HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-04-21, Page 6>Y EXPOSITOR; SEAFORTII, ONT., APRIL 21, 1960 BENEATH 'THIS BANNER Ant HE WORLD'S BEST BAR 1. Coming Events 11. Articles For Sale THE ORDER or the Eastern Star will held a bake sale and novelty table. Sat- urday afternoon, April 30, in Mel Clarke's Garage. Seaforth. 1-10-1 GINGHAM DANCE in Foresters' Hall, Constance, Friday, April 29, Bert Pep- • per's orchestra. Lunch counter. Aus- pices Court Constantine. Proceeds for cancer fund. Admission 50 cents. 1-09-2 'SP'RINGTIME TEA and Bake Sale, Noutl$de- United Cbaroba Weduesdah, May 4. at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Group Miss Poops, CIL, "New Fibres and Faah- 2. WA. Admission, 50 cents, Speaker, ions". 1-10-1 HARBOURLITE INN, GODERICH, Fri- day night, Easter holiday Teens -20 record dance with Johhny Brent, of CKNX. Sold out Saturday night. Make reservations early for the Mother's Day Smongaabord dinner, May 8 from 4 W 8 p,m, Phone SA. 4-9371 or 9264, 1-104 4. Help Wanted DOMESTIC and NURSING help want- ed at the Queensway Nursing Home, Hen- sel]. en- sell. Phone Hensall 222. 4-10-1 AVON Cosmetics has openings for ma - tyre women to service excellent rural Avon territories. Pleasant. dignified work. No experience needed, we train you. For appointment write MISS MOSH- Eft, Manager. PO Box 86, Owen Sound. stating telephone number. ' , 4.08-3 - ROBERT BELL INDUSTRIES LIMITED Requires Men For plate and sheet metal work. Pre- ference will be given to those with ex- perience in welding. Call: JOE DEGROOT Phone 268, Seaforth, Ont. 4-10-1 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Building Inspector Applications for the above named pos- ition will be received UP to April 30: 1960. Persons with a knowledge of con- struction and building practices will be given preference. D. H, WILSON, Clerk 4-10-2 5. Business. Opportunities FOR LEASE -Mel Clarke's Supertest location, large garage, stockroom, office and showroom, Main .street, Seaforth, Im- mediate possession, low rental. Apply to TED ELLIOTT, Bole 295, Wirigham, Ont. 5-08-4 6. Teachers Wanted• TEACHERS WANTED Teacher required for SS No. 10, Tuck- ersmith, about two miles east of Hensall. Small enrolment, well equipped, Salary according to experience and qualifica- tions. Duties to commence September 1, 1960. W. Ry....-ROBERTS, Secretary -Treasurer Tuokeramith Township School Area 6-10-2 7. Situations Wanted LAWNS TO CUT, $1.26 an hour. Apply to ROBERT SHARP, "Phone 851 R 6, Seaforth, • 7-10x2 • 8. 'Farm Stock For Sale NINE COOD PICS. Apply to JOSEPH i4OLAN, St, Coiumban, Phone Dublin 4 .R 16. 8-10-1 2 BULL CALVES. Apply GERALD Van Den HENGEL, Phone 852 R 11, RR 6, Seaforth. . ' 8-10-1 16 PIGS for sale, 50 to 60 lbs. JOE 'MALONE, Phone Dublin 64 R 8. 8-I Ox l 4G WESTERN STEERS, weighing about 700 pounds, which were fed here for the winter and could be fed till the 10th of fday. Apply W. H. COLEMAN, Phone 662 R 14, Seaforth. - 8-10x1 9. Poultry For Sale 160 LAYING HENS, year old layers, priced reasonable. BOX 916, Huron Ex- pos/tor. 9-10x1 10. Used Cars For Sale 1951 OHM. %a -ton truck. with racks. Good shape. PHONE 806, Seaforth. 10-10-1 1957 FORD TRUCK, %-ton, good con- dition, wide box. CLAYTON DENNLS, Seaforth. 10-101 11. Articles For Sale GIRr1S BICYCLE. Apply CLAYTON DENNIS, Seaforth. 11-10-2 TIMOTHY SEED for sale. Apply LOU BOLTON. Phone 850 R 22, Seaforth. 11-08x4 BEATTY WASHER, 2 years old. CLAY- TON DENNIS, Seaforth', 11-10-2 YORK BARLEY No. 1 seed, grown frdm registered aced, 41.50 per bootie]. PAUL RETPI17S, RR 1, Seaforth, Phone 840 R 21. 1I-00-2 QUANTITY cleaned Timothy h8seppSTAMM( JOHNS,RR Seaforth, Phone Clinton HU. 2-9124. I1-60-2 COMPLETE. LINE of famous Tilden, hone Door Chimes, sales, installation and service. Call today for free eathnate, SCOIT RADIO and TV SERVICE, Phone 260, Seaforth. 