HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-10-06, Page 60,171;e MTA,OX zxPOSITOR, SEAFORTii, ONT., (=Mita 6:1,96o SE.LL AND PROFIT.... BUY AND SAVE GET A, BETTER JOB ...HIRE GOOD HELP: • 1, Coming Events MX -IMAGE SALE in Meaty rooms„ on SatttriitlY. October 22, from 2 to 5 p.m.., aPellavared by Women's Hospital Auxiliary. 144-1 (s, 'RECEPTION for -Mr. and Mts. Charles Seberharth. nee Barbara Juokson, in the Bredhagen Community Centre. on Friday October 14. Everyone welcome. Ladies plerme bring lunch. Good ' music. 1-34-1 THE ORDER OF 'THE EASTERN STAR are holding a Inuthre on October 13, in the IOOF Hull Seaforth. and a Bake Sale and Novelty Table, on Saturday. October 15, in the former Daly Garage. 1-44-1 HOT TURKEY Supper. Croanarty Pres- byterian Church. Tuesday, October 2,5th,' 1960. 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Adults, $1.50, children, 75 cents. There will be a eon- tinuous showing of colored slides by Rev. S. Kerr, of his recent trip to the British Isles and the continent. followed by a musical programme by Mr. Polley'a prize winning boys' choir, of Stratford at 8:30 P.m• • 1-84-3 4. Help Wanted WANTEID-Truok driver for egg route. Apply UNITED DAIRY & POULTRY CO-OP. Seaforth. phone 18. 4-34-1 NURSES AID, or practical nurse at Queensway Nursing Hoene. Hensall. Live in if necessary. PHONE 222, Hemel!. 444-1 11. Articles For ,Sale WEDDING DRESS, size 18, with veil and crown. Kenmore oil heater, medium sise, with electric fan and ten lengtha of atuve pipe. Four -burner Finlay gas range. nine months old. Apply to BOX 954. The Huron Latpositor. 11 alai STATIONARY ENGINEER Sealed applications, clearly marked as to 'contents, will be received by the under- signed, until: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1960 for the position of stationary engineer, Fourth class. or better, at the Huron County Home, Clinton; duties to com- mence November 1, 1960. Starting eatery 43,000 per 'annum. plus usual employee benefits. Please supply suitable references: JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Cs Court House Goderich; Ontario 4-34-1 FOR SALE --Imported Dutch bulbs for fall planting, twelve colours of tulips, two colours of daffodils, three colours of hsacinths, paper white narcissus. These are all extra large bulbs and will give you bloom to be proud of in the spring. We are open every day and evening. BAK- ERS GREENHOUSE, your garden centre, Seaforth, 11-32x8 8. Farm Stock For Sate 12. Wanted To Buy TWO STEERS, over 600 lbs. each. RODY MacLEAN, phone 649 W 3. 8-34x1 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick, down and disabled farm animals, Prompt oourteous collection of all dead and dis- abled Perm animals and hides. Gall coil- lect. ED ANDREWS, 851 It 11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling & Co.. of Canada Ltd. 12-544f 13. Wanted PUREBR.ED LACOMBE gilts and boars, up to ten weeks old; also Lacombe cross York gilts, up to 200 pounds. BOB ALLAN, Briteefield. 844-2 ROOMERS wanted. Full kitchen priv- ileges. PHONE 615-W, after six. 1344x1 $2.000 FIRST MORTGAGE required on reaidential property in Seaforth. Will Pay high intereat rate, Apply BOX 966, The Huron Expositor., Seaforth. 13-34-1 19. Notices DOGS and PETS boarded by day or week. R. L. BEATTIE phone 450. Sea - forth. 19-25x12 REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan Cleaners. Mount Forest. More 'spots and statue removed. Garments stay clean long- er. wear longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE. Phone 247 for pick-up. 19-344f WATERLOO • CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulb3 Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service la Pro- vided from bulls of all breeds. We are Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost. Summer calling hours: Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m.. weekdays; 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., Saturday evenings. For service or more information call: Clinton HU 2-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 19444f 20. Auction Sales 14. Property For Sale NEW HOME near small city. Would trade for a 100 acre farm in Seaforth or Brussels area. Apply BOX 850, The Huron Expositor, 14-32x3 15. Property For Rent THREE-BEDROOM house. Write PO BOX 463, Seaforth. 15-34-1 FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT with can- plete bath. Immediate possession. Ap- ply by phoning 261.