HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-04-28, Page 12r'e • is 12(1-41)1C ERFAxgi EXPOSITOR.; SEAFORTR, ONT., APRIL 28, 1960 First PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Leslie Elder Minister 11. A. KEMPSTER Organist and• Choir Leader 10 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL AND YOUTH FELLOWSHIP 11 a.m. "The+Faith and Its Facets" Anthem: "0 BE JOYFUL" (Schilling) Church Notices McKILLOP UNITED CHARGE— Hours of service are as follows: Duff's, 10 a.m.; Bethel, 11:30 a.m.;. Cavan, 2:00 p.m. Rev. W. H. Summerell,' Minister. PENTECOSTAL—Sunday servic- es at 11 a.m., Mr. Schantz, speak- er; 7:30 p.m., Rev. Jolly, speaker. Prayer meeting and Bible School, Thursday at 8 o'clock.—Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor;' NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH —Worship, 11:00 a.m., D.S.T. Jun- ior School for all children under nine years of age. Parents can bring their younger children • to church and they w�iji go to their elapses while worship is in pre= gress. Church School for the Sen- iors, 10 a.m. No change here for older older children and young peolile. No evening services until Fall.— 'Rev. J. C. Britton, B.A., Minister. 7 p.m. "Slow But Sure" Solo: "HOW GREAT THOU ART" Soloist: Mrs.. Jean Cairns • 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Remember, it takes but a mom- ent to place an Expositor Want ad acid be money in pocket. To ad- vertise, just phone Seaforth 141. EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH DR. J. SEMPLE,_ Minister Lyle Hammond Organist - Choir Leader 11 a.m. The Public • Worship . of God 10 a.m. Church School and Bible Class Spm. " Young People's Union (Bible Study) ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. 'and Mrs. Gilbert Murray, of St. Columban, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Rose, to Mr. Daniel Francis Costello, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello, of Dublin, the marriage to take place May 14th in Holy Angels Church, St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde, Kippen, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Elizabeth Louise, to Mr. John Wallace Steph- enson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stephenson, Woodbridge. The mar- riage will take place on May 21, at 2:00 p.m. in Bayfield Baptist Church. • Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Clark, Mitchell, Ont., announce the en- gagement of their youngest daugh- ter, Barbara Fern,.. to Mr. Gary William Sholdice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice, Brodhagen, Ont., the wedding to take place Saturday, May 14, at three o'clock in Trinity Anglican Church, Mit- chell. LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. Sam Phillips, London; Mrs. Nelson Govenlock, Waterfprd, and Mrs. Blayney; Simcoe, were guests of Mrs.'Mae Dorrance. Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Giffin, of Sarnia, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Grace Hoggarth and Miss Marion Scarlett. Mr. Charles Barker, of Cooks- town, Ireland, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Glas- gow prior to taking a position in the Melton Airline office. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Timmins, of Toronto spent the Easter week- end at the home :,of Mrs. A, Bethlun - "Mani, William. Boit enn MITicnced duties this i rOeli. a8 -stenographer at the Sea bi•th health of Animals Brhheh, She replaces Miss A. Slte$gk, who has accepted a posi- tion •in the office of Clinton Dis- trict High' School. Mr. Henry Kroesen, who has been on the staff of the Toronto - Dominion Bank, has taken a posi- tion in London. ' - Mrs. Hugh Alexander spent a few days in Stratford with her daughter, Mrs. J.- Easun and Mr. Easun. Mrs. R. E. Patterson, of Bramp- ton,, spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Scott in Hul- lett and Mr: and Mrs. Walter Scott in McKillop. Miss Nancy Corby returned to Belle River on Sunday after spend- ing the Easter holidays with her DANCING Brodhagen and District Community Centre Friday, April 29th RHYTHMAIRES Admission — 75 Cents FRIDAY, MAY 6th-4AN WILBEE SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Exeter 41 OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY. MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone. Numbers: Clinton 1620 Seaforth 573 BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR. M. W. STAPLETON A. W. SILLERY Physician and Surgeon Phone 90- Seaforth If no answer, call 59 JOHN A. GORWILL, BA., MD. Physician and Surgeon "Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 e E. A. McMASTER, BA., M.D.} Internest Telephone 27 P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Telephone 750-W 1 DR. E. MALKUS Telephone 15 EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments may be. made. D. H. McINNES Chiropractic • Foot Correction - COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m A. M. HARPER & COMPANY' Chartered Accountants 55 South St. Telephone Goderich JA 4-7562 . Licensed Municipal Auditor, G. A. WEBB; D.C.