HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1961-01-12, Page 3C U T Cost's ! Scale >2.00 per /Oh ON • • FIERTILIZER • • • 0 • • • • • • • BY TAKING DELIVERY BEFORE JAN. 31st plus 5% discount for paying before March 14th Buy Co-op Fertilizer.. a top quality plant food, at substantial savings. (up to $6.00 per ton on an $80.00 fertilizer). Backed by a "Guarantee of Quality" certificate, SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP CROMARTY NEWS OF THE WEEK daughters afsKbrriok with Mr and Mrs. T. L. Scott on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and family and Mrs. Verna McKellar, of Stratford, with Mrs, Houghton on Monday. Billie returned to his home with them after spending the holidays with his grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caddick and family, of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chappell and family with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Varley at Brucefield on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and family with Ivan Baechler's at Zur- ich. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gardiner at Kirkton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl, Alice and Connie with Mr. and Mrs. John Chessell at Mitchell on Sunday. Family gatherings were held at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dow, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray SEAFORTH Agricultural Society ANNUAL MEETING and BANQUET Thursday, Jan. 19 7 p.m. EGMONDVILLE United Church Guest Speaker: Charles S. MacNaughton M.P.P. for Huron Admission .$1.50- Each NEED iRUEIBER STAMPS? THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH — ONTARIO ARS 1959 Chev. Sedan 1958 Chev. "8" Sedan—A.T. 1958 Chev. "6" Standard—Radio 1957 `Vauxhall Sedan' 1957 Chev. Sedan 1957 Dodge Pick -Up 1957 Chev. Pick -Up • PRICED TO CLEAR , — No Reasonable Offer Refused -- at, Seaforth Motors Phone 541 — Seaforth Christie and Mr. and Mrs. Mac I;aXnond, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse and Donna, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, of Sas- katchewan, visited on Monday with Mrs. Houghton. Mr. and Mrs, IL Carey with Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Carey. William Worden with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roney on Sunday. Mrs. Edna Christian has return- ed after spending the holiday with her daughter and son-in-law at Lindsay. BRUCEFIELD The January meeting of the Brucefield Women's Association was held in the schoolroom Jan. 3. Mrs. Triebner and Mrs. Lorne Wil- son had charge of the devotional period. "The Spirit of Man is the Candle of the Lord" was the theme. The opening hymn was sung and the Scripture lesson, from second chapter of Proverbs, first to ninth verses, was read bMrs. Wilson. Mrs. Triebner gave the Meditation and led in prayer. This being the installation of the new officers for 1961, Mrs. Broad - foot, past president, tailed on Rev. Mr. Johnson. In addressing the new officers, Mr. Johnson stressed the aims and objects of the WA. "No matter how small a part each organization plays, remember we are a part of our own church and the Christian Church as a whole," he said. The new president, Mrs. Selden Ross, took charge of the meeting. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Roll call was answered bypaying member- ship fees. The treasurer's report was given, there being a balance of $1,419.90 to begin the year's work, A receipt and thank -you letter were read from UNICEF for offering of $28.60 sent at Christ- mas. The offering was received and dedicated by offertory prayer. Correspondencn_was.read from the McCartney family. Mrs. Lobb thanked the WA for card received by her uncle at • Christmas, and Mrs. Tena Dayman sent a thank - you note. Mrs. Berry reported for the flower committee. Mrs. John Broadfoot moved, and Mrs. H. Taylor seconded the motion, that $25 be donated to the flower com- mittee. The church committee re- ported the purchase of a new vacuum cleaner for the church. Moved by Mrs. Triebner, second- ed by Mrs. Allan, that we pay for the manse telephone, Mrs. Broadfoot • thanked those who had help decorate the church for Christmas services. It was decided to have a pot -luck supper at the annual meeting. The meeting closed by a WA hymn and prayer. Group 3 had 'charge of the pro- gram. Mrs. George' Clifton gave two very appropriate readings, "Old and New" and "Hospitality." Margaret McQueen rendered a lovely piano solo, "How Great Thou Art." Mrs. Triebner conduct- ed a contest. ALL KINDS of INSURANCE W. E. SOUTHGATE MAIN ST. : SEAFORTH Phone 334 — Res. 540 TointafitentoRmalliRamonemor • .