HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-01-26, Page 6cattle, (465), 467, $2,113.00; sheep, (153, 137, $442.00; swine, (104), 164, $418.00; poultry (205), 234, $143.25; grain and seeds, (60), 111, $137.00; roots and vegetables, (103), 83, $40.50; fruit, (51), 25, $21.25; flowers, (98), 85, $46,00; dairy pro- ducts, (16), 19, $8.60;, food (257), 211, $102.95.; clothing, (280), 274, $156,25; arts, crafts, (48), 44, $61; boys' and girls' exhibits (Junior Fair), (220), 224, $601.70; High and Public Schools, (920), 1,358, $552,00. Total, (3,024), 3,499, $5,565.00. Horse Races, $578.00; Pet Show, $46.50; Field Crop Competition, $255.007 Grand total, $6,445.00. , The meeting named as ,delegates to attend the Ontario Fairs' As- sociation meeting in Toronto on February 23 and 24, R. E. McMil- lan and R. James Wallace; alter- nates R. W Campbell, Gordan Papple and Harold Pryce, with the ladies' division to choose two ;. "' ''. 0o:�'irr "trOSrron, SEAFORTI7I, ONT., JANUARY 26, 1961 Coming Events VAtimrrrtrZ SUPPER In Northsi, United Church, Thursday. February 1 from ¢380 to, 7:30 p,m. Save the da and enjoy a turkey dinner, 1-50• 40th ANNIVERSARY PARTY, Mr. a Dara. Dave McLean. New Legion Ha Feb. 3, Dancing 9 to 1. Friends, neig; bourn and relatives welcome, 150 THE SEAFORTH Branch of the Cana dian Cancer Society will hold It's annus Daffodil Tea on Saturday, April 15, fro 8 to 5 o'clock In the Town Hall, 1-50- 2. Lost, Strayed LAST—.Black and Tan male hound PHONE 114-30 or 147, Heasall. C,EB ALD BELL. 2-60- 4. Help Wanted HEAL ESTATE SALESMAN Exper traced for expanding progressive office. Full co-operation and assistance provided, Generous advertising. Applicant should know Bayfield and Stanley township. For appointment call AMOS CORBY, phone 598M or write box 512 Seaforth for WiI:LFRED M,c.INTEE, Brocker, 4-50x1 CLERK - TYPIST The services of a clerk typist are re- quired at SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SEAFORTH. Duties to commence immediately. Applications, indicating experience and salary required should be addressed to the Secretary, •Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, and marked "appncatfon"- ' 4-49-2 WANTED Assistant Caretaker FULL TIME, for .SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SOHOOL Applications in writing will be received by the Board Secretary W. E. SOUTHGATE up to 6 o'clock January 28, 1961. State age, qualifications and salary expected. The outside of your envelope should be clearly marked APPLICATION. A-40-2 5. Business Opportunities FOR LEASE Supertest Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Modern Two -Bay Station with Lunch- room. MAIN CORNER in SEAFORTH APPLY TO; TED ELLIOTT BOX 288—PHONE 679W. Wingham, Ont. 5-50-4 FOR LEASE Large Three -Bay Garage Showroom, Stockroom, Offices Etc. IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH Excellent location for repair work and car agency. TED .ELLIOTT ROE 238—PHONE 679W Wingham, Ont. 6-48.4 S. Farm Stock For Sale 87 PIGS FOR SALE, Paul Vogel, RR 2, Dublin, phone 86 R 11, Dublin. 8-50-1 NINE MOS, 7 weeks old. York La combo, G. ELLIOTT, Brucefield, phone 641 .1 1, Seaforth. 8-50-1 TWO HOLSTEIN cows, 1 apringlnff' and one due to freshen. LLOYD HANEY, phone, 062 R 11, Seaforth. 8-60-1 85 CHOICE York pigs, 7 weeks old. AM YY to URBAN .DUCHARME, RR t. Brussels, phone 843 W 7, 8-430x1 9. Poultry For Sale WAN E0-,Flockownera to start day old chicks in the next four months, to supply va with hatching eggs. Extremely targe Premium paid. Eggs from none breccia taken every week in the year. Also wanted: Flocks to supply ea with egga now. Apply TWEDDLE CHICK HATCH- ERIES LIMITED, Fergus, Ontario. 9-44-40-48-50-4 10. Used Cars For Sale FOR SALE 1960 Chev half ton track with low mileage. Have moved to new location. Truck not required. C.MAXW1LL. Hensel]. 10.60 11. Articles For Sale HONEY FOR SALE --Clover and amber, $ Bo. pelta 12.00, 4 ib. pails 11.00 comb honor, I Ib. cattona 50c. WALLACE ROSS APIARIES. 