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GEORGE' DIEGEL, 86, stands in front of the new Brodha gen and District Community
Centre, which will be officially opened next Wednesday. Mr. Diegel holds the plans which were
used lit' t'.ie builders in construction.
Brodhagen Area Brides
Are .Honorect at Showers
A shower seas held for Mr, and
Mrs, Tuffnxll (Donna Rock) on
Friday evening' at the. Community
Hall. They were presented with
cash. Masic for dancing was sup--
up-plied by Mr. and Mrs. LorneMil-
ler. The groom showed slides of
their trip to Niagara and other
points during intermission.
Another shower Was held on Sat-
urday evening for Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Somerville (Arlene Diegel) at
the same hall. Miss Sandra Ben-
newies read the address, which
was written by Mrs, Fred Herbert,
and Mrs. George Rock presented
them with • a• place setting of din-
nerware and cash. A- Goderich
orchestra provided music for danc-
ing. .
Mrs. Gordon Bach, Bernice and
Marian, of London, have been vis-
iting her parents, Mr,' and Mrs.
Ed. Prueter and sister, Mrs. Wil-
fred Ahrens' and Mr. Ahrens.
FloWers'adorned the altar of St.
Peter's Lutheran church on Sun-
day in memory of iAlbert Queren-
gesser, who passed away two years
ago, July 20, They were placed by
his wife and family.
The annual Sunday School pic-
nic is to be held this coming Sun-
day beginning at 6 o'clock. The
congregation is requested to bring
picnic lunch.
Mrs. Bosine Miller will observe
her 89th birthday on. Sunday, July
Miss Glenda Dickison, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Dickison, en-
tertained .a number of girls on
Wednesday afternoon on the occa-
sion of her sixth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hart, 'of Lon-
don, spent a few days with her
Citizen Co-operation
Provides New Centre
Enthusiasm of every person in
the village and district, coupled
with generous contributions of
time and money, paid dividends in
BB'rodhagen where a $50,000 Com-
munity Centre is being opened next
week. Sponsored bg the Chamber
of Commerce, organized in 1957,
the building stands in the Com-
munity Park, which was establish-
ed. east of the village in 1958.
Funds for the project have come
from various projects, such as car
raffles, bingos, dances, chicken
barbecues and an auction sale.
The cement -block building mea-
sures 100 feet by 40 feet. The
ground floor accommodates a din-
ing hall, seating 150, together with
complete kitchen 'facilities. The
second floor auditorium will seat
300. The dance floor, of maple
hardwood, measures 66 feet by 40
Also on the groundsis a band-
stand. The 40 -year-old bandstand
that stood in 'Mitchell's town
square was moved to the Brod-
hagen Park in August, 1959. This
was the first time in its. 55 years
of history that the Brodhagen
Brass Band had a grandstand of
its own on which to practice and
play summer concerts.
Plans for the • Community Cen-
tre were draughted by George
Diegel, 86 -year-old Brodhagen citi-
zen. The centre embodies the
brainwork of Mr. Diegel, who
drew the plans.- and scale eleva-
tions' used by the builders. - For
more than 60 years he was a build-
ing contractor and barn framer in
the Brodhagen area.
Funeral service for John J. Mc -
Gavin, McKillop Townshi farmer
and drover, was held Thursday af-
fternoon at' the home of his son,
Gordon McGavin, lot 22, concession
13, McKillop, with Rev. W. M.
Thomas, of Walton, officiating.
Burial was in Brussels cemetery,
Pallbearers, were John and William
Turnbull, Neil and John McGavin,
Donald Lawless and George Hab-
kirk. Flowerbearers were Fred
and Charles McGavin, William
Leeming and Burt Denpis.
As of March, 1960, 10 percent
of all Canadians in. the 18 to 21 age
group are attending universities.
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Rock, re-
cently. '
Miss Donna 'Puschelberg was
holidaying at the home of her
grandmother, Mrs. Alma Puschel-
berg, recently.
Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy was the lucky
winner of $100 in the draw at the
St. Columban garden party,
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Bruder, of
Montreal, with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Edwin Rock.
Master Roy Kieber, of Kitchener,
is holidaying with his aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy.
Mrs. Chambers, of Preston, vis-
ited ,Mrs. Rosin Miller on Satur-
Miss Beverley Sholdice is attend-
ing Edgewood Camp at Eden Mills
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fischer and
family, Seaforth, and Mrs. Rudy
Hehn and Perry, of Rostock, with
Mrs. Rosine Miller on Sunday.
