HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-11-10, Page 5• inaammannuinimmunaumhoun MIXED EUCHRE in. New Legion Hall Wed., Nov. 16th at 8:30 p.m. Auspices of Legion Ladles' Auxiliary 1111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111 1 BRODHAOEN ,NEWS OF THE WEEK, Miss K, aren. Leonhardt, daughter of Mr, .and Mrs. Mervin Leonhardt, was confined .to Stratford Hospital last week. The Community Forum'held their first get-together on M`'onday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks and celebrated the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Hicks. The couple were presented with a lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beuermann, ST. THOMAS' CHURCH GUILD BAZAAR and TEA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd 3 to 5 o'clock, in the Parish Hall FEATURING - Christmas Cakes and Puddings - Mincemeat Candies - Home Baking - Aprons - Knitted Wear Children's Clothing - Produce - Novelties EVERYONE WELCOME! newlyweds, have moved .to reside in Sebringville. They spent the weekend with her sister,.:MS. Bill Smith and Mr. Smith, Moorefield. Mr. and Mrs. R. Salisbury, of Mitchell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk and Mr. George Mogk spent Sunday in St. Thomas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Mogk. Mrs. George Mogk, who has been there for a few weeks, returned home with them. FOR PICK OF THE PACK WE'VE GOT SPECIALS FOR PRE -CHRISTMAS BUYERS ! We're Clearing Small Appliances, FRY•PANS KETTLES COFFEEMAKERS TOASTERS STEAM IRONS 10°/0 OFF • WITH EVERY PURCHASE OVER $50.00 • FREE 1 One Westinghouse Dog -O -Matic Hot Dog Cooker -Reg. Value $9.95 DUBLIN ELECTRIC PHONE 70 R 2 •DUBLIN The Week at SEAFORTH ARENA and COMMUNITY CENTRE HOCKEY - THURSDAY, NOV. 10th Stratford vs. Seaforth Junior 'C' - 8 p.m. Figure Skating Registration - 4:30 p.m. SKATING Friday, November 11 - 8 - 10 p.m. A mission: 35c and 25c Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Neil Saturday, November 12 - 2 - 3:30 p.m. Admission: l0c Saturday Night 8 -10 p.m. - Admission: 35c and 25e Wednesday, November 16 - 8 - 10 p.m. Admission: 35c and 25c This space contributed through the courtesy of UNI0N \j� COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED SEAFORTH -- ONTARIO News of Greys F of A Support Brussels dubs Grey Township Federation direct: tors met in Wiwi iel for their raft* ing, with President Jack Knight presiding. Directors agreed to s4µpport the Brltssels Beef,.. Dairy aid Grain Clu4, each member who has complete their project to re- ceive $1.00, regardless of where they live, • Discussed was the forming of a feeder steer club. A meeting will be held Nov. 15, when D. S. Miles will be present to explain the club in detail. Martin Baan had been at the Ontario Hog Producers meeting in Toronto and stated that $53,000 was being allotted to Hur- on County for the financing of Farmers' Allied Meat Enterpris- es. At a meeting held in Tees - water on Nov.$4,300 was allot- ted to Grey. This is to be sold in 10 -year debentures bearing 6% interest. Directors agreed to meet again the end of November to make plans for the annual meeting which will- be held early in the new year. Directors who attended the On- tario Federation annual meeting in Toronto last week were Doug Fraser, Jan Van Vliet, James Wil- liamson, Clifford Bray and Mur- ray Hoover. Hold Masquerade Dance The masquerade dance, sponsor- ed by Court 261 Canadian Order of Foresters, Ethel, was a decided success. Music for dancing was supplied by Archie Mann's orch- est, and a lunch booth was in the hall. Robert Cunningham was master of ceremonies. Judges "of the events were Mrs. Clifford Dun- bar, Mrs. James Pestell and Mrs. Welland Krautex. Proceeds of the event" were for the erection of a swimming pool. Following are the prize winners: Best dressed man, Jack Knight; best dressed lady, Mrs. Carl Mc- Donald; best comic costume, Mrs. Andrew Bremner; Hallowe'en cos- tume, Mrs: Edith Cardiff; best child costume, Barbara Bremner. Makes Surprise Visit Old-time acquaintances were re- newed Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arm- strong, 17 concession, when Mr. Fred Swindlehurst, of Los An- geles, California, paid them a sur- prise visit. Mr. Swindlehurst was a former schoolmate of Mr. Arm- strong some 55 years ago at S.S. No. 5, Morris Township. He has since been a telephone worker in that City. Gordon Knight, a life-long resi- dent of