HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-09-08, Page 6'RQ N t2RWPQRS ORH1, ONT., SEPT, KO. SELL AND PROFIT... BUY AND SAVE GET A BETTER JOB ...HIRE GOOD HEI.P! VSE.TRissE izafAssinamoris TO YOT.IR ADVANTAGE Canting Weida I. Lost, &meal Fogad "4. Relp Wanted 6. Businese Opportunities Teechers Wanted 7. Situationa Wanted 8. Fn Stack For Sala - 9. Peultra For Sale 10- Used Cars For Sale 11. Articlea For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy IS. Waute4 *4. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17 Wanted To Rent, 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21, Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 28. Cards of Thanks 24. In Memoriam 25. Personals The cest le low. Classifications 2. S. 8. 9, 10, 11. 12, 13, 15, 17 -minimum 25 emits an insertion. MI other clasai- Ocations, minimum 50 cents per insertion. except Action Sales (20), Tenders Want- ed (21) and Legal Notices (221, rates on application. Billing Charge. 15 eento 11 not paid by 10 days following last insert- ion. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firma. Tradesmen, etc.) Minimum, 60 centa per insertion. Bill- ing charge. 15 cents per advertisement 1. Coming Events WIENF,R ROAST -Saturday, Sept. 17. in -Bay-field, at 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Seaforth District Young Liberal Chrb. 1-30-1 2. Lost, Strayed DOG -Brown and white -legged hound. etrayed near coneession 8, McKillop. Any ' one knowing the whereabouts, please _PHONE 81 11 ..14, Dublin. 2.30-1 TWO MILK CANS numbered N 76, taken by mistake. Please return to MR, HENRY KLAVER, 11.51. 4, Clinton." 2-10x1 A SMALL sand -yellow colored dog with a. Bison mil. and amps on one hind leg. He answers to the name of "Sandy". kind- er please phone BRUSSELS '382 W 9. collect. Reward. .2-30x1 4. Help Wanted DAY HELP for farm, could mean steady employment, Apply BOX 948, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 4-30x1 HOME SEWERS WANTED. Good earnings, for free details write PATER - SON ENTERPRIZES, Station 13, Fort Erie, Ontario, 4-10x3 Part -Time BOOKKEEPER Male or Female Fully qualified bookkeeper required for part -'time work at United Daltly and Poultry Co-operative. Seaforth Branch. Must have experience on full set of books. Apply: CLARE •FtEITEL Seaforth Phone 13, Seaforth. . 4-30-1 STANLEY TOWNSHIP 'SCHOOL AREA BOARD Are in, iting applications by sealed ten- der for the position of caretaker in their No. 10 School. Duties to commence immediately. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accept. ed. Closing date for applications will be Seritember 17, 1960. T. B. BALRJ), Secretary -Treasurer, Brueefield, Ont. 4-32-1 7. Situations Wanted DRESS M A KIN G Apply MILDRKD HANEY, Egmondville. 7-30x1 AVAILABLE for housework, by, day or hour. reliable baby sitting. PHONE 292 J, Seaforth, 7-30x1 8. Farm Stockfor Sale FIFTY PIGS. Aliply JOHNAWILLEMS phone 673 J 4, 840x1 FORTY PIGS for aale. Apply PAUL WOGELS, phone 86 R 11, Dublin. 8-30x1 ,SOME choice York chunks. A. It. DODDS, RR 2, Seaforth. 8-30-1 • 909 BABCOCK BESSIES, vaccinated, wormed and ready for the lay Pen. JERRY DOERR, Phone 81 R 4, Dublin. S-30-1 ONE CHESTNUT pony mare guaran- teed quiet with children. Apply W. E. HANEY, phone 662 11 33. Seaforth. 840-2 TWENTY-ONE weanling ,pigs about 6 weeks old. ANTHONY DeJONG, R.R. 3, Senfortit. Phone HU 2-9983, Clinton. 840x1 9. Poultry For Sale 11. Articles For Sale V IOLIN-Gernian handmade. oU fin,- isbed. Outstanding instrument. Phone HENSALL 672 11 21. 11-30x2 OATS. STRAW end 'I acres alfalfa. PAT RYAN, phone 47 R 16, Dublin. . 11-30x1 TWO TOY Manchester mule pupa: $20. PHONE' 663 J 2, Seaforth. 11-30-1 POTATOES- 75 ib. bag 31.75. Book your orders now. BORDON BROWN, phone 841 R 2. 11-30-1 QUANTITY of baled socopd-cut alfalfa hay also a good International eide de - leery rake. WILBUR KEYES, Seaforth. 11-30-1 JOHN DEF,RE Model '60' traetor; used three seasons. Excellent condition. l'HONE 580-W, Seaforth. 11-30-1 THREE -HUNDRED Red Sussex pullets, 5 months old registered Hereford bull, 2 years old and 2 stacks a oat straw. Apply W. D. WILSON, Brudefield, Phone 658 It. 33, Seaforth, 11-30-1 HONEY FOR SALE --- Now Pouring closer honey at 25e Round in your own containers; Golden, 20e pound; also oe,e-• pound comb honey sections ,at 50e. WAL- LACE ROSS APIARIES, Seaforth. 11-30-2 12. Wanted To Buy HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick, down and disabled farm animals. Prompt courteous collection of all dead and dis- abled farm animals and bides. Call coll- lect, El) ANDREWS. 851 R Seaforth. Associated with Darling & Co.. of Canada Ltd. 12-2948 13. Wanted TWO SMALL kittens, about six weeks old. PHONE 5674, Seaforth. 1340X1 FLOCKOWNERS. to supply us with hatching eggs. All breecla required. Eggs taken frorn some breeds every week in the year. We pay val to 350 pee dozen more than the market price for good hatching eggs. For full detaila write TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMIe TED, Fergus, Ontario. 13-28,4 14. Property For Sale ' NUMBER of choice building lots in Esmond vi Ile. W. E. •IIANrEY, phone 662 R 33, Seaforth. 14-30-2 1TENSALL - Two-storei duplex brick house, hot water furnace, one family up- stairs; main floor another. Extra build. in glot Write WM. PEARCE, Realtor, or RUSSELL BRODERICK. Sideman, 'Exeter. 14-29-2 FIFTY Sussex and ilainp Pullete, 6 months old, laying. ELDON KERR, phone 836 R 6, Senforth. 940-1 FOUR HUNDRED Kimber Leghorn Pullete. ready to lay. APO,: EMIMERSON COLEMAN. phone 666 R 11, Seaforth 940x1 000 PULLETS, started to In 7, Honnegger layers. Will deliver and de - beak. FRANK MURRAY. R.R. 2, Wal- ton. Phone 45 R 6, Dublin. 9-80x1 10. Used Cars For Bale 15. Property For Rent ONE FOUR -ROOM apartraent heated. Apply ROBERT D. SCOTT, phone 250. Seaforth. 15-2.941 EIGHT -ROOM house with three bed- rooms; oil heated; fully furnished. Situ- ated on Goderieh Street West, PHONE 216, Seaforth. 15-30-tf IMMEDIATELY, lower and upper self contained apartments. Private entrances, Insulated iind redecorated. ORVILLE DALE. • 15-30x1 APARTMENT „for rent. Lower apart- ment available immediately. Apply to CLAYTON DENNIS, phone 669 W 12, Seaforth. 15-29-tf FI VE ROOM redecorated upstairs apartment; all modern conveniences. Ap- ply BORDEN BROWN. Phone $4 R 2. Sea f orth. 15-29-tf FRONT APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and bath. Apply UNIIED DAIRY and POULTRY CO.DBERATIVE, Sea. - forth Branch, Phone 13. 15-29-tf MODERN heated apartment ; private •entrance: four rooms with complete bath. Available October 1st. Apply MRS. ED. SMITH, John St., or phone' 6834 after 6 p.m. 1540x1 1066 DODGE Mayfair hardtop, V-8 en- gine, Powerflite. 'In good condition. Phone 654 R'21,, Seaforth, between 6 end 1 p.m. 10.4(bd 11. Articles For .Sale APARTMENT to rent, unfurnished in Seaforth; bedroom, Ming room„,kitchen and bath. Heated. Refrigerator available if required : residential section. LLOYD ROWAT. phone 479 W, Seafortb. 15-30-1 16. For Sale or Rent SIX ROOM cottage. located on George St, No rth . irnmedlate postieseinn. APR* MRS. RUSSEL PRINGLE, Phone 857.1125. 16-30x2 19. Notices FILTER QUEEN SALES and service. Repairs to all makes of vermin cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. 1300 PECK, 1151 1, Zurich. Phone Hensall 696512. 19-21'134f GUARANTEED RADIO and TV repairs and small electrical appliance repairs. Feet service. SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE,' East William Street, Phone 250, Seaforth. 19-29-tf PINDillY four -burner electric apart- ment size stove; 1 large mitred sink, both in excellent condition. PRONE GI A 19, Dublin. °• 11-280 contpLETs Mut di farnorts Ritten- house Door Ohimea, sales, installation and wrested, ar today *re free estimate. WOW 10 !lad TV stanyton, Phone 994? Sestorth. 1,1-29-tt , jitAttRi. ItMtatER8--taatant dr, Wince, *dot Sa-in speefoiee$ it ran •tort top and iltodo.,rolce0 io war to tad. aTailablle. Nina coking Ra TIM HURON IlItOgrrOlt. note to. /40000..- MOTORS AND PORTABLE powee tools rewound and repaired. Parts for an Pop- ular makes. New motors available on short notice. ART LEVETT and SONS. 139 Erie Street, phone Clinton HU, 2- 5640. 19-29-5.8 19. Notices DOGS and PETS boarded he day or week. It. L. )3EATITE phone 450. Sea - forth. 19-26x12 ATTENTION, FAlthiF,RS--Barn clean- ing and spraying with either lime or eurbola. JIM LE1SH6AN, Seaforth. Phone 655 R 2. 19-29x2 KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY, expert re -upholstering, refinishing and repairing. Work guaranteed, reasonable prices, one week servke. Call GINGERiCIPS SALES & SERVICE, phone 585, Seaforth. 1949-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED -modern equipment, quick service, all work guar- anteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, phone 42516, RR 2 Brussels. 19-25x17 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service. Cleaners and polishers, also reconditioned eleuners and parts. BERT HARRIS. 109 Newgate St., Goderich, phone JA -4-7917. 19-29x6-tf BUILDING and REMODELING. eaves - troughing done. Also salesman for N. 0. Hipel, Preston, Ontario; Ebel barns. loafing pens, chicken houses, driving sheds and metal roofing. Call WAYNK SMITH, phone 671 .1 4, Seaforth. 