HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-06-09, Page 4WIRT EX'OS4tltZ swam, ONT., JUNE 9, WO i*E; THESE' CLASSIFICATIONS TO. ;YOUR ADVANTAGE 14. Property For Sale 1, Coming 'vent* 2. Otrarts1 6, Fopnd Help Wanted B$ine44 'Opportunities 6. Teae,hera Wanted Situation, Wanted Farm Stock For Sala 9, Poultry For Sale; 19. treed Can For Sale 11, Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To. Buy' 18. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 16. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17 Wanted To Rent "• 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 28. Cards of Thanks 24. In Mmorlam 25. Personals 8. The cost is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12. 13, 15, 17 -minimum 25 cents an insertion. All other classi- fications, minimum 50 cents per insertion. except Auction Sales t20), Tenders: Want- ed (21) and Legal Notices 122), rates on •pplicatiop. 1. Coming Events TWO-BEDROOM apartment or house. preferably near Main Street. PHONE 369-R. Seoforth. 17-17-1 SEVEN -ROOM BRICK modern home .,4th garage . chicken house. garden and small fruits in tillage of Dublin. PHONE 72 R 9. Dublin 1417-2 PLAN your home now; 550.00 down I will buy you a lot in Seaforth or Haupur- hey. Lots surveyed. Land suitable for V . L A. projects, Terms to suit.' CLAY- TON DENNIS. 14-16-tf SIX -ROOM HOUSE, stoker -fired. forced ' air furnacefull bathroom. pressure sys- tem. hot water, four building lots, in Har- ', purhey. where everyone wants to move to. See THOS. FOX. RR 2, Seaforth. phone 651 R 41. 14-14-4 HOUSE FOR SALE in village of Brns sell. 2 -storey. modern kitchen dining room and spacious living room, sunroom, full basement. 3 large bedrooms and a bath up : aril heated garage Lo. -,ted on lovely corner lot. Pltone 33, Brussels, MRS. JOHN WORK. 14-16-tf PROPERTIES FOR SALE HOUSE with all modern conveniences THERE WILL BE a Strawberry Sup- in the village of Egmondsille, with 3 acres m per in the %re WILL. Presbyterian Church ; of land. Reasonable terms. Tuesday. June 11, from 5:30 to 8:00 o'- clock. Admission. Adults. 31.25 and ehild- Estate Property. lt-, storey brick house ren. 50 cents. 1-1--1 with 5 acres of land. garage and barn ' en paved road near Winthrop. Mast be sold to close estate. 4. Help Wanted a n NIAGARA cycle Massage. of Wingham. € ham, is seeking direct salesmen and women. training and leads supplied. A wonder- ful chance for advancement. Earnings are immediate. Call in at 48 Josephine Street or phone Wingham 190. 4-12-6 LADIES AND GIRLS To operate sewing machines. Apply Highland Shoes Seaforth. 8. Farm Stock For Sale 11 PIGS, • r to 9 weeks old. ROSS Mac-GREGOR Phone .'4i R _. Seaforth. 5-11.1 • '22 GOOD PIGS. .Apply to JOSEPH NOLA-N St . Columinn Phone Dublin 64 R :o - • 0-17- 10. Used Cars For Sale 19. Notices COMPLETE LAUNDETEBLA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Meaning Ser- vice., ttfl lXI.DS. Seafortb. agent' for Brady .Clausen d; Lautideteria Ltd.. hxcter•. 19.1640 BUILDING and REMODELING, eaves - troughing done. Also salesman for N. O. HipeL Preston. Ontario; iilpel barna loafing pens, chicken houses. driving sheds and metal roofing. Call WAYNE SMITH, Phone 671 J 4, Seaforth. 19-16-10 PICNIC TABLES. 30" x 60", made from sturdy 2" Western cedar, only 322.50. Be prepared for the warm wee, Cher. get sour table today. Other sizes made to order. SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD.. Phone 47, Seaforth. 19-16-tf MOTORS AND. PORTABLE power tools rewound and repaired. Parts for all Popular makes. Rebuilt motors for sale. New Leland and Wagner motors avail- able on short notice. ART LEVEZT, 139 Erie Street, Clinton. Phone HU. 2-6640. 