HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-02-09, Page 1102nd Year Whole No. 4852 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1961 -- 10 PAGES THERE IS NO DOUBT that chess is serious business, The yo are members of the Seaforth District High School Chess Club whi curricular activity at the school. In the foreground are Joan Coy seated at the other desks are, (left, to, right),, Jean Hillen, Mary ung ladies in deep concentration ch meets regularly as an extra ne . and Noreen McMillan, while McIntosh, Anne Shortreed and Yvonne Pollard. (Expositor photo by Phillips). Library Circulation Continues to Increase Reading of books continue to be a favorite pastime of Seaforth residents, the annual report of Seaforth Librarian, Mrs. Gordon Wright, revealed this week. At the annual meeting of Carnegie Library Board, the report present- ed by the librarian showed book circulation of 21,055 during 1960. Comparedwith the previous year, this figure shows an increase of 3,757. All told since 1957, there has been an increase of 280 per cent in the number of books cir- culated out of the Seaforth insti- tution. In 1957 circulation was 7,521. At the same time, the number of persons taking advantage of the services offered by the library Is on the increase. Membership for 1960 was 850-510 adults and 340 juvenile members. In the previous year there were 643 members, an increase this year of 207. During the year, 441 new books were added to the library, her re- port shows. The board this year is compris- ed of Miss Mabel E. Turnbull, Wil- liam M. Hart and Mrs. W. N. Ball, who is completing the term of Mrs. C. E. Smith, all town appointees; Miss Rena Fennell, Miss • Gladys Thompson and Mrs, J. A.. Munn, appointed by Seaforth Public School, and Mrs. Joseph McCon- Area Councils `McKilloC p� Bridge Tenders McKillop Township council call- ed tenders and accepted a contract at their February session Monday. Meeting in Carnegie Library, all members were present and Reeve Dan Beuermann presided, ' Clerk J. M. Eckert was instruct- ed to call tenders for 20,000 yards of gravel, and tenders for the con- n struction of two bridges, the Kerr bridge at lot 20-21, concession 7, and the Storey bridge at lot 15-16, concession 6. The bridge tenders call for completion by July 1, 1961, and the gravel contract by June 24, 1961. Tenders will also be called for a warble fly inspector, with appli- cations to be in by March 4. Rate of pay for this job was set at $1.0O per hour, plus 10c per mile for car. Wilbur Hoegy was awarded the contract for the supplying of 1,000 pounds, more or let. a, of warble fly powder at $5.50 per 15 -Ib. bags, and 53c for 48 one -lb, bags. Mr. Hoegy will receive 912c per head per spray. A grant of $25 will be made to ' the Huron County Crop and Soil Improvement Association. The road expenditure jby-law, in the amount of passed. Accounts passed included roads, $3,761.11, and general accounts, $755.71. During a discussion on roads, procedure to govern the operation of the road department was mulled over by council. A petition from Irvin Rock and others to form a Union School Sec- tion of No. 8, McKillop, and No. 4, Logan, waS rescinded when two of the original petitioners withdrew their names from the petition. In other business council decid- ed to join the Association of As- sessing Officers of Ontario. A re- quest from McKillop Municipal Telephone System to borrow $9,000 to $10,000 at 6 per cent per annum during 1961, was granted with the (Continued on Page 5) nell and James, L. Slattery, ap- pointed by St. James' Separate School. Miss Turnbull was returned .as chairman of the board for her thirteenth year, as officers and committees were named for 1961. Mrs. McConnell was named secre- tary -treasurer for her fourth term. Committees are: books, Miss Thompson, chairman; Mrs. Munn, Miss Fennell, Mrs. McConnell and Mrs. Ball; property, Mr. Hart, chairman, Miss Turnbull and Mr. Slattery. ' Miss Turnbull chaired .the meet- ing which heard annual reports by Mrs. McConnell. A satisfactory, fi- nancial statement was presented. Members attended the Ontario Library Association convention in London and three Huron County Library Co-operative meetings dur- ing the year. Seaforth Firms - Begin Alterations Extensive alterations are under way at Stewart Bros.' stores to provide a modern ladies' ready-to- wear and millinery cry ,department, The interior of the back portions of the store is being completely rebuilt. The work is being done by Joseph T. Hugill. Work of renovating the Commer- cial Hotel, to provide accommoda- tion for cocktail lounge, dining room and beverage room, is well advanced. Frank Kling Ltd. is carrying out the work. Hog Producers Elect Three New