HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-07-21, Page 4U ''nunon, Xl?'Q OR', SEAFORTH, I QNT.,, JULY 2i 190 SELL AND PROFIT... BUY AMID SAVE ... GET A BETTER JOB . HIRE GOOD HELP! Coming Events 111113'. OF MEDICINE, Tueaday, du!iy 28. 1360. CBC Radio. Trans -Canada 'Network, 8:00 to 8:80 p.m., E.D.S.T.. "Dancer--4The Long Slow Battle". 1-23x1 MOWER FOR Mr. and Mrs. Paul •Blaeklinger (2Vliliai Breater) at the Brod- hagen•andD;strict Community Centre, on Fi11A.AY, JULY 29, Everyone welcome. Goocl music. 1-23x2 SS NO. 8, HIBBERT Centennial, Sat- urday, July 80. Entertainment from 9 oclock in the morning all through the day. At 8 p.m. short variety program featuring the Country Squires. of Listow- , t el, followed by dancing to Harburn's Or- ! chestra. Admission 75c and 50c for even- s ing. ,Everyone welcome at all times. 2. Lost, Strayed LOST—Man's brown rim glasses in a case. Could have been left in a store or on the sidewalk. Finder please ,end to BOX 939, The Huron Expositor. 2-28x1 `TEN DOLLARS reward for anyone finding a, grey box containing three fish- ing rods. These were lost on Saturday, July 16, at Sproat.' brick yard, Tucker - smith. Finder please phone Mitchell, collect, 485, after 6 p.m. 2-23-2 BOXER PUP, 3 months old, tan with white neck and nose markings, bob tail, ears trimmed, answers to "Pal". Finder or anyone knowing whereabouts Contact NORMAN DUPEE, East William St,,, Phone 390-M. 2-23x.1 4. Help Wanted GOOD responsible berry pickers want- ed. Phone ANDREW MOORE, 600 R 31, Seaforth. 4-23-1 WOMEN—Represent our company from your own home. Part or full time. No door to door. Customers supplied. Must be married home owners. Salary. Com- __ mission. Send_ name and phone number to MiOi3ARi O , 36 •Densley Ave., Toronto, 15, Ontario. 4-22-2 HELP WANTED CLERICAL ASSISTANT SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Ability to type a requirement. • Reply etating age, experience and qual- ifications to: The Secretary - SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Seaforth, Ontario 4-23-2 EMPLOYMENT OFFICER $3'900. - $4350. Unemployment Insurance Commission Stratford, Ontario Documentary evidence of high school graduation will be required. Application forms available at National Employment and Post Offices' where dia- played are Postero' of Information as to residence and qualification requirements. Apply BEFORE AUGUST 2. 1960, to the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION,. 25 St. Clair Ai enue, East, Toronto 7, Ontario. 4-23-1 7. SituationsWanted GIRL wants work in Seaforth. Would do housework. Apply BOX 938, The Huron Expoeitor. 7-28x1 CARPENTRY AND ROOFING work done evenings or weekends. PETER MALCOLM. phone 359=R, Seaforth. 7-23x1 ' BOY, 14, with faro,, background and experience, wishes summer employment on farm. PHONE 568-J, Seaforth. 7-28-1 arm 'Stock For Sale HEREFORD BULL CALF, 8 weeks old, B. WESTERVELD, phone 852 R 24, Sea- forth..- .8-28x1 17 PIGS, 9 weeks old. JOHN E. Mac - LEAN, RR 3, Seaforth, phone 666 R 21. 8-23.1 TA'MWORTH HOG, 2 years old, quiet, Proven breeder. Apply FRANCIS COLE- MAN, phone 838 R 22, Seaforth. 8-28x1 20 FIRST LITTER sows, due Intwo and three weeks. Bred pure York. Also 80 chunks, 10 to 12 weeks old. ALBERT W. SHIRRAY, Pbone ,688 R 11, RR 2. Henaall, Ontario. 8-28-2 10. Used Cars For Sale 1952 PONTIAC panel truck. 8270.00. BALDWIN HARDWARE, Seaforth, 10-28-1 1959 STUDEBAKER LARK, 6 cylinder, 12,000 miles, to clear 'estate late Sam _Mc- Clung, Brucefield. PHONE HU. 2-3328, 10-23-1 1949 DODGE 8 -Ton truck, with excep- tionally good tires. Will eell as is, or ' for parte. Apply LOU ROWLAND, phone 80 R 2, Dublin. 10-23-2 11. Articles For Sale PIANO, in good condition. Priced rea- nonably. Apply MRS. STEVE MURRAY, Phone 45 R 3, Dublin, 11-22x2 PARTS for Massey Harris No. 6 Grain binder. Wrecking two binders. Apply GERALD WATSON, Blyth, Pbone 40 R 4. 