HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-01-12, Page 9A Winter Is Best Time to "Do it Now Tired of the same old kitchen? Many homemakers; realizing that they spend the majority of their time in the kitchen, are tak- ing steps to make their kitchen a pleasant and comfortable spot to relax and entertain friends in ad- dition to being an efficient place to prepare meals. Local officials of the National Employment Office who are spear- heading the current winter work campaign, are uring these people that this work can and should be done now. Architects and builders are in- corporating many design features —formerly used only in informal living areas—into modern kitchens to develop, a new "personality" for this all-purpose room. Woodgrain paneling, desk and telephone, television, comfortable chairs, and even a cheerful fire- place, now are found in kitchens. To emphasize this trend in kit- chens, many interesting decors can be planned to complement the furnishings and appliances. Panel- ing in a wide range of colors and patterns makes it easy to create a distinctive and practical decor. Woodgrain paneling is especially popular because it can be used in modern treatments or to accent an Early American or Colonial WINTER IS THE TIME FOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS, waitAz"Sp ring ';'. REMODELLING? Come in and see the latest Woodgrain WALLBOARDS PLYWOODS and CEILING TILES SAVE NOW HANDY 5 -FOOT STEPLADDERS Regular $6.00 ONLY . • . 54.59 Why Put Up With Your 0Id-Fashioned, Inefficient Kitchen? Let us give you a free estimate on a set of new wood kitchen cup- boards, designed to provide ample storage space. We'll cus- tom build them to your specifica- tions, or make suggestions for your requirements. NO DOWN PAYMENT... EASY BUDGET TERMS Seaforth Lumber LTD. Phone 47 Seaforth 1 a T N WITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN ' Home Improvement Loans are available through your bank under the National Housing Act for alterations and repairs to -the exterior or interior of a home and for a wide variety of other improve- ments. You may borrow up to $4,000 with up to ten years to repay. These loans are also available to the owners of rental properties. NI WITH A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Farm Improvement Loans, backed by the Domin- ion Government are available from your bank— up to $7,500 at five per cent simple interest and up to ten years to repay. These loans cover the purchase of all types of farm equipment and improvement to the farm house and farm buildings. ▪ WITH A SMALL BUSINESS LOAN Enquire about Government -backed loans for improvements to small business establishments through the chartered banks—up to$25,000 and up to ten years to repay. Why Wait for Spring? FOR ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE, CALL YOUR LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE IMSIIED BY AttTHORITY'OP THE MINISTER OF LAf30Im, CANADA theme. Ideal for. kitchens where • heat and moisture are a problem are some of the hardboard ma- terials that are currently available and can be damp -wiped clean. Like the baked .surface of a range or refrigerator, surfaces of these ma- terials resist dirt, grease and stains. Handsome woodgrain paneling is an effective background for al- most any • type of decor, and its warm tones help create an infor- mal atmosphere: Random -width grooves that are avanable in the planking can be used over studs in new construction, or furring strips in remodeling, to give a dis- tinctive vertical line treatment. Hardboards for counter tops are available in a wide range of colors 'and patterns, making it easy to plan an eye-catching decor. Just a minimum of work and effort can change the appearance of any kitchen. However, a com- plete renovation is necessary to develop that new, all-purpose ap- pearance. Whatever the choice, there are plenty of skilled trades- men available if the project is undertaken now. WINTHROP Messrs. Torn and Norman Love, of Milestone, Sask., are guests of their nephew, George Love, and Mrs. Love. The Helping Hand Missidn and will meet on Saturday, Jan. -14, at 2:00 p.m. • Almost every family, on occa- sion, has unexpected visitors drop i)} • on them. It may be an old school chum m who, with his wife, plan to visit for a couple of days, or mother and dad who have drop- ped in for the weekend. ST. COLUMBAN Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lane and sons in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Purcell. Miss Catharine Ryan, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Ry- an. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hagerty, of Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maloney. • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mclver,,,Kin- kora, with, Mr. and Mrs. William McIver. Each year it takes less time to fly around the world and more time to drive to work. BUTTER SURPLUSES AND PROBLEMS AIRED AT PERTH MEETINGS The mounting surplus of butter, one of the problems facing dairy farmers in Perth County, was dis- cussed by Hon. J. Waldo Monteith and members of the Perth County Federation of Agriculture at a re- cent meeting. The dairy farmers consider the surplus a grave problem, since the production of butter is on the in- crease, while consumption is de- creasing. Fergus Lannin, secretary of Perth Cream Producers, explained that butterfat surpluses are piling up due to the sale of 100,000,000 pounds of skim milk powder each year along with the increasing sale of.high test milk being sold at two per cent milk, with, the butterfat being turned back to the butter in- dutsry. Mr. Lannin considered there should be a three cent a quart gov- ernment levy on low fat whole milk, along with a 10 cent levy on 100 pounds of skim milk powder. The revenue derived from this wbtild subsidize the farmers pro- ducing crea mand concentrated milk, with the hope that consum- ers would be discouraged from us- ing low fat milk products. Bill1Hotson, chairman of the On- tario Cream Producers, asked Mr. Monteith to consider the idea of year-end sales of surplus butter. This would entail the selling of two pounds of butter with a third pound given away at a low", nomin- al cost. Mr. Hotson- suggested there is a very strong opposition in the indus- try toward any movement on the part of the government toward de- ficiency payments for butter. Un- der the deficiency payments, pric- es would fluctuate with supply and thus allow speculative buying of butter stocks. Earl Oppenhauser, secretary of the Mitchell Concentrated Milk Producers, spoke on behalf of the Concentrated Milk Producers, and on behalf of the Perth Cheese Pro- ducers who were unable to attend due to the annual meeting being held in Toronto. Mr. Oppenhauser considered. the cheese industry as perhaps a bright spot in the milk industry if the cheese producers could receive some assistance fin- ancially from other dairy groups and also the privilege of buying cheese above the floor price to be put into storage. At present the cheese producers are not allowed to buy cheese above the floor to be put into stor- age while at the same time cheese processors and handlers are al- lowed to bid above the floor and then put it into government stor- age at government expense. Cheese producers would like to bid one cent a pound above the floor and then sell it back to the stabiliza- tion board at the floor of 32 cents. This, they believe,' would make more milk available to the cheese industry. Great Britain is a ready', market for Canadian cheddar if a steady flow of cheese could be ob- tained. Barb Wire Snag Much concern was shown by the four Co-operatives in Perth at the hike in the price of two well-known English barb wire brands. They believed this was caused by an un- warranted dumping duty imposed this year. However, Mr. Monteith explained that there was no duty imposed; the increase was caused by increased costs in. Great Bri- tain, alongwith : higher costs of water transportation across the Atlantic. Bert Daynard, Perth County re- presentative to the Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture, outlined to Mr. Monteith the need in Canada for legislation to enable the provinces to set up National Marketing Boards. "This need of national boards is very real as now the organized farmers are beginning to consider the feasibility of plan- ned production," said Mr. Day - nerd. Brief comments were, given on the trade relations with Cuba. It was considered by those present at the meeting that the govern- ment had taken the proper course in maintaining an open door atti- tude to Cuba. Ed Dearing, of Staffa, was chair- man of the meeting. Present, re- presenting the Perth Federation, were Mervyn Wenzell, Gowans - town; Thomas Cardwell, Stratford; Don Grant, St, Marys; Ed. Dear- ing, Staffa; Rev. Bert Daynard; Staffa; Cream Producers: Earl Grant, St. Marys; Fergus Lannin, Dublin; Bill Hotson, St. Marys; Concentrated Milk Producers: Wal- ter Muegge, Mitchell; Earl Op- penhauser, Monkton; Isaac Bartja, Monkton; Ron Skinner, Mitchell; Roy Meadows, St. Pauls; Chester Lupton, St. Pauls; Elwood Ellison, Listowel; Harold Reid, Listowel; Listowel Whole' Milk Producers: Frank Bowman; Perth Hog Pro- ducers: Frank Shragner, Sebring- ville; Perth Beef Producers: John Dawson, Mitchell; Co-operative As- sociations: Bryce Skinner, Mit- chell; Wilfred Noble, Listowel; Fred Switzer, Kirkton; T. Alvin Crago, Kirkton. Perth County agricultural repre- sentative, Newton Ashton, also at- tended the meeting. BUSY, CAPE BRETON About one-quarter of the popula- tion of Nova Scotia live and work on Cape Breton Island. The Book of Knowledge says that until the construction of the causeway a few years .ago they had to use ferries to get to and fro. Winter is the time for home improvements Let Us Help You Plan that Bathroom that you have been think- ing about for years, Run that extra heat duct to the kitchen or back room. Put an extra Toilet or Basin downstairs, so the children don't track mud through the house. Change from Hard to Gentle Soft Water with a Duro Water Softener. Install Beatty Water Bowls in the barn. Call Us For. Anything in Heating or Plumbing. When they do, isn't it nice to be able to say, "Why not stay with us?" Unfortunately, there are famil- ies who are unable to do this simply because of the lack of house space. To issue such an invitation, under any and all cir- cumstances, requires more than just a warm feeling of hospitality. It needs also a well-appointed guest room. The most essential factor in, planning a guest room can per- haps be summed up in one