HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-04-14, Page 6IV*'Ill ' OSSrrgB, SEAFORTH, Orr]':, APRU, 1.4,, 1%O USE 77HCSE CLASSIFICATIONS •TO'YOUR ADVANTAGE L Coining Events 8. Lost, Strayed 3. Found d Hein Wanted Etirillesa Opporttinitiw 6. Teachers Wanted '1. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sala 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Care- For Sale ;11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 18. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 14. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17 Wanted To Rent 18- Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 28. Cards of Thanks 24. In Memoriam 25. Personals The coat is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12.. 13, 15, 17—minimum 25 cents an insertion. All otber classi- fications, minimufn 50 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Want- ed (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on application. 1. Coming Events THE LADEE'S GUILD of St. Thome' Anglican Church are holding a Rummage SALE on Saturday, April 80. 1.09-1 FIGHT CANCER—loin the Cancer Cru. sade in Huron by giving generously to the house-to-house campaign in Seaforth, Mc- Killop and Tuckersmith, from April 18 to 23rd. 141-0 GINGHAM DANCE in Foresters' Hall, Constance, Friday, April 29. Bert Pep- per's orchestra. Lunch counter, Aus- pices Court Constantine, Proceeds for cancer fund. , Admission 50 cents. 1-09-2 HARBOURLII� INN, Gode th special ' Easter Dance, Saturday night, music by Jimmy Rahn, ills trumpet and orchestra, This is the first appearance of this fine young oncheetra, of (London, Friday April 22, Teen -20 record dance with Johnny Breit, of CKNX. Make early reservations for the Mother's Day smor- gasbord dinner, May 6 from 4 to 8 p.m. PHONE JA, 4-9371 oe 9264: 1.09-1 4. Help Wanted 1FIOUSEKEEPER to keep house for mlddleeged man in Seaforth .home. Ap- ply BOX 915, The Huron Expositdr. 4,49-1 AVON Cosmetics has openings for ma- ture women •to service excellent rural Avon territories. Pleasant, dignified work. No experience needed, we train you. For appointment write MISS MOSH- ER, Manager, PO Box 86, Owen Sound, stating tele hone number. 4-084 SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME Part time salesman or saleslady re- quired by established concern; good com- missions, Call: CULLIGAN'S WATER CONDITIONING Goderich. phone JA. 4-9671 or apply to BOX 909• The -Huron Expositor, Seaforth 4-08-2 TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY APPLICATIONS The Council of the Township of Stan- ley will receive applications for assftil1- time Road Grader Operator. Salary tis be et an hourly rate. Applications to be in writing and in the- hands of the clerk Monday, 12 o'clock noon, April 18, 1960. JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk Varna, Ontario 4-08-2 5. Business Opportunities FOR LEASE—Mel' Clarke's Supertest location, large garage,- stockroom, office and showroom, Main street, Seaforth, im- mediate possession, low rental. Apply to TED ELLIOTT, Box 295, Wingham, Ont. ,5-08-4 6. Teachers Wanted PROTESTANT EXPERI-ElsI.C-ED TEACHER ForSS No, 8, Hullett, in village of Constance. State experience, salary ex- pected and qualifications to: WALTER R. SCOTT, Secretary R.R. 2, Seaforth. 6-09-1 7. Situations Wanted WANTED—Wduld like housework by the day or hour. BOX 911, The Huron Exposrior. 7-09x1. 8. Farm Stock For Sale slit YORK PIGS, 11 weeks old. WIL. BON ALLAN, Phone 650 R 6, Seaforth. 8-09-1 PIGS FOR BALE, 11, York ohunke. Amply OORDAN PAPPLE, Phone 808R13, Seaforth, 8-09x1 10. Used Cars For Sale 1949 MEROiJRY Auto Truck, 2 trans- Ptfesfons PHONE 669 W 11, 10-09x1 7 1069 v�V. %-ton truck with rack,. Good. shape. PHONE 206, Seaforth-, 1 10-09-1 1949 54.E1roN OHEV. truck, good box and fenders and In fair running condi- tion. Will accept livestock in payment. GORDON ELLIOTT, Deuceffeld, Phone $¢,forth 641 J 1. 10-09-1 '11. Articles For Sale MAPLE SYRUP Place your order early. CALL. 676, Seaforth. 11-09x1 IliterrgT 'BEE( for sate. ' 1ippit LOU BOVIION, Phone 860 R 22, Seaforth. 1I -0$x4 BHRYT, Mitchells Piton DnOATS tosale, F MUM 78 R II. 8-07x9 BOA FOR. ifAtas W Peterboropgb ludcesida fn new conditions with home - Made trailer, 7, C. PRIM Sestortb. 11-08.2 'worm x.1i S, tulips daffodils and tiOtteel Plants. 