HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-09-01, Page 1010,,,1 40 MEM EpOSI' Qii, WFAMI-TIi, ONT., SEPT. 1, 7960 Church Notice McE3L1L P UNITED CHARGE Septelnb.er 4 ..Joint 8erVice at Cavan (Winthrop), 11 a.m:, to be taken by District Gideon Camp. HED CRASS NOTES Seaforth branch of the Red Cross Society will start their fall meet- ings on Friday, September 2, The meeting will be held in the Library rooms at 3 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stillar, formerly of Seaforth, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Beverley Ann, to Mr. Arnold C. Krotz, son of Mr. Har- vey Krotz and Mrs. Ruby Krotz, the marriage to take place in Lis- towel. United Church, September 10, at 3 o'clock. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Woodhall, Waterloo, wish to announce the engagement . of their only daugh- ter, Margaret Ann, to Mr. John Joseph Etue, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Etue, RR 4, Seaforth, the wedding to take place Saturday, Sept. 17, at 11 a.m., in St. Louis' R.C. Church, Waterloo, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. David Watson, Walton, Ont., announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Verda Elizabeth, to Mr. Robert Bruce Pritchard, of Toronto, the wedding to take place on Saturday, Sept. 17, 1960, in Duff's United Church, Walton. MRS. REUBEN W. JEWITI The death occurred in Kincaid, Sask., on August 26, of Mrs. Reu- ben W. Jewitt, of Hazenmore, Sask. She had been ill for two weeks. The former Estella McRorie, she was in her 82nd year. Born in Carleton Place, she was married in Warwick village to Reuben Jew- itt, who predeceased her in Febru- _ary,_ 1955. She -is survived by five daugh- tens: Alma, Mrs. Robert Banks, Hazenmore, Sask:; Helen, • Mrs. Clarence McElroy, Shelbourne, Sask.; I%tarjory, Mrs. Elwood Spic- er;,Regina, Sask.; Oliver, Mrs. Gordon Halliday, Nepawin; Sask.; Jean, Mrs. Frank Steel, Wawata, Sask., and by three sons, William Jewitt and Wilbur Jewitt, of Hul- lett Township, and Lloyd Jewitt, of Beaverlodge, Alberta. A daugh- ter Alice, Mrs. Leslie Fox, of Re- gina, predeceased her mother. She was a member of the Unit- ed Church. Funeral services were held from • the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, on Wednesday in charge of Rev. J. C. Britton, of Northside United Church. Interment follow- ed in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were Ronald Jewitt, Gary Jewitt, Dennis Jewitt, John Jewitt, William Dawson and Robt. McMillan. Mr. Ernest Geddes is in Londan this week visiting with his son, Mr. Stewart Geddes, and friends in the city., Mr. and Mrs. George Monk re- . turned home recently aftervisit- ing in Edmonton, Alta., Calgary, Alta., Regina, Indian head and Wolseley, Sask. It was Mr. Monk's first trip to the Western Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hartman, of Kitchener, spent the weekend in Goderich, visiting their sons and daughters-in-law. Northside United AND First Presbyterian Churches , in First Presbyterian Church 10 A.M. Sunday School in Respective Churches 11 A.M. MINISTER: Rev. J. Cliff Britton, B.A. EVERYONE WELCOME LOCAL BRIEFS Miss Bee Finnigan received her Home Economics teaching certi- ficate this week, having success- fully completed her fourth summer course in that subject. In Septem- ber she will teach Home Econom- ics at Queensway School, Toronto. Miss Sharon Hotham has return- ed home after spending the last 10 days -visiting her uncle, Mr. John L. Hotham, and Mrs. Hotham, of Windsor. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Kinsman have returned from a trip to the west coast. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dinsmore had as their guests last week Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason, Mrs. Margaret Carroll and Mrs. Alice Harper, from Sault Ste. Marie. They also attended the Dinsmore- McGavin wedding. Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Gardiner, of Alvinston, are visiting friends in town. Mrs. R. A. Walter, of Dundas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. James E. Willis and Mr. Willis. Miss Carolyn Holmes spent a few days in Mohkton with Mr. and Mrs.' Kenneth Beattie, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith, of Pontiac, Mich., were guests of Mr. Glenn Smith. Mrs. Gertrude Dodds and Susan spent last week at their cottage at Goderich. Miss •Madelyn Hotham is spend- ing her holidays with her grand- parents, Mr. arid Mrs. John Hoth- am, Wilson St., and will return to her home in Windsor on Sept. 1. Mrs. F. G. Livingstone and Mrs. Gilchrist Coppin, of Detroit, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott at Thornton Hall. Mrs. C. R. Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. M. Fermanty and family, of Toronto, are visiting her brother, Mr. Glenn Smith. -Mr. and Mrs. William . Brown, Mrs. Jim Miller and Miss Ann Kenny, from Chatham; and Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Dinsmore and Mr. and Mrs. James • Dinsmore„ of Windsor, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dinsmore, attending the Dinsmore-McGavin wedding. Mr. David Ryan is a: patient in Westminster • Hospital, London, Where he is undergoing surgery. Mrs. Minnie Omand and daugh- ter, Miss Violet Omand, and Mrs.. Norman Birkett, of Toronto; Mrs. Rena Higgins, of Preston, and Mrs. Mabel Docking, of Weyburn, Sask., spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. Bethune. Mr. Jack Madill and Mr. Peter Leitch visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dinsmore this week. Miss Lynda Dobson and Miss Sharon Hotham attended the eve- ning performance • of Mr. Andre Previa, pianist and composer, at the Avon Theatre, Stratford, on Thursday, August 25, Recent visitors With Mr, and Mrs. L. A, Rowat have been: Mrs. Rowat's sisters, Mrs William A. Berscht and Mr. Berscht, of Sim- coe, Mrs. Carl Herthy and Mr. Herthy, of Toronto, and Mr. Rowat's brother, Dr. D. C. Rowat, and Mrs. Rowat and family, of Ottawa. Mrs. Flora Tuttle and Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Smead, Patty and Sandra, all of West Olive, Michi- gan, visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald, Centre Street. • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gaunt, of London, England, are visiting MT. and Mrs. Herb Trapnell. Cousins of Mr. Trapnell, they had not seen hf'm since the First War. Miss Susan Dodds is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dodds at Cromarty this week. • Mr. Anthony White, of Detroit, spent the past week visiting Mr. and Mrs: Joe White. Mrs. Russell Bullock ..and Mrs. Mary Davidson, of Preston, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. J. Cummings. Mrs. Schwanz and family, of Goderich, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Shannon and- other relatives here. Mrs. Chas. Whitman and grand- daughter, ,Sandra, of Lansing, Mich., spent a week with Mrs. Whitman's sister, Mrs. George Connell, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connell. While swimming at the beach at Goderich during their stay, Sandra jumped from the pier and swallowed some water. She was pulled to safety by Ellen Con- nell and came to some time later. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary and Miss Gladys Thompson attended the Dales - Flanigan wedding in Hamilton on Saturday. Miss Marilyn Gerber, of, Glen- coe, spent . last week with Miss Sharon McNichol. Those from a distance who at- tended the Eckert reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Con Eckert were: Sister Mary Stephen and Sister Norita, London; Mr. and Mrs. J. Eckert and family, Sim- coe; Mr. and Mrs. A. Eckert and family, Fort Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. G. Hays, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. P. Maher and Anne Marie and Mr. and Mrs. H. McFadden, Wal- laceburg; Mr. and Mrs. W. Man- ley and Jerome, Walton; Mrs. G. Charters. and Rosemary and Bill Eckert, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. Con Eckert and Tim, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. Sills and Cathy, Kit- chener. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Hays, Detroit, Mich., visited with her sister, Mrs. C. P. Sills, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker, of Hamilton, were guests Sunday of Miss Mary Walker. Mr. John Blue left for Texas this week by air to attend a meet- ing of John Deere Company re- presentatives. Mr. and'Mrs. Laughlin Gear and Mr. and Mrs. Don Van Wick, of 'Fergus, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat Mr. and Mrs. Ken Doig and family, of London, have returned to town and are occupying their home on Goderich: Street. Mr. and Mrs. John McCowan, Mrs. Jeal, Fortune and Mrs. E. Sullivan spent Tuesday in Water- loo, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Moyisn, Miss Brenda Riley, Kitchener, i5 Visiting with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Monk, in Goderict 1•' ' blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS DUNDAS and LONEY Phone 573 or 138 LEMON'S TAXI °°aPARCEL SERVICE z�ao+�i�: s` �6 and All Passenger's Insured PHONES: cECIt DAMN 676 675 SMITH'S PASTRY SHOP will be closed from Monday, , Sept. 5th until Friday,. Sept. 9th i111n111I11111111IIIllilllli111IIiII111I18111 We write all lines of EXCAVATION WORK for the five -room addition at the S DHS got under way this week. Here