HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-01-19, Page 1•
102nd Year
Whole No.4849
THE RECENTLY installed
President of the Ladies' Auxil-
iary to Seaforth Branch Royal
Canadian Legion is Mrs. Chas.
Area Lodges
Install Officers
For.. New Year
Officers of Malloch Chapter No.
66, G.R.C., were installed Monday
night in an impressive ceremony.
The installation and investiture
was carried out by Rt. Ex. Com-
panion Wm, H. Roupe, and his
• team from Huron Chapter, No. 30,
of Goderich.
Officers for 1961 are: Ex. Comp.
D. R. Cooper, Z.; Ex. Comp. Aus-
' tin E. Matheson, I.P.Z.; Ex, Comp.
Orville Oke, H.; Ex. Comp, Allis-
ter Broadfoot, J.; Ex, Comp. M.
E. Clarke, treasurer; Ex. Comp.
Austin E. Matheson, S.E.; Ex.
Comp. Frank Case, S.N.; Comp.
Keith Sharp, P.S.; Comp. Earl
Campbell, S.S.; Comp. Rev. J. C.
Britton, J.S.; Comp. William E.
Henderson, Master of 4th Veil;
Comp, Ronald Buck, M. °3rd V.;
Comp. Howard Fretts, M. 2nd V.;
Comp. Ken Fournier, M. 1st V.;
Comp. Roy Butt, tyler; V. Ex.
Comp. J. B. Higgins, director of
Committes for the lodge have
not yet been named, lodge officials
said Wednesday.
Britannia Bodge ..
Elmer Larone was installed as
'Worshipful Master at a recent
meeting of Britannia Lodge A.F.
and A.M., No. 170 G.R.C. Mr.
Larone follows Gordon Wright, im-
mediate past master.
Other officers are: S.W., Wil-
liam Dalrymple; J.W., William
Campbell; chaplain, Ross MacGre-
gor; treasurer, J. E. Keating; sec-
retary, Clare Reith; 'S.D., Arthur
Wright; J.D., Cyril Kirk; D. of C.,
M. E. Clarke; I.G., Alex Chesney;
S S., Emmerson Durst; I.S,, Aus-
tin Matheson; tyler, Roy Butt; aud-
itors, D. L. Reid and M. E. Cfarke,-
Grey Twp. C.O.F.
The Installation of officers for
Court ,Ethel No. 261, Canadian Or-
der of Foresters, was held in the
Ethel Community Centre recently.
W. Hawkshaw, fraternal supervis-
or of Kitchener, was assisted by
W. Metzanke, DM, of Chesley,
when he installed the following
JPCR, John Conley; CR, James
Knight; VCR, Mac McIntosh; RS,
Robert Bremner; FS, Carman
Baker; treasurer, •Charles Lake;
chaplain, Leslie Knight; conduc-
tor, Stuart McNair; SW, Elston
Speiran; JW, Alex Cameron; SB,
Wilfred Strickler; JB, Kenneth
Frank Kling is
P.U.C. Chairman
At the inaugural meeting of the
Public Utility Commission ott
Thursday, Frank Kling was re-
elected chairman. Others on the
commission are Commissioners
D'Orlean Sills and Mayot Edinund
RECENTLY ELECTED OFFICERS of Seaforth Branch 156 of the Royal Canadian Legion were
installed in an impressive ceremony Thursday evening. Shown here (left to right) are: seated,
Arohie Dobson, past president; William Wilbee, sergeant -at -arms; Alan Nicholson, president;
John Holland, public relations; George Hays, entertainment; Rev. C. E. Sullivan, chaplain;
standing: J. C. Cornish, welfare officer; Charles Wood, speciaL events; R. S. MacDonald, treas-
urer; Jack Eisler. sports officer; Glen. Smith, sick and visiting; Ken Betties, membership; R. S.
Box, property; Leslie Beattie, house; Cleave Coombs, second vice-president; 'Lloyd . Rowat, secre—
tary. (Absent, Clair Haney, first vice-president.) (Expositor photo by Phillips).
C of'C Christmas Program
Success Despite Deficit
E. C. Nokes, representing the
Ontario Chamber of Commerce and
the Canadian -Chamber of Com-
merce (organization service) will
visit Seaforth on Monday, Feb. 6.