1148-3 IIOT WATER BOILER, automatie coal fedihuger' 'drom bin, aim A.F.W. 860, All Controls) and thermostats, with Vr06a*ro flow. circulating 70007, 2 motors in Al condition. Economical heat, Ptie'ett to soli. Suitable for largo ltonae, *hit • Sit NSs'kalwp. Seale in operation, HOLLAND, Dublin, 11-601 11. Articles For Sale - le QUAN'rl'PY OF BALED hay. Apply 6, Lb. LI.E PRYCE, RR 1, Dublin, phone ;e Seaforth 850 R 14. 1150-1 1 FOR SALE-- 20 used desks at 60c each. d Apply to the CARETAKER at ST, 1" JAMES' SEPARATE SCHOOL, E 1150-1 QUANTITY of baled clover hay; also 1 sode baled timothy bay. JOHN E. HEN - a DERSON, phone 858 R 4, Seaforth, 11-60-1 1 EIGHT FOOT glass counter, with sliding doors and glass shelves. CLAY- TON DENNIS, phone 778 W, Seaforth. 1150x1 QUANTITY of good .quality square • balled hay. Apply to ERVIN SILLERY, ' . Brucefield, phone Clinton, HU -2-7590. 11-50x1 FOR SALE --medium size oil stove ; with ,pipes and washing machine ingood i condition. B. WESTERVELDT, R.R. 1, Seaforth, phone 862 R 24, Seaforth. 11-50-1 r POTATOES -75-M bags of Shelbourne z potatoes, at 52.20 per bag. Place your or- der now, BORDEN BROWN, phone 841 R 2. Seaforth. 11-47-tf - COMPLETE LINE of famous Ritten- house Door Chimes, sales, installation and service. Call today for free estimate, r SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE. Phone 160, Seaforth. "' 11 47 -ti si MAGIC MARKERS—Instant dry, wa- C terproof, write on any surface; just pull r' off cap and Magic Markbr Is ready to n use. Refills available. Nine colors ink. ° rHE HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141, Seaforth. a; st CHAIN SAW SALES. See the new Partener Chain Saws with such outstand- ing features as positive high pressure chain lubricator, roller nose, 5 hp motor. Special this month, extra chain and re- pair kit free with each saw. We have a supply of 404 chain at special low prices, Castrol oil, Champion spark plugs, file•/ and gauges in stock. SHARP'S MAIN TENANCE SERVICE, phone 851-5, Sea - forth. 11-49-3 12. Wanted To Buy HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick. down and disabled farm animals. Prompt courteous collection of all dead and die- abled farm animals and hides. Licenced under the Dead Stoc kDisposal Act, licence number 92-C-60. Call collect, ED AN- DREWS, 851 R 11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling & Co„ of Canada Ltd. 12-47-tf 13. Wanted HOUSEKEEPER, for three small chil- dren, PHONE 134-W. 13-50-1 14. Property For Sale. PROPERTY FOR SALE—Two story brick house, S -bedrooms, oil heating, Good location, St. James St, Two story frame house, 2 -bedroom apartment upeteira, 4 -bedroom lower. Newly decorated, gas and electric heat, Walsh St. DENNIS ELECTRIC, phone 778 W, Seaforth. 14-47-4 REAL ESTATE Wilfred Mclntee — Broker LISTINGS WANTED On Farms, Homes, Businesses and Sum- mer Properties. COMMUNITY STORE including com- fortable residence. Located in good farm- ing area. Terrific potential to service neighbourhood. HARDWARE STORE and plumbing shop combined, in good village. 9 ROOM IT _, STOREY brick house in Seaforth, LARGE STORE in Londesboro includes 1 apt.,bank and lodge rooms, all rented. Apply to Amos Corby Phone 598-M Seaforth, Ontario LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE for WILFRED McINTEE - Realtor WALKERTON, Ontario 6 Offices and 25 Salesmen to serve you. 14-60-tf 15.. Property For Rent GAS HEA[hU apartment, furnished.' Apply DR. E. A. McMASTER or Joeepb McConnell, 15-484f MODERN SELF—contained apartment, heat and bydro supplied. Available at once. J. C. CRICH. phone 54, Seaforth, 15-49x2 APARTMENT for rent, 4 rooma and bath; on Goderich St., E. Apply to Mrs. JOHN TRA V AGLIONE or phone 145 M, Seaforth: 15.49-tf FRONT -APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and bath, Apply UNITED DAIRY and POULTRY CO-OPERATIVE, Sea - forth 'Branch. Phone 18. I5-47-tf APARTMENT for rent; unfurnished, in Seaforth; bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath; heated; refrigerator available if required; residential section. LLOYD ROWAT, phone 479-W, Seaforth. 