HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-01-19, Page 4TA -t44-14 atr4ON F, PO TQZt, SEAFORTH, ONT., JANUARY 19, 1961 T. Coming Events RABBIT DRIVE. Saturday, Jan. 21, at 1 P.m.. starting from Grieves' Bridge. 1-49x1 ANNUAL G1NG13AM Dance, Legion Hail, Seaforth, Friday, February 10. Musle by Ian Wilbee. Dancing ten to one, Auspices WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUX1L- IARY. 1-49-1 2. Lost, Strayed LOST -Brown leather key cane con- taining 8 or 9 keys, near arena, Saturday night. Reward. Phone 16, MRS. GORDON MUEGGE, Seatforth. 2-494 WOULD the person who took the grey felt hat by mistake at the W.I. euchre and dance last Friday night, please con- tact ELDON KERR, phone 895226 6 LOST -A black kitten with white mark- ings. about 6 months old ; a little girl's pet. Strayed away from an Egmondville residence two weeks ago. Please PHONE 2414, Seaforth. 2-49x1 4. Help Wanted CLERK - TYPIST The services of a Clerk typist are re- quired at SCOTT .MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SEAFORTH. Duties to continence immediately. Applications, indicating experience and salary required should be addressed to the Secretary, Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, and marked "application". 4-49-2 WANTED Assistant Caretaker FULL TIME, •.for SEAPORT'S DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Applications in writing will be received by the Board Secretary W. E. SOUTI8GATE np to 6 reelock January 28. 1961. State age, qualifications and salary expected. The outside of your envelope should be clearly marked APPLICATION. 4-4972 5. Business Opportunities FOR LEASE ' Large Three -Bay Garage Showroom, Stockroom, Offices Etc. LN TILE TOWN OF SEAFORTH Elecellanb location for repair work and car agency. TED ELLIOTT BOX 238 -PHONE 679W Wingham, Ont. 5-48-4 8. Farm Stock For Sale TEN CIUJIJKS Pigs for sale. JOHN L. MALONE, phone 64 R 4, Dublin. 8-49x1 FOR $ALE -German Shepherd pap - JOE NOLAN, St. Columban, phone 84 R 16, Darblln , 8-49-1 FOR SALE Two Aberdeen Angus bulls fifteen months old. Guaranteed and priced to sell. Apply to Anguavue Farm, H. A. CAMPBIOL.L apd SON, R, 6. 1, Listowel, Ont. 8-49-1 TV,TFdiTYSfiNE pigs for sale. six weeks old. Apply to LLOYD MrKENZIE, R.R, 3, Klppen, phone 658 R 18, Sea - forth, 849x1 FOUR HOLSTEIN heifers, due anytime able some calves, Hereford and Holstein crass. LARNE TYNDALL, Phone Clinton HU -2-9904. ' 8-48-2 10,9 Used Cars For Sale 4464 Conanl--Ford product in real good condition. For particulars, PHONE 288W after b. 10-49-1 11. Articles For Sale 600 BALES of cut straw for sale. Apply STUART DeVBfl9, R.R. 4, Seaforth, phone 644 R 21. 1l -49x1 HONEY FOR SALE -Clover and amber, 8 lb. pails $2,00, 4 ib. pails *1.00, comb honey, 1 m. eartona 50c. WALLACE ROSS APIARIES. 11-48-8 POTATOES -76 -lb bags of Shelbourne potatoes, at $2.20 per bag. Place your or- der now.. BORDEN BROWN, phone 841 R 2, Seaforth. 11.47-tf 11. Articles For Sale FOR SALE- Uaed Coleman oil heater, anutll size, in good condition. Apply Apt. 'L, ROYAL APTS. 11-19x1 FOR SALE- Floor length, taffeta, Nodding gown, size 13. Worn just recent- ly. Will sell reteonabty. Write to BOX 971, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 1149x1 WHITE ENAMEL coal and wood stove in very good condition; also an oil space heater in good condition. Apply to MA1JR10E RYAN, phone 17 R 16, Dub- lin. 11-49-1 SAVE NOW -Handy 5 ft, stepladders (reg. $6.00) only $4.59, claw hammers, (reg. 1.291, only $.99. SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD., phone 41, Seafortb, 1149-1 THREE' MODINE STEAM or HOT WATER HEATING UNITS, separate or complete with controls, 3325. or beat offer. Quantity of ''", 1)/;" and 84" pipe, half price. Call N. SCOWS, Seaforth, phone 242. 