To coincide with the visit, the Sea -
forth Chamber of Commerce are
making tentative plans for their
annual meeting and banquet. Mr.
Nokes is well prepared to discuss
policy and other matters relating
to either or both . organizations.
In preparation for the meeting,
J. A. Stewart, W. R. Smith, Merv-
in Nott and leo Hagan will be in
charge of details.
A nominating committee . was
named to present a suggested
slate of officers for 1961. This
committee is composed of W. R.
Smith, F. C. J. Sills and Elmer
In reporting on the year's financ-
es, Mervin Nott, treasurer, inform-
ed the meeting that the Chamber
had one of its best years. The
statement showed 'a balance of
$160.51 as of December 31, 1960.
Recent January bills have reduced
the balance to $100.12.
The Seaforth Chamber carried
on two major projects during the
year. The first project was the
erection of 34 street signs. Cost
of these amounted to $306.74. Oth-
er incidental charges amounted to
$18.77, for a total cost to of $325.41,
The local group also donated tro-
phies for minor baiseball awards.
A complete financial statement
covering the Santa Claus parade
was presented to the meeting by
W, R. Smith. Total receipts, in-
cluding donations, were 748.00,
which was slightly down from last
year. Payments to date for the
Christmas program including dec-
orating prizes for floats, bands
and houses were $726.28, but when
all accounts are received there will
be a small deficit, officials said.
Despite the deficit, the meeting
felt the Santa Claus parade was an
outstanding success and many new
suggestions were made for this
year's Santa Claus parade.
Receipts—Total donations to the
Santa Claus parade amounted to
$748.00. Expenditures were: Priz-
es to bands, $200; prizes to floats,
$45; prizes to houses, $30; Seaforth
Lumber, $26; Dominion Signs,
$18.35; Smith Pastry, $3.60; Smith
ome and School
Hear Dr. McMaster
The January meeting of the Sea -
forth Home and School Association
was held in the school auditorium
on Tuesday with Mrs. William Hod-
gert presiding.
In the absence of the secretary,
Mrs. J. Moore, the minutes of the
last meeting were read by Mrs.
Orville Oke. Mrs. Neil Bell sang
two solos, "Smiling Through" and
"Danny Boy," accompanied on the
piano by Mrs. J. A. Stewart.
The roll call was read by Mrs,
J. Talbot. The attendance award
was won by Miss Elder's class,
John Talbot, SPS principal, spoke
briefly and announced the public
speaking contest would be held
shortly. The meeting approved a
proposal by Mrs. F. S. Cosford and
Mrs. G. Miller, that the associa-
tion donate prizes for the contest-
ants winning the public speaking
Orville Oke introduced the guest
speaker of the evening, Dr. E. A.
McMaster, of Grand Bend. Dr,
McMaster told in detail of his re-
cent visit to the Holy Land and
showed picteres. He gave a splen-
did description of Israel and Jor-
dan, describing the country and the
life of the people.
Mrs, J. Talbot expressed the
thanks of a most appreciative
audience to Dr. McMaster.
"The best way to remember your
wife's birthday," saki the p�hilo-
b her, isto forget it once, •
Superior, $19.55; Huron Wholesale,
$59.15; Noma Lights, $138; Ball -
Macaulay, $1; Community Centre,
$401 telephone, $3.70; Baldwin
Hardware, $1.50; posters, parking
signs and advertising, $130.03.
The secretary, Leo Hagan, was
instructed to write letters of thanks
to those who assisted with the par-
ade and also to the Legion and
Legion Auxiliary.
Name W. J. Dale p
To Guernsey Club
Clarence Shaw, of Wingham, was
elected president of the Western
Counties' Guernsey Club at an an-
nual meeting Monday in the Mid-
dlesex County building.
Other executive officers: First
vice-president, William Dale, Clin-
ton; second vice-president, Edward
Longfield, Mossley; and secretary,
Bert Bibbings, Trenton.
Committee members: Annual
meeting, Mrs. Shaw, Lyle Stokes
and Campbell Caverhill; 441 com-
mittee, John ,Currie, Albert An-
drews, Mr. Longfield and Clarence
Denaray; trip committee, Mr.
Longfield, Albert Andrews a n d
Mr. Stokes; twilight meeting, Mr
Caverhill and Frank Hicks; show
committee, Mr. Dale, Mr. Stokes,
Mason Fletcher and Mr. Andrews:
sale committee, Mr. Fletcher, Mr.