Members of the United Lutheran
Church Women enjoyed' a social"
evening as guests of the Ladies'
Aid of St. Paul's Lutheran Church,
Ellicejast Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice,
Roger and Beverley visited Mr. and
Mrs. John Amstein in Kitchener on
Sunday.'' -!0'
Miss Joanne Bennewies„ of Sea -
forth, is visiting with her grand-
mother, Mrs. John L. Bennewies.
Master Bobby Querengesser, of
Mitchell, is spending a few days
with his grandmother, Mrs. W.' L.
Querengesser, while his parents
are on a trip to the United States.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smyth and
Mr. and Mrs. Ford Dickison and
Glenda spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Gibb and family, who
are holidaying at the Pinery, near
Grand Bend, Glenda remaining
with them for some holidays.
Mr: and Mrs. R, Pauli and fam-
ily, ,of Detroit, are spending this
week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mrs. Charles Ahrens spent the
weekend with Mrs. Barbara Mc-
Leod at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Clark, Mitchell, ,and also vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leonhardt,
'Mr. and Mrs. William Diegel and
Mr. George Diegel visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Ervin Swint, at Milverton
on Sunday.
Miss Carol Rode, of Palmerston,
is holidaying with her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roek.
THE FIVE -ACRE TRACT on which stands the new Brodhagen and District Community' Centre,
contains -five springs which have been developed as a water supply. Above, Ford Diekison, a mem-
ber of the Chainber of Commerce, and Russell Sholdice, Chamber Secretary, examine the springs,
while mirk .was..just in thetplanning.stage.
Hot Dog Stand to Community
Centre . . a dream that grew
and grew ' will be fully realized
Wednesday night.
Two years age the newly -form-
ed Chamber Af Commerce opened
a Community Park in Brodhag-
en. Little did they realize that
within a few . ghort months they
would be building a hall on the
land at a cost in excess of $20,000.
Following the official opening of
the Park on August 7, 1958, mem-
bers of the Chamber decided more
facilities were needed at the
grounds. At a meeting they de-
cided to "dream up" some ideas
for a hot dog stand. The mem-
bers came up with several kleas
and presented them ata later
meeting. When the meeting was
over the idea of a community hall
was born.
Wednesday night a gala even-
ing's entertainment will form part
of the occasion marking the open-
ing of the building. Floyd A. Lash-
ley, director of • Agricultural and
Horticultural Societies in Ontario,
will cut the ribbon to open the
A chicken barbecue will be serv-
ed on the grounds to start the eve-
ning, followed by a program and
official opening. Games and danc-
ing will round out the entertain-
ment. During the evening a draw
will take place on a 1960 car and
cash prizes.
Cost of materials in the hew
building was $20,000, says Russell
Sholdice, secretary of the Cham-
ber. "The labor was all gratis."
Asked about present indebted-
ness, he said ,$8,000 was still ow-
ing on the materials.
Membership of the Chamber of
Commerce in this little community
in Logan Township is 54,•
News of . Zion
Zion Church Has
Community Picnic
In Mitchell Park
Zion. Church held a community
picnic iri Mitchell Park Thursday
night with an attendance of 80.
Lunch committee was Mrs. R. Aik-
ens, Mrs. Lawrence Hannon, Mrs.
Ross Pepper and. Mrs. Dalton Mal-
colm; sports, Mrs. Lloyd Barker
and Mrs. Charles Roney.
Results were as, follows:: Races,
boys and girls, three- years and
under, Paul Wells, Russell Barker,
Wendy Barker, Kenneth Roney;
boys, six and under, Dennis Pep-
per, Ray Barker; girls, six and
under, Marilyn Roney, Laura Mae
Roney; boys, eight and under, .Ted
Cudmore, Dennis Pepper; girls,
eight and under, Beth Roney, Mar-
ilyn Roney; boys, 10 years and un-
der, Don Thackery, Allan Roney;
girls, 10 and under, Joan Annis,
Fay Roney; boys, 12 and under,
Grant Pepper, Bruce Malcolm;
girls, 11 and 'under, Gayle Lannin;
Gladys Roney; boys, 14 and under,
Grant Pepper; girls, 14 and under,
Betty Ann Barker; young ladies,
Gloria Ann Pepper; young men,
Jim Thackery; girls and boys, six
years. and under, kicking slipper,
Laura Mae Roney, David Hannon;
girls and boys, eight years and
under, sack race, Beth Roney, Ted
Cudmore; throwing ball into um-
brella, Joan Annis, David Han-
non; girls and boys, 12 years and
under, shoe scramble, Joan Annis,
Grant Pepper.
Two relays were enjoyed by the
young people. Prize winders for
couple races were Mr, and Mrs.
