HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-07-07, Page 4x QN: E Q6rrpa sgAFORTH, ONT., JULY 7, 1980, SELL AND OFIT,.. BUY AiD SAVE .9 GET A BETTER JOB .., HIRE GOOD HELP 10. 111.11 mon JSP" 1H," C,IK,A,$$1*'ICATIONS T Twit ADVANTAGE •,.'I, Corning Flventa •2, at, strayed Fouad Help Wanted ' b, Bitsinesa Opportunities 6. "teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sala 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11,. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 18.- Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale 'or Rent 17 Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tender's Wanted 22. Legal Notices 28. Cards of Thanks 24. In Memoriam 25. Personale The cost is low. Classifications 2. 8, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17 -minimum 25 cents an insertion. All other 'classi- fications, minimum 50 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Want- ed (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on application. Billing Charge, 16 cents if not paid by 10 days following last insert- ion. 4. • COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (For Business Firma, Tradesmen, e1.) Minimum, 50 cents per insertion. Bill- ing charge, 15 cents per advertisement. 1. Coming Events TUNE IN to the Purina Farm Broad - mat eery Momlay,' Wednesday, and Fri- day at 7:05a.m.. on CKNX-Radio,.,920 on your dial. Friday. July 8, featuring William Riley, Egmondville, 1-21-1 DANCE TO CLARENCE PETRIE'S ' Orchestra every - Friday -. night , at the .Crystal Palace, Mitchell; spot dances. Sponsored by the Mitchel Junior Farmers,, No slacks, jeans or leather jackets allow- ed. 1-21x1 2. Lost, Strayed BLACK AND WHITE English collie, partially blind. Was hit by a car on Kippen Road between Wallace's corner and Chesney's. FRED CHAPPEL; phone 6511123 Seaforth. 2-21-1 7. Situations Wanted RELIABLE middle-aged womhn requires part-time work. Apply BOX 935, The Huron Expositor. 7-21x1 10. Used Cars For Sale 1949 MONARCH COACH in good con- dition. Apply KEN HULLEY, phone 75743' Seaforth. 10-21x1 1957 FORD TRUCK. %-ton, good con- dition wide box. CLAYTON DENNIS, Seaforth. 10 -21 -ti 1955 FORD sedan, in A-1 condition. Apply KEITH MCCABTHY, phone 'Dub- lin 36 R 4... 10:21-1 11. Articles For Sale THREE,'IECE chesterfield set. PHONE 231-M, Market Street, Seaforth. 11-21x1 BABY CARRIAGE, in good condition. PHONE 889-J, Seaforth. 11-21x1 USED TELEVISION seta, 21" and 17". CROWN HARDWARE, Phone 797, Sea - forth. 11-21x1 20 ACRES choice quality hay. Apply DAVE TREIBNER, RR 3, Kippen, phone Hansell 677 R 3. 11-20-2 BED, springs, mattress. chest and wasb- ing machine. PHONE, 772, Seaforth" 11-21x1 15 ACRES Tiniothy Alfalfa hay. Lot 9, Con. 21, McKIllop. Phone 81 R 8, Dublin. JACK HORAN. 11-20x2 • 150 FEET of 3" pipe, slightly used. PHONE 362, Mitchell, Ont. 11-21x2 BABY CARRIAGE for sale. Like new. Apply' MRS. DE VISSER. Phone 745R. - 11.21x1 NOW IS THE time to pick up a good used refrigerator from BOX FURNITURE Phone 43-, ,Seaforth. 11-21-2 10 ACRES of hay. Apply ROSS Mc- GREGOR, phone 845 R 2, Seaforth. 11-2.1-1 A FEW Tuberous Begonias for sale. W. T. TEALL, phone 144. Seaforth, 11-21-1 VARIOUS USED PIANOS for sale. BOX FURNITURE. phone 43, Seteeforth. 11.21-2 Mc0ORMICK-DEERING 8 -ft. binder on rubber, practically new. Apply to CHARLES RAU, RR' 2. Zurich, phone 98. R8. 11-20x8 COAL at summer prices.« Premium quality. Double "screened. Save mono" this year by getting the beet, WM. M. HART. phone 784, Seaforth. 11-21-1 HAY FOR SALE or will trade for a 1961 crop. Amply JOHN E. HENDER- SON, Phone 858 R 14, Seaforth. 11-21x1 DINING ROOM SET, in excellent con- dition, priced for quick sale. Apply to MRS. F J. BECHELY,Phone 396, Sea - forth, 11.21-2 COCKS/11M DROP -HEAD hayloader, In excellent condition. Priced for quick Rale. Apply GORDON REYNOLDS, phone 667 J 4, Seaforth. 11-21-1 McCULLOCH CHAIN SAW, 18". near- ly nets, sacrifice. SHARP'S MAINTEN- ANCE SERVICE, Phone 851 R 5. 11-21-1 WHITE ENAMEL SINK unit, comp- lete with swinging taps, drain board and back board, excellent condition. MRS, JOSEPH NOLAN, St. Columban, phone Dublin 841(16, 11.21-1 COMPLETE LINE of fatuous Ritten- house Door Chimes, sales, installation and service: Call today for tree estimate. SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE, Phone 250, Seaforth. 