The Huron Expositor, 1960-12-19, Page 103.9,4vg*Aigl gxpwr94,, si✓4F9R7!H,'ONT., DEC. 29, 1960
Organist and Choir Leader
New Year Services
10 A.M.
Church School and Youth
Fellowship Class
11 A.M.
Friends will please note
that there will be no eve-
ning Service.
Lyle, Hammond
Organist and Choir Leader
10 A.M.
Sunday School
11 A.M.
"When the Great
Moment Has Passed"
Sacrament of Lord's
All Passengers Insured
676 675
Wm. M. _ Hart
Phone 784 : Seaforth
• Church Notices
Duff's, 10 a.m.; Bethel, 11:30 a.m.;
Cavan, 2:00 p.m. — Rev. W. H.
Summerell, Minister. •
Worship (New Year's Sunday),
11:00 a.m.; Junior Church School
will meet during worship service;
Senior Church School, 10:00 a.m.—
Organist, Mrs. James A. Stewart;
eholrmaster, Mr. James A. Stew-
art; Minister, Rev. J. Cliff, Brit-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gordon
Butters, Dublin, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Mary
Phyllis, to Mr. John Joseph Morris,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P.
Morris, Staffa, Ont., the marriage
to take place on January 14, 1361,
at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic
Church, Dublin, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston
spent the holiday with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Blue hav'e
returned from a trip to Prince
Edward Island. Spending the
Christmas holiday with them at
their home here were Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Nicolle, of Palmer-
ston, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gor-
don, Prince Edwawrd Island.
Weekend visitors with Mrs. J.
S. Watson were: Miss Jean Wat-
son, Reg.N., of Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs.. Albert Clark and family, of
Muirkirk; Mr. and Mrs. Don An-
drews, of Clinton, and Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Haney and sons.
Miss Marian Weiland, of Toron-
to, is spending the holidays with
her mother, Mrs. Jean Weiland.
Holiday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. James Hay were: Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Pepper, Niagara Falls;
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Horton,
Brucefield; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Horton and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Mrs. Margaret Erratt, of Toron-
to, visited with her brother, Mr.
T. Robinson, and her nieces, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and
Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson,
also with her relatives in Stanley.
We are glad to see Mr. Mervin
Nott able to be home again after
his stay in Victoria Hospital at
Rev. Andrew H. and Mrs. Mc-
Kenzie and family, of Acton, were
holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Elmore Stephenson and with the
former's mother, Mrs. Hugh Mc-
Miss Annie Moore, of Toronto,
was a holiday visitor with her
brothers, Mr. arid Mrs. Andrew
Moore and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Moore.
Miss Jessie Finlayson, of Lorne
Park, was a visitor with friends
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray and
son, Robert, spent. Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gray, London,
and spent Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Burt Waters, Ajax.
Mr. Wayne Wamsley, Galt, visit-
ed with his parents, 1VIr: and Mrs.
Jack Fraiser, over the holiday.
Mr. Kenneth Keating, of New
York, spent Christmas with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keat-
of the. Seaforth Branch Canadian Legion
will take the form of a
New Year's Party
Saturday, December 31st
8:30 to 12
Legion' Members" and' Guests Only
r l • 1�: 1, el, w}: } y`1. ,�.i ,r1 ;"} ✓} w.1 r}. Y}. r.} ,Y}: ;,.} ,Y}, ;�};•.S. ;wl.....}
(Under the auspices of the Seaforth and District Ministerial)
Jan. 3rd to Jan. 6th (inclusive), 1961
Tuesday, Jan. 3—Egmondville United Church
Guest Minister—Rev. J. C. Britton
Subject: "Lord,, Teach Us To Pray"
Wednesday, Jan. 4—First Presbyterian Church
Guest Minister—Rev. John Vardy
4, Subject: "The Sinner's Prayer"
Thursday, Jan. 5—St. Thomas' Anglican Church
Guest Minister—Rev. D. Leslie Elder
Subject: "The, Saint's Prayer"
Friday, Jan. 6 -Northside United Church
Guest Minister—Rev. Harry Donaldson
Subject: "The Saviour's Prayer"
Offerings will be received at all services on behalf of the Canadian
Council of Churches.,
The above Churches in the community join in promoting
this period of Christian Fellowship. Make it a point to
begin your New Year by attending these prayer services.