11-22x3 24 X 46 McDonald Thresher, with straw cutter and grain elevator. In good con- dition. Phone RUSSELL BOLTON, phone 840 R, 33, or LOUIS BOLTON, phone 850 R 22. 11.281 COMPLETE LINE of famous Ritten- • bonee Door Chimes, sales, Installation and (service. Call today .for free estimate. 4:1001sT RADIO and TV SERVICE, Phone 200, Seaforth, 11.21-tf ;F3 T and M4 NT,MORE1-30y Cherries ,dot ready. Bring containers .and pick Your .own at TED VanETt°K'S, formerly Govenlock- Orchards, 1,[ mile north of Poreat on 21 Highway. 1122.2 MAGIC' MARKERS—Instant dry, wa- root, writeon any surfaear fust pull Oft cap and Magic Marker Is ready to tate. ' Refills available, Nine colors Mk. THE: HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141, Beafortb. BLAB WOO-), hard wood, $10 per load; C0cdWeod, $8 peg em$tl hlead; a9p:roeeftittblceeks Art0r4oi sd*lp;tieeht , 1x1 ' sodi dada bhlldlni' raatotiald D 'ati lnz�, aifnfen, Dna' um 655i,t2. 2' 11. Articles For Sale 12" PORTABLE TV, RCA Victor. SUNOCO SERVICE, Seaforth. 11-28x1 THREE-PIECE chesterfield suite, 385. PHONE 686-J, or 686-W, Seaforth. 11-23-1 BOY'S JUVENILE bicycle, new con- dition. CHARLES PINDER, Seaforth. 11-28x1 DINING ROOM TABLE. round, buffet, dresser and large child's crib. PHONE Clinton HU, 2-3328, Brucefield. 11-23-1 PARTS for 32 X 50 Bell Separator, with cutter, good emery atone for same. GEORGE MASSIE, Parkhill, 1111 7, phone Springbank 14 R 4. 11.23x1' CHERRY WRITING desk, 36" high x 31" x 24", Child's writing desk, 22" high x 29" x 17". .ORVAL GREER, 'RR 4, Seaforth, phone 655 R 24. 11-23x1 9' CASE WINDROWER, good condition. Apply to WALTER SCOTr, RR 2, Sea - forth, phone 833 R 3, Seaforth, 11.23x1 RASPBERRIES, starting soon, good picking, in a large patch. Phone for picking time. Bring boxes and pick your own. WATSON FRUIT FARM, 1 mile north of Forest on 21 Highway, Phone 639 R 11. 11-23-1 NEW WILLIAMS sewing machines, $5: buffet, $5; 2 -burner hot plate, 35; GE fry pan, $10; electric kettle, $5; china cabinet, $20.` All real bargains. J. JONES, c/o Mrs. Chas, Lovett, North Main St., Seaforth. 11-23x1 PRIVATE SALE of bookease; bedroom suite, springs and Marshall mattress, chest of drawers. Apply to D. I. HILL, at the front apartment over Kling's store, on Saturday, July 23, from 1 to 3 p.m. 11-28 1 12. Wanted To Buy HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick, down and disabled farm animals. Prompt courteous collection of all dead and dis- abled farm animals and hides. Call coll- lect, ED ANDREWS, 851 R 11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. ,. , . - 12-2141 13. Wanted GOOD HOMES for Spaniel pups. RAY- MOND COOMBS, phone 670W4, Seaforth. 13-23-1 BOARDERS WANTED. in modern Sea - forth home. PHONE 2414, Seaforth. 14. Property For Sale 20 ACRE. FARM, near Brucefield, for sale; good barn, driving shed and 2 storey, 8 room house. Apply to 'MRS. LEYDEN McCLUNG, Brucefield, 14-22x2 FOR SALE NEW HOUSE WITH CARPORT Three-bedroom house on West - William Street. Apply: N. SCHNEIDER • Phone 235-W, Seaforth 14-23-3 PROPERTY FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN ,_ESTATE Lots 136, 137 in Gouinlock Survey, located on George Street, East, Seaforth. THE PROPERTY OF TEE LATE BESSIE KERR r` On the property is a .. well insulated and easily heated frame house, three bed- rooms, bathroom, good basement, good furnace. Immediate possession, For further particulars apply to: McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors. Etc. Seaforth, Ontario - 14 -234 15. Property For Rent COMPLETELY MODERN 2 -room apart- ment for rent.. Possession August 1. PHONE, 101, Seaforth. 