HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-07-28, Page 6:6=* 7.47!' 4:03;m: ,(? ; Cp°$ ,SEAFORTH, ONT., JULY 28, ma, SELL AND PROFIT... BUY AND SAVE ... GET A BETTER JOB ... HIRE GOOD HELP ! VSF, ThESE ' ci Asst +'ICATIONS ' ! 'YO R. AtliVANT2tGR "1 Ciomfug rvfintq .strayed $� Vplmd 4. Wu! 'Wanted . li Destines* Opportunities I3. Tear;bera Waited 7. Situations Wanted 8. Earn Stock For Sala a, Poultry For Saye 10. Used, Oars For Sale 11. Aeticlea For Sale Wanted To Buy . • 12. 18. 16. 16. ' 17 18- 10. - 20. 21. 22. 28. 24. 25 - Property For Sale PFor Sale orFor RentRent Wanted To Rent Property Wanted Notices Auction Sales Tenders Wanted Legal Notices Cards of Thanks In Memoriam Personale The cost is low. Classifications 2, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17 -minimum 25 . cents an insertion. AU other classi- fication,, minimum 50 cents per insertion. except .Auction Sales (20), Tenders Want- ed (21) and Legal Notices (221, rates on application, Billing Charge, 15 cents if • not paid by 10 days following last inaert- ion . COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firms, Tradesmen, etc.) Minimum, 60 centa per insertion. Bill- ing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 'I 1. Coming Events SHOWER FOR Mr, and Mrs. Paul Blocklinger (Melani Breaker) at the Brod- hagen and District Community Centre, on FRIDAY. JULY 29. Everyone welcome. Good musk. 1-23x2 SS NO, 3, HIBBERT Centennial, Sat- urday, July 30.• Entertainment from 9 o'clock in the morning all through the day. At 8 p.rn. short variety•..Drogram featuring the Country Squires, of Listow- el, followed by dancing to Harburn's Or- "chestra.' Admission '75c and 60c for even- ing. Everyone welcome at all times. 1-23-2 2. Lost, Strayed TEN DOLLARS reward for anyone finding a grey box containing three fish- ing rods. These were lost on Saturday, July 16, at Sprgats' brick yard. Tucker - smith. Finder please phone Mitchell, collect, 485, after 6 p.m. '2-23-2 4.. Help Wanted WOMAN to do house cleaning two days weekly. PHONE 89, Dublin. 4-24-1 W4YMIEN-,Become a Monarch dealer. Represent our Company from your own hosne. Part or full time. No door-to- door. Customers supplied. Must be mar- ried, home owners. Salary, Commission:. Send name, address and phone number to MONARCH, 36 Densley Ave., Toronto 15. 4-24-1 HELP WANTED CLERICAL ASSISTANT SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Ability to type a requirement. Reply stating age, experience and qual- ifications to: The Secretary SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Seaforth, Ontario 4.28-2 Farm Stock For Sale 20 CHUNKS, Landrace and York bred: Apply C. V. Dale, Phone Seaforth 860R5. __. 8-24x1 20 GOOD PIGS. Apply. to JOSEPH NOLAN, St. Columban, phone 84 R 16, Dublin. 8-24-1 80 GOOD YORK pige, seven weeks eta; also 7 tons of good Garry oats. URBAN DUCHARME, RR 2,. Brussels, phone 43R7, 8-24x1 PUREBRED Landrace boar, six months old. Apply MALCOLM DAVIDSON, Brucefield. phone Hensall 686 R 28. 8-24-8 20 FIRST LITTER sows, due in two and three weeks. Bred' pure York. Also 80 chunks, 10 to 12 weeks old. ALBERT W. SHIRRAY, Phone 683 R 11, RR 2, Hensall, Ontario. 8-23-2 9. Poultry For Sale - 125 RED ROCK pullets. 6 months old. Apply JOE DELANEY, RR 1, Dublin. 9-24-1 .1,000 DeKALB 101 pullets, 18 weeks old; will sell any number, 51.90 each, RALPH HOLLAND, Clinton. phone 1111. 2-7084, 9-24-1 10.- Used Cars For Sale WILLYS JEEP,• with Auburn digger at- tached, new motor, ideal for water ser- vices or weeper toe. W. G. CAMP- BELL, phone 486, •Seaforth. 19444 1959 STUDEBAKER LARK, 6 cylinder, • 12.000 miles; to clear estate late Sam McClung, Brucefield. PHONE Clinton HU. 2-3328, 10-24x2 1949 DODGE 8 -Ton truck, with excep- tionally good tires. Will sell na is, or for parts. Apply LOU ROWLAND, phone 80 R 2, Du•blip. 10-28-2 11. Articles For Sale FOURTEEN N.N. blower pipe, ' to fit threshing machine. WiLL SLAVIN, KMp- pen, 11-24x1 COLLIE pups, VINCENT MURRAY, RR 5, Seaforth, phone 40 R 16, Dublin. 11-24-1 THREE MALE pups, three months old. Excellent cattle doge. DENNIS DUCH- ARME, RR 2, Brunelle, phone 48 R 7. 11-24x1 PUPS for sale, 5 weeks old. Mother is purebred border collie., Apply JIM FINLAYSON, 'phone 061 R 8, Seaforth, RR 8, Ktppen. 11-24-1 PART$ for Massey Harris No. 5 Grain ti ...binder. Wrecking two binders. Apply GERALD WATSON, MAK Phone 40124. 