HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-09-29, Page 6u,-,.
I . HU .00 �7��'%rrOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., SEPT, 29, 1960
II44 - p - I m%%4 "
;. � M�l . I ft 404 W W ]a AM , .i I . . W Im E3 wap';Q *Igag= 10 -1 ift -- FF'
1MW1 I_ _ iaqL ,-%is plamoomw _.4111110- 116-N r____F
I No . .
1. Coming Events 11. Articles For Sale 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 23. Cards of Thanks
,,I - _ .- _.. -.. _ .
aLFSL13VE NOVEMBER 2 for the as Yu'I':AlTOKLS .s IU bent u,ok your REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan MR. and MR$. RUDOL,PH•ETUE and
11,441' Bazaar anal 'Riplito of St Patr{el... "„t „ no+, 1101iDEN BROWN. phone Cleaners, Mount Forest. More spots and EXTENSIVE family, wish to express their appreciation
vll R J ,,;,.forth, 1! 33_1 stnuta removed, Garments stay - AUCTION SALE to their helpful relatives, ,friends and
Rgraatl Hall, Dublin. I.33-1 y clean to
� ___ .._.. -. - .,�._ --- yr wevtr lunger. Agent: D1ILLER'S neighbours during Mrs Jitue's recent ill -
ii - Milk:, NORTHSIDE WA are huld+nar 11 "It't,11r\tliE r,frigcratur', 5 cu. tout l•A(INDRY SERVICE, Phone 247 for nes". The doctors and nurses at Scott
Nuke Sale. Linruar curd ,I'.'a u, North»,d, I .-II61 .,-, Quill, ens hearse. used one 1 k -up• 10-2SMis Of Valuable Real Estate, Blacksmith Memorial Hospital have been most bell) -
Church, uu Nube+nbrr 1: ",n \,nLlhu,eI" ;I, Mil vnmern. Equipment, Auto Electric Welder. House- ful in speeding her recovery, 23-33.1,
.� - tJ'+_I I IWNE :'1'. ,,, ntuct J. l`. Stc,ena. `t'I'e'RIOR;tIALNTENANI`E e1ti'RV10E, hold Effects and Miscellaneous items, on --tl
11-33x1 �MBf�rth, Vhune 133. Window washing, the' Premises, 3'2 Nelson Street, In the 1 WOULD LIKE to express my sincere
.___ w;ill b+ashlug, small repairs, floor mule- town of Exeter, thanks to all the neighbours and friends
R=4PTION for ills Naar \I, -s. Jael, I LIGH , __' ; .,rU,orator and e1ulVmcnt; I ,"".c, changing storms and screener, who visited and sent tilt cards and treats
Ht+garty, u�• Juan \talunoy. ,u Itro ihnu,n ,., rnl jaiiitur work housecleaning. brick The undersigned auctioneer refeived in- while I was a patient in Scott I,lemorial
a, re-„ F , r unon Vb,w . upri: ht Piano.
Hall, Friday. Septeu+ber , '.W. Everlour - „nd ,•lasterirwt repairing. Superior our atructiuna W sell by public auction on Hospital and'special Chunks to the nurses
.I welcome, 1-3J,I I kh".\li tI \\ ),FIR, , Pump. ,kpric IY WEIINESDAY, OC'roiwit b, at 12:30 still Dr. Stapleton and the Canadian Leg -
I' \Irl. -i N \I hrH, l•,rm,art Y. Vhune l" k tit'•, oar,i t our u1m. RAY SQUIRE.36-37d.
_- - . - - - It t; Ihr4ha 11-32s° Ito, 7tS. Seafurth. 10-33-Sfi-3T-tf P•°t' !un Branch 160, which was very much
11 HARHUIIRIAlt! INN Godorfh ",cr - - appre< iutod. DAVE NETLKE
Stduldn>' night, !! Cu 12 Ni-'I'"on 're+`mrd CO\IPLETl? LINE of famous Bitten REAI. ESTATE "A"- Consisting lot 553 23-33-1
., dance with Monte Sn,dvr ,f Ch\\. house Poor Chimes. sales Installation and Fjj AFORTH tit Cha 1'u 11 of Exeter, un which is saw•
Admission We per Person. hien' W'ed- ,r„ee lLll today for fr<o• estimate. �t nttd a well-qunatructed large frame dwell. - T_____.. ____._.._�._..____--
'I' nead,p' lions Club bingo first ,tam,, n 3e- sl'ul-r RA!)10 and TV SF,RVICE. Phone- UPHOLSTERY lags 11nin fkxir, kitchen. ,lining and liv, L5• Personals
8.t ing mann " bedrooms, clothes closet, s- J
f� 1). In 141-3 •3 ;; o. Soafarth 11=29-tt
;. __ _ ri.'ce hathrwm and sun notch. 5<•cunai
II _-_____._-- _ MAGIC MARKERS Instant dry, w•a• Centre Street flour, 4 hdraun,s. clothe" closet. Ful HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods),
'Ifu•rproof, w rite on any surface: just pull size basement with coal and wo<xt fur- mailed postpaid in Plain sealed envelope
2. Lost, Strayed y Telephone 446 twee; small garage, Property in good with price list, 6 samples, 25c; 24 sant-
off car and htaglr Marker {s read W
i) ----- use. R fill.- A 01.ble Nine ;,dors ink state of repair with adjoining rut suitable plea S1,00. Mail - Order Dept. T -T3,
A PLAQUE commemorating Dr William "Ti a 11 D 1 e'led near Goderieh
1,11E HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone til, for garden land or building lot. NOVA -RUBBER, CO. Box. 91. Hamilton. F. bin Op, was un, 1
1•wa hounds, on,• antro ami ,tile For all kinds of upholstering. TERMS lo:; on day of sale, balance 2b_26_� recently. This plaque is one of a series being erected throughout the province by the Depart-
Srnronh. h 30 days. Sold subject W a reasonable meat of Travel and Publicity, acting on the advice of the Archaeological and Historic Sites
Female, bl++a•k and chile ,esti browif nark- _ 19•$9-29
Ing"• Apply LI 1'F:PI'11R, rh"tie SN, Ida ONK.YE.alt•01.n RIFLE. or wit reserve aid, __ ___ _ Board of Ontario. Participants at the ceremony,shown left to right, were: J. S. DurniII,
trade f„t' tl0 shotatun, also I'MO Chev, ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK 26. Births Warden of Huron Count • L. E. Cardiff, M.P.(Huron); Prof. J. M. S. Careless, a member
ear. in ,nail mevhanieal condition: 1953 SERVICE REAL ESTATE "R" -Consists of part Y,
WS9 Wuuld the Imty who picked up of lot 2T, phis 2S, on °cairn ;a situated oi' the Historic Sites Board; Dan I3euermaitn, ?3eeye of McKillop Township; Prof. James Scott,
the tar b]ack-B+mlon cnrdlgun at the Vauxhall, in gkxxi condition. Will sell
1Rjr rensomably .ilii HART, Bit Brus- Highest cash prices paid in surrounding large frame building known as Blacksmith BAKER- At Scott Memorial Hospital. on Huron Historian; Rev. S. A, Monte, of Victoria Street United Church, Goderieh; E. C. Fisher,
Northslde United Chureh, At the Blood "hop. Property approx. 66' x III on September 21, to Mr, and Mrs. Jack Mayor
Clint", please ooaua,t me. HERS, F. %era. tint., phone U1 J l., '13.4sxi district for dead, ala, sick or disabled bore- y r of Goderieh, and Ralph Jewell, Reeve of Colborne Township.