construction equipment is moving tons of dirt preparin g for foundations for the new building. Work is also under way excavating a large pond which will act as a sewage lagoon to serve the school. (Expositor photo by Phillips). EGMONDVILLE Mr. Kenneth Black, of Belmont, has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Robert Wallace and Mr. Wallace, of Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Green and children, of Galt, visited for a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and. .Mrs. Charles Green. Mrs. •Robert Dalrymple attend- ed the Dalrymple - Stevenson pic- nic last Saturday, which was held at Lakeside. Mr, John Earle continues very seriously ill in Westminster Hos- pital,, London. Mf. and Mrs. Frank Kenny and daughter, Jean, visited on Monday with Mrs. R. Dalrymple and Charlie. Rev. J. H. Vardy and family have returned from 'their vacation and Mr. Vardy will be in charge of the service on Sunday. ' Mrs. Mildred Brown, of Arva, is visiting with Mrs. Jean Weiland. Miss Jean Watson, Reg.N., To- ronto, has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. J. S. Watson. Rev. Andrew H. and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie and family, of Acton, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson last week. Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Gardiner, of Alvinston, called on ,friends in this community. - Mr. and Mrs. George Love, of Goderich, visited with Mrs. Jean Weiland. INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability and Life Manufacturers' Life Insurance • A' John A Cardoso 'Writ tb REX ti Phone :214. ': Seaforih uitIiI lliii UhIIIIlllllllllllllilllllllllllil Hugh: "You look downhearted, Willie." . Willie: "I can't make up my mind whether my girl friends likes me—well, I sang her a serenade under her window last night and she threw me a rose," Hugh: "Well, there's your an- swer—of course She does." Willie: "Oh, I dunno; it was in a flower pot." HONOR MR., MRS. JAMES F. SCOTT ON 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY About 100 friends and neighbors gathered Monday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James F. Scott on the occasion of their 25th wedding; anniversary. Keith Sharp was chairman for the evening. The program consisted of euchre, bingo and musical numbers by Mr. and Mrs. William Holland. The following address was _read by John Powell: "Mabel and Jim: Your friends and neighbors have gathered here tonight at Thornton Hall to offer sincere congratula- tions and best wishes, and to help you celebrate the occasion of your •silver anniversary. How quickly the years roll by arid many of us here tonight may recall being here on just such an occasion 25 short years ago. . "During the years you have been most diligent and have succeeded in operating one of the finest farms in ,the community. But not all work,' for the doors of Thorn- ton Hall have been thrown open to many a happy gathering. You have both been very active in community and church life, always ready to share with others •your talents, your generosity and your hospitality. "You must be very happy As this Silver Day appears, As both of you recall the joys You've shared throughout the years. And may you both look forward To a future that will hold • Continued joy and happiness, As Silver turns to Gold." Your Friends and Neighbors."" The presentation of a lovely floor lamp,two matching table lamps, and a step-up table was made by Jim Hopper, Andrew Crozier and Bert Lubbers- Mr. and Mrs. Scott both expressed appreciation for the gifts and the evening in their honor. " A delicious lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott quiet- ly celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at their home on Sun- day. At the closing session of Knox United Church ' Sunday School, Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Scott welti,;honored when Wm. Straugh- an read an address of congratula- tions, and Oliver Anderson pre- sentedthem with a large engraved silver tray. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby entertained at a dinner in the eve- ning for a number of friends in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Scott. Frank Raithby read an address, and a living -room lamp was presented by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. During the MARK SILVER ANNIVERSARY, MR,, - MRS. E. JOHNS WED -25 YEARS Wednesday, ' Atigust 24, marked the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Johns, and on Sunday they were honored with the presence of around 75 well- wishers, including brothers, sis- ters, nieces and nephews, who came from Ridgetown, Fonthill, Blyth, Seaforth, Clinton, Hamil- ton and Mitchell to celebrate with them. While these guests were fully expected, it was more than a sur- prise to have Mr. Johns' brother, Allan, and his wife, arrive at their home, having flown from Vancou- ver, especially for the occasion. Among the guests, too, was Mr. Lorne Lawson, RR 1, Clinton, the best man at the marriage which took place at the home of the bride's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Webster, RR 3, Seaforth, 25 years ago. Also present was the bride's sister, Mrs. Mervyn (Jean) Lobb, of Clinton, who was brides- maid. The officiating minister was Rev. H. Carmichael, of the United Church. The bride is the former Gertrude Webster, Mr. Johns is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Johns, RR 3, Sea - forth. Their parents are now de- ceased, but Mrs. Johns has one sister and two brothers, Keith Webster, Blyth, and Earl Webster, Fonthill, who were here• also Mr. Johns' two brothers, Alan, -Van- couver, and Howard of Seaforth. There was a table lamp from the two children of the celebrants, Beth, Mrs. John Rose, 'Stratford and Jtobert (Ted), at home, and also many gifts of silver from the day a telegram was received from Dr. "Mortimer, of Toronto, who had been the officiating minister 25 years ago. A mild-mannered minister ac- cepted the call to a church where Many 'of the town's residents bred horses, and sometimes raced them. A few weeks later he was asked to invite the prayers of the congrega- tion for Lucy Gray. Willingly and gladly he did so for three weeks. On the fourth Sunday one of the deacons told him he need not do it any longer. "Why?" asked the good minister with an anxidus look. "Is she dead?" . "Oh, no," replied the deacon. "She won her race yesterday." 1 School Headquarters Students and parents will enjoy our "school headquarters." It offers an unique advantage. Text books, binders, pens, paper, clothes and many other items can be had at one stop. LARONE'S Seaforth 5c to $1.00 Store - Stationery - Gifts guests. Luncheon was served buf- fet style and included a lovely three-tier wedding cake. Following the marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Johns farmed on lot 28, con- cession 3, Tuckersmith Township. Later they moved to Worth, where they spent two years, and then went to the Gould's commun- ity in 1949. This summer they purchased the home on St. An- drew's Street, Mitchell, of Mrs. J. A. Myers, to which they Will move shortly. Both have been ac- tive church workers, and Mr. Johns has been elder for some years of Main St. United Church. BROWNIE'S • bid CLINTON - ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County Thursday and Friday — September 1'and 2 — Double Feature WINDOMS WAY" (Colour) Peter Finch -- Mary Ure "CAMP ON BLOOD ISLAND" Adult Entertainment Carl Mohner -- Andre Morrell (One Cartoon) . Saturday Only, — September 3 -. "ONCE MORE WITH FEELING" '(Colour) Yul Brynner • -- • Kay Kendall, "WONDERS OF ONTARIO" (Colour Subject) (One Cartoon) . Sunday Midnight and Monday — Sept. 4 and 5 --- Double Feature — "DADDY - 0" Dick Contin -- Sandra Giles " "ROADRACERS" Sallyi Fraser -- Alan Dinehart Jr. (One Cartoon) Tuesday and Wednesday — September 6 and 7 "CARVE HER NAME WITH PRIDE" Virginia McKenna — Jack Warner $1.25 Admits a Carload on Tuesday Nights Only First Show at Dusk — Two Shows, Nightly, Rain or Clear ADMISSION: 65 CENTS — Children under 12 in Cars Free Yes, For the Past Month, the Car King Has Been on Holiday .— . But Now — HE ' S BACK With the Best Car Deals of 1960 — During His FALL- CAR- CLE AN OUT ! . "CHECK THESE SAMPLE BARGAINS = IF YOU- CAN FIND A BETTER DEAL v 60 VAUXHALL VICTOR SUPER — Now — - Just $1795.00 l• v 57 PLY1V.lOUTH SAVOY DELUXE 2 -DOOR Custom Radio, Whitewalls — NOW Just $1050.00 V 59 VAUXHALL VICTOR SUPER SEDAN, —• Now — Just .$1575.00 v 56 FORD VICTORIA HARDTOP — Now — Just $1095.00 , The Car King will NOT be UNDERSOLD. When in doubt, simply pick up the Phone and call PEARSON'S --- Collect ! -,r REMEMBER THESE GENEROUS TERMS --- V Just 10% Down — Up to 36 Months to Pay ! V No Red Tape --- No Credit Restrictions ! V, No Chattel Mortgages No Co -Signers ! 1960 Demonstrators --- . Up to $1000 OFF ! • V 58 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE FOUR -DOOR Sedan with Radio — Now Just $1575.00 V 55 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN Auto., Power Steering, Radio — NOW Just $795.00 i "THE CAR KING MAKE IT ! OF HURON COUNTY" v • 57 PONTIAC PATHFINDER DELUXE -' Radio and rear seat speaker — NOW Just $1350:00 54 FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN Custom Radio — NOW - Just $495.00 • PEARSON MOTORS LTD. 1 Pontiac - Buick Vauxhall - G.M.C. Trucks - Bedford Vans ZURICH •