HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-04-08, Page 61.44iON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORT•H, ONT., APRIL 8, 1960 USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Eventa 2 Lost, Strayed S. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Haaineas Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sala 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Ueed Cara For Sale 11. Articles For Sala ' 12. Wanted To Buy 18. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16.' For Sale or Rent 17 Wanted To Rent 18- Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Cards of Thanks 24. In Memoriam 25. Personale The cost is low.' Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12. 13. 15, 17 -minimum 2$ cents an insertiom.e'eA11 other claasi- ficatinns, minimum 50`centa per insertion, except Auction Sales t20), Tenders Want- ed (21) and Legul Notices (22), rates on application. 1. Coming Events HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Penny Sale will beheld in Box Furniture Store, April 29 to May 7. 1-07-2 AMATEUR and VARIETY 'Show. Un- ited Church hall, Clinton, Friday 'night. April 8, at 8:10 p,m, Admission 50e and 35c. 1-08-1 • WATCH for the announcement concern- ing the Drama Festival of the Huron, Middlesex, Bruce and Perth counties' Junior Farmers, 1-08-1 FIGHT CANCER --Join the Cancer Cru. sade in Huron by giving generously to the house-to-house campaign in Seaforth, Mc- Killop Tuck,rsmith, from April 18 to 23rd.- ... 1-07-3 2. Lost, Strayed LOST --Small brown dog, with black nose, 5 months old ; looks part collie. Answers to name. "Puddles". PHONE 473-M. Seaforth, 2-08-1 44. Help Wanted 11. Articles For Sale TIMOTHY SEED for sole. Apply LOU BOLTON, Phone 850 R 22, Seaforth. 11-U8x4 GARRY SEED OATS for sale. FRED HERBERT, RR 4, Mitchell, Phone Dublin 70 R 11. 8-07x3 QUANTITY of mixed hay, baled, Ap- ply HOWARD ALLAN, Brucefield, Phone 641 W 12., Seaforth. 11-08-1 ABOUT 10 -TON Rodney' Oats suitable for seed. SECORD McBRIEN, Phone 417-W, Seaforth, 11-08-1 ONTARIO ALFALFA and cora. tim- othy, ARTUR BOLTON, Phone 850E41. ' SeaSorth . 11-08-1 A GIRL'S BICYCLE with balloon tires, carrier and kiek stand. Price 615.00, PHONE 135..1, Seaforth. 11-08-1 TULIPS, Daffodils, Hyacinths and Sweet Peas. BAKER'S GRFF,NHOUSE, Your Garden Centre, Seaforth. 1-07x2 BOAT FOR SALE: 15' Peterborough Lakeside, in new condition, with home- made. trailer, J. C. CRICH, Seaforth„ 11-08-2 YORK BARLEY, cleaned and treated, grades no. 1 commercial, germination, 93'}. Apply to WM. P. LITTLE, RR 1 Seaforth Phone 840 R 11. 11-08x1 ONE GIRL'S blue shorty coat, size 12 and one girl's smoky pink shorty coat, size 16. PHONE 135.1, Seaforth. 11 08-1 A GOOD CCM Bicycle for sale. For further information phone MRS. JOHN IBOYD, .phone 848 R 6, 'Seaforth, 11-08-1 EAS.TER LILIES. tulips, daffodils and other potted plants, BAKER'S GREEN- HOUSE, Your Garden Centre, Seaforth, 11-08x2 YORK BARLEY, eligible for certifica- tion ; also Collie pups. HAROLD PRYCE RR 1, Seaforth, Phone 840 R 2 11-08a1 QUANTITY TY OF HERT A Iia rley, 'eom= mercial No. 1 seed, certificate No. 49- S990. KEN CARNOCHAN, Phone 665R32, Seaforth. ' - 8-07-2 REGISTEREDRY AROATS. Ges ea cl n and bagged and treated. Apply SPENCER JEFFERY, Staffa, 'Phone 11 11 10, Dub- lin, 11-07x3' GIRL'S SPRING COAT light blue size '12, in like new condition, • MRS. WM. ROGERSON, RR 3, Seaforth, tele- phone Clinton HU. 2-9245. ' 11-08-1 EXPERIENCED FARM help wanted, Apply BOX 908, The Huron Expositor, 4-08x1 EXPERIENCED OPERATOR for drain- age machine; 52.00 ,per hour; also two labourers. Work to commence in two weeka. WILLIAM G: CAMPBELL, Drainage Contractor, Phone 486, Sea. forth, 4-07-2 AVON Cosmetics has openings for ma- ture women to service excellent rural Avon territories. Pleasant, dignified work. No experience needed, we train you, For appointment write MISS MOSH- ER, Manager, PO Box' 86, Owen Sound, stating telephone number, 4-08-8 SUPPLEMENT • YOUR. I11NCOME Part time saleaman or saleslady re- quired by established concern ; good com- missions. Call.: CULLIGAN'S WATER