HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-09-29, Page 9a • Exhibits Increase At Blyth Fair The weatherman was kinder to Blyth Fall Fair Wednesday than he has been on other Blyth fair dates of recent years, and the fair- grounds were. thronged with and of the biggest crowds in several years. A horse show in front of the grandstand, a county champion- ship 4-H dairy calf show, and a regional Guernsey show helped fill out the list of attractions and draw spectators. The agricultural show at the fair included one of the biggest show- . ing of sheep at any Western On- tario fair this year. Six breeders brought out a total of 115 head, to this village where the principal lo- cal industry depends on the pro- • cessing of sheepskins. For Guernsey breeders, Blyth fair this year was the scene of the annual regional show for El- , gin, Lambton, Middlesex and Hur- on counties. A Iocal breeder, W.. .J. Dale, had a successful day at the Guernsey show, with a com- plete sweep ' of the championships in the female division. Four daugh- ters of Mr. and Mrs. Dale, Wilma, Deana, Kathy and Cheryl, were in the Guernsey ring at one time, showing the junior champion., re- serve junior champion, senior and grand champion and reserve sen- ior champion. •The fair was officially opened by Elston Cardiff, Brussels, MP for Huron, who congratulfated the di- rectors of the fair on the big live- stock show, and on the unusually large number of indoor exhibits in, the women's division of the fair. Others who spoke at the opening ceremony were George Watt, presi- dent of the fair board; William Morritt, reeve of Blyth; Thomas Leiper, reeve of Hullett; James Mair, Brussels, a director of the Ontario 'Association bf Agricultural Societies, and former chairman, of the Perth -Huron district of the OAAS, and John Hanna, Wingham, MPP for Huron -Bruce. A parade of schools to the fair- grounds was led by the Brodhag- en Brass Band: Prizes awarded to the schools for.their appearance on parade included: costumes, first to SS 5, Hullett, Mrs. Murray Ly- • on, teacher; second to SS 9, Hul- lett, Wilmer Errington; marching, first to Blyth public school, Ron- ald Higgins, principal; second to • SS 5, Hullett; banner, first to SS 7, Hullett, Mrs. Donald Howes;, second to SS 10, East Wawanosh, Mrs. Aubrey Toll, The indoor exhibits of cooking, sewing, baking and other domes- tic arts were provided by 95 ex- hibitors, an inbrease of 11 over the big list of entrants in the 1959 fair. Dairy Cattle Holsteins — Junior heifer calf, Douglas Fortune, Turnberry; Ray Hallahan, Belgrave; Mac Stewart, Seaforth; Bob Storey. Senior hei- fer calf: Mac Stewart, Alvin Bet- ties, Bayfield; Jim Hallahan, Bel - grave. Yearling heifer: Huron County Home, Clinton, 1 and 2. Two-year-old •heifer: Huron Coun- tl Home, 1 and 2. Aged cow: Hur- on County Home. Get of sire: Hur- on County Home. Champion fe- male: Huron County Home. Ayrshires—Junior heifer calf: Iv- an Howatt, Belgrave; Keith Cart- wright, Londesboro; Ervin Sth'nus, Mildmay; Donald Nott, Seaforth. Senior heifer calf: Ervin Schaus 1 and 3; Edgar Howatt, Belgrave, 2 and 4. Yearling heifer; Ervin Schaus 1 and 2; Edgar Howatt 3 and 4. Two-year-old' heifer: Ed- gar Howatt; Ervin Schaus. Aged cow: Ervin Schaus 