The Huron Expositor, 1960-10-20, Page 44-47M iiURQN' Zlt'Q.. R; 'SEA,FORTH, ONT., OCTOBER 20, 1960 Coming Events 11. Articles For Sale RESERVE Friday, December 9, for St. Columban Turkey Bingo, 1-35-3 1960, LADIES' AID SOCIETY of First Pres- byterian Church, Seaforth, are holding their annual Brzuar on Saturday, Novem- ber 5, 185-2 T'HE FAMILY of Mr, and Mrs. Hen- rY Bennewies Wish to invite relatives. neighbours and friends in observing their Golden Wedding anniversary at the Brod- hagen Community Centre, Friday evening, November 4. Lunch will be served. 1-36x1 HOT TURKEY Supper. Cromarty Pres- byterian Church, Tuesday, October 25th. 1960. 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Adults, 41.50, children. 75 .cents, There will be a con- tinuous showing of colored slides by Rev. S. Kerr, of his recent trip to the British Isles and the continent, followed by a musical programme by' Mr. Polley's prize winning boys' choir, of Stratford at .8:30 p; m. 144-8 2. Lost, Strayed LOST—Would the person who borrowed our Carbela sprayer and neglected to re- turn it, please return it now as we can use it. TOPNOTCH FEEDS .LIMITED 2 36 1 4. Help Wanted WANTED—Lady to act as companion and housekeeper for elderly lady in small modern Seaforth home. Apply BOX 960, The Huron Expositor. 446-2 WOMEN WANTED FOR SEWING MACHINE OPERATION Apply in-person at: HIGHLAND SHOES, - Seaforth, Ant. 4-35-2 8. Farm Stock For Sale TEN HEREFORD steers, 650 to 750 pounda; 6 heifers, around 600 pounds. WILBUR JEWI1T, phone 859 R 3, Sea - forth. 8-36-1 9. Poultry For Sale 560 BABCOCK BB..SIES, 6 month old pullets. Apply J. J. KRAUSKOP'F, phone 83 R 5, Dublin. - , • 945-2 DeKALB HYBRID pullets. These birds have been vaccinated for Newcastle and bronchitis, de -beaked, de-wormedand start- ing to lay. For further information call MOORE'S POULTRY FARM, phone 600 R 31, Seaforth. 9-354 10. Used Cars For Sale 1950 DODGE V2 -ton express pick-up. CALL 679, anytime after 6, p.m. 10-36x1 11. Articles For Sale JOHN' DEERE 2 -furrow trail plow, as good as new, GORDON STAPLES, phone 22 R 22, Dublin, 11-36x1 MILK -FED roasting chickens, delivered Fridays every week. Apply ROSS GOR - DON, phone 835 R 21, Seaforth. 11.35x1 UPRIGHT piano, 40" high; also an air compressor with motor, direct drive. GEO. B. CLARKE, phone 84. 1146x1 PHILCO Tape Recorder, nearly new. J. W. VanLanen, phone Seaforth 84384, after 6. .. 114.6x1 POTATOES -100 bags at 92.00 a bag, while they last, BORDEN BROWN, phone 841 R 2, Seaforth. 11-36-tf USED COLEMAN floor furnace, in good condition. Thermostatic control, ED. ROWLAND, Dublin, phone 85. 11-36-1 ONE PAIR snow tires, 100 level, 15 x 6.70. used one season, guaranteed good, 920. Changed car. PHONE 15411-33x2. OAK SIDEBOARD, sewing machine, wal- nut bed and mattress. Apply MISS NOR- MA JEFFERY, phone 325-J, Seaforth, 11-35x2 075 BED CHESTERFIELD and chair. new condition ; 850 oil burner, medium size, and 100 -gal. tank. TED LLTHGOW; Egmondville. 11-36x1 MAN'S SUBURBAN coat, tweed, very good condition : too small for owner. Size 36-38 Apply MRS. G. REEVES, Phone 3114, Seaforth. 1136x1 BE COMFORTABLE ! Wear CHARl9 made -to -measure per- sonally fitted Bras, Girdles and Corsel- ettes. ALSO SUPPORT GARMENTS Reasonably Priced. MRS. J. HOELSCHER TRAINED CORSET i1ERE For appointment Phone 367-W Residence one block east of Library 11-36-tf REFRIGERATOR, Thor, in new condi- tion. Bargain to quick buyer. Apply J. JONES, c/o Mrs. C. Lovett, North Main St., Seaforth. 11-36x1 12. Wanted To Buy HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for pick, down and disabled farm animals. Prompt oourteoua collection of all dead and dis- abled farm animals and hides. Call coll- lect, ED ANDREWS, 851 R 11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling & Co.. of Canada Ltd. 12-34-tf 13. Wanted FLOCKOWNERS WANTED—Up to 35c per dozen more for your eggs over Grade A price is worthwhile. We pay this for hatching eggs and require all breeds. On some breeds we take eggs every week of the year. For full details, write TWED- DLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, Fergus. Ontario. 