1523-2 ONE -BEDROOM gas heated apartment, JOSEPH McCONNELL, Seaofrth, 15-23-8 • COMFORTABLE HOUSE in Hensall• automatic oil heat, modern bath and kit- chen available immediately. EDISON FORRI;ST, Hensall. 15-222 FRONT APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and bath. Apply UNITED DAIRY and POULTRY CO-OHERATIVE, aa - forth Branch, Phone 18. • 15-21-tf Town, of Seaforth FOR SALE Two lots, Nos. 27, 28, Jarvis Survey. If interested, apply: CLERK'S OFFICE TOWN HALL 14-28-2 19. Notices CUSTOM COMBINING. Contact LYLE MONTGOMERY, Phone Clinton HU. 2- 7231. t 19-28-8 FILTER QUEEN SALES and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners for Bale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich, Phone Heneall 696812. 19-21x13-tf MOTORS AND PORTABLE power tools rewound and repaired. Parts for all popular makes. Rebuilt motors for sale. New Leland and Wagner motors avail- able on abort notice. ART LEVET-, 189 Erie Street, Clinton. Phono Ell. 2-6640. 19-21-tf ANYONE WISHING to have their corn sprayed for weeds, I naw have a machine eanfpped with corn nozzles, Lea damage to corn. Alio used Mr white waahing and other weed spraying. Apply HUBERT COOPER, Phone 5094.8, Exeter. 10.28x0 WELL DRILLING—ATI contracts on no water, no pay basis, 40 years experience. We have the know-how, 8 m6dern mach. lees. There le no well like a rock well, eased /meyond all possible contamination. No entitle! or person lair fall Into it. We sell arid service vamps for .these ovens. Canted W. D. 1/OPPE1t & SONS, phone •Seafdtth Ad9 W 1, 851 It 18 or 669 W 11. 1981c4 19. Notices ELECTROLUX Sales and aervice. Cleaners and polishers, Also recondition- ed cleaners. GARY COOPER, 126 Gots don Street, .Clinton, Phone HU. 2-7200. 19.214f PICNIC TABLES, 30 x 60". made from sturdy 2" Western cedar, only $22.50. Be prepared for the warm wea- ther, get your table today. Other sizes made to order. SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD., Phone 47, Seaforth. 19.21-tf GUARANTEED RADIO and TV repairs and small electrical appliance repairs. Fast service, SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE, East William Street, Pbone 250, Seafurth. i9-21-tf REVITALIZED cleaning at BI{teha n Cleaners, Mount Forest, More spots nd stains removed. Garments stay clean long- er, wear longer, Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE, Phone 247 for pick-up. 19-21-t1 DRAIN TILE -4", $55 per M, del'd; 5", $85 per M, del'd; 6", 3110 per M, del'd; 8 ", $175 per M, del'd. Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on request. RYDALL BRICK & T1LE LTD., Elginfield. Phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan. 19-98-61 COMPLETE LAUNDETERLA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice, WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 19-21,-tf BUILDING and REMODELING, eaves - troughing done, Also salesman . for N. 0. Hipel, Preston, Ontario; Hipel barns, loafing pens, chicken houses, driving sheds and metal roofing. Call WAYNE SMITH, phone 671 J 4, Seaforth. 19-21-tf ATTENTION FARMERS—Barn cleaning and white -washing done. Attention Dai- ry men—We use the Carbola white wash, the new product, to keep flies and cob webs out of the stable from season to season, J. M. BAEKER,-•phone•95, Brus- sels, or write to Box 138, Brussels, for estimates, 19-23-6 SEAFORTH UPHOLR,Y Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19-21-tf NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Tuckersmith Township' Municipal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m, on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons until further notice. CORA CHESNEY Clerk, Tuckersmith 19-21-tt ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid in surrounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled hors- es and cattle. Horses at 6c pound. For the fastest and proper removal of all ani- mals, day or night, - Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD, ZENITH 3=4900 (No toll charge) 19-22-26 WATERLOO - CATTLE `BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better. Bulls Are Used" ; Artificial Insemination Service is pro- vided from bulls of ail breeds. We are Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost. Summer calling hours: Between 7:80 and 9:80 a.m., weekdays; 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., Saturday evenings. For service or more information call: Clinton HU 2-3441 or for Lbhg Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 19-21-tf 20. Auction' Sales EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of high quality Cattle, Tractors, Truck, Farm Implements, Grain, Poultry, House- hold Effects and -Miscellaneous Items, on the Premises, lot 9, con, 2, Stanley twp., 12/4 miles west of Brucefield, 2 miles south, or 11/4 miles west of Kipper, 2 miles north'; The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by Public Auction on TUESDAY, JULY 26, at 12:80 p.m., , DAIRY and BEEF CATTLE—'6 choice Holstein cows, recently freshened, all re - bred ; Holstein cow, fresh two weeks with calf at foot; Holstein heifer, fresh one month, with calf at foot; Guernsey caw, fresh since May; part Hereford and Dur- ham cow, milking, fresh since April ;. Blue Roan part Holstein and Dur- ham heifer, due in Septeiner; bbrin- dle part Durham and Jersey hei- fer, due in August; top quality milking herd; 3 Hereford heifers, averaging 800 lbs, inch; 2 part Holstein and Hereford heifef-s, averaging 850 lbs. each; 3 part Hereford and Holstein steers, averaging 850 lbs. each; 6 Hereford and Holstein grans cattle; 10 spring calves; all in mar- ket condition. TRACTORS and FARM IMPLEMENTS —WC Allis Chalmers tractor in perfect condition ; Allis Chalmers B tractor, equip- ped with smaller and bean puller, in A-1 condition ; 1949 Chev. 1/2 -ton picku truck with stock racks; International 9 stiff -tooth cultivator; Cockshut 4 -bar side rake; Otaco 2 -furrow plow on rubber: Fleury 3 -section drag harrows; Cockshut 9' cultivator; New Idea tractor spreader like new; 2 -wheel trailer; hay loader; Cockshut heavy-duty rubbertire wagon in brand new condition ; 16' hay rack ; 7' Case double disc; 10' McDeering dump rake; rotary bean harvester; heat homier; 3 -section diamond harrows; McDeering 11 - run fertilizer drill ; MH A. binder, like new; Gehl hammermlll; 60' hammermill belt; net of bob sleighs;•Universal milk- ing machines; ' 2 Surge single unit pails; 4 milk cans; feed cooker; exten- sion ladder; electric fan and blower; fan - ring mill; colony house, 10' X 12'; 10 galvanized self feeders; 3 automatic chicken fountains; 3 pipeleas oil burner brooder stoves, like new; aluminum wheel barrow; logging chains; forks; ahovele; barrels. Many other miscellaneous items. POULTRY—G00 choice Suttees X Rhode Inland Red 14 weeks 61d. GRAINh 500 bus. Rodney data. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—,Bell piano; Gurney 4 -burner heavy-duty eldctric atove; Norge refrigerate'', 3 complete bedroom mites; chest Of drawers; com- plete dining room suite; china cabinet; end tables: kitchen table and cfialrs; etc., etc. Household affects in new condition. Thin s an extra large sale and will start sharp on time. Plan to, attend. TEAMS—Cash. At08 REY I`A1tQt1ItMl Otherletor ALVIN . W4LPRit, ,t(ttctloneer �ROsa, L0YVZl„'Clerk 20. Auction -Sales AUCTION SALE- Auction A . E - Auction Sale' of Antiques and House - ho d Furnishings, Main Street Bayfield, NE'SDAY, JULY 27, 1:80 p.m. Antique dishea, crystal, glassware, col- ored glass, including cranberry, 2 guns, silverware, quilts, doilies, table cloths, toilet sets, . wood and wicker rockers, chairs, round oak table, rugs, including tenuine Oriental, lamps, dinner set of Australian