Rev. D. Leslie Elder, Rev. J. Cliff Britton,
Chairman. Secretary -Treasurer. -
Mrs. M. H. McKenzie, of Mr. Erwin Schenck, London, vis-
OAawa, is spending the Christ- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flynn
mas holiday season with her moth- recently.
er, Mrs. Mae Dorrance. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cornish and
Miss Marjory Bickell,` of To- family spent Christmas in Water-
ronto, is a Christmas guest of loo.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rowat and
of Hullett. family were in Toronto for Christ -
Mrs. R. K. McFarlane has re- mas.
turned from Guelph, where she Miss Linda Gervan, ,London, is
spent the past week with Mr, and a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Mrs. A. Y. McLean.
Miss Sharon Hotham, of Teach- Miss Helen McKercher, of To -
College, Stratford, is spending ionto, spent Christmas with her
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Frost, of
the holidays ather home here.father, Mr. F. McKercher, in Mc -
Dundas, were in Seaforth Wednes- Killop.
day visiting his aunt, Miss Tena Mr. Neil Beattle, Toronto, was
Bristow, who is a patient in Scott a holiday visitor at his home here.
1V);emorial Hospital. Mrs. Bert Shaw and Mr. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Neville McMillan Langford, London; Mr. Robert
and family, of Sarnia, spent Christ- Shaw, Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs.
mas with his parents, Mr. and George Shaw and daughter, of
Mrs. J. M. McMillan. Byron, were Christmas visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Larone with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Boussey.
and family, of Toronto, were Dr. and Mrs. Donald Munn and
Christmas visitors with their par- Dr. and Mrs. William Munn and
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Spittal their families, of Listowel, were
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Larone. holiday visitors with Dr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone, Brigh- J. A. Munn.
ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mr. Robert Smith, Sr., Miss Mae
Hunt, London, were weekend visi- Smith and Mr. Robert Smith spent
tors at the home of the McMil- Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Ian's and Hunt's. L. Smith, in Hullett.
Miss Margaret°,Isabelle McCloy, Mrs. Atkinson and daughter,
of Toronto Eastern General Hos- Miss Edna Atkinson, of Toronto,
pital, and Miss Bonnie McCloy, of spent the holidays with Mr. and
Victoria Hospital, London, spent Mrs° Sydney Gemmell.
the Christmas holidays at the Mr. Douglas Stewart, of Toronto,
home of their parents. spent Christmas with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar spent Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stewart.
the weekend with Rev. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keys, of
R. H. Williams, Mac and Paul, of, Chatham, spent the week with
Mount Clemens, Michigan. their parents in McKillop.
Mrs. Horton, of Stratford, was Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ern-
a recent guest at the home of Mr. est Adams and Miss Donelda over
and Mrs. M. McKellar. the holiday included' Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Ferguson, Doug Blair, Sebringville; Mr. and
of Toronto, spent the Christmas Mrs. Ben Edwards and Sharon, of
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Torr. Exeter; -'Mrs. C. Lindsay, Seaforth,
Flynn. land Mrs. T. J. Adams, Egmond-
Christmas day guests with Mr, vide.
and Mrs. Harold Coleman were Mr. Mrs. Theobald spent Christmas
and Mrs. Laverne Scott, Mr.• and with relatives in Toronto.
Mrs. Ernest Allen, Sheila and Mary Mr. George Hays spent Christ -
Lynn and Mr. and Mrs. Carter mas in Detroit.
Kerslake and family. 'Miss M. J. Habkirk and Mrs.
Rev. D. Leslie Elder and, Mrs. Ada- Dale spent Christmas in Wa-
Elder spent Christmas 'in Otawa. terloo with Mr. and Mrs. Del
Mr. and' Mrs. George Addison Krauel.
spent Christmas day in Hullett. Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton, of
Mr. Thomas R. Cluff, of Mont- town; and Mr. Ken Eaton, of To -
real, spent the holidays with his ronto, were Christmas guests of
father, Mr. A. F. Cluff. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan,
Mr. and.. Mrs.. Arnold Scott and Roxboro.