15-4T-tf' NEW HOUSE for rent, with two bedrooms. living room, kitchen, bath com- plete with hot water, and two stoves. on the corner of No. 8 highway and tantrum road. ROGER HOORNAERT, phone Clinton, HU -2-9209. 16-80x1 19. Notices REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan Cleaners, Mount Forest. More spots and stelae removed. Garments stay clean long- er, wear longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE, Phone 247 for Dick -up, 19-47-tf FILTER QUEEN BALES and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners for sale: 8011 PECK, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Henaall 80682. 19-47-tf ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, Cleaners and pollahers, also reconditioned efeanere and parte. BERT HARRIS 109 Newgate St., Ooderich, phone JA -4-7917. 19-47-tf KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY, expert re -upholstering, reflniahing and repelling. Work guaranteed, reasonable prices, one week service. Call GiNOERICR'S SALES & SERVICE, phone 686, Beatorth. 19-47-tf BARNS CLEANED WHTTEWAf'HED and DISINFECTED for Brucellosis ROLAND NEIL Phone 104 - Ailsa Craig 10.86x62 19.- Notices CATTLE SPRAYING for lire. Warm water used. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone J. M. BAEKER, 95, Brussels, 19-48-6 SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering, 19-47-tf TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT All persons in the Township of Hibbert re requested not to park vehicles on the ownship roads, during the winter mon- hs which hinder snow plow operations. The Council will not be responsible for amages to any vehicles parked on the Dads in the township. ROY BURCHILL,Clerk. 19-48-50-52-54-56 68 6 NOTICE ownship of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Town hip of Tuckersmith are requested by the ouncil to not park cars on township ads and streets during the winter ioaths in order to facilitate snowplowing orations, Council will not be responsible for dam - res to any vehicles parked on roads cr reets. CORA CHESNEY Clerk, Tuckersmith 19-46-tf ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid in surrounding district for dead, 'old, sick or disabled hors- es and cattle. For the fastest and prop- er removal of all animals, day or night, seven day service. Cali Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD. ZENITH 5-4900 (No toll, charge) Plant Licence No. 10 R. P.-60 Collecting Licence No. 22 C. 60 19-47-tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where.Better Bulls Are Used" Farmer owned and controlled Service at cost Choice of bull and breed Our artificial breeding service will help you to a more efficient livestock opera- tion. Forservice or more information call: Clinton HU 2-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 COLLECT, SEAFORTH 96 "Better Cattle for Better Living" 19-47-tf 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND EOR TAXES• TOWN OF SEAFORTH County of Huron To Wit; By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under hie hand and. the seal of the said Corporation bearing date of the 17th day of Sept.. 1960 saie of land In arrears of taxes in the town of Seaforth will be held at the Town Hall, Seaforth at the hour of 3 o'clock In the afternoonon the 10th day of April 1961 unless the taxes and costa are sooner paid, Notice is hereby given that the Bat of lands for sale for nrreara of taxes vitae published in the Ontario Gazette on -the 7th day of January 1861 and that "copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurers' Office this 17th day of Jan- uary 1961. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer. 23. Cards of Thanks I WOULD like to thank all my (Mende, neighbours and relatives for cards and treata while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital: oleo thanka to Dr. M. W. Stapleton and the nurses and staff of the hospital. 