19-29-te ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERV ICE Highest cash price', paid in surrounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled bora. ea and cattle. Horses at 6e pound. For the fastest and proper removal of all ani- mals, day or night. Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 31900 (No toll charge) 19-22-26 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan Cleaners, Mount Forest, More spots and stains removed. Garments stay clean long- er, wear longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE. Phone 247 for pick-up. 19-2941 Tuckersmith Township Municipal DUMP will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday end Saturday afternoons until further notice. CORA CHESNEY Clerk, Tuckersrnith 19-29-tf TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Adjourned Sale of Lands To Be Sold I'm- Arrears . of ,Taxes. DRAIN TUZ-4", 855 Per al, dad; 5", 886 Per 6. dela!: 6", 8110 Per M, derd ; 8 ", $176 per M, derd. Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on request. RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., Eiginfleld, Phone BAldwin 7-4721. Liman. 19-9841 In accordance with a Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township under his hand and seal dated April 6th, 1960, an Adjourned Sale of Lands to be sold for arrears of Mice% in thee Tovrnahip of Tuckersmith will be held on 'Tuesday, September 13, 1960. at 3 p.m., in the Town Hall, Seaforth, Ontario. • CORA CHESNEY, Treasurer. 1940-1 WATERLOO ' CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service fa pro- vided from'bulls of all breeds. We are Fanner owned and •controlled• and operate at cost. Summer calling hours: Between 7:30 and 930 a.m., weekdays; 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., Saturday evening:3- E0r service or more information call: COMPLETE LAITI4D1.1x.RIA in Sea- rforth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser. ilea. WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Sesforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteris Ltd., Exeter. Clinton HU 2-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 19-29-13 20. Auction Sales 19-29-tf ' CLEARING AUCTION SALE 20. Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE Auetion Sale of Household Effects in Hibbert 'township. 2 miles west of Staffs oxi County Road, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th, at 1 p.m.: Duo -Therm oil heater with eireulating fun 21-ineh Phileo TV; Spartan radio; electric frigidaire; china cabinet ,• dining room table and chairs; floor lamV; three furnitihed bedrooms ,• electric washing muchine: day bed; bedding; china ; door eovering ; kitchen utensils; electric iron; toaster : oil barrels artd pump. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS--Cizeh. ESTATE OF LATE MONTGOMERY na.vis Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 2040-1 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Household Effects in the Town of Seaforth, Main St., South, Saturday, September 17, at 1.30 p.m. Rocking chairs; 2 table lamps; large living room rug; number of tables; wick- er flower stand; leather couch; cushions Pictures: 2 chest of drawers; dressers; 2 wash stands; 2 complete bedroom out- fits; dining room suite; table, buffet. 4 chairs; dishes; chesterfield and chairs; Quebec heater; power lawn mower; rake shovels, ironing board; kitchen table and chairs; 2 kitchen cupboards; kitchen utensils; Iron Firenum oil burner; 24 ft. extension ladder; lawn mower. Other artieles too numerous to mention No Reserve, Property Sold. TERALS--Cash. GLEN SMITH, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 2040-2 Clearing Auction Sale of purebred and grade •Iloistein cattle. pigs, machinery and household effects for Milford Dural,. lot 20, Maitland coneession, Colborne Township. 414 miles north °8 Holmes - villa or 114 milea east and 11/4 miles south of Benmiller, on TUESDAY, SEPT- EMBER 13. at 12.30 sharp. CATTLE -Purebred Holstein cow, 5 years old: due Dec. 14: purebred Holstein cow.. 4 Years old. bred July 1st: purebred Holstein .cow.„ 5yeara i4rd O Jen. 4rira parebred Holstein cow, 4 years old, brbd Julie 27th; purebred Holstein cow, 8 years old. due Dec. lst ; purebred Holstein heifer. 