HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-09-22, Page 4*~ IRON IROS;GTt)lt, ,S A 'ORTII, ONT., SEPT. 22, 1960 HURON CQNTRIRDTES $14,000 TO 1960 WORLD REFUGEE FUND Huron Conn? contributed $13,- 8(10.76 to World Itefugee Year in a campaign held earlier this year. "John G. Berry, treasurer for the Campaign, announced this week that $13,507.59 had been forwarded to campaign headquarters in To- ronto, the net proceeds from the drive. Mr. -Berry, in issuing the state- ment, pointed out that there were no expenses for office help, and the canvassers were all volunteer and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 . Seaforth PENNY SALE Sponsored by Dublin Catholic Women's League DISPLAYED IN BOX FURNI- TURE SPORE, SEAFORTH from Sept. 17 to Sept. 21, and in FRIEND & WHETHAM STORE IN DUBLIN from Sept. 21 to Sept. 24 DRAW TO BE HELD IN St. Patrick's Church Hall Dublin on September 27th USBORN-E & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. BEAD OFFICE - Exeter, Ontario President: Alex J. Rohde - R.R. 3, Mitchell Vice -President Milton McCurdy - R.R. 1, Kirkton Directors: E. Clayton Colquhoun, R.R. 1, Science Hill; Martin Feeney, A.R. 3, Dublin; Robert G. Gardiner, R.R. 1, Cromarty;. Timothy, B. Toohey, R.R. 3. Lucan. Agents: Coates,R.R. 1, Centralia; Harry , Clayton Harris, Mitchell; Stanley Hocking,„ Mitchell. Solicitor: Sy. G. Cochrane, - - Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser - - - Exeter workers. However, he said, there were expenses for advertising and necessary telephoning and mater- ials used in the canvass, amount- ing to $392.57. On behalf of the group respon-, sible 'for the drive in Huron, Mr. Berry expressed thanks to "all who gave so freely of their time and services." They felt, his state- ment continued, that Huron Coun- ty made a very fine contribution to this most worthy cause. The following is the list, by municipality, of contributions to the fund: County. of Huron $ Towns: Clinton 2,745.43 Exeter .. 1,490.16 Goderich 2,246.35 Seaforth 975.37 Wingham 980.86 Villages: Auburn 126.25 Blyth 392.25 Brussels 131.45 Bayfield 123.00 Centralia RCAF 723.69 Hensall 25.00 Zurich 161.80 Townships: Ashfield 235.95 Colborne 393.60 Goderich 222.85 Grey 358.50 Hay 105.00 Howick (Qorrie) 21.70 Hullett 30.00 Mbrris 385.55 McKillop 211.60 Stanley 100.00 Stephen (Crediton) 576.$5 Turnberry 270.25 Usborne 100.00 East Wawanosh 80.00 West Wawanosh 186.10 $13,900.16 500.00 Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Exposi- tor Classified Ad. Phone 141. If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired -out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just • temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the tine to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimidate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better: •Gel Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the , blue box with the red band at all drug couuters.You can depend on Dodd's.eo GET OUR COMPLETE TV TUNEUP ! When you start seeing double -on your TV., screen, of course -it's time for our com- plete TV tuneup. Let us put your set in top working condition! PHONE US TO -DAY ! Scott Radio & TV Service Small Electri6al Appliance Repairs Phone 250 - Seaforth ELECTRICAL WIRING RELIABLE SERVICE BY EXPERTS McKillop Fair Results (Continued-1'mm Page 1) Calves 4-H Junior beef calves: Larry Horne, 12; Donna Horne, 12; Gor- don Moylan, 1. Beef calf, 1960, pail -fed: Jean Rowe, 9; Betty Rowe, 9. Dairy heifer calf, senior: Annie Stewart, 4; Mary Lou Coyne, 1. Dairy heifer calf; junior: Doug- las Boy, 6; Annie Stewart, 4; Bon- nie Stewart, 4; Mary Lou Coyne, 1, Sweepstakes: Douglas Boyd, 6. Best showmanship: Annie Stewart, 4; Douglas Boyd, 6,; Larry Horne, 12. Goats: Donna -Borne, 12; Tony Christenson. 6; Garry Dietz, 8. Lambs Best market lamb: Jim Bosman, 7; Paul Somerville, 7; Neil Mc- Nichol, 7; Donnie Dalton, 7. Best long wool .lamb: Paul Somerville, 7; Neil McNichol, 7; Linda Somerville, 7; Kennie Dal- ton, 7. Best short wool lamb: Paul Som- erville, 7; Neil McNichol, 7; Don- nie Dalton, 7; Jimmy Dalton, 7. Pigs Best pair pigs, 50 pounds and under: Tom Leeming, 7; John Leeming, 7; Linda Somerville, 7; Paul Somerville, 7. Best pair pigs, 100 pounds and under: Karen Rock, 8; June Hillen, 6. Sow, 1960: Amy Stewart, 4; Ronnie Stewart, 4; Laurie•Fischer, 9; Laurie Fischer, 9. Poultry Pair of geese: Bob Shannon,. 7. Pair turkeys, Rae Beattie, 12; Donna Horne, 12; Larry Horne, 12. Pair ducks: Loretta Murray, 1; Ross Elliott, 6; Jim Henderson, 4. Pair pheasants: Billy Siemon,'.8; Kenneth. Dolmage, 10. Pair Bantams, Grades 1, 2, 3: Leslie Glanville, 12; Ingolli Chris- tensen, 12; Larry Horan, 8. Pets. Pair rabbits, Grades 1, 2, 3: Grant Little, 10; Tommy Rapson, 12; Mary Leeming, 7.• Best ,dog: Barry Gordon, 4; Don- na Gdt•don, 4; Jack Flannigan, 1. Best cat: Randy Duffy, 6; Lu- cille Walsh, 1; Lenny Ryan,'1. Pair guinea pigs: Ross Elliott, 6; Douglas Boyd, 6. ' Pair White Rocks: Garry Bet- ties, 10, Pair White Leghorns: Rae Beat- tie, 12; Mary Lou Coyne, 1; Glenn Beuermann, 6. - Pair Sussex: Evelyn Storey, 6; Francis Maloney, 1; Elaine Beuer- mann, 6. Pair Light Hybrids: Gordon Moy- lan, 1; Larry Horan, 8; .1 nice Horan, 8. Pair Heavy Hybrids: Ross El- liott, 6; Tommy Rapson, 12; Jos- eph Walsh,. 1. Grain Quart of field and garden beans: June Hillen, 6; Herby Shannon, 7; Nancy McNichol, 9; Michael John- ston,- 8; Jean Roe, 9; Douglas Boyd, 6.. Six stalks ensilage corn: Rae Beattie, 12; Glen Beuermann, 6; Neil Beuermann, 6; Marie Mc- Clure, 10; Warren Beuermann, 6; Lois Beuermann, 6. Bale of second -cut hay: Murray Pryce, 10; Bryan Pryce, 10; Dyke Little, 6; Neil Little, 6; Brian Campbell, 10; Bonnie Stewart, 4. Bale of first -cut hay: Murray Pryce, 10; Bruce Elliott, 6; Billy Duffy, 6; Brian Pryce, 10; Loretta Murray, 1; Stephen Murray,..1. Field beans: Donna Horne, 12; Larry Horne, 12; Bonnie Stewart, 4; Murray Henderson, 4; Billy Henderson, 4; Earle Rose, 9. Sheaf of oats: Larry Horne, 