Wilmore Scott spent Tuesday and Mrs. Cora Chesney spent Christ -
Wednesday in Brantford with Mr. mas with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
and Mrs. Kenneth Harrison, Assent, Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Devereaux and Mr. Kenneth Moore, Sarnia,
family visited with Dr. and Mrs. spent Christmas with his par -
T. Melady and family, Goderich, ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Moore.
on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Flynn, of
Mrs. Alex Bethune spent Christ- London, and T/Sgt. J. G. Taman
mas at the home of her daugh- and family, of Russell's Point,
ter, Mrs. Hulbert, and Mr. Hulbert Ohio, spent Christmas week with
in Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. 'Close.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cornish and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore,
family, of Seaforth; Mr. Mac Cor- of Wallaceburg, and Miss Nancy
nish and Mr. Ewart Cornish, of Cudmore, of London, spent Christ -
Clinton; Mrs. Harry Norris, of mas,,with Miss Hazel Reid and Mr.
Sarnia, and Mr. ' and Mrs. Roy D. L. Reid.
Brock, of Hensall, spent the The Papple family Christmas
Christmas holiday with Mr. and was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. K. Cornish, of Brucefield. Mrs. Gordan ?apple on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McIver with the family all present: Mr.
and children, of Waterloo, spent and Mrs. David Papple, of Sea -
Christmas with his mother, Mrs. forth; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Prin-
Sarah McIver. gle, Judy and Dixie Lee, Mr. and
Miss Donelda Adams,' of Centra- Mrs. Jack Rotchell and Rebecca
lia, is spending the holidays with Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnston
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest and Leonard, Mr. Bill Finch, all
Adams, North Main St. of Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Christmas visitors with Mr. and West, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott
Mrs. John Hotham, Wilson Streets and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
were: Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hoth' Papple, Richard, David and De -
am and family, of Windsor; Mr. borah, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stint
and Mrs. C. E. Laithwaite and son, Wendy, Wayne Wyott, all of
sons, Arnold, Edward and George, London; Mr. and Mrs., Scott. Kerr,
of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Darlene, Danny and Dennis, of
Duncan Cooper, of Kippen. Wellburn; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pap -
Mr. Peter Spittal, of Royal Mili- ple, Marjorie, Bruce, Jim, Tom
tary College, Kingston, is spending and Don; Mr. and Mrs. William
the holidays with his parents, Mr. Papple, Marilyn, Jack, Bob, Diane
and Mrs. J. R. Spittal. and- Brenda; Mr. and' Mrs, Wm.
Rt. Rev. Monsignor Feeney, Miss Little, Garry, Fay, Dyke and Neil,
Alphonsine Meagher and Mr. and all of Seaforth.
Mrs. Frank Stock and family, of Mr., and Mrs. Donald Carter, of
London; Mr° Wilfred Feeney, Mrs. Innerkip, were guests with her par -
Dan Costello, Mr. •and Mrs. Har- ents, Mr., and Mrs. Harold Peth-
old Meagher and Jimmy, of Dub- ick.
lin; Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher Mr. James' R. Scott and. Miss
and family, of Stratford, and Mr. Katie Scott spent Christmas at
and Mrs. Alphonse Meagher and their home here,
family, of Arva, spent Christmas Mr. Mervin Nott, who has been
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meagher. a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon -
Mrs. Edythe L. Wallace and don, has returned home,
Miss Millie Whalley, Toronto, spent Mr. and Mrs. Sam McKenzie and
the Christmas weekend with Mr. family, Georgetown, spent Christ -
and Mrs. R. James.Wallace and mas with Mr. and Mrs° N. C.
family. Cardno.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes and Mr. and Mrs. David T. McGee,
Mary spent Christmas in London London, were Christmas visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Geddes with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Pullman.
and family and other friends. • Mr. and Mrs. William Scott and
Mr. Douglas Scott; of Montreal, Mr. John Scott, of Toronto, spent
and Mr. James Scott, of Teeswater, the holidays with Mr. and Mrs.
spent the Christmas holidays with James M. Scott.
their mother, Mrs. James T. Scott. Mr. James Crich, of O.A.C.,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cummings Guelph, and Mr. Franklin Bryans,
and family, of Stratford, and Mr. of U.W.O:, London, are spending
and Mrs. Richard Paylor, of Chat- holidays at their homes here.
ham, visited with Mrs. J. Cum- Mrs. C. P. Sills is a patient in
mings. Victoria Hospital, London.