11-49-1 CHAIN SAW SALES, See the new Partener Chain Saws with such outstand- ing features as positive high pressure chain lubricator, roller nose, 5 hp motor. Special this month, extra chain and re- pair kit free with each saw. We have a supply of .404 chain at special low prices. Castro! oil. Champion spark plugs, files and gauges' In stock. SHARP'S MAIN- TENANCE SERVICE, phone 851-5, Sea - forth. ' 11-49-3 12. Wanted To Buy EIGHT FOOT glass counter, with eliding doors and glass shelves. CLAYTON DENNIS, phone 778 W, Seaforth. 12-49-1 13. Wanted WANTED -A home for a black spaniel preferably an adult home. Any one in- terested apply to BOX 970, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 13-49x1 14: Property For Sale NEW HOUSE for rent with 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bath complete with hot water and 2 stoves, on the corner of no. 8 highway and Kinburn Road. 1RO01ER ROORNAE3LT,. phone ,Clinton HU2-9209. 14-49x1 FAMILY RESIDENCE on Sperling Street, small down payment, owner will carry mortgage. 60 sere•farm In McKillop Township, good buildings, low down pay- ment. 50 acre farm in Tuckersmith. Close to highway, 61000. down. Brick house and Large barn. JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor, Goderieh, JOSEPH McCONN.ELL,' Sales- man, phone 266, Seaforth. 14-49x1 REAL ESTATE Wilfred Mclntee -- Broker LISTINGS WANTED On Farms, Homes, Businesses and Sum- mer Properties. 200 acres in McKillop, real good build- ings, 3 miles from Seaforth. 87 acres in McKillop, 10 miles from Seaforth. 100 acres, level, good buildings, in i'uckersmith. 200 acres near Blyth, good house, two large barns. 235 acres near Londeboro, fully equipp- ed for dairy,. Good milk contract, Good home, modern, 9 rooms, Harpur- hey, Apartment building, 4 modern "apart - manta, central beating, full rented. In Blyth, We have buyers for three bedroom homes in Seaforth. We need your list- ings now. Apply to Amos Corby Phone 598-M Seaforth, Ontario LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE for WILFRED McINTEE - Realtor WALKERTON, Ontario 6 Offices and '25 Salesmen to serve you. 14-49-tf 15. Property For Rent GAS HEATED apartment, furnished. Apply DR. E. A. MCMASTER or Joseph McConnell. 15-484f SEVEN ROOM house with bath, hydro ,and furnace. Two lots, immediate posses- sion. PHONE 869 J 3, Seafortlk, 15484 MODERN SELF -contained apartment. heat and hydro supplied, Available at once, J. C, CRICH, phone 34, Seaforth. 15-49x2 FRONT APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and bath, Apply UNITED DAIRY and POULTRY CO-OPERATIVE, Sea - forth Branch, Phone 18., 15-47-tf APARTMENT for rent; unfurnished, In Seaforth ; bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath: heated; refrigerator available if required : residential section. LLOYD ROWAT, phone 479-W, Seaforth, 15-47-tf 19. Notices CATTLE SPRAYING for lire. Warm water used. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone J. M. BAEKER, 95, Brussels, 19-48-6 COMPLETE LINE of famona Ritten- house Door Chlmea, sales, inatallntion and service. Call today for free estimate. SCOTT RADiO and TV SERVICE, Phone 250, Seafortb. 11 47-tf MAGIC MARKERS -'-Instant dry, wa- terproof, write -on any surface; lust pull off eap and Magic Marker is ready to nee. Refills available. Nine colors Ink. TETE HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141, Seaforth. 12. Wanted To Bay HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick. down and disabled farm animals. Prompt eintrteoua collection of all dead and Ms- -. faded is---._fadelfarm animals and bides. Licenced under are 3Tesd' 8toc itDiapoasl .Ant. license niirliber 04-60. Call collect, ED AN- Dm14WH. 851 R 11, Seafortb. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. d2-47-tf 14. Property For Sale 1tt1fY1"ERUY POU B.AIJE--n'wo dtdt'y (ruck lilotiae, 3-bedroorna, oil beating. 06091 lior*tio 1. St. da1e1 St. 7•tro star* frame house, 2 -bedroom ;at ait leltt ttpbtolrs, 4 -bedroom lower. Rabbi doeorated tics *ad eleekr1 beat, ''Waleb, '$ir ,DPSI�'NMS 8L YJ!RZO, 1lbone Aro ;' Seeotfis, . 