19-16-tf • SEAFORTH. UPHOLSTERY Centre Street " Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19-16-tf TWO-BEDROOM COTTAGE. West Wil- 70. ' Iiam Street. All modern conveniences. :including new nil furnace. Priced right. Lovely Brick Dwelling, Egmondvi le. I all modern oonteniences. new oil furnace ! Ideal family home. Priced right, A nice comfortable dwelling. Village of Walton. Worth insesticating. • APPiy to: HAROLD JACKSON, Broker Phone 474. Seaforth or JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214. Seafm-th 14,16-12 15. Property For Rent NEW MODERN APARTMENT, with one bedroom in the Regent Block, PHONE 104, Sea`or-h, 16-16-tf .. Auction Sale 0f Household -Effects in WE SINCERELY than kali who planned TWO-BEDROOM heated apartment: al- Seafortb Arena, SATURDAY, JUNE 11. collected And contributed to our shower so 3 one -bedroom gas heated apartments 01 1 P•m. at Brodhagen, DR E A McM ASTER, Phone '6 Sea- BARBARA abd GARY SHOLDICE forth. 15-16-tf Auction Sales B I G AUCTION SALE Of Large Quantity of USED FUR-NITU RE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES DISHES SATURDAY. .ft -'NE 16th at 1 p.m. B:-uts<els ,Arena HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 20-11-2 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR PAINTING TENDERS will be rocei0`ed by the un- dersigned until 12 o'clock noon. Friday. June 10. 1960. for the painting, (2 coats). of the the exterior or Scott. Memorial Hospital. Sealerth. Tenders will include the provision of necessary materials and will indicate tha Paint to be used. Work to be completed by July 9, 1960. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. LLOYD HOGGARTH, Secretary Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. 21.16-2 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Township of Tuckersmith County of Huron To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Reeve of the Township of Tuckersmith under his band and seal of the said cor- rin date the 6th dayof potation. bearing April, 1960. sale of lands in arrears of I taxes in the Township of Tackersmitb will be held in the Tuekersmith Council Cham- ber, in the Town Hall. Seaforth, Ontario. at the hour of 3:00 o'clock. (DST). In the afternoon on the 16th day of August 1960, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taies was ' published in The Ontario Gazette on the -th day of May, 1960, and that .copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office. this 17th day of May, 1960. • CORA CHESNEY Treasurer 22-14-18 AUCTION SALE • 23. Cards of Thanks THREE-ROOM Apartment with bath. on North Main Street. Immediate possession. CARL DALTON. Phone 62-W. 15-17x1 1951 FORD' TRUCK_ s., -ton. good .con- TWO -ROOM Inion wide Lex, CLAETON DEN}'.S, Goderieh, fully Seoforth. 10. b-tf the last two 1949 CHEVROLET in fair tanning con- • 676. Seafortb. dition. Apply WM. DA2s4Gt.R. RR 1. Dublin. Phne 07 R 9. 10-11x1 1956 VOLKSWAG16L1 in top wndition. 119. Many extra,. custom radio. whitewalls " chrome discs. leather upbolstery. 4 white ; FOLDING ALUMINUM CHAIRS. reg. mad flaps. PHONE 521, Mitchell or write!57.50. only 54.95. SEAFORTH LUM- Box 356, Mitchell. 10-1612 BER LTD., Phone 47, Seaforth. 19-16-tf LIGHTNING PROTECTION-Inst'.otling 11. Articles For Sale I Lightning rods? Contact a licensed agent. EARL R. DOUCLr1. tis, 168 Queen Street. condition. Clinton. phone HU:"2-9741. 19-154 11-17x1 GUARANTEED RADIO and TV repairs and small electrical appliance repairs. Fast service- SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE. East William Street Phone 350, Seafortb. Oak dining room suite: pine corner cupboard. 