11.8-tf MAGIC 'MAR$ ms -Instant dry, wa- torproof, write on any surface; loot pull off tap and Meade Marker la ready to use. Refills available. N608 color( ink. TTThi HURON OxP081TOR, Phone 141, Seaforth, 000 CEDAR POS* graded to size, 4" to G" fop- 5" to 6" top; 6" to 7" top; alga anchor posts and braces; barb Wire, Paige wire; steel posts Ail at iressonable prices, HORIDEN BROWN, Consyanee, phone Seaforth 841 R 2. 11,08-tf BOXER PUPS for sale. Apply Mrs. JACK EISLER, Sr,, Seafortb. 11-10-1 QUANTITY of Alfalfa. PHONE 835 R 14 Seaforth, 11-10-1 GOOD' KITCHEN SINK, with metal draining boards. PHONE 175. 11-10-1 MAPLE SYRUP - Place your order early, Call 675. Seaofrth. 11-10-1 10" TABLE SAW. tilt ,arbor, stand and 04 HP motor, like new, CLAYTON DEN - NIS, Seaforth, 11- 0-2 ri RED CLOVER and t fn thy seed sale. OLIVER PRYCE, Pho . y ,P Seaforth, RR 1, Dublin. ! 11-10.1 TABLE -TOP, four -(burner Beach Gas Range. Excellent condition, PHONE Clinton, HU. 2-7592. 11-10x1 SAklOY PUPS for sale; 3 months old, MRS. WARDEN HANEY, Phone 66r R 33, Seaforth. 1110-2 SINGER SEWING Machine, slant need- le, 1 year old, CLAYTON DENNIS, Sea - forth, 11-10-2 ONTARIO ALFALFA and Commou tim- othy, ART BOLTON, Phone 850 R 41. ,Seufortb. 11-10-1, 1.000 13AI•FS Timothy and alfalfa hay, EMMETT MALONE, Phone Dublin 17R20. 11-10x1 18 -RUN Massey Harris disc drill, with grass feeder. Apply FRED BUCHANAN, Phone Seaofrth 860 R 4, 11-10-1 PIPE and LADDER rack for• -ton Chev. or GMC truck. SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE. Phone 250. 11-10-1 ELECTRIC STOVE, heavy wiring, new condition, used only ,a few months. Bar- gain. gin. Apply J. JONES, Dick House; Sea - forth. 11-10x1 SOME GARRY and Rodney oats, also 800 bales of clover and timothy hay. JOHN W. THOMPSON, RR 2. Seafoikh phone 061 R 23. 11-10x1 LIGHT BLUE cotton summer dress, sheath style, size 11, never been worn. $1, PHONE 669 W 11, 'Seaforth. ,11-10x1 QUANTI.1"Y of Timothy seedl, also poll- ed Angus steer, weighing about 600 lbs. LOUIS- COYNE, Phone 61 R 16, Dublin', 11-10x1 PHILCO REFRIGERATOR, used only six month:4; washing .machine, in excell- ent condition, Moving •into mobile -dome, make us an offer, ARCHIE PARK.ER,• Phone 7t7 -W. 1.100x1 QUANTITY of Spring wheat, Selkirk variety; suitable for seed; also Princess Pat cook stove, wood or coal, has water front, in good condition. Apply PEAR - SON CHARTERS .Phone Hensall 668R21. 11.10x1 RODNEY OATS, grown from register - ,,d seed. cleaned, treated and bagged, $1.30 ee bushel ; also Ontario Red Clover seed, $20 a bushel, WILLIAM COLEMAN, Kippen, Phone Hensall 674 R 22. 11.10x1 YORK BARLEY, certificate No. 49- 8258, grown from reg. seed, 01,60 per bushel. Garry oats, grown from reg seed, 91.25 Per bushel, Also boy's bi- cycle, cheap. LEWIS P.' COYNE, RR 5, Seaforth, Phone 64 R 16, Dublin. 11-08x3 - GRAVEL Gravel for all purposes - immediate deliv cry in any quantity'. FRANK KLING LTD. Phone 19, Seaforth 11-09-2 12. . Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY -Baby buggy in good condition. Apply BOX 917, The Huron -Expositor, indicating price. 12-10x1 COPY of ",Huron Atlha" also "In the Days of the Canada Company" by the Misats Lizare. Advise condition. price to BOX 913, The Huron Expositor. 12-09x2 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick, down ands disabled farm animals. Prompt courteous collection of all dead and dis- abled farm animals and hider. Call coll- lert, ED ANDREWS, 851 R 11. Seaforth, Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 12-07-tf 13. Wanted WAN'TE'D TO BORROW -030,000 to $40,000 by reputable individual, fully se- rured, reasonable rate of interest, princi- pal toshe repaid over 10 to 15 year period. Apply to IIOX 912, The Huron Expositor. 13-09-2 14. Property For St`1e s PLAN your home' now; $50,00 down will buy you a lot in Seaforth or Harpur- hey. Lots surveyed. Land suitable for V. L. A. projects. Terme to suit. CLAY. TON DENNIS. 