The Huron Expositor, 1960-04-28, Page 3MRS. J, :DDUMMON� IS HEAD; �: i RIPPED EAST W.I, NAMES' SLATE Mrs. James prummond was elected president of Ii pnen '40st Women's Institute at their annual meeting held Wednesday night, April 20, at the home of Mrs. Ross Chapman. Other officers are: • past presi- dent, Mrs. Russell 'Brock; vice- ,presidents, Mrs. W. J. F. Bell, Mrs. Ken McKay, Mrs. Edison McLean; secretary, Mrs. Robert Kinsman; treasurer, Mrs. Verne Alderdice; district director, Mrs. Brock; alternate, Mrs. John Sin- clair; branch directors, Mrs. Ross Chapman, Mrs: Arthur Varlet', Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner; standing committees: Agriculture and Can- adian Industries, Mrs, Campbell . Eyre, Mrs. E. Whitehouse; Citizen- ship and Education, Mrs. Charles Eyre, Mrs. Wilfred Tiemeer; His - GINGHAM DANCE in Foresters' Hall CONSTANCE Friday, April 29th Bert Pepper's Orchestra LUNCH COUNTER Auspices Court Constantine Proceeds for Cancer Fund. ADMISSION 50 CENTS W. C. OKE Insura.ce -- Real Estate Egmondville, Ont. P.O. Box 476 -- Seaf`orth Telephone 647 torical Research, Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregor, Mrs Robert Gemmell;mell• HomeEconomics and Health, Mrs; Arthur Finlayson, Mrs. Harry. Caldwell; sewing convener, Mrs. Alex McGregor; press, -Miss Mar- garet McKay; pianists, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, Mrs, Sinclair; sunshine committee, Mrs. James McNaugh- ton, Mrs.!'Winston Workman, Mrs. Robert Bell, Mrs. William T. Kyle; auditors, Bruce McGregor and Mrs. Ron McGregor; --public rela- tions, Miss M. McKay. Election was conducted and officers install- ed by Mrs. Stewart Pepper; Group leaders are Mrs. Gemmell, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Pepper and Mrs. Finkbeiner. ` Yearly reports were submitted to the meeting,when it was dis- closed that donations had been given to the CNIR, Cancer Fund, Tely Milk Ship, Children's Aid, Goderich; Mentel Health Fund, Canadian Legion Branch, Hensall; sewing for the War. Memorial Chil- dren's Hospital, London. A mo- tion was passed to have a picnic 'in July. Delegates to the district annual in Elimville May 12 are Mrs. J. Drummond, Mrs. R. Brock and Mrs. Harry Caldwell. Mrs. Russell• Brock chaired the meeting, and Mrs. Jas. McNaugh- ton was co -hostess. Mrs. Varley contributed a poem and Mrs. Al- derdice conducted. -a contest. Mrs. Kinsman who was elected secre- tary, will• replace Mrs. Wm. Kyle, who has Been a most efficient sec- retary for the past six years. Lunch was convened by Mrs. Ar- thur•• Varley, Mrs. Stewart Pepper, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot and Mrs. Ron- ald McGregor. "Grandpa, did you once have hair like snow?" "Yes, my boy." "Well,_ who shovelled it off?" NEWS 4t' RENSALi • Entries Councillor Mrs. Minnie Noakes officially opened the annual hobby fair, held in the Town Hall Friday evening, sponsored by Hensall Re- creation committee. 'Attendance and numbers -of entries were down this year. ;Entries numbered 35. Judges were Mrs; Fred Bonthron, Mrs. R. I•f. Middleton, Rev., Currie' Winlaw and Jim Taylor. Miss Barbara Munn, of Stoney Creek, was the winner of the door prize, the ticket being drawn by R. J, Drysdale. Jim Taylor, chair- man of the recreation committee, was MC. Reeve John Henderson, who was to have opened the fair, was unable to attend. Winners were: best woodwork model, Jerry Drysdale; best shop - work' Howard Ronnie; lea- thercraft, Mrs. A. R. Orr; stamps, best first issues, Bob Mickle; coins: best national collection,, Paul Drys- dale; best crocheted' or tatted art- icle, Mrs. A. Foster; best bird- house, Paul Drysdale; best model plane boat or car, Bob Miekle; art: ,lest painting (original), Mrs. Don Joynt; best water color paint- ing, Mrs. Don Joynt; any other hobby not specified: hooked rug, Mrs. A. Foster; serviette collec- tion, Linda Hay. Bride,Elect Showered Mrs. Fled McGregor. Brucefield, was hostess at her home Monday afternoon in honor of MiSS Maja Roobol, Reg.N., popular 1)ride-elect of Saturday, May 7, when the grandmother, aunts and close friends of the groom -to -be, Mr. Donald Dodds, of R.R. 3, Seaforth, presented her with a pantry shower. The address Was read by Mrs. McGregor, and gifts present- ed by Laird,_G1enn and Karen Me - 1 MAKE THE.. • rrWe like meeting peop Service is a specialty with Russ Collier, the genial fellow pictured here: As Manager of one of The Toronto -Dominion Bank's busiest