6 antique walnut dining room chail•s, footstool. 4 cane -bottom antique MR. and MRS. HENRY ARMSTRONG chairs. music rack. Bell upright piano, • •would like to thank their many friends oval antique dining roont,table.. 6 mod- and neighbours for their many cards. ern dining room chairs with upholstered gifts5 goad wishes extended to themseats, small table, mirrors. studio couch,' on th.L occasion, of their 40th wedding '_'3-17-1 CABIN. Bluewater Beach. new: occasional chairs, rocking chairs. min iveraary,'23-17x1 equippecl available except radio, vaccutmm cleaner. 2 complete bed - week in July. PHONE room suites. toilet sets. bed linens, quilts. 15-17-1 blankets. hooked mats. .two quilt boxes trunks, 4 -burner electric stove, Admiral refrigerator with freezer rhes:, dishes. Notices BOYS BICYCLE in good PHONE 419-W. Seaforth. 10 ACRES Alfalfa hay. GORDON WREN. Phone 674 R S. Hensall. 11-17-1 12 HP ELTO boat motor. PHONE 110. daytime or 851 R''23 after 6 p.m. 11-171x 7 -FT. HEAVY-DUTY John Deere mow_ • er semi -mounted. in good shape. GOR - DON REYNOLDS, Phone 667 R 4. Sea - forth. 11-17-1 SET OF STAINI,FSS steel Mastereraft Icookware, never been vied. fully guaran- teed. Priced reasonably'. Apply BOX 929, The Huron Expositor. 11-17x1 BOAT FOR SALE. small sire car boar: with or without motor. good condition. Suitable for 2 passengers, PHONE 24. Seaforth. 11.17-1 HEALTHY Bonny Best tomato plants, while they last, only 1 cent each. MRS. NORMAN LONG, Klippen. phone Hensall 694 R 17. 11-17-1 -. USED REFRIGERATORS. various sires, good condition. Real money -saving op- pportunity at BOX FURNITURE. 11-11-2 COMPLETE LINE of famous Bitten- , house Door Chimes. sales, installation and , service. Call today far: free estimate. SCOTT RABID and TV SERVICE. Phone 250, Seaferth. 11.1641 MAGIC MARKERS -Instant dry. wa- terproof. write on any surface; Just pull off - eat and Magic Marker Is ready to use. Refills available. Nine -olore Ink. THE HURON .EXPOSITOR. Phone 141. Seaforth. GERANIUMS. SNAPDRAAGONS. Asters. Verbena. Scabiosa, Marigolds Spider plant 19-16-tf REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan Cleanera, Mount Forest. More spots and stains removed. Garm-ents stay clean long- er, wear longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE, Phone 247 for pick-up. 19-16-tf kitchen utensils. side saddle. other articles too numerous to mention, TEAMS -Cash. '01 IFS ELIZABETH HENDERSON Proprietress HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 20-17-1 CI-F.ARINO AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock. Machinery and Household Effects at lot 2•t, con. 1, McKillop Pep-, first farm 1 W1SH TO express my appreciation to all.. who ,remembered me with cards and gifts while I was a patient in the hospital and particularly to thank the Canadian Legion. MANS ANS PHILLIPS 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples. 25e; 24 sam- ples 51.00. Man -Order Dept. T -78. NOVA -RUBBER CO. Box. 91, Hamilton. 254611 26. Births east of Seaforth, on No. 8, Highway, on WEDNESDAY. JUNE 15th, at 1 p.m. CATTLE -7 Hereford and Durham cows, milking and. rebred : 1 cow due to fresh- en June 26th; Holstein heifer, 0 -years - old. bred in Jan.; 5 Hereford steers, 1 - year -old: 5 }venter calves; 5 spring calves. 4 Hereford Heifers. 1 -year-old. DRAIN TILE --4", 555 per M, de4'd: MACHINERY -McCormick Deering C 5", 586 per M, del'd; 6", 9110 per 31. tractor. . good rubber with stuffier and' del'd: 8 , 9175 per M. del'd. Prices for •bean puller attachments; McCormick KRAUSKOPF-At Scott Memorial Hos- 10". 