23-50x1 MRS. ELDON HULLEY. JONES --d would like to thank my rel- atives, Mende and neighboura for their good wishes and lovely cards, flowers and treats while a pdtient in Clinton Hospital. Also many thanks to the nam- es and attar, Dr. Goddard. Rev. Wlnlaw, Oddfellows and Rebekaha. 2340-1 MRS. NORMAN JONES I WOULD LIKE to thank all my frienda neighbours and relatives who sent cards and treats and also those who visited me while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. 1 would also like to express special thanka to Mrs. J. Crich, Dr, Corwill, Dr. Stapleton, Dr. Oaka and the aurora and staff of the hospital. 23-50x1 BEDFORD TAYLOR i WOULD like toexpress my heartfelt thanks to alt the People who sent me cards, flowers and gifts while 1 was in the hoapital, A special thanks to Dr. Brady and Dr. Malkna, and the nurses at the hoap•tal. Also would like to thank all the kind neighbours who were so good to my family at boors. It was all very much appreciated, 23-50x1 MRS. OLIVE LiTTLE, WE WISH to express our sincere thanka and appreciation to our friends, neighbours and relatives for acts of kindneaa, floral tributes and sympathy cards we received in our recent bereavement of n dear hus- band and father. Special thanka to Dr. Stapleton, mean] nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospltnl, to Rev. Sum- merell and Hox Funeral Home. Every- thing was deeply appreciated. MRS. LAURA B1ATTIE, KEN KATHLEEN end FAMILY 28.60-1 23. Cards of Thanks WE WISH to exprcas our sincere thanks and apprwiation to our friends, neigh- bours and relatives for acts of kindneaa, floral tributes and sympathy cards" we received in our recent sad breavement of u d.ar wife and mother. Special thanka to Miss Drope and nurses and staff at Scott Memorial Hjspitat Dr. Gorwill, Rev, Donaldson, the pallbearers and Box Funeral Chapel, ALBERT MOORE and FAMILY 28-50x1 24. in Memoriam WATSON—In loving memory of our dear mother, Annie Watson, who passed away Jan. 27, 1948. This day we do remember A loving thought we give To one no longer with' us But in our hearts still lives, THE FAMILY. 24-40x1 HOEGY--In loving memory of a dear husband and father Fred Hoegy, who passed away three years ago Jan.25,7958 What would we give to clasp his hand His happy face to see, To hear his voice and see hls smile That meant so much to me. —Always remembered by Wife and fam- ily. 24-50-1 24-50x1 25: Personals' HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Gooda), mailed postpaid- in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples. 25c; 24 sam- plea 81.00. Mail - Order Dept. T. 78. NOVA -RUBBER CO. Bgd„ 91. Hamilton. 25-47-tf 26. Births HANEY---At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 21, to Mr. and. Mra. Warden Haney, a son. KERR—At Hurley Hospital, Flint, Mich., on January 20. to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kerr, 952 6th Ave. West, Flint a son, James Richard (Dick). A brother for Billy and grandson for Mrs. Eva Kerr, Seaforth, 28. Deaths BRUXER--in Seaforth qn January 24, Elizabeth O'Connell, beloved wife of the late John Bruxer. of Dublin Warn Fair Group (Continued from Page 1) market ,and related what they found to what grows in Ontario. The British will pay a premium for quality, the, speaker said. We can't compete with' the lower-pric- ed countries, but - the people will buy if we -supply the quality. The only way to sell, the speaker felt, was to get well-informed salesmen on the job of hard selling. It is a friendly market, he said, and Canada is their favorite son. The British would like to see more of our products over there, but we must get over 'there and get the sales, he. concluded. Mr. MacNaughton was introduc- ed by R. W. Campbell and thank- ed by Gordan Papple, The ladies of Egmondville Church were thank- ed by 'Harold Pryce, Also speaking briefly were D. H. Miles, Rev. J. H. Vardy and the president, Mr. McMillan, who also acted