14414 REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan Cleaners, Mount Forma. More spots and stains removed. Garments stay clean long- er, wear longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE, Phone 247 for pick-up. 19-47-tt FILTER QUEEN SALES and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum; cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners for Bale. BOB PEOK, RR 1, Zurich, Phone Hensall 696R2. 19-47-tf F.I ROLUX Sales and Service. Cleaners and polishers, &leo reconditioned cleaners and parte. BERT HARRIS. 109 Newgate St.; Goderieh, phone JA -4-7917. 19-47-65 -KITGHEN1R UPHOLSTERY, expert re-ophoisterinif: reflnighlpg and repairing, Work. guaranteed, reasonnbr._pricea, one. week service. Call GINOER2O$'S SALES & SERVICE, phone,485, Seafortb, 10+47-tf SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 Por all kinds of npbolaterinpt. 104745 19. Notices BARNS CLEANED WHITEWASHED and DISINFECTED for Brucellosis ROLAND NEIL Phone 104 - Ailsa Craig 19-36x52 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabltanta of the Town ship of Tuckeramith are requested by the Council to not park cars on township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplowing operations. Council will not be responsible for dam- ages to any vehicles parked on roads Cr streets, OOR,A CHESNEY Clerk, Tuckersmith 19-46-65 ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid in surrounding district for dead, old, alek or disabled hors- es and cattle. For the fastest and prop- er removal of all animals, day or night, seven day service, 0.11 Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD, ZENITH 8-4900 (No toll charge) Plant Licence No. 10 R. P.-60 Collecting Licence No. 22 C. 60 19-47-tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Farmer owned and controlled Service at cost Choice of bull and breed Our artificial breeding service will bele you to a more efficient livestock opera- tion. -For service or more information can: Clinton HU 2-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 'COLLECT, SEAFORTH 96 "Better Cattle for Better Living" 19-47-t5 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE To be held at the farm, lot 14, con, 2, Stanley Township, 1 mile, west, 1/t mile south of Brucefield on TUESDAY, JAN- UARY 24, at 1.30 p.m. Consisting of 50' head of Registered and Grade Holstein and Jersey cows and heifers: 20 Holstein cows and heifers rec- ently fresh; 20 Holstein cows and heifers due in January and February; 12 Jersey COWS and heifers fresh and springing: 1 Hereford bull; I5 young calves. 10 York first litter sown due early in Tebruary. This is a choice lot of Dairy cattle, vaccinated and blood tested. TERMS -Cash D'ARCY RATHWELL & SONS, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 20-49-1 22. Legal Notices NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN ANTHONY ECKERT All persons having claims against the Estate of John Anthony Eckert, late of the Township of Logan, in the County of Perth, Farmer, deceased, who dled on the 23rd day of September. 1960, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their dahlia to the undersigned on or before the 266h day of January, 1961, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 4th day of January, 1961. MxQONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontari . Solicitors for the tate. 22-47-3 23. Cards of Thanks MRS: RIUSSEL CARTER wishes to thank her friends and neighbours for cards and treats, while she wan in the Stratford General Hospital. 28-49x1 MY SINCERE thanks and appreciation to the many kind friends who remember- ed me with flowers, cards ,and treats while a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seafortb and since returning home, 23-49-1 MARY PAYNE, Renard!. 