HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-11-17, Page 4ut.xoti. gX,POSIT011,, SEA,FORTH, ONT., NOV. 17, 1960 1. Coming Events ANNUAL BAZAAR and Tea of Crom- arty Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, November 23r4, at 3 P.m. 1-404 BIJOU= In OOF Hall. Constance, on Friday, November 18 and 26th, 8:80 Pen• Door prize. Lunch provided. 1-10x1 noN"r FORGET the Monster Cash Bin- go and Turkey Draw at the Brodleagen Community Centre, Friday, November 24, dancing to follow bingo. 1-40-1 PLAN NOW to attend the NeW Yearei Dunce at the Brodbagen Community Cen- tre, Friday, December 30. Desjardine's Orchestra. Admission 31.00. Hats, horns and noveltiee provided. 1-404 A SHOWER for Mr. and Mr. Ray Beuerman (Joan Shortreetil will be held in the Brodliagen Community Hall on Saturday evening, November 19. Every - bodes welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. 1-404 2. Lost, Strayed NATURAL CALF LEATHER change purse with large sum of money, lost on Saturday noon hour, near the IGA. Find- er please apply to BOX 965, The Huron F.,xpositor. A reward will be offered. 2-40-1 -- -- 14. Property For Sale 194 ACRE FARM. close to the village of Auburn. Modern buildings; 150 acres workable land. 312,000, reasonable terms. JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor, Goderich. Joseph McConnell, Salesman, Seaforth. 14-40-1 FOR SALE Two-storey brick dwelling, well located in Seaforth- modern, new oil furnace. To wind up estate of the late W. Lorne McKelvey. Apply MoCONNELL & STEWART Solicitors Telephone 550, Seaforth 14-40-1 SEAFORTH HOUSE FOR SALE Five rooms, white frame, with or with- out furnishings, two-piece bath. oil beat, good corner lot. Reason for sale, to close estate. Immediate possession. Contact: EDWIN BENNEWIES Louisa Street, Seaforth After 6 p „ r Saturday afternoon 14-38-3 7. Situations Wanted WILL LOOK after children while moth- er works. PHONE 431-W. 3-40x1 8. Farm Stock ForSale REAL ESTATE Wilfred McIntee — Broker LISTINGS WANTED On Farms, Homes, Businesses and Sum- mer Properties. Good 100 acres on No. 4 Highway, 3 FIVE HEREFORD heifers due in Dec- miles north Clinton. ember, FRANK KLSTNER, RR 1, Dublin, 100 ,L,res on Np , 8 Highway. Phone R 4,, Dublin. 8-40-1 200 acres neer Wingham, good build - 10 FEEDER steers; weighing from *600 Inge, 140 acres workable. to 800 lbs. Apply DON CRICH, ItR,, 3, 100 acres near Brussels, modern house Seaforth, phone Clinton 11U. 2-9252, and large barn. Priced to sell. _ 8..40x1 NV -anted, from•50 to 75 acres near Dub- lin. 9. Poultry For Sale 25 SPRING chickens, approximately 7 Pounds. Will sell dressed or alive. KEN 4yrpWAR1', phone 839 It 2, Seaforth. 9-40-1 - 11. Articles For Sale LARGE SIZE baby crib and baby bug- gy, PHONE 431-W, 11-40,11 FORCED AIR furnace. nearly new, Burns coal or wood. In good condition. ALVIN RILEY, phone 415-W, Seaforth. 11-40-1 CRIB. with spring and mattress, 316: Johnson floor poliaher. 815; both he very good condition. PHONE 750 W 2, Sea - forth. 11-404 WALNUT BEDROOM suite, bed com- plete with mattress and springs and vanity dresser, 'bench' and cheet .of drawers. PHONE 875-W, Seaforth. ' 11-39-tf FOUR -BURNER Westinghouse electric range, heavy duty, with time clock and light. In good working order. PHONE 675, Seaford'. 11-40,1 WALNUT BEDROOM suite, ,bed com- plete with mattress and springs and vanite dresser, bench and chest of drawers. PHONE 375-W, Seaforth. ,11-44x1 DEEP FREEZERS, 13 cu, ft on dis- play, only $210. Other sizes .available. One new washer. Naith pump, only 8119. BORDEN BROWN, phone 841 R 2, Sea - forth. 11-40-1 SUNSHINE BABY buggy, in very good condition. Reasonable for quick eale. KEN WILLIS, pheee 11 or 599M, Sea - forth. Can be aeen at Willis Shoe etore. 11-40-1 BRAND NEW cheque writing machine; 10" TV, table anodel and good German Shepherd dog, male, good watch dog, MRS, LOF.NE CRONIN, 'Dublin. 11-40-1 POTATOES—Another 100, 75-14. bags of Shelbourne potatoes arriving Thum, day, November 17, at 32 per bag. Place your order now. BORDEN BROWN, phone 841 rt 2, Seaforth. 11-38-tf COMPLETE LINE of 01=01113 Ritten- house Door Chimes. sales. Installation and service. Call today for free estimate. sco•rr RADIO end TV SERVICE, Phone 250, Seaforth. 