as chair- man for the banquet program and the meeting. During the program the Junior Farmer Quartette, consisting of George Turner, Ken Campbell, Bill Campbell anLarry Wheatley, sang the test number which won for them $40 in a recent provin- cial competition, as well as their theme number, "Grandfather's Clock." Also performing w a s Frank Sills, with two numbers, accompanied on the piano by Jas. M. Scott. In his financial report, R. James Wallace, secretary -treasurer of the society, indicated that total re- ceipts amounted to $17,130.23, This amount was made up of grants and donations, $8,171.40; member- ship fees, $238; entry fees, $68.90; admissions, $1,635.28 ; midway, booths, $964; rental grounds, $500; advertising, $88.50; refunds, pro- ceeds of loans, $4,811.15; Ontario competitions, slide and prize list, $35. The statement of prizes paid at his year's exhibition is as follows: 1959 entries in brackets) and priz- CHURCH GROUPS REPORT MEETINGS NORTHSIDE WA The January meeting of North- side WA was held in the church schoolroom on Wednesday. Mrs. N. Schneider was in charge of the devotional period, the theme of which was "The New Year." Rev. J. C. Britton explained that the new association for the women would be in effect in January, 1962. He then installed the new officers for the year 1961. Mrs. Harold Connell, the new president, welcomed those pres- ent. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and amended and the various reports were given, followed by the group reports. The Valentine supper is to be held on Feb. 16. Twelve new choir gowns are to be purchased. FIRST CHURCH AUXILIARY The Afternoon Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church met in the church hall on Tuesday. Miss Belle Campbell opened the meeting with a hymn, followed by a short talk on "Faith and Prayer," Mrs. J. B. Russell read the minutes of the executive meeting held at the home of Miss Campbell. Twelve ladies answered the roll call by "Something of interest I saw in the Glad Tidings." Mrs. J. McGregor gave the treasurer's re- port. Ladies are to bring Christ- mas cards to the church or leave with Miss Campbell. The highlight of the meeting was the presenta- tion of life memberships by Mrs. D. L. Elder to Mrs. Harry Stewart and Mrs, W. E. Butt. The offering was received and CROMARTY The Marion Ritchie Evening Auxiliary held the first meeting of the new year id the basement of. the church, with Mrs. Robert Laing presiding, Mrs. Eldon Allen read the 'Scripture lesson; this was followed with prayer by Mrs, Gordon Scott. The roll call • was - answered with a suggestion from each member on ways, of improv- ing the meetings.. It was decided to save the indi- vidual contributions to the WMS One Hundredth Anniversary Fund by using mite boxes. A letter from London was read, regarding the Conference to be held May 5, 6 and 7. A report from Mrs. T. L. Scott, of the Presbyterial WI/IS an- nual meeting, held at St. Andrew's Church in Stratford, was read by Mrs. Laing. A reading was given by Miss Olive Speare entitled, "The Overworked Elocutionist." Mrs. Jean Carey had charge of the topic which was entitled:: Pray Out the Old, Pray in the New," including a poem, "A New Year's Psalm," Mrs, John Miller intro- duced the study book which this year is entitled, "Into All the World Together. Joe said, "My wife ran away with my best friend." "Was he handsome?" asked Pete. "Don't know," replied Joe, "I never met him." the meeting taken over by Mrs. Butt, who opened with a hymn. The theme of study was, "Why Go Into All the World Together," Mrs. Butt was assisted by Mrs. C. G. Bell. Mrs. Butt pronounced the benediction. NORTHSIDE WMS The Woman's Missionary Society of Northside United Church held the first meeting of 1961 on Tues- day afternoon in the schoolroom, Miss G. Thompson, vice-president, opened the meeting with a poem, "A Lovely Light." Miss R. Fennell the new presi- dent, was in the chair and extend- ed a hearty welcome to those