1 WOULD like to thank all my friends and neighbours who sent cards and treats and those who visited me while I was a patient In Stratford Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Pyper and the nursing staff. 28-49x1 JAMES COUTTS, WE WISH to exprean our sincere thanks and appreciation to our friends, neighbours and relatives for acts of kind- neaa, floral tributes and sympathy cards we received in our recent bereavement of n dear huahnnd and father. Special thanks to Dr, Goddard, Rev. R. C, Winlaw, the pallbearers and Bonthron Funeral Chapel. 23-49-1 MRS. WM. PARKER. and Family W1; WISH to say thank you to the "Seaforth Fire Brigade", all our neigh - home. friends and anyone who helped the day ,rf the fire and since then. Also aperial thanks to all the Individual org- anizations whir were so kind to us. Every- thing was greatly appreciated. Thank you, 23-40x(, KEN and RUTH SMITH and FAMILY. MY PEAR Friends, 1 moat deeply appreciate and aak you to acceptmy aincereest thanks for the beautiful cards letters, hooka, gifts and flowers which Mat have sent me. Thanks to all the ['harebell and to the ledges for the beautiful plants and flowers which were to cheerful and. helpful and a sites`- tel 'thanks to the nurses and to Dr. Brady and Pr. Malkus. 23-49x1 MRS, JAMES G. MULLEN. CURLING NOTES A Seaforth rink, skipped by Mrs. Effie Stephenson ,took part in a bonspiel' in Walkerton Tuesday. With Mrs, Stephenson were Mrs. A.. Y. McLean, Mrs. B. Smith and Mrs, W. T. Teal. 24. In Memoriam 'I'ItAQUAIR In fond memory 'of Helen 'I'raquuir, who passed away two years ago January 10, 1959. '1'o know we never said goodbye, Will always bring regrets. But the hearts that iov..d you dearly, Are the ones that don't forget. -The McQueen Family. 24-49-1 M,cARTHUIt,--In loving memory of a dear brother and uncle, E. Rae McArthur who passed away one year ago January ''0, 1960. Fund memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. ---Ever remembered by Sisters, Nieces, and Nephews, 24-19-1 HAMILTON -In loving memory of a dear husband and daddy, Mark Hamil- ton, who passed away two years ago Jan. 21, 1969. Resting over yonder Just beyond the sunset. -Always remembered by wife Kay Hamilton and children, Joyce, Joan, William and Barbara, 24-49x1 McCUTCHEON-dn loving memory of Mrs. Frani; McCutcheon, who passed away January 19, 1960, We little knew when we awoke that morn, The sorrow the day would bring, For the call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one ive loved' no dear, Sometimes it's hard to understand Why some things have to be. But in His wisdom God has planned Beyond our power to see. God gave us strength to fight it, And courage to bear the blow, But what it meant to lose you Gwen No one will ever know. --Always remembered by her loving husband and children', Cheryl and Blaine and by her parents Mr, and Mrs, Joseph T. Hugill and her sisters and brother. 24.49-1 25. Personals , HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailedpostpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples, 25c; 24 sam- ples 91.00. Mail - Order Dept, T-78, NOVA .RUBBER CO. Box 91, Hamilton, 25-47-tf 26. Births VAIS-Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Vais of Galt, formerly of Hensall, announce the birth of their son at Galt General Hospital, Wednesday, January 11, 1961. JANMAAT-At Scott. Memorial Hospital, on January 12, to Mr. and Mrs. John ,Janntaat, R.R. 2, Seaforth, a son, JANTZI-At Scott. Memorial Hospital, on January 13, to Mr. and Mra. Harold Jantzi, Clinton, a son. HULLEY-At Scott Memorial Hospital., On January 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hulley, Seaforth, a son. JANSEN-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Jan Jansen, R.R. 5, Seaforth, a son. FERGUSON-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on January 14, to Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Ferguson, Dublin, a son. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander, who have been patients 'in Kitch- ener -Waterloo Hospital since De- cember 28, recovering from serious injuries received in a traffic crash, were admitted to. Queensway Nurs- ing Home, Hensall, Tuesday eve- ning. They were brought here by Bonthron ambulance. Mrs. Alexander, who suffered a crushed ankle and cracked ribs, can get around in a wheel chair. Mr. Alexander, who suffered a broken shoulder and collarbone and other injuries, is able to walk around a little. Mrs. Joe Shaddick, of Londes- boro, spent a few days this week with Mrs. Pearl Shaddick and Bill, Birthdays celebrated by patients at the Queensway Nursing Home in January were: Mr. John Hazel- wood observed his 83rd birthday, Sunday, Jan. 15; Mrs. Annie Deitz, 86, Jan. 7; Mr. Francis Ryckman will observe his 85th birthday Jan. 31, and Mrs. Agnes J. Baird will celebrate her 101st birthday Janu- ary 30. Mrs. Jack Faber is a patient in St. ' Joseph's Hospital, London, where she is receiving treatment in the interests of her 'health. The junior choir occupied the choir loft Sunday morning at the United Church service and offered as their anthem, "We Thank Thee, 0 Our Father." Rev. R. C. Win - law spoke on Pergamos, A Church Praised and Blamed. Miss Joyce Flynn sang a pleasing solo, "That Sweet Story Of Old." Arnold Circle Auxiliary The January meeting of the Arn- old Circle Evening Auxiliary was held in the schoolroom of Carmel Presbyterian Church Monday eve- ning. The president, Mrs. Bever- ley Beaton, presided and read a New Year's greeting from Glad Tidings. The worship was taken by Mrs. Gerald Bell and Mrs. John Baker. Yearly reports were submitted: treasurer, Mrs. Gerald Bell; sup- ply secretary, Mrs. Harry Hoy; welcome and welfare, Miss Han- nah Murray; calendar, Mrs. Ruby Bell. Mrs. Ed. Fink presided for the installation of officers as follows: President, Mrs. Beverley Beaton; vice-presidents, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau; secretary, Mrs. John Baker; treas- urer, Mrs. Harold Bonthron; sup- ply secretary, Mrs. Harry Hoy; welcome and welfare, Miss Hannah Murray; pianist, Mrs. Wm. Brown; phone committee, Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau, Mrs. Harry Snell, Mrs. Stewart Bell and Mrs. Trevor Wil- son; Children of the Church, Mrs. Frank Wright and Mrs. Gordon Troyer; Explorers, Mrs, Gordon Schwalm and Mrs. Harold Bon- thron; Cradle Roll superintendent, Mrs. William Fink; Home Help- ers, Mrs. Ruby Bell and Mrs. A. R. Orr; Glad Tidings, Mrs. G. Schwalm. A motion was passed .to present seals and life membership certi- ficates to Mission Band members. A social' hour was enjoyed at the close and refreshments served by Mrs. John E. McEwen and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. THE NEWLY -ELECTED Trustee Board of Dublin held its inaugural meeting Monday evening. Members of the board-aIl new to public office -concentrated .Qp gaining a familiarity with their duties. Here Louis Looby, centre, is shown following his election as 'in- specting trustee. On the left is Joseph Cronin, named chairman of the Dublin Public Utility Commission, and Donald J. MacRae, appointed recording secretary. Dub- lin PUC secretary -treasurer is Joseph Dill. (B-H photo.) FUNERALS MRS, D. MOORE The death occurred suddenly on Tuesday, Jan. 3, in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, of Elsie Hall, beloved- wife of Davis Moore, Rich- mond Hill, Ont. Besides her hus- band, she leaves to mourn her loss one daughter, Anne, Mrs. John Curlew, Maple, Ont., and one son, Davis, attending Queen's Univers- ity, Kingston; also her father, Mr. Merton Hall, and two sisters and one brother, all of Toronto and Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore and Ken, Seaforth, and Mrs. Robert Beuer- mann, McKillop, attended the fun- eral