HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-04-28, Page 6ti4 t .t, 1• .11M.40014, poOsnoR, SEAro#t•TT, O IT,, APRR1:L 40+ 1960 1. GQming; Events E: T9at„ BteaYed •Fuuo*d • 4.. 101. Wanted ik Buainead Opportunities 6.. Teachers Wanted 7. Situation% Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale "9.. 1'ouitry For Sale 10. Used Care For Sale 11, Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 18. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 16. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17 Wanted To Rent 18- Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 28. Cards of Thanks 24. In Memoriam 25. Personals The cost Is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 15, 17 --minimum 25 cents an insertion. All other claasi- flestiona, minimum 50 cents per insertion. except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Want,. ed (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on application. 1. Coming Events REMEMBER. Huron County World Re- fugee Year Blitz, May 16 to 21. 1-114 THE WA of Du'ff's Church, McKillop, will hold a bake sale ut Robert's House of Beauty, Saturday May 7th. Doors , open at 3 p.m. 1-11-1 A SERIES of Pre -Natal classes will begin Tuesday, May 3, at 8 p.m. in the Health Unit Office, second floor, Scott Memorial Hospital. ' These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. These interested are invited to attend on the above date or phone the Public Health Nurse at 203-W, between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. 1-11-1 4. Help Wanted TOWN OF SEAFORTH Building Inspector Applications for the above named pos- ition will be received up to April 80, 1960. Persona with a knowledge of con- struction and building practices will be given preference. D. H, WILSON, Clerk 4-10-2 5. Business Opportunities FOR LEASE—Mel Clarke's Supertest location, large garage, stockroom, office and showroom, Main street, Seaforth, im- mediate possession, low rental. Apply to TED ELLIOTT, Box 295, Wingham, Ont. 5-08-4 6. ' Teachers Wanted TEACHERS WANTED Teacher required for SS No.20, Tuck- ersrnith, about two miles east of Hensen. Small enrolment, well equipped. Salary according to experience and .qualifica- tions, Duties to commence September 1, 1960. W. P. ROBERTS, Secretary -Treasurer Tuckersmith Township School Area 6-10-2 7. Situations 'Wanted 10 CATTLE to pasture. JACK Mc- LVER, St. Columbatl;' telephone Dublin 84 R' 21. 7-11x1 LAWNS TO CUT, 61.25 an hour. ,Apply to ROBERT SHARP, Phone 851 R fi, Seaforth. 7-10x2 8. Farm Stock, For Sale TWO STEERS weighing around 600 Pounds . Apply to JAMES C. KERR. Phone {9 It 5, Seaforth. -. 8-11-1 10. Used Cars For Sale 1057 FORD TRUCK, %-ton, good con- dition, wide box. CLAYTON DENNIS, Seaforth. 10-10-2 1951 CHEV , %-ton truck. with racks. Good shape. .PHONE 366, Seaforth. 10-11-1 1961 FORD COACH and trailer, beat rea- sonable offer accepted, Apply W. G. CAMPELL, phone 486, Seaforth. 10-11-2 11. Articles For Sale TIMOTHY -SEED Ile sale. Apply LOU BOLTON. Phone 850 R 22, Seaforth. 11-08x4 BEATTY WASHER, 2 years old. CLAY- TON DENNIS, Seaforth. 11-10-2 BAMOY PUPS for sale; 8 months old. MRS. WARDEN HANEY, Phone 662 R 33, Seaforth, 1110-2 ALFALFA, good clean seed from Ran- ger variety. Fret from, weeds. EVERETT BEUEILMANN, Phone'Seaforth 831 R 11. 11-11-1. • TIMOTHY and ALFALFA hay, first quality, also corn ensilage. Apply DAV- ID TRIMMER, Kippen, phone Hensall 677 R 3. 11-11x2 COMPLETE LINE of femora Ritten- house Door Chimes, sales, .Installation and service. Call today for free estimate. SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE, Phone 250, Seaforth. 11-08-tf 8 -FOOT PACKER, Fleury -Bissett, in good condition, reasonable. Apply V. J. LANE, Phone Dublin 46 R 12, RR 5, Seaforth. • 1141x2 MIXED GLADIOLUS bolts, large, 60 for 62,50, not . prepaid ; named varieties, prices on request. MURRAY E. TYN- DALL, Rrucefield, Ontario. Phone Sea - forth 640 W 2, 11-11x6 ' MAGIC M7iRIF'R2'.