HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-11-24, Page 44—TitkinTRON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., NOV. 24, 1960— DISTRICT REBEKAH ORGANIZATIONS HONOR ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT Mrs. Louise Clarke, of Toronto, PPeslle4lt of the Rebekah Assem- bly of Ontario, last week officially visited Huron District No. 23. On Monday evening members of Morn- ix!g Star Lodge, Brussels, met with Edelweiss Lodge and took part in the meeting. Prior to the meeting, a banquet . was served in the L.O.L. Hall by the L.O.B.A. organisation in honor of Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Joseph Grummett, DDP of Huron District. Corsages were presented to the honored guests by Mrs. Margaret Messenger, noble grand of Edel- weiss Lodge, and who was mistress of ceremonies at the banquet. Mrs. John Lowe, NG, of Morning Star Lodge, proposed a toast to the assembly, to which Mrs. Clarke replied. In charge of banquet arrange- ments were Mrs. Messenger, Mrs, Charles Reeves, Mrs. Ed, Andrews, Mrs. Keith Sharp and Mrs. Scott Habkirk. The tables were beauti- fully appointed with pink and green candle lighting and matching con- tainers of chrysanthemums. The officers of Morning Star lodge op - EUCHRE C.O.F. Hall CONSTANCE Fri., Nov.. 18 & 25 8:30 p.m. Door Prize - Lunch Provided SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE SEAFORTH — PHONE 182 • Window Washing • Wall Washing • Small Repairs • Floor Maintenance • Changing Storms and Screens • General Janitor Work • Housecleaning • Brick and Plastering Repairing SUPERIOR Our Name SERVICE Our Aim RAY SQUIRE BOX 335 SEAFORTH erred the meeting with the hostess lodge conducting the business. During the meeting a donation was made to the War Memorial Chil- dren's Hospital. Addressing the joint meeting, Mrs. Clarke asked members to be sincere in their work and in their living. On behalf of the district lodges, the president was present- ed with an oil painting of a scene in Huron County, and the work of a Rebekah, by Miss Jessie Little, of Morning Star Lodge, and Mrs. J. G4ummett, of Edelweiss Lodge. Following the meeting a success- ful penny sale was held, followed by a' dainty lunch Served by Mrs. J. Hillebrecht and committee. Similar joint meetings were held on successive evening at Goderich with Amber Lodge of Hensall as guests,. and at Exeter, with Hur- onic lodge of Clinton as guests. McKillop WMS Group Entertained Mrs. D. L. Elder was hostess at the manse when the McKillop WMS of First Presbyterian Church held their November meeting on Thurs- day. A good attendance of mem- bers and friends were present. Mrs. R. E. McM,jllan presided and opened the program with the poem, "He Does Care," written by the late John Beattie, followed with a hymn. During the business period it was decided to have a 'special of- fering at the December meeting for buildings on the Bhil field. A nominating committee, composed of Mrs. Francis Coleman, conven- er, Mrs. James Keys and Mrs. Al- bert Harrison, was appointed to bring in a new slate of officers to the next meeting, .which will be held December 15. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. William Drover, and Mrs. James Aitcheson led in prayer, Mrs. N. R. Dorrance sang a very Iovely solo, "Have Thine Own Way, Lord," accom- panied by Miss Jessie Fraser. The topic, "Women of the Bible Who.. Were Close To Jesus," was taken 'by Miss Jean Scott, reading the story of Mary, the Mother of Jesus; Mrs. Albert Harrison, about Elizabeth, and Anne was taken by Mrs. R. E. McMillan. • For Christmas Giving • CARDS • GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS SAMSONITE SPECIAL TABLE and 4 CHAIRS Srnith-Wagner Stationery LIMITED 93 .Ontario St. Stratford, Ont., Open to 9 p.m. on Friday Nights TELEPHONE 271-9270 Reg. 52:30 39.75 ne d i" . - - •jjebo%d . SPECIALS FOR . Thursday - Friday - Saturday Stuart House CHICKEN NODDLE SOUP MIX Buy 2 Packages and get one FREE — All for 230 .1-(. Green Giant GOLDEN WAX BEANS. ...2 15 -oz. tins 350 York , PURE VEGETABLE OIL. .16- oz. bottle 35¢ ABsweet MARGARINE 2 1-1b, pkgs. 53¢ White Cross TOILET TISSUE. 