1.148-ts MODERN Clare Jewel electric 4 -burn- er combination stove, in good condition. Oven may be heated by coal or electric- ity or both. White enamel, trimmed black. Priced reasonably. MURRAY E. TYNDALL, Brucefield. 1140-1 STORAGE PROBLEMS? Here's the Answer Perforated hardboard that can be nail- ed UP in sheeta as a wall covering for closets, garages, basements or utility roorne. A large selection of self-locking books and hangers will hold anything from toys to lawnmowers. As a single panel in the kitchen, study or children's room. pegboard makes a place to hang useful and decorative objects. The smooth. mslinterlees, snag -free surface Can be easels, painted! The perforated Mas- onite hardboard (1.4c sq. ft.) and match- ing books (from Sec to 79c pkg.) will change youe useless wall and door areal) into useful apace! ' SEAFORTH LUMBER Ltd. Railway Street Pbone 47 11-46-1 12. Wanted To Buy — LARGE PLAYPEN, in good condition. PHONE 2414, Seaforth. 12-403E1 Apply to Amos Corby . Phone 598-M Settforth, Ontario LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE • for WILFRED McINTEE - Realtor W A LKERTON , Ontario 6 Offices and 25 Salesmen to serve you. 14-40-tf 15. Property For Rent FIVE -ROOM apartment for rent; new- ly decorated: modern conveniences. PHONE' 841 R 2, Seaforth. 15-38-tf MODERN two-bedroom apartment for rent. LEE LEARN, phone 101, Seaforth. 15-38,4f APARTMENT for rent. Lower apart- ment available immediately. Apply 'to CLAYTON .DENNIS, phone 669 W 12, Seaforth. 15-38-tf FRONT APARTMENT for rent, three romna and bath. Apply UNITED DAIRY and POULTRY CO.OHERATIVE, Sea - forth Branch, Phone 18. 15-3840 THRECE-RDOM APARTMENT in the Royal Apartment building. Newly dec- orated, now available. $35, month. JOS- EPH MoCONNELL, phone 266, Seaforth. 15-40-1 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick, down end disabled farm animals. Prompt courteona collection of all dead and dis- abled farm animala and bides. Call coil- lect, ED ANDREWS, OM R 11, Seaforth. Atsociated with Darling & Co.. of Canada Ltd. 1248-tt galommaar•••••• 13. Wanted APARTMENT for rent; unfurnished. In Seaford': bedroom. living room, kitchen and bath; heated; refrigerator available if required: residential section. LLOYD ROWAT, phone 479-W, Seaforth. 15-38-tf FLOCKOWNERS WANTED—Up to 35c Per dozen more for your eggs over Grade A Price is. worthwhile. We pay this for hatching eggs and reqtdre all breeds. On some breeds we take eirga every week of the year, For full details, write TWED- 1DLE ORIOIC HATCHERIES LIMITED, Fergus, Ontario. 13-36, 88, 40, 42-4 14. Property For Sale TWO ULTRA MODERN apartments in Clinton; planned kitchen's, built-in bath- rooms: hot water heated, two bedrooms, modern laundry equipment with dreier and washer. JOHN MacKAY, phone Clinton HU. 2-9227. 15-89x2, 100 ACRE FARM in Auburn district. Modern house, /Mgt+ barn And other build- ing's, $10.600.. $2.500 admit. JoE24 nos - 'VELD, Ito03tor, Gederieb. Joseph Me - "Connell, Salesman, Settforth. 14-404. 50 ACRE FARM in Menke, townaltiP• Owner Staub:tie* to, die*** of 00o9e'rti. Any rea400,01110 Oder *tooted. Joint 130SVEUTe Jtteldb:04' 40aosok. sum* Bitc.imen, Bateimign,„ el:forth . 19. Notices 14-404 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service. A. M. BRENT, RR 1, Dublin, phone 40 R 6, Dublin. 19-39x2 THE LOBA Euchre for November 21 is cancelled. The next Euchre will be held on December 19. 1940-1 DRIED SHELL corn ie bulk. We de- liver. Phone Dhblin 74 R 20. W. R. MULHOLLAND TRANSPORT. 19-40-2 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED—modern equipment, quickservice, all work guar- anteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE. phone 42016, RR 2 Brussels. 19-26x17 MJLDMAY BRAND sweet Apple But- ter. available at Smitb's Superior Store, Seaforth, and Goettler's Red and White Store, Dublin, 19-10x2 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service. Cleaners and polishers, also reconditioned cleaners and parts. BERT HARRIS. 