CONDITIONING Goderich, phone JA. 4-9571 or apply to BOX 909 The Huron Expositor, Seaforth 4-08-2' TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY APPLICATIONS The Council of the Township of Stan- ley, will receive applications for a full- time Road Grader Operator, Salary to be at an hourly rate. Applications co be in writing and in the hands of the clerk Monday, 12 o'clock noon, April 18, 1960, JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk Varna, Ontario 4-08-2 APPLICATIONS Will be received by the undersigned •until 8 p.m.. Saturday. April 9, 1960 for ' the position of STEWARD -C ARETA KER at Branch 166 Canadian Legion Seaforth, Ontario Duties to commence Monday, April 18, 1960, Nature of duties to be performed and hours of work may be obtained from the undersigned. Applications are to be in writing and should ihdicate salary, re- quired. ' ARCHIE DOBSON, President PO Box 232, Seaforth • 4-07-2 5. Business Opportunities FOR LEASE --Mel Clarke'e Supertest location, large garage, stockroom, office and abowroom, Main street, Seaforth, im- mediate paeseSsioa, low rental. Apply to TED BLLIOTT, Box 296, Wingham, Ont. 6-08-4 8. ' Farm Stock For Sale HOLSTEIN HEIFER. to freshen in April. Apply JACK SINCLAIR, phone 661 11 44,• Seaforth. 8-08*1 18 PIGS, seven and eight weeks old. ...JOHN NiGH, phone 662 R 12, Seaforth. 8-08x1 ' 11 YEARLING Hereford cattle. Apply JOE MALONE, phone 64 R 8, Dublin, 8-08-1 10 WELL . BRED, vaccinated Holstein heifers, to dell within a month. Apply STANLEY JACKSON RR 2, Kippers: Phone Seaforth 672 R 6. 8-08-1 GOOD THICK Red Shorthorn bull of serviceable age, OLIVER ANDERSON. phone 756 W 3. Seaforth. - 8-08x1 SIX SPRINGING Heifers, 4 Durham and Holstein; 1 Hereford and Holstein and 1 Hereford. Apply MORLEY' STOR- EY, RR 2, Kippen, Phone 672 R. 8, Sea - forth. 8-07x2 10. Used Cars For Sale 1952 PONTIAC Panel. truck. 'BALD. WIN 1tARDWARB Phone 61. 10-07.2 1948 FORD ONE TON 'MICE In !rood cenditfon. Mantic KENNETH M 'RAE, - or Dublin •Etee4rlcl Dublin. 12-07x2 11.. Articles For Sale BOSTON )8tJ1LL bap d'ot' salt. Seaforth: l 1.OtrE 8-1 ALFALFA SEED, Ontario Grimm, 84% gemination and cotton. No. 1 grade.' ROBERT McMLLLAN, phone 844 R 4, Seaforth. • 11-08xI CASE 13RUN lift seed drill: one two - burner electric stove; one four -burner electric stove and one white enamel cook stove. ALEX MILLER, Staffa, phone 48 It 5, Dublin, 11-08-1 COMPLETE LINE of famous Ritten- house Door Chimes, sales, installation and service. Call today for free estimate. SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE, Phone 250, Seaforth. 11-08-tf MYERS OEEP'WELL jet pump, plus a 30 -gallon tank, controls, %-HP motor, and 65 feet twin-duit line, four months old. Apply KENNETH MacRAE of Dublin Electric, Dublin. 11-07x2 GIRL'S Fit style spring coat, light blue, size 10, also boy's two -pant suit, navy with white fleck, size 10. All in like new condition. See these at FLAN- NERY 'CLEANERS, Seaforth. 11-08x1 YORK BARLEY, No. 1 seed, power Cleaned, treated, bagged, '96.1 germina- tion. $1,90 bushel. R. S. McKER- CHER, Phone 849 R 41, Seaforth. 11-08-2 GOODISON THRESHING Machine, 23" cyl., 38" body,wfth Ebersol Shredder. Drive belt included . In perfect condi- tion. Also 22 feeder steers average 600 lb. Apply WILFRED IIUNKIN, Exete$. 11-08x1 FARM EQUIPMENT and grain; Shur - lin hydaulic Pump; 2 -furrow Ford Ferg- uson plow ; weed sprayer pump; upright piano; Rodney oats. and 500 bus. seed barley, CARL J. 'WALKER, RR 1, Crom- arty, Phone 12 R 13. Dublin.., 11-06-3 MAPLE SYRUP -EQUIPMENT; 3 fool by 12 foot Lightning evaporator; two 100-' gallon gathering tanks; 3 Supply tanks; spites and pails for about 900 trees. CARL .1. WALKER, RR 1. Cromarty, Phone 12 R 13, Dublin, 11-06-3 MAGIC MARKERS -Instant dry, wa- terproof: write on any surface; just pull off cap and Magic Marker is ready to use. Refills available. Nine colors ink.. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Phone 141, Seaforth 2.000 CEDAR POSTS, graded to size, 4" to 5" tot,: 5", to 6" top: 6" to 7" top: also anchor )costs and braces; barb wire, Paige wire; "steel. posts. • All at .reasonable prices. BORDEN BROWN. Constance, phone Seaforth 841 R 2. 