am and cattle. Horses at Se pound. For the north -case corner of Main and Huron Baker. Senforth, a son.
CRA1'1'EIti 'phone AM It 23, Sezafurth, FRIGIhAIRE 2.i" range, with g<xd the fastest and proper removal of all ani- streets. Wonderful opportunity for fur- BROADFOOT At Soott Memorial Hospit.
33x1 alas seen, :wtonatir rontrota. e•xoelh•nt mala, day or night, cher business Ication. at, on September 'tel, W lilt. and \ire,
emiditi,m $L'ts: Kehinator refrigerator, Robert Broadfoot, RR 1, Brucefield, a
- --- --- I .1 -- medium sine, vegetailc and mint .1whes, Call Long Distance and ask for TERli1s- lOr, on day of sale, balance s„a,
I .milk shalt, „•Retable comearw,ent. $50. ATWOOD, ZENITH 3-1900 in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable LEE -.Ray and Marlyn Lee, nee Eyre,
$. Farm Stock For Sale Mr. and Mrs. Willie • Kirk, of ed the worship. Sacred passages
11 .Ruth in very gaxd condihun. F`7IC)NF lNo lou charge) rrsene bid, if not sold. „ian to announce -the er a Nen. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Patrick, of were read b Mrs. Ed. Fink, TWen-
;91, Saw forth, 11-" 2.1 19-22 26 ,n, September 25, ar- Clinton Pablta; Edmonton, Alta., are eats of his Caro, Mich., were guests •Tuesday Y
NiNF, 2 -YEAR -01.11 Hereford steers. EQUIPMENT -Auto: portable eletrir Hospital, guests ty-five visits were reported, and
kx,U<n•n Still and gnu ranula. .IUSFn'lA I:01, SAIF. Imported Dutch bulb. for „elder blacksmith equipment: Willys 2. 071EN• Mr, and Mrs Alfred Otten, ar mother and brothers in Tucker- with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess.
NOTICE two invitations were received. The
FlUI(Ehl', Sr., lot G. eau. g. McKillop, f:111 PI:+nUng. twobs Dolours of hellos, door °elan. all ne,ely'orerhauled, in Boos Hensall, announce the birth aria sun, Smith. M[, Norman Sh1elS, Jr., GOde-
phone 6t It 2. Publin 5.33-1 I„o ,•,.toms of daffodils, thre, colours of condition: portable Lincoln Welder, = 300 John Henry, at South Huron Hospital, r1Ch, Visited over the weekend group are cancelling their October
amp, :Oliver industrial motor, complete Among those who attended the
h, x; laths, parer bb'nite nnrvtse'us. 'Thea" Exeter, Septemer 20'. with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan meeting and will attend a meeting
THRE.F RVGISTMRF:t1 .lose, eo.vs, due are ail extra largo bulbs and will give with fables and helmet. in guaranteed TtIR,NER In Sudbury General Hospital, funeral of the late Harry Stewart in Knox Presbyterian Church God-
, Ortuber, Nu,mnlx•r; t'H:\R1,F:S RECD, bon bioam to ln• i`n)ud of in the stein new condition: blacksmith <oluipment i»- Y +
gg oilG. Turner, r 24, to lilt, and \ire, W. Tuesday'were: Mr. and Mrs. g
Varna. Ont, 1-3,44 l\, :ere• JCR'» r,e•ry d., :)nil e•raning R:\F_ eluding mounted drills, electric mown, er1C11, and accepted an invitation
Ile'. hammers: tongs: antic G. Turner, nee Jnae MacKay, a son, Huh AicPhail, Toronto• Mr, and Mr, and Mrs. Donald Dodds, Sea- to attend the thankoffering meet-
- k:hS GRFiF:N lltl l'SF:. ,aur garden resits, '1\1`'kersm{th Tovvnsh tp Municipal Dumb lac black- g >
3110 14F.Il.,SI'tiSF:\ Inrlloty months Svnforih. 11-.'_'x5 •,'11 be open prom 1 p.m, W 6 p.m. on smith bellows. horseshoes: assortment „r rn.. William. I Mrs. Frank Kennedy, Drumbo; Mr. forth; Mr. and Mrs, John Brag-
W'ednesday ane Sacurdyv nfternoona anal \\'.\[.RFIit\1r, and :firs. Clarence walk-. Ing of the Senior Women's Mis-
oM, rrgisivrd tlrrel'urd buC. nam ,ea n, n•"n, lx,lts, ,It,. evi, er. St, Thomas, announce the birth orland Mrs. Bert McKay, London; man, Exeter; Mrs. Marlen Van -
old Al rl, W I) \\ II_ ON. lisle ffo•I,i. ( farther tioace. sionary Society of their church in
ph--i.•• It 33. Sent"'ih a_.I:;,, HOrsFal L11 Frrw,rs - Extension ' ;lit son, Mark Edward. at Elgin Mem- I Air. Elmer Stewart, Farquhar; Mr. dyke, Grand Bend; Mr. and Mrs.
1?. Wanted To Buy W ori+al HoaPtta}, stn zT,nmaa, Septer;}ber ! Ed. Lindenfield, Exeter Mrs. Jno: g y October. The roll call was answer-
CORA CHESNEY table vnd chairs: kitchen ,table and chairs: Nick Stuifber, er, Ton Tina and
_ ___._�-___ __. ___-.._. ___, ed with the...Bi'ble verse, Faith.