pres- ent. A hymn was sung, followed by prayer by Mrs. Lindsay. Miss Fennell paid tribute to Miss A. Lawrence and Miss R. Simpson, two very faithful members, who hail passed away during 1960. Following the business meeting, Mrs. J. C. Britton thanked Mrs. C. Walden, retiring president, very graciously, and presented her with a life membership in the Woman's Missionary Society. Circle One, with Mrs. J. M. Scott in the chair, had charge of the pro- gram, the theme of which was, "Our Needy Brethren." Mrs, A. Johnston and Mrs. P. B. Moffat sang a lovely duet, entitled, "In the Garden With Jesus." Mrs. John C. Stevens gave an interest- ing talk on the study book, and showed a short film, depicting life and conditions in refugee camps, The meeting closed by singing a hymn, followed by prayer by Mrs. J. M. Scott. BARBARA KIRKMAN AUXILIARY The January meeting of the Bar- bara Kirkman Auxiliary was pre- ceded by a pot -luck dinner Tues- day evening, Many members and their friends sat down to weIl- appointed tables. The new president, Mrs. Reg Kerslake, presided and opened the meeting with a hymn chosen by Mrs, . H, H,,.,Leslie, followed by prayer. The new secretary, Mrs. John E. Patterson, read the. min- utes. Mrs. Kerslake outlined the program for the year, stressing the savings of pennies, and the talent table. Miss Jennie Hogg, of McKiIlop, is to be the speaker for the World Day of Prayer in First Church on Feb. 17, and each member was invited to come and bring a friend. The collection was received by Mrs'. Peter Malcolm and Mrs. S. Pullman and dedicated. Mrs. Ed. Andrews presided over the devo- tional portion of the meeting, when she led in prayer and read the Scottish version of the 23rd Psalm by Robert Burns. The next hymn was chosen by Mrs. J. A. Munn, after which Mrs. H. E. Smith read the Scripture Iesson from "Streams in the Desert," and Mrs. Robert Charters read the prayer. Miss Norma Jeffery gave the current events which told of Rev. Anderson's work in the missionary field, the selling of Bibles in Cuba, and the work in British Guiana. Mrs. Archie Parker sang a solo, "Oh, It is Wonderful," accompan- ied by Mrs. M. R. Rennie. A film, "No Longer Vanishing," was shown by Harry McLeod, tell- ing of the magnificent work eing done among the Indians in the Canadian West and in Montreal. The Iast hymn was chosen by Mrs. D. H. Wilson, after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison, BRUCEFiELD CONGREGATION REVIEWS ENCOURAGING YEAR The annual congregational meet- ing of Brucefield United Church was held Monday evening, preced- ed by a pot -luck supper. The meet- ing, with Rev. Harold Johnston, as chairman, was opened by singing a hymn, followed by Scripture reading and, prayer. ma Edgar Allan was appoint- ed as secretary. The financial statements connected with the dif- ferent organizations was received. The encouraging treasurer's re- port showed that faithful work had been done, and that a creditable balance is on hand. A special com- mittee was appointed to assist the treasurer to prepare the different reports for the annual report, and are as follows: WA, Mrs. Seldon Ross; Session, Walter Moffatt; Managers, Mel Graham. The three managers, Vic Har- greaves, J. M. Mustard and Mel Graham, were appointed for three years. Appointment of new elders was left in the hands of the ses- sion. Robert P. Watson, who hasbeen clerk of the session for over 36 years, has resigned on account of ill health. A card of good wishes en her 101st birthday will be'sent to Mrs, T. 