11-08-tf YORK BARLEY, certificate No. 49- 0258. grown from reg. seed, $1.60 per hvshel. ' Garry oats, grown from reg, seed, 51.25 per hushes, Also- boy's bi- cycle. cheap. LEWIS P, COYNE, RR 5. Senforth, Phone 64 R 16. Dublin. 11-08x3 12. Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BTTY a used water pres- sure system in good condition. PHONE 135-1; Senforth. 12-08-1 SECOND-HAND stroller, Apply Ml7S,., HARRY NESBITT, Phone.866 R 14, Sea - forth, 18-OSx1 CAR WANTED--Seaforth resident will pay up to 6100 cash for 4 -door in fair condition. State make, _year andcondition in letter to BOX 907, The Huron Expos- itor. 11-08-1 HIGHEST CAAPI PRICES paid for sick. down and disabled farm animals. Prompt oolirteous collection of all dead and dis- abled farm animals and hides. Call coll- lect, ED ANDREWS, 851 R 11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 12-07-tf 13. Wanted A USED DOOR, size 6 feet 8 inches by 2 feet, 8 inches, with 12 or more panes of glean in It. PHONE Dublin 90 R 13, collect. 13-08-1 14. Property For Sale PLAN your home now; $50.00 down will buy you a lot 16 Seaforth or Harper - hey. Lots surveyed, Land sultable fel' V,L.A., projects. Terme to suit. CLAY- TON DENNIS. 14-07-t1 SIX -ROOM HOUSE, stoker fired forced air furnace, fait bathroom, pressure sys- tem, hot water, four Wilding iota, in Han purbey, where everyone wants to move to. See THOS. FOX, RR 2, Seaforth, Phone 951 R 41. 144184 Box Holders' Names Not Given Out It is not possible for us to divulge the Heine or ad- dress of any adverti§er.using a Huron Expositor 1 ox num- ber. Please do not ask us for this information. 14. Property For Sale TWO FARMS FOR SALE FOR PRICE OF ONE 1 PARCEL 1-100 acres grass land, lot 2. con, 5, Tuckersmith; water by wind- mill; will pasture about 30 head cattle; about 40 acres could be cultivated. PARCEL 2-100 acres ("Auchenhay"), the farm of the late Wm. Sproat. lot 6, con. 4, Tuckersmith. A very choice loca- tion. A large white brick house, slate roof, water pressure, situated near bank oI Bayfield river, a lovely setting. Bus runs past gate; close to school, churches town and highway. A new barn, built two years agp, also a silo, double garage, implement buildings; about twenty acres of young bush with a lot of oak trees; good pasture or crop land. These farms will be sold together, about one mile apart, or can be bought separate if you wish. See: RUSSELL, H, SPROAT High Street, Seaforth Phone 7424 14-07-2 15. Property For Reit HEATED ONE - BEDROOM apartment for rent. East end. DR, E.- A. Mc - MASTER, Phone 26, Seaforth. 15-07-tf ONE -BEDROOM APARTMENT, un- heated. Apply DR, E. A. MOMASTER, Seaforth. 15.07-2 • APARTMENT for rent, Apply MRS. MARIE HICKEY, phone 66-J, Seaforth, 15-08-1 45 ACRES pasture to rent, lots of eater, B. WESTERVELD, Phone 852 R 24, Seaforth, 15-08x1 FRONT APARTMENT for rent, 3 rooms "and bath. Apply UNITED DAIRY and POULTRY•-- CO-OP,.-. Seaforth Branch, Phone 13, 15-08-16 17. Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT. a 2- or 3 -bedroom hoose, Apply to BOX 910, The Huron Expositor. 17.08x1 19. 'Notices MONEY TO ROAN -Buying •a car? Farm Machinery?' /See us for the money required. All loans carry life insurance, E. H, "Shorty" MUNROE. 19-07-1f SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED - modern equipment. quick service. all work emends - teed. Write or Phone LOUIS BLAKE, Phone 4.2 R 6, RR 2, Brussels. 19-01:16 BICYCLE REPAIRS -CCM parts . and accessories, carriage and tricycle wheels retired. CHARLES PINDER, Seaforth, 19-08x2 GUARANTEED RADIO and_TV repairs' and small electrical appliance repairs. Fats. service. SCOTT RADIO and TV SERVICE. East William Street, Phone 250,. Seaforth. 19 -07 -ti REVITALIZED cleaning 'at Buchanan Cleaners, Mount Forest. More spots and stains removed. Gannets stay clean long- er, wear "longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERVICE,. Phone 247 for pick-up. 19-07rtf MOTORS AND PORTABLE.power tools rewound and repaired. Parte for all popular makes. Rebuilt motors for sale. New Leland and Wagner motors avail- able on abort notice. ART LEVETT, 139 Erie Street, Clinton. Phone HU. 2-6640. 