word— "privacy". It should be a room to which guests can go and feel that they are completely on their own, where they need not be an intrusion on the family. There are many things a family can do in their home to provide such a guest room that is, besides "doing it now", thereby creating additional winter employment, The guest room, of course, can be fitted out in varying degrees depending upon circumstances. Perhaps the simplest step that can be taken, and certainly one that should not entail too much expense, is the installation of a wash basin in the guest room. In sdme instances, it might be desirable to have the basin put into the bedroom cupboard, and in the past, this has, in fact, been a popular solution, But that cuts down on clothes Invite Groups To Bethel Meet The January meeting of Bethel WMS and WA was held at the home of Ethel and Tennie Dennis. The theme for the day's meeting was, "The Ljnchanging Glory of God." The , devotional exercises from the Missionary Monthly were conducted by Tennie Dennis and Mrs. Murray Dennis. Mrs. Leonard Leeming gave a Christian Steward- ship reading. A hymn used in con- nection with the study book was sung. Mrs. John Burch gave a chapter from the study book deal- ing with the volunteer work that is done in many work camps in Eur- ope. A letter announcing the Com- munity Workshop, to be held in Blyth on January 21, was read by Mrs. E. Beuermann.- It was suggested that the 17th and Boundary groups be invited to the May meeting. Mrs. Stimore in- formed the group that supply work for this year is to be two sweaters, age 12-15 years, two scarfs„ toys and mitts. A letter was read from Norway House, expressing their thanks for the White Gift parcels which were sent at Christmastime. A hymn was sung and the meeting closed with prayer by Tennie Den- nis. WA Meeting Mrs. William Dennis presided for the WA meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the roll call was responded to by 18 members. Different methods of raising money for the year were discussed and several of- the old ways will still be used. Plans were made for .a social evening to be held in No. 9 School on Jan. 20. Old Christmas cards are to be taken to the next meeting. A hymn was sung, followed by the closing prayer. FISH SUPPLIED EARLY BEADS Mankind has favored beads as an ornament since the earliest days, says the Book of Knowledge and 30,000 years ago fish bone was used to make them. hanging space, and today it is con- sidered more practical to make. the wash basin part and parcel;, of the furnishings of the room. This has been made easier by the in- iroduction in recent years of a wash basin built into a counter top ,on -which all the accessories of the toilet 'can be placed. With a mirror' qn the wall, the fixture becomes a combination of a wash basin and vanity and be- cause of its beauty of both design and color, it adds to rather than extracts from the appearance of the room. Even more desirable, if space permits, is a complete powder room, or half -bathroom, with both wash basin and toilet. This ,re- quires a self-contained space, of course, but even a fair-sized cup- board is sufficient to house it. An area no bigger than five -by -three - feet can be made to do, and many bedroom cupboards, particularly in older houses, are sufficiently big. Sometimes it is more practical, and often more useful from the family's point of view, to build the guest bathroom not in., but adjac- ent to, the guest room. Space may suggest itself in a hall cupboard, or even the end of the hall itself will afford space for a small bath- room. '1111V Ttlfgt(0 Why wait - or Spring 1 IT"NOW fir•=.;.: WHEN MEN ARE AVAILABLE HANAtt ADD RQI YOU KITCHEN Contact Us For a Price On That Remodelling Job Fix up your kitchen or add that needed space with an extra room. Estimates gladly given! JOSEPH T. HUG1LL GENERAL CONTRACTOR Phone 388-J Seaforth WHY WAIT FOR SPRING? START NOW ON AN ADDITION TO YOUR HOME ! We'll Give You Expert Advice! Yes, you can have a beautiful new bedroom, rumpus room, outside work- shop or playroom at a very economical price. It will not only give you com- fort and pleasure, but increase the value of yoltr property ! Free Estimates Gladly Given! Terms Arranged on Your Lumber Needs ! WE'LL DELIVER YOUR REQUIREMENTS We have a Complete Selection of the Finest Building Materials. Lumber - Paints - Millwork Insulation - Lime - Cement Hardware Phone: Seaforth 787 Clinton HU 2-9514 Ball -Macaulay Limited Don't Know Where Ta Btgin When remodelling, make plans to use Seaforth Fulvue Windows. Modernize and behutify your home with these sa.shless sliders. Available in different jamb widths for plaster or dry wall finishes, and .for brick veneer or frame construction. Fulvue Slider Windows are also available for cement block and concrete walls, for plastered or dry wall finishes. Begin With SLIDER WINDOWS DO ITS ow' When men are available vv�,y Do It With FULVUE I Whether bathroom, kitchen, or any room in the house, look to Fulvue Sliders for that modernistic touch ! 0,03' PERFECT FOR THAT NEW HOUSE, TOO! FULVUE SLIDERS - feature all-new Viny track, engineered and de- signed to assure lasting tight seal. Will not warp ! BUILT-IN CONDENSATION TROUGH ' ■err rrr■ Jackson Aluminum . LIMITED MANUFACTURES OF SEAFORTH FULVUE SLIDER WINDOWS • Phone 74 &dot&