Directors -At -Large Albert Bacon, Belgrave, was Wednesday elected as president of the Huron County Hog Producers' Association at the annual meeting held in the Legion Hall, Clinton. Mr. Bacon succeeds Ross Love, Aensall, who retired after two years in that position. Other offi- cers elected by the directors in- cluded Lloyd Stewart, RR 4 -Clin- ton, first vice-president; Robert Allan, Brucefield, second vice- president, and Alfred Warner, Bay- field, secretary -treasurer. Three directors at 'large elected by 88 voting producers who attend- ed the meeting were Robert Allan, Elmer Ireland, Wingham, and Carl Hemingway, Brussels. Jim Boynton, Toronto, secretary of the Ontario Hog Producers' Mar- keting Board, in briefly speaking at the meeting, referred to the forthcoming vote on March 6th, when hog producers across the province Will elect directors for the Hog Producers' Marketing Board. "You want to retain true producer -control and interest—cer- tainly you don't want drover or packer control," he warned, urg- ing producers to play their part,. Huron County will elect 19 mem- bers to the district committee, with the nominations followed . by the election in the Legion Hall. Clin- ton. "The so-called . confusion in the hog industry," said Mr. Boyn- ton, "is merely for some people an escape device for ignorance. Producers are only trying to safe- guard their business." A complete report of the meeting will appear next week. DESIGNS SPECIAL PIN FOR ST. JAMES' SCHOOL GRADUATES The 1960 graduating class of St. James' Separate School were hon- ored Tuesday evening when the Catholic Women's League present- ed them with class pins. Mrs. John J. M'aloney, president of the Wo- men's League, before making the presentations, assisted by Mrs. M. Williams, called upon Rev, C. E. Sullivan to address the class. Rev. Sullivan congratulated them on their achievement and express- ed the hope that they would con- tinue their studies. He urged them to be ready for whatever vocation theirs might be, so that they would always bring honor to the 'school, the teachers and themselves. Sister Olivia, principal of St. James' School, also congratulated the class on their achievement. In presenting the class pins, Mrs. Maloney informed the graduates and the members present that the pins had been designed by George Ditty, a former graduate of St. James' Separate School. Bobby Reynolds, on behalf of the class, expressed sincere thanks to the CWL, Rev. Sullivan and the teachers. The 1960 graduating class were: Bobby Reynolds, Gordon Maloney, Gerald Van den Henget, Ricky Wil- Iems, Carl Van Loon, Elaine Eck- ert Francis Hagan, Herman Lan - sink, Ellin Van Vugt, Joanne Ma- lone, Tommy Etue, Rosemary Rau, Kenny Devereaux, Margaret Ellen Flannery, Peter Stiles, Betty Nigh, Nicolle Buys, Ricky Fortune and Paul Matthews. The presentation took place at the monthly meeting of the Cath- olic Women's League, held in St. James', new school with a good attendance. Reports were given from different conveners. A visit- ing committee was named for this month. The St. Patrick's Dance will be held March 17 in the Legion Hall, and tickets can be obtained soon. Plans. for a garden party, to be held this summer, were dis- cussed. Rev. C. E. Sullivan explained the history of the Bible, A draw for a mystery prize was won by Miss Marguerie Dunn. Lunch was served by rs. Clar- ence Malone, Mrs. John gh and N oni a d Miss Lillian Faulkner. C OF C ELECTS List Advantages Seaforth Offers. K. Bruce MacMillan was elected president of Seaforth Chamber of Commerce Monday evening when the organization ' held its annual meeting and banquet in the Legion Hall. Mr, MacMillan, who is gen- eral manager of Topnotch Feeds Limited, succeeds James A. Stew- art. In accepting the office, Mr. Mac- Millan recalled that he had been a resident of Seaforth, for a relative- ly short period. He bad been here long enough, however, to know that he liked the town and to learn that the town had a lot to offer. Reminding the audience of the many advantages — the modern schools, the parks, the swimming pool, the rinks, which Seaforth had available Mr. MacMillan said that what would help most in en- suring a bright future was a bit more enthusiasm on the part of everyone. Ea. C. Nokes, Hamilton, repres- enting the Canadian and Ontario Chambers of Commerce, told the meeting that increased industrial development creates more jobs and results in a more equitable tax load. In order to attract in- dustrl, care must be taken in en- suring that there was a favorable climate in the community. By this he meant, he said, that local gov- ernment was efficient; that sites were available; that there was ad- equate transportation, and that ex- isting industry