiment, the purpose of
which would be to discover whe-
ther or not it pays to be cheerful
before breakfast. My idea was that
on one morning preceding break-
fast I would act downright ill-hum-
oured and moody, and the next
morning I would be as lighthearted
and smiling as possible. I would
note all observations occurring on
both mornings as I changed from
4 an ignoramus, on the first day, to
a normal, cheerful person, on the
second day.
I picked a blue Monday to act
the part of the dismal, grouch, and
it proved a perfect daly to suit the
occasion. Naturally, I woke up
feeling tired from the weekend's
activities. My bed was too warm
• and comfortable, whereas I dis-
covered my bedroom was extra
cold when I poked my elbow out
from underneath the soft blankets
to test the roam temperature. So
I snoozed until Mother came in to
remind me, in a cross tone of voice,
that I had better step on it if I
• r wanted to get to school on time.
Slowly, my feet emerged from un-
derneath the sheets and gradually
reached toward the cold floor. Al-
most awake now, I began to frown
as the thought of unfinished home-
work commenced to bother my
My frigid feqet finally on the floor,
• I mecnanicauy moved toward the
bathroom. Arriving there I found
that the rest of the family had
already drawn up the schedule for
the use of the bathroom, and being
the last one up in the household,
I had to wait until the last for my
bath. This made me angry, most-
• ly with myself, but that didn't stop
me from snapping at my brother,
when he asked the superfluous
question, "Are you cold?" ,as I
huddled at the door, chattering my
Tired of waiting, I returned to
my room- and dressed reluctantly,
dragged myself downstairs and
• plopped into a kitchen chair. Sit-
ting there, I thought how my atti-
tude of mind had made everything
go wrong this morning. - Ms
wouldn't lend me her red shoes to
complete my outfit; then I had to
polish my own shoes, which re-
sulted in white streaks up to my
• elbows. Pimples and blemishes
were twice as noticeable today as
any other day, and I couldn't find
my lipstick anywhere. if anyone
dared direct a question m my way
I could only think of mean retorts,
which caused sarcastic remarks
in return.
Everyone around me seemed to
• be taiking.,foo much and too loud-
ly and I 'had an urge to scream
as I frowned at the cold, greasy
eggs and leathery toast before me
on a plate. One bite of my break-
fast and I decided I was'nt hun-
gry. I was feeling self-pity at this
stage, and I was being treated by
the others accordingly, which
wasn't very kind. To top off this
dreadful day, I was late for school,
which all stems back to the fact
that I was putting forth my best
effort to be unpleasant before
Being ill-tempered is a very dif-
ferent experience from being sunny
and smiling at this same time of
day. I found that if I was in good
spirits and had a bright "Good
morning" for everyone, I was able
to pass on this feeling of cheeri-
ness to the rest of the family. This
morning it was much easier to get
out of bed and to my delight I got
bathroom reservations much fast-
er. My young sister was not hard
to convince that she should polish
my shoes. •
Having dressed carefully, I hum-
med a light tune and descended
down the stairs and entered the
kitchen. This time when I met
the baby on her regular morning
travels, .I tousled her hair instead
of ignoring her. Her reaction was
to promptly climb onto my knee
and ask that I tie her shoelaces.
Like the baby, my brothers must
have sensed, from my chipper
mood, that I was willing to be of
service as they began to question
me, "How much does a pound of
butter weigh?" and "Will my
guinea pigs die this winter when
the snow comes and covers up the
grass? They have to have grass
to Iive
don't they? Don't they?"
Mother and I carried on a pleas-
ant conversation as I helped her
prepare breakfast. And, strangely
enough, this morning's breakfast
was delicious. The toast was warm
and buttered, not covered with
margarine, and the eggs were
cooked just right. Everyone seem-
ed just as cheerful as -1, aid tin
morning schedule running . very
smoothly for a change, I reached
school in ample time.
When 3 completed this experi-
ment, I arrived at the conclusion
that the cheerfulness a happy
smiling person radiates before
breakfast has the power of affect-
ing the people ' around him, both
at home and in school, and his
own temperment the remainder
of the day. -
Finalist Essay
(By Marget Elgie, II -B)
Some people have the knack of
being in a good humour before
breakfast. Others don't. Every
person faces the world each morn-
ing with an outlook entirely dif-
ferent from anyone else. • I am
sure the best way to greet the day
is by being pleasant, but often
such factors as a rainy morning,
a bad dream, undone homework,
or a bad argument, can spoil any-
one's resolution of being cheerful
before one's orange juice or coffee.