11-2 • ORDER YOUR RASPBERRIES now, fresh from the patch at MOORE'S POUL- TRY FARM. Picking every day. 450 quart, less by tate crate. Phone 600 Et SI Seaforth. Box solders' Names Not Given Out It k net possible' for us to divulge the narae or ad- dress of any advertiser u9ing a Huron Expositor box num- ber. Please do not ask us for this information. mad 11. Articles For Sale COMPLETE LINE of famous Ritten- house Door Chimes, sales. installation and service. Call today for tree estimate. SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE, Phone 250, Seaforth. 11-21-tf MAGIC MARKERS -Instant dry, an: terprouf, write on any surface; just pull off cap and Magic Marker is ready to use. Refills available. Nine colors ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141, Seaforth. 12. Wanted To Buy HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick, down and disabled farm animals. Prompt oourteous collection of all dead and dis- abled farm animals and bides. Call coil - lea, ED ANDREWS, 851 R 11, Seaforth. Associated with Darting & Co., of Canada Ltd. 12-21-tf 13. Wanted BOARDERS WANTED in Modern Sea - forth home. PHONE 2414, Seaforth. 14. Property For Sale MODERN. ONE -STOREY house in vil- lage of Brucefield, full basement, oil heat- ed, two bedrooms, Apply to ELGIN THOMPSON or ADDIE MUSTARD, Ex- ecutors of the estate of the late Mrs. W. H. Pepper. • 14-24x2 FOR SALE NEW HOUSE WITH CARPORT Three-bedroom house on West William Street. - "^•. Apply: N. SCHNiEIDtR Phone 235-W, Seaforth 14-28-3 PROPERTIES FOR SALE - 100 acre farm in McKillop township, on 8th con.. county road, excellent buildings, land all workable, low down payment, immnediate possession. This is worth investigating. Hotel in Huron County town, license ap- plied for; will carry large mortgage, 12 rooms • all newly furnished on second floor, Modern house three blocks west of Main street in Seaforth; three bed- rooms, full bath, new furnace, all hard- wood floors, .new workshop in basement, full price 87;500 with reasonable down payment. JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor, Goderich, Ontario; Joseph McConnell, salesman, Sp.aforth, 14-24-1 PROPERTY FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Lots 136, 137 in Gouinlock Survey, located on George Street, East, Seaforth, THE PROPERTY' 'OF THE LATE BESSIE KERR On the property is a well insulated and easily heated frame house, three bed- rooms, bathroom, good basement, good furnace, Immediate possession, For further particulars apply to: McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Seaforth, Ontario 14-234 Town of Seaforth FOR: SALE Two lots, Nos. 27, 28, Jarvis Survey. If interested, apply: • CLERK'S OFFICE TOWN HALL 14-28-2 15. Property For Rent COMPLETELY MODERN 2 -room apart- ment for rent. 'Possession August 1. PHONE 101, Seaforth. 16-28-2 ONE -BEDROOM gas heated apartment. JOSEPH McCONNELL, Seaofrth. 16-23-8 FRONT APARTMENT for rent. three rooms and bath. Apply UNITED DAIRY and PODUPRY CO'OPIERATIVE, Sea - forth Branch, Phone 13. 15-21-tf APARTMENT for rent. Lower aphrt- ment available August 1st. Apply to CLAYTON DENNIS, phone 669 W 12. 16-24-1 COM PLL n'r.LY MODERN apartment for „rent; kitchen, livingroom, bath, two bedrooms, Possession August 1. PHONE 101. Seaforth. 15-23-2 FOR, RENT August 1, self contained upper apartment, two bedrooms, euitable for couple without or with one email child. BOX 941, The Huron Expositor. 15-24x1 SIX ROOM HOUSE, with bath, on North Main St., available August 1st. Also apartment for rent, with all con- veniences, available now. Apply CARL DALTON, Phone 62-W, Seaafrth. 15-24:11 FOR RENT HENSALL SAWMILL Immediate Possession Apply to: BOX 918 London Free Press, London. 15-2412 19. Notices FILTER QUEEN SALES and service. Repairs to all . makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensall 696112. • 19-21x18-tf ELECTROLUX Sales and service. Meiners and pollahere. Aleo recondition ed Cleaners. GARY COOPER, 126 Gor- don Street, Clinton, Phone HU. 2-7200. 19-21-tf PICNIC TABLES, 20" x 60", made from sturdy 2" Western cedar, only $22.50. Be prepared for the warm wee- ther, get roue table today. Other sizes Made to order': SEAFORTH LUMBER tiro., Phone 47, Seaforth. 19-21-tf WELL DRILLING -All contracts On no water, no pay basis. 