china, cupboards, electric stove washer and two refrigerators, chester- field and chair; general line of furniture and other articles too numerous to men- tion. Bids may be left previous to sale time. TERMS --Cath. LORNE A. SPARKS, Proprietor EDWARD ELLIOTT. Auctioneer 20-23-1 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR GENERAL CONTRACT Sealed tenders, clearly marked, for Gen- eral Contract work for a five -room nd- dition to Seaforth District High School, at Seaforth, Ontario, will be received by: KYLES and KYLES Architects 15 Downie Street Stratfgrd, Ontario ' up to 4:00 p.m., Monday, July 25th, 1960: Drawings and Specifications may be obtained at the 'above office upon deposit of 625.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, W. E. SOUTHGATE -• Secretary -Treasurer Seaforth District High School Board. z 2122.2 STATION WAGON TENDER Sealed tenders clearly marked as to con- tents will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, August 8, 1960, for the purchase of: One, 1956 GREVROLET STATION WAGON Details may be secured from the under- signed. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario 21-28-1 TENDER FOR FUEL OIL Sealed tenders clearly marked as' lo content will be received by the under- signed until 12;00 noon, Monday, August 8, 1960, for th supply of: • No. 2, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL FUEL OIL for the next heating season for the Hur- on Copnty Court House and Regidtry Office in Goderich. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY Clerk-Treayurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario 21-28-1 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Township of Tuckersmith County of Huron To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Tuckeremith under hie hand and seal of the said cor- poration, bearing date the 6th day -ofApril, 1960, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Tucicersmmith will be held in the Tuokersmith Council Cham- ber, in the Town Hall, Seaforth, Ontario, at the hour of 3:00 o'clock, (DST), in the afternoon on the 16th day of Augusto 1960, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that thelist of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 7th day of May, 1960,' and' that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 17th day of May, 1960. CORA CHESNEY Treasurer 22-14-13 23. Cards of Thanks I WISH TO express my sincere thanks to my friends and neigbbouts for their cards, flower,, treats and 'delta while I was a patient ih Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. 23-38-1 MRS. THOMAS ELDER SINCERE THANKS to my many friends who remembered me while a pat- ient in the hospital•. Also my thanks to. Dr. Addison and the Clinton Hospital staff. MRS. STAOKHOUSE, Brueelield 2323-1 I WISH TO thank my friends and neighbours for flowets, cards and treats that.wore sent to me While I was ii pat- ient, in Scott Memorial °Hospital; Special thanks for help done for ane while L wee in the hospftej and date rile retttif home. Akee itOpieciation is extended to Dr. 28x1 °TtdM 5 burett,itexa7ts Altbid' N`ti' 23, Cards of Thanks I WISH TO thank my many friends for cards, gifts and treats while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital and particularly to Dr, Malkus, Dr .Brady and the nurses of the hospital. �ry 23-23x1 'BILL WIr•R10 MRS EISTON DOWSON takes this op. portunity in thanking friends, neighbours for cards, treat. flowers and visits; to Dr. Stapleton, the nurses and Rev. H. Johnson and Rev, D. A. McMillan, dur- ing her time in the hospital. 28-23-1 I WISH TO sincerely thank my rela- tives, and friend,, who sent me cards and reniembered me while I was a patient to the Colling-wood General and Marine Hos- pital, It was all deeply appreciated. 