Of course, some people love to get
up early, do calistenies, or take
a walk, and then settle down to a
hearty breakfast of all things sug-
gested in Canada's Food Rules. To
me, as well as many others, the
fact of having to get up and face
food at seven o'clock in the morn-
ing is unbearable. Some people,
who Iive by schedule, simply take
morning—cheer or no cheer—as
an inevitable occurrence to be ac-
cepted. This outlook might make
MR. AND MRS, G. IL DONALD ate among_members of the
SDIIS staff, Mr. Donald teaches English and istory while Mrs.
Deinikl, ih1' tame, D►blly'2( ntlitift; -tli'atCh ' .
it easier to bear mornings, but
must be dreadfully boring to any-
one associated with such a per-
It might be interesting to eaves-
drop on a few early morning con-
versations. Shall we first take a
look at an average (?) family of
four: two adults, one boy aged sev-
en, and a girl, thirteen.
R -r -r -ring! -
"Oh, darn that alarm clock of
Bill's anyway! I wish he would
forget to wind or get a silencer
for it, or something! Just because
he, wants to get up at 5:30 to read
ethnics doesn't mean that the rest
of the family have the same in-
tentions," thought Jane. "Shut
that thing off, will you!" she shout-
"I wish you two would be quiet
and go back to bed for a while,"
yelled their father, down the hall.
A few minutes later: Crash! Bang!
bedro mhand down er father the hallome .
Next, Bill had accidentally knock-
ed the alarm clock off the table
beside his bed when reaching for a
comic. After his father bad given
him a lecturerfiteps could be heard
stamping "downstairs. Poor Bill,
doomed to another 'breakfast with
hie'father glaring from behind his
Another poor beginning of a new
day! What a pity to spoil it the
first, but some people just simply
are not cheerful before breakfast.
Next, shall we invisibly join the
household of an elderly couple and
their maid, Daisy? •
"It is seven o'clock, ma'am,"
announced the maid from the door.
"Do you want breakfast now or
I'll have it at 7:15, thank you,'
'Daisy," she replied.
Just as Mrs. Trelford finished
speaking, her husband entered the
"How are you feeling this morn-
ing, dear?" he inquired.
"Very well, thanks," she replied.
"It looks like a pretty day, doesn't
"Indeed it does," he assented.
"Would you like to have Daisy
take you outdoors in your wheel-
chair this morning?"
"That would be lovely," she
agreed, just as Daisy arrived with
the breakfast tray.
Mr. Trelford kissed his wife and
said, "I'11 be home for lunch at
12:30. Good-bye."
Now, whrat is your opinidn of
cheerfulness before breakfast. Isn't
it wonderful how cheerful some
people are in the early morning?
Now,,. would you like to come to
visit Mrs. Ezenzer Tweedle's board-
ing house in the flourishing town
of Juniper? Oh look, there are the
four boarders coming down to
breakfast. See, there is Miss Hail,
the elderly school teacher, and Mr.
Downing, the retired banker. Now
here is Mrs. Henry. She looks af-
ter her daughter's children during
the day. Captain Dunne is the last
one down this morning. He is a
retired sailor and has a wooden
leg. 'Let's listen quietly.
"Good morning to you all,"
boomed the captain. "It's a good
day for sailing, I'm thinking."
"Hello," returned Mr. Dunning
dourly. °What is good about the
morning. I think it's going to rain
before night. What are you think-
ing of sailing now for? You know
you're too old."
"Oh, now, Mr. Dunning," piped
Mrs. Henry, "it's not so bad as
all that, although my arthritis is
botherin' me some. I hope it
doesn't get too bad or I'll never
handle those brats of Jane's."
"I'm sorry about your arthritis,
Mrs. Henry," the captain said so-
licitously, and then turned to Miss
Hall. "Well, Miss Hall, have you
any morning comments? Everyone
else has said his piece."
"I think I will agree with you,"
she replied, "that it is a lovely
day, though sailing is not exactly
what I would have in mind."
Before the captain could inquire
about her special use, Mrs.
Tweedle arrived with some food.
They all settled down to eating
quietly. See what I mean by dif-
ferent morning spirits and the ef-
fect they have on those around.
you? I hope I have made my
point clear about how important
your outlook oh each new day is.