19-07-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Div Cleaning Ser- vice. WEBB'S /BILLIARDS, Sead'orth, agent for Brady Cleaners, & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. I9-07-tf DRAIN TILE -4", 8d5 per M, ' del'd ; 5", 585 per M, del'd; 6", 9110 per M, del'd;8 ,.$175 per M. dei'd. Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on request. RYDALL BRICK & TILE LTD., Elginfield, Phone BAldwin 7-4721e Lucan. 19-98-51 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Tuckersmith Township Municipal Dump will be open from 1 p,m. "to' 6 P.m. on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons until further notice, 'CORA CHESNEY Clerk, Tuckersmith 19-08-tf ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest cash prices paid in sure:minding district for dead, old, ,elck or disabled hors- es and cattle. Horses at 5c pound. For the fastest and Peeper removal of all ant. male, day or night. Call Long Distance and ask fpr ATWOOD, ZENITH 3-4900 (No toll charge) 19-96-26 • WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle. Farmer Owned and Controlled. Call un between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m•rr weekdays, arid 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. 8at- isOday evenings at Clinton. HU 2-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 19-07-tf FINANCING A NEW CAR ? Either new or used, our rates are LOWEST in the car finance field. W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 384, Residence 540 Main Street, Seaforth 10-07.14 20. Auction Sales" CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Mach- inery and Household Effecta at ..jot 23, con, 2, Stanley 4'wp„ 14a west and 2 miles north of Brucefield on WEDNES- DAY, APRIL 18th, at 1 p.m. MACHINERX,.,.-- Massey $arris-10efogot No, 26 combine; Avis Chalmers tractor, WO 46; bean puller attachments Massey Harris 13-diso drill; 82 -plate double disc ; 8 -ft, spring -tooth cultivator; single -row acuffler; 3 -section drag harrows; 9 foot steel roller ; 3 -furrow tractor plow; walk- ing plow; pick plow; Massey Harris 6eft. mower; Massey Harris side rake; dump rake; manure spreader; wagon, buggy; bob sleighs; cutter; root pulper;. fanning mill; DeLaval cream, separator; circular saw ; sap pans; buckets; spites; barrels: hay fork cae and ropes'; hand -•grass seed- er, •..,..... HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Square piano bedroom furniture; cradle; crib; high chair. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS -Cash, JOHN A. McEWAN, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 20-07-2 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Household Effects in the town of Seaforth, Godericb Street East, on SATURDAY, APRIL 16, at 1 P.m. Antique what -not: mirror; mahogany 2 solid mahogany chairs; maple bedroom suite with double bed; maple bedroom suite, single bed; Westinghouse electric dish washer; Easy electric washing mach- ine+•. maple arm chair: Indian drugget rug; mahogany table and cabinet; love seat; mirror, prayer chair; 2 bedroom chairs; mahogany Pedereal , grandfather's clock : electric lamps ; fireplace bench; yellow upholstered chair; records: ping gong table; complete trunks; 35 MM pro- jector; china; ornaments; kitchen utensils; silverware; lawn furniture; carpenter tools ; wheel barrow; 40 ft.' extension ladder; plants; ferns; 3 HP garden trac- tor with cultivator, disc and plow; roto- tiller ; 21" riding mower, new ;.Lawn boy power mowers; sandere ; drill 'press; band sae,: joint planer; bench saw ; Gop bed wood lathe complete; and tool rest; tilt Ardox bench saw. TERMS: Cash. - DR, E. A,, MCMASTER, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer • 20-08-2 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Poul - fry and Household Effecta, at lot 21, con. 2, Tuckersmith Twp., LRS, 1% miles north and Ite miles east of Kippen, on TUESDAY, APRIL 12, at 1 p,m. MACHINERY -60 Oliver Standard trac- tor with • acuffler, 'in good condition ;;2 - furrow tractor plow; spring -tooth cultiva- tor, 3 -section drag barrows; 2 Diesel trac- tor disc; 4 -section diamond harrows, new; 8 -ft. cultipacker; fertilizer drill; Allis Chalmers power take -off side rake; hay loader; 2,000 lbs, scales; fanning...mill; wheelbarrow ; lumber; planks: 'poste; ' 2 - wheel trailer; acuffler; harness; rubber - tired wagon; 16400t oombination grain and hay rack; pine feed box; forks; shov- els; chains; quantity wood; small syrup evaporator; 600 foot snow fence and steel pbsts; lawn roller. POULTRY -250 laying hens; chicken crates:• shelters; colony house and equip- ment. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - All White enamel cook stove, like new;, small size upright piano, walnut finish; drop -head Singer sewing machine, like new; exten- sion table; , 2 bedroom suites, mattresses and springs; child's cot f Coleman gas stove; kitchen chairp; ,rocking chairs; occasional chairs; small tables; sealers; crocks; quantity of dishes. 'Other articles too numerous to mention, No Reserve. Parra sold. TERMS -Cash. EMMERSON SMITH, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-07-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE ' Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery and Housebold Effects at lot 22, con, • 1, East Wawanoah twp„ 11 miles East of Auburn, on County Road/ -MONDAY, APRIL 11, at 1 p,m. CATTLE -12 Holstein cows, fresh or due td freshen time of sale: 8 Holstein cows, milking and rebred ; Jerseyheifer, dee "'le'May; 2 Holstein heifers; 6 Here. ford salves, three Months old; 10 .You -ng Hereford _calves; Hereford bull, 2 years old.. PIGS -2 Landrace sows, with pigs at foot; 8 York sows, due in April and May; 1 York hog;, 10 York chunks. HAY and GRAIN also a full line of farm machinery including American 2 - unit stainless steel milking machine; 7 -ft. Massey Harrill binder, like new; Nen Idea aide rake; New Idea hay loader; 10 inch McCormick Deering hammermill, like new;" electric McCormick cream aepare: ,or; 15 8 -gallon milk cane; New Idea manure spreader on rubber; McCormick Deering corn- shelter; 15 cord dry Maple wood, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-Westinghouae Refrigerator; 4burner electric stove; Beatty washing machine. Other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve. Faun sold, TERMS --Cash, IVAN BEAN, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 20-08-1 22. Legal Notices NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of AGNES ELIZABETH BCAT'r All persona having Claims against the Estate of Agnes Elizabeth Scott, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died an or about the Sth day of December, 1950, are -herebj• notHied to send In full partfeb- Jars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 22nd day of April, 1980, after which date the asset; will he distrib- uted, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at We111nd, this 28th day of March, 1960. DONALD H. SCOTT Crown Attorney's Office Court House, Welland, Ontario Exe titor of the Estate 22-07.4t Sell that unnecessary piece of furnfture through a Huron Exposi- tor xpos;for Classified Ad. Phone 141. ' 22. Legal Notices NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN BEATTIE All persona having claims against the Estate of John Beattie, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County bf Huron, Re- tired Merchant, deceased. who died on the 28th day of January 1960, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of April, 1960, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ibis 22nd day of March, 1060. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Exegntorr 22-06-8 23. Cards of Thanks MRS. HENRY HOGGARTH would like to express her thanks for all the kind remembrances which she received On the occasion of her 92nd birthday. 23-08x1 JOHN and FRED GLANVILLE and families wish to express their thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours who sent floral tributes, messages of sympathy and other acts of kindness during their recent sad bereavement, 23-08x2 TO ALL WHO SO KINDLY remember - id me with visits, cards, treats, and flbw- ers while I was in the hospital and since my return home my sincere thanks. A special thanks to Or. John Gorwill and the nursing staff. 