9 large rolls $1.00 Libby's TOMATO .JUICE Large 48 -oz tin 290 - Del Monte Pineapple -Grapefruit DRINK 350 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY ih'uPRIaR • vor .Fa'J'J 4ARNFT'. Phone 12: FREE DELIVERY Mrs, Kyle, 85, Is Guest Of Honor Mrs. Emerson Kyle, of Kippen, was hostess to an afternoon and evening tea on Thursday, Nov. 17, in honor of her husband's mother, Mrs. Jean Kyle, of Clinton, on the occasionf her 85th birthday anni- versary; v ty friends called to extend congr ations and best wishes. Mrs. William Hay, of Seaforth, presided at a lace -covered tea table with tall taper in silver candleabra and centered with a decorated two-tier birthday cake. Granddaughters, Mrs. Harold Cald- well and Miss Bonnie Kyle served, assisted by Mrs. Ron Littleton and Mrs. Al Mitchell, of London. Mrs. William Kyle was in charge of the guest book. The honored guest was the re- cipient of a host of good wishes by cards and telephone. Guests were present from London, Exeter, Hen - sail, Zurich, Seaforth, Clinton, Bayfield, Brucefield and Varna. Mrs. Kyle is the former Jean I. Mitchell, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Mitchell, and was born at Westfield, East Wa- wanosh. From there the family moved to Auburn and later to Clin- ton, where she was married in 1900 to the late Thomas Kyle, of Milton, North Dakota, formerly of Kippen. Shortly thereafter they moved from Milton to Saskatoon, and in 1907 returned to the east •to take up farming at Kippen. Fol- lowing the death of her husband in 1927, she moved to Clinton, where she has since resided. Mrs. Kyle still enjoys the bless- ing of all her faculties, always an ardent lover of flowers, still takes care of her own home and spacious flower beds. She is an active member of Ontario Street Church, Life member of the W1VI''S, Rebekah Lodge, Women's Institute, and ov- er 60 years a member of the Or- der of the Eastern Star. • Mrs. Kyle has two sons, Wil- liam and Emerson, both residing at Kippen,and one deceased in infancy, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. - WEDDINGS GOUDIE—DOUCET The marriage is announced of Miss Alfreda Doucet, R.N., of Dartmouth, N.S., to Petty Officer Lorne Robert Goudie, R.C.N., Hali- rax, N.S., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. 13. Goudie, Seaforth, The' cere- mony took place in Dartmouth .on November 5, 1960. The couple are residing at 7 Dahlia St., Dart- mouth, N.S. Kippen Bazaar Is Successful The annual bazaar at the United Church, Kippen, was largely at- tended Saturday afternoon, the. sum of $200 being realized. Con- veners in the various booths were: fancy,work, Mrs, Rosa Love; pro- duce, Mrs. Alex McMurtrie; bak- ing, Mrs. Lloyd Lovell, Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, Mrs. Wilmer Jones; touch - and -take, Mrs. Wm.' Caldwell; fish pond, Mrs. Ralph Turner; tea room, Mrs. W. Workman, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mrs. Harold Jones, as- sisted by several other ladies serv- ing. Messrs. Ross Love, Edison Mc- Lean, Lloyd Lovell, John Sinclair and Hank Binnendyk assisted in Sing Time at CKNX-TV Sunday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and children, of Grimsby, visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren. Mr. and Mrs. James Spaven, of Ingersoll, were recent visitors of Mrs, Lydia Doig and Janet. Mrs. Tom Bourke, of Wroxeter, called during the week at the home of her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mellis. OES Installs New Officers At Seal rth Mrs. Doroth Doig and Mr. Jas. Deig were i stalled as Worthy Matron and orthy Patron, re- spectively,, at .a meeting pf Sea - forth Chapter 1233, Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Ella Middleton, Exeter, in- stalled the officers of the chapter on Thursday evening. She was as- sisted by Mrs. Ella Blair, Strath- roy; Mrs. Edith Philips, Blyth; Mrs. Barbara Sparling, St, Marys; Mrs. Ada Love, Exeter; Mrs. Ina Wolfe, Stratford; Mrs. E. Camp- bell, Exeter; Mr. S. Love, Exeter, and Mr. S. Thompson, Wingham. Mrs. Anna Kling acted as pianist for the evening. The officers installed were: Wor- thy Matron, Mrs. Dorothe Doig; Worthy Patron, James Doig; As- sociate Matron, Mrs. Dolena Me- Quaig; Associate Patron, David McLean; secretary, Mrs. Anona Crozier; treasurer, Mrs. Helen Reeves; chaplain, Mrs. Flora 'Dal- rymple; marshal, Mrs. Edna Hen- derson; pianist, Mrs. Helen Mc- Clure; Ada, Miss Jennett Wilson; Ruth, Miss Jean Scott; Estet-, 'Mrs. David McLean; Martha, Mrs. Flor- ence McGavin; Eleeta, Mrs. Mae Waterworth; Warder, Mrs. Eva Clarke; Sentinel, Charles Reeves. A lunch and social hour was spent, convened by Mrs. Helen McClure and Mtg. Helen Reeves. Three lucky draws were donated by Mrs, Eva Clarke and won by -Mrs. E. Campbell, Exeter; Mrs. Ada Love,- Exeter, and Mrs. J. A. Westcott, Seaforth. Visitors were present from Strathroy, St. Marys, Stratford, Mitchell, Clinton, Blyth and Wing - ham. The little boy approached–his father who was standing by the edge of a cliff, admiring the scen- ery. He piped, "Mama says it isn't safe here and you're either to conic away or else give me the picnic basket,' NEWS OF BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY MARKS WEDDING OF" MR., MRS. RAY BEUERMAN -. A shower was held for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beuermann (Joan Short - reed) in the Brodhagen Commun- ity Hall on Saturday evening. Clay- ton Ahrens read the address which was written by Mrs. Fred Herbert and the presentation of a chrome kitchen set and cash was made by Warren Sholdice. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mueller, Orval Harrison and Clare French provided music for dancing, with Mandel Beuermann calling for square dancing. Lunch was served in the basement. Mr. George Diegel will observe his 87th birthday on Friday, Nov. 25th. Mrs. Earl Bennewies and baby son arrived home from Stratford Hospital. Mrs, Willard Bennewies, Kevin and Keith, accomnied her sis- ters, Misses Barbara and Ruth By C, A. DEAN, M.D. MEDITORIAL: When discussing the relationship of smoking and lung cancer, the question of proof comes up frequently. Proof that smoking causes long cancer is al- most impossible to find. For years, however, there has • been strong evidence to support this theory and now some new findings linking smoking with cancer have been reported. For five years the lungs of over 400 men who died from any cause ,were examined. Sections from many parts of the lungs were stu- died by pathologists (medical doc- tors trained especially in this type of. • examination). Their findings were unbiased as they did not know from what patient each spe- cimen came. Their results showed that not only lung cancer but lung condi- tions which lead to cancer depend almost entirely on the number of cigarettes smoked. All the victims of lung cancer were smokers. Even the heavy smokers who didn't die of lung cancer showed other serious abnormal lung con- ditions. The heavier they smoked the more cancer -like changes were found in the lung tissues. And there were one or more smaller cancers found in several of the men who 'died of lung cancer in addition to the one which killed them. Many have asked me why doc- tors don't give up smoking. A re- cent survey of r5,000 doctors in Massachusetts showed that in the last five years the rate of smok- ers among them has dropped from 52 per cent to 39 per cent, with half of these using. less than a pack a day. I feel that as the young doctors come up this per- centage will become even lower. Ann Dietz and Mr. Walter Stinson to Sault Ste. Marie recently to visit the former's sister, Mrs. Clare Rolph, and Mr. Rolph. Large yellow mums adorned the altar of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherbarth's 50 wedding anniversary, Nov. 22. They were placed by the grandchil- dren. Mr. and Mrs. Scherbarth al- so gave a donation to the organ fund of the church. Next Sunday being the first Sun- day in Advent, the church service at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, with communion, begins at 11:00 o'clock. Last Sunday was the last Sun- day of the church year and six members passed away during that time: John L. Bennewies, J. F. Prueter, George Ii. Leonhardt, Mrs. Idora Diegel, Mrs. Henry Dietz and Mrs. Kate Rug. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Buuck and family, of New Dundee, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Buuck. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bennewies and Wanda and Mrs, John Benne- wies, of Windsor, spent the week- end at Mrs. Bennewies' home here. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose, of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt for the weekend and all attended the 35th wedding an- niversary of 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rose at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rose on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt also attended. Mrs. John C. Diegel, who has been at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Diegel, Walton, for the past months, is now visiting with Mrs. Elizabeth Querengesser, Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk were presented with a blanket and mat from members of the Community Forum last Monday evening at their home, on the occasion of their 45thwedding anniversary, which they observed some months. ago. The Women's Association of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, McKillop, held a bazaar in the Community Hall here on