Mine could be improved. I'm work-
ftig rdti?
(By Miss Elford)
No other subject In our educa-
tional curriculum has gained im-
Other as subjects have bas Home een
studied, in some form or other, for
hundreds of years. Home Eco-
iiOmics has a history of less than
60 years. Yet a modern high school
without a course in home econom-
les would be considered incom-
In the beginning the classes were
known as Domestic Science class-
es. Why Science, I do not know,
for certainly the scientific approach
was not stressed. I can not claim
to know much about the very early
classes.' By the time I came along
we had metal measuring cups.
True, they were not up to the stan-
dards of today, but they were vast-
ly superior to measuring with a
tea cup. Measuring spoons were
still to come. We learned to mea-
sure by filling a teaspoon and then
cutting away all but the desired
portion with a knife. Try measur-
ing one-third of a teaspoonful of
salt, or one-eighth of a teaspoonful
of pepper by this method and you
will readily understand why re-
sults were sometimes peculiar.
Each little girl had her own
small hotplate, drawer of dishes
and utensils, and made her own
small efforts to cook. She also ate
the results. No one else had to
suffer if she miscalculated the
cayenne, pepper or the baking
soda. No effort was made to simu-
late home conditions. A cake recipe
was divided to such an extent that
each girl would make ONE cup-
cake. I can't remember how we
solved the problem of beating one -
twelfth • of an egg! •
Of course cooking was not the
only thing that was taught. We
also sewed and learned to darn
silk stockings and our father's
socks and to mend. Each girl
washed her own. towel and dish-
cloth and hung them on her own
rack; at the end of each cooking
class—and woe betide her if they
were not spotlessly clean and fold-
ed symmetrically when hung up!
How different the subject is to-
Now the girls learn why things
are done in a certain way so that
they °will be able to approach
home -making with knowledge and
skill based on understanding, in-
stead of memory or a blind fol-
lowing of habit.
It is no longer sufficient to say,
"My mother does it this way, so
that's good enough far me." May-
be mother's way is a very good
one and she is a good cook, so
discussion will..bring out why it is
good. 'On the other hand, maybe
someone else's mother has a dif-
ferent way and the results are,
better. In any case, each girl gets
the benefit of the experience of
many cooks instead of one or two,
through the study of books and dis-
cussion of methods used in differ-
ent homes.
• Some of you may say, "What
was wrong with learning to do
things as our mothers did them?
My mother was a good cook and a
good housekeeper?" Granted! She
probably was. But how many
cakes did
she have to throw out
before she learned just where the
half -way point was when she used
a tea cup to measure sugar, or
when she had a quarter -cup of fat?
And how many cookies burned to
a crisp, or loaves of bread were
taken from the oven with a rock -
hard crust and doughy centre be-
fore she had learned just when to
put a stick of wood in the stove,
or how to judge the correct tem-
perature of the oven by waving
her hand around in its dark in-
Do you really think that a recipe
.fiat called -for a teacup of sugar,
a rounded teaspoon of baking pow.
der, a penny's worth of nuts, a
handful of raisins, enough lard to
make the dough short, would pro-
duce better cookies in the hands
of a novice than today's carefully
measured recipes and detailed in.
structions? Of course, if you en-
joy cooking adventurously!
Now consider another aspect of
today's home economics course.
No girl or woman in normal cir-
cumstances . will be able to live
even one year without purchasing
at least a few articles of clothing.
In the old days, clothes were
made of a few simple fibres. Dress-
es were made of silk, wool, cotton
or linen. Men's clothing was either
woollen or cotton. If mother hap-
pened to be fond of sewing and
had a good eye, capable hands and
a little imagination, she made the
family's clothing—without patterns.
If she lacked these capabilities,
papa paid the village dressmaker
to do it for her. Thread was
strong; fabrics were sturY, and
mother would have a good sum-
mer dress; a good winter dress,
which would be washed once a
year, before •being stored away in
moth balls; and two or three cot-
ton housedresses.
Now, daughter goes to the store
and sees a bewildering array of
gaily - coloured blouses, skirts,
slacks, shorts, slim Jims—(fill in
the rest for yourself, I've run out
of breath!) What are the fabrics?
Cotton? Yes, some of them. But
the cotton has probably been treat-
ed to make it shrink -resistant,
crease -resistant, to look like silk,
or linen, or possibly to make it
water -repellant. Wool? Perhaps.