13-36, 38, 40, 42-4 14. Property For Sale 55 ACRES of land on No. 8 Highway, 1.: mile west of Seaforth. CARROTHERS & EVANS, Real Estate Brokers, phone JAckson 4-8730, Goderich, 1445-2 MODERN 4 -BEDROOM house, one block from Sunoco Station ; oil furnace, bath- room. modern kitchen. Situated on lovely lot. JOSEPH McCONNELL, Salesman; John Bosveld. Realtor. 14-36-1 WALNUT bedroom suite, bed. mattress and .apsinga:. vanity dresser and bench; chest of drawers. 1.1 first class condition: PHONE 375-W, Seaforth, 11-36x1, GIRL'S winter coat, size 10 years. In excellent condition. May be seen at the residence of MRS. ORVAL GREER, RR 4, Seaforth. 11-86x1 IMPORTED DUTCH bulbs, tulips and all fall planting bulbs, houseplants, potted mums, wedding and funeral floral arrange- ments. STAFFEN'S PLUMBING and HEATING. phone 49, Seaforth. 11-36-8 SEND IN your order now for ever- geens for fall planting, or next spring planting. Also a few coal stoves in good condition. GORDON NOBEL, phone 71-W, Seaforth. 11-36x2 58 ACRE FARM near village of Hen- sall: modern house, large barn, all work- able land. Reasonable down payment. Immediate possession. JOSEPH McCON- NELL, Salesman` John Bosveld, Realtor. 14-36-1 COMPLETE LINE of famous Ritten- house Door Chimes, sales. installation and service. Call today for free estimate. SCOTT RADiO and TV SERVICE. Phone 250, Seaforth. 11-34-tf MAGIC MARKERS --Instant dry, wa- terproof, write on any surface: lust pull off cap and Magee Marker is ready to use. Refills available. Nine colors ink, THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141, Seaforth. REAL ESTATE Wilfred Mcl itee — Broker LISTINGS WANTED On Farms, Homes, Businesses and Sum- mer Properties. 87'x, acres in JVIeKillop, 83 acres work- able. Good buildings. 8 -Room, solid brick storey and half house in Seaforth. A real buy. Apply to Amos Corby Phone 598-M Seaforth, Ontario LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE for WILFRED McINTEE - Realtor WALKERTON, Ontario 6 Offices and 25 Salesmen to serve you. 16-36-4 APPLES FOR SALE—McIntosh, Delic- ious, Spy, King, and Tatman Sweets; also a quantity of Picked -up apples. Bring your own containers. Follow the green arrows from Varna. STEWART MID- DLETON, phone HU. 2-752.5, Clinton. 11-36-4 • SEAFORTH PROPERTIES FOR SALE' 19. Notices New ultra -modern ranch -style home with car port; three bedrooms and latest in modern fixtures and equipment; well lo- cated, Can be sold outright, or under VLA transfer. Lovely storey and half dwelling with double garage, on Church street. Recent- ly remodelled: new kitchen and bathroom; three bedrooms : large living room act 'dining room, Ideal family home. Terms arranged. Two -Storey brick, located west end; love- ly location, including extra building lot. Good, sound structure, with all conven- iences. Priced right for quick sale. Two-bedroom cottage, West, William St., New, modern kitchen, new bath and oil furnace. ' A real bargain. ",OTHER PROPERTIES ALSO LISTED Contact HAROLD JACKSON Phone 474 — Seaforth HONEY FOR SALE --Now pouring the honey with all the fall vltmnina and re- commended for hay fever. Light and dark amber, 20 cents pound in your own container. I will be in short supply for thin • grade of honey this season. Place your order immediately. WALLACE ,ROSS ARIARIFS, Seaforth, 11-36-2 FOR SALE—Imported Dutch bnlba for fall planting, twelbe colours of tulips, two* colours of'sdaffodila, three cotonrs of hyacinths, paper white -narcissus. These are an extra large bulbe and will give you bloom to -be proud of In -the spring. We are open every day and evening. BAK- ERS GREENHOUSE, your garden centre, Sea'fotth. 11.62x8 "SHOW Y $ODA$ variable speed 8mm' Mo S rrdieator (400.foot reels) ; Keystone iettir turret 8mm Movie earn - ,era *Ulf filters and case • Tripod, 1 2- birlb and 1,04+0*, llitbt 600 ift earryn* Esso; 400464 Annan editor 1 10, 20 •dt. reels of movl8a, 40Medtes; cartoons and westerns: befit alal'0 forbelt offer. Ripply to DOX 959, 'Y9tb Huron Eltpoeitor. 11.36x1 DOGS and PETS boarded by day or week. R. L. BEA'1-rl.r, phone 460, Sea - forth. 19-25x12 ANYONE INTERESTED in tap dancing lessons, please register at the Seaforth Town Hall. Saturday, October 22, at 10:30 a.m. MRS. RUSS BRODERICK. 