ItFRF:FuItP Hr 1.1., tG 'months mill also i _ _- __ __ _ _ ('leek. TUckercn,ith ;Kinn e•nhi»et : nide ranted` 2 glass cup 1' Rnann for Paul ,Valerie, Janette Stewart and Mrs. Ed. Hawkins, Walter, of London, and Mr. and
-F$Tc - - 19-2:t_Lt ane{" ,l sasses and gran lana for
Ira ni he•st est acrd .•tad chair: cloth env- Vl r:. Ml's.,-,(-,i�r11S1 $,Qll .'submitted- rite,
- a„mo�H,rrfora at-o,.•kero. .\pPl.> .\RN0-l.11 I li1C:IIF',``T l'\SH 1'1\1(.r raid for sick - ,r;. _ London• `Mrs. James Eos Toron Al rS. .I i�li9tiy':. Gel{leI'land, Ridg@-
- t'a\YPIFi•1_ lftno',A', Drevi ra4•ker: oak rockers: 3 inti, it R»rle \kl»tr4ttei• Hen tit. + financial report and Mrs. Gordon
It ,r,,r1Ti ,I.,wn xn:i diaalded Carni' xnimi+L•. 1`romi•t t town, Were Sunday guests With P
W'.it. Exeter. of S south Huron Hnspr. I an Air. and Airs. Lorne Wilson ) g
43°x1 .Nttrhvus oo;lex-tinn of all dead :\na sin_ `�{ tabhe: r,+rinus (lo,vcr stands; fernery, 0 1 - Schwalm announced that she is
- -- __ ------•--• -• - -- i At,,rd fats, annuals and hid',s. call n,ll- WATERLOO _ ehe`ste of drawcn; electric }amps: .it. Exeter, a» September s, to Stn and Air. and' Airs. W. D. Wilson, Mr. and .Airs. Sim Roobol on the
1-1O11SKS ltlaei, 6hnc, -Ing three Iret, 1`0 AN:`RF.W'S. 63I 11 It ',.forth. I r 11 -ho, Sonic electric radia; Mat,)r- "till Mrs'. Bernard Wezter,•eld. R.R. 4 I , taking subscriptions for Glad Tid-
Brucefield, occasion of Mrs. Roobol's birth -
)e rs la, n,are. II t1m, .ra rs, t•. -a,' I .\: a,{ueted with Oarlmg g Co,. of C..Ada ATTLE BRI; )✓DING „!'a tole,ision, with motor control noriaL �aa{o.rth, a sun, .a ndrev Henry, I I daj•, Ings. Mrs. John Baker and Mrs,
g,ldma. ,•,s;nc ,w,• ,ow, Appl,' .\I.F:\ I ! td I :,Ao now Premier rxeuum elenner with all .Air. R. Hunter, Toronto, and Fin 'erhostesses.
5P'\ll)IS It:,, fit ph,'ne Cbrlon tit'. I :2=:,-tf ASSOCIATION s:ta:hn,ents, line new: electric fan; rex,rd - �'�-------- -- .1ars, FermantyIIand children, of Arnold Circle Meets Bill
ParksBoa. -has named
2-!11x, , .::.3 i rase; fitney foal-o;l parlor lamp; mir- 2S. Deaths I Cooksville, spent the weekend with The Arnold Circle of Carmel Ken Parker as arena manager for
•, s -' "Where Better Bulla rrrs: tri -light and electric lamps groon
F•I.tR'hul\ NKRS W' \\ re t V\' ray I Are Uses^ tart %r,' rag, x ,z'; hall tree; 3 rani- I .lir. Glen Smith. Mrs, Hunter, Who Church convened, Monday evening the 1960.61 season, He commences
up ;o sass• tx'r ,rare„ once t+rs.t" \ l:a aro.
14• Property For Sale pl,te lxdrx,m suit«, dressers. commoxdes. F.CKFit'r-In IAVAn, on September 23. has been vislt.mg her brother here, for their September meeting, with his duties October 3.
Wit taro some llis""is „rr, , ,vi, u, the, _ - Xrt;fieial Insemination service is pro. v,;:intro ehairs ami raker.: eard table, i John Anthony Eckert_ to his 65th year. I returned home With them Sunday. President Mrs. B: Beaton presid- Lloyd Mousseau will assist in'
,ijr,l from bulls of sit breeds. j
ymal b\11 full drt: els ant„ `f\\Fa)PLF: I N, t ti : F: near sin. cit,. rth or I now: on% -n ch baAra: trunks: centre I Mr. and Mrs, James Sherwood in.g. Miss Hannah Murraypresent- u.tiv'I,FR;F;S Ll\illz•:P. Frntta. :tsar :or s 7.v) seer ian„ in Sr,,i,,rth or ;able,:: Ix,vn chairs: kitehon clock: large g Y P -reconditioning the ice plant. It is,,
Untag„ , We are Farmer own d anel controlled ,
=-s l:ru.+,as Apr:, I u\ !r,o 'Tae air e e:eak. flower ppt_< and plants: pie- and family, of Ottawa, spent the ed highlights of the Presbyterial I expected ice will be available the
x and.oparate at a„t, Young Liberals , y
Hurn F•,I°'wor 1.1-.^.."S ;,,res n,id fryame,e; day b<d: Singer sew•- weekend with his sister, Airs. E. held in Seaforth. Airs. Harr Snell latter part of October,
PFINA1.11 Ityll3Rll''�%`tilI:,t•°• ^O woel,s in. ]ta:hine: MoClary cook sitove: sun- and '.Hiss Hannah Murray conduct -I .Dr. and .Mr's. I. G. Smillie, of
Summer calling Kern:-°: Between ":30 P. Chesney.
old Se•Ptrmber _. 1T„va,, hints have been S\tAl,l. HOl.tllNli -- 21 ares. ,vr.;t And 0:30 a.m., weekdays: 6:00 and 8:00 shiny :•burner elavtrif ai.oce; $pxrtan el- Continued from Pae 1 I Kainloo s .B.C. were recent visi-
vAceinatexi for Neil Castle and br,neht,s: I b,� t. Miiehe;l, m,xierni.,d --nxb,u house. oetrie washer: large assortment of quilts. ( g l P ,
detaakel and rrade to lay. For further ,-r, water. KA-ri aP , P. m., Saturday evenings, - - ,
i . St . A. CoorF:R, n,nts: cilmrorters, rugs: linens; silver- a little short. I tors in the village.
