HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-12-15, Page 6I;' --T ? 1WRO T E4t9SITOR, S]~AFORTH, O,NT., DEC, 15, 1960 r- - p I lg USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost. Strayed 8. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sala 9. Ppultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 18. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15: Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17 Wanted To Rent 18, Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Leggl Notices 23. Cards of Thanks 24. In Memoriam 25. Personals The cost is low. Classifications 2. 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17 -minimum 29 cents an insertion. All other classi- fications, minimum 50 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Want- ed (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on application. Billing Charge, 15 cents if not paid by 10 days , following last insert- ion. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Tradesmen. etc.) Minimum, 60 cents per ineertlon. Bill- ing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 2. Lost, Strayed BLACK MALE Spaniel. Answers the name of "Blackie". Anyone having seen him please PHONE •134-W, Seaforth. 2-14-1 WOULD the -party who took the wrong plastic over rubber at Scott Memorial Hospital, on Tuesday afternoon. please phone MRS. MAC CHESNEY, phone 279-J, Seaforth. 2-44-1 4. Help Wanted HELP WANTED for work in 'Supertest Snuck Bar, Apply at the SNACK BAR. 4-44-1 RELIABLE WOMAN to care for elder- ly gentleman; light nursing care. Mod- ern cuavcmiences on edge of small vill- age on stain highway. Reply in writing to BOX 969, 'the Huron Expositor, 4-44x1 CARETAKER WANTED Caretaker for St. James' Separate School. Duties to commence Jan. 1, 1961. Reply stating wages expected to: LEON BANNON Secretary -Treasurer Box 186, Seaforth 4-44-2 7. Situations Wanted DAY, WORK wanted, of any kind. See JACK HOLLAND, Seaforth. 7-44x1 8. Farm Stock For Sale 12 YORK4HIRE chunks. Apply .GOR - DAN PAPPLE, phone 368 •R 13, Seaforth. 8-44x1 FOX 'PERRIER puppies, 7 weeks old. CLARENCE RYAN, Dublin, phone 37k2. 8-44-1 18 NGS for sale, seven weeks old. Ap- ply DAVID LIVINGSTONE, RR 2. Sea - forth. 8-44x1 9. Poultry For Sale OVEN,READY ducks. Apply BEV HEN.DERSON, phone 858 R 3. Seaforth. 9,-02x4 DRESSED DUCKS also a few geese on December 21. JOHN F. BELL, RR 2, phone 847 R 4, Seaforth. 9-44-1 DRESSED GEESE, will deliver. ROY SIEMON, RTt 1, Bornholm, phone Monk - ton 347-2684. 9-43x2 GEESE and DUCKS for Christmas; oven ready if you wish. MRS. LORNE CAR- TER. phone 667 J 3. RR 2, Seaforth. 9-44-1 WANTED-Flockow•nera t'ostart day old chicks in the next four months, to supply us with hatching eggs. Extremely largo Premium paid. ' Eggs from some breeds taken every week in the year, Also wanted: Flocks to supply um with eggs now. Apply TWEDDLE CHICK HATCH- ERIES LIMITED, Fe( -gun, Ontario. 9-11-46-48-50.4 11. Articles For Sale LARGE red tricycle. in good condition. PHONE 836 R 24. 11-44-1 NORWAY SPRUCE and Scotch pine Christmas trees for sale. Apply GORDON NOBEL, phone 71-W, Seaforth. 11-43x2 NEW 20 -foot Deep Freeze, $250 00 SANDY F'LLIOTT FURNITURE and AP- PLIANCES. phone 476. Exeter. 11-42x3 POTATOES--75-lb bags of Shelbourne potatoes, at $2.20 per bag. Place your. or- der now. BORDEN BROWN. phone 841 R 2, Sestfortb, 1142-tf ROBIN HOOD cantle, turrets, draw bridge, metal, approximately 24" x 12", 50 t,laetia men. All in excellent condi- tion. PHONE 386, Seaforth, 11-44-1 COMPLETE LINE of famous Ritten- house Door Chimes, sales. installation and service. Call today for free estimate. SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE, Phone 250, Seaforth. 11-42-tf BEATTY LITTER carrier with switch and approixmately 180 feet track in good shape. Wooden pole with guide rod. Priced for Quick sale, MERTON KEYES, phone 656 r 11 Seaforth. 11-44-1 MAGIC MARKERS -Instant dry, wa- terproof. write on any surface; feat pull oft cap and Magic Marker is ready to use. Refills available. Nine colors ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141, Seaforth. -. FOR SALES--Ebersol one ton mixer, ten inch hammer mill. three years old, operating as unit from one sourco of pow- er. Mixer and hammer mill wit the sold separately if desired. MILTON J. DIETZ, Purena Chows, sanitation supplies, vent- ilation. retail and wholesale, Seaforth, phone 600 $ 21. 