2IA3 Wi GREEN. 110 YOO Garden OEtttre, Beafortll. .1t -011x2 11. Articles. For Sale ALFALFA need for sale. Apply to MAC MALONEY, Phone 49 R 22, Dublin, 11-09-1 GOOD GIRL' CCM Bicycle for Bale. For further information 'PHONE 84¢R6, Seaforth. 11-09x1 GIRL'S SPRING COAT, size 10 and nylon dress, size 12. Both in good con- dition. PHONE 581-2. 11-09-1 50 BALES of oat straw. GORDON ELLIOTT, Brucefield, Phone Seaforth 641 J 1 , 11-09-1 1,200 BALES of Greenlands, early cut hay. GEORGE STONE, RR 1, Seaforth, Phone 856 R 3. 11-094 QUANTITY of mixed hay, baled and baled straw. Apply J. L. RYAN, Dub- lin, Phone 40 R 5. 11-09x1 QUANTITY of mixed hay, baled. AP - Ply HOWARD ALLAN, Brucefield, Phone Seaforth 641 W 12. 11-09x1 ELECTRIC STOVE, heavy wiring, new condition, used only a few months. Bar- gain. Apply J. JONES, Dick House, Seaforth. 11-09x1 CHIHUAHUA nasi Toy Poor. puppies, 8 weeks old. MRS. HOWARD ALLAN, Brucefield, Phone -Seaforth 641 W 12, 11-09x1 YORK BARLEY No, 1 seed, grown from registered seed, 41.50 per bushel. PAUL KETTLES, RR 1, Seaforth, Phone 840 R 21. 11-09-2 .MISSES' or young woman's spring suit, woral.. only a few times. Dry cleaned, Size 14, reasonable. PHONE 347-W. 11-09-1 200 BALES of •straw and 1,500 bales of hay. Apply MURRAY DENNIS, RR 1, Walton, Phone Seaforth 843 R 32, 11..119x1 QUANTITY of good, cleaned Timothy seed. Apply STANLEY JOHNS, RR 3, Seaforth. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9124 11-09-2 • REGISTERED GARRY OATS, cleaned and bagged and treated. Apply SPENCER JEFFERY, Staffs, Phone 11 R. 10, Dub- lin, 1107x4 GIRLS' NAVY BLUE miring coat, sizes 8 to 10, boys' grey flannel slacks and navy jackets, sizes 10 to 12. MRS. F. R. COSFORD, Phone'763, Seaforth. 11-09-1 FOUR SECTIOTS of Case heavy duty spring -tooth harrows. Original shoeing still good. Also some Garry and Rod- ney oats. JOHN W. THOMPSON, RR 2, Seaforth, Phone 861 R 23. 11-09-1 COMPLETE LINE of famous Ritten- house Door Chimes, sales, installation and service. Call today for .free estimate. SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE, Phone 250, Seaforth, 11-08-tf YORK BARLEY, No, 1 seed, power cleaned, treated, bagged, 96% ,germina- tion. *1.90 bushel. R. S. McKER- CHER, Phone 849 11 41, Seaforth. 11-08-2 MAGIC MARKERS—Instant ' dry, wa- terproof, write on any surface; just pull off cap and Magic Marker is ready to use. Refills available, Nine colors ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141, Seaforth, 2,000 CEDAR POSTS, graded to size, 4" to 5" top; 5" to 6" top; 6" to 7" top: also anchor poets and braces; barb wire, Paige wire; steel posts. All at reasonable prices. BORDEN BROWN, Constance, phone Seaforth 841 R .2. 11 -08 -tie 1959 PHILCO refrigerator, 9,4 cu. ft., White, full 5 -year guarantee, used six months, 6200; Moffatt electric stove, 4 burners, white, $40 ; electric washing machine, excellent condition, $26. Mov- ing, must be sold. PHONE 587-W. 11-09x1 YORK BARLEY, certificate No. 49- 8258, grown- from reg. seed, 41.60 per bushel. Garry oats„ grown from reg. seed. 41.25 per bushel, Also boy's bi- cycle, cheap. LEWIS P. COYNE, RR 5, Seaforth, Phone 64 R 16, Dublin. 11-08x3 ., GRAVEL Gravel for all purposes — immediate delivery in any quantity. FRANK KLING LTD. Phone 19, Seaforth 11-09-2 12. Wanted To Buy COPY of "Huron Atlasr' alms "In the Days of the Canada Company' by the Misses Lizars. Advise condition;, price to BOX 913. The Huron Expositor, 12-09x2 HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for sick, dovfp and disabled farm animals. Prompt courteous collection of all dead and dis- abled farm animals and hides. Call coll- lect, ED ANDREWS, 851 R 11, Seaforth. Associated ,with Yarling & Co.; SY Canada Ltd. 12-07-tf 13. Wanted A QUANTITY of and, clay and grave[ for fill for garden. If anyone wants place to dump, apply C., H. ADDICOTT, Seaforth. 13-09=1 WAN'1213(1 TO BORROW -430.000 to $40,000 by reputable individual, fully se- cured, reasonable rate of interest, princi- pal to be repaid over 10 to I5 year period. Apply to BOIL 912, The Huron Expoeltor. 13-09-2 14. Property For Sale PLAN your home now; $50.00 down will buy you a lot in Seaforth or Harpur- bey. Lota surveyed. Land suitable for V.L.A. projects. Terme to suit. CLAY- TON DENNIS. 