109 Newgate St.. Golatech, phone JA -4-7917. , 19-88-13 19. Notices BARNS CLEANED WHITEWASHED and DISINFECTED for Brucellosis ROLAND NEIL Phone 104 - Ailsa Craig 19-36x52 ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices Paid In surrounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled hors- es and cattle. For the fastest and prop- er removal of all animals, day or night, seven day service. Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD, 'ZENITH 3-4900 (No toll charge) Plant Licence No. 10 R. P.-60 Collecting Licence No. 22 C. 60 19-88-11 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith DO YOU need your chimney cleaned or repaired? Windows cleaned and storms put on, eavestrouteha cleaned or caulking windows? PHONE Seaforth 182 or Box 386. 19-36-11 Tuckerimiith Township Municipal Damp will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons until further notice. CORA CHESNEY Clerk. Tuckersmith 19-38-10 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service is pro- vided from bulls of ad breeds. We are Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost. Suramer calling home: Between 7:80 and 9:30 a.m. weekdays; 6:110 and 8:00 p.m., Saturde.; ,evenings. For service or more information call: Clinton HU 2-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 19-38-tf 20. Auction Sales FILTER QUEEN SALES and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners few sale. BOB PECK, RIt 1, Zurich. Phone Hameln 696012. 19-38-10 WILL THE PARTY who la known to have taken several wide 10' birch boards. (reserved in, °Wrier day of sale), Novem- ber 10, from" Carl Diehl's ,barn, Please re- turn same and avoid further trouble. A. E. DIEHL, RR 5, Clinton. 19-10e1 FALL HEREFORD SALE at CLINTON, NOVEMBER 24 10 bulls eligible for government bonus, also bred females. 20-40-1 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Registered and Grade Holstein cows and heifers, at lot 14, con. 2, Stanley township, 11/4 miles west of Brucefield and Ys. mile south, on WED- NESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, at 1:30 p.m. 25 Holstein heifers, recently fresh. 20 Holstein heifers and cows to freshen In Nov. and Dec. ' 6 Holstein heifer calves. 15 Hereford calves, from 1 to 2 weelcs old. All cattle are vaccinated and of good quality. REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan Cleanent, Mount Pored. More spots and stains removed. Garreseits stay clean long- er, weer longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE, Phone 247 for pick-up. 10-38-e KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY, expert reerpholatering, refinishing and repairing. Work guaranteed, reasonable prices, one week service. Call GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE, phone 685, Seaforth. 19-384f DRAIN TILE -4", $66 per M, dela!: 6", 385 per M, del'cl: 6", *110 Per M, derd; 8 ", $176 Per 11, den. Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on request. RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., Elginfield. Phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan. " 19.98-61 MABEL * Why die eon leave rne 11 Please come home! I pieetniger to be good to you ' signed, HARRY 19-404 SEAFORTH LIPHOLSTM Centre Street Telephone 446 Far all Wilds of netholeteriter. 1.9484f Truck available for delivery. TERMS—Cash,' D'ARCY RATHWELL & SONS Proprietors HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 20-40-1 22. Legal Notices NOTICE to CREDITORS ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of William Weeley Moore, late of the Townehip of Hallett. in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 6th day of Nov- ember, 1960, are required to file the same, with full pe.rticulare with the andersigned on or before the 10th day of December, 1e60, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated this 14th day of November, 1960. J. KENNETH HUNTER Godericla Ontario Solicitor for the Estate 22-40-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Hattie Bullen, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are requir- ed to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 5th day of December, A.D. 1960, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 15th day of NoNember, A.D. 1960, E. B. MENZIES Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate 22-40-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of' ROBERT McFADZEAN All persons having claims against the 'Estate of Robert McFadzean, late of the Town of Seaforth, in die County of Hu, on, retired farmer, deceased, who died on the 25rd day of October, 1960, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to• the undersigned on or be- fore the 2n2 day of December, 1960, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATFID at Seaforth, this 9th dIfy 'of November, 1960. 