-Tnat50it del', Wee terpleof, write en any surface; lust pull off cap and Malate Marker fe ready to sec. - Refills available. Nine colors Ink. Tf3'E HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141, Seaforth. ' PASTURE -have grass fore 8 or 10 Yearling cattle; plenty of shade and wat er. Also a few tone of mixed grain, bailey end oats for sale. Apply VG'iL- MED MALONEY, phone 40 R 18, Dnb- l11n, - 1143x1 2,000 CEDAR POSTS. 'loaded to else, •4" to 6" top: 6" to 6" tops 6" to 7" top; also anchor ]dost* and braces' bath Wire; Ppine wire;' steel 9 te. All at **Meltabla., •fO12nEN BROWN, Constance, Phone Seaforth 841 R 2.+• 1:08-t4 11. Articles For Sale QUANTITY of alfalfa. JAMES KEYES. Phone 835 R 14, Seaforth. 11-11x1 SEVEN and a half horsepower Elgin outboard motor. PHONE 111, Seaforth. 11-11x1 AROUND 300 bales of good choice hay. Apply to. JIM O'CONNOR. Phone 17 R 1. Dublin. 11-1T--1 JOHN DEERE Model 60 tractor, used four seasons, excellent condition. PHONE ti85•N', Seaforth. 11-11-2 DARK nary suit. size 38, and two Idouben to match, use pink and one white. PHONE 163-J, Seaforth, 11-11-1 ROTARY TYPE lawn mower, 2 years old. Apply BILL W1LBII, Seaforth, 11-11-1 LIGHT enamel range. Wingham make; burn either coal or wood ; waterfront. Good condition. Reasonably priced, PHONE 98, Seaforth, .11-11-2 -TWENTY DOZEN tulips for' sale. Ap- ply to BAKER'S GREENHOUSE and GARDEN CENTRE, Seaforth. 11-11x3 RODNEY OATS and alfalfa and tim- othy seed for sale. Apply to THERON SETTLES, phone $37 R 32, Seaforth. 11-11x2 MOCLEARY gas range, with an annex for wood or coal. Apply to MRS. FRANK .STOREY, Phone 325-W, Seaforth. 11-11-1 BEATTY washing machine and ironer, in good condition; 1 wool comforter: 1 down comforter; 5 white globes, could be used fur office or store; silver neck fur.' MRS, SID PULLMAN. Phone 698, Sea - forth. 11-11-1 12. Wanted To Buy CAR WANTED—Seaforth resident will pay up to 5100 cash for '4 -door in fair condition. State make, year and condi- tion in letter to BOX 907, The Huron Expositor. 12-11x1 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fox sick, down and disabled farm animals. Prompt courteous collection of . all dead and. dis- abled farm animals and hides. Calf coll- lect, ED ANDREWS, 851 R 11, Seaforth. Associated with .Darling & Co„ of Canada Ltd. 12-07-tf 13. Wanted WILL take in 15 head of cattle to pas- ture for the summer. ALLEN CAMP- BELL. Phone 837 R 11, Seaforth. 13-11-1 CATTLE for grass on concession 12, McKillop;" good running water. MRS. TOM STOREY, Seaforth. Phone 347-W. 13-1I-1 • WANTED TO BORROW -•4:30,000 to $40,000 by reputable individual, fully se- cured, reasonable rate of interest, princi- pal to.be repaid over 10 to 15 year period. Apply to BOX 912, The Huron Expositor. 13-11-1 14. Property For Sale PLAN your home now; $50.00 down will buy you a lot in Seaforth or Harpur- hey. Lota surveyed. Land suitable for V.L.A. projects. Terns to suit. CLAY- TON DENNIS. 14-97-11 50 -ACRE FARM., . frame house, good barn, land in excellent State of cultiva- tion. Can be sold on reasonable down payment. iong_,term mortgage. Immedi- ate possession. JOHN BOSVELD, Real- tor Goderich, osepb McConnel, salesman, Seaofrth. 14-10-2 SIX -ROOM HOUSE, etoker fired forced air furnace, full bathroom, pressure sys- tem, hot water, four building lots, in Har- purbey, where everyone wants to move to. See THOS. FOX, RR 2, Seaforth, Phone. 851 R 41. 14-08-4 125 -ACRE FARM, in Tuckersmith, five miles from Seaforth, good buildings, all workable land, half a mile from paved highway, immediate possession or can be purchased with possession October 1st. JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor, Goderich or Joseph McConnell, Salesman, Seaforth. 14-10-2 50 -ACRE FARM near Kippen, brick„ house, bank barn: modern buildings, one mile from highway, 57,000. Small down Payment, immediate possession. . JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor, Goderich, Joseph iMcConnel; Salesman, Seaofrth. 