14-07-tf SIX -ROOM HOUSE, stoker fired forced sir furnace, full bathroom, pressure sys- tem, hot water, four building dots, at Bar- purhey, where everyone wanta to move to. See THOS. FOX, RR 2, Seaforth, Phone 851 R 41. .14-084 FARM FOR SALE—)Q0 acres of good clay loam, all workable land, 18 acres of fail wheat 57 acres plowed, balance seeded down. It has a brick house with modern conveniences and an L-shaped barn with good stabling. Located six miles north of Zurich. Some terms, Rea- sonable down payment will hold. ELTON BENDER, Phone Hensel' 699 R 1.2. 14-09x1 FARM P011 SALE ---100 acres, lot 9; con. 11, McKillop, fnaul red brick house, kitchen, summer kitchen, and wood shed, water pressure in the house; hot and cold water; modern kitchen and bath room; 2 barna, one 60' x'42'; be house above; 1 barn, 100' x 40', water pressure in it and litter carrier; drive ehe"d, 24' x 45'. Apply JOE JOHNSON, RR 2, Walton, 14-09x3 15. Property For Rent SELF-CONTAINED, heated apartment. EP, essxposiio shortly. 130X 914, The1Huu5-ro2 HEATED ONE - BEDROOM apartment for rent, Nut -Mid. DR. II. A. 11,1c- MASTER, c.MA 'R, Phone 26, Staforth. 15-07-tf F'RON'T APARTMENT for rent, 8 tooel8 and, beth, Apply UNITED DAIRY and EOlJ1•JiRY CO CP, Seaforth Braanali, phone IS. 15481 • ee- . , 19. Notices SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED modern equipment, quick service, all work gam teed. Write or Phone LOUIS BSE - Phone 42 R 6, RR 2, Brussels, 19-01:16 BICYCLE REPAIRS—OCM parts and accessories, carriage and tricycle wheels retired, CHARI.F_q PINDER, Seaforth. 19.08x2 ALL ACCOUNTS owing ,the Dalton White Rose must be paid by May lot. After that date it will be turned over to Canadian Oil. ' 19-09x1 POWER LAWN ROI•LFRS for rent. SHARP'S MAINTENANCE SERVICE, Phone 851 R 6 Seaforth, 19-09x2 GUARANTEED RADIO and TV repairs and small electrical appliance repairs. Fast service, SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE, East" William Street, Phone 250, Seaforth. 1947-tf REVITAIIZED cleaning at Buchanan Cleaners, Mount Forest, More spots and stains removed. Garrets stay clean long- er, wear longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE, Phone 247 for pick-up. 19-07-tf MOTORS AND PORTABLE power tools rewound and repaired. Parte for all popular makes. Rebuilt motors for sale. New Leland and Wagner motor, avail- able on short notice, ART LEVETT, 189 Erie Street, Clinton, Phone HU. 2-6640. 19.074f COMPLETE LAUN,DETERIA in Sea - forth and district and `Dry Cleaning Ser- vice, WEBBY, BILLIARDS, Sea:forth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter, - 19-07-tf DRAIN TILE -4", $55 per 31,. del'd; 5", 485 per M, del'd; 6" $119 per M, del'd ; 8 ", *175 per M, del'd. Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on request, RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., Elginfield, Phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan, 19-9841 DID YOU KNOW? If you have re- newed your fire insurance since Jan. 1, 1959, there is no coverage on your TV antennae or water • damage, from. water mains. Check with your agent and then see •melor this and other important cov- erages and discounfes sees are entitled to. ERIC H. "Shorty" MUNROE. 19-09-tf NOTICE ' Township of Tuckersmith Tuekersmith Township Municipal Dump will be open from 1 p,m. to 6 p,m, on Wednesday, and Saturday afternoons until further notice.' - CORA •CHESNEY Clerk, Tuckersmith 19-08-tf ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid in surrounding district for dead, old, sick, or disabled hors- es and cattle. Horses. at 9c pound, For the fastest and proper' removal of all ani- mals, day or night, CaII Long Distance and nak for AATWOOD, ZENITH 8-4900 (No toll charge) 19-96-28 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where ,Better . Bulla Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle. Farmer Owned and Controlled. Call us between 7:30 'and 10:00 a,m„ weekdays and 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Sat- urday evenings at Clinton HU 2-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 19 -07 -ti FINANCING A NEW CAR ? Either new or used, our rates are ,L4) -WEST in the-ear•firmiadfld. W,,, E. SOUTHGATE Phone 884, Residence 640 Main Street, Seaforth 19-07.14 20. Auction Sales HURON COUNTY Highways • ' Department AUCTION SALE MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1960 • 2:00 p.m. Huron County Garage AUBURN, ONT. 11964 Int. Dump truck, No. 69 1-1950 Int. 1/2 -ton pickup, No. 23 1-4950 Ford 1 -ton pioknp, No. 24 1-1958 GMC ry-ton pickup, No. 26 2-1954 Cbev, %-ton plc upa, Noe. 20,22 2-1966 Int. %-ton plekups, Nos, 16, 19 7.'racica may be inspected at Huron County Garage, Auburn, Ont., anytimb between 8:00 arm. and 6:00 p:m, Olat, 12 noon). • Trucks are sold witlloiat license and are not guarantied roadworthy. J. W, BRITNELL, counts *suavead-O; f. 