•. 'iYo%.i y!/:7iin.• .^.y%b$GSyS• D'q`ls.r ••,$%i:dY. •' 1 . �''" •• •• ••4r< n'.VM[Ya�S/'iw/iZ JlIFM A Alet NOW... WHITE SALE PRICES WHITES • STRIPES • PRINTS FASHION BORDERS • PASTELS Made right here in Canada DOMINION TEXTILE CO., 1950 SHERBROOKE ST. WEST, MONTREAL TEX-MADE PRODUCTS are available at STEWART BROS. Phone 32, Seaforth BNyth Leg on Instaljed TharSda An installation team from Wing. ham Legion branch did the honors at a joint meeting of Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary in Blyth Legion Home Thursday evening, Jan. 5, and installed the following officers for 1961: . Legion Branch: President, Don- ald Sprung; first vice-president, William Mehl; second mice -presi- dent, Arnold Berthot; sergeant -at - ,arms, William Thompson; secre- tary, Clare Vincent; treasurer, Stanley Lyon; padre, Rev. Robert Meally; executive committee Scott Fairservice, Stewart Johnston, "Tommy" Thompson, George Hag- gitt, Kelland McVittie, Stanley Ball. Ladies' Auxiliary to Canadian Legion Branch 420—President, Mrs. Jean Little; first vice-president, Mrs. Eva Wellbanks; second vice- president, Mrs. Ethel Gibbons; sec: retary, Mrs. Jessie Tebbutt; treas- urer, Mrs. Muriel Bell; sergeant - at -arms, Mrs. S. Fairservice; ex- ecutive committee, Mrs. Luella McGowan, Mrs. Vi Burns, Mrs. Kay Hesslewood, Phyllis Cole. WINCHELSEA Mrs. Harvey Smith, of Crediton, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn, Larry, Joan and Jimmy were guests on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skinner and family at St. Pauls. Master Scott and Susan Morgan, of Thames Road, spent a day this past week with their grandparents, Mr. apd Mrs, Newton Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hern and Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny were guests on Friday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Haarold Rowe and family, of Thames Road: The WA of Elimville Church catered to the council banquet on Friday evening, which was served in the basement of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Morgan and family, of Thames Road, visit- ed on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Newton Clarke, OBITUARIES WILLIAM GEORGE PARKER HENSALL—Residents of Hensall and community were shocked to learn of the sudden passing of William Parker, 61, a well-known resident of the village, who drop- ped dead on Saturday, January 7, while delivering feed at the farm of Rochus Faber, of Kippen dis- trict, his death being attributed to a heart seizure. Born in Hay Township, he farm- ed at Chiselhurst for a number of years before taking up residence in Hensall, where he had been em- ployed at Mickle's grain mill for the past 11 years. Surviving are his widow, the former Eva Norris; two sons, Ar- thur, Seaforth; Bill, at home; two daughters, Miss Betty Parker, f London; Mrs. Clarence (Margaret) Ruston, Stratford; three brothers, Wilbert and Harold, Hensall, and Gordon, Exeter, • and one grandson. Public funeral services held from the Bonthron Funeral Home, con- ducted by Rev. R. C. Winlaw, Mon- day, Tan, 9, were largely attended. Burial was in Meraggart's ceme- tery. Bearers were John Jarrott, Bill Mickle, Lloyd Venner, Carl Stoneman, Alvin Cole and Carence Volland. The sympathy of the community is . extended to Mrs. Parker and her family. HENSALL NES Mr. and Mfrs, Earl Cam pb� ell have taken up residence in Heti= sail in the home purchased by Mr. Campbell on Richmond Street, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sinaloa, Zurich, announce the birth of their son at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Jan. 3, 1960. The baby missed out by 10 minutes in a delayed race for first New Year's baby honors at South Huron Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. WilIiariY Smale, of Hensall, are grandparents. Mr. John Passmore spent ChrIst- mas with his son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore and family, at Delhi, and with his KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smithers, of London, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. William Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell. Mr. Gerald Toonk, who was gor- ed by a boar on his father's farm November 13, spent 22 days in Scott Memorial Hospital at Sea - forth, and we are happy to report is back to normal again. Holy Communion was administer- ed Sunday morning in St. Andrew's United Church, with the minister, Rev. A. H. Johnston, in charge. Braum Binnendyk contributed a solo, "From the Manger To the Cross," which was much enjoyed by the congregation. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Ingram, of Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson, Gary, Randy and Tim, also Miss Lois Rathwell, of Varna. Neighbors and friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson Christ- mas week, to honor them on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Six tables of euchre' were played and the couple presented with a lamp and an anniversary cup and saucer. Lunch was served later. The following address was read: "Dear Gladys and Allan: We, your friends and neighbors, have gath- ered here this evening" to surprise you on this the occasion of your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. No doubt in the past 25 years you have been happy, despite the ups and downs of everyday living. We could not let the occasion pass without showing our heartfelt wish- es to such a fine couple. We hope the future will hold many years of health and happiness, and may some of your fondest wishes come true. Please accept this gift, and as you look at it you will always remember us. -Your Friends and Neighbors." Hensall WMS Sends $700 To Treasury The Women's Missionary Society of Hensall United Church held their' regular January meeting on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 5. Mrs, R. M. Peck was in the chair. Mrs. W. Dilling read Scripture passages and Mrs. W. B. Cross offered prayer. Mrs. Sim Roobol sang a lovely solo, "Silent Night," with the first verse sang in her native tongue—Holland. Rev. R. C. Win - law gave an inspiring address on "New Year's" and installed the officers for 1961. President Mrs. E. Rowe con- ducted the business period. Caro- line and Beth Cook sang a delight- ful duet, "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus," accompanied at the piano by Mrs. George Hess. Caroline Cook offered a pleasing piano solo. Yearly reports were. submitted and over $700 was sent to the Branch treasury during the year. Refresh- ments were served. , APPOINT OFFICIALS, SET SALARIES AT USBORNE COUNCIL INAUGURAL Usborne Township council, at its inaugural meeting Tuesday, prom- ised full support to South Huron Hospital's current campaign for $25,000 to finance construction of its new wing. Reeve Clayton Smith and his councillors endorsed the campaign after it bad been outlined by Elgin W. Rowclifte, chairman of the hos- pital campaign committee. Council authorized a number of changes in salaries, hourly rates of pay and charges in its first bylaw of the year. Clerk -assessor H, H, G. Strang will receive $250 per month; Treas- urer N: G. Clarke, $600 per year; Road Superintendent William Rout- ly, $260 per month; power main- tainer operator, $260 per month; auditors, A. M. Harper & Co., God- erich, $300 per year. The crawler tractor operator will receive $1.55 per hour, tractor mower operators, $1.20 per hour. Snowplowing charges to ratepay- ers was raised to $8.00 per year, with a minimum of $4.00; crawler tractor and plow, $9.00 per hour to both township and county. Subscribe To Office During ,the opening proceedings Reeve Smith and Councillors Har- old Hunter, George Frayne, Ward Hern and Archie Etherington sub- scribed to the declaration of office before Clerk Strang. Rev. Hugh Wilson, of Thames Road and Elimviile charges, open- ed the meeting with prayer and wished council well in their deIib- erations during the year. Reeve Smith requested the co- operation in carrying on the affairs of the municipality harmoniously during 1961. In return,•councillors wished the reeve success in his bid for the county wardenship. The reeve entertained council and officials to a turkey dinner at Armstrong's. Reports Collections Deputy tax collector Mrs. B. M. Woods reported receipt of $121,447 in 1960 taxes. Grants of $25 to the Salvation Army and $10 to the War Mem- orial Children's Hospital were ap- proved. Reeve and clerk were authorized to attend a MWODA dinner meet- ing in Goderieh on January 11. Membership was taken in the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities and arrange- ments were made to attend both conventions.' First Monday afternoon in each month was set as the regular meet- ing day during 1961. For