Grey Township, passed away on Monday of this week. Sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. Knight and fam- ily. Unfortunately, .as Mrs. Knight and Willis were on their way to hospital Sunday evening, they were involved in a two -car ,accident two miles north of Brussels. Mrs. Knight received a very painful ankle injury, while Willis received a cut on his forehead, requiring six stitches. Cranbrook WI Meets Mr. George Inglis, of Belmore, was the guest speaker when the Cranbrook Women's Institute held their November meeting in the Cranbrook Community Centre on Tuesday night, Nbv. 1. The roll call was answered by a Remem- brance verse. Mrs. Ross Knight gave a report on the district an- nual. She also announced that the meetings for the course, "The Third Meal," will be held in the hall during the month of Novem- ber. Mrs, William Bremner gave the motto, "United we stand, divided we fall." She read the poem, "Battle of Cape Farewell," by Surg. Capt. C. M. Oake. Mrs., Clem Steffler introduced Mr. Ing- lis. Mr. Inglis gave a very in- formative outline on the work of the Legion in the community. A contest was conducted by Mrs. Steffler. Mrs. Harvey Smith and Mrs. William Bremner helped the hostess, Mrs. Clem Steffler, serve a delicious lunch. Hold Bazaar and Bake Sale The annual bazaar and baking sale, . sponsored by the "WA of Moncrieff United Church, was field on Friday evening. Rev. W. M. Thomas acted as chairman for the program which was opened by using -a hymn, with Mrs, Al- lan McTaggart as pianist. Mrs. Kenneth Ludington, WA president, extended a hearty welcome to all the guests present. Mrs. Harold Smalldon, Walton, sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs. Wilbur Turn - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ahrens, Hamilton, with Mrs. Chas. Ahregs for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray Hart, of London, with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Rock, on Saturday, The Bornholm Women's Institute held a card party and dance in the Community Hall here last Tuesday evening. Euchre winners were Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and Earl Pfeifer. Sippel's orchestra provid- ed music for dancing. At the Married Couples' meeting last week, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck were presented with a step- up table and lamp from the group to help replace furniture lost in the fire in their home last winter. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Boyd and family, who had been residing with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Puschelberg, have moved to a house east of Wil- low Grove. Messrs. Peel Boyd and Wilbur Hoegy are on a hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Dickison and Glenda and Mr.,, and Mrs. Harold Smyth spent Friday in Glencoe vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibb, Mrs. Smyth remaining for a few weeks.. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Woodward and family, of _Toronto, with Mrs. Al- bert Querengesser for the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern" Wolfe with Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe in Kitchener on Saturday and with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connolly, Sebringville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querengesser, of Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice, London, on Sunday. Golden yellow chrysanthemums adorned the altar of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bennewies fiftieth wedding anni- versary on Nov. 9. Two chrysan- themum plants were in the chan- cel • in memory of Edwin Mogk, who passed away two years ago, Nov. 8. They were placed by his wife and family. The Brodhagen Band played in Monkton on Sunday for Armistice memorial service at the Lutheran Church. A shower was held in the Com- ,munity Hall here" on Wednesday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffee, and on Friday evening, the 50th wedding anniversary cele- bration was held for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bennewies, of Mitchell. They were presented with a ches- terfield and chair and trilight lamp from relatives, • neighbors and friends, and also a kitchen set from • the family. Mrs. George Rock read the address on behalf of the relatives, friends and neigh- bors, and Mrs. Lorne Mueller read the. address to her parents on be- half of the family. Dancing was enjoyed •to music supplied by Archie Mann's orchestra. Lunch was served in the basement. Church Women Meet United Lutheran Church Women held their monthly meeting Wed- nesday afternoon with Mrs. Reu- ben Rapien., Mrs. Martin, Diegel and Mrs. George Rock taking the devotions. 