1946-1 REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan Cleaners, Mount Forest. More spots and stains removed. Garments stay clean long- er. wear longer, Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE. Phone 247 for pick-up. 19-34-t8 r JOHN A�CARDNO Insurance Office — Phone 214 14-35-2 15. Property For Rent . FILTER QUEEN SALES and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensall 69682: 1944 -td DRAIN TILE -4", 155 per M. del'd; 6 ', 986 per M. del'd; 6", 8110 per M, del'd; 8 ", 5175 per M, del'd. Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on request. RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., Elginfield. Phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan. 19-9841 KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY, expert re -upholstering, refinishing and repairing. Work 'guaranteed, reasonable prices, ono week aervlce. Call GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE. phone 686, Seaforth. 19-34-tf MODERN two-bedroom apartment for rent. LEE LEARN, phone 101, Seaforth. -_ - 15-36,tf• APARTMENT in Goderich St. duplex. BORDEN BROWN, phone 841 R 2. Sea - forth. 1545-2 TWO-BEDROOM heated apartment for rent on John Street, Seaforth. JOSEPH McCONNELL, phone 266, Seaforth. 15-36—tf • THREE-BEDROOM apartment with kit- chen, living room and bath. Amply to FRANK NIGH, phone 670 W 2, Seaforth. 15-36-1 ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid in surrounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled hors- es and cattle. Horses at 5c pound. For the fastest and proper removal of all ani- mals, day or night, Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD, ZENITH 5-4900 (No ton charge) 19-22-26 APARTMENT for rent. Lower apart- ment available immediately. Apply to CLAYTON DENNIS, phone 669 W 12. Seaforth. 15-34-tf SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. . • 19-34-tf NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith FRONT APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and bath'. Apply UNITED DAIRY and POULTRY CO.OPIERATIVE, Sea - forth Branch, Phone 1a. 15-34-tf UPPER HEATED apartment, furnished or unfurnished, with' private entrance; available November let; on North Main Street. For further Information phone 351-W, Seaforth. 15-86x2 Tuckersmith Township Municipal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons until further notice. APARTMENT for rent; unfurniahed, in Seaforth; bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath ; heated ; refrigerator available if required ; residential section. LLOYD ROWAT, phone 479-W, Seaforth. 15-36-tf 17. Wanted To Rent THREE-BEDROOM house. WRITE to PO BIX 463, Seaforth. 17-36x1 CORA CHESNEY Clerk. Tuckersmith • 19-84-tf TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Court Of Revision The Council of the Township of Mullett will hold a Court of Revision on the Ass- essment The Court will Il for eaament Ro r hold its First Sitting on November lat, at 3 o'clock p.m. ip the Community Hall, Londesboro. • Any person wishing to appeal their assessment may notify the Clerk of the Municipality in writing within Fourteen days after the 30th day of September, 1960. • • ONE. LARGE bedroom, self-contained lower apartment. Apply residence OR- VILLE DALE. 11-26x1 19. Notices HARRY F. TEBBUTT Clerk RR 1, Londeaboro, Ont. 19-35-3. SERTIC TANKS CLEANED—modern equipment, quick service, all work guar- anteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, •phone 4286, RR 2 Brussels. 19-25x17 ELECTRLUx Sales and' Service. Cleaners and polishers, also reconditioned cleaners and parts. BERT HARRIS, 109 Newgate 8t., Goderiob, phone JA -4-7017. 19-54-tf 1)0 YOU need your chimney cleaned or relialrid1 Windows cleaned and storms Mit 01i ,1or other ex'3, or ad iota? PHONE for8 WATERLOO. CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service 1s Pro- vided from bulls of all breeds. We are Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost. Summer calling hours: Between 7:80 and 9:30 a.m., weekdays; 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., Saturday evenings. For service or more Information call: Clinton. HU 2-3441 " or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 23. Cards of Thanks 1 WOULD LIKE to express my appreci- ation to all my relatives and friends for cards, treats and visits while in Seaforth and St. Joseph's hoapitals. Also to the nurses Dr, Stapleton and Dr. Haslett. 