-W, Seaforth, 15-34-1 36 SUFFOLK ewes and 1 Suffolk ram. 920 each. Beagle., pup, 5 months old. CAMPBELL EYRE, Phone Hensel! 670 R 13, Kinmen, Ontario. 8-34-2 " FLOCKOWNERS WANTED. We pay UP to .35c per dozen over Grade A large.' We take some breeds every week in. the year. For full details, write TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, Fergus, Ontario. 6-32-4 APARTMENT for 'rent. Lower apart- ment available Immediately. Apply to CLAYTON DENNIS, phone 669 W 12, Seaforth. 15-344f UPPER, HEATED, furnished apartment with private entrance. Available Nov. 1, on North Main Street. For further information PHONE 551-W. 15-34x2 TWO-13EDRI)081, self contained apart- ment. heat and hydro supplied. Avail- able at once. Apply J. C. CRICH. 1544x2 FRONT APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and bath. Amity UNITED DAIRY and POULTRY CO-OPERATIVE, Sea-, forth Branch, Phone 13. 15-344 FIVE -ROOM furnisfied apartment on ground floor; cold and hot water. Could be rented as three-room unfurnished ap- artment. Apply BOX 951, The Huron Expoaitor. 15-33x2 APARTMENT FOR RENT, unfurnish- ed, in Seaforth; bedroom. living room, kitchen and bath. Heated. Refrigerator available if required; residential section. LLOYD ,ROWAT, phone 479-W, Seaforth. 15-34-1 FOR RENT Self-contained, heated apartment on Wilson Street. Apply: Secretary SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 15-34-2 • 10. Used Cars For Sale 1956 CHEVROLET %-ton truck for sale. PHONE 759 .1 2, Seaforth,. 10-34x1 1959 AL'STIN, model A55 sedan. Make an offer. Apply RON McDOUGALL, UDPC. Seaforth. 10-34x1 10-34x1 11. Articles For Sale PART GERMAN SHEPHERD pups for sale. PHONE 545, Seaforth. 11-34-1 MIXED DRY WOOD, 95.60 per cord, delivered. LEWIS coraE, phone 6411.16, Dublin. 11-34x2 LOW PIA.NO. mproximately 8 feet by 5 feet. ronewc.od cram. PHONE 364, Sea - forth. 11-34x2 KITTENS, 8 weeks old. to give away. NORMA SILLS, phone 742-51, Seaforth. 1144-1 BOY'S WOOL COAT, blue. good ea. new. 95.60. BOX 956, The Huron Expositor. 1144-1 SHALLOW -WELL pressure system, in A4 shape. 'Apply to ED ANDREWS, Phone 851 R. 11, 1144x1 OVEN-READY ducks. Apply BEV Henderson, phone 858' R 3, Seaforth. 11-34x1 POTATOES -75-1b, bag. Book orders now. BORDEN BROWN, phone 841 51. 2, Seaforth, 1144-1 GIRL'S TwEEn winter coat for aale. Size 12. Apply FLANNERY CLEAN- ERS. 11-34-1 DOLL PRAM buggy, in good condition. Apply BOX 952, The Huron Expositor. 11-34x1 16. For Sale or Rent SKI SUIT, sien 14, jacket with hood and elcf,prints. A-1 coddition. PHONE 320-W, Seaforth. 11-84x1 OVEN.READY roosters, Apply MRS. WILFRED DRAGER, phone 839 R 26, Seaforth. 11444 STOVE FOR SALE - White enamel Wingham Maitland coal and wood, Good condition, GORDON 1VIURRAY, Walton. phone Brussela 894 .1 12. 11-34x1 FOUR -ROOM stucco house in Dublin. TOM COYNE. phone 55 It 5, Dublin, 1643x2 19. Notices JAYBEE HEREFORD FARMS Fifth production sale of Registered Hereford Cattle on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1960, at one o'clock. BLUE and WHITE Sunshine baby bug- gy, in good condition. Apply mns. CEC- IL LEMON, phone 676. Seaforth. 11444 Featuring 7 serviceable age bulls, 5 of which are advanced registry tested and eligible for government grants. Nine bred, 2 year old heifers, 16 cows with eal- ves at side. Moat of these cows and heifers are either bred or calves by side from our great herd sire, 'Real Silver Prince,' Which we purchased at the Calgary Bull Sale, in 1959. He was the top selling bull of the sale and of the season. Sale' will be held at the farm, 5 miles south of Seaforth, 4 miles north and east of 'Kippen. Write for catalogues. -- STANLEY JACKSON, owner. R.R. 2, Kippen, Ontario. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED -modern equipment, quick service, all work guar- anteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, phone 42316, RR 2 Brussels. 19-25x17 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service. Cleaners and polishera, also recenditioned cleaners and parts, BERT HARRIS, 109 Newgate St., Goderich, phone JA -4-7917. 19444f Auctioneers; W. S. O'NEIL PERCY WRIGHT EDWARD ELLIOTT BUILDING and. REMODELING, eaves - troughing done. Alao salesman for N. 0. Hipel, Preston, Ontario; Hine] barna, loafing pena, chicken houses, driving sheds and metal roofing. Call WAYNE SMITH, phone 671 J 4, Seaforth. 19-3441 20. Auction Sales 20-34-1 FILTER QUEEN SALES and eervice. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensall 696512. 