14-07-tf 50 -ACRE FARM, frame house, good barn, land irttxXcenent state of cultiva- tion. Can be sold on reasonable down Payment. long term mortgage, immedi. me possession, JOHN BOSVELD, Real- tor Goderich, oseph McConnel, salesman, Senofrth, 14-10-2 SIX -ROOM HOUSE, stoker fired .forced air furnace, full bathroom, pressure sys- tem, hot water, four building Iota, in Har- purhey, where everyone wants to move to. See THOS. FOX, RR 2, Seaforth, Phone 851 R 41. 14-08-4 125 -ACRE FARM, In 'htckeramlth, five miles frorn Seaforth, good buildings, all workable land, half a mile from paved highway, immediate posaesslon or can be purchased with possession October lat. JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor, Godericb or Joseph McConnell, Salesman. Beaforth, 14-10-2 50 -ACRE FARM near Ktppen; bri41 house, hank barn, modern buildings, one mile from highway, 47,000. Small down payment, immediate possession. JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor, Goderich, Joseph McConnel, Salesman, Seaofrth. 14-10-2 LOVELY PROPERTY in Harpurhey; an acre and n half of ground. All mod- ern conveniences in the houses, newly sided, very low down payment, balance on long-term mortgage. On thin proper- ty are 5 or 6 Ideal building iota, JOHN,. BOSVELD Realtor, Goderich, Joseph Mc- Connell, Salesman, Seaforth. 14-10-2 GOOD INCOME property on quiet res- idential street In Seaforth lovely living quarters for owner. with modern aeH- contained apartments. New on furnace, sunporeb, newly painted and papered. Mortgage can be left on property.' This to dne of the better homea In Seaforth. Apartment brings in 4500 at' year,, tenant pays heat, light, water. Tiffs is worth investigating, J01'TN BOBV'ELD, Real- tor, 0ode;:leb, Joseph McConnen„ sales- man, Seaforth. 14-10-2 15. Property For Rent HAVE PASTURE for a nurtiber of cat- tle. PRONE Hannan 684 R 8{. 15-1012 SEI,V-CONTAINED, heated apartment, Peasession ahortly. BOX ,914, The Hnron Expositor, 15.00x2 JL 15. Property For Rent HEATED ONE - BEDROOM apartment for neat. East end, DR. E. A. Me - MASTER, Phone 26, Seaforth, 15-07-tf FRONT APARTMENT -for rent, 3 rooms and bath, Apply UNITED DAIRY and POULTRY CO-OP, Seufortb Branch, Phone 13. .15-0841 16. For Sale or Rent THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE, choice lo- cation. PHONE 838 R 6. 16-1031 17. Wanted To Rent 20 ACRES of good pasture land, RR 1, Clinton, good shade and water. Apply to GEORGE W. CO.LCLOUCH, Phone Clin- ton HU, 2-3203. 17-10x1 19. Notices SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED -modern equipment. quick service. all work .guaran- teed. Write or Phone LOUIS SLAT , Phone 42 R 6, RR 2, Brussels. 19-01x-18 POWER LAWN ROLLERS for rent, SHARP'S DIAINTENANC' SERVICE, Phone 851 R 6 Seaforth, 19-09x2 GUARANTEED RADIO and TV repairs and small electrical appliance repairs, Fast service, SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE, East William Street, Phone 250, Seaforth, 19-07-tf ARE YOU CONCERNED regarding wireworm damage? If so, inquire at the Seed Plant in Londesboro about treatment toant rev P w-iraw orm R. N. ALEX- ANDER. 19-10-1 REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan Cleaners, Mount Forest, More spots and stains removed. Garmets stay clean long- erwear longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE, Phone 247 for pick-up. 19-07-tf MOTORS AND PORTABLE power .tools rewound and repaired. Parts for all poPigar•.,Makes. Rebuilt motors for sale,,. New Leland and Wagner motors avail. able on short notice. ART LEVETT, 139 Erie Street, Clinton. Phone HU. 24640. 19-07-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and. Dry Cleaning Ser. \ice, WE1BB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeterla Ltd., Exeter, 19-07-tf DRAIN TILE -4", $05 per M, "dela; 585 per M, del'd; 6", 1110 per M. del'd : 8 ", $175 per M. del'd. Prices for 10". 