service on Friday, Jan, 6, at the Wright and' Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, Ont. EDWARD MOUSSEAU HENSALI; - Mr. Edward Mous- seau passed away at Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor, Friday, Jan. 13, in his 86th year. He was born in Hay Township and lived at Drys- dale all his life, where he farmed before going to reside with his niece at Windsor last September. He was unmarried. Surviving are one brother, Frank Mousseau, Hay Township; two sis- ters, Mrs. Rachel Denome, of the Queensway Nursing Home, Hen; sall; Mrs. Amanda Wesley, of Romeo, Mich. The body rested at the Janisse Funeral Home, Wind- sor, until Sunday when it was brought to St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Drysdale, Sunday at 4 p.m., for burial in the church cemetery. Mass was held at the church Monday morning at 9 a.m. SAMUEL GINGERICII Samuel Gingerich, 77, of Zurich, died Saturday in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Sarah Gascho; six sons, Amos of Blake; Roy of Hay Township; Ervin, of Zurich; Wallace, of Stan- ley Township; Reuben, Ailsa Craig, and Curtis, of Stanley Township; one daughter, Mrs. Alfred (Verna) Ropp ,of Parkhill; andone brother, Solomon, of Hay. ' The body rested at the Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich. Funeral service was held Tuesday at 2:00 p.tn. at the. Zurich Mennonite Church and burial was in the Men- nonite cemetery, Goshen Line. JAMES WALTON MCDOUGALL AUBURN -Funeral services were held at the Londesboro United Church last Saturday for James Walton McDougalI, RR 1, Auburn, who passed away suddenly at his farm home on the 13th of Hullett Township, from a coronary throm- bosis. Rev. H. Funge was in charge of the service, with burial taking place in Hope Chapel ceme- tery, Hullett Township. Pallbearers were Hubert McDougall, Ross Mc- Dougall, Bert Ferguson, Ted Hun - king, Lorne Hunking and Henry Hunking, The beautiful floral tri- butes were carried by Bob Young- blut, Verdun Cowan, Telford Green, Kenneth McDougall, Neil McDou- gall and Kenneth McDougall. Born in 1900, James W. McDou- gall was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James McDougall and was born at Mount Forest. He had lived in this district for many years, and was a member of Lon- desboro United Church. He is sur- vived by his wife, the former An- nie McEachern, whom he married 35 years ago. Besides his sorrow- ing wife he is survived by six sons, Murray; Wingham; Gordon, Blyth; Robert, Goderich; Ronald, Seaforth; Douglas and Jimmy, at home; also seven' daughters, Mrs. Graham (Eleanor) Whitley, Gode- rich; Mrs. Gordon (Islay) John- ston, Goderieh; Mrs. Donald (Mar- ion),Kernighan, London; Mrs, Carl (Donna) Bender, Stratford; Miss Glenda, London; Misses Joan and Norma, at home; also 10 grand- sons and 10 granddaughters; three brothers, Harry, Indian Springs-, Manitoba; Norman, RR 1, Aubu'rn; Arthur, Mount Forest; also four sisters, Mrs. Herbert Neal, Whit- by; Mrs. Roy Halliday, Mrs. Lorne Cowan and Mrs. George Green, .all of Mount Forest. Visitors during the week with Mr, Robert Thomson wero: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider and family, of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Starilake, Exeter. it's the LAW . • Setion 96 (1) of the Highway Traffic Act provides that: "A person riding upon a bicycle, a coaster, roller skat- er, skis, a toboggan, a sled or a toy vehicle, shall not attach it or them or himself to a ve- hicle or street car on a road- way." And Section 80 of the same Act provides that: "No driver of a vehicle or street car shall permit any person riding upon a bicycle, coaster, roller skates, skis, toboggan, sled or toy ve- hicle, to attach the same or himself to the vehicle or street car." The Act provides penalties upon conviction ranging from a fine of $5.00 for a first of- fence, to a fine of $200 and