1 and 2; Ed- gar Howatt 3 and 4. Champion fe- male: Edgar Howatt. Junior bull calf: Edgar Howatt 1 and 2. Aged bull: Ervin Schaus; Edgar How- att. Champion bull: .Ervin Schaus. Herd: Ervin Schaus; Edgar How- att. Get of sire: Ervin Schaus; Edgar Howatt. Over 50 Ponies A big turnout of ponies for the show in front of the grandstand had been organized by a commit- tee headed by Gordon Elliott, and including Donald McNall, Walter Oster and -Baillie Parrott. More than 50 ponies were on the grounds. The fair was directed by an executive headed by George Watt, with Albert Bacon and James Mc- Call as vice-presidents, and Mrs. Beryl Ortelli as secretary -treasur- er. The chief announcer was Har- old Jackson, Seaforth. The judge forthe regional Guernsey show was Stanley Mar- shall, Innerkip, and ringmaster was Bruce Hodgins. Judging results follows. Guernsey Show Junior bull calf: W. J. Dale, Clinton. Senior bull calf: Mason Fletcher, Ilderton. Junior year- ling bull: W. J. Dale. Junior and grand champion: W. N.J. Dale with Dale Vista Brigadier's Sparkler. Reserve champion: W. J. Dale, with Dale Vista Old Golden Joe. Junior heifer gaff: Deanna Dale, Clinton; Douglas Hugill, Seaforth; W. J. Dale. Senior heifer calf: Wilma -Dale, Clinton; Mason Flet- cher; John Hessels, Blyth. Junior yearling heifer: Mason Fletcher; W. J. Dale, 2 and 3. Senior year- ling heifer: W. J. Dale -"1Giason: Fletcher. Junior champion fe- male: Wilma Dale with Dale Vista Royal Star. Reserve champion: Deanna Dale, with Dale Vista Brandywine M. Gin, Two-year-old heifer, dry: W. J. Dale; Mason Fletcher; Betty Ann Gibbings, Clinton. Two-year-old heifer in milk: W. J. Dale; Ken- neth and Linda Papple, Seaforth; Mason Fletcher. Three-year-old heifer: W. J. Dale; Mason Fletch- er. Aged cow, dry: W. J. Dale; Mason- Fletcher. Aged cow in milk: W. J. Dale; Mason Fletcher. Senior and grand champion: W. J. Dale with Far -Hills Flames Hes- ter. Reserve senior and reserve grand,champion: W. J. Dale, with Dale Vista Golden Glow. Graded herd: W. J. Dale; Mason , Fletcher. Junior get of sire: Mas- on Fletcher. Junior herd: W. J. Dale; Mason Fletcher; Kenneth and Linda Papple. Progeny of Ilam: W. J. Dale; Mason Fletcher 2 and 3. Dam and daughter: W. J. Dale; Mason Fletcher; Kenneth and Linda Papple. Jerseys — Junior heifer calf: Lorne Carter, Seaforth, 1 and 2; James Storey, Seafort, 3; Doug- las McCullough, 4. Senior heifer calf: Lorne Carter; Thomas Rath - well, Clinton, 2 and 3; H. Kennedy, Tiverton, 4. Yearling, heifer: H. Kennedy 1 and..2; Lorne Carter 3. two-year-old heifer: Lorne Carter 1 and 3; H. Kennedy 2. Aged cow: Lorne Carter. Champion female: Lorne Carter. Junior bull calf: Lorne Carter. Senior bull calf: Lorne Carter. Aged bull: H. Ken- nedy. Champion bull: Lorne Car- ter. Herd: Lorne Carter; H. Ken- nedy. Get of sire: Lorne Carter; H. Kennedy, Sheep Leicester: Ephriam Snell, Clin- ton, only exhibitor. Oxfords—Aged ram: Cyrus Low- den, Smithville; Donald Dearing, Exeter. Shearling ram: Donald Dearing; Cyrus Lowden 2 and 3. Ram lamb: Cyrus Lowden 1 and 3; Donald Dearing 2. Shearling ewe: Cyrus Lowden 1 and 3; Don- ald Dearing 2. Ewe lamb: Cyrus Lowden 1 and 3; Donald Dearing 2. Aged ewe: Cyrus Lowden 1 and 2; Donald Dearing 3. Dorsets—P. E. Dearing and Son, Exeter, only exhibitor. Shropshires—Aged ram: Fred Gurney, Paris; Ray Comfort, St. Anns, 2 and 3. Shearling ram: Ray Comfort 1 and 2. Ram lamb: Fred Gurney; Ray Comfort 2 and 3. Shearling ewe: Fred Gurney; Ray Comfort 2 and 3, Ewer iamb: Ray Comfort; Fred Gurney 2 and 3. Aged ewe: Fred Gurney; Ray Comfort 2 and 3. Suffolks—Ray Comfort, only ex- hibitor. Special for champion ram: Eph- riam Snell. Special for champion ewe: Fred Gurney. Flock, any breed: Ephriam Snell; Fred Gurn- ey; Cyrus Lowden. Pen of four lambs: Bainton special: P. E. Dearing and Son; Cyrus Lowden. Swine Yorkshires—Boar over 1 year: Albert Bacon, Belgrave; Edgar Howatt, Belgrave. Boar, over six months: Edgar Howatt. Boar, un- der six months: Albert Bacon; Ed- gar Howatt 2 and 3. Champion male: Albert Bacon. Sow, over 1 year: John Powell; Albert Bacon; Edgar Howatt 3 and 4. Sow, over six months: Walter Bacon 1 and 2; Albert Bacon 3 and 4. Sow under six months: Albert Bacon. Cham- pion feniale: John Powell. Landrace—John. Powell, only ex- hibitor. Beef Calf Club ' JunIor heifer: Barbara Sander- son, RR 1, Auburn. Senior heifer: Ross Wightman, RR 1, Belgrave. Senior steer: Ken Black, RR 1, BeI- grave; John Wightman, RR 1, Bel- -grave; -Lila -Black, RR 1,Belgrave;' John Coultes, Belgrave; Murray Scott, RR 1, Belgrave; Anne Wight - man, RR 1, Belgrave; Bob Hig- gins, RR 5, Brussels; Bob Wight - man Ross Wightman; Lila Black; Murray Scott; Marie Coultes. Beef Cattle Shorthorns: E. Wightman and Son, Belgrave, only exhibitor. Herefords: Junior heifer calf: Alexander Bros., Pinkerton; E. Haase, Seaforth; Barbara Wat- kins, Clinton. Senior heifer calf: Alexander Bros., 1 and 3; E. Haase 2; Barbara Watkins 4. Year- ling heifer: Barbara Watkins; Alex- ander Bros. 2 and 3; E. Haase 4. Two-year-old heifer: Barbara Wat- kins; Alexander Bros?£ E. Haase. Aged cow: Barbara Watkins; E. Haase; Alexander Bros. Cham- pion female: Alexander Bros. Jun- ior bull calf: Alexander Bros.; E. Haase. Senior bull calf: Alexan- der Bros. 1 and 2; E. Haase 3. Yearling bull: Barbara Watkins; Alexander Bros. 2 and 4; E. Haase - 3. Aged bull: Alexander Bros., E. Haase; Barbara Watkins. Cham- pion bull: Alexander Bros. Herd: Barbara Watkins; E. Haase. Get of sire: Alexander Bros. Aberdeen -Angus: Gordon Ribery, Underwood, only exhibitor. Dairy Cali Club Junior Holstein: Peter Sprung, RR 1,- Londesboro; Raymond Hal- lahan, RR 3, Blyth; Sheila Henry, Blyth; Jim Henry, Blyth; Douglas Bell, RR 1, Blyth; Sandra Henry, Blyth; Richard Badley, RR 3, Wal- ton. Junior Ayrshire: Douglas How- att, RR 1, Belgrave; Keith Cart- wright, RR 1, Londesboro; Tommy Riley, RR 1, Londesboro. Senior Holstein: Auke Bylsma, RR 1, Blyth; Jim Hallahan, RR 3, Blyth. Guernsey: John Hessels, Blyth. Senior Ayrshire: Doreen Howatt, RR 1, Bdlgrave; Ivan How- att, RR 1, Belgrave, Shownianshfp—Group 1 placings: Douglas Bell; Sheila Henry; Auke Bylsma; Doreen Howatt; Dorothy Howatt; Ivan Howatt. 4-111 Championship Junior Holstein calves, Group 1 placings, not ranked in order: Bob Storey, Seaforth; Peter Sprung, Blyth; Larry Burns, Seaforth; Ray- mond Hallahan, Blyth; Sheila Hen- ry, Blyth; Douglas Fortune, Turn., berry; Bruce Collins, Bayfield; Ed- gar Hough, Bayfield. Senior Holstein calves, Group 1: Mac Stewart, Seaforth; Auke Byls- ma Blyth; James Collins, Bay - Mid; Myrtle Collins, Bayfield; Bruce Bettles, Bayfield. Jersey, Ayrshire or Guernsey junior calves, Group 1: Hugh Lobb, Bayfield ; Douglas McCullough, Bayfield; Sandra Hugill, Seaforth; Linda . Papple, Seaforth; Sharon Lockhart, Bayfield; Betty Ann Gib- bings, Bayfield; James Storey, Bayfield; Deanna Dale Seaforth. Club groups of three dairy calves: Seaforth, Bob Gemmell; Kippen, club leader; Bayfield, Tom Rathwell club leader; Blyth, Sim- on Hallahan, Belgrave, club lead- er; Seaforth, second entry. BLYTH SHEEP SHOW—An unusually large sheep show, with 115 head on the grounds for stock features of Blyth Fall Fair Wednesday. This pen of Dorset Horn lambs, entered by won the special prize of a wool blanket given by Franklin Bainton, former reeve of Blyth. left: Gerald Comfort, St. Anns; Cyrus Lowden, Smithville; Donald Dearing, . Exeter; Jack show. Standing: -P. E. Dearing; Franklin Bainton; Gerald Dearing, the "and Son" in P. BILL TURNBULL,'. RR 2, Brussels, is shown above exercising his 800 -pound Yorkshire board before the competition started Wednesday at the Stratford fail fair. Even the large pens at the fairgrounds appeared small when this big pig and his room mate, almost as large, decided to amble about. • judging, was one of the live - P. E. Dearing and Son, Exeter, Holding the lambs, from the Cowan, Atwood, who judged the E. Dearing and Son. • • Shipments from 21 plants engag- ed primarily in the manufacture of candles in 1958 were valued at $3,943,0Q0. Religious candles ac- counted for most of the output. rklURON SEl,#rQ 7 OW.), Sgt `, Tri -County Campaign For the Blind Huron County Objective $6000.00 Send your donation today to: E. C. BOSWELL -- Seaforth FINAL 10 DAY Used and New Cars and Trucks Inventory Reduced To Clear USED CARS 1957 Pontiac Coach $1475 1957 Chev. Coach $1275 ' 1955 Dodge Sedan—Radio . - $ 975 1954 Chev. Sedan $ 575 1954 Plymouth Sedan $ 625 1951 Buick Coach $ 225 1952 Olds Sedan; A.T $ 425 Many Models — $75.00 to $200.00, NEW CARS 1-1960 Chev. 1/2 -Ton Pickup 1-1960 Chev. Bel Air Sedan-A.T. 1-1960 Chev. Bel Air Sedan 1-1960 Corvair St'd. Sedan—A.T. 1-1960 Olds Demonstrator, 4 -Door hardtop, A.T., radio, etc. No Reasonable Offer Refused ! Seaforth Motors Phone 541 Seaforth, Ont, THE We think- we have the ffrbieeA CJ in banking Typical of the many lovely young ladies you'll find at,any branch of The Toronto -Dominion Bank is attractive Edna Crawford—for the past seven years a busy "Girl Friday" in the Savings and Current Accounts Departments Of the King & Bay Sts. Branch in Toronto. Away from work, Edna keeps herself busy with a myriad of activities. She models and interviews models for a local agency. She sails and swims and dances. And now, to fill in what spare time she may have, Edna is dabbling in oil painting. An experienced banker ... an active young lady... a friendly, capable person - . - these are the characteristics you'll find typical of the people behind the counter at The Toronto -Dominion Bank nearest you. That's why we can honestly say ... people make the difference at .. TORONTOMDOI IINION THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD W.' C. MOORE, Manager Seaforth Branch BANK