11-21-tf MAGIC MARKERS --Instant dry, wa- terproof, write en any surface; just pull off ear. rind Magic Marker is ready to use. Refills available, Nine colors ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141. Seaforth. f}EE SUPPLIES --20 boxes with draw- er comb; number of boxes with racks'; 25 Queen excluders new veil and new smoker, abare in Ontario 'Honey • Co -Op- erative, Toronto; and 10 Ib. df wired fottndatlon, WM. J. BOA, 1(R 1, Bea - 1140x3 • SLAB' WOOD, hard wood. 810 per load; mixed wood, $8 per load: apffroxintately 2 cord to a load. Money -saving prices on cement, roofing, gyproe, sheetroek, plyxvood and building materials. FRED UUDIE, Clinton, Phone HO. 2.6655. ' .11-12x18 Tit,AOTOR SUNSHADES plaaticixed fabric, nylon thread - Widew and rot 3111116f-wniv'eraal Mounting fits all tree. rata, aims. See. theta. at, SHARP'S MAJNTEN'ANCIE 6'it rfta1, gca'teidh. Pholie 861 1t 6, also• Marine SMao ine, Car - ten/ olid, ieMi.tnixed 2.4lele fust, relrelra let all 4nakes of Taint. Mone"* and knell gaga** 'engine: 1141-2 • 11. Articles For Sale PUPS for sale. RAYMOND COOMBS'". Phone 670 W 4. Seaforth. 11.21x1 PULLEY for Ford tractor, PHONE 46, R 9, Dublin. 11-20-2 QUANTITY OF HAY in the field or gill bale if desired. ERLIN WHITMOR'E, RR 2, Seuforth, phone 665 R 28. 11-20x2 12. Wanted To Buy USED BABY CRL13. in good condi- tion. PHONE 643. Seaforth. 12-21x1 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick, down and disabled farm animals, Prompt courteous collection of all dead and dis- abled farm animals and hides. Call coll- lect, ED ANDREWS, 851 R 11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 12-21-tf 13. Wanted BOARDERS WANTED in modern Sea - forth home. PHONE 2414, Seaforth. 14. Property For Sale ATTRACTIVE SEVEN -ROOM bungalow with' oil furnace and hot and -cold water. Centrally located. Apply to MRS.LOUIS F.BERHART, Goderich Street, West. 14-21x2 PLAN your home now: $50.00 down will buy you a lot in Senforth or Harpur- hey. Lots surveyed. Land suitable for V.L.A. projects. Terms to suit. CLAY- TON DENNIS. . 14-21-tf CHOICE. BUILDING LOT, twn blocks from corner of Main and Goderich streets, Seaforth: I00 acre grass farm in Hibbert township. Spring, creek and pool oil' farm. Well fenced and drained. Price, $8,900. Possession in. fall, -5"0. acre farm in McKillop township, good buildings, low down payment. Full'price. $6.500. JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor, Goderich. Joseph McConnell, salesman, Seaforth, 14-21-1 15. Property For Rent 2 ROOM CABIN on Bluewater Beach, fully equipped. Now available. CECIL LEMON, phone 676 Seaforth. 15-21-1 TWO-BEDROOM heated apartment; al- so 3 one bedroom gas heated apartments DR. E. A. McMASTER. Phone 26, Sea - forth. 15-21-tf FRONT APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and bath. Apply UNITED DAIRY and POULTRY CO-OHERATIV4;, Seh- fortb Branch, Phone 13. 15.21-tf FIVE -ROOM APARTMENTon Vic- toria Street, Heated separate bath. Ap- ply to JOHN TREMEER, after 7 p.m., or phone 258-W. 15-21x1 19. Notices FILTER QUEEN SALES and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned cleaners for sale, BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Hensall 6 96112. 19-21 x 18-tf DURHAM WELL DRILLING, contract- ors. Why try the rest? We do the Best.• For experience and efficient service cdn- tact Durham, Box 299, or phone Durham 342-W. "a 19-20x8 ELECTROLUX Sales and service. Cleaners and polishers. Also recondition- ed' cleaners. GARY COOPER, 126 Gores. don Street, Clinton, Phone HU. 2-7200. 19-21-tf MOTORS AND PORTABLE power tools rewound and repaired. Parte for all popular makes. Rebuilt motors for sale. New Leland and Wagner 'motors avail- able on short notice. ART LEVET", 189 Erie Street, Clinton. Phone HU. 2-6640. 19-21-tf PICNIC TABLES, 80" x 60", made from - sturdy 2" Western cedar, male 522.50. Be prepared for the warm wea- ther, get your table today. Other sizes made to order. SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD., Phone 47, Seaforth. 19-21-tf GUARANTEED RADIO and TV repairs and small electrical appliance repairs. Fast service. SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE, East William Street, Phone 260, Seaforth. 