40 years ptperience. We have the know-how. 8 modern mach. inns. There is no well like a rock well, cased beyond all possible contamination. No animal ornewton can fall into it. We sell and 'service 510156ps for these wells. Contact W. D. noPP'Lsil & SONS, phone -Seefertb 64$ W 1, 861 R 18 or 669 W 11. 19;23X4 19. Notices • CUSTOM COMBINING. Contact LYLE MONTGOMERY, Phone Clinton HU. 2- 7231. 19484 GUARANTEED RADIO and TV repairs and small electrical appliance repulre.. Fast service. SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE, East William Street, Phone 250, Seaforth. 19-21-tf REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan) Cleaners, Mount Forest, More spots and' stains removed. Garments stay clean 1Qng- er, wear longer. Agent: M'LEER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE, Phone 247 for pick-up. 19-21-tf DRAIN TILE --4", 555 per M, decd: 5", 885 per M. del'd: 6", $110 per M. del'd : 8 ", 5175 per M. del'd. Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on request. RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., Elglnfleld, Phone BAldwin 7-4721. Lucan. 19-98-51 COMPLETE LAUNDtir7RIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. WEBB'S BILLSARDS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 19-21-tf BUILDING and REMODELING, eaves - troughing done. Also 'salesman for N. 0. Hipel, Preston, Ontario; Hibel barna. loafing pens, chicken houses, driving sheds and metal roofing. Cali WAYNE,SMITH, phone 671 .1 4, Seaforth. 19 -21 - ATTENTION FARMERS -Barn cleaning and white -washing done. Attention Dai- ry men -We use the Carbola white wash, the new product, to keep flies and cob welbs out of the 'stable from season to season. J. M. BARKER. phone 95, Brus- sels, or write to Box 188, Brussels, for estimates. 19-23-6 MOTORS AND PORTABLE power tools rewound and repaired.. Parts for an popular makes. Rebuilt motors -'for sale. New Leland and Wagner motors avail- able on short notice. ART LEVETT, 189 Erie Street, Clinton. Phone HU. 2-6640. 19-21-tf ANYONE WISHING to have their corn sprayed for weeds, I flow have a machine equipped with iprn nozzles. Less damage to corn. Also used for white` walling and other weed spraying. Apply HUBERT COOPER, Phone 5994-8, Exeter. 19.28x6 SEAPORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19-21-tf NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Tuckersmith Township Municipal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons until further notice. CORA CHESNEY Clerk, Tuckersmith 19-21-tf ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid in surrounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled hors- es and cattle. Horses at 5c pound. For the fastest and proper removal of all ani- mals, day or night, Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD, ZENITH 8-4900 (No toll charge) 19-22-26 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION. "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service is pro- vided from bulls of all breeds. We are Farmer owned and controlled and operate at coat. Summer calling hours: Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m., weekdays; 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., Saturday evenings. For service or more information call: Clinton HU 2-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 19-21.tf 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Township of Tuckersmith County of Huron To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Tuckersmith under his hand and seal of the said cor- poration, bearing date the Oth day of April, 1960, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Tuckersmith will be held in the Tnekersmith Canned Cham- ber, in the Town Hall, Seaforth, Ontario, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock, (DST), in the afternoon on the 16th day of August, 1960, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lande for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 7th day of May, 1960, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer', Office, this 17th day of May, 1960. CORA CHESNEY Treasurer 22.14-18 23. Cards of Thanks t'Hk. FAMILY of the late Mrs. Thomas Williamson wish to sincerely thank all their friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness shown then during the Illness and passing of their mother. Special thanlcls to Rev. M. Thomas, Mrs. Smalldon and Mr. D. A. liana. 