Febru- arl, however, council will meet on Tuesday, February 7, because of the Blanshard Municipral Telephone System meeting on Monday, A bylaw was passed authorizing borrowing of up to $95,000 during the year. Purchase Truck Ontario Department of Highways has given approval for the pur- chase of a new truck: - Council approved signing a re- lease to the Wawanesa Mutual In- surance Co. on payment of $2,000 for damages to the Easton bridge. • CLOTHES • BLANKETS • . and DRAPES DRY CLEANED FAST! For Free Home Pickup Call 87 Gather up your Clean- ing now. Call us. We'll pick it up and expertly clean it for you. Specialists in Invisible Mending FLANNERY CLEANERS Phone 87 : Seaforth sister and brother -14 -taw, Mrs. Gilbert Duncan; antt their sots and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and family at Kirk - ton. Mr. James A. Paterson left by plane Wednesday morning, Jan, 4 for a two weeks' vacaton with relatives In California. Rebekah Lodge Meets ° Noble Grand Mrs. Ernie Chip - chase presided for the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge Wednesday evening. A meeting of the com- mittee of the CP & T Fund will be held in the lodge rooms Jan. 12. Mrs. Archie MacGregor gave the financial report, and recording sec- retary Mrs. John Ingram read thank -you notes from shutins for treats, flowers 'and cheques sent by the CP & T committee at Christmas. Change in by-laws were given third and final reading by the Noble Grand. Property committee was instructed to inquire about the purchase of an electric stove for the kitchen for the hall. Following the meeting, members and guests enjoyed a social hour of euchre and the winners were: ladies, Mrs. Edna Corbett and Mrs. Jim McAllister; gents, W. R. Dougall and Ernie Chipchase. Re- freshments were ,served. THRIFTY HIPPENETTES The first meeting of the Thrifty Kippenettes' new project, "Cottons May Be Smart," was held at Mrs. Alex McGregors' on Saturday. There were 18 members present and two leaders, Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregor and Mrs. Charles Eyre. The officers elected were: presi- dent, Kathryn McGregor; first sec- retary, Margaret Jean Broadfoot; pianist, Sharon McBride; press re- porter, Marilyn Tremeer. The leaders gave the girls notes on gotten and patterns. They also demonstrated how to alter a 'pat- tern. The next meeting is to be held at the home of .Mrs.' Charles Eyre on January 14, at 9 a.m. ,'Bines ►ii nn rs' Specials At the $eafprkli EWA' 166 Canadian 400 Saturday nig,;t k?ngo were 'W911 Hetury Swan, Mrs. Glzax'les. Wood and Mrs. ;Barney " Hildebrand, all of Seaforth, and a 45 SPeelai went to Mrs. James Barry, Egmondvilte. Regular games were won as fel- lows: Bill Austin, Seaforth; Bill Newman, Clinton; Mrs. Ken Swazi, Seaforth; • Mrs. Henry Swan, Sea - forth; Wes Vanderburgh, Clinton; Genevieve Lovett (2), Seaforth; Norman Baird, Brucefield; Mrs, Baird, Brucefield; Mrs. (rdoit. Noble, Seaforth; Frank Vander - burgh, Clinton, and Frank Skinner (2), Mitchell; Fred Dorver, Sea - forth; Margaret Stevenson, Sea - forth. Door prizes were won by Mrs. Harvey Beuerman, Seaforth, and Mrs. Newman,,. of Clinton. JANUARY JACK. T Footwear Servite , FOR SALE Men's awl Boys' X('90 c# . SHOES REPAIRED ANA SSO,E BINDINGb? - • It is our business to give goznort and Save you Money r January Savings! hillliulluullliullu illlilulllhlilflf Don't forget! Sun Life of Canada's modern Adjustable Policy offers the head of the family a choice of four options after five years. It's a policy that looks to the future — your future. .- I am Sun Life's local representative. May I be of service? JOHN J. WALSH R.R. No. 1, DUBLIN TELEPHONE: Dublin 40-R-20 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada - LIVE FOWL WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID -- free Pick-up Dublin Creamery: and. Poultry Packers Phone DUBLIN 68 East Huron Pr�duce Phone BRUSSELS 66 WE'RE IN TRE MARKET :.�b. :: S,v Y.� •moi KSN ...:.... M ..;h J.../:S. G. THOMPSON • HENSALL and Sons Limited • Phone 32 For GRAIN that will make GOOD SEED! RODNEY or GARRY OATS FOR SEED Also YORK BARLEY that Will Make Good Seed! BRING IN YOUR SAMPLES We'll quote you our High Price NOW AVAILABLE ! KD CORN -- In truck load or ton lots. Full Line of CIL FERTILIZER -- Early order discounts still in effect CLOVER SEEDS and GRASS SEEDS Available. See us before buying FOR PROMPT SERVICE -- GIVE US° A CALL! Wm G. Thompson &Sons LIMITED PHONE 32.or 33 NIGHTS 32 or 194 HENSALL TF,