14-10-2 LOVELY PROPERTY in Harpurhey; an acre and a half of ground. All mod- ern conveniences in the houses, newly sided, very low down payment, balance on longterm mgrtgake. On this proper- ty are 5 or 6 ideal building lots. JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor, Goderich, Joseph Mc- Connell, Salesman, Seaforth. 14-10-2 GOOD INCOME property on quiet res- idential street in Seaforth lovely living quarters for 'owner, with modern aelf- contained apartments, New oil furnace, aanporch, newly painted and papered. Mortgage can be left on property. This is one of the better homes in Seaforth. ,Apartment brings in 5600 a year, tenant pays heat, light, water. This is worth investigating. JOHN BOSVELD, Real- tor, Goderich, Joseph McConnell„ sales- man, Seaforth. •14-10-2 • 15. Property For Rent 'HAVE PASTURE for a number of cat- tle, PHONE Hensall 684 R 81. 15-10x2 "MAIM) ONE - BEDROOM apartment, for rent. East end. DR. E. A. Me - MASTER, Phone 26, Seaforth. 15-07-tf FRONT APARTMENT for rent, 8 rooms and bath, Apply UNITED DAIRY and POULTRY CO-OP. Seaforth Branch, Phone 13, 16-08-tf, ABOUT 25 or 30 head of cattle for pasture. Lota of water and shade. COR- DON SCOTT, phone 836 R 33, Seaforth. 15-11x1 16. For Sale or Rent FOUR -ROOM HOUSE to rent in Dub- lin, TOM COYNE, phone 65 R 6, Dub- lin. 16-11X1 17. Wanted To Rent FOUR -ROOM. Heated apartment, cen- tral location, ground floor preferred. Ap- ply BOX 918, The Huron Expositor. 17-11x1 20 ACRES of good pasture land: RR 1, Clinton, good shade and water. Apply to GEORGE W. COLCLOUGH, Phone Clin- ton HU. 2-3208. 17-1011 19. Notices REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan Cleaners, Mount Forest. More spots and stains removed. Garmeta 'stay clean long- er, wear longer. Agent: MOLUER'S LAVNDRY SERVICE, , Phone 241 for plekwip, 19-07.41 MOTORS AID PORTABLE power tools rewclnd and repaired. Parts for all poloist makes. Rebuilt motors for sale. New Leland and Wagner motors avail. able on abort notice. ART V'MVET1, 189 Erie Street, Clinton. Phone MY. 2.0640. 19,614f 19. Notices SEPTIC TANKS C1.EA En _. modern equ)pmept. quick service. all work guaran- teed. Write or Phone LOUIS BLASE, Phone 42 R 6, RR 2, Brussels, 19-01x10 GUARANTEED RADIO and TV repairs and small , electrical appliance repairs. Feat service. SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE, East William Street, Phone 250. Seaforth, 19-07-tf PIANO TUNING -30 years' experince. GEORGE B. CLARK, organist St, Thom- as' Anglican Church, Seaforth, Ont. • 19-11x1 COMPLETE LAUNDI;1ERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry- Cleaning Ser- vice, WERBIS BILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 19-07-tf DRAIN TILE -4", 455 per M. del'd; $85 per M. del'd; 6", 4110 per M. del'd ; 8 ", $175 per M, , del'd. Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on request, RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., Elginiield. Phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan, 19-98-51 DID YOU KNOW? I1 you have re- newed your fire insurance since Jan, 1, 1909, there is no coverage on your TV antennae or water damage from water mains. Check with your agent and then see me for this and other Important cov- erages and discounts yon are entitled to. ERIC H. "Shorty" MUNROE. 19-09-tf SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Centre Street Telephone 446 For all kinds of upholstering. 