In that ease it probably has had
nylon, orlon, cotton, or some other
fibre blended with it to make it
shrink -resistant. Or perhaps thb
labels state that the fabrics are
orlon, dacron, terylene, vinyon;
acrilon, arnel, triocetate, or any
one of a dozen others. Moreover,
in the next ten years we may find
ourselves with a hundred more
new fibres, each with its own
peculiarities which demand special
care in sewing, laundering, press-
ome of them or been
clhave made to
look so much like our good old
standbys, wool and silk, that they
fool even the experts. If we are
to get satisfactory results we must
know how to treat these new
fabrics when we plow them.
What else must our shopp
know if she is to get ,value
her clothing dollar today? I£ s
buys ready-made garments s
must learn how to judge them
serviceability. These gars ents a
turned out by thousands. The sea
stresses who make them are pa
by quantity, not quality of wor
manship. The result is shown
the length of stitches used
seams. The longer the stitch,
faster the sewing! Unfortunatel
long stitches break easily and o
or two wearings will see the u
fortunate purchaser mending ri
ped, seams. Moreover, theman
facturer wants to make as man
garments as possible from ea
bolt of cloth, so seams and hem
are skimped. Therefore it is
important to know what constitut
a well -constructed garment as
is to know the quality of the fabri
Also, of course, she needs t
know how to plan her wardrob
so that she can get the maximu
use from every garments she pu
chases. And she needs to kno
how to budget so she will be abl
to buy what she needs withou
overspending her -clothing allow
Today's home is a vastly differ
ent place from that of a half cen
tury ago. Mechanical equipmen
of an endless variety is constantl
being invented or improved. Wh
uses all these new devices? Th
modern housewife? Of course sh
does! •
No longer do we housecleanone
or twice a year. Excavating half
an -i h
of fine grey dust from un
der the carpet is much too unsani
tary for us. So aur rugs are
vacuumed several times a week.
Dust harbours germs, and our
modern standards of cleanliness go
far deeper below the surface than
grandma's did.
But what happens when the
vacuum or one of the other pieces
of equipment gives trouble. Mother
needs to know at least some of
the simpler causes of trouble so
that the repairman need not ap-
pear every day or so. She must
also learn how to use all these
pieces of intricate machinery safe-
ly and efficiently. Every new de-
velopment in the field of house-
hold equipment is an acknowledg-
ment that the housewife can be
trusted to use machinery wisely
and well. If accidents are to be
avoided, she must be taught how
to use them before she is left alone
to cope with her many mechanical
helpers. We have not yet reached
the stage where pushing a button
will clear the table and wash the
dishes, even if we do have a dish-
washer. Nor have we any magic
lamps to rub that will cause the
dinner to appear on the table with-
out having first been planned, pre-
pared and cooked by a more or
less efficient housewife.
Of course, our modern housewife
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BASKETBALL creates keen interest among SDHS students. Here the Junior Learn is shown with
F. A, Godin, of the teaching staff. Left to right (seated): „Doug Mills, Richard Muegge, David Mills,
Robert Sharp; (second row): Mr. Godin, Jim Sills, Ben Lansink, Kurt Christensen, Allan Patterson;
(rear): Ken Pollard, Darrell Schneider, WiIIiam Rowat, Ben Akker, Gerald Williamson. Absent—
Peter Sillery and Laurie Stockwell, (Expositor photo by Phillips).
New SDHS Addition
Is Now In Use
(By Torben Haarbye)
Well, the day that everyone had
Veen waiting for finally, arrived.
Because of the bad weather on
Friday there were no classes' in
the afternoon. Instead, it was mov-
ing day, with pupils moving desks
and books into the new classrooms
and bumping into pupils moving
into the new lockers, and bumping
into the general sightseers (whom
the teachers tried to remove, but
in vain.)
So, when the bell rang on Mon-
day the pupils went to their assign-
ed classes with eager steps.
Teacher Profile
(By Joyce Brown)
Miss Taylor has been teaching
in high schools for over 20 years,
and she has been teaching at
SDHS for eight years. Science is
her specialty, but she has taught
mathematics, geography and Eng-
lish. Now she teaches Science to
grades nine, twelve and thirteen.
Miss Taylor received her ele-
mentary education in a grammar
school in Scotland and her high
school education in Hamilton, Ont.