194441 AUCTION SALE The 22nd . • SEMI-ANNUAL SALE of the Grey -Bruce -Huron Aberdeen Angus Breeders' Association Is being held in the WALKERTON SAMS ARENA on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20tb, at 2:00 p.m. Eight bulls and 27 females of eaception- al breeding. Performance Tested Bulls eligible for Premiums uP to 9150.00. Six Angus athers, suitable for 441 Club work, are being offered at the Sale, Catalogues on request-- GORDON L. RIMY, Underwood President T. STEWART COOPER, Markdale SeeretarY 2044-2 Huron County Holstein Breeders' Annual' HEIFER SALE Clinton Fair Barn FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21st 1:80 D.S.T. Accredited, vaccinated, Blood Tested or Listed. aeoPM10 4." ••••• 21. Tenders Wanted A select group of Huron County bred heifers. They include prize winners at the Huron 5 & W Show. Some are from. ROP dams. Many are sired by and bred to top unit sires. Some fresh by sale time, the balanc51 due soon after. Also a few second calPheifers with good ROI' records and from good ROP dams. BOB SHORE, Auctioneer For catalogues write: Allen Betties, Bayfield, Ont., 8, C. 'Galbraith, Myth, Ont. 2044-2 Auction Sale of Household Effects on West William Street, Seaforth, SATUR- DAY,"`OCTOBER 15, at 1 p.m. Three-piece chesterfield suite; oarsman; number small tables; rocking chairs; oc. casional chairs; studio couch; oak dining room suite; china cabinet and buffet; table, 6 chairs; 2 bedroom suites; single bed and springs; walnut dressing table and bench; bedding; pillows; table linen; electric lamps; clock; hall mirror; mir- rors; Moffat 4 -burner gas stove, good condition; Presto electric iron; toaster; 2 -burner hot plate with oven; kitchen utensils; dishes; ironing board: enamel top table with 2 leaves;,stool; lawn mow- er; garden hose; abetter mats; fruit jars; crocks; garden tools; Easy washing mach- ine; toilet set: garbage can; linoleum runner; pictures; quilt box; Old Colony silverware: silver tray; dinner set. PROPERTY-6-r000i brick cottage, bath, oil furnace, hydro, good garage. Sold subject to reserve bid. 10% down, bal- ance 30 days. Chattels, cash. MRS, JAMES A. BROADFOOT Proprietress HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 20-34-2 GUARANTEED RADIO and TV repairs and small electrical appliance repairs. Fast service. sco'rr RADIO and TV SERVICE, East William Street, Pbone 250, Seaforth, 19-844f MILK-frED roasting chickena, delivered Friday. every week. Apply ROSS GDR - DON. phone 888 R 21, Seaforth. 1144-1 FRONT-END LOADER and baek hoe, with two buckets to fit Ford tractor. Sell separate, or aa a unit. BOX 958, The Huron Expositor. 11-314 ME101.1131 SIZE wood or coal furnace, In good' condition. Priced reasonably. DAVID TRIMMER, RiPPen, pbone Hen - sail 2114 3 3. ' 11-83-2 PIANO and ITCNCII;.-Gethard Heintz - man, good condition. Lvenlinngs-WILLIAM R. SIMKINS, RR 1, BMWS e Rd.. Clin- ton.. 1188x2 COMPLETE WEE of famous Ritten- house Doo t Chimes; sales, installation and serviee. Call today for free estimate. SCOTT RADIO end TV 810EvICE, rime 250, Seatorth. 1i414 , DRAIN TILE --4", $56 per M, dad: 5". 985 per M. del'd; 6", 9110 per M, del'd: 8 ", 9175 per M, del'd. Prkes for 10", 12" and 14" on request. RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., Elginfield. Phone BAldvrin 7-4721, Lucan. 19-9841 COMPLETE LAUNDELaRIA In Sea - forth and dintrict and Dry Cleaning Ser. vice. vrEeirs BILMARDS, Setuforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter, .19-34-tf KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY, itspert reorpholatering, refinishing and repairing. Work guaranteed, reasonable prices, one week service. Call GINGERJOH'S SALES & salrevicE. phone 585. fieftforth. 19 -84 -ti MAW .MARK1000.4initatit drY, tea. terfitnef, Write on =1 ricrthiee; halt na 4.1 fins. ,•iin& Maio& Iditrkeir is testi to not, 'ittrincMir trousbta, e ft01•1111 Oka TOP. IMPION '10EPOS1:1011. rborie 111, '1.1e4otttr. ". ESTATE AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE TENDERS Township of Tuckersmith Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckeramith for snowplowing t9wn81110 oadti in the winter of 100041, under the supervision and direction of the Road Sup- erintendent. 