suspension of license or per- mit for a p.eriod of Six months for subsequent offences. Mr. Theo Hauwert, of Dresden, Ont., has purchased the property of Mr. Hugh McMillan, of the 9th concession of Tuckersmith, and takes possession March 1. Share -the -Wealth B -1 -N -G -O Legion Hall HENSALL Every Saturday - NIGHT Commencing Saturday, Jan. 21st 9 p.m. JACKPOT $75.00 IN 52 CALLS 14 REGULAR GAMES TWO DOOR PRIZES -No children under 16 allowed- BRUCEFIELD NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins, Burr, visited with Mrs. Charles Clifton on Wednesday of last week. The annual meeting of Bruce - field United Church will be held on Monday evening, Jan. 23,, at 7:00 o'clock. The meeting will start with a pot -luck supper. Meat will be provided by the Woman's Asso- ciation, and all the congregation are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNairn, of Walkerton, with Mr. and Mrs. V. Hargreaves on Sunday. IOOF Names Winners The IOOF members of Brucefield and Varna Lodge held a successful euchre party on Friday evening, Jan. 13, when about 70 attended, prizes going to the following; lad- ies, high, Mrs. Lorne Wilson; con- solation, Mrs. James Thomson; gents, high, Mac Wilson; consola- tion, Dick Lobb. The next party will be held in the IOOF Hall on Friday, Feb. 3. The meeting closed after the dough- nuts and coffee were served. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson are spending part of the winter months. with Mr. and Mrs. Riley, of Sett,; forth. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber and Dianne spent Saturday in London, STOP THAT RUST! We have been appointed agency for a NEW UNDERSPRAY To prevent your car from rusting. For Free Estimate, CALL IN OR PHONE SCOTT'S WHITE ROSE Phone 774 -- Seaforth ►Teles 5'io 7SPECIALS! IIP [�fiNJiy/ SAVE 14 � OW USED TELEVISION SETS at BARGAIN PRICES! Models of Every Description 21" Halicrafter Table Model 21" Motorla Console 21" Admiral Table Model New Picture Tube 21" Admiral Table Model 21" Motorola Table Model 17" Motorola _ 17" Sparton 17" Motorola, Console $79.00 $ 135.00 $115.00 $99.00 $79.00 $59.00 $59.00 $85.00 These Are Only a Few of Our Many Used Television Bargains ! BOX FURNITURE Phone 43 --- Seaforth JANUARY USED CAR Huron County's , Finest ' Used Cor Market 1960 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN - Auto- matic transmission; $2395 fully equipped 1960 CHEVROLET SEDAN 2-1959 CHEVROLET SEDANS- Automatic trans- missions; $1895 fully equipped V �7 $2195 1959 CHEVROLET COACH -V-8 $1795 motor, automatic transmission 1958 CHEVROLET DELUXE $ +� �* Sty SEDAN dt �7 V 1957 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN; $1 /� 9C automatic transmission ..... "�° •7 1957 PONTIAC SEDAN- $1395 22,000 miles 1956 CHEVROLET 4 -DOOR HARD- $1295 TOP -Automatic transmission 1956 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN 1956 FORD SEDAN -Automatic transmission $1095 $895 $795 $895 1956 FORD COACH 1955 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN 1955 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN- $895 Automatic transmission Q 1955 BUICK 2 -DOOR HARDTOP .,.. , $895 1955 CHEVROLET. SEDAN $795 .1955 METEOR SEDAN -Automatic . $795 transmission • 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN .,., . $550 '1954 BUICK SEDAN $695 . MANY OLDER MODELS TRUCKS a 1958 CHEVROLET /-TON PICK- $1295 UP with Fleetside body . .. .. 1955 GMC 1/2 -TON PICKUP -$850 Automatic transmission ...... ..... 1954 CHEVROLET 1/2 -TON PICKUP . $4195 1953 CHEVROLET 1/ -TON PICKUP . $395 ' All Above Vehicles Are Fully Reconditioned, Ready For the Road PRICES GOOD UNTIL JANUARY 31st ONLY - .BUY NOW ! ! A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars -Many other Models to choose from BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS - ONTARIO OPEN EVERY EVENING PRONE 173 -- "The home of Better Used Cara"