19-21-tf REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan Cleaners, Mount Forest. More spots and stains remaved. Garments Stay clean lb'nB- er,',wear longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE, Phone 247 for Pick-up. 19-21-tf DRAIN TILE -4" 566 per M, del'd; 5", $85 per M. delld ; 6", $110 per M, del'd•; 85175 per M, dad. Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on request. RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., Elginfteld. Phone RAldwin 7-4721, Lateen.' 19-98-61 SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19-21-tf NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Tuckeramith Townahfp Municipal Dtmip will be open from 1 p•m,"ti, 0 p.m, on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons until further notice. CORA CHESNEY Clerk, Pnekeramith 19.21 tf o ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid in surrounding district for dead, old, nick or disabled hors- es and cattle. Horses at 5c pound. For the fastest and proper removal of all ani- mals, day or night, Cali Long Distance and ark for ATW OOD; ZENITH 8-4900 (No toll charge) 19.96.29 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDIING ASSOCIATION "Where Bettor Bulls Are Used" Artificial insemination Service M pro- vided from bulla of all breeds. We are Farmer owned and controlled and operate at Boat. Sommer calling hours: Between 4:80 and 9:80 a-rn., weekdays; 6:00 and.4i00 p,m„ Saturday evenings. For aervice or more information call: Clinton HU 2`3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 1*..21.14 19. Notices COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeterla Ltd., Exeter. 19-21-tf BUILDING and REMODELING. eaves - troughing done. Also salesman for N. 0. H1pel, Preston, Ontario; Hipel barns loafing pens, chicken houses. driving sheds and metal roofing, Call WAYNE SMITH, phone 671 J 4, Seaforth. 10-21-tf 20. Auction Sales AUCTI COMMUNONSAITY LE\ Of Household Effects SEAFORTH ARENA SATURDAY, JULY 19th Anyone wishing to put furniture Into this sale, contact Harold Jackson, auc- tioneer, phone 474, 'Seaforth, , Full list will appear in next week's paper. HAROLD JACKSON. Auctiopeer 20-21-1 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of the entire herd of 28 Registered and Grade Holstein cows at lot 28, con, 4. McKillop twp., 21.42 miles north and IA mile west of Sea - forth, on TUESDAY, JULY 19th, at I p. m. This herd has been on DHIA since its inception. All except three are by Waterloo Unit sires sed are rebred to them.- There is one Benefactor, one Milestone, 8 Skokie, balance Budd Farm Royal Prince; 10 registered ; 16 milking. Five test 4'% and better. The herd average was 1,100 lbs, lust year. -Last year.six 2 -year-old heifers averaged 1,097 lbs. milk. to receive -Gold' Seal, All tested cows have red or gold seals. Catalogues available from the proprie- tor or auctioneer. MACHINERY -2 -unit Surge milking machine, new; 24-40 White threshing machine in good condition; 16: milkcans ; Cockshutt manure spreader; electric calf dehorner, TERMS -.Cash. HARRY PALIN, Proprietor RR 2, Seaforth HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-21.2 ESTATE CLEARING AUCTION SALE THE ESTATE OF 1'HLn LATE BESSIE KERB The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to aril by public auction the chattels and property belonging to the estate of the late Bessie Kerr at her former residence, George Street. Eaat, Seaforth, on SATURDAY, JULY 9, at 1 o'clock, including the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Frigidaire re- frigerator, sideboard, small coal burner, roll -away bed, kitchen table and 8 high. back chairs, clock, washing machine, cup- board, walnut corner cabinet, like new ; buffet. library table, dining room table and six chairs, 'trunk, mirror, matching rocking chair and arm chair with leather seats, studio conch, card ,table, coat rack, wooden arm chair, drop-leaf table, large painting and various small pictures„ end table, three drawer dresser, several com- modes, three-quarter bed springs and mat-" tress, arm chair, small table, sewing mach- ine, 2 -drawer dresser, 3 -drawer stand, set of springs for 9( bed, 3 -drawer dresser with mirror, dining room suite, bedroom suite, GE refrigerator, desk lamp, a num- ber of chairs, Lawn mower, various other articles too numerous to metnlon, PROPERTY At the same time there will be 'offered for .sale, subject to re- serve bid, the property consisting of Iota 136 and 137, in the Goninloek Survey, in the town of Seaforth, together with a one and a half storey frame dwelling house,' located thereon. The 1'confortable dwelling consists of seven rooms and bath, including three bedrooms. 