12" and 14" on request. RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD„ Elginfield, Phone BAldviin 7-4721, Lucan, 119-98-51 DID YOU KNOW? If you have re- newed your fire insurance since Jan, 1, 1939.. there is no coverage on your TV antennae or water damage from water mains. Check with your agent and then see me for this and other important cov- erages and discounts you are entitled to. ERIC H. "Shorty" MUNROE. 19-09-tf NOW OPERATING SEAFORTH SEED CLEANING PLANT is now in operation, 19-10-1 NOTICE Township of Tuekersmith Tuckersmith Township Municipal Damn will be open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m, on Wednesday and- Saturday afternoons until further notice. CORA CHESNEY Clerk, Tuckersmith ' 19-0S-tf ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid in surrounding district for dead, old,. sick or disabled hors es and cattle. Horses at 5e pound. For' the fastest and proper removal of all ani- mals, day or night, Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD, ZENITH 3-4900 (No toll charge) 19-96-26 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle, Farmer Owned rind Controlled. Call us between 7:30 and 10:00 a,m., weekdays and 6:00 and 8:00 p.m, Sat- urday evenings at Clinton HU 2-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 19-07-tf FINANCING A NEW CAR ? Either new or need, our rates are LOWEST in the car finance field. W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 834, R,eafdence 640 Main Street, Seaforth 19-07-14 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm, Farm Stock and Machinery, at lot 19, con. 14, McKillop two., I% east of Walton on County Road, MONDAY, APRIL 26, at 1 p,m. CATTLE -10 Holstein cows, fresh, with calves at, side; 6 cows due to freshen time, of sale; 14 yearling steers and hei- fers ; 20 steers, approximately 1,000 lbs. MACHINERY-Minneapo1I 8 -plow trac- tor, need two seasons, like new; Inter- national Manure spreader, oke new; 8 - farrow International plow, like new; 8- Option uniting -tooth harrows. Papaw for. H'j 20. Auction Sales' age harvester; OK blower; International milking machine, 2 units; electric cream separator; milk cane; set 2,000 lb. scales; McCormick Deering 10 -Inch hammermill, like new; rubber -tired wagon, 16 -ft. rack; harrows; all steel White threshing mach- ine, drive belt, Cockshutt nide rake; spring tooth cultivator, power --lift; 7 -ft. cut Massey Harris binder; slush scraper; leg vise; fanning mill with motor;. set trac- tor chains, 14 X 28. new; 2 Surge'- ing units, new; other articles too num- erous to mention. FARM -At same place, at 3 p.m., the farm will be offered for sale. subject Co reserve MU; 92 acres good, clay loam. well drained, all workable land,; ltt2 storey frame house with all conveniences; bank tern, ben house, drive shed, 10% •down, balance in 80 days. CHA1-rELS-Cash. DAVID MUIR, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-09-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction "Sale of Registered Hereford Cattle, Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain and Household Effects at lot 2. con. 11, Mullett Twp., 6 miles east of Londesboro or 9 miles northwest of Sea - forth, on TUESDAY, MAY 3, at 12:30 p,m, REGISTERED HEREFORD CATTLE - Herd sire, four years old, outstanding bull; 7 cows, with calves and rebred ; 4 cows. fresh, with calves at foot; 2, 2 -yr. - old steers; 5 year-old steers; 3 heifers rising 2 years old; 4 heifers, 1 year old'. Catalogues are available by contacting the proprietor or auctioneer, MACHINERY -Oliver 80 tractor;' Cock- shutt 60 tractor; Goodison 28 X 46, with Ebersol shredder, on rubber; 7 inch, 140 foot' drive belt: 3 -furrow Cockshutt plow; 13 -run Oliver fertilizer drill with power lift; 7 foot Cockshutt power mower; 7 foot Massey Harris binder; Massey Har- ris side rake; cultivator, acuffler, drag harrows; cultivator, roller, manure spread- er; hay •load"er,'- dise: .2 -wheel trailer; • rip saw and