0 --
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Smale and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smale
and family, of Staffa; Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Hackney and famly, of
Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs.
Allie Hildebrand and family, of
Seaforth, spent Christmas at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Miss Gloria Carter, of Stratford
Hospital, spent Christmas at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Carter.
Mr. Scott Powell, of Galt Public
School staff, is visiting over the
holidays with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Powell.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Reynolds are Miss
Nora Reynolds, Reg.N., of St. Jos-
eph's Hospital, London, and Mr.
and Mrs. Hank Middegal, also of
Mr. and Mrs. Don Overholt and
Paul spent the holiday with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nicholson and
family, of Preston, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nicholson.
Mr. Ted Scott and Miss Patricia
Scott, of Toronto, visited over
Christmas with Mrs. R. B. Scott
and Miss Jean Scott. Mrs. R. B.
Scott returned home recently from
St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
where she has been a patient for
the last three months.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dykstra and
son, Gerry, of Norwich, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Andrews.
They spent Christmas Day with
Mr. and Mrs.'Thomas Fox, of Rip-
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grummett
visited over the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Grummett, Wing -
ham. Miss Diane Grummett re-
turned with them for the holiday.
Welcome is extended to these
new residents., of the community:
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nicholson and
family and Mr. and Mrs. JAhn
Longstaff and family.
Mrs. Edith Russell visited over
Christmas with her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John
Jaques andfamily, of Port Credit.
Miss Ruth Crozier, of Kitchener,
and Mr. and Mrs. Don Dale and
Debbie, of London, spent Christ-
mas at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Crozier.
Visitors at the 'home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Nicholson were: Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Bennett and fam-
ily, of Port Albert; Mr. and Mrs.
Wes Bradnock and Mrs. Charles
Straughan, of Auburn; also Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Pentland, of North
B Mr. and Mrs. Reg Aubin had as
Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Maloney. and family, of
Preston, and I r. and Mrs. Victor
Overholt and family, of Centralia.
A native of Beechwood, Mrs.
-James H. Carroll passed away
suddenly in London on December
17. In her 47th year, she had been
a resident of London for the past
15 years and was formerly of Chat-
The former Elizabeth Carlin, she
was a daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. James Carlin, of Beech-
wood. She is survived by her hus-
bands; sons, Michael, Kingston;
James, at Junior Seminary, Dela-
ware; daughter, Paula, at home;
brother-, Leo Carlin, London; sis-
ter, Mrs. Harry (Barbara) Rey-
nolds, Sarnia.
Funeral service was held Dec.
20, when Requiem High Mass was
celebrated at St. Michael's .Roman
Catholic Church, London.
.1959 Chev. Sedan
1958 Chev. "8" Sedan—A.T.
1958 Chev. "6" Standard—Radio
1957 Vauxhall Sedan
1957 Chev. Sedan
1957 Dodge Pick -Up
1957 Chev. Pick -Up
1956 Ford Sedan—A.T., 8-Cyl.
— No Reasonable Offer Refused —
Phone 541 Seaforth
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore
had as their guests Friday night
Mr. and Mrs. George Jarmuth and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore
and family, Mr. and Mrs. John
Moore and Mrs. Leslie Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm,
Keith and Bruce, and Mrs. Mary
Malcolm with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Gordon on Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm
had as their guests on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Gibb, Cherry and
Linda, Mr. and Mrs. James Gibb,
Alan and Doug, Mr. and Mrs. Ron-
ald Gibb, Nancy and Cindy, Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Sheldon, Jim,
Glen, Arleen, Wendy and Lwyla.