'MeCONNELL dr STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate Department of Highways, Ontario AUCTION SALE OF BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION PROPERTY SALE NO. L-0543 1 -storey cement block store, 23' x 20', with attached 'frame living quarters 17' x 20', situated at Lot 35, Concession 1, Township of Logan, in the Village of Dub- lin, fronting on the north side of High- way No. 8. Sale will take place on the premiaes at: 1:00 E.S.T. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1060 TERMS—"Cash" at time of sale, to- gether with 5100.00 certified cheque (pay- able to the Treasurer of Ontario) aa per- formance bond to guarantee that work will be completed according to D.H.O. requirements. Further information may be obtained from The Auctioneer • MR. HAROLD JACKSON Seaforth, epntario Telephone 474 or THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 581 Hurcee Street Stratford, Ontario Telephone 4850 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO 2,0-40-1 22. Legal Notices - TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Clerk's Notice Of First Posting of Voters' List 22-89-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WiLLIAM LORNE , McKELVEY All persons having claims against the Estate of Williaen Lorne McKelvey, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of retired Insurance Broker, de- ceased, who died on the llth '-day of September. 1960, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the, undersigned on or before the 2n41 day of December, 1960, after 'which date the assets will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 9th day of November, 1960. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate 22-39-8 NOTICE to CREDITORS NOTICE la hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List A4t and that I have tmeted up at my office' at Tuckersmith, on the 7111 day a November, 1940, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have an, errors or onunisiota corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 21st day of NOvember, 1960. DATED thie 7th day of November. 1930. MRS. CORA CHESNEY, Clerk, Townsbir; Teekersmith 22-894 IN THE MATTER OF THE BANK- RUPTCY OF HARVEY ELENDER.- SON LESLIE, of the Town of Sea - forth, in the County of Hurons Province of Ontario, operating tin- der the trede name and style of SEAFORTH CREAMERY A N to LOCKER STORAGE. NOTICE is hereby given that Harvey Henderson Leslie made an assignment on the 4th day tel November, 1860, and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 17th day of November, 1960, at 2:30 o'clock p.m., at the office of Mr. D. M. Egener, the Official Receiver, at the Courthouse,- in the City of London, in the Province of Ontario. DATED at London, Ontario, this Btle day of November, 1960. FRED 0. K1ME, Trustee 312 Queens Avenue London, Ontario 22-40-1 CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting Of Voters' List Township of McKillop 22. Legal Notices TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Notice of Nomination Meeting A meeting of the Electors of the Town- ship of Tuckersmith will be held in the Town. Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, Nov- ember 28. 1960, for the purpose of nom- inating candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors for 1961, and cer- tain School Trustees for the years 1961 and 1962 (three to be elected). Nominations will be received from the hour of one o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon. In the event of more being nominated than are required to fill the 'positions, an election will be held on Monday, Decena- leer 5, 1960. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the following places, PSD No. 1—Township shed, Egmond- ville: DRO, Audrey Cameron ; PC, Alice Boyes. PSI) No, 2 ---SS No, 8: DRO Roy Mc- Geoch ; PC, Edith Russell. PSD No, 3-55 No. 4: DRO, George Turner; PC, Howard John,, PSD No. 4- SS No. 3: DRO, Norris Sillery; PC, John Rroadfoot. PSI) No. 5—SS No. I: DRO, Melville 'eraquaire; PC, Glenn Bell. PS» No. 6—SS No, 9: DRO, John Woods; PC, Edna Tremeer. CORA CHESNEY Returning Officer 22-40-2 NOMINATIONS Township of Stanley Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors 'of the Township of Stanley, that a Nomination meeting will be held in the Township Hall, Varna, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, at the hour of 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Otto the purpose of Nominating PerS;ria for the office of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and three Councillors for the Year 1961. also two School Area Trustees for a 2 -year term. If an election is necessary, the, polls will be open in the following places with the following Deputy. Returning Officer: Place DRO School NO. 1 ... Lawrence Falconer School, No. .10 ...."erehn Aikenhead School No. 14 Nelson Hood Township Hall Lloyd Johnston School NO. 6.... Wm. Armstrong. School No. 4 west .''..: Leonard_ Talbot Mrs. Denornme's Store.Phillip Durand Town Hall Bayfield. .Kenneth Brandon NCYTICE Is hereby given that .1 have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Lot 27, Concession 2, McKillop, on the 7th day of November, 1960, the liat of all persons entitled M vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections, and that such list remains there for in- spection. And I herby; call upon all voters to take Immediate proceedings to have any errors or ommisions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 21st day of November, 1960, DATEel.this 7th day of November, 1960. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk 'of McKillop TownelliP 22-89-2 TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Nominations TAKE NOTICE that n meeting of the Ratepayers of the Townahip f Hullett will be held In the CONLMUNITY HALL, LONDESBORO on . MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1960 and will be open from 9 o'clock a.m. tine til 5 o'clock p.m. and no longer. Please note that when a proposed can- didate is not present at the nomination meeting, his nomination paper will not be valid unless there is satisfactory ,evi- dence that the proposed candidate con- sents to be so nominated., on FRIDAY, the 25th day of NOVEMBER 1940 at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. ter the purpme of nominating fit and proper persona to he elected its Reeve and Coun- cillor, for the year 1961. Nomination paper, must be filed with the clerk before 2 o'cloclt p.711on the above date. A' Public Meeting will com- mence at 2:10 p.m. when questions of interest to the Municipality will be dis- cussed. NOTICE is also hereby given that if a greeter number of Candidates] are none - hated than what are reouired to fill the toad offices, and an Election is necessary, the Polls be opened for Voting en MONDAY. DTICEMBER 5th From 9:00 a.m. to 500 p.m. HARRY P. Teat -Arm' Clerk 2240-2 JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk 22-40-2 NOMINATIONS Town of Seaforth A meeting of the Electors of the Town of Seaforth will be held in the TOWN HALL, SEAFORTIL on MONDAY,. NOVEMBER 2$, 1960 for the purpose of nominating pereons for the offices of Mayor. Reeve, six Council- lors, Public School Trustees and Public Utility Commissioner. Nominations will be from 7:30 p.m. to 010 p.m. If a poll be necessary, the same will be held at the following places on MONDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1960 from 9:00 a.m. to 6 P.M. 23. Cards of Thanks Pollltlg Sub-Divislon Nos. 1 and 2, at Teall's Garlge. Polling Sub -Division Nos. 3 and 4, at the Public !Abram Polling Sub -Division Nos. 5 and 6, at M. E. Clarke's Garage., Seaford', November 14, 1960. 83. 