* *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 Main Street - Exeter X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday. Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointment - Phone 606 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC - J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., VS. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., VS. W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., VS. S. D. Meeuwisse Phone 105 •Seaforth Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ONTARIO uncle, Mr. Amos W. Coi!'by. Sr. M. Henrietta, of the Grey Sisters, Ottawa,visited her mother, Mrs. Mary O'Reilly over the week end. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. Boyce spent Sunday in New Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Mussel - man, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs, Cloyne Michael and Karen, of Gorrie, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ed. Smith. Mr, Jake Sproat, North Bay, spent last weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sproat and other rel- atives. Mrs. C. P. Sills, Me:_Obdrge Sills, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Slattery, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. 1. Sills, Mr. George Hays, Mr; and Mrs. Arthur Dev- ereaux, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eck- ert and Mr. and Mrs. Con Eckert attended the Shine -Hays wedding in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday. The bride is the daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs. Gordon M. Hays, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Sills, Kit- chener; Miss Mary Lou Sills, Miss Ruth Sills, Mr. Joseph Kennedy, London, and Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Melady, Goderich, also attended. Mr. and Mrs. George Andrew and family, of Longwood, visited over the weekend with Mrs. Nor- man Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Haley and Brian. Mrs. J. K. B. Brown, Toronto; Miss Joan Govenlock, Toronto, and Mr. Jack Dorrance, St. Catharines, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Mae Dorrance. Master Frank Melady, of Gode- rich, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Art Devereaux and family. Mr. A. Y. McLean is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, where he underwent an appendectomy on Monday. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rowat were the latter's mother, Mrs. K. 0. Noecker, of Drayton, and Rev. Harold Steed, of Moorefield. Miss Alice Reid, who, spent the past few months in the Canadian West, has returned home. BARBARA KIRKMAN AUXIi°IARY. The April meeting of the Bar- bara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday evening when the CGIT and Explorers were guests and presented the program. Mrs. Reg Kerslake presided and opened the meeting with a poem and led in prayer. Mrs. Elmer "Rivers, secretary, read the min- utes and the roll call. Miss Nor- ma Jeffery offered ..her home .for the May meeting. The group was reminded of the Presbyterial in Clinton May 20. Miss Janet Cluff gave an encouraging treasurer', report. Miss Sally Fox, president of the CGIT, took charge of the meeting. A musical number was given by the following Explorers: Sally Cos- ford, Linda Nixon, Donna Smale and Anne Rivers, with Mrs. J. Mc- Gregor as pianist. Dianne- Dennis read the scripture lesson and Anne Sharp led in prayer. A hymn was sung with Mrs. M. R. Rennie at the piano. An accordion solo by Mary Jane Boshart, with Nancy Berger as accompanist, was en- joyed. }The offering was received by Anne Rivers and Donna Smale and -dedicated by Sally Cosford. The CGIT gave a musical number and their Purpose. Barbara Hol- land was the accompanist. Mrs. J. McDowell and Mrs. R. Kerslake are the leaders for the CGIT. Miss G. Elliott gave an accordion solo. Rev: D. Leslie Elder had an ap- propriate address, using for his subject, "Going Up." Mrs. H. E. Smith expressed the appreciation of the Barbara 'Kirkman to all those taking part, and especially to Rev. Elder for his address. McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART SEAFORTH, Ont• - Telephone 179 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 79.1 :. Se'aforth Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted MAIN OFFICE, SEAFORTH Goderich St. West, adjacent to Seaforth Clinic. Office Hours: Seaforth daily- except Monday. 