19-11-tf NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Tuckeramith Township -Municipal Dump will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons until further notice. CORA CHESNEY Clerk. Tuckersmith 19-08-tf ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid in surrounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled hors- es and cattle. Horses at 5c pound. For the fastest and proper removal of all ani- mals, day or night. Call Long Distance and ask for ATW OOD, ZENITH 3-4900 (No, toll charge) 19-96-26 FINANCING A NEW CAR ? Either new or used, 01.3P rates are LOWEST in the ear finance field. W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334, Residence 640 Main Street, Seaforth 19-07-14 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Wheie Better Bulls Are Used" ,Artificial Insemination. Service is pro- vided frorn bulla of all breeds. We are Farmer owned and controlled and operate at Dost,` Summer calling hours: Between 7:36 and 9:30 a.m., weekdays; 6:00 and 8:00 P.M., Saturday evenings,. For service or more 'information call: Clinton HU 2-3441 or for' Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650. 19-11-11 20. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of ,Registered Hereford Cattle. Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain and Household Effecta at lot 2, con. 11, Hallett Twp., 6 miles east of Londeeboro or 9 miles northwest of Sea - forth, on TUESDAY, MAY 8, at 12:80 p m REGISTERED HEREFORD CATTLE— Herd sire, four years Old, ontatanding bull; 7 cows, with calves and rebred ; 4 cows, fresh, with calves at footy 2, 2 -yr. - old steers; 5 year-old steers; 3 heifers rising 2 years old; 4 heifers, 1 year old. Catalogues are available by contacting the proprietor or auctioneer. MACHINERY—Oliver 80 tractor; Cock- •ahVtt 00 tractor; Goodison 28 X 46, with Eberaol shredder, on rubber; 7 inch, 140 foot drive belt; 3 -furrow Coekebutt plow; 13 -run Oliver fertilizer drill with power lift; 7 foot Cocicshutt power mower; 7 foot Massey Harris binder; Massey R s'- rie side rake; cultivator, wailer, drag harrows; cultivator, sono, manure spread- er, hay loader. disc, 2 -wheel trailer, rip saw and emery; circular sew; Smoker bale e11Wator; Wood oat roller; ii/, HP Wagner motor; cream separator; Black- smith post drill; 86 fbot extension ladder; 2 cedar ladders: folding hay rack; wagon and flat rack; fanning m)il; oil brooder; electric brooder; apple butter kettle, cop- per: Iron kettle; 2 -inch plank; 2 X 4 scantling; 1 -inch lumber; 2" plank; 4 L -beams, 21, feet, 2 Inches long, 9 inches deep; set of laps and, dies; brooder house, 8 X 14; largehand sleigh; 2,000 pound scales; bag truck ; ' tattoo outfit:- cedar posts; Iron Posta; se ft., 6" belt, new; number of tools, 240 Ib. scales. HAY and GRAIN—Mixed baled bay, 600 bun. good mixed grain. FURNITURE --Dining room suite;. chug; cupboard, whatnot; /ask ditrinie labour table; bedroone mite; 2 beds, mattresses and springs; large bureau, lard press; aauaagc grinder; Mixrhaster; bread mix- er; electric sewing machine; power lawn mower; Findlay range; 25 -gallon crock; small crooks; sealers.; chairs; bedding'. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS --Crich. No reserve, farm sold. ' JAMES NEILANS, Proprietor RR 1, Londesboro HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 24404 20. Auction Sags CLEARING -AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Stale of Farm Stock and Machinery, at lot 80, con, 4, Mor- ris township, 1'/4 miles north of Brussels, on MONDAY, MAY 2nd, at 1 p.m. CATTLE -14 head of Hereford cattle, rising two year old. IMPLEMENTS --Allis Chalmers tractor, 2 -furrow plow, hydraulic; Fleury walking plow; Massey -Harris stiff -tooth cultivator:; tractor hitch 8 -section spring tooth har- rows; 5 -section drag harrows; Cocksltutt 16 -plate disc; seed drill; 9 -foot steel land roller; 6 -foot ,Frost and Wood binder; McCormick 6 -foot mower, tractor hitch; 2 rubber tired wagons with hay rack and wagon box; hay loader; side rake; ted - der ; 2 000 lb. scales; pig crate; fanning mill; hay fork and ropes: cutting box; sleigh; flat rack; cutter; 2 buggies. GRAIN -500 bus. oats; 800 bus. mixed grain. , No reserve. Fara, sold, TERMS—Cash. STEWART McL,AUGITLIN, proprietor HAROLD' JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-11-1 21. - Tenders Wanted TENDER Township of Stanley The Council of the Township of Stan- ley will receive tenders for the. application of weed and brush spray in the town- ship at an hourly rate. Tenders 'to be in writing and In the hands of the clerk by 12 o'clock noon, April 30. 