28-24x1 1`HN. FAMILY of the late F. Bruce Medd, wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, neighbours and Mende for their kindness during his long illness, also for messages of sympathy and beauti- ful floral tributes' received during their recent sad berenvetnent. Special thanks to Rev. Summerell, the doctors and the nurses, the pallbearers and flowerbehrers and Dox Funeral Home. 15-24x1 THE FAMILY of the late J. J. Me - Gavin wish to express their sincere ap- preciation to relatives, friends and neigh - bourn for the beautiful floral tributes, cards, expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness shown to teem in their recent sad bereavement. They extend special thanks to Dr. M. W. Stapleton for his attentive care, and to Rev. M. W. Thomas for the comfort he brotfght., 'The many courtesies shown to t'heiri fath- er in hie late years will always be re- membered by them. 28-24-1 23. Cards of Thanks 1 WISH to express my sincere tbanke for all the kindness shown me by the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hos- phut, and for the cards, treats and visits from friends and relatives. 23.24x1 AVIS PARKER I WOULD LIKE to thank Dr. Gor- will and the staff at Scott Memorial tioapitel and all who seat me cards, treaty and flowers and visited me while 1 was a patient in the hospital. 23-24-1 - JERRY, DOERR THE FAMILY of the lute Mrs. W. H. Pepper wish to express their eineere thank, for the kindness Emil sympathy shown during their recent bereavement. They would also like to thank their mother's neighbour, for their watchful care dur- ing the last few months. 28-24x1 WE WISH TO sincerely thanks allour friends who in so many ways helpedus through the sad time .we haSe experienced during the past few weeks. The cards, flowers, • and treats sent to Bev while sick the many tributes sent to the fun- eral home and the kind assistance given to us in the home w .never be forgot- ten. md1S. BEV CHRIS IE and family 28-24x1 24. In Memoriam CUDMORE-In ever loving memory of our dear mother, Margaret Ann Gudmore, who passed away on July 26th, 1982. -,Daughters and sons. 24-24w1 STEPHENSON-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William R. Stephenson, who passed, away, July Met, 1959. Somewhere there is no parting, Somewhere', there is no pain; Somewhere loved ones are waiting To greet us once again. And though beyond our understanding, - May this set our hearts at rest, Somewhere in all His wisdom Our loving God knowa best. -Ever remembered by wife and family. 24-24x1 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples, 25c ; 24 Sam- ples 51.00. Mall - Order Dept. T.78, NOVA -RUBBER CO. Box. 91, Hamilton. 25-21-tf 26. Births BUTT -At Scoti` Memorial Hospital, on July 26, to 'Mr, and Mrs. Murray Butt, Seaforth, a daughter. DIEGEL-In Little Longlac Hospital, Gerald_ton, on July 17, to Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Diegel, nee Betty Hart- man, Geraldton, a son, Matthew Hart- man. artman. GLOUSHEB-At Scott Memorial Hoe- pital, on July 21, to Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Glousher, RR 1, Londeaboro, a daughter. LANE -In Sarnia, on July 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lane, a daughter. MASTIN--At Belleville General Hospital, on July 24, to Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Mastin, Madoc, a son. McKINDSEY-Sgt. and Mrs, James Me- Kindsey, Shiela McLeod, wish to an- nounce the ,birth of a daughter at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, July 26. SIBBALD--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 27„ to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sibbald, Seaforth, a daughter, WALLACE-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 28, to Mr. and Mrs.verne Wallace Cromarty, a daughter WILLIAMS-Mr. and Mrs. Joe W llama, Whitby, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter; Sharon Elizabeth, on Thursday, July 21, In Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. A sister for Debbie. News of Cromarty Present Awards To Winners At Vacation. School The ' congregations, of Roys, Staffa, Chiselhurst and Cromarty sponsored a five-day Bible Vaca- tion School from July 18-22 in Cromarty Church. Rev. A. H. Daynard was the director; Mrs. Calvin Christie, Roys, was 'musi- cal director. The enrolment was 96, • with an average .of 89 each day.' Teachers and assistants were: Mrs. Elmer Dow, Mrs. Christie, Mrs. Mervin Dow, Miss Margaret Ann Wallace, Miss Gladys McKin- non, Miss Eleanor Riley, Mrs. Nor- man Dow, Mrs. Matt . Lamond, Miss Margaret Jean Russell, Miss June Munn, Mrs. Calvin Christie and Mrs. T. L. Scott. At the Friday evening program in Cromarty Church, diplomas were presented to John Scott, Bruce Dow, Robert Drummond, Grace Riley and Patricia Harris. Seals were presented to Joyce Dow, Beryln Miller and Joan Christie. Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing enjoyed a motor trip over the weekend and visited with friends in Wyom- ing, Wallaceburg and London. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kay, of Lon- don, with Nettie McCurdy and Will McCurdy and Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCurdy. Mrs. Christian, of Lindsay, is spending a few weeks with her cousin, Mrs. E. Moore. Ken Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Denton Taylor, visited for a week at the home of M. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. John Scott is holidaying at Bruce Beach with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and family. Norman Chessell, of Mitchell, is holidaying »with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Laing. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wallace on the arrival of a baby daughter -a sister for Pamela. A McKellar reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs.. R. Dodds and granddaughter enjoyed a motor trip, over the weekend to St. Thomas, Springbank and Port Staliley. The CGIT sponsored a crokinOle party in the basement of the Church on Monday evening. Ten tables were in play. Prizes went to the following: ladies' high, Olive Speare, Mrs. Dodds' consolation, Mrs. Laing; men's high, Laverne Scott; -men's low, Ronnie Agar;. 'most pocket twenties, Margaret Scott, Alex Scott; lucky chair, Gordon Laing; oldest married cou- ple, Mr. and Mrs. II, Coleman. TIMELY TIPS "A weak oat nurse crop might make weeds a. problem in new seedlings this year," says Howard Henry, field crops Specialist with the Ontario Department of Agri- culture. "Spray with 16 to 20 ounc- es of. 2,4 -DB acid (trade name:. Enrbatox E) in at least 15 gallons of water per acre," advises Henry. "Hit the crop when the legumes have one to four trifoliate leaves." "Don't let children under 16 drive a tractor on the highway," advises agricultural representative D o n Black. "Besides being against the law, chances of an accident are in- creased; children just haven't got the responsibility and experience of older people." FUNERALS MRS. W. H. PEPPER BRUCEFIELD-Mrs. William H. Pepper passed away Saturday, July 23, in her 82nd year. Born in Buckinghamshire, England, she came to Canada with her family in the spring of 1912, and settled in the Lucknow district. She mov- ed to the Brucefield area in -April, 1929, settled in Stanley Township, and moved to Brucefield in 1953. Mr. Pepper predeceased her 16 years ago and a son, Bill, eight years ago. Mrs. Pepper leaves to mourn her loss three daughters: Grace, ' Mrs. Elgin Thompson, Brucefield; Doreen, Mrs. Aldie Mustard,' Varna; Nellie, Mrs. Geo. Pinkney, Walkerton; eight grand- children, and one great grandchild. Pallbearers were Messrs. Lloyd Thompson, Vic. Hargraves, Bob Spier, George Clifton,. Bill Mc- Lachlan, of Brucefield, and John Ritchie, Lucknow. Burial was in Baird's cemetery. HENSALL NEWS The Hensall Kinsmen Club is co- operating with the Huron TB As- sociation in the forthcoming local TB survey, scheduled for July 28. The clinic hours are from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. George McLean, of Belmont, Man., and Mrs. Ella Hedden, Exeter, visited last week with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Herb. Mr: Stoffer Faber was taken by ambulance Thursday to Clinton hospital in the interests of his health. The second group of pupils of Miss Greta Lammie from Hensall and district will present a program on a kiddies' radio program on a Wingham radio station this Satur- day morning. . Mrs. Mervyn ,Keys and three daughters of Winnipeg, Man., are Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keys and family. The trip was made by motor. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwen, Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Haugh, Linda and Dannie, Credi- ton, attended the Lowe -Johnston picnic at the farm of Jay Wells in Paris on Saturday, attended by ov- er one hundred. Mr. and Mrs. Art McQueen, of Grants Pass, Oregon, and Miss Donna Rigby, of Toronto, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. DUBLIN Mrs. Dan Costello and Mrs. Joe Malone, Kitchener, left Mallon by TCA for Shearwater, Nova Scotia, Saturday to spend a week with Seaman Billy and Mrs. Costello and , children. Rev. Arthur Looby, C.S.B., Ot- tawa, and Mrs. Clarence Trott, of Clinton, with Mrs. A. M. Looby. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nagle, Stratford, and Mr. land Mrs. Mich- ael Nagle spent Thursday in Tot- tenham, Loretta and Alliston, vis- iting relatives. Rev. Anthony Groensweyen, of Holland, is a guest of his sister; Mrs. Hans Vonks. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Morrison, Kitchener, with • Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison. - Mr. Pat Maloney,' Sr., is visit- ing in. Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ryan and chil- dren, Kitchener, are visiting in the village. Mt. and Mrs. Frank Evans and Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary and Karen, of London, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry May - man at, Deep River. Misses Maureen and , Marion Looby in Dundas with Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson. . Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brick, of Detroit, with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Byrne and Bobbie, of Hamilton, with Monica Byrne and Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dantzer, Windsor, with Billie Dantzer and, Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haines, of Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle and Bernadette at The Pines, Chatham, Ont. Attending the Feeney -Kelly wed- ding. Saturday in London were: Mrs. Mary Feeney, Cecelia and Teddy; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Over- dulve, Mrs. Catherine Feeney and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Billie Feeney, Mr. and Mrs. John Kraus- kopf, M'r. and Mrs. Norman Kram- ers, Mr. Ken Stapleton, Theo Mel- ady, Gordon Costello, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meagher, Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. „Lorne Feeney, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krauskopf. Mr. and: Mrs. George Goettler and children spent the weekend in Detroit. Mr. Joe Matthews of Long Branch, is visiting with friends in this vicinity. W. I. Meets Dublin Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Joe Stapleton with 17 members and two visitors present. Roll call was answered with, "What I have made or grown." The motto was given by Mrs. Tom Butters,u Should a man plant more garden than his wife can hoe?" Mrs. Alphonse Cronin and Mrs. Doug Racho gave a re- port 'on .Agriculture. Plans were made to visit the ,Aged Home, take lunch and a small gift for the members at the next meeting. Entertainment was in the form of different games, with Mrs. Burchill the winner. With other fuels taking over from coal, Canada in 1959 produc- ed less coal than at any time in 50 years. The 1959 figure: 10,554,803 tons. Said the rich and single aunt to her nephew: "I'm sorry you don't like your gift but I asked you if you preferred a large check or a small one." Replied the ungrateful nephew: "True enough but I didn't,_know you were talking • about neektten." S. McQueen and Mr. and Mrs. H. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Keys and Brian, of Burlington, and Mrs. A. E. Keys, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwen. Injured in Car Accident An accident at Dashwood Mon- day afternoon sent one person to hospital and caused damages. amounting to $700. A car, driven by Mark Brokenshire, 83, Dash- wood, travelling east, turning into- Hayter's service station, and a car driven by Leonard Smith, 42, Strat- ford, driving west, were in colli- sion. Mr. Brokenshire was taken by Hoffman ambulance to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, with • a fractured leg and other minor in- juries. Mrs. Leonard Smith suf- feted fractured ribs. OPP George Mitchell, of Exeter detachment, Who ' investigated, 'stated charges are pending. Mrs. Thomas Kyle, Sr., receiv- ed word that her nephew, LeVerne 'Kipfei, 34, of Ilba, Iowa, had been killed in' a car accident July 15. He is a son of David Kipfer, a na- tive of Hay Township. Surviving are his wife and one son, David; his father 'and one brother, Don- ald. Mrs. Margaret Vair, of Bruce - field, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth, Detroit. Recreational