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The Huron Expositor, 1960-12-15, Page 9
CROSSWORD PUZZLE 20 22 mamma itimanon ammo Rapp ■■o ■■■ RanicoLim 055 MIEN •':i©••. ■f...,:i©■.• 28 23 37 60 32 ACROSS 1 Tibetan gazelles 5 Brushed clean 10 Nimbus 14 Opposed to aweather 15 Father 16 Sandarac tree 17 Kind 18 Place of combat 19 Movable °pel ing in fence 20 Defend 22 Intermixes 24 Compass point 25 Jury list 26 Rate of locomotion 29 Woodland deity 30 Unites losely 34 F•;ceedingly r.) 35 -Fodder 36 Arid area 37 Lubricating liquid 38 Assist 39 East Indian tree 40 Letter of alphabet 41 Gut line of fishhook (p1.J 43 Objective 44 Paper measure 45 To denude PUZZLE No. 832 46 Snake 4752 in a set 48 Golf strokes 50 Winnow 51 Far 54 Honest 58 Skin disease 59 Locations 61 First name of Persian poet 62 Of an age group 63 To bUild 64 Part of harness 65 Warm weather,.+ drinks 66 Canvas shelters 67 Lather DOWN 1 Struggle for breath 2 Genus of swans 3 An airplane 4 Mediter- ranean vessel (pl.) 5 To place at Intervals 6 Small tumor on skin 7 French for summer 8 Writer 9 To school 10 Wrangles 11 Russian sea 12 Tardy 13 Native metals 21 To terminate 43 Beast of 23 Stair post burden 25 Recompense 44 Vehement 28 Facing dl- Ill will (p1.) rection from 46 Clothing which glacier 47 Metal impinges container 27 Publish 49 Attack 28 One who 50 Clenched angles for hand (pl.) certain fish 51 Relevant 29 To stuff Information 31 Pry 52 Frosted 32 Fear 53 To cut, 33 Part of after snick plant (pl.) 54 Denomina- 35 Pronoun tion 38 Stream 55 Ostrich -like obstruction bird 38 Greek letter 56 Predatory 39 Drink slowly incursion 42 Perceives 57 Sea eagles through ear 60 Number Of7DD CIOL©fd MEMO 0111111I21 ©OOI31O M©1:10 MEM cameo WHIM DOOODMf�©©r^ 1213011413 p ppunf�O hill,© INIIII MEC,12118131211111 1:1111111 UCI01111:.' '1111311311 fl©O©f117©I fldh1©flf8 1111111313 1311111310111\1111:11211011C11:11113111 ®MIOltl DOrrM H©�•IwI.I1 BMA DilmO© BOMB 0 ' 0© 0©©12110 MINIM Answer to Puzzle No. 631 low SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: Exeter 41 Clinton 1620 Seaforth 573 NEED RUBBER STAMPS? THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH •T,.i, T,,r,,,r ..% i ..ni.r.l;.hc+i%i..ri�..ri.ni..ri.«r..n` I,nr I „r c..Hi.,6i ..ri i..,vi.,Ai GLASSWARE The Perfect Gift for the Most Discrimitive Person ! CHRISTMAS TABLE CENTRES CHRISTMAS SERVIETTES and TABLECLOTHS Christmas Decoration For Your Coat — Fancy Bouttoniere Toys Games Paint by Number Sets Dolls Doll Carriages In Our Dry Goods Depaiitntent There Are Hundreds of Selections For That Gift You Are Shopping For ! Large Selection of Ladies' Hankies TOWELS and TOWE1. SETS • LINGERIES • SLEEPERS Head Scarves and Gloves Tablecloths Pillow Cases MEN'S and BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Choose a Practical Gift from Our • Selection of STATIONERY A wide range of prices and variety of styles. Large Assortment of BOOKS GAMES GIFT WRAPPING And a Large Variety of CHRISTMAS CARDS Still Available at LARONE'S See Our Personalized Christmas Cards LARONE'S. Seaforth 50 to $1.00 Store STATIONERY -- GIFTS Open Wednesday Afternoons from noW till Christmas :.•4 "!,,.;:1 •r4 1 ,,1 Pian For Future UDPC, President Warns Members R. S. McKercher, president of United Dairy and Poultry Co-op- erative, called on his membership committee to make a decision about the future of their co-operative marketing organizations, at the annual meeting -of UDPC, in Toron- to. "The time has come to make a move," Mr. McKercher said. "It might be too late a year or two from now." Aggressive, constructive, a n d considered planning by member- ship, board and management, combined with the goodwill of the public now established by U:iPC, was necessary at this point, Mr. McKercher claimed. He reminded delegates that the money for expansion and develop- ment of UDPC could. only come from one place eventually, and that was the product. In his opin- ion, it was up to the producers to decide whether they voluntarily make the deduction themselves or let someone else make it and own the processing and marketing op- erations. "We, as co-operators, defend our right to deliver our products