1960. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. " • JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk • Varna, Ontario TENDER Township of TUckersmith Tenders are invited by the 'Township of Tuckersmith for the construction of the Williams Municipal Drains in the Town- ship of Tuckersmith, under authority of By -Law No. 4, 1960. The work consists of: 160 lineal feet of open drain (20 cu, yards) 4,471 lineal feet of closed drain 2 catch basins. Tender to cover completion of the whole work; 'all requirements to be furnished by the contractor with the exception that the township will supply the required tile and corrugated iron pipe. Marked cheque for 10% of the amount of the tender must accompany each ten- der or the tender will not be considered. Tenders, plainly marked, elle to be in the clerk's hands by 12 o'clock noon, D.S.T., on May 3p 1960. Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. Lowest or any tnder not necessarily accepted. CORA CHESNEY, Clerk Tuckersmith Township RR 4, Seaforth, Ont. 21-10-2 22. Legal Notices NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ROSE MARY DORSEY All persona having claims against the Estate ,of Rose Mary Dorsey, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the.,Cqunty of Hur- on, Retired Schee) Teacher, deceased, who died on the 6th day of March, 1960, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned On or before the 20th day of Mhy, 1960, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, ist427th day of April, 1960, McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario, • Solicitors for the Estate, 22-11-2 23. Cards of Thanks SINCERE thanks to my relatives, neigh- bors and friends who so kindly remem- bered me with visits, flowers, treats and cards while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Seaforth. Special thanks to the Women's Missionary Society of Hensall United Church, Dr. Brady, nurses and stall of the ,Hospital. 23-11.1 MBS, ALBERTA McDEATH 24. In Memoriam FiNLAY—In loving memory of my dear wife and mother, Annie E. (Jarrot) Fin- lay, who passed away two years ago, April 21, 1958. Where she sat and talked with me, There's just, an empty chair. And the silence now at evening Seems more than I can bear. Though I knew some day We would have to part, I could' never picture home Without her there. I never fully realized how deeply one could care, Until I atood•nlone one night beside that empty chair, Without farewell she fell asleep, - -' Nor did she say good-bye. •The call was sudden, the shock severe, We little thought her death was so near. It's hard' to think she had to die Without a chance to say good bye, But God will tell us why some day, fie took the best one in the world away, —Still loved and sadly missed by. her husband and family — Harold Finlay. 26. ` Births BUTT—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April ,25,. to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Butt, Seaforth, a son. HULLEY—At Clinton Public Hospital, on April 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hul- ley, RR 1, Seaforth, a son, David Ken- neth. - ... REGAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 23, to Mr. and Mrs. James Regan, Mitchell, a eon. • WILD --,At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 21, to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wild, RR 3,` -Hayfield, a son. 28. Deaths TROYER—Passed away at the Toronto East General Hospital, on Saturday, April 23, 1960, Henderson Troyer, 1122 Avenue Rd. (formerly of Timmins, Ont.), beloved husband of Violet ;Macy Milian, dear father of Muriel, Mrs.' K. Monahan (Gloria), and James, brother of Mrs. Ethel Atkinson, Mrs. Sidney Gemmell (Edna) of Egmondville, and Aldimer. Resting at the Murray E. Newbigging Funeral Itome, 783 'Mount Pleasant Rd. (at Eglinton). Service in the chapel Tuesday, 3 pm. Interment Mount Pleasant Cerdetery, • Fire