activities. this week include a field day on Thursday. Friday will see the conclusion of the field day at 10 a.m., and at 1 p.m., swimming . at Seaforth Lions Pool. Funeral of Chester Lee Funeral service was held from the Bonthron funeral chapel, Hen- sall, Monday for Chester Lee, who passed away Friday. Pallbearers at the chapel were William Kyle, Lloyd Venner, Harry Mathers, John Anderson, Bert Horton and Byran Kyle. Pallbearers at the ceme- tery were nephews: Verne Lee, Jack Lee, Keith"' Stirling, Glen Stirling, Frank Lee and Cecil Stir- ling. Flowerbearers' were nephews:. Frank„ Farrell, Lee Farrell and Dick Pollock. Mr. Lee was born in South How - ick Township and for many years barbered in West Lorne and later in Rodney, Seaforth, Parkhill and Hensall. While in West Lorne he was a member of the village coun- cil when the new waterworks was installed. (See also Page 3). MR, IRS, HERS COOMBS -..MARK: 'GOLDEN »WEDDING ARV:MARY Fifty years of married life will be observed July '29 by an Eg- mondville couple. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Coombs will be at home to their friends and neigh- bors for an open house, following a family dinner ,at D. MacLean in Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Coombs have a family of six sons: Palmer, Lon- don, ondon, and Cleave, Ken, Wes, Ray and Fergus, all of Egmondville. The couple were married at Win- throp in 1910. Mrs. Coombs is the 'former Amy Worden, of Win op. Mr. Coombs was also from Win- throp. The couple moved to `mondville, with Mr. Coombs being employed at The Robert Bell En- gine and Thresher Co., Ltd. Mr. GARDEN SHORTS -Having trouble with ants- in -the garden? Entomologists with the Ontario Department of Agriculture say, that chlordane, the favourite white grub kind', will..do an' equal- ly good job on ants. * * * Lawn experts with the Ontario Department of Agriculture suggest "cutting high" for lawns during the hot summer months. Grass cut to a height of 11/2-2 inches won't brown off so much, and, it will re- sist crabgrass that much .better. • Daughter: "Daddy, dear, what is your birthstone?" ' Daddy: "1 think it must be a grindstone." • Coombs was eniployed at that fac- tory for 43 years as a stationary engineer. He retired from Robert Bell Industries Ltd. in 1958. As well as a wedding annivers- ary, Mr. Coombs celebrated his 72nd birthday a day earlier, July 28th. BRUCE FIELE • Mr.' and Mrs. ' John Murdoch were hosts over the weekend at a pleasant family gathering, when all members of their family were able to be present. On Saturday afternoon Rev. A. H. Johnston, of Bruce4eld United Church, administered the rites of baptism to the three children- of Mr. and Mrs. William D; Duncan, of Miami, Florida, who have been holidaying with, their parents here and with their sister, Miss Beth Murdoch, at Loch -Haven, the Mur- doch's lakeside home in Goderich. Following the ,service 'a lively- buf- fet supper was served with the ladies of Group 3 WA, Brutefield, in charge. Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. William N. Murdoch, of Dundas; Miss Beth Murdoch, Mr. and Mra, • Stanley G. Rumble and three chil. dren, Ted, Larry and Christine, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. -William D. Duncan, Billy, Bobby and Lynn, of Miami; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mc - Beath, of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McBeath and Rev. and Mrs. Johnston, of Brucefield. SWIM REVIEW and WATER BALLET Seaforth. Lions Pool THURSDAY EVENING; 'JULY 28th at 8:30 p.m. „ ADMISSION FREE (In case of inclement weather the Review will be held the following • night, Friday, July 29) STAPLERS We now carry an assortment of Desk and Hand Staplers at econ- omical prices. See our assortment of famous, top quality SWING - LINE Machines. Staples are stocked for all machines which • we carry. CHECK OUR PRICE! FOR THE STUDENT!" BRISTOL -Light weight, all colors .10 BRISTOL -Six -ply whiWte, 4 -ply colors .20 FILE POLDERS -Letter size, each ... .04 3 for .10c; 100 for $3.00 FILE FOLDERS -Cap size, each .05 6 for .25c'; 100; for $3.70 TYPING.PAPER-500 sheets 50 sheets ' 2.40 25 CHECK THE MANY STATIONERY ITEMS AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR WRITING PAPER Keepsake PAPETRIES Cameo PAPETRIES 600 850' Royal TYPEWRITERS from $7.9.95 up. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 141 Seaforth