Hicks, Mr. Caverhill and Mr. Dale.
The club , includes Guernsey
breeders from Elgin, Middlesex,
Lambten and Huron Counties.
to represent the Seaforth Chamber
of Commerce to the Mid -Western
Ontario Development Association.
been elected chairman of St.
James' School Board. Other
officers are: Vice-chairman,
John. Lansink; secretary -treas-
urer, Leon Bannon; grounds
committee, Arthur Devereaux,
Gordon Reynolds; personnel
committee, John Lahsink, Al-
vin Regier; public relations,
Leon Bannon; truant officer,
Alex Aubin.
$2 50 a Ye41
Single civi
Elect Tuckersmith Reeve
Expect L. C. B. Store
To Open This Week
The second Liquor Control Board
store in Huron County expects to
open "some time" this week in
Seaforth, H. L. Dunham, area
supervisor, London, said Wednes-
day. Only other store in the coun-
ty operating at present is at Zur-
ich, where the doors were opened
Friday of last week.
Stores are under construction or
in the planning stage at Goderich,
Exeter, Wingham and Clinton.
The Seaforth store; built on pro-
perty on North Main Street, ad-
jacent to the Orange Hall, will be
managed by W. J. Burns, Sudbury.
Clerk in the store will be. M. E.
Clarke, Seaforth.
Mr. Burns, who is married, was
,a clerk in a LCB store in Sudbury
prior to his appointment to Sea -
forth. He expects to move to Sea -
forth at the end of January.
Mr. Clarke, a long-time resident
of Seaforth, was chosen from about
20 applicants for the clerk's posi-
Hensall Kinsmen
Fall Heir To Goat
Hensall Kinsmen, meeting at
their supper meeting last Thurs-
day, donated $25 to the local Kin-
ette March of Dimes, • Six guests
from Simcoe Kinsmen Club were
present and brought along with
them a Raidar Trophy (a live
goat), which they presented to the
club, which will stay in their pos-
session two weeks and then will
be presented to another club. The
goat is at the farm of Kinsman
Bill Coleman. At their next meet-
ing, Jan. 26, a special speaker
from RCAF .Station Centralia, will
speak on swimming pools, prices,
etc. President William Clement
presided for the business session.
tion. For many years he has own-
ed and operated Clarke's Garage
on Seaforth's Main Street. The
garage is now rented by Supertest
Stocking of the shelves and stor-
age area was completed Wednes-
day, the officials said. The work
had begun Tuesday morning.
The building which houses the
store is leased from Harold Jack-
son, Seaforth, who last fall erected
it to Liquor Control Board speci-
Brodhagen Band
Elects Officers
The Brodhagen Band held their
annual meeting recently, and the
following were elected to office:
President, Clayton Ahrens; vice-
president, Earl Rock; secretary,
Warren Shoiddice; treasurer, Arthur
Diegel; band leader, Albert Hinz;
assistant band leader, Clare
French; open-air dance floor man-
ager, Norman Rock.
Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt is confin-
ed to Scott Memorial' Hospital, Sea -
forth; Mrs. John E. Siemon to St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, and
Mrs. Willard Bennewies, in Sea -
forth Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and
.Mrs. Dick Watson and sons spent
Sunday with Mrs. Hollatz and Nor-
man, near Monkton.
In last week's -news report an
error was made in the write-up of
the baptism of Barry Gordon Riehl..
The sponsors should have read Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Vock, instead of
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rapien,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligsen and
Gary, of Windsor .with his moth-
er, Mrs. Ernest Elligsen, for the
Miss Eleanor Keys, RR 1, Sea -
forth, was elected president of the
Seaforth Junior Institute, and Jack
Crozier, RR 2, Seaforth, was elect-
ed president of the Seaforth Junior
Farmers at meetings Wednesday
Held in the Orange Hall, the
meetings followed the annual ban-
The Junior Farmer trophy, which
is awarded annually to the Seaforth
4-11. Swine Club member with the
highest aggregate score, was pre-
sented at a joint meeting. Winner,
Miss Barbara Turnbull, RR 2,
Brussels, received the trophy from
Area Churches Review
Encouraging Y�ariy Reports
The annual meeting of the Vestry
of St. Thomas' Church was held on
Monday in the parish hall. The
rector, Rev. H. Donaldson, opened
the meeting with a Scripture read-
ing and led in prayer.