favored other in- dustry coming in. Sites must be, protected by zoning. The speaker urged that the in- terests of the C of C be directed to good government generally, and in this connection pointed out the extent to which functions of the courts were exercised in Ontario by boards and commissions. In many cases these were not ade- quate safeguards for the rights of the individual Urge Lockers Be Cleared Hydro power to Seaforth Lockers Storage will be discontinued on Saturday. Notice to this effect is given by the Public Utility Com- mission in an advertisement ap- pearing in this issue. Locker users are urged to remove perishables from lockers on or before that day. The matter came to a head last Friday when compressor equipment became inoperative because of damage by frost. The PUC says no arrangements were made for repair, or for the purchase of power. When Seaforth Lockers Storage went into bankruptcy in November of last year, the PUC agreed to provide power temporarily on the assurance that an arrangement would be worked out for the con- tinued operation of the lockers, 'and in order to protect about 100 locker users, who were unable to find other locker accommodation. Discussing the matter on Wed- nesday, a PUC official said despite repeated efforts, it had not been possible to find anyone willing to assume responsibility for the ac- count. Nothing had been done about continuing the lockers in op- eration. The Commission had ap- proached the trustee in bankruptcy, the inspector of the estate, and the chief creditors, but no arrange- ments could be made. Nobody was interested, the spokesman said. There was, therefore, no alterna- tive to discontinuing service, he said. Seaforth Ousts Mitchell Seaforth Bantams trounced Mit- chell Wednesday night 11-0, to take the best -of -five seriesinthree h re e straight games of the first round of the semi-finals of group "C" of the WOAA hockey playoffs. If you believe in the free enter- prise system, you should be active in some level of government, Mr. Noakes said, The C of C provides an opportunity to ensure better government and happier communi- ties. The speaker was introduced by Mr. MacMillan and thanked by L. F. Ford. Huron Warden Ivan Forsyth, reeve of Tuekersmith, recalled' the historic background of the county and the development which had oc- curred since it was formed in 1842. He brought greetings from the county and township. Council can feel the pulse of the community through an active Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Edmund Daly said, as he congratu- lated the organization on its ac- complishments. He assured the meeting That council welcomed any suggestions for advancing the interests of the town. "Our aims are the same," he said. Retiring president James A. Stewart was in charge of the meeting and reviewed C of C ac- tivities during the year. These included: participation in Chamber of Commerce Week; sponsorship of paint -up, clean-up week; provision of trophies for minor baseball awards; erection of 34 street signs as the first stage in a program to provide signs for all streets; spon- sored the Santa Claus parade, Christmas decorations and Christ mas home decorating. contest. He thanked the group for the co-operation that had been extend- ed him, He hoped that there would be results in attracting new indus- try, and urged co-operation by the council in advising the C of IC in- dustrial committee of any leads which came to council's attention. The report of the nominating committee, which was adopted by the meeting, was presented by Past President W. R. Smith. Officers elected are: Past presi- dent, James A. Stewart; president, K. Brace MacMillan; first vice- president, Len F. Ford; second vice-president, R. S. Box; secre- tary', Leo Hagan; treasurer, D'Orlean Sills; merchants' com- mittee, J. A. Westcott; industrial committee, L. F. Ford; agriculture committee, Cliff Broadfoot; civic improvement, W. M. Hart; public- ity, Leo Hagan; representative to Mid -Western Development Associa- tion, Ross Savauge. Motorists Slow To Buy Permits, Issuer Reports/ Sale of permits and plates is down from this time last year, according to J. A. Westcott, De- partment of Transport agent for Seaforth, this week. Up to Tues- day, 490 drivers had obtained their licences and 275 registration plates were sold. At this time last year, 644 driv- ers' licences and 359 registration plates had been issued by the Sea - forth office. Motorists should renew their drivers' licences and plates for 1961 immediately, said Mr, West- cott. With only 29 days left until the deadline of March 15, motor- ists should renew their permits and licences at this time to avoid standing in lineups in the Last few days before the expiry date. This date will not be extended this year, Highway officials said. Motor vehicle owners applying for plates must complete the state- ment of insurance coverage, on the reverse side of 1960 permits, and surrender a liability insurance certificate to avoid paying the $5.00 Unsatisfied Judgment Fund fee, Mr. Westcott said. They are also reminded that a policy for fire, theft and collision is not liability insurance. 