'PERMS -Cash. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 20-20-2 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS The, Tuckeremith School Area Board invites tenders as specified below: 1. Rest quality furnace fuel oil, de- livered when required during the, 1060-61 rabbi term to schools num- bers 2; 5, 7, 9 and 10. Tender to state price per gallon delivered. 2. Supply 'Seven (7) tons No. 1 an- thracite furnace coal to school No. 1 and seven (71 tons to school No. 4. Delivery not later than August 15th, 1960. 3. Supply furnace stoker coal to Eg- - mondvnle school, when required dur- ing the 1960.61 school term. All tenders to be sealed and marked "Fuel Tenders". Tenders will be accept- ed up to noon, July 12th. The lowest or any tender not-nedessarily accepted. W. P. ROBERTS. Secretary -Treasurer RR 3, Seaforth , 21.21.1 22. Legal Notices NOTICE" The Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Sep- arate School For the Town of Seaforth TAKE NOTICE that the above men- tioned Board of Trustees on the 22nd day of June, 1960, passed By -Law Num- ber 1 to authorize the borrowing of mon- ey by the lame and sale of Debentures of the said Board of Trustees In the Principal amount of 9115,000.00. 1. The purpose for which the money la to be borrowed fa to provide for the construction and equipment of a six -roofs school in the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron. 2, The amount to be borrowed is 9115,. 000,00 on the security of the said Deben- tures, which shall be a charge tupon the schoolhouse property and premises and any other real or personal property vest• ed in the said Board of .Trustees and up- on the Separate School rates. a. The Debentures are to be dated the 16th day of July, 1960, are to bear inter - eat at the rate of 6t/4% per annum pay. able annually on the 15th day of July 1n each year and arts to be repayable in varying inetaimento of principal on the 16th day of July in the yearn 1061 to 1980, both inclualee, the aggregate amount of principal and interest payable In each year of the euPreney of the Debentures being aplir6itimately equal, , LEON BANNON, Secretary 22404 1 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Township of Tuckersmith County of Huron To Wtt; By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Tuckersmith under his hand and seal of the said cor- poration, bearing date the 6th day of April, 1980, sale of (ands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Tuckeraatlth will be held in the Tuolfersmith Council Cham- ber, in the Town Hall, Seaforth, Ontario, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock, (DST), in the afternoon on the 16th day of August, 1950, unless thetaxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 7th day of May. 1960. and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 17th day of May, 1960. CORA CHESNEY Treasurer 22-14-18 23. ' Cards of Thanks I WISH TO thank all my friends and neighbours for flowers, cards and treats sent tome while I was ill in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Stapleton, nurses, Mrs. Melady and pupils of SSS 4, Hib- bert school, BILL FEENEY MR.AND MRS. . CHARLES DEXTER wish to take this opportunity to thank their -many friends and "neighbours for their, kind visits, cards and gifts on the occasion of their recent Golden Wedding anniversary. 23-21x1 L.WISH.TOexpress any sincere thanks to all who remembered- -nie - with -cards, treats, flowers and visits during my rec- ent stay in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to the nursing staff and Drs. Brady and Malkus. 23.21x1 WAYNE WILSON T WdULD LII{E to express my appreci- ation to those who sent treats to me when i' was in Seaforth hospital, A special .thpnits to these who sent cards and to Seaforth Shoes Ltd. for their gift. 'Shanks also to my doctor and the nursing staff. 23-21x1 REG. KNIGHTS I WOULD LIRE to thank the nurser of Scott Memorial Hospital who were so kind while I was a patient there. I also wish .to thank all my friends for flowers, carda, treats and visits. A spec- ial thanks to Doctor Brady and Malkus. 