11-4218 SIKI - OOTER Sensational, new snow scooter. neatest Popular play pal since the Flying 13an- eer. A child's gift that has everything for healthy, outdoor .play all winter., Made of strong moulded birch plywood. Onit 74.9e. Sea 1t at: SEAFORTH LUMBER IlI'D. Rail*ay gtreet P,bone 4'T 11-44x1 11. Articles For Sale 19. Notices COLLIE PUPS for sale. Auuly to I ELECTRtOLUX Sales and Service. HAROLD l'ltl'C'E, phone 310 10 2, Sea- I Cleaners and polishers, also reconditioned forth. 11.4Ix1 cleunent and parts. BEI( 1' HARRIS 109 Newgate St,. Guderich, phone JA -4-7917. 10-42-t0 PAIR GIRLS' figure skates for sale. In g.xal condition. PHONE 118-J, Sea - forth. 11-44x1 :;MALT. S17,E Coleman oil stove, with ,x.50 gallon tank. W. E. SOUTHGATE, 'xatorth. 11-44x1 CHRISTMAS 'T'RE'ES for sale, Apply .OHN BOYES, phone 110 or 851 R 23. after six p.m. 11-41-3 12. Wanted To Buy PIANO in good condition. .1, TROCH, phone 258-W, after 5 p.m. 12-44x1 USED LUMBER, ur building to wreck. PHONE 102, Seaforth. 12-44-1 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick. down and disabled farm animals. Prompt courteous collection of all dead and dist abled farm animals and bides. Licenced under the Dead Stoc kDisposal Act, licence number 42-C-60. Call collect, ED AN- DREWS, 851 R 11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling & Cu., of Canada Ltd. 12-42-tf LARGE TABLE WANTED Iairge table, abut 3t;. feet by 8 ur 10 est. Suitable for meeting room. Advise condition and price and where lo,•atet1 to: BOX 967 The Huron Expositor 12-14x1 14. Property For Sale SEAFORTH HOUSE FOR SALE Five room, white frame house with 2 - piece bath. oil heated, good corner lot. Immediate .possession, To close estate. Contact: EDWIN BENNEWIES Louisa Street, Seaforth 14-43.3 REAL ESTATE Wilfred Mclntee - Broker LISTINGS WANTED On Farms, Homes, Businesses and Sum- mer Properties. Apply to Amos Corby . Phone 598-M Seaforth, Ontario Lout REPRESENTATIVE for WILFRED McINTEE - Realtor WALKERTON, Ontario 6 Offices and 25 Salesmen to serve you. 14-42-tf 15. Property For Rent FIVE -ROOM apartment for rent; new- ly decorated; modern conveniences. PHONE 841 R 2, Seaforth. 15-42-tf MODERN two-bedroom apartment for rent. LEE LEARN, phone 101, Seaforth. • 15-42-tf THREE-BEDROOM apartment, with kit- chen, living room and bath. Apply to FRANK NIGH, phone 670 W 2, Seaforth, 15-43x2 FRONT APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and bath. Apply UNITED DAIRY and POULTRY CO-OPERATIVE, Sea - forth Branch, Phone 13. 15-42-tf THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE, hardwood and inlaid linoleum floors, gas heated, lived in only three months. Available Dec. 15. Apply CHARLES REEVES, phone $26-M. Seaforth. 16-42-3 APARTMENT T fo r rent; unfurnished, In Seaforth; bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath; heated: refrigerator available if required: residential section. LLOYD ROWAT, phone 479-W, Seaforth, 15-42-tf 19. Notices DRAIN TILE -4", 555 per M. del'd; 5". $86 per M, del'd: 6", $110 per M, del'd: 8 ", 5175 per M, del'd. Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on request. RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., Elginfleld. Phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan. 19-98-61 REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan Cleaners. Mount Forest. More spots and stains removed. Garments stay clean long- e;, wear longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE, Phone 247 for Dirk -up. 19-42-tf KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY, . expert re -upholstering. refinishing and repairing. Work guaranteed, reasonable prices, dna week service. Call GINGERTCH'S SALES & SERVICE, phone 586, Seaforth. 19.42-tf WHITEWASHING And cleaning stables on Brucellosis Test. Also spray for lice. RAY MORRIS, MILVERTON. PHONE, collect, 38 R 2 19-41x4 ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest nob prices pnid In surrounding district for dead, old, sick or dinabled hors- es and cattle. For the fastest and prop- er removal of all animals, day or night, seven day service. Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD, ZENITH 3-4000 toll charge) Plant Licence No. 10 11. P.