Reports were heard from: War-
dens, Women's Auxiliary and Jun-
ior Auxiliary, Ladies' Guild and
Rectory Fund, Chancel Guild, Sun-
day School, Anglican Young Peo-
ple's Association, Choir and the
The following officers were elect-
ed: Church Wardens, N. Scoins and
Garnet Stockwell; Lay Members
to Synod, W. E. Southgate, E. C.
Boswell; substitutes, J. R. Spit-
tal, Ken Powell; Vestry Clerk, Geo.
Flewitt; treasurer, W. E. South-
gate; Envelope Secretary, L. F.
Ford; Convener of Sidesmen, D.
Cornish; Board of Management,
D. Cornish, C. Coombs, H, Palin,
Charles Dungey, L. F. Ford, E.
Larone, D. Kunder, G. Wright,
Mrs. Angus MacLean, Mrs. C. Row -
The annual congregational meet-
ing of Egmondville United Church
was held in the Sunday Schoolroom
of the church on Tuesday evening.
'Rev. J. H. Vardy was chairman.
Following an opening service, Rev.
Vardy conducted a short memor-
ial service for the friends and
members of the church Who had
been "called home" in 1960.
Mrs. Lyle Hammond was ap-
pointed secretary for the meeting.
The financial statements of the
different organizations connected
with the church were reviewed and
Mr. Vardy expressed apprecia-
tion to Mrs. Hammond, the trees
urer, and to the auditors, Stanley
Gray and J. McCloy,'for their work
in "compiling and preparing this
report. The encouraging treasur-
er's rocas showed that faithful -
work had been carried on by the
members, and that a creditable
balance in the General Fund is be-
ing carried into 1961.
Rev. Vardy spoke of the work
that is being done in the Sunday
School by the teachers and offi-
cers. He thanked A. C. Routledge
for his faithful work as superin-
tendent for over 30 years. He also
expressed his sincere appreciation
for the work and effort of the con-'
gregation and expressed the hope
that God would give them His
guidance in 1961, so that they'
would go on and use their talents
for His work.
James McIntosh, convener of the
nominating committee for the
Board of Stewards, reported that
James Rose, Kenneth Smith, Char-
lie Eyre and John Woods had con-
sented to act as the new members
on the board, Robert Smith was
appointed to be in charge of the
ushers for 1961, replacing Ed,
Boyes, who is to be convener of
the M, and M. Committee,
Speaking , on behalf of the con-
gregation, Mr. McIntosh express-
ed deep appreciation to Mr, and
Mrs. Vardy for the leadership they
have given since they came last
July. He also voiced the congrega-
tion's appreciation for the work
and financial help given by the
ladies during the year; to Mr, Reg
Knight, for his careful work in
caring for the church; to the Sun-
day School officers and teachers,
and to Lyle Hammond and the
choir, for their work' each Sunday.
Regret was expressed that owing
to icy conditions, Thomas Robin-
son was unable to be present at
the meeting, and appreciation was
expressed for his faithful work and
help throughout the years. Mr.
Hammond, organist and choir
leader, expressed bis thanks for
the encouragement that had been
given to him, •
The secretary was instructed
send a letter of congratulation to
Ivan Forsyth on his appointment
to the office of Warden for the
County of Huron.
Rev. Vardy, in his message to
the congregation, said: "Let us
enter the year 1961 determined to
give God and His Church priority
in the distribution of our talents."
Following the Benediction, lunch
was served by the ladies, in charge
of Mrs. Alex Chesney, WA presi-
Jack Crozier.
Other Junior Institute officers
are: Past president, Mrs. Arnold
Taylor; president, Eleanor Keys;
first vice-president, Linda Papple;
second vice - president, Marlene
Pepper; secretary -treasurer, Elsie
Doig; press reporter, Helen Broad -
foot; pianist, Marguerite Scott;
district director, Emily Elliott; In.
stitute directors, Roba Doig, Mar-
ion Hunt, Nancy Pepper, Jean
Broadfoot; emergency fund, Janet
McKercher; auditors, Marjorie
Papple and Freda Hunt.