12; Keith Siemon, 8; Billy Siemon, 8; Earle Rose, 9. Sheaf of wheat: Earle Rose, 9; Bernice Rose, 9; Keith Siemon,' 8. Sheaf of barley: Keith Siemon, 8. Quart of oats: Mary Lou Coyne, 1; Larry Horne, 12; Francis Ma- loney, 1; Eric Bennewies, 8, Quart of Wheat: Douglas Boyd, 6. Quart barley: Mary Lou Coyne, 1; Loretta Murray, 1. Vegetables and Fruits Field turnips: Loretta Murray:, 1; Keith Siemon, 8. Table turnips: Bob Shannon, 7; Bernice Rose, 9; Joan Eckert, 8. Irish Cobbler potatoes: Keith Siemon, 8; Evelyn Storey, 6; Bruce Glanville, 9; Earle Rose, 9; Stan- ley Glanville, 9; Bernice Rose, 9. Katadin potatoes: June Hillen, 6; Joan Dennis, 9; Murray Mc- Clure, 12; Keith Siemon, 8; Herby Shannon, 7; Diane Henderson, 4. Sebago potatoes: Joan Dennis, 9; Rae Beattie, 12; Janice McClure, 10; Ron Koehler, 8; Keith Siemon, 8; Sharon Brant, 1. Tomatoes: Rae Beattie, 12; Bar- bara McClure, 10; Paul Horan, 8; Nancy McNichol, 9; Francis Ma- loney, 1; Fred Nyland, 1. - Six cobs table corn: Herby Shan- non, 7; Eileen Maloney, 1; Billy Siemon, 8; Warren Rock, 8; Larry Horne, 12; Donna Horne, 12. Mangolds: Mary Lou Coyne, 1; Jimmy Murray, 1; Billy Hender- son, 4; Jimmy Henderson, 4; Billy Siemon, 8; Elsie Rose, 9. Carrots: Danny O'Rourke, 1; Bernice Rose, 9; Michael Johnson, 8; Murray Pepper 12; Warren Rock, 8; Eileen Maloney, 1. Beets: Jimmy Henderson, 4; Sharon Brant, 1; Evelyn Storey, 6; Danny O'Rourke, 1; Herby Shan non, 7; Bernice Rose, 9. Cabbage: Mary Love Coyne, 1; Julia Blanchard, 10; Sharon Brant, 1. UPHOL'STERYS Now is the time to have that old Chesterfield Suite made like New Again ! YOU WILL BE TI BILLED WITH THE RESULTS ! Now your Two-piece Chesterfield Suite, com- pletely upholstered and re -styled at the labor price of: CHESTERFIELD $ 25.00„ CHAIR 15.00 $ 40.00 Rebuild your furniture and cover it in your choice of handsome decorated fabrics to give you like -new furniture at half-price. We repair the frame, retie the springs and replace webbing. Then cover your furniture in your choice of the newest fabrics. Our 26 years of experience assures you of the finest in workmanship. We only use the BEST in materials. Just give us a Ball and we will be glad to show you the newest samples and make a free estimate. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY We also do Track and Car Upholstery We Hive the Newest Leatherettes JUST CALL 446 SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street -- SEAFORTH DAVID HULLEY, left; five-month son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hulley, RR 1, Seaforth, was the winning baby under six months at the McKillop School Fair Thursday. At the right is one- year -old Beth McNichol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen McNichol, RR 2, Walton, winner of the over six months contest, (B-H photo). Storey, 6; Douglas Boyd, 8; Joane Dennis,- 9; Murray McClure, 12; Larry Murray, 8. Plums: Kenneth Dolmage, 10; Ian Bruce Dolmage, 10; Anne Shea, 1; Anne Shea; Loretta Mur- ray, 1; Michael Johnson, 8. Collections Grades 1 and 2; cutouts of birds: Glenda Little, 10; Janice McClure, 10; Janice Dietz, 8; Glenn, Dol - mage, 10; Linda Miller, 8; -Mar- jorie Glanville, 12. Grades 3-4, cutouts of machin- ery: Harvey Bernard, 12; Larry Horne, 12; Grant Little, 10; Leslie Glanville, 12; Leslie Bernard, 12; Rae Beattie, 12. Collection of leaves and their fruits, Grades 5, 6, 7, 8: Amy Stew- art, 4; Bonnie Stewart, 4; Linda Somerville, 7; Lois Bernard, 12; Karen Dolmage, 10; Miles Little, 10. Collection of post cards (mount- ed): Donna Gordon, 4; June Hil- len, 6; Karen Dolmage, 10; Ricky Mackenzie, 4; Mary Walsh, 1; Amy Stewart, 4. Winter bouquet:. Grades 1-8: Ken- neth Dolmage, 10 Linda Somer- ville, 7; Murray McClure, 12; Lois Bernard, 12,; Karen Christenson, 12; Witold Ohomiki, 12. A box suitably gift wrapped: Amy Stewart, 4; Maureen Ryan, 1; Donna Gordon, 4; Joan Alex- ander; 12; Michael Walsh, 1; In - golf Christenson, 12. Manual Training. Match scratcher, Grades 1-2: Tommy Ryan, 1; Tommy Rapson, 12; Murray Pepper, 12; Harvey Bernard; 12; Herby Shannon, 7; Marjorie Glanville, 12. Coat hangers, Grades 3-4: Ian Bruce Dolmage, 10; Elsie Rose, 9; Leslie Bernard, 12; Tony Christen- sen, 12; Larry Horne, 12; Rae Beattie, 12. • Nail box, Grades 5-6: Joan Alex- andra, 12; Karen Christensen, 12; Agrt'es Dolmage, 10; Earl Rose, 9; Billy-Siemon, 8; Paul Cuthill, 12. - Corner bracket, Grades 7-8: Jim Rapspn, 12; Jim Alexander, 12; Jean Patrick, 12; Keith Siemon, 8; Lois Bernard, 12; Witold Chom- icki, 12. Eggs Brown eggs: Bruce Elliott, 6; Brenda Pryce, 10; Michael .Walsh, 1. White eggs: Rae Beattie, 12; James Bosman, 7; June Hillen, 6. Writing and Printing Grade 8: Mary Lou Coyne, 1; Amy stewart. 4; Lois Godkin, 6; Donna Gordon, 4; Roba Doig, 4; Eileen O'Rourke, 1. Grade 7: Mary Margaret Flana- -gan, 1; Betty Shea. 1; Witold Chomicki, 12; Lois Bernard, 12: Sharon Beuermann, 6; Jean Pat- rick, 12, Grade 6: Ingolf Christensen, 12; Karen Christensen, 12; Liiida Som- erville, 7; :Margaret Rose Ryan, 1; June Hillen, 6;, Paul Horan, 8. Grade 5: Roy Glanville, 12; Anne Shea. 1; Joan Alexander, 12; Jean Roe, 9; Bernice Rose, 9; Paul Cuthill, 12. Grade 4: Gerry Malone, 1; Mary Lou Murray, 1; Tony Christensen, 12; LarryHorne, 12; Leslie Bern- ard, 12; rancis Beuermann, 9. Grade 3: Rae Beattie, 12; Les- lie Glanville, 12; Laurie Fischer, 9; Joanne Murray, 1; Betty Roe, 9; Kenny Flanagan, 1. Grade 2: Paul Somerville, 7; Herbie Shannon, 7; Harvey Bern- ard; 12; Donnie Dalton, 7; Bar- bara McClure, 10 ; Danny O'Rourke, 1. Grade 1: Donna Horne, 12; Mary Lou Ryan, 1; Murray Pep- per, 12;• Tom Rapson, 12; Sharon Shea, 1: Marjorie Glanville, 12. Drawing A Seasonal Activity, Grades 7-8: Gary Bettles, 10; Brenda Hoegy, Onions: Murray Pepper, 12; Jane Shannon, 41 Janice Horan, 8; Dan- ny O'Rourke, 1; Keith Siemon, 8; Warren Rock, 8. Spanish onions: Paul Horan, 8; Janice Horan, 8; Gordon Koehler, 8; June HIIIen, 6; Larie Horne, 12; Murray Pepper, 12. Citrons: Jean Patrick; 12; Earle Rose, • 9. Pie pumpkins: Bonnie Stewart, 4; Laure Fischer, 9; Gregg Fisch- er, 9; Whitold Chomicki, 12; Ken- neth Dolmage, 10; Mark Smith, 4. Largest pumpkin: Loretta Mur- ray, 1; Keith Siemon, 8. Fall apples: Marie McClure, 10; Joan Dennis, 9; Danny O'Rourke, 1; Linda Miller, 8; Herby Shan- non, 7; Linda Somerville, 7. Pears: Linda Miller, 8; Evelyn 6; Murray McClure, 12; Barry Brant, 1; Amy Stewart, 4; Shirley Eckert, 8. A Safety Poster, Grades 5-6: Paul Horan, 8; Linda Somerville, 7; Margaret Rose Ryan, 1; Agnes Dolmage, 10; Catharine Flannigan, 1; Mary Beuermann, 8. A Native Animal, Grades 3-4: Douglas Boyd, 6; Leslie Glanville, 12; .Neil McNichol, 7; Gordon Ryan, 7; Douglas Wey, 7; Rickey Riehl, 8. Playing With My Pet, Grades 1- 2: Herbie Shannon, 7; Brenda Pryce, 10; Glen Dolmage, 10; Lucille Walsh, 1; Danny O'Rourke, 1; Larry Flannigan, 1. Fancy Work Nine -inch square with embroid- ered flower design, Grades 3-4: Larry Horne, 12; Leslie Bernard, 12; Leslie Glanville, 12; Rae Beat- tie, 12 ;• Mary Lou Ryan, 1 ; Maureen Ryan, 1. Pair cross stitched pillow cases, Grades 5-6: Linda Somerville, 7; Sharon Beuermann, 6; June Hil- len, 6; Jean Roe, 9; Bernice Rose, 9; Dale Beuermann, 6. Cushion top, hand -made, Grades 7-8: Lois Bernard, 12; Karen Dol - mage, 10; Linda Somerville, 7; Maureen Ryan, 1; Jean Patrick, 12; Karen Christensen, 12. Sewing and Knitting Sewing Card, Grades 1-2: Har- vey Bernard, 12; Donna Horne, 12; Murray Pepper, .12; Tommy Rap- son, 12; Stan Fischer, 9; Joan Den- nis, 9. Knit doll afghan, Grades 3 and 4: Jane Shannon, 4. Embroidery lunch cloth made from sugar'sack, Grades 5.and 6: Linda Somerville, 7; Bernice Rose, 9; Sharon Brant, 1. Half apron, machine stitched, Grades 7 and 8: Eileen Maloney, 1; Jean Patrick, 12; Lois Bernard, 12; Karen Dolmage, 10;"Amy Stew- art, 4; Linda Somerville, 7. Hand hem a tea . towel, open, Grades 1 to 4: Elise Rose, 9 ; Maureen -_Ryan, 1; 'Mary Lou Ry- an, 1.. Doll quilt, ellen, Grades 5 to 8:. Karen Dolmage, 10; .-Linda Somer- ville, 7; Bernice Rose, 9. Teacher, any knitted article: Mrs. Murray, 1; Jessie Little 12. Baking and Canned Fruit School lunch,.,,Gradcs 7-8: .Don= na Gordon, 4; Sharon McKenzie, 4; Amy Stewart. 4: Loretta Mur- ray, 1: Stanley Glanville, 9. Maple cream candy: Marjorie Glanville, 12: Betty Roe, 9; June Hillen. 6: Paul Cuthill, 12; Jean Roe, 9; Donald Ry an,. 1. Bran muffins: Gordon Moylan, 1; Yvonne Pryce. 10; ,Sharon Mc- Kenzie, 4; Joanne Mur1`a; , 1; Earle Rose. 9; Barbara McClure, 10. Oatmeal cookies: Betty Roe, 9; Jeaui Roe, 9; Amy Stewart, 4; Joyce McNichol, 9; Mary Walsh, 1; Bonnie Stewart, 4. Drop cookies: Paul Horan; 8; Janice, Horan; 8; Jean Roe, 9; Bet- ty Rbe, 9; Elsie Rose, 9; Earle Rose, 9. Tarts: Bernice •Rose, 9; Patricia Ryan, 1; Lucille Walsh, 1; June Hillen, 6; Glenda Little, 10; Larry Flannigan, 1. Angel cake: Karen Dolmage, 10; Leona Glanville, 9; Linda Somer- ville, 7; Maureen Ryan, 1; Betty Roe, 9; Stan Fischer, 9. Light layer cake: Sharon Mc- Kenzie, 4; Gary Koehler, 8; Leona Glanville, 9; Linda-Somervilld, 7;. Loretta Murray, 1. Dark layer cake: Leona Glan- ville; 9; Amy Stewart, 4; Lois Beuermann, 6; Sharon McKenzie, 4 ; Linda Somerville, 7; Gwen Buermann, 6. • Applie pie: Linda Somerville, 7; Sharon McKenzie, 4; Betty Roe, 9. Lemon pie: Karen Dolmage, 10; Leona Glanville, 9; Linda Somer- ville, 7; Gerald Ryan, 1; Agnes Ryan, 1; Patsy Murray, 1, Pumpkin pie: June Hillen, 6; Donald Ryan, 1; Karen Dolmage, 10; Linda Somerville, 7. Raisin pie: Linda Somerville, 7; Laura Ryan, 1; Karen Dolmage, 10; Jean Roe, 9; Sharon McKenzie, 4; Willy Nyland, 1. - Cake baked by teacher: Jean Little, 12; Mrs. Murray,. 1. Salad dressing: Ricky McKenzie, 4; Danny O'Rourke, 1; Larry Hor- an, 8; Elsie Rose, 7; June Hillen, 6; Sharon MacKenzie, 4. Canned cherries: Karen Chris- tensen, 12; Gary Betties, 10; Shar- on McKenzie, 4; Laura Ryan, 1; Brian Campbell, 10; Roba Doig, 4. Strawberries'. Roba Doig, 4 ; Eileen Maloney, 1; Lois Beuer- mann, 6; Sharon McKenzie, 4; El- sie Roe, 7; Gwen Beuermann, 6. Raspberries: Patricia Ryan, 1; Roy Glanville, 12; Jack Flannigan, 1; Lois Beuermann, 6; Evelyn Storey, 6; Linda Somerville, 7.. Flowers Dining room bouquet of either Sweet Peas, Pansy or Marigold: Jane Shannon, 4; Sharon McKen- zie, 4; Nancy McNichol, 9; Linda Somerville, 7; Jean Patrick, 12; Ron Koehler, 4. Potted ,plant in bloom: Keith Siemon, 8; Glenn Dolmage, 10; June Hillen, 6; Joyce McNiehol, 9; Gary Betties, 10; Murray. Pepper, 12, Asters: Gary Betties, 10; San- dra Johnston, 6; Bob Shannon, 7; Billy Siemon, 8; Jean Roe, 9; Tom Leeming, 7. Zinnias. large: Larry Murray, 8; Gary Bettles, 10; Joan Dennis, 9; June Hillen, 6; Carol Boven, 12; Joan Alexander, 12, Small: Janice McClure, 10; Joyce McNichol, 9. Michael Johnson, 8; Jean Patrick, 12; Loretta Murray, 1; Eileen Ma- loney, 1. Gladioli: Paul Somerville, 7; Linda Somerville, 7; Gary Bettles, 10; Marjorie Glanville, 12; Billy Siemon, 8; Warren Rock, 8. Bouquet of Phlox: Joan Dennis, 9.; Gary Bettles, 10. Bouquet of Snapdragons: Joanne Elligsen, 8; Jean Patrick, 12; Lin- da Somerville, 7; John' Leeming, 7; Sandra Johnston, 6; Danny O'Rourke, 1. Bouquet of Cosmos: Mary Leem- ing, • 7; Jean Roe, 9;• Paul Somer- ville, 7; Jean Patrick. 12; Billy Roe, 9; Linda Somerville, 7. SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son Exeter 41 ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: Clinton 1620 Seaforth 57' MITC.HELL FALL FAIR Tuesday and Wednesday SEPTEMBER, 27 and 28 - $6,000.00 in Prizes - HORSE RACES: 2:22 and 2:28 Classes ." THE BIGGEST LITTLE FAIR IN ONTARIO" HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN, AND CALCIUM TO BUILD STURDY BODIES ..Proof Marie Fraeer's "Milk and Honey' Recipes. Write -today, DAIRY PAINMERA OP CANADA 409i -toren Street, Toronto on milk! Maple Leal Dairy ng PHONE 101 - SEAFORTH SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Maple Leaf Products are available at BROCK'S SUPERTEST SERVICE and SEAFORTH GRILL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS - Phone 141 Read the Advertisements - • It's a Profitable Pastime BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 : Seaforth If no answer, call 317 JOHN A. GORWILL, BA., MD. • Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 P. L. BRADY, MD. Surgeon Telephone 750.W 1 DR. E. MALKUS Telephone 15 EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p;m. Appointments may be made. D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday - 1 to 8 p.m. A. M. HARPER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants 55 South St. Telephone Goderich JA 4-7562 `Licensed Municipal Auditor. G. A. WEBB, D.C.* *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 Main Street - Exeter X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday. Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointment - Phone 606 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M,, VS. W. R. Bryans, D..V.M:, VS. - W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., VS. S. D. Meeuwisse Phone 105• Seaforth A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ONTARIO McCONNELL • & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART SEAFORTH, Ont. - Telephone 174 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF • Optometrist Phone 791 Seaforth Eyes Examined - Glasses, Fitted MAIN OFFICE, SEAFORTH Goderich St. West, adjacent to Seaforth. Clinic. Office Hours: Seaforth daily, except Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.-12;30 p.m.; Thursday evenings by appointment only. Clinton: Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 pan. (Above Hawkins' Hardware) THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Out, OFFICERS: - President -J. L. Malone, Seaforth Vice -President John H. McEwing, Blyth. Secretary -Treasurer -W. E. South- gate, Seaforth. DIRECTORS: J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm ; Robert Archibald Seaforth; John IL Mc - Ewing, Blyth; William S. Alexan- der, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode- rich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth; N. Trewartha, Clinton. • AGENTS: Vincent Lane, R.R. 5, Seaforth; William Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; James Keys, R.R. 1, Seaforth; Harold Squires, R.R. 3, Clinton. 004000000000040 • • W. J. CLEARY 4' O Seaforth, Ont. 0 O LICENSED EMBALMER 0 O and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 O Night or Day Calls - 335 0 O 0 004'0"000000000.0 000000000000000 0 O BOX 0 Funeral Service • R. S. BOX • • Licensed Embalmer • • Prompt and careful attention • • hospital Bed 4. • FLOWERS FOR ALL • • OCCASIONS • • Phones: • • • Rea. 595-W Store `S • • • ♦• 0•••••••••••••o 0 ❑0000000000 o.00❑ 0 • J. A. BURKE ' 0 Funeral Director 4 O and Ambulance Service 0 O DUBLIN ONT. 0 O Night or Day Calls: 0 O Phone 43 r 10_' 0 0 0 O 0040000000000❑ O 0000000000004❑ • 4> o, G. A. WHITNEY 4 '' Funeral Home • • Goderich- St. W., Seaforth e • AMBULANCE SERVICE o 0 0 • Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION • • •••••••••••••^❑ i 1