12" and 14" on request. RYDALL Deering 2 -furrow lift plow in, exeeflent lsital, on 'June 7. ,to Mr. and Mrs. J. BRICK & TILE LTD., Elginfield. Phone condition: McCormick Deering" 15 -disc• K. Krauskopf, Drumbo, a son. BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan. 19-98-61 fertiliser drill: Power Lift with markers: Case 4 -bar side delivery rake; Case 3 - ,section drag barrows; John Deere 16- ACHESON'S 'DEAD STOCK plate tractor disc, like new: John Deere SERVICE ; heavy-duty wagon with good tires, grain box and hay rack, combined, like new; }IrCormick Deering 6 -foot mower with . WI PLANS JUNK MRE'TING DENNIS-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 6. to Mr. and Mrs, Murray Den- nis. RR 1, Walton. a son: (stillborn). ELDER -Mr, and Mrs. Ken Elder, RR 2 HensaIL are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Linda Kay. at South Huron Hospital Exeter, n Tues- day. Jane 7• A sister for Steven, Lar- ry and Fred. Highest cash Prices paid in surrounding' district for dead old sick or disabled hors- es and rattle. Horses at 5c pound. For the fastest and proper retnoval of all ani- mals, day,,. or night. CaII Long Distance tad ask for ATWOOD, ZENITH 3-4900 • (No toll charge) 19-96-26 NOTICE WOOD -At Scott Mmo dal Hoapital, on June 3. to Mr. and Sirs. William Wood, RR 1 .Staffa, a son,' r••-� tractor hitch: Cockshut hay loader: Mas- .a sey Harris steel land roller ; 4 -section The June meeting of the Sea - diamond harrows: 2 -section diamond har- rows: electric bean cooker, 100 Td oat- of Mrs. John McLean on Tuesday, ,cit -y; root Palter: large galvanised web t er trough ; t, HP motor; Cycle grana June 14, at 2:15 p.m.- The• roll call seeder. wheelbarrow on rubber, like new, will be answered by, "New vege- iron kettle: 2 budles asphalt shingles: tables I have grown and liked." electric fencer: pea harvester and roller: extension ladder : hay fork : car rotas; The motto will be, We are near - stone bat : 2 house doors; 100 bushels I er to God• in the garden than any - mixed ¢rain. HOUSEHOLD Township of Tuckersinith , and two chars I chairs : rocking Tdektersmith Township Municipal Dtnap Otber article. will be open from 1 p.m. 40 6 p.m. on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons until i No Reserve. further notice. EFFEC•iS-Chestarfi el d : dining room Lillie, six chair: lawn chair. too numerous to mention. Farm Soid. Stock§. Ageratum. Zinnia. tomatoes cab- CORA CHF.SNEY TERMS --Cash' bage, red and white; Brussels Sprouts. Clerk, Tuckersmith I ALBERT HORNER. Proprietor Broccoli, celery s'w'eet pePPers and other I . 19-16-tf HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer flowers and plants BAKER'S GREEN- HOUSE. Your Garden Centre. Seaforth. 1 WATERLOO ' GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-16-2 11-1771 A ^' where else in the World," Reports from the district annual. will be presented, The lunch committee includes Mrs, Ross Gordon, Mrs. E. Cameron, Mrs. A. Pepper and Mrs. E. Pappie. 1 Past Noble Grand 'Meet In Hensall PRESTON -TAYLOR • CROMARTY Mrs: Frank Allen was hostess for the June meeting ofthe MIS on Thursday. Mrs. William Miller presided and opened the meeting with a call to worship. The devo- tional period was taken by the president- The roll call, a verse on "Hope," was answered by 13 members and one visitor was pres- ent. Mrs. T. L, Scott gave the sec- retary's report, and Mrs. William Harper, the treasurer's report. Mrs. Laing took charge of ' the business- The WMS, June confer- ence will beheld in St. Marys on June 16. The Glad Tidings prayer was given by Mrs. Sadie Scott. The study book was in charge of Mrs. M. Lomond, assisted by Mrs. N. Harburn, Mrs. Wm, Harper, Mrs. L. Sorsdahl and Mrs. G. Scott. Mrs. T. Laing read a paper entitled, "Lamps of Faith and Courage"; also read an interesting letter from Mrs. Lillian Dickson, of Formosa.' The current events were given by Mrs, T. L. Scott in the form of a Bible quiz. Mrs, John Young, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Allan Camp- bell, of Woodstock, visited with Mrs. Sadie Scott on Friday. Mrs. Jennie Wilson, of Toronto, and son, Clair, of Detroit, were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and family.. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 District Obituaries iiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIIIIIII FRANK BEAN HENSALL-The death occurred in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -1 forth, on Monday, June 6. of Frank 1 Bean: in his 78th year, Mr, Bean farmed for many years a mile and a quarter south of Hensall before retiring to the village. Surviving are' -his wife, the for- mer Margaret Pepper; two sons, Stan, St. Marys; John, of Brant- ford: and '• one daughter, Mrs. Rochus (Elizabeth) Faber, of Kip - pen, and 11 grandchildren. Resting at .the family residence on Queen Street, public services are being held Thursday, June 9, at 2 p.m. • Mr. G. C. Vais will of- ficiate. Burial is to be in Baird's cemetery. Bonthron Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. J. M. RICHARDSON HENSALL-John Marshall Rich- ardson, of Hensall, died Tuesday. at London. He was 86. Mr. R1ch- ardson farmed for many years in Hay Township before retiring to` Hensall. He is survived by his wife, the former Elizabeth Reichert; sons, Ross, Zurich; Wesley, Hensall; daughters, Mrs. Alfred (Margery) Smith, London; Mrs, Ruth Chuter,. (Vancouver; Mrs. Lloyd (Vera) O'Bnen, Zurich; Mrs. F. (Annie) Ashman, 5rills9nburg; sisters, Mrs. Annie Gray, Vancouver; Mrs. Ida Martin, London, and a brother, Lynn, Vancouver. 'Service is being held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Bonthron Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Hensall Union Cemetery. MRS. ARCHIE LUXTON HENSALL-Mrs. Archie Luxton passed away in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, Saturday, June 4th, where she had been admitted as a patient the week previous. Mrs. Luxton, who was 74, was' the for- mer Elizabeth Jane Riley, of.Tuck- ersmith Township. She had been a' resident of the village for 13 years. Her husband predeceased her in 1956. Surviving are three sons, Frank Harburn, Hensall; Henry, Harburn, Staf a; Marvin, Brougham, Ont.; two daughters, Mrs. Roy (Kilda) Smale, Hensall; Mrs. Mary Brod- hagen, St. Pauls- two'brothers, Bill Riley, Staffa; Jim Riley, Brus- sels; 19 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Public fundrai services were held from the Bonthron Funeral' Chapel on Tuesday, conducted by Rev, A. J. Daynard. Burial was in Staffa cemetery. WEDDINGS CASE FORAGE Harvester and blower.) forage rack 30 feet lonst. 4 feet high with end gateefor unloading. 'complete with re- ' movable top section for rack for hauling cut hay or straw. Apply MRS. ERNEST KNOX. RR 1, Blyth. phone 50 R 16. 11-16-2 2..000 CEDAR POSTS. graded to size. top; also anchor posts and braces: barb wire. Paige wire: steel posts. An at reasonable pricea. BORDEN BROWN. Cdestance, phone Seeder* 841 R 2. 11-16-tf CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service is pro- vided from bulls of all breeds. 4"to 5" top: 5" to 6" top; 6" to 7" We are Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost. SLAB WOOD, hard. wood. 910 per toad: mixed wood. 98 per load; approximately 2 cord to o load. Money -saving prices> on 'cement, roofing, gyproc, a*eelreek. plywood and building materials. FRED HUDIE. Clinton. phone E. 2-6655. 