2 years old bred June 811); grade Holstein cow, 5 years old, fresh; grade Holstein mow. 4 years old. bred Aug. 18 grade Holstein cow. 3 years old. due Jan. 2: grade Holstein heifer, due time of sale; 3 purebred heifers, due 'fru Mar. purebred heifer. bred 3 weeks; 2 pure- bred heifer calves; purebred bull calf; grade yearling heifer: 3 calves. All cat- tle vaccinated and bred to Unit sires. PIGS -4 York sows with litters; 3 York sown, due time of sale; York saw. bred 2 months: 4 York sows, bred one month: Purebred Landrace • hoer: 87 chunks. IMPLEMENTS-MeCorrnkk W-4 trac- tor ; McCormick No. 45 baler; Allis. Chalmers. siderake; New Idea manure spreader: McCormick 7 ft. mower ; alcCornijek 15-diec fertilizer drill: rubber tired wagon and 16 ft. rack: Mineap- olis 28 -plate disc; John Deere semi -mount corn picker; Gehl harnmermill; 75 ft. hammerrnill bent- Mangey -Harris cutting box with pipes; 3 -section apringtooth drags; Massey -Harris 3 -furrow Plow; 4 section of harrows; alao 0 section with eveners ; electric bean picker electric pail ; eighteep -.bushel p1 g feeder: pig troughe: feed cart; cement mixer: wheelbarrow; cement. trowels; 2000 lb. platform scales; 30 ft. exten- sion ladder; quantity ort wood; Dodge 1/2 -ton truck with racks; McCormick two sinele unit milking intichine, complete 'with pine line for 14 cows; 6-8 gal. milk cans; colony house, 10 x 12; chicken brooders; feeders and waters. WELL DAILL1110-All contracta on no teeter. no pay basis. 40 veers experience, We have the know-how, 8 modern mach - Ines. Thete is no well like a rock Well, cased beyond all possible coutamhiation. Ni, animal or person, can ton tato it. We sell and service pumps for these wells. Contact W. D. norm),& SONS. phone Seaforth 669 W 1, 851 11 13. or 069 W 11., 19-9/x4 SEA -FORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 Par all kinds a untotatarke. 110404 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Household Effects and P.roperty in the Town of Seaforth, God- erich St. West, SATURDAY, SEPT, 10, at 1 p.m. 3-pieee chesterfield suite; walnut desk; 2 lenther chairs; rocking chairs; 2 bed- room suites; 1 single bed and mattress: dining room suite: strecher with' spring mattress ;a Singer sewing machine; elec- tric lamps; floor lamps; 8 -day clock International Harvester Co refrigerator; General Electric range; Gurney electric range; wood or coal cook stove; electric washer; 2 electric irons;' bird cage and stand; typewriter; 2 spring mattresses and springs:, 1 double bed' mattress; feather tick and pillows: 3 wilton rugs: 3 ladders, tools, pulleys, tables. cupboard chairs, carpenter's tools. dishes, pots, pans, drapes, and other articles too numerous to mention. Property will be offered for sale at 3 p.m. if not previously sold. Consisting of a 7 -room bungalew one block off Main St., Seaforth. Oil furnace. half bath, hydro, in excellent condition, immediate possession. TERMS -Chattels, Cash. Property 10% down, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. MRS. LOUIS EBERIIART, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 20.29-2 HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Vornado tan (new): Otterette mixette: lamps: chest of drawers: extension table; Coleman hot plate end lantern: Coleman :space heater (small) *with pipes; cooldng utensils; qtairt and pint sealers; 820 lb. scaler:: laundry tub atand; lawn Obitira picnic tablee: Eons rotary lawn mower. Other articles too numerate; to mention. TERMS--Co.ab. No reserve -farm sold. MILFORD otratirr, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. GEORGE POWELL, Clerk. AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Household Effects of the Estate of the late Mrs. W. H. Penner front her late residence. Brucefield, on SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, at 1.30 pm., 'the following: Chesterfield; chesterfield and chair; studio couch: hassock; 2 wicker rocking Chairs ;4 rocking chairs; 2 coffee tables; library table; card table; bedside table: smeker's stand,: 9 -piece oak dining room suite, including china • cabinet; Singer drop -head sewing machine; 2 modern full size beds (metal) with springe and inner spring mattresses; b6,:1, springs and mattress; spooled bed and springs: chest of drawers; two dresaers: clothes ham- per: mirrors; tri -light; hall tree; West- inghouse refrigerator ; Westinghouse stove;' Westinghouse washing machine :nearlyneer) ; 2 galvanized laundry tubs and tub stand:. Eureka vacuum cleaner with attachments: chrome lawn chair; 2 chrome kitchen chairs; kitchen table and 4 chairs; other kitchen -chairs; pine table; Sunbeam electric iron; 2 coMPlete sets of dishes: other dishes and glassware -braided mats; sealers; cooking uteneils; garden tools and .numeroua. other articles. TERMS -Cash. MUIVA-RD, -ELGIN TFIOMPSON, Executors of the Estate. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT. Auctioneer. 20-30x1 Box Holders' Names Not Given Out It is not possible for us to divulge the name or ad- dress of any advertiser using a Huron r.xpositor box num- ber. Please do not ask us for this information. 22. Legal Notices NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY. A_Nei HOGG ARTH All persons having claims against' the Estate, of Mary Ann Hoggarth, late af the Township of Hay, in the County af ,Huron, Spinster, deceased. who died on the 23rd day af July. 1960, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th daY of September, 1960, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to elates then received. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor • 2240-3 TEL -L. NIE yes, WHE1,4 WILL "(OU soot,' AS r c.Heox Toe NEWSPAPER ADS, TveY'RE FULL •EARSoi 22. Legal Noticers NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of BEVERLEY F. CHRISTIE All per000a having 'claims against the Estate of Beverley le. Christie, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. Merchant, deceused. who died ea the 185.1) day of July, 11160, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of September, 1960, aittr whi,•h date the asaets will be dia. tributed, hating regard only to claims then receit ed. DATED at. Seaforth. this 7th day of September, 1960. MoCONNELL & STEWART, .Sealorth. Ontario, Solicitors, for the Executrix. 22404 NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF TOM CHONG, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Merchant, deceas- ed. CREDITORS and others having claims against the above named deceased, who died on or about the 195.1) day of August, A.D. 1960, are required to send full par- ticulars of sach claims to the undersign- ed on or before the .30th day of Septem- ber, A.D. 1960, after which date the as- sets of the- estate will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to claimnt of which notice has then been received. DATED at Stratford this 6th •day of Sebtember, 1960. ANDERSON, NEILSON. EH-GOETZ, BELL, DILKS & bUSENER, Barristers. Etc., 29 Downie Street, ST'RATFORD, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor 22404 M. • Cards of Thanks' I WISH te, thank my neighbours and friends for cards received and visits while in Stratford general Hee:pita' and since my return home. 23-30x1 • MRS. HAROLD,. WILSON. WOULD LIKE .to thank Dr Brady and Dr. Malkus, my special nurses, the nursipg staff and also all who visited and sent me treats and cards while I WAS a patient at Soott Memorial Hospital 23-10x1 VS. JAMES O'CONNOR. 24. In Memoriam OOPER-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Fr.ed cooper, who passed away three years ago on Sept- ember 10. Time takes away the edges of grief But memories turn back every year -Always reanembered by the family. 24-30x1 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goode), mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples, 23c; 24 stun- Ples 91.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-78. NOVA -RUBBER CO. Box. 91, Hamilton. 25-25-ff 26. Births Tkockersmith -Levy (CentinLied from Page ).). • '10411 for 14P3rd Mamie. Tile Drainage By -Laws Nos. 7, 8 and 9 of 196Q, covering debentures for loans to A. Timmlrmans, J. Janinaat and William Iloweliffe, were given their required readings and passed. By-law No. 10, 1960, setting an earlier day for nomina- tion and polling was also passed. The clerk was instructed to for- ward completed applications mid debentures to the Treasury De- partment, re tile drainage loans. John Regier will be paid for poul- try killed by dogs. The clerk was instructed to apply to the Depart- ment of Highways of Ontario for the interim subsidy on road ex- penditures to the 31st of August. The following accounts were or- dered paid: Nursing home care, $92.75; relief and supplementary allowance, $104.93;' salary and al- lowance, $205.95; Receiver -Gener- al, $15.90; Seaforth Post Office, unemployment stamps, $39.60; dump, $152.50; Egmondville Wa- ter, $5,39; labor, Nott Drain, $3.60; George F. Elliott, ditching, $60.00; supplies and advertising, $131.98; fire protection, $91; livestock kill- ed, $17; grants, $250; insurance pension., $13.50; tile drain loan, $3,000; roads, $3,31630. Council adjourned to meet Oct. 4, at 8 p.m. COLKMA_N-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 6. to ,Mr, and Mrs. Hub- ert Colkman, RR 2, Monkton, a daugh- ter. ECKEI...:--air. and Mrs. Charles Eckel inee Feriri, of Hensel', announce the . birth of their daughter, Deborah Diane, in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Friday, September 2, 1960. A sister for Dougie. FORD' -Wayne and Ruby (nee Webster), Exeter, are harm,/ to announce the birth of their daughter (7 lbs., 14 oz,). at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Mon- day, September 5, 1960. Granddaughter 'for Mr. and Mrs. Percy Webster, Hen- sel!, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ford. Exeter. HOGG- -To Cpl. and Mrs. K. R. Hogg, Winnipeg, on Monday, Sept. 55.1),. a daughter. JOHNSTON-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on August 31, to Mr. and Mrs. liarry Johnston. RR 1, Dublin, a son. McGRATH-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on September 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Pat- rick McGrath. Dublin. twin daughters. McKINLEY-At Brantford General Hos- pital, on August 23. 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Berne McKinley (nee Doris John- ston) 119 Wood St„ Brantford, a son, Richard Warren SOLDAN -Mr, and Mee. :Earl Soldan, '15.31 . 2, Hensall. announce We birth of their daughter 151 ClinidO Talk Hospital on Monday. September 5, 1960. A sister for Robert and Kathy. 28. Deaths' DAVIS-In Seaforth, on Friday, Sept-. ember 2nd, 1960, Montgomery Davis, in his 775.1) year. • BRUCEFIELD Summer Weather (Continued from Page 1) west winds, the .fire had gained considerable headway into the field before being discovered. Mr. Wilson said the loss of grass from this field would greatly add to his present lack of good pas- ture. The dry spell has browned up most of the pasture fields, he said. , Fire At Chiselhurst 1..About•the same time Wednesday afternoon, Hensall firemen were called to the farm of Arnold West- lake, RR 1, Cromarty. Mr. Westlake had finished com- bining and had set fire to the straw in the field. The fire got out of hand. The farmer tried to extinguish the blaze with .pails of water, but, to no avail. , When the fire continued to spread toward a nearby 30. x 40 shed, the }Jensen fire brigade were called. The wind was blowing away from the building, which.vvas filled with implements, and no damage resulted. Mrs. A. Hohner spent a week in London with,her grandson and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. K. Hohner. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Anderson and daughter, of Toronto, and Mrs. B. Sholdice, of Brinsley, vis- ited with Mrs. Anderson's brother, Mr. Alex Paterson, and other rel- atiVes. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ham and family, of Chatham, spent Labor Day holiday with Mrs. C. Ham and Miss M. Swan. Mrs. B. Clifford and Mrs. A. McLeod, London, Visited with Mrs, E. Forrest recently. We are sorry to report that Mr. George McCartney is confined to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, with a heart condition. Mr., Gary Triebner, Miss Sharon Hume and Mr. and Mrs. S. Hume, HensaU, spent the holiday in De- troit, attending the Michigan State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Olmstead and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, Michigan, vis- ited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, Miss Lottie McAsh, London, is visiting with Mrs. E. Forrest this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Bain, Strat- ford, with Mrs. Bain's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Wilson. WINTHROP AL • Observe 25th Anniversary An attractive arrangement of gladioli centered a cutwork lace cloth when Mr. and Mrs. Byran (Dec) Kyle held a family dinner to mark their 25th wedding anni- versary at their home Monday 4v-, ening. Eighteen relatives attend- ed from London, Mitchell, Zurich DUFF'S WMS, WA The regular August meeting'01 the WMS and WA of Duff's Church, McKillop, was held at the home of Mrs. Mac Scott on Wednesday ev- ening. WA' president Mrs. Aaron Jantzi opened the meeting with the theme song and prayer. The Scripture was read by Mrs. R. F. McKercher. The president's re- port was given by Mrs. George Wheatley. It was decided not to have a fowl supper this year. Mrs. Margaret Lamont offered to have the September meeting at her home. Mrs. Gordan Papple, first 'vice- president of the WMS, opened the meeting with prayer • and Scrip- ture. Mrs. Alex Smith read an in- teresting item. The Sectional meet- ing is to be held in Duff's Chyrch, McKillop, on October 19. The meet- ing closed with prayer by Mrs. James Kerr. July Meeting The regular July meeting of the WMS and WA was held at the home of Mrs. Ken Stewart. The Mission Band, led by Mrs. Arnold Scott, held a meeting outdoors. The WMS meeting opened with president Mrs. Gordon McKenzie' 'in charge. Mrs. John Kerr read an interesting reading. 'Mrs. Eldon Kerr called the roll and the min- utes of the last meeting were read. Mrs. David Shannon closed the meeting with prayer. The WA part of the meeting op- ened with' President Mrs. Aaron Jantzi in the chair. Scripture was read by Mrs. Ken Stewart, and Mrs. 'George Wheatley gave the treasurer's report. Misses Jane and Sandra John- ston, who spent some time with their grandniother, Mr. Thomas Storey, have reburied to their Me - Mop home. If you can keep your head when al about you are losing theirs -- maybe you Jut don't Understand the Situation. Former SMH Nurses' Have First Reunion A pleasant event took place last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Ralph Fischer, RR 2, Wal- ton, when a reunion of former nurses of Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth, who worked with Miss Mary Dinning, gathered for a pot -luck supper. After the sup- per a social evening was spent. It was agreed ,to hold a meeting in Seaforth next year. Among those attending were Miss Mary Dinning, of Strathroy; Mrs. J. Riley, Strathroy; Mrs. W. Hayman, Detroit; Mrs. R. Simp- son, Ajax; Mrs. W. Binning, Mit- ell; Mrs. Thomas Kale, Dublin; iss Pearl Th.amer, Miss Beth Fortune, Mrs. Peter Dunlop, 1Vliss T. Elgie, Mrs. William Hodgert, Mrs. John Carnochan, Mrs. John Oldfield and Mrs. William Smith, all of Seaforth. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love enter- tained on Saturday evening in hon- or of their son, Robert, and fiancee, Miss Ingrid Conway, of London. Guests attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rathwell, of Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Talbot, Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. Ian McAllister, Zurich; Mr. Morley Taylor, Sar- nia; Miss Lois Nethercott, London; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Love, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKay, Kippen. Mrs. Wilfred Meths visited a few days in Wroxeter last week with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bourke; also her three brothers and her moth- er, Mrs. William Gibson,who just returned home from being hospi- talized in Listowel Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Sokkens and family, of St. Catharines, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Verbeek and family. Messrs, Ronald Eyre an Don Tremeer are attending Te,achers' College in London, beginning Sept. 13. Mrs. Eldon Kerr, of Winthrop, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson, and on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lovell, of Strathroy, were visitors. Master Bobby Gridzak, who has been employed for the summer months on a farm near Monkton, returned to his home to commence school again. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Wier - ren visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Varboom and Mr: and Mrs. Hank Smith, of London. Miss Sina Verbeek returned home from a three weeks' vacation in St. Catharines with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kartsen. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong, of Staffa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long vis- ited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Long, of Owen Sound; also called on friends in Southampton, Owen Sound and Walkerton. • • TIMELY TIPS Planning on cutting some of those weeds under barnyard fenc- es this month? If you are and the old scythe is a little rusty, here's a safety reminder for sharpening the blade. Stand the scythe on end with the heel against your shoulder and your left hand on top o'f the blade, says Bill Ridgeway, assistant safety specialist,.Ontario Department of Agriculture. Use a band stone and make the stroke from the blad heel to the tip. This will prevent any slashed wrists or badly cut fingers. *• * If your corn crop looks a little spaie and ragged this year, take another look at grass silage. Sec- ond and third growth hay will make excellent silage to help fill your silo for winter, says Stan .Young,.OAC's field crops extension specialist. Pick fields that have some grasses in them and watch the moisture content. If moisture is down to 60 to 75 per cent. Young suggests cutting and ensiling di- rectly. Forage that rims high in moisture will still need wilting. It's best to use a moisture tester if available -otherwise the grab test will give a rough' guide. * * Lir& buildup in water jackets may cause high tractor