Mrs. Albert Roney, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Roney, Carl, Alan and Jim
with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tubb on
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Britton and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney were
guests at the MacDonald and Whet -
ham wedding in Zion Church on
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker had
as their guests on Saturday: Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Williams and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bar-
ker and family, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd
Barker and family, and on Mon-
day, Mrs.., and Mrs. Earl Barker
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lawr-
ence Hannon, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Hannon, David and Susan, Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Bushfield with
with Mr. -and Mrs. Archie Jef-
Mr. Wayne Pepper is home from
O.A.C., Guelph, for Christmas.
' Mrs. George Robinson and fam-•
ily had as their guests Mr. and
Mrs. Lionel Strathdee and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stacey and
family, Mrs. Rena Stacey and
Mowet, Mr. John Perrin, Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker and
Gerrit John Heyink, 63, died at
his home in Mitchell Wednesday.
A native of Holland, he is survived
by his wife, the former Aleida
Hermiena Prinsen; three sons,
Gerrit, Holland; Gerry, Blyth, arid
John, Richmond Hill; eight daugh-
ters: Gerry, Holland; Mrs. Ber-
nard (Mina) Westerveld, Mrs,
Martin . (Siena) Guichelaar, Mrs.
Stuart (Rita) DeVries, all of Sea -
forth; Mrs. 'Jo (Hanna) Lensink,
Holland; Mrs. Dick (Jo) Brink,
Goderich; Mrs. Adrian (Alli) Bek-
elaar, of Clinton; Miss Wilhelmina
Heyink, Brampton.
The body is resting at the Heath -
Leslie Funeral Home, Mitchell, un-
til noon Saturday. Service will be
held at 1:30 'p.m. at Free Chris-
tian Reform Church, Mitchell.
Nine Seek
(Continued from Page 1)
the plows had never preceded the
school bus along his road this win-
ter. He felt better organization of
work would result in better re-
Referring to the new lunch room
at the SDHS, he said it became
necessary when the County Health'
Unit discovered "after five years"
that existing facilities were not
Recalling his recent trip to Rus-
sia, he said there schools run in
two shifts, with a resulting sav-
ing in staff and plant. Here where
we insist on services, we must ex-
pect to pay for them.
Mr. McGavin said too often too
much authority was given - civil
servants. Today, elected boards
frequently have little to say. In-
spectors in insisting on regulations
often are inconsistent in applying
them, he said.
Peter Dill, 91, for many years a
well-known Dublin merchant, died
Monday morning in Avon Crest,
Stratford, where he' had been a
.patient for the past two and a
half years.
Born March 27, 1869, in Harpur-
hey, he was the son of the late
John Dill and Clara Gaetzmeyer.
Following an education received in
district schools, he entered into
business and until 1907 conducted
a general store in the Munn block,
at the corner of Main and John
Streets, in Seaforth. In that year'
he established the firm of Dill &
Co., in Dublin, which he operated
until 1934, when his son, Joseph
Dill, took over the business. Mr.
Dill continued to reside in Dublin
until 1942, and later lived in Lon-
don and Stratford. His • wife, the
former Flora McDonald, died in
April, 1944. He attended the
Church of the Immaculate Concep-
family, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Moore with Mrs. Leslie Moore on
Christnl;as. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Len
O'Rourke and family with Mr. and
Mrs. Kingsley Salton, Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pepper and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pep-
per and Dennis, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Barker and family, Mr.
and Mrs. George Moore and fam-
ily, Mr. Dalton Balfour and Mrs.
Mary Malcolm with Mr. and Mrs.
George Pepper on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Broughton
and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Corriveau
and family with Mr. and Mrs. Fer-
gus Lannin.
Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman
and family, Mrs. Ernie Temple-
man and Mr. and Mrs. John Cole
and family with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
fred Minis for Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lannin,
Darwin, Blythe and Gayle and Mr.
Austin Lannin with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Thiel for Christmas, and on
Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Lannin
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Pepper and family to a Christmas
With Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens
were Mr. and Mrs. >3i11 Durst and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thiel
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Nairn and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Aikens and Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roney and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Roney and family with Mr. and
Mrs. James Leeless.
With Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roney
for Christmas were Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Mahaffy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Huras and daughters, Mr, and
Mrs. John Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Roney and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Roney and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Roney and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Pepper, of
Hensall, visited on Wednesday with
Mrs. Mary Malcolm.
Mrs. George Robinson, Gladys
and Russell with Mrs. Olive Moore
for Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm
attended the funeral of her uncle,
Mr. Will Coulton, in Mitchell on
tion, Stratford.
He is survived by six sons, Rev.
Gordon Dill, Holy Rosary parish,
London; Dr. J. L. Dill, Detroit;
Frank, Lansing, Mich.; Kenneth,
St. Marys; Joseph, Dublin, and
Ralph, Stratford; three daughters,
Mother Remigius (Clara), Ursu-
line Order, Windsor; Mrs. D. E.
(Veronica) Sturgis, Oshawa, and
Mrs. Cletus (Marion) Lynes, Lon-
don, and 25 grandchildren. He is
the last surviving member of his
own' family. A son, Peter, died in
The body rested at the Heinbuck
funeral homer Stratford, until Wed-
nesday morning '
Solemn Requiem High Mass. was
celebrated Wednesday morning in
the Church of the Immaculate
Conception, Stratford, by Rev. T.
G. Dill, of London, a son of the
late Mr. Dill. He was assisted by
Rev. C. Campbell, of Windsor, as
deacon, and Rev. A. Spencer, of
London, as sub -deacon.
Pallbearers were Lawrence
Beale, Howard Bannon, James
Hishon, of Stratford, and Thomas
Butters, William Stapleton and
Gerald Holland, of Dublin.
Friends and relatives attended
the funeral from Detroit, Lansing,
Oshawa, Toronto, London, Dublin
and St. Marys. Burial was made
in St. James' cemetery, Seaforth.
,Q.C., Attorney General of On-
tario, who will address a ban-
quet nfeeting of Huron Pro-
gressive Conservatives in Clin-
ton Legion Hall on January 10.
�1 w} ;41 w}. � w} w}: w}. w}. .'.:.fw..( r.1 ,.e1. y},
Seaforth Teen Town
9:30 to 1 a.m.
Seaforth Community Centre
Strato Tones of Goderich
Boys — Suit or jacket, with tie
s- r:.
r . rx r''=" r: r> r' r r ;.r.. t-;
W. E.
Phone 334 -- Res. 540
Township of McKillop
I have been nominated to run
for Council and seek the support
of the electors of McKillop at the
polls on Monday.
Wishing all the Compliments of
the Season!
/blue coal
Champion Stove and Furpnce 00
Phone 573 or 138
Sell that unnecessary piece o
furniture through a Huron Exposi-
tor Classified Ad. Phone 141.
Township of McKillop
Having been nominated as Coun
cillor for McKillop, I solicit to
support of the ratepayers of thr
Wishing all the Compliments' 01
the season!
Township of McKillop:
Having decided to qualify for
Councillor for the Township of Mc-
Killop, I solicit your support.
If elected I will endeavour tc
work in the interests of the rate
payers. ,
.Wishing you the Compliments 01
the Season! •
Of McKillop Township:
Having been nominated for the
office of ,Councillor, I solicit your
support and influence at the polls.
If elected I assure you I will do
everything possible to further your
Wishing you the Compliments of
the Season!
Having again been nominated for the office of Reeve, I
seek the support of the electors of McKillop.
If elected I will continue to serve the Township to the best
of my ability.
Wishing all the Compliments of the Season!
Having been nominated again for the Council for the
Township of McKillop, I am again asking for your help and
support at the polls on January 2, 1961.
Wishing everyone the Compliments of the Season.
Having served you as Councillor for nine years, I am now
a candidate for the office of Reeve. If elected I assure you
of continued attention to the problems of the Township. I
Will appreciate your support at the polls on Monday,
Wishing all the Compliments orthe Season!
a. As I have served as Councillor for the Township of Mc-
Killop for -the past five years and have now been nominated
for Reeve In the coming election, I solicit your vote. If
elected I will eandeavour to perform my duties in the interest
of McKillop Township.
Wishing, one and all the Compliments of the Season!