emery; circular saw; •Sraloker bale elevator; Wood oat roller; 'P/ HP Wagner motor; cream separator; Black- smith post drill; 36 foot extension ladder; °. cedar ladders: folding hay rack; wagon and flat rack; fanning mill; oil brooder; electric brooder; apple butter kettle, cop- per; iron kettle; 2 -inch plank; 2 X 4 scantling: 1 -inch lumber; 2" plank; 4 1 -beasts, 21 feet, 2 inches long, 9 inches deep; set of laps and dies; brooder house, 9 X 14 ;(large band sleigh; 2,000 pound .scales; bag truck; tattoo outfit; cedar Posts; iron posts; SO ft., 6" belt, new; number of tools, 240 lb. scales. HAY and GRAIN -Mixed baled hay, 600 bus, good mixed grain. 1"'IJRNITURE-Dining room suite; glass cuploard, what -not; !oak dining groom table; bedroom suite; 2 beds, mattresses and springs; large bureau, lard press; sausage grinder; Mixmaster; bread mix-, er; electric sewing machine; power lawn mower; Findlay range; 15 -gallon crock; small crocks; sealers; chairs; bedding, Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS -Cash. No reserve, farm sold. JAMES NEILANS, Proprietor RR 1, Londesboro HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-10-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects, at lot 22, eon. 9, Morris twp., 2 miles west of Walton on TUESDAY, APRIL 26, at 12 o'clock sharp. CATTLE -25 Hereford steers, 1000 lbs„ 35 year-old steers, Hereford and Pon Angus, 600 lbs. MACHINERY -International Model M arae or, 40 HP ; Ford Ferguson tractor: Masses' Harris No. 60 combine, with power take -off ; new 10 -foot spring tooth International cultivator on rubber; 3 - bottom International plow on rubber; Massey Harris 95 -bus, aprender on rubber International side rake; dump rake; 8 - ft. binder, converted to awather; 13 -diet fertilizer Massey Harris drill; 13 -run Massey Harris shoe drill; Mcelormick- Decring mower; Ferguson manure loader; rubbbl•-tired wagon with grain box; corn cultivator to fit tractor 'with 3 -point suspension; set harrows, 6 sections with bar; 3 sections harrows with bar; 2 ex- tension aldders; nine foot land pack- er; set double disc; McCormick Deering hammermill ; 60 foot drive belt; 2 grain augers; 21 -ft., 11 ft. with motor; set platform scales; set beam scales; 2 -wheel trailer with rack ; set single harness[. Quantity grass seed; 600 bales mixed hay; pig crate; 2 chicken crates; 2 range shelters; 3 feed hoppers; 3steel pig troughs; 4 -bulb hat lighta ter brooder house; colony house, 10 X 12, insulated; 1 HP motor with emery ; post drill with motor; set taps and dies; one set pipe dies with pipe vice and thre4der; quanti- ty cedar posts, steel posts; tools; other articles too numerous to mention. FURNITURE - Iron beds,- dreaaera, springs, mattresses,, hall rack with mir- ror, also hall seat, combination book cane and writing desk„ trflight floor lamp, medicine cabinet, 2 dining room tables, kitchen chairs, Phileo radio; 8 -piece chesterfield suite, metal churn, Dutch oven, quantity frames, high chair, day bed, 2 chest of drawers, wall' and base cupboard, fire extinguisher, Claaele coal and wood range, wicker chair. TERMS -Cash. No reserve, farm sold, GEORGE McARTHUR, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-10-1 21. Tenders Wanted TENDER Township of Tuckersmith Tendera are invited by dhe Township of Tuckeramlth for the conatruction or the Williama Municipal Orating in the Town- ship of Tuciceramlth, under authority of By -Law No. 4, 1960. The work consign of: 180 lineal feet of open drain (20 cu. yards) 4.471 lineal feet of cloned drain 2 catch basins, Tender to cover completion of the whole work : all requirements to be furnished by the contractor with the exception that the township will supply the required tile and corrugated iron pipe. Marked ehoque for 10% of the amount of the tender must accompany each ten- der or the tender will not be considered. Tenders, plainly marked, are to be in the cler1c'a