branches—at 25 Adelaide Street West in Toronto—Russ, and his staff, are fully aware that the banking business is a service business. They know that it's their job to serve ,you ... and it's a job they thoroughly enjoy. A 27 -year -man with "The Bank", Russ .Collier is an avid golfer and curler during his leisure hours. He is typical of the friendly, efcient people you'll find at your nearby branch of The Toronto -Dominion Bank. Drop in and see for•yourself why .... people make the difference at THE TORONTOwDOMINION Tile BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD W. C. 1VIObRE, Manager Seaforth Eranch BANK K•te20 bar fair Crowd own .from 1959 Gregor and Catherine Ann Chris- tie, of Hensall. Games were en- joyed, redipes exchanged, and luncheon served. Mrs. Raye Lee, Seaforth, and Miss June Ross, London; arranged a presentation for Miss Maja Roobol Monday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol, when twelve girl friends presented her with • a clothes hamper. Presentation ad- dress was read by Mrs. Lee, and gifts presented by Miss Ross. A bride's book was passed around, bingo played, and refreshments served. Teen Town (By Sharon flume) The Teen Town held a successful semi -formal dance at the Hensall Community Centre Thursday, Apr. 14: Spot dances were won by Kar- en Talbot, Keir Britton, Gail Far- quhar and Gerry Chapman. We would like to thank the chaperones for the -evening, Mrs. Bert Faber, Mrs. Frank Wright and Mrs. Dav- id Triebner, Kippen. Circle Hears Easter Message The • Arnold Circle of Carmel Church held their Easter thank -of- fering meeting Monday evening, and had as their guest, speaker, Mrs. G. C. Vais, who delivered an appropriate and inspiring Easter message. Special guests, the ladies of the church, were welcomed by Mrs. Beverly Beaton, who presid- ed for the meeting. Mrs. A. Orr and Mrs. John Bak- er conducted the worship, assisted by Mrs. J. Skea. Scripture passag- es were read by Mrs, Harry Snell, and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm offered prayer. Mrs. R. Madge gave an Faster message pertaining to Car- mel Church. A ladies` quartette, composed of Mrs. Orr, Mrs. H. Hoy, Mrs, J. Love and Mrs. Beaton, sang, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. M. Dougall. A social holly was enjoyed. Thieves gained entry into Hen- sall Locker Service, owned by Lorne Hay, early Saturday morn- ing, by climbing onto the roof, •go- ing through an air vent eleven inches wide, to get down into the office. They smashed the cash register, which yielded $10.00 in silver, including a number _of Am- erican coins. This is the third break-in in Hen- sail during the past three weeks. Investigating are Chief Constable E. R. Davis 'Hensall, and OPP George Mitchell, Exeter detach- ment. Mr. Donald Dodds and Miss Maja Roobol attended the Decker- McRaberts wedding at. Calvary United Church, London, Saturday, April 16. Miss. Roobol was one of the bridal attendants. Mrs. John Rigby, Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, Blenheim, and Miss. Donna Rigby, Toronto, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Mrs. Sim Roobol visited last week with -her daughter, Maja, in London, and some of her • girl friends. Mrs. Jean Manson and Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Laing and Dhnny, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Miss Frances Wismer, of Dres- den, was a guest last week with Miss Joan Spearman. Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary 'are sending two teams to the alley bowling tournament at Walkerton, either. April 27 or 28. Teams com- prise Mrs. D. B. Havens, Mrs. Har- old Bonthron, Mrs. Jack Simmons, Mrs. S. Rannie, Mrs. Jim Taylor and Mrs. E. Davis (experienced bowlers); novice team: Mrs. W. J•. Cameron, Mrs. William Brown, Mrs: Howard Smale, Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. William Smale . and Mrs. Harry Horton. Easter visitors with Mrs. Minnie Sangster were: Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stretton and family, Lucan;. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Sangster and fam- ily, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacFarlane and family, For- -est, __:........._.._ _.........._.. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle spent last Thursday with the former's mother, Mrs. George T. Mickle, in Ridgetown. • • Miss Mildred Forrest,,Reg.N., on the staff of Brantford General Hos- pital, spent Easter with her par- ents,- Mr. and 'Mrs. William For- rest. Miss Elvira Churchill, Toronto, was an Easter guest with her sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr: and Mrs. E. Shaddick and Bill. District Deputy President Mrs. Dorothy Parker made her official visit to Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge, Exeter, Wednesday, April 20, Rev. R. J. MacMillan, of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, will be guest minister at Carmel Pres- byterian Church; Sunday, May 1, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Don MacLaren, on the staff of the Bank of Montreal, Ingersoll, visited over the Easter weekend at his home. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle over the Easter weekend were their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan, To- ronto, and their son, Charles Mickle, of the University of West- ern Ontario, London. Mrs. J`. M. Scott, Seaforth, spent Easter .Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Forest. Dr. W. R. Spiioat, of Windsor, was an Easter guest with his moth- er, Mrs. Earle Sproat. They also visited Dr. W. C. and Mrs• Sproat in Stratford. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Bess were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pettigrew and Leon; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Naimola, Sandra and Dennis; Mr, and Mrs. Howard Pet, tigrew, Janice, Christine and Val- erie, all of Lincoln Park Mich., and Miss Evelyn Howard, Toronto. Mrs. M. Jinks and Susan visited with Mrs. Jink's daughter and ron- in -laud, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shupe and family, at Selfridge, Mich., last week. The annual birthday party of the WMS will be field in the t. nited Church auditorium Friday evening when -the guest speaker, Miss• Gret- ta ,Gauld, missionary on furlough from Formosa,. will speak. Mac and Cam McArthur visited with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer, last week prior to leaving with their parents •on Saturday for Rivers, Man., where F/O R. D. McArthur has been posted. Mr. Mervyn. Keys, of Winnipeg, spent the weekend with his broth- er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keys and family. Mr. Keys flew here from Winnipeg for the weekend visit. Mrs, W. R. Stephenson is visit- ing with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stephen- son, at St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Keys, of Camlachie, spent Sunday with the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keys and family. Mrs. John Henderson, who has been a patient at Clinton Public Hospital for the past two and a half weeks, returned home on Sat- urday. lionsaik :Residents Move To " Mi:tcheR >4esteemedr..a id bfrsresi, Rdeudnty s �f #'etzkthee, 1piv$h ii ly" , 'age for t# Past 6. years, left on' Monday ofthis week icor Mitchell,. where they' will takeup residence. Mr. Petzke operated an egg grad- ing station here for°ten years; but. disposed of bis business owing to ill health. He has been affiliated with Hensall Ledge IOO1' 223• for nine years. Hensall will regret losing such fine citizens as Mr: Pad Mrs. Petzke but the best' of wishes go with them to their new home. District Annual Final Plans 'Laid Noble Grand Mrs. Glenn Bell presided for the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge Wednes- day evening. Vice Grand Mrs. Er- nie Chipchase submitted her re- port for the visiting committee. Arrangements for the district an- nual, to be held in Amber Rebekah Lodge Wednesday, April 27, at 3 p.m., were finalized. Mrs. Inez McEwen, Jr-P,N,G., is convener, assisted by Mrs. A. qrr, Mrs. Geo. Clifton, Mrs. 'Elgin Thomson, Mrs. William Parker and Mrs. Harold Bell for the supper arrangements. Mrs. Archie MacGregor, P.N.G., was appointed a delegate to repre- sent Amber. Lodge at this meeting. Arrangements were made to con- clude the marathon euchre follow- ing the regular meeting May 4th. Mrs. Chipchase and Mrs. MacGre- gor were appointed buying com- mittee to purchase gifts.. for the marathon, and several. members will donate prizes. Members can invite two members to this euchre. At the conclusion of the lodge, sev- eral members attended Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter, when Dis- trict Deputy President Mrs. Doro- thy Parker paid her official visit to the lodge. Small Attendance At W.I. Course Miss Nora. Creyke, millinery in- structress from the Home Econom- is Service Extension