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Auction ,, ton Sale of Farm Machinery In the town of Mitchell at Reeky Feed Mill, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20th, at 1:80 p.m. MACHINERY -2 Minneapolis Waterloo tradtors, Model V; 2 John Deere Farmall tracoro t Model 4, one with loader ;, 2 John Deere 10 -ft. discs; 1 John Deere one-way disc, 13 -blade: 6 -section lever cultivator harrows; 1 rubber -tired wag- on ; 21, 2 -hole to 12 -hole pig hoppers; 20 steel pig feed troughs: John Deere 10 -ft. cultivator; 2 Case packers, 12 -ft. ; 150 -gallon gasoline tank with pump; pow- er grain blower. All equipment in good condition. TERMS—.Cash, =SKY FLAX PRODUCTS, LTD. Proprletora HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-09-1 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Household Effects•^•in the town of Seaforth, Goderieh Street East, on SATURDAY, APRIL 16, at 1 p,m. Antique what -not: mirror; mahogany 2 solid mahogany chairs; maple bedroom suite with double bed; maple --bedroom quite, single bed; Westinghouse electric dish washer; Easy electric washing mach- ine; maple arm chair: Indian drugget rug: mahogany table and cabinet; love seat; mirror; prayer chair; 2 bedroom chairs; mahogany Pedereal grandfather's clock ; electric lamps; fireplace bench; yellow upholstered chair; records; ping pong table; complete trunks; 35 MM pro- jector; china; ornaments; kitchen utensils; silverware; lawn furniture; carpenter tools; wheel barrow ; '40 ft. extension ladder; planta; ferns; 3 HP garden trac- tor with cultivator, disc and plow; roto - tiller ; 21" riding mower, new ; Lawn boy power mowers; sanders; drill press; band saw ; joint planer; bench • saw ; Gop be wood lathe complete; and tool rest l_tilt Ardox bench saw. TERMS: Cash. DR. E. A. McMASTER, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 20-08-2 AUCTION SALE Cleating Abction Sale of, Farm, Farm Stock and. Machinery, at lot 19, con. 14, McKillop twp., 11 east of Walton, on County Road, MONDAY, APRIL 25, at 1 CATTLE• -10 Holstein cows, fresh, with calves at side; 6 cows due` to freshen time of sale,; 14 yearling steers and hei- fers; 20 steers, approximately 1,000 lbs. MACHINERY—Minneapolis 3 -plow trac- tor, used two seasons, like new; Inter- national manure spreader, like new ; 8 - furrow International plow, like new; 8 - section spring -tooth harrows, Pupae for- age harvester; OK blower; International milking machine, 2 unite; electric cream separator; milk cans; set 2,000 1b. scales; McCormick Deering 10 -inch hathmermill, like new; rubber -tired wagon, I6 -ft. 'rack; harrows, Other articles too numerous to mention. FARM—At same place, at 3 p.m., the farm will be offered for Bade, subject to reserve bid, 92 acres good, clay loam, well drained, all woeltarble land,; 111/2 storey frame house with all conveniences; bank barn, hen house, drive shed. 10% down, balance in 30 day++, • CHATTELS—Cash, DAVID MUIR, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-09-2 CLEARING ' AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm, Farm Stock, Machinery, at lot 8-4, con. 10,. ,Morris twp., adjoining the village of Blyth, TUESDAY, APRIL 19th, at 12:80 CATTLE -3 Poll Angus cows, 2 fresh, 1 due time of sale; 3 Holstein, cowe, 2 fresh, I due time of sale; 5 part Hol- stein cows, fresh 5 weeks; 2 Durham and Holstein cows, fresh ; 10 spring crav- es; 3 late fall calves; 6 yearling steers; 4 yearling heifers; 4 baby beef; 4 heifers rising 2 -year-old ; 4 steers, rising 2 -year- old. ,'IGS—Landrace purebred hog, 3 sows with pigs 6 weeks old; 2 sows with pigs 4 weeks old; 2 sows due time of sale; 85 pigs, 60 to 175 lbs, . Quantity of baled bay. IMPLEMENTS—Fersruson tractor; Ford Ferguson tractor; 2 lift plows; lift hy- draulic ,news , 4iscl_y-ftr-.Massey-Hgf-- ele--Bauble disc; Spreadway mower man- ure spreader; Lift cultivator: Internation- al 