23-08x1 MARILYN HODGERT I WOULD LIKE TO express my thanks to the many relatives and friends who sent flowers and cards. -My appreciation to the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth; also to Dr. John Gor- will and to Rev. Dr. D. MacKenzie, pall - hearers and R. S. Box Funeral Home dur- ing my recent bereavement. x8 -0R-1 MISS MARGARET McQUEEN The family of the late ;Robert B. Scott wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation' to relatives; neighbours and friends for the many acts of 'kindness, treats, cards, flowers and messages of sympathy during his illness and our recent bereavement of a beloved husband and father, "Special thanks to Rev. D. Les- lie Elder and Mrs. Elder, Dr. John A. Gorwill, the staff of Scott Memorial Hos- pital.and the Whitney ,Funeral Home, 23-08x1 24. - In Memoriam BROADFOOT-In loving memory of our father William ,S. Broadfoot; who passed away one year ago, Apr. 2. Sadly miss- ed and ever remembered by the family. 24-08-1 KERR-In loving memory of our sis- ter, Norine Kerr, who passed away one year ago, April 12. Lovingly remember- ed and sadly missed by Marion and Louis Bolton. 24-08-1 KERR-In loving Memory of our dear daughter, Mob .„Alex . Ker±, Norine, who passed away one year ago as of this April 12. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by Mother and Dad Little. 24-08x1 KERR-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Norine Isabel Kerr, who passed away one year ago, April 12. Not a day do we forget you, In our hearts you area. always near. We who loved you sadly miss you, As it dawns another year. -Fondly, remembered by husband, sons and daughters. 24-08x•1 DALEY-In loving memory of John E. Daley, -who passed away 10 years ago, April 3, 1960. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear; Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps biro near. -Fondly remembered by his wife, Edith Daley, 24-08x1. HUGILL-In loving memory of a dear `father, James J. Hugill, who passed a. way April 28, 1954, and a dear mother Mrs. J, J. Hugill, who passed away March 29, 1956. t" nor homes they ,are fondly remembered, Sweet memories cling to their names; Those who loved them in life sincerely Still love them in death just the same. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by Joe and Ruth. 24.08-1 26. Births DIECEL-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 2, .to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Die. gel, RR 4, Mitchell, a son. DRAGER--At Scott Memorial , Hospital, on April 3, to Mr. and. Mrs, 'Wilfred Drager, RR 5, Seaforth, a daughter. DEVEREATJX-At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on April 4, to ' Mr. and Mrs. :dines Devereaux, RR 4, Seaforth, a son. FINNIGAN - Mr. arid Mrs. W. H. "Buzz" Finnigan are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, E9'ln Jane, a sister for Nell MacKay,. on Abril 4, at Victoria Hospital, London. WALLACE-At Scott Memorial 'Hospital, on April 5, to Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Wallace, RR 4, Seaforth, a son. MESSAGE FROM 'BARN DECORATOR DRIVES HOME ADVERTISING VALUE ° (By Harry J. Boyle in the Kincardine News) I guess every community has a couple like Oscar and Ethel. First of all, Oscar inherited a good farm and some mortgages on three oth- er good farms in the township. This was a nice nest egg and Oscar who had never seemed to care much about money as a younger man, suddenly became money con.