handa by 12 o'clock noon, D.S,T., on May 3, 1980. Plana and apee3fiaatlona may be seen at the clerk's office. Lowest or any tnder,pnbt necesaarily accepted. CORA CHESNEY, Clerk Tuckersmith Township RR 4, Seaforth,- Ont. 21-10-2 21. Tenders Wanted TENDERS W.,111 be received by the secretary for the painting ot interior and exterior of the schoolhouse; of "SS No. 8, Hibbert, Tenders to be in hands of secretary pot later than May 3. For further particu- lars, apply to: ED. DEARING, Secretary -Treasurer Staffa, Ont. 21-09-2 TENDER Township of Stanley The'Coupell of the Township of Stan- ley will receive tenders for the application of weed and brush spray in the town- ship at an hourly rate. Tendeis to be in writing and in the hands of the clerk by 12 o'clock noon, April 80,• 1p60. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk Varna, Ontario 21-10-2 23. Cards of Thanks WEE WISH TO express qur sincere appreciation and thanks to our neigh- bours and friends for the many acts of kindness shown to us during our recent sad bereavement. 2.10-1 THE MURRAY FAMILY I WISH TO THANK all those who re- membered me with visits, cards, treats and beautiful flowers also all the nurses and staff while I was a patient in Clin- ton Hospital. 23-10-1 MRS. J. K. CORNISH WE WOULD LIKE to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation to our many thoughtful friends for the messages of aympathyr- floral tributes- arid -cards at• the time of the loss olf aur most beloved father and husband, Mr, W. C. Mc- Cauley:. o-Cauley: HAZEL McCAULEY and Family EULA and JIM PARK 23-10x1 I WOULD LIKE to say "Thank You" to everyone who remembered me so kind- ly with cards, flowers, treats and gifts while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, and also to those who visited me. Special thanks to Dr: Brady and the nursingttaff.. Everything was deeply appreciated, DOUGLAS CRICH 23-141 I WOULD LIKE to extend any sincere sere thanks to my kind friends•andtneigh- bours who --remembered me with cards, flowers, treats and visits while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, Special thanks to Dr, Stapleton, Miss Drope and the •nursing staff for all their kindness shown me. ` DONALD WRIGHT; 23-10x1 John St. 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 aampplee 25c; 24 sam- ples 51.00. Mail -Order , Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO. Box- 91, Hamilton, 26. Births COLEMAN -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Coleman, RR 4, Seaforth, a daughter. McQUAID--At Scott Memoria lHospital, on April 17, to Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred McQuaid, a eon. NOLAN-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April -14, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nol- an, RR 5, Seaforth, a daughter, REITZ-Mr, and Mrs. G. Reitz, Preston, are happy to announce the birth 'bf their son, Richard Carl, at South Wat- erloo Hospital, on April 18, n brother for Patti. - CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caddick and family, of Sarnia, with Mr.' and Mrs. John Wallace and family and other friends. ' Mr. and Mrs, Bob Laing and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and family in Mitchell on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chessell. Mr. and . Mrs. J. McLeod and family with Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsay. „ Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Binning and family,, of Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs, Kett McKellar on Sunday. Mrs. Sadie Scott with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott at Staffa, Mrs. Dave Gardiner, who has been a' patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, has returned- to her home., Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Houghton, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and family, of Mitchell, with