tempera- tures. Once the jacket wall gets coated with lime and seale from hard water, heat transfer is a lot slower. As a result, vital parts of the engine may be operating at much higher temperatures than the gauge shows. Engineering spe- cialists with the Ontario Depart- ment .of Agriculture suggest a commercial cooling system clean- er for any overheating problems that are traced to faulty cooling systems. "There are two sides to every question," proclaimed the sage. "Yes," said the fool, "And there are two sides to a sheet of fly- paper, but it makes a big differ- ence to the flY which side he e.hoosea." TIMELY TIPS If you're looking for some prac- tical pasture mahagement ideas it might pay to' enter your county pasture competition. The county judges who are either former win- ners or trained specialists will give you a lot of sound advice when they look over your' pastures in June and August, • says. Howard Henry, field crops specialist with the Ontario Department of Agri- culture. Your local agricultural re- presentative has application forms and 'entry requirements. A little old lady riding on a bus was anxious not to pass her des- tination. She Poked the driver with her uinbrella and asked "Is -that the First National Bank?" "No madam," he replied. "That's my rib." L NEWS and Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle were pres- ented with a Complete dinner set and a cabinet Of silver, in addi- tion to naany other gifts and con- gratulatory messages. Winners of progressive euchre were Messrs. Don Kyle, Roy Brock, Dave Kyle and Mrs. Dave Kyle. Mr. end Mrs. Kyle also entertained Wednes- day evening and- Thursday after- noon in honor of the occasion. Harry Mathers, Exeter, won the Kippen Gun Club trophy at the annual Labor Day Shoot at Kip. pen, with 44 out of 50 handicap. Runners-up were Frank Hum- phrey, of Stratford; Norman Har- burn, Cromarty; Lloyd Venner and John Anderson, Hensall, with 41 out of 50. Humphrey won the dou- bles with 22-24. Jack Gilbert, God- erich, was runner-up, with a score of 21 out of 24. Mrs. Agnes Baird, of Brucefield, who will celebrate her 101st birth- day in January, 1961, was admitted by ambulance to the Queensway Nursing Home on Monday even- ing, Sept. 5. Mrs. Baird has been a patient in Clinton Hospital. Dr. J. A. Spellman, of Kitchen- , er, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jones and Louise have returned from a de- lightful motor trip to Northern On- tario, as far as Sault Ste. Marie, and back by way of Manitoulin Island and Tobermory. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Or- ville Jones and family at the Queensway nursing home on Fri- day were Mrs. Etta Roberts, Luck - now; Saturday, Mr: and Mrs. Glad- win Campbell, Wingham, the lat- ter a sister of Mr. Jones, Labor Day, Mr. Ross Smith, of Bluevale, brother of Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Annie Jones, of G-oderich, a patient at the Queensway nurs- ing home, will on September 20 observe her 97th birthday. Miss _Marie Jarrott, nurse -in - training' at Stratford General Hos- pital,, left Monday to take a spe- cial three -months' course at the Ontario Hospital, London. Miss Grace' Brock, of London, is vacationing with her sister and brother-in-law5. Mr, and Mrs. By - ran Kyle and family. Miss Marie Jarrott spent last vve'ek in Guelph visiting Mr. 'and Mrs. Clayton Brock. Pallbearers for the funeral of Mrs. Victor Fee were Samuel and William Thompson, Edison and 'Ross Rorrest, Harold and Earl Dignan. Bronze Medallions To Pool Swimmers Bronze medallions will be award-_ ed to seven swimmers who passed tests at Seaforth Lions Park last Thursday. F. R. Cosford conduct- ed the tests for the Royal Life Saving Society awards. Medallions will go to Joan Teall, Barbara Holland, Bill Rowat, Jas, Sills, Kurt Cluistensen, Peter Sil- lery and Ken Devereaux. DANCE At the Fish and Game Club Hall - CLINTON SATURDAY, SEPT. 10th Admission 50 Cents SPONSORED BY THE HURON - COUNTY JUNIOR ,FARMERS Reception It Dance for • Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGregor (nee Betty Hallahan) Bayfield Pavilion Saturday, Sept. 10 STEW AND HIS" COLLEGIANS wiewereartaesesseaaaeSeaseeowaeaseaeteefeeree.os WHITE BEANS WANTED! • Top Prices Paid Reasonable Storage Rates o Delay At Our Unloading Pits Due to the uneven ripening and amount of late beans, this harvest will be spread over a longer period of time and therefore should be no delay at -our unloading pits. HENSALL'S OLDEST BEAN DEALER Seed Wheat and- Seed Barley Now Available COOK BROS. Milling Co. Ltd. Phone 24 : Mensal!, Ont.