-60 Collecting Licence No. 22 C, 60 1942-tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service is pro- vided from bulb of all breeds. We are Farmer owned and controlled and operat4 at coat. Summer coiling hours : Between 1:30 and 9:30 a. rel wrekdaysl 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., Saturday evenings. For service or more information call: • Clinton HU 2-3441 or for LongDistance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 19-42-tf (BARNS CLEANED, white washed. dis- infected, also spray for lice. JIM LEISH- MAN. phone 655 R 2, Seaforth. 19-43-3 FILTER QUEEN SALES and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners for sale, BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Henoall 69682. 19-42-tf BARNS CLEANED WHITEWASHED and DISINFECTED • for Brucellosis ROLAND NEIL Phone 104 - Ailsa Craig 19-36x52 SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering, 19.42-tf 23. Cards of Thanks I WISH TO expresa my appreciation to the electors of Hibbert Township 'for their support. I' trust that 1 may justify their confidence. Thank you. 23- 11:d HARRY NORR.IS. '1'O THE ELECTORS of Hibbert Town- ship, I wish to express my appreciation for their support at the polls, 'thank vou. 23-44x1 JOHN DRAKE TO 'I'HE ELECTORS --1 would like to thank the electors of the town of Sea - forth who supported me at the polls when I was elected to council. Compliments of the Season. NEIL C. BELL 23-44-1 I WOULD LIKE to thank all my friends and relatives for cards 'anil letters. treats and flowers and visits during my stay in St, Thomas Elgin General Hospital. They were all very much appreciated. 23-44x1 MRS. MAY McKENZIE THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. Robert W. Campbell wish to express their sin - care thanks to their neighbours and friends for their many acts of kindness and mes- sages of sympathy received in their re- cent sad bereavement. It was deeply appreciated. 23-44x1 I WISH TO thank my friends and rela- tives for their many 'cards, visits, treats and flowers while a patient in Scott Mem- orial Hospital. Special tbankd to Dr. Gorwill, Dr. Oa1t'e and Dr. Stapleton, nurses and staff. 23-44-1 MRS. RUTH CARTER I WISH to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the support given me by the electors of' Hibbert• in re-elect- ing me Reeve. I will. continue to serve the township to the best of eny ability. Wishing all the compliments of the sea- son . 23-44-1 EARL DICK I WOULD LIKE to thank my friends and neiehbours who remembered me with cards, letters, flowers and visits while I was a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, in London, and also since coming home. Many thanks for all the help given to my fam- ily at home, Everything was appreciated. 23-44-1 MRS, JAMES'DRUMMOND I WISH to express sincere thanks and appreciation to my relatives and friends for their kindness and thoughtfulness to me while a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Also special thanks to doctors and nurses and Rev. G. L. Mills. 23-44x1 REG SMITH - Clinton • 24. In Memoriam CAMPBELL- in loving memory of a dear husband and father, John Campbell, who passed away one year ago, December 18, 1959. His weary hours and days of pain, Fria^troubled nights are past; •And -in our aching hearts we know . He has found sweet rest at last. Ever remembered and sadly missed by' wife and ,family, 24-44x1 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples, 25c: 24 sam- ples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA - RUBBER CO. Box. 91, Hamilton. 25-42-tf 26. Births DUNGEY--At Scott MemoPtal Hoapltnh on December 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dungey. Seaforth a eon, McALLISTER--At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on December 12, to Mr, and Mrs. Ian McAllister, RR 1, Zurich, a daughter. Karen Ann. Box Holders' Names Not Given Out It is not possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser using a Huron Expositor box num- ber. Please do not ask us for this information, I HE'S PUTTING HIS CHRISTMAS UST IN A NEWSPAPER AD FOR SANTA TO SEE... KNOWLEDGE, SKILL ESSENTIAL IF PAINT JOB TO ENDURE Good painting means not only an attractive finish but a paint job that will last. This requires