Officers for the Junior Farmers
elected were: Past president,
Bruce Coleman; president, Jack
Crozier; first vice-president,. Robt.
Fotheringham; secdnd vice-presi-
dent, Kenneth Papple; secretary,
Francis Hunt ; treasurer, Mac e
Stewart; press reporter, David
Hemingway; directors, Mervin
Pepper, Doug Hugill, Allan Haugh.
For the joint meetings, Don Mc-
Kercher was elected secretary -
treasurer; Marjorie Papple, pian-
ist, and Barbara Coleman and Ken-
neth Papple, the lunch committee.
The evening was rounded out
with a euchre party. The ladies'
high was won by Mrs. R. M. Scott
and the consolation, Miss Mar-
garet Porter, Bayfield. The men's
high prize was won by Stuart Wil-
son, Brucefield, and the consola-
tion, Wilfred Coleman, Arnold Tay-
lor, Brucefield, won the lone hands
• The third representative of Tuck-
ersmith to serve this century,
Reeve Ivan Forsyth was elected
1961 Warden of Huron County on
Tuesday, He won the office in a
20 to 16 vote over Reeve Clayton
Smith, of Usborne.
Mr. Forsyth is the sixth mem-
ber of Tuckersmith to be elected
1961 Warden of Huron
Jr. Farmers Sing
To Ontario Prize
A Seaforth area Junior Farmers
quartette sang its way to a $40
prize in a province -wide competi-
tion in Toronto Saturday,
The Huron County Junior Farm-
ers quartette — Larry Wheatley,
William and Kenneth Campbell, all
of RR ,1, Dublin, and George Turn-
er, of RR- 3, .Seaforth—scored 86
points, one more than Waterloo
County's entry and two more than
the Perth County quartette, which
took third place.
The Huron singers received a $40
cash award donated by the Bank
of Montreal. It was the first
award they had received since
they were formed three years ago.
Dr. Roy Fenwick, of Toronto, was
adjudicator of the competition.
A mixed choir from Huron Coun-
ty also took part in a non-competi-
tive program,
The singers were accompanied
by song leader Lyle Hammond and•
accompanist Carol Pepper, both of
Seaforth, as well as Huron County
Associate Agricultural Representa-
tive Donald Grieve and depart-
ment of agriculture home econom-
ist Mrs. Dale Miller, both of Clin-
Jack Bedard Heads
Teen Twenty Club
Jack Bedard was named presi-
dent of the Seaforth Teen Twenty
Club at its organization meeting
Saturday night. The club, origin.
ally called Teen Town, has chang-
d the age• limit of members. A
member now must be in the 14 to
21 -year-old category to attend the
club's functions,
The executive for 1961 also in-
cludes: vice-president, Margaret
Ann Stapleton; secretary, Barbara
Talbot; treasurer, Gwen Storey;
lunch committee, Elizabeth Stew-
art, Bonnie Bates; entertainment,
Dennis Jewitt, Henry Lansink; ad-
vertising, Emily Elliott, for Sea -
forth District H.S.; Star Jessome,
Separate School; Gail Ford, Public
The group are extending an invi-
tation to any young married cou-
ple to come to Teen Twenty any
Saturday night and assist as chap-
LIBERALS FROM HURON RIDING attending the National Liberal Bally in Ottawa last week dis-
cuss rally developments with former Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent, and Liberal Leader Lester
B. Pearson. Shown are, left to right, Beecher Menzies Clinton; James D. Taylor, Hensall; Hugh.
Hawkins, Clinton, President Western Ontario North Liberal Association; Mr, St. Laurent; Andrew Y.
McLean, President Huron Liberal Association and former Huron M.P., and Mr, Pearson. (London
P.P. picture ,
wardens in Huron. In 18484 William
Chalk was elected, and served for
five years. In 1867, G. Edwin Cress-
well was elected; David Walkhr
was chosen in 1887; Robert McKay
served in 1913, and 10 years ago,
Tuckersmith Reeve Arthur Nichol-
son was warden.
The office of warden by tradi-
tion moves each year from Liberal
to Conservative and back agai».
This year it was the Liberal turn.
Mr. Forsyth succeeds John Durn•
in, who was reeve of East Wawa -
nosh Township and Warden In 1960.