'Baird, Sr., January 30. Mrs. Mac Wilson was reappointed treasurer. It was decided that a loud speaker be installed in the basement for the benefit of those who are unable to climb the stairs. Seaforth Rinks Win in Mixed Spiel Sixteen Western Ontario rinks took .part in a mixed bonspiel at the Seaforth Curling Club here on Saturday. A Galt rink skipped by Fred Perry took top honors in the 9 a.m. draw with 3 wins plus 11. Second place went to a Seaforth rink skipped by Dr. M. W. Staple- ton with 2 wins plus 12. The con- solation prize went to S. F. Bry- ans', Mitchell foursome, with 1 win plus 3. W. C. Moore's Seaforth rink led the 11 a.m. draw with 3 wins plus 13. Second prize also went to a Seaforth rink, skipped by William Leyburn, with 2 wins plus 8, The consolation prize went to Stan Schreiter's Kitchener rink with 1 win piers 5, dmnuly nln1mmmmmnm plc*" * * Q •**It YOU Company of 80. Lois Smith, David Adams, Angela Leigh, Earl Kraui, Artistic Director Celia Franca. Owing to unfavorable weather, attendance at the meeting was not as large as usual. Rev. H. John- ston closed the meeting with prayer. Mr. and Mrs. •Bert McKay, of London, called on relatives in the village over the weekend. Miss Dorothy Allan, of Toronto, is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. E. Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. Mae Wilson and Mrs, Stackhouse visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell, Au- burn, on Sunday. Seaforth - (Continued from Page 1) Presbyterial representative, Sam Scott; alternate, Dr. Paul Brady; recording steward, CIarence Wal- den; audio-visual educational lib- rary secretary, Mrs. William N. Ball; pre s secretary, Miss Gladys Thompson, It was their wish that the work of the church would reach even greater heights in 1961 under the capable leadership of Rev. J. C. Britton and Mrs. Britton, board officials stated at the meeting. EUCHRE & DANCE SEAFORTH Community Centre Auspices Seaforth Women's Institute • FRIDAY, FEB. 3rd Music by Norris Orchestra Euchre at 8:30 Admission 75c — Lunch Provided EVERYONE WELCOME! SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE SEAFORTH -- PHONE 182 • Window Washing • Wall Washing • Small Repairs • Floor Maintenance • Changing Storms and 'Screens • General Janitor Work • Housecleaning • Brick and Plastering Repairing SUPERIOR Our SERVICE Our Atter RAY SQUIRE 110X 335 SEAFORTH WILL WANT TO ATTEND THE NATIONAL BALLET OF i CANADA GRAIN 1D OWNED AND OP4OAr4D 58 LONDON ITTLE THEATRE MARCH 6 -- MARCH 18 MAIL .ORDERS -ACCEPTED NOW 1 For Information, Writs to Grand Theatre, Richmond St., London WIY11IIIIII 1uu111111u11111011111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111113111111111111ut espaid: Horses (44), 63, $722.00; delegates. N The Weeke 111 fly 1)1 "Where were you during fishing season?" JANUARY USED CAR Huron County's Finest Used Car Market 1960 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN — Auto 1955 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN— $�� uratic transmission; $2J95 Automatic transmission 5 fully equipped 1960 CHEVROLET SEDAN $2195 1955 BUICK 2 -DOOR HARDTOP $895 2-1959 CHEVROLET SEDANS—Automatic trans- missions; $1 895 95 fully equipped 1959 CHEVROLET COACH—V-8 $1795 motor, automatic transmission 1958 SE ENROLET DELUXE '1550 +e C 50 1957 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN; $1 /� 95 automatic transmission "�' 1957 PONTIAC SEDAN— $1395 22,000 miles i7 1956 CHEVROLET 4 -DOOR HARD- $1295 TOP—Automatic transmission . 1956 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN $i 095 1958 CHEVROLET 1/2 -TON PICK- $1295 UP with Fleetside body 1956 FORD SEDAN—Automatic $895 1950 DODGE 2 -TON STAKE. transmission with racks 1956 FORD COACH $795 1954 CHEVROLET 1 -TON PICKUP 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1955 METEOR SEDAN—Automatic transmission 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1954 BUICK SEDAN ... MANY OLDER MODELS TRUCKS $795 $795 $550 $695 $395 $495 1955 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN $595 1953 CHEVROLET V2 -TON PICKUP .. $235 All Above Vehicles Are Fully Reconditioned, Ready For the Road PRICES GOOD UNTIL .JANUARY 31st ONLY — BUY NOW ! ! A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars—Many other Models to choose from BRUSSELS MOTORS - BRUSSELS — ONTARIO PHONE 173 -- "The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING • e u • is • • • V • c • • • • •