Warning Citizens are urged to watch care- fully all bonfires and grass fires, to prevent fire ' from spreading and causing damage to property. t t NEVER LEAVE A BONFIRE UNATTENDED t t Be sure fires are completely extinguished at night! t If a bonfire or grass fire appears to be getting out of control, don't hesitate . . . CALL THE FIRE BRIGADE IMMEDIATELY! PHONE 100 JOHN F. SCOTT Fire Chief BRODHAGEN AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE, shown in the background, is evidence that plans drawn by George Diegel were workable, Mr. Diegel's plans were used by the builders for the construction. (See also page ons.) Hensall.. News of the Week Mrs, Ross Jinks was electe l to Kippen, is teaching during her the office of president of the Kin-' absence. ette Club at their meeting at the home of Mrs. William Clement. Other officers are:: past president, Mrs. William Mickle; vice-presi- dent, Mrs,- William CIement; sec- retary, Mrs. Harold Bonthron; treasurer, Mrs. Bob Baker, Jr.; registrar, Mrs. George Beer: Final plans for the annual rum- mage sale this Saturday in the Town Hall were completed. A motion was passed to adopt a fugee child and support it for onere- year. The cost to, support a child for one year is $50. Members will 'attend the Seaway convention at Windsor on May 20, Mrs. Jack Drysdale, a past president, will be a candidate for convener for Dis- trict No. 1. The raffle was won by -Mrs. Baker. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, May 11, when the group will go bowling in Exe- ter. President Mrs. Wm. Mickle chaired the meeting. Mrs. Mary Haugh, who teaches Grades 5 and 6 at Hensall Public School, has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. She returned 'home Tuesday evening and will resume 'teaching next week. Mrs. James McNaughton, FEDERATION . - NEWS By J. CARL HEM-INGWAY. On Tuesday; April 19, United Dairy -Poultry Co-op arranged a meeting of the 'dairy groups at the O.A.C., Guelph. The purpose of the meeting was 'to' discuss im provement in milk marketing, Professor Halverson, of .Wiscon- sin, was the guest speaker.. -He outlined the method used, in the Chicago milk. shed to blend prices for all milk produced. By this plan the producer could ship his milk to whatever distribu- tor be chose and his milk was used as that processor saw fit. Some might go into the bottle trade, some into powder, butter or concentrated. At the end. of each period Government appointed and distributor paid auditors totalled up the amount of milk sold in all outlets and the number of pounds produced, and thereby arrived at the price all processors must pay. There are arrangements by which the processor, who has a smaller percentage of milk going to the bottle trade, was assisted in pay- ing this average price. While this does seem to be work- ing satisfactorily, it is difficult and' expensive to operate. In the Chi- cago area, 20 auditors are requir- ed along with 20 stenographers to check the books of all distributors to see to it that the amounts of milk going into the different chan- nels are correct and thereby be sure that the price paid to pro- ducers bears a proper relationship to the government support price. The meeting concluded that a system of pooling, of milk is pos- sibi but .in' order to get a satis- facrice some means of sur- tp plus disposal must be developed. In the United States the govern- ment undertakes to do this. Re- cent government action in Canada leaves little hope that our govern- ment will do the same. The recent announcement that butter will continue to be supported at 64c is misleading, since this ap- plies only to butter -that scores 40 points on grade. I have been told that only about 10 per cent of our tenderable butter scores this high; 39 score, which is first grade but- ter, is being offered at 62c, and will be the main basis of price to the producer. The offer to purchase whole milk powder is also of doubtful value since this product can only be stor- ed in sealed 'cans and only one or two processors are in a position to do this. Also these processors will hesitatejo produce this pro- duct since the government has giv- en no assurance as to when or how much they will purchase. -To my mind, the most encourag- ing development was'the apparent willingness of all deify groups to contribute to a fund for the export of surplus by the producers them- selves. Two thousand new hospital pub- lic beds were put into use in 011- tarfo IR 1959. 