3itti?it: CIRCULATION AT SEAFORTH PUBLIC LIBRARY continues to increase, reports presented at the annual meeting Monday revealed. Here, Acting -Librarian Mrs. H. Pretty discusses one of the new books with members of the board; (left to right), Mrs, J. McConnell, Miss M. E. Turnbull, re-elect- ed chairman, and Miss Rena Fennell, (Expositor photo by Phillips). $2.0 a Yegr *Advance Singe Collies, .A COOL. Seek Donations To Aid Fire Victims An appeal for donations to assist three Seaforth families, who lost all their possessions in a fire here Friday, has been launched by a citizens' committee. The fund was opened Monday and donations may be left at any of the Seaforth banks. Homeless from a fire that de- stroyed a three -apartment building on Jarvis Street early Friday af- ternoon, are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Muir and their two children; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holmes and two sons. The special committee is headed by Rev. J. C. Britton and includes representatives of council, the ministerial association, St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Canadian Legion, Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, Oddfellws and Re- bekahs CP and T fund, and Red Cross Society, In announcing the appeal, Mr, Britton said while donation's would be received during the next two weeks, it was hoped there would be an immediate response. Em- ergency requirements of the fam- ilies are being met by the Seaforth branch of the Red Cross. Firemen battled the blaze that gutted the large frame building for nearly four hours in near -zero weather, and during most of the time in a blinding snowstorm. Tons of water from three lines of hose were played on the struc- ture and prevented flames from spreading to the nearby residence of Jack Case, to the south. Ice, which formdd on ladders and equip- ment, added to the difficulties fac- ing firemen. The fire is believed to have started when a hose on an actelyne torch broke as frozen pipes were being thawed out. Flames spread quickly through the thick wooden framework of ,the 80 - year -old building, The alarm was turned in, shortly after 12 o'clock and within minttes the entire building was filled with Leavy smoke, making it impossible to salvage other than a few house- hold effects. There was no one at home hi the .. Dale and Muir apartmenta when the fire broke out. Mr. Muir and Mr. and Mrs. Dale were at work in Mitchell, and Mrs. Muir was uptown. The Muir children were with their grandmother. Loss is set at $12,000. The building is owned by Mr. Muir, and on Wednesday he told The Expositor he had not had an opportunity to consider whether or nat he would rebuild. The loss on the building, as well as the losses on . contents, were partly covered by insurance. Mr. and Mrs. Muir and family have obtained temporary accent modation in, the Dick Hotel, while Mr. and Mrs. Dale are with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dale, The Holmes' family is in the for- mer Lowery residence on Side St. THREE SEAFORTH FAMILIES were left homeless Friday when fire destroyed this large apartment building on Jarvis Street. Whipped by high winds, the fire, which. started while thawing out frozen pipes, broke through the roof an hour later. Loss is set at $12,000. A citizens' committee is seeking donations with which to aid the familes. Blame Excessive Speed For Hig h wa y Fatality Excessive speed and a reckless manner of driving were the cause of an accident one-quarter of a mile west of Seaforth, which claim= cd the life of an RCAF airwoman on October 11, a coroner's jury found Friday at ah inquest in Sea - forth Town Hall. The inquest was into the death of Donna Edith Har- rison, RCAF Station Clinton, who died as a result of the crash. The four other occupants were injured. The jury deliberated for one hour and 12 minutes before reaching their decision, Coroner Dr. E.- A. McMaster was in charge of the in- quest, assisted by Crown. Attorney J. W. Bushfield, Wingham, and 'in- vestigating officer, Constable Al Bowering, of the Seaforth detach- ment of the Ontario Provincial Po- lice, The jury included: Amos Cor- by, foreman, Allan Campbell, Scott Habkirk, Victor Lee and James M. Scott. Clerk of the court was Mabel L. Gray, Goderich, The findings of the jury were: "We, the jury, find that Miss Don- na Harrison, of RCAF Station Clin- ton, died at approximately 4:30 a.m., October 11, 1960. in West- minster Hospital, London, as the result of an accident with an auto- mobile owned and driven by Clar- ence McGraw, Clinton, Ont„ on No. 8 Highway, approximately •2 miles west of Seaforth town lim- its, at approximately 3:45 p.m., October 10, 1960, civilian clothes. The one identified to him as Miss Harrison, lay far- thest from the car; while the other, identified to him as Miss Marion Agnes Rittman, lay closer to the car. Dr. Malkus stated he examined the injured and found Miss Harri- son suffering from a possible brain tumor and possible fracture of the right femur. She was in a semi- conscious condition at the scene, and later, at Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Lapsed into a coma. She spoke incoherently, but complain- ed of a headache, the doctor said. There was very little external in- jury, and no great mark of ex- ternal,bleedigg, She was transferred to West- minster Hospital, London, ` four hours after the accident. Asked if he was present during her en- tire stay at Seaforth Hospital, Dr. Malkus said that he hadn't been, but that a doctor from the RCAF Station was present. Middlesex coroner Dr. Arthur William Smith, Dorchester, said he a•as called in just before noon on October 11, when the body of the deceased victim was identified to him by Dr. Collyer of the West- minster staff. Dr, Orth, a brain ,pecialist, reported to him that the accident victim had come in in an unconscious condition, pupils dilated, rapid polse and no reflex- es. They realized that she was suf- "The said automobile was driv- fering some brain hemmorhage, en at an excessive rate of speed so operated and removed a clot of and in a reckless manner. And we blood. She seemed to be improved, find that no blame can be placed was his report, but later she be - on the weather or road condition came worse, and died. at the time of the accident." Ten witnesses were heard dur- ing the 41/2 -hour session, including three occupants of the car involv- ed and' three eye witnesses. Dr, Ed. Malkus, Seaforth Clinic, who attended the injured at the scene, said when he arrived the two women were on the south bank of the ditch and the car was at the bottom of the ditch. The two were in serious condition, he stat- ed. Two men were still in the car' and the third was at the left rear door, on the ground. The women were dressed in The coroner reported he found indications of a retinal haemorhage and listed her cause of death as a subdural haematoma. She had al- so suffered a right femur fracture and a wrist fracture, The only vis- ible injuries, he said, was the eye haemmorhage, the result of the operation and the distortion at the injured joints. He said that the staff had asked permission from Miss Harrison's parents to hold a post mortem, but that this permission was not granted. A main witness to the accident was Constable Andrew Calder, of the Seaforth town police force. Constable Calder was driving west toward Clinton when the eastbound vehicle hit the ditch. Fhur cars were prcceeding towards Seaforth, Mr. Calder said, at the time of the mishap. His vehicle was' the only one headed west. All tap were in their own lanes until the yellow convertible, later identified as the McGraw car, attempted to pass two other cary.the constable said. When questioned about the speed he was travelling, Mr. Calder said between 40 to 45 miles per hour. The first vehicle, driven by a St. Marys man, he felt was travelling about the same—not over 50—as were the second, later identified as that driven by JsIiss Jean Mb - ton, Clinton, and 'the third. The yellow convertible pulled out to pass the two vehicles immedi- ately in front. He apparently saw my car, remarked Constable Cal- der, and pulled in quickly in front. of the second car. 1 pulled to the mirth shoulder to try to leave room for him to pass, but he continued in front of the other car, and angled into the south ditch. The car. with its top down, con- tained five persons, said the con- stable, but he -could not discern before the accident whether men or woman. He said following the accident 'he called Constable Bow- ering, doctors and ambulance, and. returned to the scene, where he remained and later assisted the (Continued on Page 10) Varna Minister To Retire July 1 Rev, T. J. Pitt, minister of Varna and Goshen United Church- es, has announced he will resign after 15 years in the ministry. Mr. Pitt's resignation is effective July 1st. Mr. Pitt was at St. John's, New foundland, until he moved to Varna 10 years ago. He plans to return to St. John's' to live after his .re.... tirement takes effetit.