* scions. He was 'so conscious of money, or at least some people say so, that he jilted Judy Murphy, whose father was a tenant farmer and he married Ethel Hendrix. Ethel was no world' beater for looks, but she had inherited $10,000 from her grandfather, and being an only child she was due to get a good., 150 acres and some mortgages from her parents. They suited each other. The day they gat married they had dinner at the Commercial Hotel in town and they didn't even invite the best man and the bridesmaid. That night they drove back to his farm. Their frivolous spending of money on hotel meals was over. Now there's no possible reason for anybody to complain about people who are careful ,about their money. In case of Oscar and Ethel, people just wished they would be, as close with their ad- vice as they were with the money. Oscar came over the day we bought our first Model T, and by the time he left he had the whole family convinced,' as my father said, that we were "going to hell in a flivver with a atop at the poor house." At the school board' meeting, Oscar would lead off with a diatribe about the unfairness of his paying taxes when he didntt have any children. Ethel would then give a lecture on how badly the school •teacher --•was-. -handling -the.. children. She even had the nerve one time at Women's Institute meeting to give a lecture on the care and feeding of babies. Ethel had a preoccupation about babies. Oscar also had a great tine lecturing fathers on how they should bring up their boys to re- spect money, their elders and the 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price fiat. 6 eampples 25c; 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail- Order Dept, T -78, NOVA - RUBBER CO. Box. 91, Hamilton, local' minister. As it was, the two clergymen, Catholic and Protest- ant, were young men who liked to play ball or hockey, and they of- ten organized games. Oscar was prone'to give the impression that the boys were to blame for some - (Continued on' Page 12) Euchre Winners The Order of th Eastern Star held a successful eU.ehrt,' last Thursday. Winters were: ladies, first Mrs, M. E, Clarke; lone hands, Mrs. James Doig; consola- tion, Mrs. Annie McNichol; mien, first, Charles Reeves; lone hands, Albert O'Reilly; consolation, M. E. Clarke. The euchre was held in the Odd - fellows' Hall. NEW SPRING Li -NES, -- Biggest order yet -- Complete your New Easter Outft AT WILLIS' SHOE STORE Since 1862 SE.AFORTH ONTARIO FREE BA CAR WAX - WASH With Every Oil Change - and Lubrication AT KENDRICK'S B -A For , , . Friendly - Efficient • - Service FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY- -- Phone 306 --- "TERMS! SAFETY CHECKED! LOWEST PRICES! Huron County's Finest Used. Car Market OUR CARS ARE NOW UNDER COVER We have opened another Sales Shop for Used Cars are housed in 1959 CHEV. BISCAYNE SEDAN ,$22 5 O fully equipped ii..i�7 2-1959 CREV. BEL AIRS Automatic, fully equipped 2-1959 PONTIAC LAURENTIANS $2595 Automatic, fully equipped 19558 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF $2090 SEDAN +7 2•--1958 CHEV. STANDARD $, 095 $2495 SEDANS 1958 CHEVROLET SEDAN 8 Automatic, V-8 motor 1958 FORD FAIRLANE, 8 eylin- $2150 der, automatic, fully equipped $2150 TRUCKS Cars at the North End of the Village, and our this heated building. 1956 PONTIAC SEDAN 2-1955 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDANS -Radio 1954 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN automatic 1954 CHEV, SEDAN Radio $1395 $1195 $995 $795 VARIOUS 1954 CHEV. COACHES and SEDANS -from $650 to $895 A NUMBER OF OLDER MODELS .1957 CHEV. BEL AIR $1750 1750 Four -Door 1957 METEOR CUSTOM "300" - Radio, etc, 159 1956 FORD COACH '1195 q195 $135 ' 1955 INTERNATIONAL 3 -TON '" $1250 1956 CHEVROLET SEDAN *7/9STAKE, platform and racks .. A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars -Many other Models to choose from 8 -cylinder 2-1958 CHEVROLET 1/2 -TON PICKUPS - One • long box, one short box; $1495 fully equipped 2-1956 CHEV, 1/2-TON$1095 PICKUPS BRUSSELS „-MOT'ORS• BRUSSELS. , . ONTARIO PHONE 173 - "The Home of Better Used Cats" OPEN EVERY EVENING it CAN be ' licked with -YOUR help FIGHT CANCER IN HURON COUNTY Give generously to the Seaforth Branch, Tuckersmith and McKillop house-to-house campaign, April 18th' to 23rd INTERVIEW CAPTAINS: SEAFORTH-Mrs. Joseph McConnell, Harvey Mason, James • L. Slattery. HARPURHEY--Cyril 'Kirk , EGMONDVILLE--Norman MacLean McKILLOP-Robert E. McMillan, James McQuaid TUCKERSMITH-James Daig, Russell Dallas YOUR DONATION IS 'URG.ENTLY NEEDED S. A. MacDONALD J. W. TALBOT Campaign Chairman Branch President