7 -ft. binder; New Holland 66 baler; 50 foot Smoker bale elevator; 13 -run seed drill; 74t. McCormick peering mow. er; Massey Harris aide rake; 12 -ft. land packer; 2 Bete drag harrows: ecuffler Niagara Brand weed sprayer; 22 -foot boom ; "'cream eepatator ; 2 unit-DeLaval milking machine; Gehl hammermill, like. new; Wood electric grinder; Emery Conte on stand; Ferguson manure loader; wheel chains for 10-28 wheel. FARM -115 aerea good, clay loam land, all workable; L-shaped bank ba pens to accoman;odate 200 pigs: 1%-stordy brick house, with all modern convenience+. TERMS -10% down, balance 80 dare, Mortgage may be arranged with owner Previous to sale date, Sold subject to reserve bid. CHATTELS—Cash, SCOTT FAIRSER'VbCE, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POW'ELL, Clerk 20-09-1 21. Tender* Wanted TENDERS Will be received by the secretary for the painting of Interior and exterior of the schoolhouse, of SS No. 8, Hibbert, Tenders to be in hands of secretary not later than May 3. For farther particu- lars, apply to: ED. DEARING, Secretnry-Treaanrem Staffa, Ont.' 21-09.2 FOR SALE BY 'TENDER • FORT/ TRUCK Used Cab anas d Chefn Tenders will be received until 12 o'- olocic, noon, April 18, 1960, • at the office. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. SEAPORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Phone ...412, Seaforth 21-09.1 The happiness --'of your life de- pends 'open the quality of yettr Uidtig4tis`. 22. Legal Notices - NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of AGNES ELIZABETH 6COTT All pereona having claims against the Eetate of Agnes Elizabeth Scott, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about, the 8th day of December, 1959, are hereby notified to send in full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 22nd day of April, 1980, after which date the assets will be distrib- uted, having regard only to claims then received. , DATED at Welland, this 28th day of March, 1980. DONALD H. SCOTT Crown Attorney's Office Court House, Welland, Ontario Executor of the Estate 22-07-8 23. Cards of Thanks VICKI MILLER wishes to say thank you for the flowers, treats, gifts and tarda while she was a patient in Scott Mem- orial Hospital and since returning homie. 23-09-1 I WISH TO THANK all those who so kindly remembered me with visits, cards, and flowers, also Dr. Goddard, Rev, ..Dr, D. McKenzie, Mr. Vale and the-.nµlses anli staff while in Clinton Hospital. 23;09.1 MRS, M. HARVEY :.TO ALL WHO SO kindly remembered me with visits, cards, treats . and flowers while I was in the hospital and since fay return home,.. any sincere thanks. A spec- ial thanks' to Dr. Haslett and the nurs- ing staff of Victoria Hospital, London, 23-09x1 MR. WILLIAM KERR THE FAMILY of the late Thos. M. Williamson wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, net hbour and friends a g I ds for then ria Y acts of kindness, treats, cards, .flowers, 'and messages_. of sympathy during hie. ,knees and our recent bereavement of a beloved hueband and father. Special thanks to Rev. and Mrs. Thomas, Dr, McMaster and the D. A. Rann Funeral Home. • 23-09x1 MRS. CARTWRIGHT HAWLEY wishes to thank the nurses for their 'kindness to, her while a patient in Scott 'Memorial Hospital, also D . Maikus for his kind- ness, the Woman:' Association qf North- side United Chprch for the delicious box of fruit, those who visited her and for cards- and treats received, All .was 'veto, much appreciated, 28-09x1' I WOULD LIKE`to thank the Eastern Star, the " WA of the Northside United Church.. ,and Scott Mmorial Hospital doc- tors and staff, while I was a patient there with a broken leg. My special alppregiation to evetwone who was 10 kind to Bend boxes and cards during my stay. MARTHA CORLETT 23-09x1 24. In Memoriam HUNTER—In loving memory of •a dear father, Alvin Hunter, who passed away' April 7, 1966, We cannot clasp your handeather dear, Your face we cannot see, But, let this little token Tell that we still remember thee. -madly missed by daughter, Joan. 24-09x1 • DOLI91 GE—.In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs, Sid- ney Dolmage, who passed away April 13, 1955. A darling mother is .resting, A loving heart Is still, But we. know she is waiting for us Just beyond the hill: As angels keep their watch up there, Please God just let her know, That we down 'here do not forget, We love and miss 'her so. —Ever remembered and Badly missed by sons, daughters and grandchildren, 24-09x1 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 sampples 25c; 24 sam- pler+ 41.00. Mail -Order Dept. T.78, NOVA - RUBBER C.O. Box. 91, Hamilton. 26. "..,'births ALEXANDER—At Clinton Public Hos- pital, on April 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Bev- erley Alexander, RR 1, Hensall, a son. ARMSTRONG — Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong, RR 1, Exeter, ann0utbe the birth of their son at Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, Thursday, March 81st.. CARTER—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Car- tfr, Egmondvllle, a son. CAMPBELL — Me. and Mrs. Darold -1 a'mpb0n,'12R-"T, Exeter, announce the birth of their • daughter at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Friday, April 8, 1960. DONNELLY-=LAC and Mre. 'r: S. • Don- nelly, Portage LaPrairfe, nee Cather- ine Carter, Clinton, announee the birth of their daughter, Cindy Ruth Ann, on Monday, April 11, n sister for Ricky, and great-granddaughter for Mrs. Cath- erine Redden, Hermall, ECKERT—At Scott 'Manorial Hoepftal, s on April 12, to Mr, and, Mre, Fred Eckert, RR 4, Mitchell, a daughter.. FINK—Mr. and Mrs, Bill Fink, Hensel', are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, 'Kathryn Elizabeth, at Scott Memorial ' Hospital, Seaforth, Ap- ril 7, 1960, A wee sister for Kimber- ly. ROSE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, ori` April 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose, RR 1, Bornholm, a son:-' VARLEY--1Frank and Margaret Varley, Seaforth, nee Moir, are happy to an, nounce the birth of their von at Scott Memorial Hospital Seaforth, Thursday, April 7, 1960. VENNER—Mr, and Mrs. Murray Venter, Grand Beeend, announce the birth of their son, Jamdo Murray (Jimmy) at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Saturday, Ap- ril 2, 1960. Grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Wei Penner, Hartman. JOBNS—In Clinton Public Hospital; on April 7, 'to Mr, and Mrs. 'Stanley Johne, RR 3, Seaforth, a eon, Steven William. 28. Deaths MURRAY—At St. Mary's Hospital, Lon- don, on April 10, Zeolite (Eckert) Mur- ray, in her 89th yeti. RiTC1ITE In Galt, on Tuesday, April '12. 1060, John Ritebie, 88, ,,.retail gro- cer and resident of Galt for more than 50 years; native of Huron 'cony. Sur- vived by sons, William and John of Galt and aiatern, Mrs, Jean McIntosh, Listowel and Mre. Charles Brodie, Ex- ' eter, Service Thursday, STAPLES.. --Heath occurred at his late residence, 114 Charles 0t , E., Ingersoll, on Sunday, April 10, of John Staples, widower of the late Jean genual, dear father of Ken, Ingersoll; Mrs. Cros- by Cable ('Doris), rlrantford: dear bro- ther of Mrs.. Cora McTavish, Seaforth, Mise Leto, Stratford; in lice 76th year. Funeral held Tuesday, April 12, at 2 p.m. '%qv, Ralpb Xing 0 ftcfated. Interment 1n Ingersoll rural cemetery. A person can get Just as drunk on water as *I3 land. The ultimate camnquest of arth- ritis is the long -age objeetive of the Canadian Arthritis and Ahe'Unt- atiszll. Saelofp Council' Expects (Continued front Page 1,a ing statiell at James. and West William, pumping up to Godertch Street West, Clerk Wilson informed council of a conversation with the architects for the new Separate School, Their plans, he said. May include a pumping station at the school, pumping into the east alley sewer. They -felt this would cost little more than the laying of a weeping bed. Two readings were given to a by-law setting rates for .the new sewer. The by-law will now be for- warded to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval, prior to third reading. The rates, designed to cover 05. percent of the annual payment of the project, are for 100 per cent of the water rates, with a minimum of $15 per year. Frontage rates will be 40c per foot for residential, plus 25c per foot for business or homes occupied by more than one family. The balance of theay- ment will be met by general taxa- tion. Mayor Christie was instructed to proclaim April 24 to 30, Cham- ber of Cominerce Week. Councillor Turnbull felt the by- law, covering rates on the existing sewer, should be revised to make them the same as the new section. Correspondence included notice of the Huron' Municipal Officers' dinner meeting at the new Sea - forth Legion Hall on Wednesday, May 11. Tuckersmith township is host to the group, A letter -from the Seaforth Dis- trict High School board concerned a meeting Tuesday night, to con- sider inclusion of a cafeteria in plans for the addition. ' Dr. M. W. Stapleton, in cor- respondence to council, asked for restricted parking in the area near his office. He pointed out that the. same cars are parked there all day long. The matter was left in the hands of the street committee, to look into the complete . parking picture. A permit was granted to the Toronto -Dominion Bank for the building of a new branch at a cost of approximately $55,000. Request for a permit to erect a confectionery booth; 10'x8'x8',. at an approximate cost of ,$200, by H. W. Kendrick, was filed' until particulars about the building's lo- cation are obtained. Permission was granted to Cities Service Oil Company to attach a red plastic arrowto their existing sign. Councillor Brady suggested that an•application form should be pre- pared so that such matters are clearly laid out. At the same time, other councillors also .felt that council should immediately «adver- tise for a building inspector. The by-law, they felt, was adequate with only minor -changes. The sal- ary would' 'be based on a percent- age of the permit fee. Three readings were given to a by-law granting permission to hold a vote under the Liquor License Act. Following' a request by a depu- tation from the Seaforth Agricul- tural Society, a grant of $400 was made to that organization, The re- quest was made' by society presi- dent, R. E. McMillan, and Harvey Leslie. A motion expressing regret at the departure of Dr. E. A. Mc- Master from Seaforth, and recog- nizing the great public service he had given the town as a councillor and mayor, received unanimous approval from council. Live . pedestrians and successful men always think fast on their feet. JAMES PARK, Centre St., aeaforth, has been promoted to the rank of Sergeant. He -join- ed the RCAF in 1954 as a cook, and is presently employed as .an instructor at RCAF Station, Clinton, Ont. Perth Liberals (Continued from Page 1) months, he said. The provincial association is only as strong as the riding makes it, he said. Organization Important He said organization was impor- tant and must be kept up. More people must be interested in Lib- eralism. He pointed to the many new Canadians who should be tak- en into the Liberal party. - Bring the young Liberals into active executive . work, not leave them in their own little groups, he suggested, Make it a young man's party. Other officers named were:'Hon- orary presidents, James Neilson, Stratford, o d and Willoet Kelterborn, n r, Milverton; first v_iee-president, Al- astair McIntosh,- St. Marys;- sec- ond vice-president, Ross McTav- ish, Stratford; third vice-president, Alvin Robinson, of Gowanstown; fourth vice-president, Robert -.Moun- tain, Stratford; fifth vice-presi- dent, John Turner, Mitchell; sec- retary, Douglas Bell, Stratford; treasurer, James Erskine, Atwood. FUNERALS MRS. GORDONLOVE HENSAL1 — Mrs, Gordon Love passed away at her late residence, Richmond St. N., Hensall, on Mon- day, April 11, in her 69th year. The former Maud Mary Stelck, she was born in Hillsgreen, residing there all her life. She took up resi- dence in Hensall with her husband and daughter,. Dorothy, three years ago. She was a member of Hen- sall United Church. 'Surviving are her husband; one son, Clarence, of Wetaskiwin, Al- berta; two daughters, Mrs. Robert (Ellen) Graham, Weston, and Dor- othy at home. Resting at the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall for service on Thursday, April 14, at 2 p.m., with Rev. Currie Winlaw officiating. In- terment in •Baird's cemetery. A woman waiting at the door ready to go to the store had her arms full of coats'' and four little children at her side. Her husband, coming down the stairs, asked why she was stand- ing there. She replied, handing him the coats, "This time you put the children's coats on and I'll go honk the born.". HENSAL.L NEWS_ George E. Walker, has been ad -'-Monday evening in the United mitted to Victoria Hospital, Loh- Church, Hensall, had as their guest don, for further treatment in the speaker Mrs George C. Vais, min- interests of his health. ister of Carmel Church, who spoke Mrs. Alberta McBeath is a pat- on the theme; "The Place of Wo- ient in Scott Memorial Hospital, men in the Church," in which he Seaforth, in the interests of her stated, "in recent years the status health. . of women in the church has been Communion service will be held debated upon and discussed among in the United Church auditorium members of many leading denom- Good Friday at 7:30 p.m., and spe- inations. What kind of a church cial-Easter service will he. held would -our _ be if there were only Sunday morning, at -11 a.m. Rev. men in it, and no women at all? C.-Winlaw will deliver a special What kind of a church would ours Easter message. be if the women in it were sub - Suzanne Rannie, Ann Mickle, •ordinated to (nen? It was St. Paul Donna and Gail Richardson, Lois who said there is no distinction be - Simmons, Diane Dignan, Nancy tween male and female, because Kyle, Linda Mock, Joyce Flynn,' we,are all •she' in Christ. ,Men and Linda Lenaghan, Suzanne Kyle, women worked together in the first Ruth Cudmore, Pauline Bell and century to advance the Kingdom Deanne Forrest, girls from the of God in all the world. Who stood Sunday School . classes of Mrs. by our dying Saviour? Women. Robert Cook and Mrs. Walter Who announced the triumphant Spencer, of the'United-Church; will resurrection of our Lord? Wo - be taking part in "Story Time," men." the United Church TV program •' It would be a great thing, he from Wingham, Saturday, May 21, said, if all your endeavour as in - at 4;30 p.m. dividuals and as a group are Guide Corner mot- ivatedand by, and done in the spirit and because of the Easter message, (By Linda Noakes) namely, "He is risen." The Guides began their April 5 . The speaker was introduced by meeting with the opening exercis- Mrs. Robert Cook and thanked by es. The Trillium Patrol conducted Mrs. William Mickle, a game, after which the second- President Mrs. Hugh McEwen, class Guides learned new work, who presided,. welcomed the spe- Another game followed before the cial guests, the WMS and Arnold Guides had campfire. The meet- Circle of Carmel Church, the Guild ing closed with singing of "The of St. Paul's Anglican "Church, and Golden . Sun" and "Taps." the WMS of Hensel]. and Chisel - Hold Variety Concert hurst United Churches. One hun- Rural and urban folk gathered dred and twenty-five members and together to fill to capacity the On- guests enjoyed a most delightful tario Street Church auditorium evening. Friday night for the third annual The devotional, dealing with the variety concert, sponsored by Hur- last week of the life of Christ, was on District of Ontario Farmers' taken by Mrs. Robert Reaburn, Union. Five locals combined their assisted by Mrs. Jim Taylor and talents in the form -of vocal num- Mrs. C. Christie. An invitation to bers, Scotch dances, readings, step the annual birthday party of the and tap dancing and musical selec- WMS, April 29, was accepted. Mrs. tions, to provide a program of ex- Harvey Keys presented highlights cellent calibre, of the Presbyterial held in Sea - Stanley local assisted by Gode- forth. rich-. township, delighted the.audi- Program numbers included : encs with their Fashion Show, "a solos, "The Holy City," Mrs. Wm. collection -direct from Paris", The Fuss, accompanist, Mrs. J. C. god - models, who had been busy with dard' Mr, Robert Blundell "Softly needle and thread, as well as their and Tenderly," accompanist, Mrs. sense of humour and imagination, R. H. Middleton; piano duets, Mrs. modelled ensembles for all occa- Munn and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, skins, from theatre -going gowns to and Mrs. Alf. Ross and Mrs. Robt. a, "jump, suit", ideal for hoeing Kinsman. Mrs. McEwen and Mrs'." C. Win - law formed the reception commit- tee, and hotsesses were Mrs. Wa- ter Spencer and Mrs. R. J. Drys - Eve Atutlliary Meets dale, yvho decorated the. church Even t Aul ilialr'y, Meeting... sehoolrbom•;ill Art Easter Tient& beans. The committee responsible far the showheaded ppaa was h ad d bytCar l Dal- ton, Sea$Orth. low soul Ro toz 1 fl^^ TT TIL 0 en P3 x"17 XI rt v 2 _ z OftX ‘11111. 0 H XpM .ma 0 1 %0 N'1 0. IQ.. = m Pe fiNk Z o ow (n C SAN a-1 m dill. 1'17 o z tris Wil rS res,' Int Ri , = 1 X ,-2_•°_" C 1 1 0 Z III to mr rl+ m • /ra/ Z t? o Z a e y� •'P i'1 F