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goode), maned postpaid In plain sealed envelope with price .liat,4,fL, aatapplde 26e; 24 tam. idea '11.60.. MAO. Order Dept NOV:A.4'1LflB11F,R CO. Bo*. tit, 1 atuiltett. Mrs, Catherine Hedden,,who»•has been a patient at South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, for the past seven weeks, returned home' Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuss, of Zurich, has purchased property on King Street, west of the United Church, owned by. Mrs. Cyril Ccor-' nish of Kincardine. On Tuesday morning local fire- men responded to a minor blaze in. the apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Joynt, situated over their store. Smoke damage was exten- sive •to the bathroom. Residents of the village gave generously when the Kinsmen Club made a house-to-house canvass on Monday evening for the Cancer Fund,, when $371.81 was received, and it is' expected the total will reach $400 by this week when resi, dents who were not home when the canvassers called will be con- tacted. Mr. Robert Reaburn; • chairman of the Service Committee, headed the project,' Mr, Reaburn express- ed thanks and appreciation on be- half of the club to -those who gave towards this cause. The fund pro- vides welfare and educational ser- vices in Huron County and sup- ports vital research projects being carried on in major centres across Canada by the Canadian' Cancer Society. A congregational meeting was held at Hensall United Church on Monday evening to consider their part in the Huron Presbytery Capi- tal Fund campaign. The congrega- tion agreed to participate in the campaign which will include a contribution toward the building of the United_ Church residence at, the University of Western Ontario, supporting TV and radio programs and Goderich summer school. Anniversary services' will be ob- served ' in Carmel Presbyterian Church'Sunday, May 1, at 1111.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest minister for the day will be Rev. R. J. Mac- Millan, Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich. Dr. and Mrs. D. 3. McKelvie, Robert arid Ann, of Essex, were weekendhouse guests with. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drysdale and -''Jill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Varley are taking up residence in the Fink apartment, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Pet2ke. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reid and fam- ily, Who are_moving from. Owen Sound to •"Pas; Manitoba, visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs: Harry Snell. Joan and Pauline Allan, daugh- ters aughters of Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Allan, had their tonsils removed at Clin- ton Hospital Wednesday morning. ANTED Live Fowl Picked Up At the Farm....._.. TOP PRICES Phone 751 J 12, Seaforth or Brussels '393 J 15 Ronald Bennett WALTON "gr. .9.M:;:.•'.<i: :r2n:ar vl.l+� (E I/Gilt �t ✓ 1 SUNDAY, MAY 8th Cards - Gifts - Gift Wrappings A Large Selection China Novelties Glassware Lingerie . Hosiery ' Jewellery Lamps Imported Lace Tablecloths 'Girls' Slacks LADY BIRD English Knit Children's Wear TEE .SHIRTS and • UNDERWEAR Girls' Jeans Blouses Tee Shirts Girls' Cotton Dresses Ladies' Cotton Dresses BOYS' JEANS -- Plains, Stripes --- All Sizes Visit our RECORD BAR for the Latest in Popular Numbers. Shop in Seaforth during the Saturday Night OPEN 'TIL 10 P.M. LARONE'S Seaforth Sc- To $1.00 Store GIFTS FINE 'CHINA