information call \100RF:S' POULTRY,. MtI;hull. phone 404. L4-30-1 Fur .service or more information call: ,a,,; izlns�ware: Antique dishes.; niumi- Next Monday evening,
FArm, rhoti" 500 li 3I or it R. 3. Son- _ - num ,care: complete chest of silverware; Oct. 3rd, .
forth. S V1 V ~l -F'1 } tl\1' i1R11'K hatnee on ixl�:e lot T q� electric iron and twv<ter; seAlera; er,t•kN; the Young Liberals Will hold their CROMAR ,
";m Ih,• Stain S:reot of F:gr ondbille. Ro:,- Clinton H V 2-3 tl ' , ladAen_ garden tools: carpenter I meeting at Dr. P. L. Brady's
- ... I sOnahl, rricei to seitle "state. Contact :sol,: Power mower; new clothes line me g'
ti. ,: 1,F:YF-, ^•.S. Hall aro.. Windsor " - with pullc,�.• llany tither miscellaneous theme
Beginning at 9:15, the
9. Poultry For Sale t)ntario. phone Cl, s -sari. •. 14.32.2 OI' f01' Long Distance ;;,m,s, theme of the meeting will be, "Are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdah and
Clinton Zenith 9-5G50 We'•a U.S. Satelite?" A discussion Alice and Connie were guests of
ata 1,tx:S00N H R N pullets, rrad, to .IN HIRRF:R'r township. 'a1., mil"s fro„ Plan to attend this outstanding sale I will centre around' this topic and - Mr. and Mrs. John Chessell and
lay Ajiply JFM NASH. Phone- .:,2 R 4, ,ilAc•r of Stafra" 100 Aerrs land, large 19.20-tf which. will start sharp on timet possibly • a speaker on the subject „M,,,,..e.•.r little son in Mitchell on Sunday,
'Sea fart h. ,4v,j.I Karn, solid -hitt, brick house, m,drm loth PO •' pe )
nx,m-. furnace, tour lo, sly heti nx,ms- aew- ---.-- - - No Reserve---Ever,thing will be sola. will put in an appearance. At this 6 tea w••• and .also were present at � the bap -
TWO HUNFILRED 3.1betcht 11p.l . isl - ly decorated, dining atm, living rave meeting the permanent 'executive _-:,_e
Ing nano, b• Jz1.ltF:+ J. KR.aUS_ And kit: hen. All fl,x,r n.,crinrs, etc., 20. Auction Sales - In _ tism service of their grandson.
`pl TRI -cash. Will be elected. Refreshments Will
KOPF', phoni 8:1 R t,, Dublin. S$2-2 remain with rT+rert.y`. Pull Price. $lo.- �,, I ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Laing arrived
ON. RmsonabW torus As owner is in ill At'CTION SALE of spProxianrteb' 45 ' THOMAS JOLLY, Proprietor follow the program, Everyone in- � � t _ home from the West last week,
300 READY -TO -LAY HY-Line gullets; health. JORN ROSVELP, roallor, C'tod- seb,x,l seats, various sines, as used in ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer terested is Welcome to attend. _ bringing with them reports Of a
vaccinated Cor btiiirhriis and Newcastle "rich, .Joseph MM'onnell. Salesman. sea- SS No. S. McKillop, at the schootg'rounds, GARNET HICKS, Clerk
dis<nss<xs. A0ply RRUC13 RAY, London- forth, - ' ' 14 Mxl Monday night. Octol,er 3, at 3:30 p.m. 00-33- _ wonderful harvest.
born. phone Blyth 23 R 6. "3-1 DOMINIC MURRAY, Secretary -Treasurer. � Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Graham -
- - ____--_____ _ _ 2� 1 LOCAL BR�EFS. �-' were visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
_ - 15. Property For Rent 22. Legal (Notices . "I � C Wier M Dalrymple,ig oil Sunday,
AUCTION SALE ii rs; Jose Ilds Week At L aee..t Douglas and
10. Used Cars For Sale ph McConnell and Mrs. Wilma, of Kipper, visited with
G.aR.aGF• F'I(lR RENT, near Main St. H. ' petty represented the Seaforth
1966 CJL'EVROLFT 42 -ton pick-up trot.#. PHONE 6Si_W, SeAfor'th. I5_?,a.l Library Board at a acetas of Mrs. Hou
PHONE .E J 2, T L,li-t.n, t0ucl1 AVC -PION SALE of Household Effoctn, NOTICE to CREDITORS g Houghton on Sunday evening.
'FOUR -ROOM Apartment with complete it,, the seaforth arena SATURDAY, Ocr- County Library Boards in Gude- (By Gary Williams) (think High School is O.K. Mr. Frank Spears, of Toronto,
19:'.5 C.ADILLAC Sedan, power brakes. hath In,mediato possession. Artily by OBER �, At 1 p,m. in the Estate of L,OUISA MURRAY. rich last Week, r 'I am oin to note a portion of
power s,rerinet. tnunaculAte condition. p,h5ning 261-W', S,wturth. ISS% -1 Stell, folks„here's the first edi- i g q A visited with his aunt, Olive Speare,
=-rieee• chesterfield suite: 1 green oc- Mr. and Mrs. George A. Love. of tion of the Seaforth High School the discussion about this question' on Tuesday,
Can be financed, PHONE Clinton HU. All persons having claims etga4nert she Goderieh ,attended the Seaforth News for the school year -1960-61, I "Tile attitude of outsiders toward Mrs. Holme, of London, aceom-
2-11,4,z3 1oekq_} y,I.A'RGE FIXATED Apartment, &,.liable rasi„nai chair: _1" RCA television set: Estate of Louisa Murray, late of the
Orioher 20, on G,d"rich Street \Fest, ' Heintsman Piano.: Philro mantle radio: Township nr MfstueD. ;n the co<tntF or Fair on Friday, It is a pleasure, indeed, to be able 1 school should be improved. Too panied by Mrs. Jarvis, of Saska-
. IP51 CHEVROLET svdan. with good YRANK� H NTT. 15 C�x1 GemcrAl F:lertrir trfrigera;nr. ratite size: Hurn. Widiw, dece'Sased, who area on the .Air. Stab Dorrance, of Chatham, 'man • are satisfied with mediocre•
we,tirorhouse electric stove: kitchen to keep you informed about what y loon, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Neil
tSres, g,v,d uVhnlatar. mginr overhauled :M.h day of April, 1060, sire hereby not- I V " Read the statement twice.
aF\RTAtF.::"1' for teal in Sic\taster's range: A-: sundit.ion : kern.<ene 2 -Horner g Was a guest of his mother, .Airs. ces on behind the solemn staid t• • n Morris, - of Winnipeg, visited with -
and g„e'+i brakes. Feared at sand. JOHN I clai to era in de g-ned•ntare or Caere Mae Dorrance. - g Does it a 1 to you? A PERIaiF>_ RR A. }Tncan<•L+. IO YR,:1 � east sad A:+a*t'n+etlt l,uildtng. Availat,le• I stn"e•: ki:.•hfn rxtenainn table And chair-: claims t� the »naer•Ntgned on or before brick Walls of SDHS. ! PPS Y Mrs. E. Moore and Mr. and Mrs.