George Thackery and Robert Bur-
chill and Marjorie Malcolm. Mys-
tery prizes were won by Ross'Pep-
per, Heather Daynard and Morley
Lannin; oldest lady, Mrs. R. Bur-
chill, Sr.; oldest man, Lawrence
Hannon; youngest member, Linda
Roney; couple with wedding anni-
versary closest to picnic day, Roy
and Donna Hannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Cudipore and
family with her sister, Mrs. Chas.
Roney, and Mr. Roney on Mon-
Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Pepper Tuesday night were
Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper and
Mr. and Mrs. George Thackery,
Janette, Jimmie and Don.
Mrs. Robert E. Burchill, Mrs. R.
Burchill, Sr., and Mrs. Jack Bur-
chill and Patricia attended a pic-
nic in Mitchell on Thursday after-
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lanvin and
Gayle at their cottage in Bayfield
for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm
and Keith, Miss Wanda Moore, and
Mr. and Mrs. George Thackery,
Janette and Jimmie attended the
Festival in Stratford Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs: Don Taylor and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Taylor, Grand Valley, with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Roney on Mon-
Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Annis and
family in London on Friday.
Visitors with Mrs. Mary Malcolm
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Murdie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc-
Kercher, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Gordon, Domia and.,Barry.
Mr. Earl Rogers, Detroit, and
1Ir. and Mrs. Lorne Rogers, Wind-
sor, are Visiting their sister, Mrs.
Elmore Kleinfeldt and Mr. Klein-
feldt for the weekend and visited
Mrs. Alexia Malcolm in Stratford
Hospital on Saturday, and other
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker,
Bonnie, Larry and Wendy, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Barker, Donna, Betty
Ann and Russell, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Barker, Terry and Ra'y, and
Mr.ndrs. Glenn Pepper, Gloria
Ann d 'Grant in Paris on Sun.
da• , wining Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Williams and family on a picnic:
lowing their marriage, in St. Peter's Lutheran Chuch, Brod-
hagen. The bride is the former Rose Christine Siemon, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Antone Siemon, RR 2, Walton, and the"
bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robinson, RR
1, St. Marys. After a wedding trip to the east coast the cou-
ple will live in Barrie. ,(Photo by Fowler).
Walking through a field with his
girl, Frank saw a bull charging to-
ward them. He grabbed his girl.
and heat a hasty retreat.
"Why, Franit dear," she. said
when they reached safety, "I
thought • you told me ypji'd face
death for me."
I would," he replied, "but that
bull wasn't dead!'
"Why don't you play golf with
George any more?" Pete's wife
asked him.
"Would you play with a fellow
who puts down the wrong score
and moves.the ball when you aren't
"No," she replied. •
"Neither will George."
n O*# Ax oRt0Is SEATMR
Huron ' farm New
Winter, wheat IS sipenin: vett';
rapidly dulriufC the Iiast wOek *.n4.
cutting .will be genera, this; wee
Some fields have already"een cut
The weather has been dry through-
hroughout the county at the time of writ,
Mexican Bean Beetle damage
has been reported in one area of
the 'county ii white beans.
lint ilk,: I40.141K94
,Bayfield Pavilion
Saturday, 1011 0,
•,F.1 JA 1Na'lw ,
One. Weele'Only.
at BrightralPs. Fina Station
4 Qts. SAE 30
Fina Service -
Phone 354, : • Seaforth
and District Community Centre
- Starting at 6 o'clock
• Adults $1.25 • Children 65c
including DANCE with Desjardine's Orchestra
Program 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
8 P.M. — OFFICIAL OPENING and Ribbon Cutting
First and every one hundredth ticket drawn — $10.00
Advance Supper Tickets may be obtained from Chamber Members
Be with us on AUGUST 3rd and enjoy an evening of fun at BRODHAGEN AND DISTRICT
This space is contributed -in the interests of the
Tractor Tire Service, Vulcanizing, Repairs
Supertest Gas and Oils — Electric Welding
Phone: Dublin 58 R 20
Plumbing - Heating
Manufacturers of Fresh Air Ventilating Fans
Phones: Mitchell 602 R 31, Dublin 58 R 16
Custom Chopping
Phone Dublin 81 R 13
Phone Dublin 24 R 14
L. & •R. HICKS
Minneapolis • Moline Tractors
and Implements
Phones: Mitchell 602•R 22, Dgblin 38 R 3
Mitchell 602 R 2 Dahlia 38 R 25
Low Prices Always
Mitchell 802 R 83 hones. Dublin 58 R,�,
' Brodhagen