to our own plants—and defend our equity in them. There is ample evidence of producer interest in co-op marketing to justify bold, new advances into this field someone must take the calculated risk," he said. The question of producer mar- keting boards or co-operatives to market farmers' produce was men- tioned by Mr. McKercher. He said that if a producer marketing board was to assume the marketing of a farmer's product, and existing co-ops were not large enough to do the job, then he would not ob- ject to the ' producer marketing board taking over the co-op's fa- cilities. But, he said, that if • this were to. happen, the farmer. mem- bers of the co-operative should re- ceive their full equity in the co- op facilities. T.'E. Brady, general -manager of UDPC, reported increased sales volume in dairy and poultry pro- ducts over 1959. Increased costs, including higher prices paid to producers and competitive pricing of products at wholesale level„ meant lower patronage returns to farmers -using the co-operative's services. Even with this factor to con- sider," he said, "your co-operative will return over $56,000 in cash pa- tronage dividends to members and patrons. In addition, a 40c per share dividend has been declared on all common shares." UDPC completed its second year of successful operation in Septem- ber 1960. It showed a 138% in- crease in membership since Octo- ber 1959. The partial result of this increase is reflected in the increase volume of products handled by UDPC-14% in milk, 6% in cream fat, and 27% in eggs. MORRIS COUNCIL JOHNNY WAYNE and Frank Shuster (right) will enter the living -rooms of television view- ers on three continents this Christmas in their CBC -TV pantomine 'Mother Goose. The CBC has sold the program for televising in England and Aus- tralia. It will be seen in Aus- tralia on Christmas Eve, in Canada on Christmas Day, and in England on Boxing Day (Dec. 26). Johnny stars as Mother Goose and Frank as her son, Jack. Also in the cast are Bob Goulet as Boy Blue and Joan• Fairfax as Jill. Special rates were set for tile drain loans at the Morris township council meeting Monday. General road accounts as presented were passed for payment. •The meeting adjourned to meet on December 15, at 1 p.m, Accounts paid were: F. Mus- tard, refund on Mustard Drain, $233.16; M. Jermyn, refund on Mus- tard Drain, $163.09; D. Cassidy, refund on Mustard Drain, $11,24; Tile Drain Loans, $2,900,00; G. Martin, hydro for hall and shed, $6.88; Municipal World, supplies, 82c; Town of Seaforth, Seaforth High School Debentures, $323.08; G. Martin, revising voters' lists, $33.75; Judge F. Fingland, revis- ing voters' lists, $11.76; Baker Con- valescent Home, $176,50; G. Mich- ie, inspecting tile drains, $10; G. Martin, °trip to Goderich, $8; D. Cassidy, deputy returning officer, $8; A. Shaw, poll clerk, $6; S. Hop- per, D.R.O., $8; H. Garniss, P.C., $6; Mrs, E. Anderson, D.R.O., $8; Mrs. R. Procter, P.C., $6; C. Marks, D.R.O,, $8; J. Alcock, P.C(, $6; W. Nicholson. D.R.O., $8; B. Taylor, P.C., $6; J. Shortreed, D.R.O., $S; Mrs. F. Walters, P.C., $6; G. Martin, Returning Officer, $25.00. HURON COUNTY FEDERATION NEWS By CARL HEMINGWAY Apparently there is considerable interest among Huron County poul- try producers since they did a fair job of filling the Agricultural Board rooms for the discussion of the proposed egg marketing plan. The discussion was lively and in the absence of the county poultry chairman, the secretary supplied the answers from a somewhat lim- ited supply of information. While the majority of the meeting seem- ed quite in favor of the proposal, there were several who seemed strongly opposed to any change in the present system of selling eggs. Perhaps with added •infor- mation from the Ontario meet- ing this opposition may be recon- ciled. It was encouraging to find that there was definite interest in attending the Toronto meeting and we expect several carloads to make the trip. On December 8, Huron County Federation directors met in the Board rooms, with President War- ren Zurbrigg in charge. The report of the Striking Com- mittee, which met in the fore- noon, was adopted as was the re- commendation that a meeting of the Livestock Committee and the Land Acquisition Committee meet in the near future to discuss cur- rent problems, The Educational Committee was also encouraged to follow up on the action taken by County Coun- cil regarding thepossibility of a Vocational School for the county, as suggested in a resolution of last spring. Elmer Ireland and Horace Del - bridge reported on the discussions at •the Ontario Federation annual, pointing ; out some of the things that it was expected would hap- pen to agriculture in the next 10 years. Bev. Westman, of the Ontario field staff, outlined the program material available through the On- tario 'office for county meetings. He paid particular attention to a two-hour Co-op presentation that explains the origin, development and success of the Co-operative movement in Ontario. •This is available to townships that could arrange this program in conjunc- tion with local Co-ops. Several questions were asked of the agricultural representative, Doug Miles, regarding the sale of Brucellosis reactors. Since this comes under the regulations of the How to Treat an ACHING BACK LT Dodds ;7;., % KI ONE Y PIIIsi D� h�� •STM E N t,t�o� I�.��O '4ea>n el5C° „O a> TM ®� 74 Canada Department of Agricul- ture, he recommended that we in- vite Dr. MacLennan, of Seaforth, to the next meeting. The sugges- tion was accepted, and it is hoped that we can arrange for this 'for the meeting of January 10, 1961. The County Federation hopes that all farm organizations will take advantage of the opportunity of submitting nominations to the Ontario Leadership Training For- um to be held at the Sheraton Brock Hotel, Niagara Falls, Feb. 5 to 11, inclusive. These nominations include Wo- men's Institutes and Junior Farm- er organizations, as well as the more commonly known Farm groups. The two delegates• allow- ed from each county will be pick- ed by a committee of representa- tives of the various groups. Nom- inations should be sent to the Fed- eration of Agriculture Office, Box 310, Clinton, before January 15. ,.r'r,,4' ,'YA.,ri,,u , .41 ,d�rY..dpf•'d,,YA,4'.artM..A.i. .4..n'l.'wrl '+- h' -.. • Choose your Tree where you can be sure of Freshness ! SEE OUR STOCK AND PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY ! We Have Trees - Large or Small IN SCOTCH PINE, SPRUCE and BALSAM BALL - MACAULAY -LTD. Phone 787 — Seaforth . Lumber - Lime - Cement - Tile - Brick The visitor produced his card and remarked: "I am a govern- ment inspector and am entitled to inspect your farm." A little later the farmer heard a scream from his alfalfa patch, where the inspector was being chased by a bull. Leaning over the gate as the inspector hastily drew near, the farmer shouted:,• "Show him your card, mister; show him your card!" SUPERTEST Super Heat The -Legion 'Corner (By JACK I30LLAND) Well, Comrades, each day brings us closer to the festive season and the Legion is arranging parties for old and young alike. Due to popu- lar demand, Chuck Wood is going to conduct another turkey bingo. this Saturday night, This will be our last turkey bingo for this year, and' if requests are any guide, we will have another bumper crowd, so keep this date in mind. Also Jack Eisler is starting his hockey program this coming weekend, and he would appreciate if all those wishing to participate could be present to get registered. * * * Our election for the new execu- tive for 1961 was held last week and you will find the slate of offi- cers elsewhere in this paper. Am sure that I am speaking for the Legion as a whole when I say that we are sorry that Archie Dobson, due to school duties, would not stand as our chief executive for another year. Archie did a real bang-up job as our President this year, but we have another fine president in Allan Nicholson. * * * To get back to the small fry, Santa Claus will be here at the Legion auditorium for our annual Christmas party this coming Sun- day afternoon.. There will be en- tertainment and gifts for all the kiddies of the district and local Legion members, so bring them along. And also do not forget to turn in the names of any needy families, to either