O,'.,her 16. JOSEPH McCON"N'ELL, 're-; sinal: ,tee! utility tame; Connor Dun •.he :t.h day of Ortol,er. 1960, atter which BIT. and Airs. C. A. Barber are o
11X51 CHEV'ROI.lt'T trtek. 3 4 inn, ca,m-+ i5 C2.2 Thrr^n uashiag machine: ironing toard: date the asses will lie distritwteoi, heating The construction of the new W'lno h School a30pS T. L'. Scott.
;lethes horse; tub ,stand; + on a motor tris to the eastern and east of the resent structure is; The Marion Ritchie Evening Aux -
plate with rArks.' Only R"•P0. In t-•,xd l ;,the'; -rA;i:. ry=a n, only to claims then received. P g
shat°. Must he, -id Phone SMi, 1CIi,N-I R,1GHT-ROO'M hose with three tad •'' iArge ,Parc hester with elce.xic - northern part of the province. progressing ,quite rapidly. Much, Friday evening. October 7, the'iliary held their•September meet-
nRICK•S 11 :\ SFIR\'1C F. 'S"aforth, unl. I r. `r»s oil heated: tally furnished situ• . fans: hot .;ate: sandwich inflater: melt- DATED at Amfort.h, this 14tb'dac of !lir. and Mrs. John McKinley, of of the' foundation has been laid, ,school auditorium Will swing to I irig in the form of a quiltingat
;0-A3-1 .1M nn Goderieh Stroot West. PHON•F I r:re cabinet . end tai+les. magaxine rack; eplontber. 1060.
R"hiterock, B.C., are guests of Mr. and although the hammering some•, the music of the Seaforth Spar -!the home of Mrs. Gordon Scott.
., F, S"wrrrth. :c V0.tt C i•';ch: lA,n,Ps. d"sk lamr: bed lames: I' and Mrs, James F. Scott, at Thorn- tons. This semi -formal dance Will!
4 - _ rietcro,. txti,s: combination desk and N!,CON•NF,I.t. And STEWART. times distracts both teachers and IMrs. Scott presided and opened
• I aFaRt'4F-N-T for rent. ]ower apArL• ; ` iot, rAse. rafter table. 2 hook rases. :i onforrh. Ontario, ton Hall. u ils, all are eagerly awaiting the I run from 9 'till 12. Prizes will be the meeting with the singing of
11. Articles For Sale 1 meet Avaiixhir immediately °telt re-' pt rr .lining r*,m suite. 4 -piece t dram saliftmrs for the Ez< niers. ?Cir. Bob Andersen, of Toronto, pupils,
ening o£ the new Woing, ' given for spot dances, and later I Psalm 19, The devotions were tak-
iI,AYTCIN PEN\Is. phone 660 W 12. s,.1;, $ t„ds Ant. drossers 0- lid ivtth 22.3},3 opening
Smforth• 15-20-tf nfw ntA:;rss: chest ar drawers: s;nger and Miss Janice Adams, of Port ' lin the evening refreshments Will en by Bob Gardiner. "The Parable
CVCPMILI•.RS for sale. CALL. P!1• i �- -- i seu,ng machine And stool d en The Chatterbox - ' be served. -
i of the Vineyard" was the theme,
sosforlh A t,"r 6 SO r m :IA3 I FROM ; APARTMENT for rent, ihre•e row . F:lectn,lvx r,},tr polisher: rruug, °1kc' �; OTICE to CREDITORS Sharon H ham, Wi son S n Miss The birth of the Chatterbox ; ,,followed with prayer by Mrs. Scott.
,t•,tx A»d lath Arpls• I-N'=P DAIRY ' Cnrrn!"um rag. 10 .z I2: hahy toed, i Football
t.ITrl_F Nhit:i]9T girls' roar^ flu, slrns; And PLl1'LTRY CO.OPERaTIN-E, S. ; Miss Ernestine Whyte, of Toron- (High School Newspaper) Was The roll call, a Book of the Bible,
6 tv, - tike non. i`1iONF, 646 \V' S forib Rranch, Phone IS. . I A\ i+,n, ixts cans, dishe',e: quantity
•.,%nidi rA;nt ec;ensi,n :adder; step IAd- In the F=tAt.e or MON•TIGOMERY to, was visitingwith Mr, and Airs. largely due to the fatherly laid• I This year's Golden Bears have %v as answered by 13 members. The
Seeaforlh"14A." I S_20-29,� g
.i m: i. s•mirrr rossur• ntker: rub- D•AVLS c ance of Air. Pullen. to Whom• I been practising ever}• afternoon . October thankoffering meeting was
s � E. H. Close last week.,
MAXWF.1.1. (; -Farb" , Alta, - HP ,rn: A,,:minum wheel harrow: fent- Airs. H. �'. Workman spent think should r1\ F -ROOM ':o aishad ArArSnrni an : :111 S+esc•ns ha,ing claims Againai the, pet the s go a large vote of 'since school started. .R'e have, a 'discussed and committees were a -
C}eN10 •Panther KArforih,,x, i�CIL I ern-,- flex^.r � rrld-A o tint ,.'Ater l'xAP,_ i Ing' 1"kx-k Arm wire Arderhtoc steel test FFtate of Montgomery Dail%. Isle of the Weekend with Bars, Alvin C. Mc- thanks. The first edition of the g� backfield and if the line holds, 1 pointed. The new stud book will
„- 1.FaX10N Phone 6'6 �"afor;h 1: -RC>: „-r•te,d ac sheet• -titin, unfur., ash nd Ar- '•r1, Cr. Ilia: maul. t-r•ni,•n tools; 100 ft, 1 y
,:Arden bene, .1 meta feeders. for small Township of Hibbert, in the CcuntP of I Donald and family, Brussels, and Paper was printed and distributed', Seaforth should Win the football be ordered. The meeting closed
°rest RCIX R5I The Nnron Ferth Rriireds Partner, a<ePa,sed who
to the students last Thursday. Pennant. With the Lord's Prayer, and lunch
Rol' RIiYC1.F. ,n gall condition ' .tins -'1' - tics F r/Astir egg barkeis: chick water
RRI-CF CQIL.r,MAN RR 4, Seaforth Faw"�'•r .��Az_;cans LOP r P.cll7 elert,rie brooder: Win- d:�'i on Ole day of September. 196o,.j attended anniversary services at y
I Are hereby notified to send in full, Part- Walton United Church. - Gisela--Helbi and Bob Sha are On Tuesday the team toured to Was served.