11. wiLsort Town Clerk I WISH to thank all those who sent me cards and gifts while in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth. Thanks to Dr. Gorwill and the nurses. Thanks to my Leacher, Mr. leinlayeon. All was deep- ly appreciated. 28-40-1 BETTY BROWN I WISH to thank all those who sent me cards and gifts while In Stratford (Gen- eral Hospital. Thanks to my Doctors Gorwill. Rowe, Ingham, Halliday and Mac- Donald, also the nurses on 4th floor. Special thanks to my teacher, Mr. Fin- layson and pupile, of Senior Room of Egrnondville school for their most wel- come letters. 23-40-1 NORAH BROWN 24. In Memoriam 22-40-8 23. Cards of Thanks IN LOVING memory of Eenneth D. Mowbray, who passed away suddenly two years ago, on November 9, 1968. - Ever remembered by his ,parents sis- ters and brothers. 24-404 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples, 25c; 24 sam- ples 51.00. Mall - Order Dept. 'I'- 78, NOVA -RUBBER CO. Box. 91, Hamilton. 25-38.tf 26. Births ECICERT- -In Norfolk s Hospital, %imcoe. on November le, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Eckert, a son, Frederick Louis. O'REILLY- Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Reilly, RR 2, Dublin, are pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Dennis John, on Friday. November 11. 1960 in Strat- ford General Hospital. A brother for Janet, Gary and Patrick. MR. and MRS. JOHN McMURTRIE wish to thank the neighbours end friends Brucefield, who remembered the lite Mary Gibson with a floral tribute. 28-44-1 O WISH to take this opportunity to thank everyone who remembered me with cards, floceers and gifts While I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. 23-40.in CAROLE GEDDES USE THESE, CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAG 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 8. Found 4.. Hell, Wanted 6. Business 011Portunitles 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situationa Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sala 9. Poultry Fel Sale 10. Used Cafe For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17 Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Cards of Thanks 24. In Memoriam -25. Pereonala The coat is low. Classifications 2, 8, 8, 9; 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17—minimum 25 cents an hisertion. All other classi- fications, minimum 50 cents per insertion, except AuctiotieSales (20), Tenders Want- ed (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on application. Billing Charge, 15 cents If not paid by 10 days following last insert- ion. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES ' (For Business Firms, Tradesmen, etc.) edinimunt 50 cents per insertion. Bill- ing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 35 Teams Enter WOAA Series HENSALL NEWS The new fertilizer building, 110 by 46, owned by Hensall District Co-operative, situated on the west- ern of York Street, near Thomp- son's Mill, was struck by lightning during a severe electrical storm Tuesday 'morning, Damage has been estimated at $200. A large hole was burned in the roof and the fertilizer was damaged by wa- ter. Adolph Otten, who has a chicken hatchery, saw the flames coming out of the roof and gave the alarm. Hydro was off at the time so the siren could not be sounded, but Joe Flynn rang the town bell to notify the local firemen. Miss Jean Noakes, who has ac- cepted a position with the Bell Telephone Co., London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes. Mr. and Mrs. Murray McEwen, Carolyn, Janie and Michael, of London, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwen. ' Mrs. Eleanor McKenzie is spend- ing the winter with Mrs. Agar at Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kyle re- cently celebrated their 57th wed- ding anniversary with mempers of At the WOAA meeting held in Wingham last Wednesday, a total of 95 teams-tegistered in all series, an increase of slightly over 15 per cent from last season. Entered were 22 intermediate teams, five junior, 13 juvenile„ 20 midget, 25 bantam and 10 pee -wee. Last year, pee -wee hockey was a new adventure for the WOAA, with 12 teams