'The title of• their topic was, "The Johnson Family and Their Church." After the mission collection a thankoffering poem was read by Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt. It was decided to give a mission gift to British Guiana. Mrs. Fred Young and Mrs. Dan Beuermann, who were delegates to the Bi Annual U.L.C.W. conven- tion at ;Kitchener recently, gave a commentary of the convention. The Christmas social is to be held on Tuesday, Dec. 13, with the hus- bands as guests. A special offer- ing is to be taken the evening of the Christmas social for Lutheran World Relief. It was decided to have the Bell telephone discon- nected in the parsonage during the absence of a pastor, as this group pays for it. A thank -you card was read by the secretary from Mrs. Chris. W. Leonhardt, and an invitation to attened the `'at home" for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bennewies, Mit- chell, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary, Mrs. Benne- wies being a member of the U.L. C.W. Birthdays were retorted by Mrs. W. L. Querengesser, Mrs. Reuben Rapien and Mrs. Oscar Young. Lunch was served by .Mrs. Eliza- beth Rock, Mrs. Orland Rohrer, Mrs, Ed. Scherbarth, Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth, Mrs. R. Sholdice and Mrs. Minnie Vock. Sturdily Made Overs oes Brown Rubber with Shearling (Sheep Skin) inside cuff at top, Strap and Buckle Closure, Warmly Lined with Brushed Wool on Cotton Backing MEN'S -Sizes 6-12, a pair BOYS' -Sizes 1-5, a pair MISSES' -Sizes 13-3,'a pair WOMEN'S -Sizes 4-9, a pair $5.98 $4.98 $3.98 $4.98 CHILDREN'S BROWN -Sizes 5-12 at $3.49 CHILDREN'S WHITE -Sizes 4-9 at $3.98 Black, Brown and Green Suede Shearling Lined SNOW BOOTS -Sizes 5-9, at Black and Brown Leather Shearling Lined SNOW BOOTS' --Sizes 5-9 from . , $6.95 to $9.95 Black and Brown Rubber Shearling Lined, SNOW BOOTS -Sizes 5-9 from $6.95 to $7.95 • $9.95 • Willis Shoe Store SEAFORTH CONSTANCE Mr aidM s., pPillianl Jewitt and `My^s. aid M$g, Willie_ in attended Wardell John Dtirnin and Mr's. Durnin's banquet .last Thursr clay night at North Street United Church, Goderich, M. and Mrs. George Pickett, of Lincoln Park, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Ross MacGre- gor and family. Mr. Douglas Riley, of Scarbor- ough, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mrs. Riley •returned to Ajax to spend a week or two with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods, ,and Debbie. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McNally of Brucefield, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Giousher and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kingswell and family, of Clinton, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George McEl- wain and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson, Var- na, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt. Mr. Borden Brown attended the °Retail Merchants' convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson vis- ited last Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer MacKenzie, of Lucknow. The Late William Moore The community was shocked on Sunday when the news of the sud- den passing of Mr. William Moore was learned. Having stayed over- night at his farm, he was driving out his lane with the car and got off the track. He attempted to shovel 'the snow and shoving his vehicle out. He returned to the house and called a neighbor for assistance. In the meantime Mr. Moore suffered a severe heart at- tack and was found dead on his bed. ZION Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hardill, of Milton, visited his sister, Mrs. Will Murdie, at Green Acres Rest Home, and spent the weekend with Mrs. Mary Malcolm. A very successful bazaar was held at Zion Church on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Elton Leis, Tavi- stock. Mr. Darwin Lannin arrived home from the West last week and en- joyed his trip very much. Mrs. Wilfred Annis spent Thurs- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Templeman. • Mrs. Herbert Britton and Mrs. Mary Malcolm were dinner guests last Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Len