Branch, To- ronto, conducted " a millinery course in the Legion Hall Wednes- day, 'Thursday and Friday, with ten ladies taking the course. Each person who took the course com- pleted at least one hat. Hats that were made were modelled from the original Paris creations. Miss Creyke gave each person individual attention. Taking the course, which was sponsored by Hensel]. Women's Institute, were Mrs. E, R. Davis, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Mrs. R. J. Paterson, Mrs. Cecil Kiefer, Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mrs. Frank Ellwood,' Mrs. Oliver, Mrs. E. Chipchase, Mrs. Harvey Keys and Mrs. Harold Elder. Miss Creyke was presented with a gift, a buffet plate, the presen- tation address given by Mrs. Dam- is a -is and the gift presented by Mrs. Peck. Bingo '�111inners Eric Schwartzentruber, of Exe- ter,, won the $120'jackpot at the Legion bingo Saturday night, and Mrs. Norman Baird, of Brucefield, won the $5.00 door prize. ,Other winners were: Mrs. Baird; Miss Hannah Murray; Bob Upshall;' Murray Tyndall; David Smale; Mrs. Clarence Reid; Mrs. E. Fish- er; Mrs. G. Broderick; Mrs. Baird; Mrs. Johnson and E. Schwartzen- truber (tied); Mrs. D. B. Havens; Mrs. E. Fisher; Mrs. E. Fisher; Ada Baird. Hensall Sales Prices Hensall Sales prices Thursday were: Choice steers, $22.25 to $23.30; good steers, $21.00 to $22.20; med- ium steers, $19.50 to $20.50; choice heifers, $20.50 to $21.50; good heif- ers, $19.50 to $20.50; medium heif- ers, $18.50 to $19.30; good choice cows, $16.00 to $17.110; good cows, $15.00 to $15.75; medium, $12.50 to $14.50; light, $17.50 to $18.40; choice veal offered, $30.00 to $32.50; med- ium veal, $25.90 to $28.50; choice ALL KINDS of INSURANCE W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 — Res. 540 • MAIN ST. : SEAFORTH stockers, $22.50 to $24.00; medium stockers, $19.50 to $22.00; bob calves, $8.50 to $36.00; farm calves, $30.00 to $58.00; weanling pigs, $6.50 to $9.50; chunks, $9.75 to $13.75; feeders, $14.00 to $18.90; boars;—$28,50 to $54.50. Sold were 740 pigs and 357 cat- tle. 1 and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 : Seaforth SPRINGTIME TEA and BAKE SALE Northside United Church Wednesdays May 4 at 3 p.m. Sponsored by Group 2, W.A. ADMISSION 50 CENTS Speaker — Miss Poaps, "New Fibres and Fashions" I JRQN EZI'QSt',r' R S The ,pW►1i IS' Invited td `:attend Ott ANNUAL MEETING find BANOUE Huron- Liberal Association tads eons, fated for Federal i'urPpreQ) Canadian . C na • H. GLYTNI:. a .. Lperon � FRIDAY, MAY 6.-1960: /. • Dinner 7 p.m. ' • Meeting S;31 p.m.. GUEST SPEAKER--HO•N. J. W. P4CKE.$SGILLr former Minister of Citizenship and Inunl0a,49% Tieicetsr for the Banquet available from Mutueipa1 Chairmen. -. HUGH HAWKINS, Clinton, Pies, ROY LAMONT, guxich, Tress:. '. HAROLD SHORE, Goderich, Secretary, KEN'S RADIOS T,V. SERVICE Service Call — $2.50 o, Phone 464 KENNETH. HOLMES — Graduate R.E.T.S. All Parts and Repairs Guaranteed 90 Days Reguklylar B - 1- N - G - 0' Wee B ginning Saturday, May 7th 8 p.m. and every Saturday NEW LEGION HALL, SEAFORTH 15 Regular Games for $5.00.•' 2 Share -the -Wealth Gaines ' - Cards 15 cents each ,— 5• for 50 cents - 1 Special' Jackpot (Full house, with 56 numbers called) — Children under 16 not permitted — ADMISSION 50 CENTS Auspices Seaforth Branch 156, Canadian Legion OATS and BARLEY We'havea full line of popular varieties. • REG. No. 1 • CERTIFIED No. 1 • COMMERCIAL No. 1 CLOVER and GRASS SEEDS This is your chance to $ave $$$ .! We have a complete stock in everything you want in Clover and drass Seeds at attrac- tive prices! Order now and save! Replacements will be much higher. • CONTRACTS • A "Top Quality" service to customers. We have contracts for: • REGISTERED SEED -.OATS and BARLEY • MALTING BARLEY SPECIAL—Contracts are available for COMMERCIAL OATS that can be delivered right from the combine. FERTILIZER See our full line of C.I.L. Sujier-Flow Fertilizer on hand at all ‘times.before you bay. We'll deliver to your farm, and our prices are very reasonable. W. G. THOMPSON • HENSALL and Sons Limited • Phone 32 v.+ 2=1955 CHEV. SEDANS 1954 FORD COACH 1954 FORD COACH Avoid the Rush ! 'ORDER EARLY! See Us For Your Planting Needs TO -DAY ! ,957 CHEV. SEDAN 1957 OLDS SEDAN—A.T. 1956 FORD SEDAN 1956 PONTIAC COACH 1955 CHEV. STATION WAGON 1955 CHEV. COACH 1955 OLDS SEDAN 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN—Low,mileage Seaforth Motors Phone 541 • Pho>tte 186 SEAFORTH MITCHELL' 4