23-36-1 ALBERT HUDSON FOR THE MANY. ACTS sof kindness. and thoughfulness shown me while a pa- tient in St, Joseph's Hospital, 1 wish to expreas my sincere appreciation. Many. many thanks for the numeroua cards, gifts and visits. 23-36:11 THELMA FORBES 19-84-tf 20.- Auction Sales 1 WISH TO express my sincere thanks to all my friends, neighbours and rela- tives for the gifts and cards sent me while a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Brady and nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital. 23-36x1 WILSON ALLAN 1 WOULD LIKE to thank my relatives and friends, the ladies of St. Thomas' Anglican church and all who sent me cards and treats and visited rue. Special thanks to Dr. Stapleton and doctors and nurses of the Clinton Hospital while I was a 'patient there. 23-36-1 ROBERT PALIN 1 WISH TO thank everyone who was kind enough to call on me on my SOth birthday and help make the day such a memorable one. It wan great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you. Special thanks to those who so thought- fully sent gifts and flowers. All was most sincerely apprec,iated. 23-36-1 ' MRS. F. DUNGEY 24. In 1Vlemoriam McBRIEN--In1 loving memory of Mrs, Secord MeBrien, who passed away Octo- ber 29, 1959. Her ,loving face, I hope to see agdln Though the days have passed away; Sleep, dear wife, and take your reat, Missed by us, ,who loved you best. - Ever remembered by her husband and daughter„ Maxine. 24-36x1 AUCTION SALE Tuesday, October 25th 1 p.m., Standard Time Selection of tractors and moat types of farm machines. Also cars and email trucks. Other articles too numerous to mention. MILLER --In loving memory of. .Mrs. Margaret Miller, who passed away -,Octo- ber 21st, 1958. Joys and sorrows, smiles and tears, But her memory is ever cherished, With the parting of the years. --Sadlymissed, but fondly remembered, by the family, grandchildren and great- grandchildren. • 24-36-1 MILLER—In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Miller, who passed away `October 21st, 1958. Though her smile is gone forever, And her hand we cannot touch, Still we have so many memories Of one we loved so much. Her memory is our keepsake, With which we'll never part; God has her In his keeping, We have her in our hearts. -Ever remembered ,by Bill, Lena and Gloria Boyd. 24-36x1 Look over our ad In the London Free Press, Saturday, October 22, for complete information. HAWKEN FARM EQUIPMENT No, 7 Highway - ARKONA 20-36-1 AUCTION SALE 26. Births DALLAS=At South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter, on October 12, to Mr, and Mrs. William•• Dallas, Brucefield, a son, Ste- ven James. KELLY—In Brantford General Hospital, on September 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Kelly, nee Marion Maloney, a daughter, Mary Elizabeth. MATTHEWS--At Mount Carmel Hospital, Detroit, on Thursday, October 13, .1960, . Dr. and Mrs, L. J. Matthews, a son. MILLER—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 15, to Mr, and Mrs. William Miller, Mitchell, a daughter. WALKER—In Clinton Public Hospital, on October 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walk- er, RR 1, Brucefield, a daughter. Auction Sale of Farm, Farm Machinery and Household Effects, at lot 6, con. 8, McKillop township, 5 miles east of Win- throp, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29th, at 1 p.m. MACHINERY — Baled hay, hay fork rope, hay loader, walking plow, cutter, steel poste, 'forks, shovels, wheelbarrow, barb wire, carpenter tools, hay rack. 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES' (Rubber Goods). mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples, 25c; 24 sam- ples 91.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER 'CO. Box. 91, Hamilton. 