9 a.m:5:30 pm.; Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m,; Thursday evenings by appointment only. Clinton: Monday, 9 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. (Above Hawkins? Hardware.) THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont ,I, Plan Bean Club At Wed. Meeting An organizational meeting will be held for the 1960 South Huron 441 . White Bean Club at the Hen- sel Town Hall on Wednesday .eve-, ning, May 4, at &30 p.13.. DAT. The club is -open to farm boys •and girls who will be 12 years of age by May 1 of this year and under 21 at November 1. A quantity of disease free seed produced in Idaho ha been or- dered "•and. will be made available to club members at ..cost. As the supply of this seed is, limited, the- Mather heHumber to receive this seed Will be restricted to less ,than 25, ac- cording to D. G. • Grieve, associate agrlculturalrepresentative for Hur- on Crty. -- NORTHSIDETHANKOFFERING The WMS thankoffering meeting of Northside United Church was held Tuesday evening with- a good attendance. Miss Rena Fennell op- ened with a poem, "Resurrection." A hymn was followed by prayer by Mrs. Lindsay, and Scripture was taken by Mrs. J. • M. Scott. Mrs.^ C. Walden .welcomed all present, especially those from other socie- ties. Mrs. W. Ball, supply secretary, gave her report, and a bale will be packed the end of •May. Chris- tian Stewardship report was given by Mrs. Workman. Mrs. J. A. Stewart and A. John- ston played lovely piano duets. Miss Ruth Cluff and Mrs. Neil Bell favored with a vocal duet. Special speaker, Rev. Steed, of Moorefield, was introduced by Mrs. L. Rowat. He showed slides and spoke about his missionary work in Africa. Mrs. J. A. West- cott thanked the speaker, and the meeting adjourned with prayer by Rev. J. C. Britton. KILTIE FUND Previously acknowledged ... $118.00 Mrs. E. P. Chesney 10.00 Total to date $128.00 CROMARTY WINCHELSEA NEWS ' OF THE • WEEK The Marion Ritchie Evening Auxiliary held their Easter meet- ing in the basement of the church with Mrs. Sam McOurdy Presid- ing. Mrs. McCurdy read the Scrip- ture lesson, followed with prayer. The roll call was answered by re- peating an Easter verse. Mrs. John Templeman had charge of the topic, and read one of Padre Young's interesting papers entit- led, "If .you ask me, the Easter Faith brings courage to face to- day's challenges." - Miss Brenda Kerslake favored with a solo, and Mrs. John Miller read "The First Easter Message." Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wallace and little daughter, Pamela, spent the weekend in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott and fam- ily. Miss_. Margaret Patrick, of Te- ronto, and Mrs. Mary'Patrick, of Seaforth, were -visitors-with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Laign, mt. Fridays Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gilllespie and daughters and Mr. Grant;,of 'Kom- oka, called on Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mr, and Mrs. Laing on Wednesday. r� The members of the bowling -Club with their wives and friends • at- tended a. banquet in Exeter Mon- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Douglas and family,•recently of Embro, have purchased the farm of the late Archie McKellar. We . welcome Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and fam- il"y. Their success in the future is the wish_of this community. Miss Linda Currie has returned to her home in Dorchester after spending the Easter holidays ,with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Otto Walker. Mrs. M. Houghton and Frank Stagg visited on Sunday with Mr. and- Mrs. Reg Stagg and family in Exeter. Miss Barbara Anne Gilfillan spent a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. Harvey Smith, of Crediton. Mrs. Nelson Clarke returned to her home in Farquhar after spend- ing. the winter with Mrs end. Mrs, William Walters and Danny. Miss Janet Hern visited with Miss Debra Hern, of Sunshine Line, for her Baster holidays.. Mrs. Garnet Miners visited in St. Marys on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. George Harrah and Mrs. Reginald native. €aMr. and Mrs. Rill Waiters and Danny visited on Thursday even- ing with Mr, and Mrs. Ward Hern of Zion. ' Mrs. Eric Carscaden and Marion of Exeter and Miss Anne Johns, of Elimville North, visited Thurs- day with Mrs. Garnet Miners. Mrs. Cheer Cornish and Ronnie of Exeter, visited on Friday night with Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Bar- bara Anne. Mrs. Newton Clarke visited on Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Morgan and family of Thames Road. Master Gerald and Miss, Mary Skinner, of St. Pauls, spent their Easter holidays with Mir. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald,'of Ad in a farm magazine: "Want- ed—a dairy farm employee. Must not have any bad habits—smoke, ylrink, or eat margarine." OFFICERS: President—J. L., Malone, Seaforth Vice -President John H., McEwing, Blyth. Secretary-Treasurer—W. E: South- gate, Seaforth. DIRECTORS: ' J. L. Malone. Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm ; Robert Archibald Seaforth; John H. Mc - Ewing, Blyth; William S. Alexan- der, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode- rich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth; N. Trewartha, Clinton. AGENTS: William Leiper, Jr., Londes- boro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels ; James Keys, R.R. 1, Seaforth; Har- old Squires, R.R. 3, Clinton. 