23-231x • JAMES HOGG Collingwood I WISH to express my sincere •thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbours for their visits, flowers and cards and who so willingly helped out at home while I was a patient in Victoria and Wirtgham hospitals. JUNE BOLGER 23-23-1 r WOULD LIKE to express my appreci- ation for all the kindness shown me by the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, and for the cards, flowers and visits from so mpny friends. I would like to express',jt special thanks. 28-24x1 MILS. J. C. BRITTON MR. NORMAN LONG would like to thank the friends and neighbours for cards, treats, visits and .flowers, also thanks to Dr. Stapleton, and Dr, Gor- will, the nurses, Rev. Harold Johnson and Rev, D. A. McMillan, while being a pat- ient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. 23-23-1 I WOULD LIKE to thank my friends and neighbours who remembered me with cards, treats and gifts, while I was a patient in 'the hospital. Special thanks to Dr, Stapleton and the nurses of the children's ward who were so kind and good to me, PATRICK F. FEENEY • 23-23x1 WE WISH TO sincerely thank the nurs- es and hospital stuff for the cure and attention paid to the late 11'Irs. James Jones while a„patient in Scott Memorial Hospital,Everything possible was done by the doctors and nurses to save her life. ,Words fail us to thank them for their efforts. Special thanks- to the fol- lowing ladies for the beautiful flowers sent to the G,, A. Whitney .Funeral Home: Mrs. L. Dick and neighbours, Miss Sadie Lovett, Clinton and Mrs. H. Addicott. Also thanks to all those who seat cards, treats, etc. Special thanks to Dr. Brady and Dr. Malkus for a very successful major operation. JAMES JONES and the LOVETT FAMILY 23-23x1 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list.' 6 samples, 25e; 24 saw ' plea 31.00. Mail- order . Dept. T-78, NOVA - RUBBER CO. Box. 91. Hamilton. 25-21-tf 26. Births dOOPER—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July '15, to Mr- and Mrs. Mel Cooper, Seaforth, a son. FLANNIGAN At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on July 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Flannigan, RR 1, Dublin, a daughter. GLOOR—.At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond.. Glair, RR 5, Mitchell, a son. HILLMAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Elli- man, RR 4, Seaforth, a son. MODDBJO'NGE—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on July 16.. to Mr. and lira, John Moddejonge, Dublin, a daughter. WALTON NEWS Mr. and, Mrs, Douglas Lawless,, Dianne and'Mll;r a,yt of .Burlington Were recent visitors with Ur. *nib Mrs. Wilbur Tul'ni?i il. Miss Rosa Simpson passed .away in Scott Memorial. Hospital,, Sea= forth, en.Saturday morning.. Miss SirJ1psen formerly resided on, the farm now occupied by her niece, Mrs. Harvey Craig, and Mr. Craig, andpad spent a few weeks, with them prior to her death. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McLaugh- lin, of Durham, and Miss Annie McLaughlin, of Provost, Alberta, were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gordon re. turned home on Sunday after va- cationing in Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lamont and family, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter recently. Miss Catharine Buchanan, of Kit- chener, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchanan. Mr. John Bruce has returned home after undergoing an opera- tion in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Mr. Charles Shannon, of Toronto, spent the weekend with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shan- non. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Miller and Mrs. D. Ennis spent Monday in Toronto attending the funeral of the late Mr. W. J. Zoeger. Mr. and Mrs. J. Livingstone, Sherry, Douglas and Kevin, of Preston, are holidaying with Mr. Malcolm 'Fraser. Mr. John J. McGavin, a well- known resident of McKillop Town- ship, passed away on Monday af- ternoon in his 96th year. The sym- pathy of the, community is ex- tended to the family and relatives. Mrs. Archie Somerville is a pa- tient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, at present. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fraser and fainily, of Stratford, visited with Mr,_ Malcolm 'Fraser on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John McGavin, of Owen Sound,- spent -Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McGavin. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ritchie and Larry, of Egmondville, visited with Mrs., F. Ennis on Sunday. Trousseau Tea Mrs. Torrance Dundas entertain- ed at a trousseau tea Wednesday, honoring her daughter, Olen, bride- elect.- The tea table, was set with an imported lace table cloth, cen- tred with a dainty bouquet of red rose's. Garden flowers, arranged in the various rooms, formed an attractive setting for the displays. Mrs. Dundas and her daughter, Olene, received the guests, assist- ed by Mrs. C. Stutz, mother of the groom -elect, of Wellesley. Pouring tea in the afternoon was Mrs. Geo. Dundas, and in the evening, Mrs. Willis • Dundas, Seaforth. The room attendants were Miss Betty,' Axtmann and Miss Muriel Dale, with Miss Joan Armitage, of 28. Deaths - CBRIS11L—In Seaforth, on July 18, 1960, Beverley F. Christie, in his 68rd year. McGAVIN—dn McKillop, on July 18, 1950, John J. MaGavin, in hie' 96th year. SIMPSON—In Seaforth, on July 16. 1960, Rosa Simpson, in her 82nd year. OF THE WEEK Wingham, as lunch hostess, Mrs ,Frank JohnSten, Was ill .charge ,of the west book. Miss Beth Cadlp- tiel1, of Listowel, received the. gifts 1n the afternoon, and Mrs: Bill, Taylor in the evening, and were unwrapped and placed for display by Mrs. Irwin Johnston, Listowel. 'Mrs, John O'Drowsk}', Kitchener, displayed the linens and shower gifts, The trousseau was shown by IVlrs. Frank Van der Molen, of Guelph. In the gift room was Mrs. Normae Maehel, of Kitchener. Assi ng in the kitehef1 were Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Ed. Dou- gan, Mrs. D. Ennis, Mrs. E. Stev- ens and Mrs. N. Marks. Those attending from a distance were: Mrs. Harry Elnslie, Toron- to; Mrs. Alex Breimer, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wenger Water- loo; Mrs. E. Armitage, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Foulhafer, Wellesley; Mrs. Gorden, Campbell,, Listowel; Mrs. Murray Crich and Mrs. Ken Rogerson, Clinton. Presentations were gi van by Castle Bar School, Etobicoke, and the .students of the Arthur Murray Dancing School, Kitchener. Entertaining at showers were Mrs. Frank Van der Molen, at the tome of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte, RR 2, Seaforth; Mrs. Lou Bradshaw, Toronto, and the Wal- ton Group of Duff's United Church. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Don Joynt, John and Pat are vacationing at their summer cottage in Manitoulin Is- land. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Mitchell, of, Windsor, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and family. • Miss Suzanne Kyle is spending a week vacationing with her cousin, Miss Barbara Townsend, at Mit- 'Chen. Mr, and_ Mrs..George_.Walz,. of St. Marys, visited on Sunday with M'r. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks. Mrs. Albert Shirray and Mrs. Lorne Chapman returned home on Wednesday of - is week after spending two wee s holidaying at Ipperwash Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Munn at -- tended a family gathering last Sunday at Fanshawe Dam. Attend- ing were Mr. Ed. Gould, Killarney, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gould, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. 