11-12x12 12. Wanted To Buy HIGH CHAIR and baby's "Jolly" jump- er, PHONE 2414, Seafortb. i 2-17x2 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick. down and diatibled farts animas. Prompt auartetras collection of all dead and dis- abled farm animals and hides. Call me- lee. ED ANDREWS, 851 R II, Senforih. Associated with Darling & Co.. of Canada Ltd. 12-16-10 WANTED 100 ACRE FARM • du9 t good fDahlin .buildings. Serifortb.e thredmile Azply HAROLD JACKSON Phone 474. Seaforth, ' Ont - 12 -16-2 '1 13. Wanted 1 BOARDERS WAf'1TED In modern Sea - forth harem* RRONE 2414. Seaforth. i e47 .s Summer caning hours: and 9:30 a.m., weekdays; p.m.. Saturday evenings. For (service or more infordaaeon Retarget' 7:30 6:00 and 8:00 Clinton HU 2-3441 call: or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 • 19-16-tf FINANCING A NEW CAR ? Either new or used. our rates are LOWEST in the ear finance field. W. 9E5. SOTITHGATE Phone 834. Residence 540 Main -Street. Restores 19-07-14 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS TENDERS will be reeeived by the un- dersigned until June 30, 1960. for the complete installation of pressure system and flush toilets and all necessary work in connection with same at SS No. 10, McKillop Township Further details may be obtained from trustees or undersigned. Work to be completed by September 1, 1960, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, EARL Me$PADDEN Seeretary-Treasurer RR 1, Seaforth 21-17-2 TENDERS Tenders will be received by the ander- signed for outside painting at Seaforth Public School. Tenders to be submitted not later than June 18th, One coat with two coats where neees- sary. to be applied. Board to supply the paint. Cdntnet Mr. Talbot. Principal. who will adobe what painting is required. Contract to be eompleted by July 31st. 7,3, MCKELf;AR, Secretary 21-17-2 FARM NEWS OF HURON Good weather has facilitated the sdwing of late crops, and in Most cases crop sowing Is up'to date. Some farmers have started to hay, and some graas silage is being made. The Past Noble Grands' Night was held in Amber Rebekah Lodge 349, Hensall, on Wednesday even- ing. Mrs. Harold Parker, D.D.P., acted as Noble Grand; Mrs. Alex McBeath, Vice Grand; Miss Ma - belle Whiteman, chaplain; Mrs. Inez McEwan, Jr. P,N,G.; Mrs. William Caldwell, R.S.N.G.; Mrs. Edna 'Corbett, L.S.N.G.; Mrs, Leona Parke, R:S.V.G,; Mrs. Thos, Baird, L.S.V,G.; secretary, Miss Mattie Ellis; financial secretary, Mrs. Sam Dougall; treasurer, Mrs. E. Chipchase; 'conductor, Mrs. Hugh MGGEwen; warden, Mrs. Ross Richardson; pianist, Mrs. William Fuss; •otitside• guardian, Mrs. Stew- art Blackwell; inside guardian, Mrs: Bev. Beaton. The past grands presided for the opening and closing exercises and the regular officers conducted the business. A donation was voted to the beauty contest at the Spring Fair. Thank -you letters were read from the local association of Guides and Brownies and Cana- dian Dancer Society for donations received from the lodge. Miss El- lis favored with a humorous read- ing, "Mrs, Puffer's Silver Wed- ding." Bingo was played 'and the fol- lowing were the winners: Miss Mabelle Whiteman, Mrs. Wes Richardson, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. Jack Corbett, Mrs. Lorne Chap- man, Mrs. Clarence Volland, Mrs. E. Shaddick, Mrs. Wm. Caldwell and Mrs. Thomas Kyle. Mrs. Edna. Corbett won 'the mystery prize. A social hour was enjoyed in the lower hall when refreshments were served. BRUCEFIELD-5iarriage vows were exchanged in a double -ring ceremony in the Church of Christ, Toronto, June 4th, when Rev. J. Perry united in marriage Barbara Annette Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Bruce - field, to Frederick Phillip Preston, son of'Mr. and Mrs. Alex Preston, Sundridge, Ont. The bride was lovely in a waltz - length gown of Chantilly lace over net, styled with lily point sleeves. Her fingertip veil was embroider- ed nylon net, held by a coronet of pearls, and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Attending her sister was Miss Mary Louise Taylor, Exeter, wear- ing a flowered nylon dress of mauve and carried yellow mums, Donald Preston, Woodbridge, at- tended his brother as groomsman. For travelling to Niagara Falls and the U.S.A., the bride chose a two-piece dress of white linen with a green duster, white accessories and pink carnation corsage. They will reside in Stindridge, Ont. WANTED Live Fowl Picked 'Up At the Farm TOP PRICES Phone 751 J 12, Seaforth or Brussels 393 J 15 Ronald Bennett WALTON HEN5 L Mrs. Wmiue Aayman, o London, was a guest with Mrs..Lou Simp- son on Tuesday of this .week. Miss Marie Jarrott, nurse -in - training at Stratford General Hos- pital, who has completed her three months' special curse at Toronto Children's Hospital, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, RR 2, Hen- sall, before resuming her studies at the Stratford HospitaL Church services for Chiselhurst and Hensall• United Churches on Sunday will be conducted by the Rev. Grant L. 'Mills. Rev. Winlaw will be guest preacher for the Sun day School anniversary at Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rock and Lori and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc- Lean, all of Hamilton, visited over the weekend with Mr. John Pass- more. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden, Bobby, Jimmy, Marjorie, Debbie and Hal, of Dresden, visited over the weekend with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Herb. Anniversary services in the Unit- ed Church last Sunday were large- ly attended, when guest minister, Rev. Bruce Suitor, of Beachville United Church, delivered two very inspiring messages, speaking on the theme, "Pilgrim's Program and Building," Morning soloist, Mrs. Carol Payne, sang, "The Christ Passeth By," and in the evening a vocal duet, "Softly and Tenderly" was sung by Mr. Sam Rannie and his daughter, Miss Mary Ann Rannie. The choir sang special numbers. Rev. C. Winlaw conducted the services. Miss Greta Lammie presided at the organ con- sole.. Summer flowers decorated the church auditorium. Messrs. Gordon Love, Garnet Mousseau, Bert Horton and Alf Scholl left Friday for a ten-day fishing expedition to Northern On- tario in the Timmins area. Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren are spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Margaret Evans and. family in. Waterloo. Bride -Elect Showered Mrs. Hugh McEwen was hostess at her tome Friday evening in honor of Miss Sharon Elder, June bride -elect, when 45 friends and neighbors met to honor her with a miscellaneous presentation. June Tinney read the presentation ad- dress, and Sandra Munn and'Kath- erine McEwen presented the bride - elect with many lovely gifts from a basket decorated in pink and white motif. Humorous readings were contributed by Miss Gwen Chapman, Miss Connie Corbett and Miss Betty Bell. ,Contests were enjoyed for a per- iod of entertainment under direc- tion of Mrs. McEwen and Mrs. Alex Munn. A delicious luncheon was served, with tea room attend- ants being girls who had attended S.S. 10, Hay, with Sharon. Teen. Town (by Sharon Hume) Hensall District Teen Town held their last dance of the season at Hensall Community Centre Friday evening, with a good crowd in at- tendance. Chaperone for the eve- ning was Mr. Frank Harburn, of Hensall. We