000000000000000 O 0 O W. J. CLEARY 0 Seaforth, Ont. • 0 O LICENSED EMBALMER 0 O and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 O Night or Day Calls — 335 4> 0 4> 00000000000000❑ 000000000000000 BOX ° Funeral Service ® R. Licensed embalmer X O • Prompt H 8Pifal careful attention • FLO o CASIONSALL 4, • Phones: e Res. 595-W Store 43 .sli. tI00Ee63 e**O i.4i -9b 0 e jweeeeeeeeee,e<> ( 000000000000000 0 J. A. BURKE O Funeral Director 0 4 and Ambulance Service 0 O DUBLIN : ONT. 0 4> Night or Day Calls: 0 O Phone 43 r 10 O O 0 000000000000040 []00000000000000 ,-.... 4, G. A. WHITNEY 4 Funeral Home 0 Goderich St. W„ Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 Adjustable hospital beds 0 for rent. . 0 FLOWERS FOR EV)rRY O OCCASION 4' 4> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, NO RED TAPE W a H W O z O z W V W 0. TEN• PER CENT DOWN BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN LIMITED Clinton - Ontario Featuring the Largdat -Wide Screen in Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 28 and 29 — DOUBLE FEATURE "The Gene Krupa Story" Sal Mineo games Darren "The Black Knight" (Colour) Alan Ladd -- Patricia Medina (One Cartoon) SATURDAY. and MONDAY April 30 and May 2 ,,,. — DOUBLE FEATURE —. "ZARAK" (Colour) (Cinemascope) Victor Mature -- Anita Ekberg "Battle Of the Coral Sea" Cliff Robertson -- Gia Scala (One Cartoon) Staffa, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, of Hensall, visited on Saturday 'even - CMg larke and th Mr. Band Mrs, Harold bby. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Keller, of Chatham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke and Bobby. Mise Kay Horne, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Hutton and family, of Elimville, .visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs`. Freeman Horne, Mr.._ and. Mrs. _Elson -Lynn and family visited on 'Thursday even- ing with Mr, and Mrs. William Van De Walle and family, of Sunshine Line. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner, of Sebringville, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skinner, of St. Pauls, visited -on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. El- son Lynn and family. Miss Sandra Walters, of Sun- shine Line, visited this past week with Margaret Anne Prance: TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Mays 3.4 "Odds Against Tomorrow" -. (Adult Entertainment) Harry Belafonte .- Shelley Winters Two Cartoons Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk Admission : 65c Children Under 12 in Cars Free NO RED TAPE LEMON'S TAXI and PARCEL SERVICE All Paccengera insured PEONES : CECIL DAVB 676 675 ' blue coal ' Champion stove and Furnace 011 WILLIS DUNDAS DUNDAS and LONEY Phone 573 or 138 The Order of the Eastern Star will hold a BAKE SALE and Novelty Table Saturday : Afternoon APRIL 30th,• at 3:00 p.m. in Mel Clarke's Garage SEAFORTH -- 'at G. A. WHITNEY .FURNITURE WEEK -END OPENING I 5% SPECIAL • CHESTERFIELD SUITES • SOPA BEDS., • SPACE SAVERS • REST ROCKERS • SWIVEL ROCKERS • OCCASI.ONAL and HOSTESS CHAIRS Discount SPECIALSOn SERTA and SIMMONS Mattresses , G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE i Phone'119 Seaforth t TEN PER CENT DOWN I ■ NO RED TAPE - Don't pay Too Much for yournext' car, nstead Get A Pearson Ten Down yep ".KING'S SPECIAL ! !" 1956 MERCURY TWO -DOOR HARDTOP finished in gleaming ocean -green and white. Custom radio, leather upholstery, automatic drive, whitewalls; positively looks and drives like new! MERELY — $1295 $129 DOWN — $46' A MONTH THIS WEEK'S SALES — 2 CARS IN LONDON 2 CARS IN SEAFORTH 4 CARS IN GODERICH 2 CARS IN WINGHAM 3 CARS IN CLINTON 7 CARS IN ZURICH AND EXETER These and Hundreds More Know -- "You Can't Beat A Pearson Deal !" NO RED TAPE TEN PER 'CENT DOWN i TRUCKS!! 51 FORD 21/4 TON STAKE BODY and HOIST 52 CHEV. HALF -TON, Like New, Stock Racks • 51 GMC HALF - TON, ° Com- plete with Stock Racks 51 FORD HALF - TON — Complete With Stock Racks 57 FORD 3/4 - TON, 9 FOOT PICK-UP BOX, Like' New FOUR 'OTHER TRUCKS° O "THE CAR KING OF '11 HURON COUNTY" • us El For Less YEAR, MAKE & MODEL . DOWN MONTHLY 59 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF $239 $78 CHEVROLET BEL -AIR _ 249 78 STRATO CHIEF STATION WAGON 289 99 DODGE MAY,lv',AIR SEDAN 229 78 58 METROPOLITAN HARDTOP $119 $41 FORD CUSTOMLINE 300 '189 66 57 I PONTIAC LAURENTIAN CONVERTIBLE $239 $78 56 METEOR RIDEAU $159 $55 BUICK SPECIAL 129 45 CHEVROLET 2 -DOOR 99 36 MERCURY HARDTOP 169 59 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON 139 48 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 169 59 55 LAURENTIAN HARDTOP - $139 $48 NASH AMBASSADOR 79 34 FORD TWO -DOOR 99 36 54 METEOR NIAGARA $99 $36 OLDS 88 I 99 36 53 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN$29 $19 I METEOR: TWO -DOOR [ 59 27 m z NMOO 213d O otors. imiPears�n to PONTIAC — BUICK VAUXHALL — GMC TRUCKS and BEDFORD VANS • THE CAR KING OF HURON COUNTY Rt ZURICH EXETER NO RED TAPE TEN PER CENT DOWN., NO RED TAPE