competing in zone play- offs. President Norman Hill, of New Hamburg, said this year there will be a provincial playdown. Tentative groupings with conven- ers have been drawn up for the coming season. Local team group- ings are: Intermediate, Group 3: Atwood D, Winthrop D, Myth C, Seaforth C, Monkton D, St, Colum - ban D, Listowel C; convener, Jas." Inglis, Atwood. Midget series, Group 2: Mitchell C, Exeter C, Zurich C, Goderich B, Seaforth C; convener, John Pat- terson, Seaforth. Bantam Series, Group 2: Gode- rich B, Mitchell C, Exeter C, Hen- sall D, Zurich D, Clinton C, Sea - forth, C; convener, Howard Carroll; Goderich. Pee -wee groupings will be an- nounced later, with the deadline for entries December 1. I DESIRE TO thank xsll My many friends, neighbours and relatives for their kindness to me while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London.For phone calls, cards, telegtatns, letters ;and flowers, aloe to the WA and WMS of Cavan Church, Winthrop. My special thanks to Dr. Go,. - will, Rev. Sumrnerell, oleo Rev. and Vire. Livingstone, of London, for their many visits and prayer, for my recovery, which deeply sesweelated. 28-40x1 74010. EARLE HAWLEY MR. and MRS. HENRY ,BENNEW1ES wish to say thank you Ist their many Mende for the lovely cards and' beauti- ful gifts on the occasion of their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. Bimetal thapice to Rev. Eric Schultz and the Bredh en Ladies' Aid for ale lovely dinner and gift. Mao the gift from the Ladies' .Md of Mitchell. We express our apPrecia- Hon to the kind people and our feernily for the memorable evening We enioyed at the Brodhrtgen ClommunitY Centre etnd these who called elt our home. WO think elf it as a distinet henor Which Will long be remembered by ue, 28-d0x1 District Weddings McCLELLAN—WHITFIELD BRODHAGEN — White a n d. bronze mums, with white satin bows marking the guest pews, was the setting of a pretty wedding which took place°in St. Catharines Memorial United Church on Sat- urday, November 12, at 3 o'clock, when Margaret Mary Whitfield, St. Catharines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Whitfield, of St. Catharines, exchanged wedding vows with Thomas Frederick Mc- Clellan,. of St. Catharines, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. McClellan, St. Catharines. Rev. H. Wyamn and Rev. J. Klassen, of St. Cathar- ines, officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, walked down the aisle in a ballerina length gown of white silk brocade, fashioned on princess lines, scooped neckline and long - pointed 'sleeves. The full skirt had impressed pleats at the back for extra fullness, and small bow at back waistline. The bride's head- piece, trimmed with sequins, held her shoulder veil, She wore a gold necklace, a family heirloom, of seed pearls and amethyst, and carried a white prayer book with' pink Sweetheart roses and feather- ed carnations and stephanotis. Miss Cathy Jansen, of St. Cath - a brown three-quarter length coat purple French lace over silk taf- feta with a scooped neckline and three-quarter length sleeves. She wore a purple feathered headband, and carried nosegays of white car- nations and pink Sweetheart ros- es. Miss Linda Jean Whitfield, sister of the bride, of St. Cathar- ines, was maid of honor, wearing a dress identical to that of the bridesmaid. Mr. Norman Davies, St. Cath- arines, was groomsman. Bobby McClelland, brother of the groom, ushered. Mr. K. Elliott, of Niagara Falls, played the wedding music. A re- ception followed in the Memorial Hall, St. Catharines, adjoining the church. their family from St. Catharines, London, Zurich and Hensall honor- ing them at a family dinner at the Commercial Hotel in Hensall. They have been resideuts of Hen- sall for the past 25 years. Mrs. Anna Walker was taken by ambulance to Clinton Public Hos- pital. Lance -Sgt. Tom Peters, of the Queen's Own Rifles, who has been stationed at Calgary for the past seven years, left on Tuesday for Germany, where he has been post- ed for the next three years. His wife and family accompanied him. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters, Hensall. Guy Lee, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee, Grand Bend, had his tonsils removed at South Hur- on Hospital, Exeter, last Thurs- day. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters. Thirty-eight members answered the roll call for the November meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church held Monday evening. President Mrs. Hugh Mc- Ewen presided. The devotional, "Remembrance," was taken by Mrs. John Corbett, with scripture passages read by Mrs. Ed, Cor- bett, and prayer by Mrs. Dave Kyle. Mrs.- Corbett read a poem, "In Time of Remembrance." Thank -you notes were read. ° The 1961 supply alloc'alion was discussed and Mrs, Pearl Pass- more and Mrs. Harvey Keys of- fered to act as purchasing com- mittee to buy articles which in- clude a man's dresing gown, gifts and mitts for children, 6 'to 8, which will be forwarded to the WMS secretary in Alberta. Mem- bers are reminded to bring 50e to the December meeting towards this project.. Mrs. Don Joynt re- ported for the visiting committee ,as having -made 12 visits. Mrs. Pearl Passmore and Miss Mary Goodwin rendered a vocal duet, "Teach Me To Pray, Lord." Mrs. R. C. Winlaw was the ac- OrripalliSt. Miss M. Ellis favored with readings, and Mrs. Keys re- viewed the third ehapter, "Home For the Homeless," of the study book, "The Turning World." The 1961 slate of officers are: Honorary president, Miss M. El- lis; past president, Mrs. Hugh Mc- Ewen; president, Mrs. Harvey Keys; vice-presidents, Mrs. Ron Mock and Mrs. Walter Spencer; secretary, Mrs. Edison Forrest; assistant, gin. William Mickle; treasurer, Mrs. John Heal; pian- ists, Mrs. J. C. Goddard and Mrs. William Fuss; nursery, Mrs. Ce- cil Pepper and Mrs. Ross Forrest. For a trip to Toronto the. bride donned a white wool sheath dress, a brown three-quater length coat with a mink collar, with brown and green accessories, and wore a red carnation corsage. On their return the couple will reside in St. Cath- arines. The parents of the bride are for- mer residents of Walton and Brus- sels. Mrs. Whitfield is the former Nora Sholdice. • Guests from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice, Brod- hagen; Mr. and Mrs. William Sholdice and Mr. and Mrs. David Sholdice, Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Knight, Brussels, and Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Mose, Milver- ton, and friends and relatives from St. Catharines. ST. COLUMBAN The monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Michael Murray. The president, Mrs. Angus Ken- nedy, opened the meeting with prayer. An interesting letter from Father Flaherty, Manitoulin Island, was read. A donation was voted to . the Sacred Heart radio program. 'Mrs. Angus Kennedy reported on the Deanery meeting held in Strat- ford. The meeting adjourned anti closed with prayer. A prize for the evening, donated by Mrs. Stephen Murray, was won by Mrs. Jack Moylan. Tom McIver, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. William McIver. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brady, Lon- don, and • Pat Sloan, Collingwood, with Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marcy, of Niagara Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. • Auguste Ducharme. Miss Agnes Hicknell, London, • with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hicknell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver in , Windsor. Mrs. Joseph Melady, Mrs. Mich- ael Murray and Mrs. Joseph Kale in Stratford at the Perth, County Teachers' Convention. Leonard Maloney, Misses Anne and Helen Maloney, Catharine Ry- an, Cleo Bownman and Beatrice Maloney spent the weekend at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. John Fawcett, Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs, J. J."1 -101 - land. Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Eckert and daughter, Owen Sound, with Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Dalton, WE ARE YOUR LOCAL DEALER FOR --11, - MOORE -BUSINESS FORMS LTD. #cs:! NI° • /1:6elliktE. AND EFFICIENT , BUSINf,SS FORM RECORDS , ICAN INCREASE ,YOUR ". 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