O'Rourke, Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gibb, Nancy and Cindy with Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Malcolm; Mr. and Mrs., Ross Gordon, Donna and Barry with Mrs. Mary Malcolm on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hannon visited with Mrs. Lexie Malcolm in Stratford Hospital on Saturday. Mr. Moore, who was in his 66th year, was buried Tuesday after- noon from Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton. Sympathy is ex- tended to the remaining members of the family. WI NOTES Committees for the WI euchre and dance on November 18 are: tables and chairs, Mrs. H. Hugill, Mrs. L. Carter; lunch, Mrs. G. Elliott, Mrs. G. McKenzie, Mrs. G. Kerr; punchers, Mrs. J. Keys, Mrs. G. Papple, Mrs. L. Strong, Mrs. W. Coleman; dishwashers, Mrs. E. Papple, Mrs. R. Gordon. Each member is asked to bring a one -layer cake. HENSALL - HURON XXPORTOR,,'' l li'Oa'1 t. DIM, NOV. I CHOOSE THESE NOW FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING! Special Pirchase of Famous CANNON TOWELS Messrs. Wes 'Richardson, Neil Taylor, Jim McAllister, Ross Rich- ardson, Charles Robinson, Camp- bell Eyre, Bill Bell, Emmerson Kyle, Dave Triebner, Allan ''re- meer, Stan Jackson and Ed, Hor- ton left Friday for a 10 -day hunt- ing expedition at MacTier, near Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Munn and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Campbell attend- ed induction services for Rev. C. C. Vais, at St. Gile's Presbyterian Church, Galt, on Thursday. Mrs. Gus Voth, who has been spending the past ten days with her mother, Mrs. D. Simpson, re- turned to Detroit on Saturday. Mrs. W. R. Rees, of Ancaster, and Mr. and Mrs. S. McMillan and children; -Jackie and Bobbie, of Tonawanda, N.Y., were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cameron and family. bull, and Miss Margaret Hillen, Bethel, gave a piano instrumental. Moving pictures were shown by,. Orval Harrison, also pictures tak- en on a recent trip to Europe by Miss Yvonne McTaggart. Five ladies from the Monkton WA pre- sented a skit on the work of a WA. Mrs. Leslie McKay, .Union, gave a reading on the life of Ed- ward McHugh, the Gospel singer. Make it a habit to keep your feet on the ground and 'you'll nev- er have far to fall. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111-IIlHI, 1II111IIII11111II11Il BAZAAR BAKE SALE & TEA Group 1 of Northside W.A. are holding a Bazaar, Bake Sale & Tea in Schoolroom of Church, on SATURDAY, NOV. 12th at 3:00 p,m. 31111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AT PRICES AWAY BELOW REGULAR ! SAVE NOW! AND GIVE THE BEST Big 25" x 48" HEAVY BATH TOWELS -10 beautiful plain shades GUEST TOWEL SIZE as above Regular $1.95 22x44 CANNON TOWELS -Floral, stripes & plain Regular $1.50 Smart stripe patterns 20" x 38" Size -CANNON TOWELS GUEST TOWEL SIZE as above Matching FACE CLOTHS Special $2.95 Special $1.50 Special $L50 Special $1.00 Special 690 Special 35¢ COME TO STEWART BROS. For Girls 3 to 14X Size Coats, Coat Sets And Car 'Coats GIRLS' COAT SETS 18.95 to Coat, legging and hat sets, all -wool cloths. 29.50 Colors - Red, Brown and Blue • GIRLS' COATS 1..7:1 C 7 to 14X sizes, plain and fur trimmed, all- 22.95 wool, interlined coats. Colors -Turquoise, to Powder, Red, Rust, Green, in plains and 32.50 checks. GIRLS' CAR COATS Nylon blend cloth with warm quilted lining 10.95 and pile trimmed collar. Colors - Navy, n to Loden and Rust. 14.95 SIZES 7 TO 14X Stewart. Bros. STORE CLOSED FRI., NOV. 11th SATURDAY HOURS: 9 to 9 p.m. TJ.T.LT .LT.LT .LT .LT J.T iT 1. SAVE $10.00 PER TON leE'RE •' = -=oma We've moved to new modern accommodation in the Regent Block. Here we have installed • complete refrigeration facilities to ensure that your MAPLE LEAF MILK is dairy fresh, and of the highest possible quality ! Drink Milk For . . . REFRESHING ENERGY . . FOR BETTER HEALTH Maple Leaf Dairy Phone 101 : Seaforth O P N OT C H ENDS AIRY MONTH NOVEMBER 21st ALL CATTLE FEEDS ARE REDUCED! $5.00 PER TON, DAIRY MONTH DISCOUNT $4.00 PER TON, BULK DISCOUNT - $1.00 PER TON, PICK-UP AT MILL Enquire on Price and Delivery At Mill WE HAVE A QUANTITY OF PAINT FOR SALE At Reduced Prices All Colours KEM - GLO - - - - - $2.25 per Quart KEM - TONE $1.25 per Quart " While It Lasts " OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED PHONE 775 •SEAFORTH • " THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR "-• • T1T1T1T1T.LT 1T1T1T1