would like to thank everyone who helped make our teen town a success during the past year. Teen)'Town will again resume their daces next fall. The Kinsmen are holding their annual ladies', night at the Blue - water. Motel, Grand Bend, Thurs- day night. Pamela Lindsay, of London, is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson. S.S. No. 10, Hay Township, is holding its annual school picnic at Riverview Park, Exeter, June 24, with supper at 6:00. I't is expect- ed former residents' of the area will attend. Mr. Sim ..Roobol, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for the past month, hav- ing undergone a major operation, returned home, Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Wes Venner was admitted as a patient at South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, Monday of this week. F/O Don Stanton, who has com- pleted a course at Camp Borden, leaves with his' wife and daughter the end- of June for Ottawa, where he has been posted: Mrs. •Alice Lockie, of Zurich, has purchased ,the Kosy Korner KIPPEN Mr. .and Mrs. Ross Love • and Mrs. Ken McKay attended the graduation of the former's son, Robert, at Western University on Saturday. He received the degree of Master of Business Administra- tion, They also attended the re- ception following the graduation at University College. BROWNIE'S D�tIVE-IN� LIMITED Clinton - Ontario o L NEWS Restaurant in Hensall. She will assisted by her mother, Mrs. For - Tester. They have purebaed the building and business and are In process of making minor altera- tions and renovations before the opening. • Carmel Presbyterian Ch u r ch Mission Band will attend a rally at Clinton, Saturday, June llth. Members are to meet at the church at 1:30. Featuring the Largest Wide , Screen in Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 9 and 10 "JOHN PAUL JONES" (ColoQur) (Cinemascope) Hebert Stack -- Bette Davis (One Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY June 11 and 13 "THE LEFT HANDED GUN" Paul l Newman -- Lita Milan (Two Cartoons) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, June 14 and 15 "BACK FROM ETERNITY" Robert Ryan - Anita Ekberg (One Cartoon) Two Shows Nightly, Rain or, Clear First Show at Dusk Admission: 65e Children Under 12 in Cars Free Saturday, Ju`nel1th Community Centre SEAFORTH Dancing 9:30 - 12:00 NORRIS ORCHESTRA Admission 50c Sponsored by Huroon-Perth Jmlior Farmers BARN PAINT $1.95 Gallon in 1 -Gallon and 5 -Gallon Containers' SPECIAL OUTSIDE WHITE $4.95 Galion Baldwin Hardware Phone 61 -- Seaforth JUNE FOREeAsr SPECIALS FOR . Thurs., Fri., Sat. - JUNE 9, 10, 11 Aylmer TOMATO SOUP 3 10 -oz. tins 330 Aylmer PEACHES, 2 15 -oz. tins 4.1¢ Jewel . SHORTENING 1 Ili. 27¢ Allen's ORANGE DRINK or Allen's GRAPE DRINK , .. . each 27¢ Aylmer CREAM CORN 2 15 -oz, tins 31¢ Shedd's SALAD DRESSING ' ' 32 -oz. jar 591 Nature's Best _.TOMATO JUICE 48 -oz: lin 25¢ SEE LONDON' FREE PRESS THURSDAY FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SUPERIOR .. . _ ,Smith's'.FOOD MARKET', Phone12 FREE DELIVERY • You can't argue with -WEEDS • kill them with proven... HERBATE AMINE $O This 2,4-D Amine is the PROVEN selective weed killer for Wheat and Barley. Economical, convenient, easy to handle. Minimize the risk of 2,4-D damage to suscep- tible crops such as tomatoes. METHOXONE MCP Recommended by leading authorities for Oats and Flax. Compared with 2,4-D yield increases up to 5 bu. per acre in Flax and 15 bu. in ''Oats are common. Also effective on hard -to -kill weeds such as Canada Thistle. Treat early for best results Write for your Weed Spray Chart CHIPMAN CHEMICALS LIMITED 519 Porkdale Ave. N., Hamilton, Ontario