'Boyd Swetnam and family, from the RCAF, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCallum and family, London; Mrs. Florence Gould, Mr,-- and Mrs. Douglas Gould and .-family, Mr. and Mrs. Jory and family, all of ° Exeter; Debbie and Donnie Gooding, Parkhill. • _ W/O Boyd Swetnam,' Mrs. Swetnam and fam- ily, RCAF Clinton, are leaving by boat for France August 4, and will be away four years. Constable Orville Taylor, Jr., of Lucan, a member of the London police' force, who recently suffer- ed a fractured leg in an auto crash, is doing well. A patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, he is a son of Mr. and Mrs. -Orville Taylor, of the Hensail district. Presentation Pew Cpl. J MCDoweiI Cpl, 'Join l,VlcDowel was guest of 'lions; recently at a gathering at the.- awn filer point' of Mr, and Mrs. H 4401 son, Bear $ayfle1d. t . pres- entation was made on behalf of the group by R. S: MacDonald, while Mir. Jackson and L. F. Ford spoke briefly. Cpl. McDowell, who has been stationed in Seaforth for sonne time, has been moved to Mount Forest. Drover 40 Years (Continued from Page a,) He was married to• the former Stella Jane Berry 70 years ago. His wife.predeceased him in 1931. Fol- lowing his marriage he commenced farming almost across the road on the farm now operated by his son. He is survived by a daughter, Jennie Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull,: Grey Township, and a son, Gorden? with whom he lived. He is also sur- vived by seven grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren, as well as by a brother, Isaac McGavin, Me- Killop,. and a sister., Mrs. J. L. Kerr, Seafortft. A member of Duff's United Church, Walton, servicea will• be conducted from the residence'. of his son, lot 22, con.' 13 McKillop, on Thursday afternoon fay his min- ister, Rev. W. M. Thomas. Inter- ment will follow in Brussels ceme- tery. Funeral arrangements are in charge of the G. A. Whitney fun- eral home. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton, accompanied 'by Mrs. R. D. Sad- ler, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne, of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. William ,Routley, of Kirkton, • called on friends in3 the village on Sunday. Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun; of Clin- ton, is visiting` with her sister, Mrs. Sadie Scott. ' Mrs. John Chessell and infant baby have returned to her home in Mitchell after spending nearly two weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sors- dahl. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie and Linda, of Dorchester, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley and family, of Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. Otto' Walker. Mrs. John Kemp and Mrs. Ken Rolph, Gregory, Perry and Wendy with Mrs. Houghton on. Tuesday. The Bible School being held' in the basement of the church open- ed with an, attendance of 87. Nine- ty-two were present on Tuesday. Diner: "You clean kitchen.” Head Waiter: but you haven't Diner: I'm clean, because like soap.:' Must have a very "Thank • you, sir, been in it." sure it must-'-be— everything tastes We've Moved TO OUR FORMER QUARTERS ON CHURCH STREET,EGMONDVILLE Office and Buildings of Hendeerson Started Chicks Limited Our former building on Main Street, Egmondville, has been sold to Logsdon H & N Hatchery and we are now located in our former quarters on"- Church Street, Eg- mondville, which have been enlarged and remodelled. Here we are better prepared than ever to serve you and to provide you with our money -making day-old and started chicks. We invite our friends and customers to visit us at our new Vocation. HENDERSON E N CCRSON STARTED CHICKS LIMITED Phone .645 J 1 S•etiforth r Ont.