Sat- urday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Binning and family and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querengesser and family, of Mit- chell, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Shol- dice on Sunday. Lady Bowlers Start Party Series Mrs. L. F. Ford, of the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club, was hostess last Friday evening to the ladies for their bridge and euchre party. Prizes, donated by Mrs. Alice Stiles and Mrs. S. Gray, were won by Miss Dorothy Parke and Mrs. Stiles. The hostess was assisted in serving refreshments by Miss Rena Fennell, Mrs. Ken Etue, Mrs. A. W. Sillery and Mrs. F. C. J. Sill. Miss Florence Laidlaw express- ed thanks to the hostess and her assistants. TURKEY BINGO ST. COLUMBAN PARISH HALL Friday, . Dec. 9, 1960 — 9 p.m. • 15 GAMES FOR TURKEYS • 2 CASH SPECIALS• • 1 SHARE THE WEALTH Three Door Prizes — 1st, $15; 2nd; $10; 3rd, $5 ADMISSION $1.00 • EXTRA CARDS, 25 CENTS EACH — 5 FOR $1.00 IS GOOD...and GOOD forYOU! • Milk shakes made with our vitamin -fort- ified, extra -rich milk are thicker and cream- ier than fountain shakes, taste twice as good! Let the kids mix their own for a tasty milk drink ! MILK MAKES PEPPY KIDS Maple Leaf Dairy PHONE 101 -- - SEAFORTH SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Maple Leaf Products are available at BROCK'S SUPERTEST SERVICE and SEAFORTH GRILL Bingo Winners Mrs. Arthur Sanger, Mitchell was the winner of the $61 jackpot at the regular Saturday night bin- go of Seaforth Branch 156 of the Canadian Legion. Specials were won by Mrs. Chessel, Mitchell; Mrs. Jim Cruickshank, Holmes - vile and Mrs. Bob Hubert, Sea - forth. Share the wealth was won by Mrs. Chessell also. The regular games were won by Verna Johnston, Mitchell, and John Caldwell, Brucefield; Lillian Newman Clinton; Mrs. Bill Gar- rick, Goderieh; Mrs. Wes Vander - burg, Clinton; Frank Skinner, Mit- chell, and Mrs. Wib. Elliott, Mit- chell; Mrs. James Barry, Sea - forth, and Mrs. Lorne Thompson, Brucefield; Lawrence Plant, Brus- sels, and Mrs. Bill Steep, linton; Mrs. Verna Johnston; Lillian New- man, Mrs. Johnston and George Munro, Seaforth; Muriel Hudson, Seaforth; Dora Taylor, Seaforth, and Wilfred Chessell, Mitchell; Mrs. Dorey Jones, Brucefield, and Mrs. Bill Newman, Clinton; John Caldwell, Brucefield; Mrs. How- ard Swan, Mitchell; Bill Austin, Seaforth, Mrs. Howard Swan, Mit- chell, and Ivy Sodawater, London. The door prizes were won by Mrs. Sturgeon, Egmondville, and Mrs. Ken Beattie, Winthrop Jack- pot next week will be $56 in 56 calls. GREAT SHIPBUILDING CENTRE Glasgow, largest city in Scot- Iand and third largest in Great Britain—exceeded in population on- ly by London and Birmingham—is the world's foremost shipbuilding centre. According to the Book of Knowledge it dates ,back to the eighth century and was already an important town by the 12th cen- tury. KEN ' S TV MA tKET •STREET (Opposite the Bowling Alley) Phone 250 Nights and Sundays 464 All Work and Materials Guaranteed 90 Days KENNETH HOLMES, R.E.T.S.G. Regulary B -I -N -G'- .1! Weekl Saturday, November 26 — 9 p.m. and every Saturday NEW LEGION HALL, SEAFORTH 15 Regular Games'for $5.00 2 Share -the -Wealth Games Cards 1.5 Cents each — or 2 for 25 cents 1 Special Jackpot — $56.00 (Full house with 56 numbers called) — Children under 16 not permitted — ADMISSION 50 CENTS — Extra Cards 25c, or 5 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Canadian Legion WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS — Phone 141 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime • fr%i77a6 ode�dea tz'aookof ah,/a# d trade kiizt - Free! Marie Frasers exciting new Bazaar `'w'} recipes, Available in quantity for women's -- groups — please state number required. DAIRV FARMERS OF CA614iDA 409 Huron Street, Toronto .,.... "I,m going to relax with a cup of coffee and watch HOUR OF STABS it's one of the new morning. programs on Channel 10 designed * ESPECIALLY F011 US" She's right, ladies. To help you housewives get more tut of TV we've planned our new morning TV around your schedule and named it - "Especially yours" "flour of Stars", a series of all new one hour dramas created especially for TV by 20th Century -Fox and Warner Bros., stars Anita Ekberg, George Sanders, Joani e Woodward, Raymond Massey, Bette Davis, Wm. Bendix, Terry Moore, Peter Lorre, Virgihia Mayo and Ed Wynn. It comes on at 10 a.m., a time when you're usually ready for a break. See also: 9-10 a.m.—Romper Room 11-12 a.m.—At Home 12- 1 p.m. -Noon Hour Club Also 8-9 a.m.—Hour of"Music CFPL-2--TV •