After high school she attended the
University of Toronto and receiv-
ed her B.A. in Honour Science.
Miss Taylor doesn't like cities, or
large schools, but prefers to teach
in the smaller schools, She makes
her home in Seaforth and plans to
go on teaching.
Sports Sparks
(By Ken Papple)
Goderich 48, Seaforth 42
Goderich 40, Seaforth 35
. January 26 was a day of defeat
for our boys. The new,s is not as
bad as it seems, because the Sea -
forth teams put up a good show.
The Juniors were only edged by
five points, and the Seniors by
' six.
In the Junior game, Goderich
was leading by a slim margin of
three points in the first half, but
the hometown squad could not ov-
ercome the lead. Darrel Schnei-
der was the sureshot, with a count
of 22. For Goderich, Straughan
had 14.
The Senior game was hard-
fought. Bill Campbell raced down
the floor to change the score 18
times, while Bob Govenlock and
Lloyd Pethick -tallied 11 and 5
times, respectively, The main bas-
ket -getters for Goderich were Jim
Lodge and John Covers, with 13
Seaforth 74, Wingham 28
Seaforth 34, Wingham 24
Groundhog day dawned bright
and sunny in the sports world of
our school.
The Junior boys trounced the
Wingham Juniors, 34-24. The three
big scorers were parre! Schneider,
Ben Akkernd Robert Sharp, who
chalked up 30 points among them.
However, Seaforth might not have
won without the effective plays of
the guards. We tend to forget the
guards in a game, but without
them the forwards would have a
pretty -tough time.
The Seniors were definitely the
glory hounds of the day with their
overwhelming victory, 74-28. The
skill and good training of our boys
were just a little too much for our
visitors. Part of the credit goes to
Mr. Cretin, who does his hest to a
keep the boys on the bit. Camp-
bell nut the ball over the rim often
enough for 22 points, and McKer-
cher was next with 14.
Scoring Race to
Darrel Schneider
Ben Akker
Robert Sharp
Bill Capbell
Don McKerchcr
Bob Govenlock
February 2:
63 points
12 points
10 point
55 points
28 points
25 points
would" probably look at the feast
with a critical eye anyway, unless
the genie of the lamp had studied
enough nutrition to supply a bal-
anced diet, for she would be quite
unwilling to risk her family's
health from deficiency diseases.
Today's young men may not re-
alize it, but their chances of get-
ting a canny shopper, a good cook,
and an efficient housekeeper are
far better than their fathers ever
(By Jean McNaughton)
For Sale --Cow giving six gal
Ions, also young turkeys.
* * *
Lost—A fountain pen by a young
man full of ink. Please return to
The Editor.
* * *
'Yvonne (after having a thorough
examination): "Why, Doctor, you
didn't look to see if my tongue was
Dr.•Brady: "I know it isn't; you
never find grass on a race track."
* * *
Defintion of a Man: Men are
things women marry. They smoke,
chew, and swear. They won't go to
church as often as women do. Both
men and women sprang from
monkeys, but women sprang far-
* * *
The other morning we heard
something like this:
Mr. Nediger•.(attempting to in-
terest Grade XII in farm mathe-
maties): "No—in order to sub-
tract, the things have to be in the
same denomination. For instance,
one could not take three pears
from four peaches, nor eight hors-
es from ten cats. Do you under.
There was assent from the ma-
jority of the students. Dorothy,
still doubtful, however, raised her
hand. "Sir," she. said, "couldn't
yoti take
two cows three quarts of milk from.
* * *
Wanted—A secondhand washing
machine or good wheelbarrow, in
exchange for my wife. No ques-
tions to be asked and nothing will
be returned. Apply to Box 224, Sea -
* * *
One of our brightest pupils made
the remark that the chief product
of Ontario is snow.
Math Problem No, '4
(By Jean McNaughton)
Mr. Nediger reports that the re-
sponse to the math problem in pre-
vious editions has not been as fav-
ourable as he would like, There-
fore, unless more response is forth-
coming, this item will be dropped.
Let's get busy this week and make
this effort a big success.
PROBLEM NO. 4: Take the
figures 1, 4 and 9. Use all three
of them for each number and suit-
able arithmetical signs to form
expressions for eaeh of the num-
bars from 1 to 100. For example:
One point will be given
for each correct expression.
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Ranges, Refrigerators
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