22-21x1 SHARON McNICHOL I WOULD LIKE to thank all who sent cards, treats and flowers while I was a patient in Scott 'Memorial Hospital. Spec- ial i thanks to Rev, C. E., Sullivan, Dr. Gprwill,the Muses and any friends who sent :baking to my home. 23-21x1 MBS. LEO HAGAN I WISH TO ,express my sincere thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbours for their calls, treats and cards during my recent illness. Also many thanks for hblping with the farm work. It was ail very much appreciated. 23-21x1 HAROLD PRYCE TO THE GOOD PEOPLE of Egmond- ville my, most 'sincere appreciation for your latest expression of love, loyalty and cooperation. 'Your generous cheque and, marvelous letter moved me deeply., You will always have a special place in my h,1art. Cordially Yours. 23-27.1 DR, JAMES SEMPLE I WOULD LIKE TO expreae my sin- cere thanks to everyone who sent cards, treats and flowers, and to all who so willingly helped in many ways. Thanks to Drs. Brady, Maikus, Myers, my special nureea and the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital. It was deeply appre- ciated. 23-21-1 MARIE JOHNSTON I WISH TO EXPRESS any appreciation and thanks to all those who were so kind to me while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, and who reinembered mewith visits, cards and treats. Special thanks to the nurses of the Hospital and to Dr. MuMaater, Dr. Brady and Dr. Malkus, • 23-21-1 PETER CHRISTENSEN 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain sealed "envelope with price list. 6 samples, 2601--24 sam- ples 51.00. Mall -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA - RUBBER CO. Box. 91, Hamilton. 25-21-tf 26. Births FLANNERY-Mr, and Mrs. Pat Flan- nery, London, nee Nita Smith, announce the birth of their daughter. Patricia Marie, on July 1, 1960. Granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, Hen - sail. MEEUWISSE-Marianne and Sven Mee- uwisae, Seaforth, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Ingrid, at Strat- ford General Hospital, on July 6. - 3. Found as RING WITH yellowgold band and red, square stone at Lions Park on picnic table, Owner may obtain same by pitying for ad and phoning 820-W, Seaforth. 8-21-1 CONSTANCE (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Youngblut, of 'Londesboro. • Miss Helen Turner, of Tucker - smith, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson and Mr. Reg Lawson. Mrs. Agnes Dale, Bob and Mar- ion, of Clinton, were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch. Mr. and Mrs. Ken • Preszcator and family attended the 100th an- niversary of Crediton United Church on Sunday and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff, of Crediton. Miss Karen Jennison, of Grand Bend, is this week spending holi- days at the Preszcator home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, of Exe- ter, called on Mr. and Mrs. James Medd last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Berry and family, of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt and family. Mr. Frank Pice and Miss Mar- jorie Hedges, of Hamilton', spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor and family. Mr. and Mrs. IL? Preszcator and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parker, -Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. tim Medd and Mr. and Mrs. George Carter visited Sunday with Mrs. McInnis, Brus- sels and other frills. Mors. George Lerch spent Mon- day in London. - WiNCHELSEA Mrs, Cliff Hunter and family, of St. Marys, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke and family. The pupils of the upper room at Winchelsea school enjoyed the school area bus trip to Goderich on Tuesday, accompanied by the members of the school board and teacher, Mrs. Margaret Wein. In touring, they visited Bisset's Ice Cream Company, Sheaffer's Pen Co., Museum, County Court House, Dunlop's Monument and Stone Carvings, and enjoyed their picnic dinner at the park, , The pupils of the lower room at Winchelsea school enjoyed a pic- nic at Riverview Park, Exeter on Tuesday afternoon, accompanied by their teacher, Mrs. S. Hendrick with the pre-school children and the pupils' mothers as guests. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance at- tended a reception in Zurich on Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Eric Smalee ' who were married that day. The ladies of Winchelsea and Elimville WMS enjoyed a picnic at Riverview Park in Exeter Wednes- day. Sports were ehjoyed by the children and ladies, and a deli- cious dinner was served. Miss Dora Delbridge, a former mem- ber who has moved to Exeter, was given a gift. Mr. Colin Gilfillan and Barbara Ann spent the holiday " with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith, of Credi toil.. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake, Paul, Karel" -and • Janet spent Thursday evening with .Mr. and Mrs. Ross Veal, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke spent the weekend at Stokes Bay, the guests of Mr. Lewis Woods. Master Ronald Clarke, of Sun- shine Line,' visited on Sunday with his cousin, Danny Walters.. Mrs. Colin Gilfillan returned to her home on Sunday after having spent the past two weeks in South Huron Hospital in Exeter. Master Danny Walters is spend- ing this week with his sister, Mrs. Howard Dayman and family, . of Kippen. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan, Grant and Barbara Anne were Mr. and Mrs. William Church, of Winthrop; Mr, and Mrs. Bill Gilfillan, Randy and Wendy,'of Exeter, and Mrs. Jack Maher, of London. Mrs. Garnet Miners visited Sun- day with ,Mr, and Mrs. Eric Cars- caden and family, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bali, Brenda and John, of Clinton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and family. Miss Karen Kerslake returned home with them for some holidays. Miss Marion Oke, of Science Hill, .and Mr. Mervin Durnin vis- ited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake. Miss Kathy Hern spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Coward, of Sunshine Line, Area Groups • (Continued from Page 1) paper plate, Karen Glanville; wheelbarrow race, Floyd Riley; kangaroo race was won by Linda Glanville's team; water and' spoon race, Marilyn Hayden and Frank ; chariot race, Marilyn and Ken- neth Graham; clothespin race] Pat Glanville; hubby -calling contest, Loretta Glanville; cldthe's race, Harold Glanville's team; balloon contest, Joyce Wilson and Donnie Riley. The youngest baby present was Dean McRobert, . - .STEPHENSON REUNION Members from the surrounding district and as far away ,as Buf- falo, New York, Brown City and Marlette, Michigan, attended the Stephenson reunion, held at the Seaforth Lions Park on July 1st, with over 80 relatives present. Miss Annie E. _Pollock, of La Riv- iere, Man., was a special guest and brought greetings from the Stejlhensons in Manitoba. The" races resulted as follows: Children under six years of age, Lynne Taylor, Paul Kay; girls 6 to 9 years, Nancy Consitt, Cheryl Mousseau; boys 6 to 9 years, Fred- die 'Armstrong, Robert Kay; girls, 1r� Hinds leo: l�egli�, In Dublin Area. Fatality Drivers involved in a fatal acct-' dent VA miles east of Dublin last Tuesday were declared blameless by a coroner's jury Tuesday night, 'Sitting at Stratford city hall, the jury concluded that Mrs. Made- leine Master's, 44, of Port Credit, died of injuries suffered when she was thrown from the car driven by her husband, Vernon Oswald Masters, 52. Mrs. Masters was thrown from the car and crushed betweeni+'it and a steel highway sign post,• after the car struck a farm trac- tor operated by Gary Franklin Jos - ling, 16, RIt 3, Mitchell. Constable Lloyd Bradley, Seb- ringville OPP, told the jury the tractor, which was pulling a hay baler, was broken into two pieces by the impact, In agreement with the con- stable's ,evidence, the jury also found that the accident happened on the north traffic lane of the highway about 114.0 a.m. The driver of the car told how he was meeting a large truck pre- vious to the collision.' When the truck passed, the tractor "appear- ed out of nowhere. It was cross- ing the road right in front of us," said Mr. Masters. As he wrenched the wheel both ways, attempting to avoid a col- lision, "she (Mrs. Masters) scream- ed at me to watch the boy on the tractor." Injured in the accident, Mr. Masters attended the inquest walking with a crutch and cane. He remained seated during his testimony. Gary Josling explained that the big truck had been following him in an easterly direction. He said he pulled onto the south shoulder until it passed and then began to turn left into the 30th sideroad of HENSALL NEWS The regular meeting of Hensall council was held in the council chambers with all members pres- ent. E. R. Davis reported on the work of bulldozing at the dump ground, also the cuttings of weeds and grass in the village. Stan Tudor -,was present regarding the public using'his property behind the hotel for a public lane. It was agreed to give him free taxation on 32 feet of Lot No, 3: Council .declared August 1 a pub- lic holiday, The clerk presented a semi-annual report on receipts and expenditures. Mrs. William Stanlake Funeral services for Mrs. Wil- liam Stanlaker . of .