'Iwo outfits required-V-TYPe. 8 foot plow (plow and wing to be hydraulically operated), mounted on at Least a 6 -ton truck. All requirements to be supplied by the Contractor. he to carry public lia- bility insurance and -Workman's Compen- sation insurance. Tender to state a flat rate per hour, (no standing time allowed). Tenders, plainly marked "Snowplowing" to be in the Road Superintendent's hands by October 15th, 1260. Tenders will be considered on October 18th, 1060, in the Town Hall, Seaforth, at 9:30 9•01. This tender subject to approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario. Lowest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted. AUCTIQIN SALE of Household Effects, in the Sea -forth Arena, SATURDAY, OCT- OBER 6, at 1 p.m. ..2-piete chesterfield suite; 1 green oc- casional chair; 21" RCA television set, Heintzman piano; Philco mantle radio; General Electric refrigerator, large size; Westinghouse elcetric stove; kitchen range; A-1 conditiOn; kerosene 2iburner atove; kitchen. extension table and chairs; foot stool; steel utility table; Connor Duo Therm washing machine; ironing board; clothes rack; clothes horse; tub stand; tubs; large space heater with electric fan; hot Plate; sandwich toaster: medi- cine cabinet; end tables; Magazine rack; 3 tri -light lamps; deak lamp; bed lamps; pictures; books; combination desk and book case; coffee table; 2 book eases; 9 - piece dining room suite; 4 -piece bedroom suite; 3 beds and dressers; 49" bed with new mattress; chest of drawers; Singer sewing machine and stool; davenpqrt, like new; Electrolux floor poligher; rug, 9 x 10; Congoletun rug, 10 x 12; baby bed; play pen; pots, pans, dishes; quantity outside paint; extension ladder; etep lad- der; -milk strainer; pressure cooker; rub- ber tired aluminum wheel barrow; fenc- ing block and wire stretcher; steel post driver; post maul; garden tools; 100 It. garden hose; 3 metal feeders for small pigs; 3 plastic, egg baskets; chick water cans; 500 capacity electric brooder; Win- chester 22 long rifle, gnod; Stewart cat- tle clippers, like new. Other articles to numerous to mention. Auction Sale of Household Effects, cor- ner of Ann and James Street, Seaforth, on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 12, at 1 p.m. 3 -piece antique walnut parlour mite; antique walnut sofa, grape pattern; 6 walnut cane-laCktom chairs; walnut din- ing room table: 2 walnut cupboards; wal- nut writing desk and book case; number walnut tables; (+erosional chaira ; antique walnut hall mirror and ta.ble; radio; mir- ror: electric lamps: • lazy ,boy chair and stool ; day bed ; single bed, springs and mattress; two • antique walnut bedroom nuitee; 3 walnut chest of drawers; ced- ar chest: walnut book case; rocking chairs: commode sobedding ; drapes; 8 wal- nut swing mirrors; verandah furniture; Pictures; rogs; scatter mato; pillows"; wal- nut drop-leaf table; Planta; antique wal- nut wardrobe: sewing machine; email trunks; electric heater; dishes; kitchen utensils; sealers; trayn; couch; small washing machine; clocks; 9 cubic foot Frigidaire, like new; 44burner Frigid- aire stove. like new; kitchen chairs; kit- chen clock; electric iron : toaster. vacuum cleaner; lawn mower; garden. ;riots. Other articles too nunkroua to mention. TEMVIS-Cash. Eainte of MISS FLORENCE FOWLER HAROLD JACKSON. Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk A. W. SILLERY, Solicitor 20-84-1 ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid in trurretulding district for dead, old, sick or dbiabled hors- es and cattle. Horses at 5c pound. For the fastest and proper removal of all ani - mak, da Y or night, Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD, ZENITH 3-4900 Info toll chancel , 1942-26 SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering, 19414-tf NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Tuckeramith Township Municipal Dtimp wth be oPen from 1 p.m. to 6 P.m, on Wednesday end Sitkirday afternoons until further totite. CORA CHESNEY Viseatergenith Ati&risOr SALE CORA CHESNEY Clerk NewshotGrey Fire Destroys Broiler Building Near Ethel 2144-2 22. Legal Notices TERMS -Cash. NEIL HILLaiLAN, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, AuCtioneer No Reserve, 20-38-2 21. Tenders Wanted TENDER FOR FURNACE NOTICE to CREDITORS Fire last Friday night complete- ly destroyed a breiler building be- longing to Stan Speiran, on the easterly end of the village of Ethel. First noticed by Mrs. Speirarr's sister, Miss Kay Stevenson, at about 11:30 p.m., the fire had made such headway by the time fire- men arrived that they concentrat- ed their effort to saving the house, only a few feet away. Fortunately the very light wind at the time drove the sparks away from the house, also another large broiler building housing 1.8,opo birds. Lost besides the building were 2,500 day-old chicks and all equipment. The loss is partially covered by in- surance. Mr. Harold Knight, Toronto, has gone to New York to attend a three months' "electronic" course, sponsored by Industrial Business Machines (IBM). A graduate of SDHS, while at Western Univers- ity he received a bursary entitling him to study electronics at Uni- versity of California. Upon graduat- ing he received employment with IBM and is the only one in Can- ada taking this course in New York. Harold is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knight. Mr. William Turnbull recently made a shipment of hogs to Dr. McWatt, British Guiana. 121 THE MATTER of the Estate of FLOR- ENCE ANNA FEE, late of the Village of Hensel!, in the County or Huron, Widow, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of the late Florence Anne Fee, who died on the 3rd day of September., 1960, are hereby required to send them to he undersigned, duly verified, on or be- fore the 8th day of October, 1980. After the last named date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the pereans entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. W. G. COCHRANE, Barrister, Rio., EXETER, Ontario. 22424 23. Cards of Thanks WISH TO express my sincere thanks to all my neighbours who participated in a surprise birthday party for me. MRS. CATHERINE KRAUSKOPF 23-34-1 I WISH TO thank all those who re- membered me with cards, treats and who visited me while I was a patient in Scott Memorial liospital, following ray recent accident. KEN BURCHILL 2344111 Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to content, will be received by the undersignd until: FRIDAY, noon, OCTOBER 21, 1960 for supply and installation of a new oil or gas furnace, with a capacity of 187,- 000 BTU's, or of ,sufficient capacity to guarantee proper operation and natio- faction for the Huron County. Regiatry Office; price to include complete installa- tion, as required. Lowest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted. Estate. Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effecte, at lot 6, con. 6, Stanley township, 31A, mileg nouth of Varna, on TUESDAY, °mon- ER 18. at 1 p.m. CA'TTI.E-Megistered Hereford cow: it Durham and Hereford covca, supposed to be bred: 10 Hereford calves, 1100 to 500 lbs. ; 5 Durham and Hereford ethers, 1 year old; Registered Hereford bull, 9 yrs. old. MACHINERY - Wooda electric grain grinder, 8 HP; Viking cream separator; rubber -tired farm wagon with first hay rack; fanning mill : hag truck; drop -head hay loader; two 6.1001 mowers; spring - tooth cultivator; harrows; disc barrow; sulky rake; 13 -run fertilizer drill; bean scattier aid puller; corn binder: grain binder; 2 seta nleighit; plows; manure Spreader; 2 -wheel trailer and stock rack, mood: I52 -foot extension ladder; 1,000 4 - inch tile; quantity lumber sap pan and buckets; quantity of bunhel lissiketa; bench vise; electric ?enter: barb wire; woven wire; quantity wood ; 2 iron kettles; 1950 Dodge sedan car, 44,000 GRAIN -Quantity mixed grain, oats and grass seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Heintranati upright piano; 2 eoal and wood heatera: Wilco; couch; chairs; sealers.-- Other articles too numerous: to mention. TER31S-41asit. Estate of late Rerbert Stephenson, Prop. IT.AnoLo JACKSON. Auctioneer OKO. POWKLI., Clerk 24444 10444 JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House ' Goderich, Ont. 21-844 THE FAMILY OF the late Harry Stew- art wish th extend their sincere thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for the beautiful floral tributes, expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness shown them in their recent bereavement. Special thanka to Rev. Vardy and Box Funeral Home. . 23-34x1 I WISH TO express my sincere thanks to all any friends, neighbours and rela- tives for cards, treats and visits while a patient in Scott Merriorial ficimital, Sea - forth. Also a special thank you to Dr. Brady, Dr. Malkus and the staff of the hospital. It Was very greatly appreciat- ed. GRACE McNIOHOL 23-34x1 TENDERS Township of Tuckersmith, 24. In Memoriam HENSALL.NEWS Governor giti Mickle _and Mrs. Mickle attended a 20-30 service club convention of the Ohio Dis- trict at Granville, Ohio, over the weekend. This was a courtesy vis- it between Kinsmen Association and the 20-30 Association through their affiliations with World Coun- cil. 20-30 will be visiting the Kinsmen district convention at Prudhernes in the Niagara Pen- insula in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell visit- ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby in Blenheim. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bartlett, of Thamesford, spent Thursday with Mr. ahd Mrs, Stewart McQueen. Cpl. Donald Redden, of the RCAF Station Clinton, who has been a patient in Westminster Hos- pital London, from serious injur- ies suffered in a car accident in July, was taken to Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, on Monday of this week for further treatment. Agree To Postpone 1960 Convention, The 1960 convention o the North Huron Council of Christian Edu- cation has been cancelled. The decision was taken at a recent executive meeting, owing to un- avoidable circumstances. Plans were formulated at this meeting for an early spring con- vention in 1961. Honored Before Departure Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bruce met in the schoolhouse of S.S. 12, Grey, on Monday. evening of this 'week to spend a social time with them be- fore they leave for a new home in Seaforth. The first part of the evening was spent playing progres- sive euchre, with 17 tables at play. Prizes for high sore were won lay Mrs. Wm. Murray and Leslie Oli- ver; low scores went to Alexine Williamson and Alex Gulutzen. Martin Bean invited, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce to come to the front, where two chairs were- waiting them. Mrs. Harvey Craig read an address and Clifford Ritchie, Don- ald Buchanan and James William- son presented them with a coffee table and two step-up end tables to math. Jack made a suitable reply, thanking all for their kindness, and extending an invitation ,Ato, visit them in Seaforth. Lunai and a social hour brought a pleasant evening to a close. Following iS the 'address: "Dear Annie and Jack: Since there are several things we would like you to know, we are taking this oppor- tunity to tell you some of them. For one thing, we are glad to see you both tonight up and about, looking fit. We remember that .a year ago you were a bit under the weather—you can't keep a good man down, so they say. "We want you to know that we are glad you are still going to be within the range of a '47 Ford or a '50 Dodge. We expect to be sip- ping tea With you as usual, even if we are no longer next door neighbors. "Now that ydu are moving to town, we want you to take these gifts with you, along with our good wishes. But we expect to see you back at every little dogfight when the weather is fine. And when the snow piles up between the banks on a Saturday afternoon, you can expect to see some of us for the night. Sincerely, The Neighbors." HOLLAND -1n loving memory of Bene- dict Holland, who died October 9. 1939. Time goes on with many changes, Joys and sorrcnvs. smiles and tears. But your memory is ever cherished, With the passing of the years. -Always and ever remembered by fath- er, mother, brothers and sieters. 24-34-1 PORTER -In loving memory of a dear daughter, Mary, who passed away Oct. 10, 1953. A beautiful memory, silently kept. Of a wonderful danghter, we .could never forget For each of us she did her best May God grant her eternal rest. -Ever remembered by father, mother, Yikenh, Doreen and Ann. 244498 51A41I40 -In loving mernery of 0 dear husband and father Harvey Racho, who Panned away October 7, 1055. Nothing but memories as we journey on, Longing for smiles from a face that is r, gone. But we keep in our memory thn love of the past, For deep in our heorts, it was planted to hoit. Unseen by the world. he walks by our, side, And whispers, "Dear ones, death can- not divide." --Sadly missed and ever remembered by his wife. Annie and family. " 2444-1 Tandem are invited by the Township of Tuckeremith for. the construction of the McKeneie Municipal Drains Improve- ment in the Township of Tuckersmith, under authority of By -Law 11/60. The work consists of: 1,341 lineal feet of open work, (1,- 700 cu. yds.) Tender to cover completion of the whole work: all requirements to be fur- nished by the contractor. Work to com- mence as soon as possible after letting cfr contract-atarting date to be epecified in tender; work to be completed in Fall of 1960. Marked cheque for 10% of tender to accompany tender or tender will not be considered. Tenders to be plainly marked "Drain 'render" and be in the Reeve's hands, RR 2, Kippen, Ont., by October 16th, 1960. Tenders will be conakiered October 1960, in the Town Hall, Seadorth, Ont., at 9:00 p.m. Plana and specifica- thane may be seen rit either the Clerk's office or at the Reeve's. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CORA ORESNRY Clerk RR 4, Seaforth, Ontario tal-844 25. Personals "Pardon me," said the man at the show to two chattering 'wo- men behind, "but they're making so Much noise on stage 1 an't her you." "I should hope you couldn't," said one. wills conversation' is stvietly private," HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid bit Plain sealed envelope witb Price list. 6 samples, 26c; 24 sum - Plea 9140. Mail -Order Dept. 'T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO. Box. 91, Hamilton. 2a -26-t1 26. Births CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patrick, of Edmonton, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Mr. and Mrs. James Harkness and family and Miss Audrey Young, of Teeswater, spent ,Itton- day with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid. Mrs. Allan Miller, RR 1, Hen - sail, is recovering nicely from .back injuries sustained in a fall recently at her home. Miss J. Maude Glenn has taken up residence in the McCormick home, Richmond St., London. Hensall Women's Insatiate will hold their October meeting in the Legion Hall Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 8:15 p.m. Guest speaker will be Mr. Don Graham, manager of Canadian Canners, Exeter, and Mrs. Walter Spencer will show colored pictures cif their Western tour this summer. Roll call will be, "Uses of cheese." Program conveners are Mrs. Wes Richard- son and Mrs. Walker Carlile; hos- tesses, Mrs. Basil Edwards and Mrs. W. H. Weeks. Winners of the door prizes at the Legion bingo Saturday were Ann Fletcher and Mary Tyndall; share -the -wealth, MTS. Jim Clark. 'Other winners were: ' Mrs. Mary Tyndall, Clinton; Fred Kennings; Mrs. J. Clark; Mrs. Tyndall and Jim Coutts, Exeter; Roy Kenney, Exeter; Mrs. 3. Clark; Ivan Boa; H. Schwartzentruber and E. Tyn- dall; Melvin Traquair and Jim Coutts; Mrs. Garfield Broderick and Mrs. Reichert; H. Schwartzen- truber ; Mrs. G. Varley ; H. Schwartzentruber; Mrs. Fletcher, Zurich. Jackpot this Saturday will be $85 in 54 calls, with a $5.00 door prize. Bride -Elect Honored Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell, of Brucefield, with, Mr. and Mrs. Torn Laing on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routley, of Kirkton, called, on friends in the village on Sunday. Mrs. Jelin Wallace and daugh- ter, Debbie, are visiting in Wind- sor with Mr. and Mrs. Harry El- liott and family. Miss 011ie Speare spent a few days in Mitchell with her sister, Mrs. E.. MacDonald, and Clive MacDonald and family. Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig spent a few days at Fergus with Helen and Mary Thompson and Mrs. Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dodds spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dow, Carol Ann and Brian in London with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Storey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen and family visited with Mr, and Mrs. A. Ross on Sunday. Mr. Murray Christie, of Roy's, assisted members of the Cromakty Church male quartette, Eldon Al- len, Frank Stagg and Lloyd Sors- dahl, at the Chiselhurst United Church .anniversary service on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton at- tended Teeswater Fair on Wednes- day.. Hricfe-To-Be Honored On Friday evening, Sept. 23, Miss Barbara Evans was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower...During the early part of the evening a bride's book was made and two appropriate contests, "Jumbled names of things a bride would take on her trip" and a "Matri- monial cake contest" were con- ducted by Mrs. Kenneth McDon- ald. Barbara was then seated in a decorated chair under confetti fill- ed balloons, which were punctured later. A congratulatory address was read by Mrs. Campbell Grant, and the many lovely and useful gifts were presented by Mrs. Jim Watson, Mrs. Glen Huether, Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and Miss Max- ine Smalldon. Barbara made a suitable reply, and lunch was serv- bY friends of the bride. A trousseau tea was held at the home of Mrs. Stuart Evans, Cran- brook, in honor of her daughter, Barbara, on Saturday, October 1. Receiving at the door with the bride -t� -be were her mother and the groom's' mother, Mrs. Russell Consitt. Mrs. Lynn Evans, grand- mother qf the bride, and Mrs. Henry Gorsalitz, of Ethel, poured tea in the afternoon. Mrs. Bea- trice Perdue, grandmother of the bride, and Mrs. Ernest Toll, Blyth, poured tea in the evening. Those displaying trousseau and gifts were Beverley Evans, Patsy Evans, Faye Grant, Helen Knight and Jean McFarlane. Those serv- ing in the afternoon were Patsy and Carol Bryans, Linda Dunn and Jeanne Perrie. In the evening, Joyce Cameron Marilyn Knight and Isabel Watson served. Those assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Glenn Huether, Mrs. M. J. Engel, Mrs. Stuart McNair, Mrs. Earl Dunn, Mrs. Ken McDon- ald, Lena Noble, Mrs,. Clem Stef- fler and Mrs. Alex Steiss. ADAIR-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adair, Bruseels, a daughter. AVERY -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 1. th Mr. and Mrs. Roy Avery, RR 2, Monkton, a son, BRANDERHORST-Mr. and Mrs. Gary Branderhorst, of Heiman, announce the birth et their daughter, Wilma Doreen, at Clinton Public Hospital, Friday, Sept- ember 30. A sister for Garry, Billy and Linda. HARDING-Mr. and Mrs. W Alvin Harding announce the birth or their son, on Tuesday. September 20, 1960, In the Sarnia General Hospital. KELLY -At Scott Memorial Homital, an October 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Kelly, Senforth, a daughter. MITCHELL --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Ern- merson Mitchdl, RR 3, Walton, a son. ROSE -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Optober,4, to Mr. and Mrs. James Rom, RR 4, Seaforth, n daughter. Win Turkeys ThanksgivingDraw Prize winners in the annual lions Club turkey draw were James A. Stewart and Max Car- ter. The draw took place Satur- day night, in charge of cpmmittee chairman, Harvey Traviss. Diner: "Waiter, I don't like all these flies." Waiter': "Just point out the ones you do like, sir, and swat the rest, A very enjoyable evening was spent Monday in the schoolroom of the United Church when over 60 neighbors and friends gathered to honor Miss Connie Corbett, bride - elect of this month. Mrs. Robert Pryde favored with piano selec- tins; Mrs, _Harold Parker con- tributed a humorous reading, "I Couldn't Help Laughing," and a. reading tb the bride -elect, "Little Girl At the Altar." A number of gifts were passed to music and won by those ,in possession of the gifts at the conclusion of the mus- ic by Mrs. Pryde. The address was read to the bride, who was seated 'in a decor- ated chair, by Miss Gwen Chap- man, of London. The miscellaneous gifts were presented by Misses Vera and June Tinney and Miss Pat Bell. Connie expressed sincere thanks for the gifts, and her mother, Mrs. John Corbett, invited all to a trousseau tea at their home this Saturday afternoon and evening. A surprise shower was given the , bride by a number of girl friends at the London Life, where she is employed. • NOTICE TO OUR EGG PATRONS EFFECTIVE OCTOBER TIth Due to the expansion of our poultry busi- ness, we regret we will not have sufficient room to continue with our egg operations in'. Dublin. We would appreciate all our patrons taking their eggs to our station in Seaforth. If this is not convenient, give us a -call and we will gladly pick them up. Our station in Seaforth will endeavor to give everyone the best of service. DUBLIN CREAMERY and POULTRY PACKERS Dublin yam Seaforth It won't be long before seed salesmen will be around selling their latest corn hybrids. Look at this year's corn now and see how your silage hybrids are making out, suggests Dr. Stan Young, of the O.A.C. Field Husbandry De- partment. Seventy per cent of the feed value in a mattire plant is in the ear. Make sure your hybrid is one that will mature by silo filling time. If not, it might pay to pick another. One test of.,maturity is breaking the ear in half. Look at the kernels on the tip half — this lets you see the smooth side of the kernel opposite the germ. The part of the cob farthest from the kernel fills With starch. If the corn isn't mature, the part of the kernel nearest the cob will show a lighter, niilky starch. FALL DAYS! See Us For Your Heating Needs Special Offer On OIL SPACE HEATERS Regular Small Heater '$ 83.50 Medium Heater 112.50 Large Heater 119.50 • • • 1 Regular Gas Space Heater $79.95 NOW $ 75.00 100.00 108.00 $ 6100 Come In and See Our . . 10 -DAY VALUE DAY SALE BARGAINS FOR ALL! SERVICE PHONE 56