The 2040-16 vote was reached in
tt}e first ballot, and, following the
election, Mr. Durnin presented the
chain of office to Mr. Forsyth.
"The past year," Mr. Durnin
said, "I consider to be the best
in the history of the county. I
hope that this year will bring -about
even greater things."
Mr. Forsyth was sworn`into of-
fice by Huron County Judge Frank
The Vote
A summary of the voting by
municipalities is as follows (with
'S' signifying Mr. Smith, and 'F'
the vote for Mr. Forsyth):
Roy Adair, Wingham, S; Mor-
gan Agnew, Clinton, S; W. N. Ball,
Seaforth, S; Valentine Becker, S;
Dan Beuerman, McKillop, F; Jas.
Bisset, Goderich, deputy -reeve
Town of Goderich, F, S; Harvey
Coleman, Stanley, F; Mel Crich,
Clintdn, F; Harvey Culbert, West
Wawanosh, F; Clifford Dunbar,
Grey S; Scott Fairservice, Blyth,
F; Glenn Fisher, deputy -reeve, Ex-
eter, S; W, J Forbes, Goderich
Township, F; Ivan Forsyth, Tuck-
ersmith, F; Arthur Gibson, How -
ick, F; Karl Haberer, deputy of
flay, F; Clarence Hanna, Fast
Wawanosh, F; Ivan Haskms, de-
puty of Howick, F; James Hayter, •
deputy •of Stephen, S; John Hen-
derson, Hensall, F; Ralph Jewell,.
Colborne, F; Joseph Kerr, deputy'
of Wingham, S; Thos. Leiper, Hut -
lett, F; George McCutcheon, Brus-
sels, F; William McKenzie, Exeter,
S; Lloyd O'Brien, Zurich Sr Stew-
art Procter, Morris, F; Alvin Reu
deputy^of Stanley, F; Andre* Rit-
chie, Ashfield F; A. D. Smith,
Turnberry,' S;1 CIayton Smith,—Us-
borne, S; Grant Stirling, deputy of
Goderich Township, F; Frank' Wal-
kom, reeve of Goderich, S, S; Glen
Webb, Stephen., S. -
Mr. Forsyth, who is 57, is the
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Forsyth, and has been a lifelong
resident of Tuckersmith. His par-
ents were pioneers in the town-
He served on the township coun-
cil four years, and is entering his —
fifth term as reeve.
Mr. Forsyth is married to the
former Eva Strong, of Tucker-
smith, and is a member of Eg-
mondville United Church. He is
also a member of Seaforth Ma-
sonic Lodge.
The defeated candidate, Mr.
Smith, is beginning his sixth term
as reeve, and, had he been elected,
would have been the first warden,
from Usborne in 14 years.
Members of the striking com-
mittee, named following the elec-
tion, are Alvin Rau, William Ball,
William Henderson, Clifford Dun-
bar and James Bisset.
Joseph Kerr was elected for a
five-year term on the road com-
Andrew Ritchie for a four-
year term, and Mel Crich for three
Judge Fingland, the county clerk -
treasurer, John Berry and Reeve
Arthur Gibson were named to the
audit board.
Young Liberals
Set Objectives
(By Gary Williams)
At a recent meeting of the Sea -
forth Young Liberals, a new name
•nd a constitution were formally
idopted. In the future, the Sea-
"orth District Young Liberal Club
vill be known as the "Huron Young
"..iberal Association" (Seaforth).
Some of the important points of
he constitution are the objects of
'hc. association. One object is to
:tedy and discuss matters of con-
titutinnal, sncial and economic
'enificance and to fellow this with
'teflon when it is deemed expedl-
nt. Another important object of
`e Young Liberals is the combat-
ing of the general political apathy
,mong young people today.
The recent Liberal rally at Ot-
'awa was attended by the presi-
'ent, Nelson Bali.
Property Changes
The farm owned by Earl Me -
Naughton, on the 6th of Tucker-
-ntith, has been sold to Ernest and
Normlan Harburn, of Cromarty,
with immediate possession. The
sale was arranged by Amos Corby,
of Seaforth.
Bos -
veld of ice, announced thehsale of
the residence of Mrs. Loretta Jor-
dan in Dublin, to Louts Krasner.
He also announced the purchase
the 5tii n Tulf eke sit WW1 Ans.
sell:. nrisut..: