HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-02-02, Page 6('• Q ASZTOR, SE4FORTH, ONT., FEBRUARY 2, 1961 1 Z-4 • or.'; on 4 • USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Conilng Events 8. Loat, Strayed 8. Found 4. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers W anted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sala 6. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cara For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 18. Wanted 14. Property For Salo 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17 Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales a1. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 28. Cards of Thanks 24. In Memoriam 25. Personals The coat is low. Classifications 2, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 10, 17 -minimum 26 centsan insertion, All other classi- fications, minimum 50 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Want- ed (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on application, Billing Charge, 15 cents U not paid by 10 days following last insert- ion. • COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business. Firms, Tradesmen, etc.) Minimum, 50 cents per insertion. Bill. ing charge, 15 cents per advertiaement. I. Coming Events 40th ANNIVERSARY PARTY, Mr, and Mrs.. Dave McLean, New Legion Hall, Feb- 8. F;nchre and Dancing 9 to 1. Friends, neighbours and relatives wet= eunie. Ladies please bring sandwiches, 1.50-2 THE ANNUAL Meeting of The Child- ren's Aid Society of Huron County will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, on Wed- nesday, February 8. 1961. at 2.30 p.m. Public cordially invited, 1 -51 -1 • 2: Lost, Strayed LOST -Ladies grey wool cardigan, in front of Public Library,. Friday. Jan- uary 87. M1tS. GEORGE MCGAVIN, phone 566 R 21, Seaforth. 2-51-1 LOST -,BOY'S horn -rimmed and gold glasses between Bali Macaulay's corner and the high school. Phone RICK FOR- TUNE. 32904. 2-51x1 LOST -In Tuckersmith, English collie, black, white and some tan. Partially blind. Missing since January 24. FRED CHAPPEL, R.R. 3, Kippen, phone 651 R 23, Seaforth. .2-51-1 4. Help Wanted WANTDD-Housefi'eeper for 3 small children to' like in, weekends off. PHONE 134W, Seaforth. 4.51.1 WANTED -A good reliable man for poultry farm, temporarily, whole or part time. ANDREW MOORE, R.R. 3, Sea - forth, phone 600 R 31. Seaforth,FI 4-61-1 AVON CALLING Avon Cosmetics Ms immediate openings for mature women to service excellent rural Area territories. Pleasant, dignified work, No Experience needed. Openings is Huron and Perth Counties, WRITE Miss Mosher, MANAGER P. 0. Box No. 86, Owen Sound, STATING TELEPHONE NUMBER 4-61-4 5. Business Opportunities FOR LEASE Supertest Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Modern Two -Bay Station with Lanch- MAIN CORNER in SEAFORTH APPLY TO: TED ELLIOTT BOX 288 -PHONE 679W. Wingham, Ont. 650-4 FOR LEASE Large Three -Bay Garage showroom, Stockroom. Offices Etc. IN TEE TOWN OF OFs AF'ORTR F.xaeilant Location for4repair work and car agency. TED ELLIOTT BOX 288 --PHONE 679W Wingham, Ont. 6-48-4 8. Farm Stock For Sale TWENTY YORK PIGS for sale, PHONE 684 R x )cr sith. 8-51x1 XX HOLSTEIN T Nett ER', 1 Re: in Feb- DA:I MP- vok Oho* OM J 6, Masotti, 6-614 10. Used Cars For Sale 19)1 POWER GL11.E Cbev, ingood con- dition. PHONE 217W utter 6 p.m. 10-51-1 FUR :ALE 1960 Chev half ton truck with hiw mi,uasr. Huse [nosed to new 'ovation. '1 ru: n not required. C, MAXWELL, Hassall, 10-50x3 11. Articles For Sale QUANTITY of mixed baled hay. HOWARD ALLEN. Brucefield, phone 611 W 12, Seaforth, 11-51-1 600 BALES of clean oat straw for sale; 50 lb. bales, 30e each, MURRAY DENNIS, 843 It 32. Seaforth, 11-51x1 BABY DRIB, springs and mattress. in good condition, 412.00. MRS. J. VER. BAKEL, Egmondville, phone Seaforth 671 J 2, 11-31-1 SURGE MILKER, 2 years old, large punep. pipe line for 23 head; also several springing Holstein cows. CLARENCE RYAN, phone 37 R 2, Dublin. 11-51x1 SPRINGS and mattress, to fit double bed. in good condition. Priced reason- able for quick sale. PHONE 369J, Sea - forth. 11-51-1 POTATOES -75-1b bags of Shelbourne potatoes, at 42.20 per bag. Place your or- der now. BORDEN BROWN, phone 841 R 2, Seaforth. 11-51-tf COMPLETE LINE of famous Ritten- house Door Chimes, sales. installation and service. Call today for free estimate, SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE. Phone 250, Seaforth. 11-51-tf MAGIC MARKERS -Instant dry, wa- terproof, write on any surface; just pull 'T{ cap and Magic •Marker is ready W use. Refills available, Nine colon ink. CBE HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141. cc -atm -ch. SINGER 'Electric sewing machine like new.zig zagsdarns, mends etc. All at- tachments and under guarantee, take up payments of $5 monthly or pay full bal. ante of 543, Reply to BOX 1072, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 11-51x3 TEN HOLSTEIN Heifers, due in two weeks; also 3 automatic pig feeders and a new grain roller without elsetric motor. Apply to ADRIAN TIMMERMAN, R.R. 3, Kippen, phone 657 R 13, Seaforth, 11-5lx1 CHAIN SAW SALES. Sep the new Partener Chain Saws with au,h outstand- ing features us positive high pressure chain lubricator, roller nose, 5 hp motor. Special this month. extra chain and res pair kit free with each saw. We have a supply of .404 chain at special low prices, Castrol oil. Champion spark plugs, files and gauges in stock. SHARP'S MAIN- TENANCE SERVICE, phone 851-5, Sea - forth, 11-49-3 PRIVATE Sale, Friday and Saturday February 3rd and 4th, from 2-5p.rh. at Apt, 9 lower floor of Seaforth Apts., Goderch St. East, MISS HELEN BEAT - TIE. Propietress, 1 heavy duty electric stove; 1 Frigidare refrigerator; 1 metal bed springs and mattress; 1 chiffonier with mirror; 2 rocking chain; 1 occasional chair: a studio couch; a library table; telephone table; 2 floor lamps; axmins. ter rug. 9' x 9'; 2 scatter mats: drapes and curtains; 2 electric irons; and a quantity of dishes. 11-51-1 12. Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY -100 acre grass farm in 4th or 5th concessions of 'lib. bort Township, JOSEPH McCONNELL, phone 366, Seaforth, 12 51x1 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick. down and•disabled farm animals. Prompt courteous collection of all dead and die- abled farm animals and hides. Licenced under the Dead Stock Disposal Act, licence number 42-C-60, Call collect, ED AN- jREWS, 551 R 11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling & Co„ of Canada Ltd- 12.51-tf 14. Property For Sale SMALL HOUSE on Side Street. `Three rooms downstairs with hardwood floors; 2 bedrooms upstairs; bathroom and fur- nace. Apply MRS. ALVIN DALE. 14-51-1 FOR SALE -150 acre farm in Hulled Township, all modern buildings, 2 silos, 2 garages, large driving shed. hen house, good supply of water. Land all workable, JOSEPH McCONNELL, Seaforth, phone 266. 14-61x1 REAL ESTATE Wilfred McIntee - Broker LISTINGS WANTED On Forme, Homes, Busineases and Sum- mer Properties. 110 acre grass farm in Tuckersmith Township, 125 acres near Belgrate, good buildings. General store with attached living quar- ters, doing a large volume of business. Restaurant, with 2 gas pumps, a real money maker. 200 acres in McKillpp, well fenced. all drained, no ditch tax, includes a good 4 room brick house, furpace. bath, built in cupboards. Barn 60 x 70. Litter car. Her, silo, cement yard, new rooves on all buildings 5 years ago. Apply to Amos Corby Phone 598-M Seaforth, Ontario LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE for WILFRED McINTEE - ReaItor WALKERTON, Ontario ' 6 Offices and 26 Salesmen to serve you. 14-51-tf 15. Property For Rent GAS HEA I EI) apartment, furnished. Apply DR. E. A. McMAS (tat or Joseph McConnell. 15-01-tf APARTMENT for rent, 4 rooms and bath; on Goderich St., E. Apply to Mrs. JOHN TRA V AGLIONE or phone 145 M, Seaforth. 16-49-tt FRONT APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and bath. Apply UNITED DAIRY and POULTRY CO-OPERATIVE, Sea- forth ertortb Branch, Phone 13. 16-61-tf 'APARTMENT for rent,; unfurnished, in Seaforth ; bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath: heated: refrigerator available if required; residential section. LLOYD ROWAT, phone 419-W, Sesfortb, 16-l51-tf Box Holders' Names Not Given Out It is not possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser using a Huron Expositor box num- ber. Please do not ask Us for this information. 19. Notices CA'ITLL•' SPRAYING for water uacd. aatistaction Thune J, M. BAEKER, 93, 23. Cards of Thanks - lice. Warm WE W'lSH to express our sincere thanks guaranteed, and apprtviation to our frienda, neigh - Brussels, i,:uis and r. lutists for acts of kindness, 19-40-6 floral tributes and :sympathy cards we re, cetaed in oar recent bet eat enient. A ape. REV ITALUIED cleaning at Buchanan C'leauer9. Mount Fureat. More sputa an,. stains remosed, Garments stay clean long- er. wear longer. Agent: NILLER'p LAUNDRY SERVICE, Phone 247 for Pick-up, 19-51-tf FILTER QUEEN SALES and eervice. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners and poliahera. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1. Zurich, Phone Henault 696X2. 19-51-tf ELECTROLUX Sales and Service. Cleaners and polishers, also reconditioned cleaners and parts. BERT HARRIS. 109 Newgate St., Goderich, phone JA -4-7917, 19-51-tf KITCHENER. UPHOLSTERY, expert re-upholsterittg, refinishing and repairing. Work guaranteed, reasonable prices, on,: week eervice, Call GINGERICH'S SALF-q & SERVICE, phone 585. Seaforth, 19-51-08 BARNS CLEANED WHITEWASHED and DISINFECTED for Brucellosis ROLAND NEIL Phone 104 - Ailsa Craig 19-36x52 SIgAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19-51-tf NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Town ship of Tuckersmith are requested by the Council to not park cars on township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplowing operations. Council will not be responsible for dam- ages to any vehicles parked on roads cr streets. CORA CHESNEY Clerk, Tuckersmith 19-51-tf AC.`lESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid in surrounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled hors- es and cattle. For the fastest and prop- er removal of all animals, day or night. seven day service. Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD, ZENITH 3-4900 (No toll charge) Plant Licence No, 10 R. P.-60 Collecting Licence No. 22 C. 60 19-51-tf ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that the An- nual meeting of the members of the Me- Killop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth Ont., on Friday, February 10, 1961,at 2 o'clock p.m., for general business, adop- tion of reports and the election of three directors. All members are invited to be present. The retiring directors are W. S. Alex- ander, J. L. Malone and C. W. Leon - ha rdt, W. E. SOUTHGATE Secretary vial ihai,k, to Re., H. Johnson, the pall- bearer, and Month eon Funeral Hume, 23-.,1•I The Mv1ELI.AN FAMILY, 11 E %1811 to .x1re,s our sine. re thanks and appreciation to our friends, neigh- bours and relatives for acts of kindness, M.O. cards, floral tributes and aymathy cards we rocefv.d in our recent sad ber- .a.carent of a dear husband and father. Special thanks to Rev, Father Sullivan and the Box Funeral Home, 23.51x1 MRS. PHYLLIS BURNS and FAMILY, WE WISH to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our friends, neigh- bours and relatives for acts of kindness, floral tributes and sympathy cards we received in our recent aad breavement of a dear mother and grandmother. Special thanks to nurses and staff at Scott Mem- orial Hospital Dr Malleus, nurses and doctors at Victoria Hospital. London, Rev, Britton, the pallbearers and the Box Fun- eral Chapel, Everything was deeply app- reciated. "3-51x1 THE EDLER FAMILY, 24. In Memoriam COOPER --In loving memory of , our parents, Grace Cooper who passed away March 6. 1924 and Robert J. Cooper, February 7, 1960. Many a lonley heartache, Often a silent tear, But always a beautiful memory, Of ones we los d so dear, These days we du remember, A los ing thought we give, To ones no longer with us. But In our hearts still live, - Sadly missed and always remembered by the Family'., - 24-51.1 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES 'Rubber Goode), mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples, 25c; 2.1 sam- ples 91.00. Mail - Order Dept, T- 78. NOVA - RUBBER CO. Box, 91, llamilton, 25-51-tf 26. Births BELL --,Jim and Elizabeth, (nee Falcon- er), Exeter are happy to l0.nnounce the birth of their son at South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter Thursday, January 26, 1961. a grandson for Mrs. Roy Bell, Hernial!. DRENNAN--At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on January 26 to Dr. and Mrs, W. Drennan, Seaforth, a daughter. DUPEE--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 26, to Mr- and Mrs, Don Du - pee, Seaforth, a daughter, GOFF-- Glenn and .lean Goff (nee McAl- lister) wish to announce the birth of their daughter, at Sarnia General Hos- pital, on Thursday. January 26, 1961, HENDERSON-At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on January 30, to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Henderson, R.R, 5, Seaforth, a daughter. KROONEN-At Scott Memorial Hospital. on January 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Gill Kroonen, Dublin, a son McIVER-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on February 1, to Mr, and Mrs. Louis McIver, Staffa, R.R. 1, a daughter, ROHDE At Scott Memorial ' Hospital, on January 30 to Mr, and Mrs. Char- les Rohde, Mitchell, a son. VALOOL-RT-At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on January 26, to Mr. and Mrs. John T. Valcourt, Grandbend a son, 'VERBERNE--At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on January 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Verberne, Seaforth, a son. • 28. Deaths HUN''' -In Seaforth, on January 30, Marion Elizabeth Hunt, in her 24th 19-51-2 year. VALCOURT--In Seaforth, on January Infant son of Mr. and Mrs, John Valcourt, Grand Bend. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Farmer owned and controlled Service at cost Choice of bull and breed Our artificial breeding service will help you to a more efficient livestock opera- tion. For service or more information call: Clinton HU 42-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 COLLECT, SEAFORTH 96 "Better Cattle for Better Living" 19-51-tf 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of High Grade Holstein Heifers at lot 5. con., 3,, Stanley Township, 11/a miles north and 11.4 miles west of Kip- pers, on Tuesday, February 14, at 1 p.m. 40 First calf Holstein Heifers due to freshen from time of sale to middle of March. All vaccinated and blood tested. ,Sale will be held under cover. TERMS -Cash ALEX McREATH. Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 20-51-2 23. Cards of Thanks WE WOULD like to thank the Seaforth Fire Brigade and those who offered help on Sunday, 23-51x1 EMERSON and AUDREY COLEMAN, WE WISH to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our friends, neigh- bours and relatives for arta of kindness. floral tributes and cards of sympathy we received during our recent aad bereave- ment. Special tbanka to the bearers, Rev. Funge and Ball and Mntrh Funeral Home, MR. and MRS. DAVID LIVIYNGSTON and FAMILY. 23-5101 ON BEHALF of my wife and myself I would like to thank our many friends from the Township of Tuckersmith and the County of Huron for the Warden's party at Seaforth Community Centre on Friday night last in our honour. Mao for the beautiful gifts. Everything was much appreciated. 23-61x1 IVAN and EVA .FORSYTH. MRS. AGNES J. BALR.D ril4id Family desire to expreaa their appreciation and thanka to all their frie nda, neighbours and relatives who sent congratulationa by cards, flowers, telegrama or otherwise on the occasion of her 101st birthday anniversary. Also special thanka to Mr. and Mts. Jones end their nursing staff at the Qneensway Nursing Keine in Hen - sail, 28-6Iz1 Recommend .Ivy For House Use THE THREE AIRCRAFT of Trans -Canada Air Lines' penned turbine fleet on the ramp at Montreal In.ternational Airport following the arrival of the first of 23 ordered Vickers guards recently. In the foreground is the inimitable Viscount, one of the 49 of these turbo- prop aircraft in use on TCA's short-range routes; in the center is the turbo -prop Van-. guard, designed for service on medium -range routes, beginning in February; and in the back- ground the Douglas DC -8 jet, one of five in service on long-range routes. Eleven have been ordered. TCA expects to retire all of its piston -powered aircraft by mid -1961, to become the world's first major intercontinental airline operating an all -turbine fleet. BRUCEFIELD Firemen were called on Thurs- day morning last week to a chim- ney fire at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Paul Comeir. Fortunately it was soon under control. Brucefield and community were shocked to hear of the sudden and tragic death of Mr. Lloyd Craig and children, of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Craig made many friends in Brucefield during their stay here. A number from here attended the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. L. Eyre and Mrs. Douglas attended the funeral of Mrs. Frank Adams, Stratford, on Tuesday. Miss Barbara Crow, Brantford, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Bean, Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hunt, London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Hunt's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Aikenhead, More than two million Canadians serve the Canadian Red Cross So- ciety in a voluntary capacity. HENSALL NEWS Mr. Howard Scane, who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital. Exeter, for the past two weeks with a back injury, has returned home, Mrs. Harvey Keyes is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Mr. Anthony VanDyke and son, Terrence VanDyk, of St. Ettienne Des Gres, Quebeo, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol., The KIPPEN Mr, and Mrs, Norman Dickert and Mr, and Mrs. Ken McLellan and Jill visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Dickert and Mrs. Dickert, Sr., at Harriston. The third meeting of the Thrifty Kippenettes was held at the home of Carol Varley on Saturday, Jan. 28, at 9 a.m. The meeting was opened by repeating the 4-H Pledge and Julie Chappel read the minutes of the last meeting. Gail Finlayson was elected secre- tary of the next meeting. Roll call was answered by the members and roll call and home assignment for the next meeting were given out. The girls did samples of gathering of a collar, of covering a belt and a sample of a zipper. The next meeting will be 'held at the tome of Marilyn Tremeer on Febriary 4, at 1 p.m. Cather- ine McGregor thanked Carol Var- ley, seconded by Marilyn Tremeer. LOW COST POWER Electricity is one of the cheap- est and most efficient sources of power available. The average cost of electricity to urban residential customers in Ontario is only 1.13 cents a kilowatt-hour, a rate which is among the lowest in the world. 26, 1 Volunteer hospital visitors of the T.I Canadian Red Cross ensure that our veterans are not forgotten men and women when they make regu- lar visits to patients in 121 hospi- tals and institutions. • English ivies have long been re- cognized as one of the finer house plant types. Their climbing habits make them excellent on trellises, in hanging baskets, in bracket pots i and in window boxes. They have I even gained favor when grown in water: a very versatile plant, in- deed. Some varieties of English ivy have small leaves, while others have large Ieaves. Both types are especially hardy. They are resist-. ant to all degrees of humidity; they withstand high temperatures aS well as fluctuating tempera- tures; and they survive tyle Scourge of so many house plants the winter draft. Here's what horticulturists with the Ontario Department of Agri- culture say about propagation. First, take stem cuttings and root them sand or water. Special precautions if using water include using long (7-8 inches) cuttings and removing the bottom leaves so that they will not rot, Avoid strong light until the cuttings have root- ed. Once the roots have become established, pot the plants in a soil .mixture high in organic mat- ter. Water quite frequently. They do best in good light, but direct .sunlight is not necessary. It's a good idea to keep the leaves free of dust; an occasional syringing should do the trick. Itte Week& "1 don't care if you have been on a liquid diet. -'-it was very naughty of .you to eat your mustard plaster!" former is an uncle of Mrs. Roobol Mr. and Mrs, Joe Carter, Clin- ton, visited Sunday with Mrs. Cath- erine .Redden and Herb. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan' and David, Toronto, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family, • The annual' meeting of Chisel- hurst United Church was held on Tuesday, preceded by a pot -luck supper. Rev. Currie Winlaw, min- ister, was chairman. Elected to the board of stewards were: John Glenn, Ben Stoneman and Tom Brintnell. The congregation considered sub- mitted reports. The capital fund was further discussed. District Obituaries PAUL SEDLEY HENSALL-Paul Sedley, 45, of 725 Princess Ave„ London, died suddenly on Saturday at his home. Born in Portage La Prairie, he came to London 30 years ago. For 12 years he was an assembler at Pumps and Softeners Ltd. He was a member of the United Steel- workers Union, and was shop union president at the plant. He was a member of Centennial United Church, London. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Dorothy McQueen, of Hen- sall; two sons, Raymond and Ger- ald, and one daughter, Carol, all at home; his mother, Mrs. Nora Sedley, London; two brothers and eight sisters. Funeral services were held Mon- day from the Needham Memorial Chapel, London, conducted by Rev, Ernest Baskier. Burial was in Woodland cemetery. Mr. Sedley was the son-in-law of Mr. Edgar McQueen, Hensall, and brother-in- law of Mr. and Mrs, Edison For- rest, RR 2, Hensall. s8 sce .<r s 06004�b, 1ia # t4t4tot Aatiaitaastsullli} 1 crall',Qiif;t*sliEsk4i al 100`,-,6110.01,t****** lagit " with all office typewriter features THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 141 Seaforth `y, ars ng. :vii:iai;..a... .. GEORGE MILLER, of Miller Motors, Seaforth, was among those that watched the first shipment of Canadian -made Ramblers swing out of American Motors (Canada) Ltd.'s new Brampton plant as Roy D. Chapin, Jr. (left), president, and Robert Macaulay, pro- vincial minister of energy resources give the signal. The 31 million plant -most modern automotive facility of its type in North America -was officially opened January 26. With an initial capacity of 32 units a day, it employs a work force of approximately 500. Among those who attended the ceremony were Mr, and Mrs. George Miller and. Mrs. James Parke, of Seaforth. Miller Motors, of Seaforth, have recently been appointed Ram- bler dealers for this area and the first new Rambler arrived Ili their showrooms this week. (A) 4 u b V a 0 r 1, d sl 1, ., 0 res n p 0 • • •