Mrs. M. Houghton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Reid, Strat- ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jef- ferson, of Sault Ste. Marie, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing. Mrs. Jack McGhee, Kenneth Walker, and Dick McLeod spent the weekend and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, London, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walk- er, Linda Currie is visiting here this week. Miss Alice Walker with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee for a few days in London. Mr. and 'Mrs. William Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sadler. Hold Baptismal Service A baptismal service was held at the Presbyterian Church on Sun- day. Baptized were: Pamela Chris- tine Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wallace; James Thomas Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Scott; Jaqueline Ann Mc- Ghee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee, and Glen Russell Parsons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Parsons. 11111iI iIIiU111t11 IIIIhIIIi11111111i11111111111 Seaforth Nursery Choose from our 25 different varie- ties Evergreens, from 1 to 5 feet high. .,All Government inspected trees. Reasonable prices, selling with or without guarantee. Two Building Lots For Sale GORDON NOBLE Phone 71-W : Seaforth 11111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111 ESTABLISH (Continued from Page 1) to 336; X-rays from 1,200 to 1,30(4; average daily number of patients from 23 to 26.2, average daily num- ber of new-born from 2.8 to 3.3. During the same. period patient days increased from 9,941 to 10,- 915. 0Z915. Demand Increasing - That the demand for accommo- dation is increasing at an acceler- ated rate is shown by the increase in patient days during the first three months of 1959 of 2,553, as compared to 3,099 for the same period this year. Miss Drope, referred to steps that had been taken to provide ad- ditional accommodation and ex- pressed appreciation to the staff, board and medical staff for their co-operation. She referred -to the contributions which the Women's Hospital Auxiliary had made. Dur- ing the year an electrocardeograph machine had been purchased and was being found most helpful. The fact that- a hospital differs from every other operation in a community is that it must oper- ate 24. hours every day, and be ready to face any emergency, was stressed by Miss Drope. Long Stays Problem Speaking as a representative of the medical staff, Dr. P. L. Brady referred to the problem of the long term patient and how this tended to reduce accommodation for ac- tive treatment patients. He sug- gested consideration be given by the board to siting a new hospital in such a location as to serve a maximum\ area. The chairman said the' area to be served had been considered by the Ontario Hospital Commission, ;and as a result of a study of population trend0 a decision concerning size had been arrived at by the Com- mission. 'The report of the Women's Hos- pital Auxilial'y, presented by Mrs. H. Whyte,revealed the auxiliary had raised $1,391.97 during the y,e.ar, ._]donations covering shepur- chase of linen, chairs, china and a toaster had been made to the hospital. In addition, a bursary of $125 had, been„,provided for 'a stu- dent nuse. Reeve Ivan Forsyth, of Tucker- smith, Reeve Wilfred Krauskopf, of Logan, and Mayor B. F. Chris- tie anis Reeve W. N. Ball, of Sea - forth, spoke briefly, as also did Mrs. H. Hugill, president of the Seaforth Women's Institute. The meeting reappointed..Davis, Dunn and Broughton as auditors. ,Re-elected as directors for a fur- ther two -yeas' term were M. Mc- Kellar, J. E. Keating, -Mrs. H. Whyte and Mrs. J. Hillebrecht. During the year several changes occurred on the board, the meet- ing was told. Seaforth appointed Bruce McMillan and Hullett nam- ed Walter Scott as- municipal re- presentatives. Donald Stewart was appointed to complete the term of Mrs: 0. Johnston, who resigned. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. James Orr and Anna, ,of Parkhill, visited with the former's brother and sister-in-law; Mr. and Mrs. it. A. Orr, and Jim on Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Evans, of Kit- chener, spent Easter with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLar- en. In a recent letter to his parents, Sgt. D. A. Orr, of the RCAF Sta- tion at St. Sylcestre, Quebec, said he is being transferred to Comax, Vancouver Island, B.C. Don will be chief telephone technician at Cbmak. The town is called the "Garden of Canada," and is in a location where it never snows, says Sgt. Orr. WANTED Live Fowl Picked Up At the -Farm TOP PRICES Phone 751 J 12, Seaforth or Brussels 393 J 15 - Ronald Bennett WALTON REXALL CENT SALE 2 FOR THE- PRiCE OF 1 Plus 1 Cent 6 BIS DAYS MONDAY MAY 2nd through SATURDAY, MAY 7th --- at --- EATING'S PHARMACY Phone 28 : Seaforth Gingerich's SALES and SERVICE, Ltd. Cordially Invite You and Your Friends To Attend Their Fifth Annual HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW Thursday, April 21 - Friday, April 22 Afternoons 1 - 5 Evening 7 p.m. - AT THE Zurich Community Centre SEE- • Electric and Gas Appliances and Built -Ins _! ..Oil said Gas Space Heaters and Furnaces • Water Pumps - Softeners - Bath Equipment • Freezers - Chest - Uprights and Frost Free • HI-FI - STEREO SETS - TV SETS • FISHING AND HUNTING EQUIPMENT • PAINTS AND COLOUR DEMONSTRATIONS Free Ticket on Electric Dryer - On $5.00 Purchase • Favours ''Door Prizes *Refreshments PROGRAMME: • Thursday 1 p.m. - Films, Modern Ideas, Demonstrations 2 p,m, - Baking School, Tips, Etc., Woman's Hour 3 p.m. -Furnace Demonstration, Lawn Mowers, Roto Tillers 4:30 p.m. -Children's Hour, Tips on Fishing.. , Evening 7 p.m. - Live Demonstrations (All Products) 8:15 p.m. -Stage Show, by Staff; Play -"In the Buying Mood" 9:30 p.m. -"Dickey Dean", Fam- ous Magician, Special Acts, Staff. `'" 10:30 p.m. Treats and Refresh- . ments. FREE =a. Friday 1 p.m: l-• Films, Modern Ideas, Demonstrations 2 p.M. - Furnace. Demonstra= tions, Pumps, Softeners 3 p.m. Baking School, Tips, Etc. 4 p.m. - Lawn Mowers, Roto Tillers • 4:45 p.m. - Children's Hour, Tips on Hockey. Evening 7 p.m. - Live Demonstrations (All Products) 8:15 p.m. - Stage Show, by Staff 9:30 p.m. - County Squires, Spe- cial acts, by Staff 10:30 p.m. -Treats and Refresh- ments. FREE i- FREE USED CAR csiEARINCS Huron County's Finest Used -Car Market OUR CARS ARE NOW UNDER COVER We have opened another Sales Shop for Used Cars at the North End of the Cars are housed in this heated building. 1959 CHEV. BISCAYNE SEDAN $2250 fully equipped 3-1959 CHEV. BEL AIRS Automaticfully equipped $2495 Village, and our $1395 1956 PONTIAC SEDAN 2-1955 PONTIAC DELUXE $j 1955 SEDANS -Radio 2-1959 PONTIAC LAURENTIANS $2595 1954 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN • $995 Automatic, fully"' equipped v automatic 1958 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF $2095 SEDAN •7 1954 CRHEoV. SEDAN $1795 '2.-1958 CHEV, STANDARD '1995 VARIOUS 1954 CHEV. COACHES SEDANS from $850 to $895 1958 CHEVROLET SEDAN 8 $2150 • Autorilatic, V-8 motor 1958 FORD FAIRLANE, 8 -cylin- der, automatic, fully equipped 2 150 TRUCKS • 1957 CHEV, BEL AIR Four -Door $1 750 2-1958 CHEVROLET Fa -TON PICKUPSOne A and SEDANS NUMBER OF OLDER MODELS 1957 METEOR CUSTOM "300"- $1595 Radio, etc. 1956 FORD -'COACH • - '1195 8 -cylinder =1 1956 CHEVROLET ,SEDAN $1395 Iong box, one short box; $14.75 fully equipped 2-1956 CHEV. /-TON $1 O95 PICKUPS 1955 INTERNATIONAL 3 -TON $ i/ 250 STAKE, platform and racks.°. - i A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars -Many other Models to choose from BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS -- ONTARIO PHONE 173 - "The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING