HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-04-08, Page 8• -- 8-01,g TIMM XP9SITOR, SEAFORITH, ONT., APRIL 8, 1960 NEWS Or BROMIAGN AREA PUPILS TAKE EXAMINATIONS IN READINESS FOR CONFIRMATON A'Class of seven girls and bey,s, had .PAlie examination of the eateemigal instruction they receiv- ed from pastor E. J. Fischer dur- ittg the fall and *inter ntanths, at t. Peter's Lutheran Church 'on Sunday morning. One boy, David PrieStap, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Priestap, was absent on account of illness. Other members of the class are: Cheryl Diane Wurdell, daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wurdell; "''Phyllis Louise Hinz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hinz; Diane Lynn Beuermann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beuermann; Carol Diane Mogk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ' Mogk; Sandra May Bennewies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bennewies, Jr.; Donald Harold Beuermann, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,George Beuermann; Harry John Dietz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dietz. Two bouquets of spring flowers were placed on the altar from the class. Next Sunday, April 10, they willj receive confirmation rites at the service beginning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Charles Ahrens, Mr. Don- aki Ahrens and Mr. Wilfred Ahrens DANCING Brodhagen and District Community Centre. FRIDAY, APRIL 8th _DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Admission 75c There will be no dance Good Friday DANCE APRIL 22: Desjardine's WOW! -- at -- GIN G ERI CH'S for this 196,0 - fully autombtic KELVINATOR with exclusive • Lint Filter • Multi - Cycle Washing Mod& KW 20 M Get the Facts • about KELVINATOR'S HEAVY-DUTY WASHING... Sortentle It Won TearA Paper Napkin!- . • Quality • Prices GINGERICH'S Sales & Service with Mr. George We-senberg, Brus- sels, recently. Mr, and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe in Kitchener recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz. Marcel Wolfe re- turned home, with them after a week's holidays here. Mrs. Kate Rug is now residing at the Riverside Rest Home, Mit- chell. Miss Beverley Sholdice took part in the MitchellFigure Skating Carnival on Saturday evening. She was also a contestant in the rural girls' vocal solo class, 10 years and under, at the Kiwanis Music Festival, Stratford, in which she stood fifth in a class of 15, with 81 marks. Miss Audrey Priestap was her accompanist. Baskets of flowers were in the chancel of St, Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday from the funeral of Mrs. Idora Diegel, also a chrys- anthemum plant in memory of Harry Beuermann, who passed away six years ago, April 3rd, placed by his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice received word of the death of their niece, Mrs, Kenneth Flem- ing (Ethel Mose), 40, Milverton. They attended the funeral on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herald and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connolly, Sebringville, with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe recently. A number from here attended the Mitchell Figure Skating Carni- val on Saturday evening. Stewards of the Christian Home met in the church basement last Tuesday evening. Mr. and -Mrs. Mervyn Hodgert, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hinz and Mrs. Ralph Hicks were in charge of devotions. The topic was, "Why. Denominations Differ,' or Do They?" after which a good discUSSiOn _followed. A shod business period was conducted by president Edgar Elligsen, and lunch was served by the same commit- tee. Mr. and Mrs, Lew Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks, Alvin and Sherry, in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Diegel will .receive confirmation rites at in Sebringville. Mrs. Mary Dittmer is confined to Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital. LIMITED Phone 585 : Seaforth Watch for the announcement of our 'HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW, in ZURICH, Thursday and Friday, April 21 - 22. EAST McKILLOP Mrs. WilliawKoeiller is able to be out again after being confined to hospital following an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Con Eckert, of Seaforth, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert, and also vis- ited Mrs. Charles Eggert at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock. Mr. Elmer Koehler returned home from Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Sunday, where he had been suffering from a pneumonia, attack. WINCHEI.SEA Mr. and Mrs. William Walters attended the 25th wedding anni- versary party for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle, held at Farquhar hall cln Saturday evening. Miss Kay Horne, of London, spent the weekend at her home. Mr. and_ Mrs. Elson Lynn and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner at Seb- ringville. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hern and family visited on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hern a.nd family; of Byron. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke visited on Sunday with Mrs. Gladys Atkinson, of Lucan. Mrs. Garnet Miners visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Johns, Elimville North. See ImproVernent Needed in Egg Marketing Set-oU Ontario egg producers should "walk on eggs" or tread lightly right now while they develop a marketing system for their pro- duct which will brin'g reasonable prices and stability to their indus- try. At least this was the thought underlying the speeches at the 10th annual meeting of the Poultry Pro- ducers' Association held in Toron- to. President Tom Robson, of Leam- ington, in. a review of the associa- tion activities to develop a mark- eting scheme in the past, caution- ed the delegates to move deliber- ately and carefully:on a marketing plan. "The promotion type of plan will not work because of legal tech- nicalities and the unfavorable re- sults of similar programs in Bri- tain bear this out," he said. "Ne- gotiating types of plans will not work because there is no way ne- gotiations can be held. Conse- quently, it appears that a semi - agency or complete agency type of marketing system.may be the An- §wer." He cited price cutting due to fierce competition in, present egg marketing as deplorable. "Egg graders are doing a big job for the poultry producers, but they must sell -under conditions which leave no security of price to them and to the producer," Mr. Robson stat- ed. He expressed confidence that a marketing plan could be, and would be, developed in the coming year. Everett M. Biggs, assistant de- puty Minister of Agriculture, mar- keting, promised full support of his department,to egg producers in the province, in his speech to dele- gates. He said that those market- ing organizations which met with great difficulties and in some cas- es failure, were a direct result of starting out with the idea of what Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Exposi- tor Classified Ad. Phone 141. EASTER DAN C -E- Logan Council Logan council held their regular meeting with all members pres- ent, Reeve Krauskopf presiding. Road account totalling $6,992.39 and general accounts amounting to $1,698.31 were ordered paid. The reports of the Regele and Logan Maitland Municipal Drains were read and provisionally adopt- ed. F. Adair Campbell & Son were p'resent and presented the municipal liability, workmen's compensation, -sPray and truck in- surance policies, explaining the coverage in each. Any member of council, ,the assessor and •clerk were authorized to attend the Dis- trict No. 4 • assessors' meeting, which will be held in Kincardine, Wednesday, April 6, with expenses paid. The Perth County Weed inspec- tor, Frank' Bell, addressed the council, asking that the township continue the weed spraying as in former years. The meeting ad- journed to meet again -Monday, May 2, at 7:30 p.m. Seaforth Legion Hall • (Main Street) • MONDAY, APRIL 18th IAN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Sponsored by Seaforth Junior Farmers Draw will be Made for a Wrist Watch and Gtft Certificate. 4~4/1••••••••••0./..4•1.•••••.0.../.... NOTICE! ROBERT'S HOUSE OF BEAUTY Open under New Management Now operated by: .GRACE MacPHERSON • Get Ready for Easter COME IN FOR YOUR SPRING HAIR STYLE • Make Your Appointment Early 'ROBERTS' HOUSE OF BEAUTY Phone 493 Seaforth the solution was rather than ac- cumulating and assessing all the known information and experienc- es and -building a sound marketing machine on this knowledge. He cautioned the egg producers to make themselves aware of all the known facts and their ramifica- tions before the final die is cast for the establishment of a par- keting program. Mr. Biggs announced that a spe- cial Egg Marketing Committee, chaired by Mr. Robson, had been set up by the Poultry Producers' Association and his department. The department will underwrite the cost of this committee in its study of egg marketing conditions and in its efforts to develop a sound egg marketing plan. Other members of the committee are Al- bert Pond, Jarvis, representing the - Poultry Industry Council; T. E. Brady, general manager of United Dairy and Poultry Co-operative, L. H. Gray, Ridgetown, in egg grading station operator, and Earl Haslett, farm economics branch of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture, acting as secretary, Mr. Biggs outlined the aims of the committee and suggested areas of research which it will undertake to study, in gathering information to develop a. sound marketing plan. Delegates tabled a resolution calling for provision in any mar- keting plan to be developed, of a clause which would allow an equal- ization fund to be established for producer subsidy of export eggs. Two resolutions dealing with sup- port price for the egg indirstry were lost; one resolution asked for all supports to be withdrawn from eggs, and the other asked that a support price be set on a per- centage of costs of production bas- is to protect producers in cases of emergency only. Delegates asked -the poultry, or- ganization to examine tariffs which form a part of the cost of produc- ing .poultry prothicts. Producers want these tariffs to be in line with the tariffs imposed on poul- try products • now entering the country. A resolution requesting that all containers of Ontario eggs be marked as Ontario -produced was carried. Other resolutions aimed at promoting the poultry orgdnization and its activities in the counties were passed also. Tom- .Robson was re-elected president of the poultry organiza- tion for the coming term. Vice- . C. OKE Insurance -- Real Estate Egmondville, Ont. P.O. Box 476 -- Seaforth Telephone 647 1 presidents Albert Pond, Jarvis, and Allan Wedow, Hanover, were also,,re-eleeted. Other directors re- turned to the board were Mrs. E. Macartney,- Ramsayville, and Gor- don Hunsberger, West Montrose, 'Stewart Stainton, Lindsay, waS elected, replacing Ron Brooks on board and Craig Hunter, $troud, was elected to fill the vacancy left by Bill West, Newmarket. OPENING FOR THE SEASON Thursday, April 14 BROWNIE'S RIVE -1N THEATRE Clinton, Ontario. SPECIAL OFFER $495. VALUE FOR ONLY $209. Visit our store and ask for free cou- pon worth $2.95 toward this hand' 60 -foot precisical steel measuring tape. STOP THAT NOISE.JOREVER! with a,Johns-Manville ACOUSTICAL CEILING Handsome JOhns-Manville ACtiUSTICAL CEILING PANELS soak up salmi. A beauti.• ful way to stop noise in children's rooms, dining areas. Cover up cracked or soiled ceilings with permanent glamor. Come in today and seeli for yourself ! • Do it yourself for as little as $35.00 • • per average ceiling. HOME RENEWAL HEADQUARTERS FOR JOHNS -MANVILLE 7-STARVALUE PRODUCTS SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 - Seaforth ova poi k AV WEDDINGS liTONIV-41LXX • Mrs, Charles tjy, Seaforth, and Mr. Geprge MQIU Goderich, were united in marriage in a quiet cere- mony Saturday at 2:30 p.m. The • dding was conducted by. Rev. Robert G. MacMillan in the chapel of Knox Presbyterian Minh, Goderich. Present at the ceremony were the immediate families. A dinner was held at 5 p.m. The couple will reside in Goderieh. History has •a way df repeating itself. But gossip has history beat to a frazzle. • Seaforth Agricultural Society FIELD, CROP COMPETITIONS featuring YORK BARLEY , ALSO COMPETITION IN OATS. Anyone growing registered or certified oats interested in entering competition, contact: HAROLD PRICE or ROBERT McMILLAN , IAPeilf.4,11,VOMetti :.1.1ete.i*Ao • . ,•• Biggest Price Cuts in Years ean extra savings for You - at Canada's Largest Tire Retaileri • BRAND NEW - ,FACTORY FRESH SUPER-LASTIO 670115 _Regular List6$15.45 With Class "A" Trade-in E Road Hazard INSURAs1Nei CE plus5-Year GUARANTEE SA:s:piLr Rtjr- sre • 600116 Regular List $15.45 EASY TERMS The best everyday value in town - even before the new price cut,. Now priced lcivver than national brand "Bargain -Built" lightweight tires - And Super-Lastic *Tyrex qualily can't be matched for bonus mileage and peak roadway -performance, unless you're willing to spend many, many more dol- lars per tire. Compare the savings on your size ! • Famous TYREX. cord construction - the • • Latest high -mileage, safety-kiped car menu. treads of Polymer Blended Jet Co miracle fibre specified by all leadingld facturers for 1960 original equipment- Rubber. •CertificatIon Mark of Tyrex Inc. for Viscose Tire yarn and cord. [ 61111/15450/14 III. 7youivi NEVER SEEN Rm. SO LOW New -car buyers willingly pay a premium for Nylon Tirnal equies as optional origipment. STIC COOL-RUNNINGSUPER,LANYLON gives you safety testedperformance- at deep -cut wholesale discounts. Speedway proved Nylon shrugs off Impact da. e; hazard. Sleek styl- ing; let cold rubber. Engineeredtread design gine gives added power to your enand to your brakes. .5 -YEAR GUARANTEE plus ROAD HAZARD INSURANCE. YOUR DISCOUNT PRICE* 670-15 710-15 760-15 11.95 12.95 013.95 75044 800-14 850-14 11.95 12.95 14.95 . •With Class "A" trade-in TUBELESS - only $2. extra WHITEWALLS - $3. extra NOTE - Add 50(i to tire prices for installation. • FREEi-HRAT,1 INSURANCE -Against blowouts, ac- cidents, glass cuts, stone cuts or other normal ha- zards which make a tire unfit for further service, Customer, pays only for service rendere.d. 5 -Year GUARANTEE • 'With Class "A" trade -In ruaeLess n d WHITEWALLS available in manv sze. Tubeless • 52-a•eXtra. WhItewalts,$3. extra. NOTE - Add 506 to tire prices for Installation. NEW MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH( -in safer tire construction!! • EXTRA BLOWOUT PROTECTION • EXTRA TRACTION • EXTRA MILES SUPER-LASTIC DELUXE DUPONT NYLON With SMICA,* NATURAL RUBBER *Super Abrasion' Resistant Carbon Alloys THE SAFEST TIRE ON EARTH Save on your size: mfrs.Wholesale SIZE Regular Discount List Price Savings. 670:15 710-15 760-15 800-15 750-14 800-14 850-14 900-14 28,50 32.50 35.50 38.05 28.50 32.50 3.5.50 oad Hazrd INSURANCE^ plus 5 -Year GUARANTEE 16.95 17.95 19.95 23.95 16.95 17.95 19.95 22.95 WtthClasd "A" trade-in TUBELESS - only $2. extra. WHITEWALLS - $3, extra. NOTE - Add 50d to tire prices for Installation SUPER-LASTIC 130 -LEVEL WITH SARCA* NATURAL RUBBER IS BETTER FOR YOUR KIND OF DRIVING - New Super Abrasion -Resistant Car- bon Alloys (SARCA*) compounded with Natural Rubber make a more rugged, longer wearing tire, to add thousands of EXTRA MILES of safe driving to -the proven superior qualities of Natural Tree Rainier. SARCA* with Natural Rubber, plus super • strength DUPONT NYLON combine to -Make SUPER-LAST1C 130 -Level the top performance, pre- mium tire. More "feel" at the wheel, greater grip on the GO,' positive power to STOP, more road -ability -at any speed. All yOtitS when you enjoy the naturally softer ride on the SAFEST TIRE ON EARTH. TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET • G. S. 8t, Y. SMItil Phone 792 -, Seaforth