Prone 6,v. R I4 :l%Rrcl i MC\;\F.RN hmt<.i ArA rianrnt rrixratx• I chest"T_ }car rife. avx,d: Stewart est- g 1'P I
::e r:irPers, floe neer, 1rLlAra of their claims in the undersigned I Air. and Mrs. Bert MacKay of co-editors, With a staff of approxi-,; Mitchell to play an exhibition I A hot supper was served Monday
` rr :rand . rear n,x,ms with mmrleNe batch. I ,.r , c
n or fore tl< .th day of Ocxaber, 1960, , mately 15 students. Below are; g g, g evening id the basement of the
FFA' on. ton& healer err,, either \.A,,aFf or..,er :et a tr NMS ions London visited relatives and ams against the local high school
'' tither Artlrie+s :nn 'rlumfrwa to mention A•Ier Hieb Aare :he accts will be disc l 11ad, Iynfortunat4aly. IIiltCheD won I Church t0 thC l�ien'S (,'Kristian As-
ar Gsvorcc Fainns \weal W'illram stn or ,lXETH_ ,Cohn s1.,. er phone 6iwC�+. 4v;ter. tritra:.c3, ha,
t•eifard•ot,Is to claims friends here• on Sunday. some Of the topics rovered by•Our?tel
P R. W(KIP Phone 2,C I; -U 1 f ( r ,w or on ;k dl) -days. IC 43x'. then rvreived, 114 r. James L. Sleeth and Dr. + 3-0, althou h BID Cam bel] near• b . '
TERMS- Casted i Chatterbox (nifty name, eh what, ): g P aociation of the -Presbyterian
GIRLS' Ro'ral blue, ft,r.,-i- ed -1_ - ___ t.-Ty}L..�HIt.LM.aN. Pr,.rieter I DATED at sraforw. i.hi. lain ass of Russell Bristow, of Detroit,- and Honor Roll, Teacher and Stude'n'tly galloped over the line for a TD. Church.
utr :; l,kf tie° .'na1t,•'n JIaT be seer Isertrcrler. I!ao. lir. W. H. Bristow, of Sarnia, vii. Profile, Sport Sparks, Gossip Cor. Tod°$. Seaforth comes up
at Pt.k"VERY CLEANERS. I: ".,. ' 16. For Sale or. Rent Y HAROI.n JACKSON. Auctioneer i ited Seaforth Fair on Friday. Bert Coming Events, Teen Fash- against Goderieh in the first sebe-
i N" Resrn". I M,CONNELI. and STEWART. Kir. and Mrs. David McGee, of ions and the V.I.Q. (Very Impor. duled game. The Golden Bears '
•P VFm don
orf sit.. corn .apply GER-' }'C\:'R-RCK1M sta<ro b., in nolvlin. seafo,-th. Ontario. ' BRODHAGEN
nln lAp Ann tTFvc>vt. RR A Snaforh i 2��= London, visited her parents, Air. t.ant .Question). Will play With Clinton and Wing- T\\M COY , plane cc R 5 Dahlin. - Solicwts for the Executor. PI.
Phnne S.M R I` 11%3.1 ' - 1"11 I 22 1-s and Airs. S. C. Pullman, over the The Very Important Question this iham squads. !1 -Its. Elizabeth
i pe- Qu Querengesser and
T.ARCF SIZF CiAoni.n e;: harne,r with I f► - -- CLEARING Weekend. week was. "What's wrong withField Day -� Air. Edward Smith, of Brrdhagen,
loo-" dem,. in excrllrr:l rnnait.roa- ' 19. Notices Air. William Manson is a patient High School?" A significant fact; attended a wedding of interest in
AUCTION SALE NOTICE to CREDITORS Monday. the 3rd of October, Will
FHtWO - SPNII irne fl- Its, x1 J in Scott Memorial Hospital was revealed: Many students ! 'Detroit on Saturday, the bride and
I c1 saw COMRtN1NG - Fiaz tamns Witness the 1960 edition of the Sea- %room both being in wheel chairs,
Tlx'O ':OX;• t.n,rk tires Ana rims in C dew. ( Auction Sad°tor Art. GntAon ;N THE MATTER of the Estate of FIAR- forth DHS Intermediate •bl'ytnpits,
irons ,+rdi:irer FNONR HfmaA:l A¢S R :�••rr atolls 4tt+1r CARL -1 WALiTsR l.nt :: C;nnt•e•ai, :P nu:)e,t tine-nshiP FNCE ANNA FEE, late of the liiillagc and the maid of honor and best
412 11�C,1nc] a T,mAT'I�' rhnrr 1_ R .A 1*aivua• 7,, milts north of 1.onAe,sbora ane %>1•. m Reuses. in the coantF or apron, ! b, I A variety of events are planned, man were also in wheel chairs,
li- ' Past. or s miles w<a of L eadt,arr• an W ids, dereasld If and competitors are quickly sign-
ol'FN. REAPT looks. Phone M.RB. MONDAY (K-MPER %, at I p,m-: { I Of the 300 guests attending the
DOCC and FE'i•S bolzrlded by dar or - ,Ing llp.
AJ1.NOi.P sYIOTT S6fi R 72 .ti'eatnrth i .,efo'$-- ^_ °craft}° data. F rears old: .a:: Persons. haling ;}alma Anne the , A reception at Knights Ot Columbus
went R. L. AEATTTE phase alas Sena- ��ii`i �V�� Hall, about 20 of them Were in
17-n.Qzi Hrrrffrd rn•<c•s 4 Fe•Arn std with os-1r•e"s ostste of tare late Floret re Anne Few
____ _ _ _ __ fat-th. 1A-2%011 At fon, : Foll d -Angus onva 4 Fears u7d a ba died on the Std daT of SeptenI s%0ANDT5`pe-Cial /assembly
wI'MMIIJ, in ar,„i rordition AprIr with rAl+-e< at fort: 4 yemrlina Fonad_ :S,FI,. err herohF required to ,send them to, ' At 9 O'clock Wedne;day morning Wheel. chairs, This group became
forth ll' Can -aim HTeN mf Iall Sea. sFFTIil T quick
ac, C. all77ih1--en'cxhesr-n saga, stews, t ,rVAT}ina Porlod-Angus i the n drrs iigned. duiF cerifled on or be- acquanted at their own special
ixr•th egnitarr,en,. Gnirk alervlt,c an mor' guar ", Air. Plumsteel introduced Air. Dun- hoar in Detroit. The bride had
rirr,nr Ci.2 R I1 .�narevrth hedfeT . Arredord Aterre. iao0 7bF : I fore the ?th daT of October. 3A60. rail ,� OLT SC
°rimed Write it home LOIrTS ELLA spring ca e•s OUR OJDGEl• Nderito Ndegwa to the students,
11-zn-: P `liolAtfdn cal -res. pt'lio When she was a child, and
,-_ I thane Q2R6. Rai 2 Rr•araelA. 19-25:1R Pl(:S w•wA with lirtrn: 10 ehaaks I 1 after the lt, nambe dist the dsame of �-r IM THE �D� Mr. Ndegwa is the assistant secre-
A syr Kttr in 1 tit anrtd reit° t+Aled :6P itis I tit persons Eaient will be ",lto. lmnnd amass Lary of the Kenya Treasury, and the groom became paralyzed from
t", d lira m porta A1Ar A nvmlvrr of Rt r,CTROi t'x sAiew and Silim . TMPI.F. V,FNTI- Model Lq Case tisr;nr I i.bf rasa° em ti4Jod therrtn. baring reward DONS, i - a car accident, The bride has her
Citrnnrra ArA pnNaha-rn arm rvvovpditian e+d
pnea. An reds- T,nsYq WiI..RFTv t,'TaS•TvS ( ;052 Ford t.rn.c•,rr: Frvemte.n msanre to»d•' <m1, to ataima of which the andeuwignead a participant III the Foreign Spe- B A and the room is an account.
r.leaners Ana parts. R7:1RT HARRIS 100
_.lane 6f.F R se•A":+0th 71-_... M _,R.crj, left. p -or hire spreader 'aha., tbtm hate notice g
_ � New Atr s4 Godt•rinh ;lariat Exchange program of the
.. _... _... __ .. __ _... _, ^a pbM,e dig-2AzF-Li MAA.<•c•Aarr•is :Mit. l+nw<•r drindta: Ctrs°- I I �� � �` � g P g ant. -
MTuDttAA ,%ME _,Iola or weal 1`stastc:G ford 24-ak threxhing machine with nes' i W. G. COCEaL N'Fs � C'3J office of Cultural Exchange of the miring the evening at the recep-_
c • `�-3 'United States. He entertained the
it erond aaztditirza P,-i<•<x9 renAnnAlvip. Fl,e•r0n: feeeder xaA evta;em; IaN, feet nt•v' Rarrister. Eta, I / 1 tion the), entertained the guests by
Rt ILPt vr. and REMODELING. Batas tudent. for an hour with his ready g
Tal'Tt\ 'r'RTTCa'11vTt,.'It FihT,G•exi- thane Hein- Ari, -r 1M`1t S -ft. Mo-Coraniek Powes mower. EXETER. Oatsria r,i*, c c
tro-arhina done. Also salesmean int N. r
Awn 2fi4' 3 n, 11-nR-2 R-fvrrc,'Q C+,ckahvt Plerw : a-Sarrac MAs- �2.Q2�g - �` putting on square dances in their
O. Hurl Prestnti, Ontario:, -Karel barna I Wit and stories °haul his home• Wheel chairs. The marriage took
'r � sey dreer pieta' 1' -moth Muasep-°atria �n
)-f-I'm Pons- chichrem b mslm driving aheAs mltiratnr : daanp mile: 'a•ngall : barre*+•s
't'tr,��.�°t�atROW tar�•t�eaxiaTAl rlow� _ .__ _ i �- t 'land. The assembly was reminded g
cm rum.r. in ,- c_to,nt eontsitans JACT, and in,W re�ntr. Call WAYNE SMITH, hA, rack: hAT loader: alvitcha: flat rar), `-T._� A . that ail place at Christ Lutheran Church,
I those 6;•1 J 0. Soxforib. 23. Cards of Thanks people are members of .Detroit.
FATRICG thane 654 R %% Semfoiah with sides far seals: 10tt taller: KPII �-
10-Yid-rd the same race. no matter What
11 -%n -i ,xnka pith hAafl p�nP: large set orad° � The bride. Shirley Ruth Spencer,
p my sincere thanks - their appearance To em hasize f P
rtl}eTA <•iry-alar cam: near '19taa rhAia ] WISH 7b ex rrAa -- p� P a daughter Of the farmer's
'' FTLT�tk? QLT1tT1J 9ALN.4 and tiert•itrc. I - is
FtaNza sad'Fal`aNII,Gerharcj Heintz- sawq Pia rrau, at.eee] Lig reeds:; 2OnP- ,n sl: ret,.' fri<�tda. n,"vhhon" and Tela- this. he said in his opening "I niece, Airs, Freeman Spencer and
Rf4liai» fn all tlaskesr ai var0=0 6mr. ra
man, 1111w),A mnAitinn. LevniWA-WTI,tJAM and polisbers, Reoondlatmtd Ovalle" 'tsar ,T Aedelea, fanning min: tae track: ell- uv'rs and Ret. a. noaa)dsoa far all the am glad 10 See }OU ,all look SO P
J R. JM%1KrX3. RR 1. T'aaaalir+•e Rd Cain- snnce cart; blw-h"a"ll tfar+ga amain black- I_)0 -0r& fruit, cards and visits while I , ,l Air. Spencer, f Detrol nee Alma
human ' o t
Hate, ROR PF•i':'If~ Ria t• zarub, Pbaae was a pat3ml in Slx.eorvi Oe�eral Hoa. ; Querengesser, The groom is Don-
, tem 11 %Rx2 stmith vyAe : e4nanrStF of tavola, drat amt and
Re4rsau 6987°'2. 1'9"21rvA-Ed anir}e iron : hlark 2lI arrim drM : '2A
T` " pital. GEORGE MrGAVTN I „ I News Gets Aronnd! ald Larne Skinner, of Detroit.
I QI AbTiY'tY n1 tatxe anA anal} $it= GL]ARANTT'RI1 RAl1I0 amd T� topsin Cber<. trnek Nth 6ttil stake mck: Wnada si-iiia-1
I JAVA' a 115-41-e `r'i'll tn. - Asar1F MR -4- sats .an e],net ictal amns.nee repairs. 1 -o -unit 'his izg machine _7* e'.K.Itne 'firs. Doris Bruder, of Montreal,
I Dorothy: Who started calling
F. ICHA7''Ft„ q,hrmc 6G1 R 2A, Ssa9nrtlt, far la eS:swn:"-h'arne Ldamfl moY,ta; 6 i
1 Faat tree-tLae. goo to RAD seal Tv TBTi LONDO?i ,ARBA branch M the = iF7s VB?S/ _jam, I IS spending three weeks holidays
7 7 atRz'7 rai"lk cans : 12z1 a nOlanF bt"'Ae ; 1roo'der toll "Tile Bat-?
STaR+pICE, Fast i4UI9am S'treta, }otiose Gsaadian Red CroAs CtutaevCr ,and Mr. With her parents, Ai[. and Airs,
Arnve-; 16 rarais vto" and furnnrre ,pond: 1i•�iEY Ahkm VW . Tom: Do you like short blondes Edwin Rock.
It 2FFk 'Cemfortlt, 1S'.tA-mT ..Asan stevena, Ceaforth Reed Cross chair. 3
il PLTFiFrRRar"D vl,&MSLE Tc-,Atr, 3ir,x9 tt3 t avvua snow• Taba•: adt tzam it: c a: R2- man. wish to eacl,rms, tbt•er thanks for the from Stratford?
fSe3d trot rhnnsinn, Aar,i$• C'8Aa'LA,�9 IhR.AIN 'iHIdID--a" Sar til- derd; attar artanahan aabderr; tattaza aux: e7nintity remrnnAr to the Rinnd Donor Clinic East Mrs. Donaldson•' wife Of Rev. H.
5 Tim AhClEY.. Diane: Little brothers come in Donaldson,
1'tRANM1TT, t:7ittYna. pb'ttira :txT. '2.i1d27t,. S", /95 per M. tsord, 6", silt tier Ila, 'ani lursFxm and Tlnaka: 100 feeR of fire. g,Kk. Special thanks is extended to all hand don't the ? pastor f the Anglican
a rasa° r-ilrbusirn:3 cable. v his ata im-A in anir emir. e_RmciaII$ tris Seat
forth, d�'d : 9 :17F vr3 Cul; du7•a. 7?r3ces tfatr y. y 4
IQ-, 12- nerd 14- l s rmcctaft.. NMALL HAT errs 'is Un; -10019 rKalen lam; lane Doug: Who's Linda? Church, Sea Orth, will be the guest
i' „ t"gta�RJW f11Y 33- <rnecrp"Avtire •parkas-° It the Clinic ants the Bili: What does L.T. stand for, speaker at the monthly meeting of
�' '°X l�.ive 6a1R`B rd TTLB LTb., fiaRittf>la7d- iShome from �n • tame btmreha �• Indica who did the c-anrasrdag, •,A.=22 the United Lutheran Church Wo-
msaresalA, axrriF l?:.17L7> NST M.ATti"liN, from
1 Baa L tluou.;,%r*le r4lim U tog d M. 81t4daoia 7-f72t, imam, leJl�Stil
a Na r<Y :?re: faatm sale THE FAMLY of Ail rale Mrs- Roarer•; � � men at St. P'eter's Lutheran Church
SaJ4Rrrra i1011iPtdiaTi. IdiI1J7]�iEE7A sa sin. TERIMC-lJaah W aratm, -r R"z,ll vIa wish to thank The est. was staring at the bo oil Wednesday evening, Oct. 5.
i. fearth aatd .dlebri � etad Deg t'9eanta'R gem- tir4rir kind friends- nesi¢hboara and ala- •+ g y
I TWO MOT �2 t�^�e Iae . vie., WLIM"s 8aaaaa►azaxq smff�a�ia ART +OL►N. �^r�•1, 1. of the house who was driving nails About 20 swing bowlers from
vs UhtAAJdli A St4'.ofto, F7•$t`trd $'at 4tmllT, *aetlt fdr Risrd'P 4`ietereMa ! aaaardetetla Hazoa Jael"n, Aziltiant+er , Ile" for the �bemvtiTal doral tri?sttea, ez- _
mels, "t6ft allot, Sttk9• 11.1 ta hassle. La., nsft l., 04" 4"17Ir� y�A ;Iris. rreatAinm cf $=lathy and actor of °rind• , v into an expensive table. He turned here competed with Zion Lutheran
" tla i.1 1aT.CTX9N= +gilt. s Ibm�Ita to �r.a. sclizbentam nes bait don' you fm it my alive daW�evenin rs in Stratford a�o n Aion-
DT crn�t eVe y g. n three
i� . Stv►'k7DA" S 30 1 41:01 �intxtisallL ba r!°. tient'lamor will aeaatrtw- Rememb t, it takrs but a rota. t'm t1e Islas of nrtaedle'd elrasr. Dr. � to .let your ch&lmn play that way?' games and Brodhagen men's tett'm
1 k1aar ,a ni;ra >C�+»il *M E�1tUt'i °idea ,ft" 7'D* saaaamt04 lit"W "Me lm4 ata eat to ld.ikron, s2t� °suit sof sant! aae�ar2a1 Has-
Pbl� stn ositot Woad Ad s.ta1, ami the VvhSbae7 i�ttncral ITame. Tile father smiled aoudly. `Not woo one game. fills fnldividual
,ad l;kildE sats ,ftrameilA . �Y1� �loffir twaeok t�a11 �1"sl°ni►�aas ami o iia Pte- - 'lb ad- 2t •' sip n,
a� t O�a<h,, ,fix +, ttax :Illrrual �n� aaen' tom, 11 SK s ttarsl nbur. P. wA,moN ants a .. at all,", he replied; I•get the nails and low score tprize all, went Miss,° . t4a+e i. 1t4•�•aett �a • 1 Skaf real.
std plays
.i p - - '
.,:.,,, ,..,. .,,,.- , -. « : -".,: ,..- ,
....v:+ .wY�v,r .e„ " :r+' it v!dx w r. u.+, a tF I ... '