Jake Cornish or Dave H. Wilson, for the Legion Christmas food basket. * * * So let's not forget the coming events: Saturday night, turkey bingo; Saturday morning, registra- tion for hockey,, per Jack Eisler; Sunday afternoon, Christmas par- ty for the veterans' children. * * * And a thought for the ones left in foreign fields: "At the going down of the sun and in the morn- ing we shall remember them." FURNACE OIL STOVE OIL You've tried the rest . . . now try the best ! HAROLD CONNELL Phone 767-W or 264--SEAFORTH 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1 Christmas CONCEIT S.S. No. 4, McKillop WED., DEC. 21st at 8:00 p.m. 11111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111I1 ALL KINDS of INSURANCE W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 — Res. 540 MAIN ST. : SEAFORTH BUSINESS DIRECTORY TIE litakOIST FXPOSITQR, .5g `ORT I'1 CANT,, Old. 1.150, 1958 ;Chev. "8" Sedan—A.T. 1958 Chev. "6" Standard—Radio 1957 Vauxhall Sedan $1075.00 1957 Pontiac '8' Sedan—A.T. 1475.0Q 1957 Chev. Sedan 1275.00 1957 Dodge Pick -Up 1050,00 1957 Chev. Pick -Up 1075.00 PRICED TO CLEAR — No Reasonable Offer Refused Seaforth Motors Phone 541 — Seaforth DR. M. W. STAPLETON - A. W. SILLERY Physician and Surgeon Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phone 90 : Seaforth Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 If no answer, call 317 SEAFORTH ONTARIO JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Telephone 750 W 1 DR, E. MALAYS Telephone 15 EVENINGS: Tuesday and Thurs- day only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments may be made, ° D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants 55 South St. Telephone Goderich JA 4-7562 Licensed Municipal Auditor. G. A. WEBB, D.C.* *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 Main Street - Exeter X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday. Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointment ' - Phone 606 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., VS. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., VS. S. D. . Meeuwisse Phone 105 Seaforth McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 550 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791 : Seaforth Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted MAIN OFFICE, SEAFORTH Goderich St. West, adjacent to Seaforth Clinic. Office Hours: Seaforth daily except Monday. 9 a.m:5:30 p.m.: Wednesday, 9:00 a m -12:30 p.m ; Thursday evenings by appointment only. Clinton: Monday, 9 a.m. - 5:3( p.m. (Above Hawkins' Hardware THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime OFFICERS: President—J. L. Malone, Seafortl. Vice -President John H. McEwing Blyth. Secretary-Treasurer—W. E South gate, Seaforth. DIRECTORS: J. L. Malone. Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm ; R ober Archibald Seaforth; John H. Mc Ewing, Blyth; William S Alexan der, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode rich; J. E Pepper, Brucefietjd Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth; N Trewartha, Clinton, AGENTS: ' Vincent Lane R R. 5 Seaforth William Leiper, Jr. Londesboro. Selwyn Baker, Brussels; .James Keys, R.R. 1, Seaforth;, Haralf Squires, R R. 3. Clinton. 000000000000000 • W. .I. CLEARY o A Seaforth, Ont. O A LICENSED EMBALMER 0 C and FUNERAL DIRECTOR O Night or Day Calls — 335 A O 0AAAAA0AAAAA000 00A0A00A00A0000 0 o BOX o Funeral Service 0 R. S. BOX 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 C Prompt and careful attention 0 A Hospital Bed 0 O FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 O OCCASIONS 0 O Phones: 0 0 Ices. 595-W Store 48 0 0 000000000000000 O 0 O • • • t- • • • \ :1 %l 11 •7 C J: A. BURKE 4 Funeral Director A and Ambulance Service • 4 DUBLIN ONT • 0 Night or Day Calls: O Phone 43 r 10 4 00A4',mm4,n4,.4,4 4 4.eE ❑0000000000000❑ 4' G. A. WHITNEY o Funeral Home c O Goderich St. W.. Seaforth c O AMBULANCE SERVICE 4 0 Adjustable hospital beds a O for rent. 4 0 FLQWERS FOR EVERY 4 O OCCASION 4 • 4 0000®®000000.00 0 lively �lrst den'an6s- a li 1 1& 9ou'reac�' for a" ht diteck l 0 la�eY' vein the :, • 'It's a1nU 0 .. reach for an Old Vienna 3370