some knowledge as well as a certain amount of skill. Before painting new wood sur- faces all knots should be covered with shellac or other sealer, Oth- erwise the resins contained in the wood will blemish the finished paint job. New lumber with a rough or unplaned surface should be sanded before the paint is ap- plied, Unpainted wood, plaster and plas- ter -board surfaces should always be primed with a sealer before it is given the finish coats. Prepar- ed primer paints can be obtained at any paint or hardware 'store, If the surface to be painted is mildewed, it should be cleaned with a solution of sodium carbon- ate or other recommended prepar ation. The surface should then be thoroughly rinsed and left to dry before the paint is applied. Woodwork must be dry before painting with an oil base paint. Trouble is bound to develop if paint is applied over wood that is not properly seasoned. Moisture accumulating under painted surfac- es will cause the paint to blister add peel. , When painting ,Masonry the sur- face should be dry if oil paint is to be used but rubber paint and special water soluble cement paints may be applied over a wet or damp surface. Before redecorating painted sur- faces. all loose paint 'should be scraped off and the surface smoothed with sandpaper or steel wool. In some cases it might be advisable to loosen the old paint with paint remover, scrape the surface clean, then proceed as with an unpainted surface,; Better results can be 'obtained if the primer coat 'is allowed to dry thoroughly before applying the succeeding coats, It is important in every case that the paint manufacturer's in- structions be followed rigidly if good results are to 'be obtained, For interior painting good venti- lation is needed to dissipate the fumes and to assist in drying. Good lighting is . also essential for in- terior work and daytime painting is recommended as sunlight will permit 'a better inspection than artificial light. CORRECT USE OF BRUSHES ENSURES NEAT PAINT JOB Before starting to paint make sure that you have enough paint to complete the job. The surface area that can be covered by a given amount of paint will usually be indicated on the container. Paint should be thoroughly mix- ed before using and the solid in- gredients properly dissolved. Stir- ring should be continued until the contents are of a uniform texture. The container used for painting should be wide enough to accom- modate the brush. This will pre- vent damage to the bristles. Beginning at the top left hand corner of a wall, paint should be applied in narrow strips, each strip reaching from the top of the wall to the baseboard. To prevent lap marks, each new strip should be applied before the previous one has had time to dry.. Paint should first be brushed on the dry sur- face, working towards the wet or painted edge. The brush should be dipped light- ly and never deeper than half the depth of the bristle. Overloading the brush will cause the paint to Spatter and run down along the handle. Exces-s paint should be tapped off against the side of the container after each dippings. Paint should be applied with short light strokes using only the ends of the bristles. The pressure should be released at the end of each stroke to prevent thick edges and brush marks. Care should be taken not to compress or other- wise twist the bristles when paint- ing in tight corners. If possible, an old brush should be kept han- dy for this purpose. A good brush can be ruined if the bristles are mistreated.. Applying too heavy a coat or us- ing overdiluted paint may cause runs or sags. These should be brushed smooth before . the paint has had time to harden. If a damp cloth is kept within reach, accidental paint spots can be removed quickly before causing permanent stains. For interior surfaces a flat, straight -edge, three-inch brush is recommended. A narrower brush -11/2 inches or 2 inches -will be needed for trimmings. A third' brush, this one with a chisel edge, will be found practical for window sash. Rubber sponge or felt' rollers are now widely used for painting large surfaces, such as walls and ceilings. An even textured finish can be obtained with .a roller with- out any special skill and with defin- ite advantage in painting time. A roller can • be used equally