25 -25 -ti HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --Dining room table, 6 chairs, buffet, bed springs and mattress, kitchen table, kitchen atove, Que- bec heater, 4 -burner Sunshine electric stove, Goblin vacuum cleaner, end table, small tables, curtain stretchers, mirrors, crocks. Other articles too numerous to mention. FARMS --At the same .place, 3 p.m., the farms will be offered for sale, sub- ject M reserve bid. Immediate possession, Parcel One --North half lot 6, con. 8, McKillop township, consisting of 50 acres clay loam land: 2 -storey red brick house, fu%nate, good water supply, bank barn, 40 x 60, hen house, drive shed, garage, buildings and land in excellent condition.. Parcel Two—Part, of lot 6, con. 8, three acres land, more or les', nobuildings. TERMS -Chattels, cash, Property, 10% down, balance 30 dayn. For further particulars, apply to: HAROLD JACKSON, Anftioneer Seaforth, Ontario MRS. TOLEDA REUERMANN, proprietress 20-86-2 OES Names Euchre Winners The Order of the Eastern Star held a euchre Thursday in the IOOF Hall. Winners were: ladies, first, Mrs. J. E. Daley; lone hands, Mrs. Verdun Rau ; consolation, Mrs. Stanley Dorrance; men, first, John Tremeer; lone hands, Robert Smith; consolation, Secord Mc - Brien. Lucky winner on the draw for a cake was Mrs. Verdun Rau. CROMARTY The members of the WMS were guests of the Marion Ritchie Aux- iliary at their thankoffering meet- ing, held on Tuesday afternoon in the basement of the church. Mrs. Lloyd Miller presided. The scrip- ture was taken by Mrs. Robert Laing. The program was given by Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Mrs. John Templeman and Mrs, Gordon Laing. Mrs. Wesley Russell took charge of the business period. Plans were made for a bazaar to be held in the near future. Mrs. -MacKay, of Stratford, was guest speaker and gave a very fine talk on missionary work. A duet was sung by Sharon and Kar- en Scott, "Have a Bit of Sunshine„ In Your Heart." They were ac- companied by Carol Ann Dow on the piano. Mrs. Miller closed the meeting with prayer. The Thanksgiving meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held in the basement of the church Thursday evening-- with the presi. dent in the chair. Mrs. Galbraith, of Stratford, Glad Tidings secre- tary, was-guest,speaker. Plans for the thankoffering meeting were discussed. A duet was sang by Mrs. T. 'Scott and Mrs. G. Carey, accompanied by Mrs. W. Miller. Mrs. T. L. Scott gave the. topic, Mr, and Mrs. George Wallace at Horton McDougald's on Tuesday. Mr. Frank Stagg and Mrs. Houghted visited with -Mr. and Mrs. Reg Stagg and family in Exeter on Sunday: The members of the CGIT, with their leader, Mrs. Lamond, enter- tained the members of the Lis- towel CGIT. They were treated to a pot -luck supper. Twenty-six girls were accompanied by their lead- ers. Mrs. Dave Gardiner is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Wilmer Howatt, at Lon4lesboro, Mrs. De Forge, of Winnipeg, and' Mrs. Eva Colquhoun and daughter Jean visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott on Friday. o Ir. George Miller and son, Syd- ney, of Moose Jaw, were guests of Andrew McLachlan on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coleman attended the Briggs - Culver wed- ding in Flint on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and family with Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson at Munro on Sun- day. Brussels W.I. Holds Meeting The October meeting of the Ma- jestic Women's Institute, Brussels, was arranged by the committee for citizenship and education, conven- ed by Mrs. Robert Gemmell and Mrs. Earl Cudmore. Rev. L. J. Brown gave a talk on citizenship. "We are partly responsible as citi- zens for world conditions," he said. Mrs. Gemmell thanked the speaker and presented him with a gift. Mrs. ,James . Smith, the presi- dent, was in charge of the meet- ing, and Mrs. W. H. ell was sec- retary in place of 1Vas. Amy Speir who was unable to be present. A donation of $10 was voted to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. The ,motto was dealt with by Mrs. Douglas Hemingway, and Mrs. Frank Nichol led a discus- sion on current events. A group of pupils from the pub- lic school, with their music super- visbr, Mrs. W. H. King, presented three numbets, demonstrating part singing. Hostesses for the meet- ing were Mrs. J. C. Long, Mrs. Ernest Martin, Mrs. Frank Nichol and Mrs. Donald McTaggart. USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming ,Events 2- Loot, Strayed 6. Fouad 4.- .Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 6. Teachtra Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Saha 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles icor Bale 12. Wanted To Buy 18. Wanted 14. Property For Bale 16. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17 Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22- Legal Notices 28. Cards of Thanks 24. In Memoriam 26. Personals The cost Is low. Classifications 2, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17—minimum 25 dents an insertion. All other classi- fications, minimum 50 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Want- ed (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on application. Billing Charge, 15 cents if not Pahl by 10 days following last Insert. Ion. COMMERCIAL. CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firma, Tradesmen, oto.) Minimum, 60 cents per Insertion. Bin. ing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. YY ST. COLUMBAN HENSALL NEWS Mrs. Olivia Rosendahl, of Mont- real, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Bengough and family. Mrs. Fred Beer, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Mrs. Basil Edwards and Mrs. Harry Horton attended the Huron County Rally at Knox Unit- ed Church, Auburn, on Monday, and heard guest speakers, Rev. R. G. MacMillan, of Goderich, direc- tbr of C.A.S., and Mrs. Ed. Wheel- er, from the CNIB, London. Thanksgiving guests with Mrs. S. Sararas were: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hubbert, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid and Ian, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sararas, Beth and David, Mrs. William Grosser, all of To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDon- ald, Staffa; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sararas and family, Cromarty, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron and family, Hensall. Twenty-seven sat down to,a delicious Thanksgiv- ing turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Mr. and Mrs. James Bengough spent Thursday at the Plowing Match at Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Mery Honsinger and Phillip, who have been resi- dents in town for the past year, moved on Monday to Georgetown, where they will take up residence. The Clark farm, lot 8, concession "2, in Tuckersmith Township, own- ed by the late Louis Clark, Sr., has been sold to his nephew, Lewis D. Clark. This farm has been in the Clark family since - Oct. 24, 1850, having been purchased from the Canada Company by the late Matthew Clark. Mr. and Mrs. James Bengough, Billie and Joey attended the Bar- ry - Zimmer wedding on. Saturday in Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murray and family, London, with Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Lane in Kit- chener., Miss Anne Maloney and Miss Helen Maloney, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heard and family, Newmarket, . and Mr. and Mrs. John Fawcett •and Con Hol- land, London, with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holland. Peter Maloney, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hagarty, Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Maloney of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maloney. Arthur Murphy, Kitchener, visit- ed with friends on Sunday. LOBA Holds Successful Euchre The LOBA held a successful euchre in the Orange Hall, Sea - forth, Monday night. Winners were: ladies, first, Mrs. A. Har- rison; lone hands, Mrs. J. Cairns; consolation, Mrs.. C. Wood; men, first, Syd Gemmell; lone hands, Bert McClure; consolation, Albert O'Reilly. Mrs. J. Flannigan was the win- ner in a draw for a crocheted doilie, donated by Mrs. M. E. Clarke. H & S'Discusses Film Presentation Hullett Resident Has 91st Birthday Mrs. William Tabb marked her 91st birthday at her Hullett Town- ship home where she resides with her son, Torrance Tabb, and is still able to do her own housework. She is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Witmer, and was married to William Tabb in 1899. Her husband predeceased her six years ago. Following their marriage they lived in East Wawanosh Township for several years before moving 'to