-Stephen _Town; ship, were held Wednesday at the Hopper -Hockey funeral chapel, Ex- eter. Burial was in Exeter ceme- tery. Mrs. Starilake, the former Agnes Ellen Fairbairn, a native of Tuck- ersmith, died in Victoria. Hospital, London, Sunday, in her 44th year. Survivors are her husband; sis- ters, Mrs. Olive Hudson, London; Mrs. Clifford (Mae) Brintnell, Ex- eter; Mrs. Harvey (Mary) Claus- ius, Zurich; Mrs. Donald (Shirley) Bedard, Mrs. Gilbert (Mabel) Stat - ton, both of Detroit; brothers El- liott , Fairbairn, Tillsonburg; Wil- liam Fairbairn, Hensall; Fred, Windsor, and Clarence, Exeter. Morenz Reunion The Morenz reunion was, held Sunday at Riverview 'Park, Exeter, with approximately 60 attending. An enjoyable time was spent by young and old with races, games, etc., directed by Miss Connie Cor- bett and Ross Corbett. Prizes for the eldest lady went to Mrs. Louise Morenz, of Mitchell; eldest man, Rhinold Kahle, Mit- chell; youngest, 31 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Clark, Mitchell; farthest distance, Mr. and Mrs. William Kahle, De- troit; largest family, Mr. and Mrs. William` Jeffery, . RR 5, Stratford; 9 to 12 years, Ann Stephenson, Nancy Consitt; boys 9 to 12 years, Paul Stephenson, Freddie Arm- strong; young ladies, Marjorie Turner, Shirley Kay; ._young men, Bob Johnston; boys' three -Legged race, Jim Consitt and Charles Stephenson; girls' three - legged race, Marjorie Turner and Ann Stephenson; relay race of carrying water on a spoon, Jeanette Turn- er's team; gentlemen with the :brightest colored sox, William Con- sitt and Ralph Turner (tied); lady with the largest earrings, Margar- et Stephenson' and Margaret Arm- strong (tied); birthday nearest July 1, 'Mrs. Howard Armstrong; oldest person present, Mrs. Eva Stephenson; youngest person pres- eht, Linda Campbell; guessing the number of jelly beans in the jar, George Stephenson; person coming the farthest distance, Mrs. Agnes Hayward, from Buffalo. The lucky spot at the table was won by Margaret Stephenson. EARLY MATCH.MAKER The first real matches were made by John Walker, an English- man, about. 150 years ago. The Book of Knowledge says that they were tipped; with gum, antimony and potash, over a layer of sul- phur. A sheet of folded sandpaper was supplied with each box. When the- lucifer lighted, it went off in a sort of small explosion, with showers of dangerous sparks. vr, by Tom Dorr AFTER ALL --YOU CAN'T TALK TO OTHER PEOPLE -- birthday nearest the reunion, Mrs. Roy Morenz, it being her birth- day. The 1961 reunion will be held on July 4 at Brodhagen Community Park, William Stephen, Woodham, was elected president; Mrs. Ar- thur Morenz, treasurer, and Mrs. Jack Corbett, secretary. Mrs. E. Sproat visited in Windsor the past week with her son, Dr. W. R. and Mrs. Sproat and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Murray McEwen and family and Dr. Annabel Mc- Ewen; all of London,. were guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwen on July 1. Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle, Pamela and Jpdith., are spending two weeks' vacationing at' Sauble Beach. The Legion Ladies' Auxiliary and Legion will hold their annual pic- nic Sunday, July 10, at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield. Mrs. Lou Simpson visited over the weekend with members of her family in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Charles, Bob and Ann spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mickle and family at their cottage at Sauble Beach. Miss. Brenda Smillie received word that she has successfully passed both her grade 2 theory and her grade 7 piano with .hon- ors. Brenda is the daughter . of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smillie, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. George Hess spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. , J. L. McCloy and family at their sum- mer cottage on Georgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook and Carolyn spent the weekend at Lions Head. Joan Hopkinson re- turned with them to spend two weeks' vacation with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, N. E. Cook. Mrs. Mary Taylor leaves Friday of this week by bus to spend three weeks with her niece,'Mrs. Nelson Richardson, of Calgary, Mr. and Mrs. Leaton Seimon, Kristen and Paul are vacationing in St. Catharines and Portage La Prairie before taking up residence in Sunnyvale, California.:. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKellar, Susan and Michael, of Chatham, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes. Michael is remaining with his grandparents for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacLean are on vacation for three weeks. The Smillie reunion will. be held at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on Saturday, July 9. Mr. Fred Kenning spent three weeks vacationing with his daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden, of St. Catharines, and with his sister, Mrs. Mary Gable, of South River. Logan Township. Tractor Stalled The youth said' he thought he had •enough room to get across the highway aiter seeing the Masters car approaching. When he got two feet across the centre line the tractor stalled, he said. Robert Ulch, Kirkton, was driv- ing behind the Masters car, and said the tractor was obscured from his .view by the big truck. Ralph Jackson, Mitchell, was behind the tractor, saw it turn and the Mas- ters car attempting to avoid it. Dr. J. L. Penistan, pathologist at the Stratford General Hospital, described the severe and -extensive injuries suffered by the dead wo- man. These included a two -inch - wide abrasion across the front of the body. Death he attributed to multiple injuries of the chest and abdomen. The inquiry was conducted by Coroner Dr. K. W, McLandress, of Mitchell, and Crown Attorney W. E. Goodwin, Q.C. Members of the jury were Harold Meagher (fore- man), Reuben Aikens, Earl Healy, RR 1, Dublin; Ross Pepper and Wilfred Annis, RR 3, Mitchell. District Obituaries MRS. ANNIE A. SAUNDERCOCK HENSALL-Mrs. Annie Almira Saundercock passed away Monday ill Clinton Public Hospital, where she had been a patient for the past several weeks. She was in her 77th year. The former Annie 'A. Patterson, of Blyth, she has been a resident of the village for 31 years, where she conducted a nursing home for ipany years, She 'was -a "member of the United Church, active mem- ber of the Women's Missionary So- ciety and valued member of the Women's Institute. Her husband, Nathaniel Saun- dercock, passed away in 1Q29. Sur- viving urviving are five daughters: Mrs. Wiliam (Vera) ,Smale, Hensall; Mrs. Wilfred (Isabell) Freeman, Clinton; Mrs. Milton (Gladys) Wil lert, Goderich; Mrs. Alfred (Edna) Pearson, Toronto; Mrs. Radford (June) Donaldson, London; three brothers, Walter Patterson, Cali- fornia; Bill Patterson, Saskatche- wan; Bob Patterson, Blyth; two 'sisters, Jean, Mrs. William Mar- riott, Moose Jaw, Sask.; Mrs. Rose Russell, Exeter; 13 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Public funeral services were held Wednesday from the Bonthron Fun- eral Chapel, Hensall, conducted by Rev. R. C. Winlaw. Interment was in Blyth Union Cemetery. RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murray (nee Clare Malone) _ - FRIDAY, JULY 15th BRODHAGEN Community Hall GOOD MUSIC - EVERYBODY WELCOME - WANTED Live Fowl Picked Up At the' Farm TOP PRICES Phone 751 J 12, Seaforth or Brussels 393 J 15 Ronald, Bennett WALTON Kirkton Cornmunity Association 'ANNUAL GARDEN' • PARTY Fair Grounds, RIRKTON, ONTARIO Wednesday; July 20th, 1960 Snappy Girls' Softball Game =-- 6:00 p.m. Budding Stars Juvenile Programme --= '7:30 p.m. Sparkling Professional Programme 9:00. p.m. Ample Facilities for Refreshments and Seating Free Supervised parking on 'Grounds Police Protection ADULTS 75 CENTS CHILDREN 25 CENTS COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS No More Messy - Smelly GARBAGE See our Modern Garbage • Disposal Unit - Easily installed in your kitchen sink - Completely disposes of all garbage - Does not harm plumbing or drains Installed $299.00 On display at: D1.R,WOOD Plumbing r, • Heating : Phone 23, Seaforth