well with water soluble, oil emulsion or rubber paints. All "-left-over paint should,be stored in tightly covered contin- ers. Brushes and rollers should be thoroughly cleaned before storing. Solvents for this purpose may be obtained at any hardware store. Buckthorn Aids Rust Attacks If your last oat crop was cover- ed with rust, you should check your fence lines and woodlots for European Buckthorn. According to the Field Crops Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Euro- pean or Common Buckthorn can greatly increase grain rust on your farm because it carries a disease known as leaf or crown rust of oats. To make matters worse, different types of leaf rust cross on the Buckthorn, producing new types, capable of infecting even the most rust -resistant varieties of oats. If buckthorn could be eradi- cated, leaf rust would be much less of a problem. The Ontario Department of Agriculture recog- nizes this fact and provides grants to counties which organize Buck- thorn control campaigns. Buckthorn will grow six to 18 feet high. It has oval,shiny, dark green leaves with veins Which run along the length of the leaf rather than out to the sides. At the tips of the stems are short, blunt thorns. Small, greenish flowers are followed by black, bitter -tasting berries in the fall. Fortunately, atel Buckthorn can be destroyed by 'chemical weed kill- ers. Brushkill Compounds (2, 4-D/2,4, 5-T) and sodium chlorate mixtures, applied according to the e give ex- cellent directions, cellent results. For further de- tails, read the label. on the weed killer you buy and refer to On- tario Department of Agriculture Circular 75C -"Your Guide To Chemical Control of Weeds and Brush", available from the coun- ty Agricultural Representative or Information Branch, Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto, Ont. The Week at . a SEAFORTH ARENA and COMMUNITY CENTRE SKATING Friday, December 16 - 8 - 10 p.m. Admission: 35c and 25c SKATING Saturday, December 17 - 2 to 3.30 p.m. Admission: l0c HOCKEY - SATURDAY, DEC. 17 - 7:00 p.m. Clinton Bantams. vs. Seaforth Bantams Clinton Midgets vs. Seaforth Midgets - 8:15 Admission 25c INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY - MONDAY, DEC. 19 Atwood vs. Seaforth - 8:30 p.m. ' Admission: 25c and 50c INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY - TUESDAY, DEC. 20 Lucknow vs. Winthrop - 8:30 p.m. Admission: 25c and 50c INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY - WED., DEC. 21 Monkton vs. Stf'Columban - 8:30 p.m. Admission: 25e and 50e This space contributed through the courtesy of UNION(COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED SEAFORTH -- ONTARIO a .. . .l ,- r r ;w r o, r r•' . r " '.'�` :,'`+c. r '0,, r ' t.'� ;,�' .�- I.'' "° •0� 1.70 �r tJ,t0' r MrurMr.r.. r, t z 0110 4,111,41, APO ilk Atilt Mb. FILL THEIR STOCKINGS WITH. SMART, COMFY SLIPPERS Women's Gaily Coloured COSY SLIPPERS -1. Many Styles with Many Heels • From $ 1.98 to $498 Men's and Boys' Romeos, Operas and Cosy SHEEPSKIN -LINED SLIPPERS From $2.98 to $4.98 Children's and Misses' BEAUTIFUL NEW SLIPPERS Soft and Warm ! From $1.49 to $3.98 A Huge Line of Warm and Dry WINTER OVERSHOES and SNOW BOOTS At Sensational Savings! Never Before Such Valise For Your Overshoe Dollar ! Willis Shoe Store rA rumor l;rer;w•r,wr r.rr;r'r;rr;rr;rte )1 r r;v`rw1r.wrerr; Yw, Y„,.iµ,.,,, .•y. ,'„,.'0,..;h '4 ..,, .. Y..'4 - '.04••en e4 `+. .. T.LT.LTJ.T.LT.LT.LTJT.LT.L CATTLEMEN! BEEF FARMERS! We can help you solve your production costs ' CHEAPER GAINS : MORE PROFITS We are able to offer you a Pelleted Beef Feed At 546.00 per ton bagged 542.00 per ton bulk " USED IN THIS DISTRICT - PROVEN BY THE FARMER AND LIKED " GRAIN REQUIRMENTS - We can offer you Truck Load Lots of Grain Delivered and put in your Bin at 'SPECIAL PRICES Wheat, Oats, Barley, Screenings and Corn INQUIRE ON PRICE AT MILL ALL CONCENTRATES AVAILABLE` IN BULK Save $4.00 Per Ton - Buy Bulk • Beef Concentrate • Cow Concentrate • Hog Concentrate • Poultry Concentrate PLEASE NOTE' ' 'J. Mill will be CLOSED on Monday, December 26th, and Tuesday, Decem- ber 27th, for Christmas. Please order early, so we can guarantee delivery. OP'NOT-CH FEEDS Phone 775 Seaforth "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR" TLTiTJ.TJTjTjTJTjTj