a farm in Saskatchewan. After their return .to the district they farmed in Colborne . Township for six years and moved to the home Mrs. Tabb still occupies in 1943. Mrs. Tabb is a member of Au- burn Baptist Church. Besides her son, she has a daughter, Mrs. Etta Plains, White Rock, B.C.; four grandchildren and 11 great-grand- children. • The October meeting of the Sea - forth Home and School Association was held in the school auditorium Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. Hodgert presided and welcomed all pres•• ent. Mrs. C. Coombs, accompanied by Mrs. E. Cameron at the piano, entertained with several mono- logues. Mrs. Angus MacLean read a clipping, contributed by Mrs. E. Malkus from a Toronto paper en- titled, 1'Teen Ager, Go Home." J. W. Talbot, in his remarks, men- tioned the Sports Day being held at the RCAF Station, Clinton, on Saturday. The sports da'y is for public school children. Mrs. J. C. Stevens introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Borbridge, of the National Film Board, who showed the film, "A Day in the Night of Jonathan Mole." Lively discussion sessions followed. Mrs. A. Y. McLean thanked Mr. Bor- bridge, and the meeting closed with singing "God Save the Queen." Lunch Was served. BRUCEFIELD Miss M. Swan and Mrs. C. Hain spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Ham's son, Mr. Wesley Ham, and family in Chatham. Mrs. S. McKenzie is spending some time with her son, Mr. Don McKenzie, and family, at St. Thomas. Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Anderson and daughter, Ina, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Pater- son. Mrs. H. Berry visited a few days with friends at Wingham, Bluevale and Erin. . A large number from Brucefield United Church attended annivers- ary services at Kippen on Sunday. Next Sunday anniversary services will be held in Brucefield church, with. special music by the choir, assisted by a quartette from Exe- ter at the morning service and a soloist from St. Marys in the eve- ning. Services are at 11 in the morning and 7:30 in the evening. The WMS Huron Presbyterial Sectional convention will . be held at Thames Road United Church, Thursday, Oct. 20, with Morning and afternoon sessions. Miss Fran- ces Stevenson, of India, will be guest speaker. On Sunday, Oct. 23, the Rev. A. Harold Johnston, Brucefield, will conduct the service and preach at the United Church. Huron Farm News Lack of soil moisture is making fall plowing difficult; some have had to stop.- Wells are low and drawing of water for livestock is not uncommon. Fall wheat stands are spotty with indications of lack of growth to go into winter. Pas- ture fields are mainly exercise yards for cattle—extra feeding is taking place. DUFF'S CHURCH — McKILLOP ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd Services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.' GUEST SPEAKER — REV. EVAN McLAGAN, Blyth SPECIAL MUSIC MORNING — Mrs. R. S. McKercher, Soloist EVENING — Junior Farmers Male Quartette HENSALL FEEDER CALF CLUB Join Now! A Carload of Feeder Calves will be -arriving soon in Hensall Any boy or girl, age 10 to 21, in the Town- ships of Hay, Hibbert, Tuckersmith, Us - borne, Stanley and Stephen, wishing to feed calves should contact: Any Director of the South Huron Agricultural Society, OR PETER McNAUGHTON, Secretary Phone 55 • Hensall f The Week at SEAFORTH ARENA and COMMUNITY CENTRE SKATING Friday, Oct. '21 — 8 Admission: 35c' and Saturday, Oct. 22 — 2 Admission: 10c Saturday Night — 8 Admission: 35c and Wednesday, Oct. 26 — Admission: 35c and - 10 p.m. 25c - 3:30 p.m. 10 p.m. 25c 8 - 10 p.m. 25c UNION S COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED SEAFORTH -- ONTARIO There's Savings Galore e When You Buy a KELVINATOR RANGE \a01111111111161111181111111111".15"8"r PHONE 585 — SEAFORTH SIZES FOR EVERY BUDGET Model KRM 30 CD is a truly beautiful Electric Range with features to make cook- ing most enjoyable, Thermostatic action surface element switches; hinged micro -tube surface ele- ments, including a 2400 -watt speed heat element, plus many other features, EXTRA SPECIAL SAVING PRICES HIGH TRADE • INS AT GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE LTD.