The Huron Expositor, 1960-04-01, Page 9(Continued from Page 8) penditure; )d purchases $17,000,00 )d ---Farm 6,500:00 ysicians 2,600.00 dical supplies 4,000,00 thing 200.00 :ket Money 4,000.00 )acco 400.00 creation ,and entertain- oent 100.00 ler welfare if previsions, o.H.C: 900.00 nerals 500.00 usehold supplie's 2,000.00 rchase of furnishings 1,500.00 rchase of equipment 1,000.00 pairs:Equipment E ui ment 1400.00 pairs: Building 400,00 indry and cleaning sup-- el 4,000,00 ter 400,00 dro 3,000.00 ephone 800.00 rbage collection 60.00 ;fight 100.00 (vel 1,000.00 tionery, office supplies 775.00 )erirtendent's salary , 5,000.00 ff salaries 44;000.00 lit 425.00 Brest and exchange ,:,. 100.00 ,Sion ..._..... 800.00 urance - Workmen's :ompensation 1,200,00 icellan.eous 140.00 )up insurance 200.00 3pltal care 500.00 nmittee pay and con- tentions 3,000.00 $108,000.00 Schedule 10 -goration of the County of Huron Estimated Expenditure, 1960 ants: ;ducational $ 4,500.00 ,grit ultural 7,000.00 'atriotic .... 4,500.00 Tote:. 1. Specific amount of each .nt is shown on the grant sheet. forestation: rchase of trees (see rote 1) $ 1,000.00 press (see Note -1) 200.00 chine rental (see Note a) 400.00 nor (see Note 2) 900.00 rchase of property 2,000.00 rotal $ 4,500.00 rote: 1. Grant receivable from wince, $1,000.00. •.2. 50% of these lenses recoverable from local nicipalities. Schedule 12 gistry Office: ary (maintenance) $ 600.00 ephone 200.00 tionery and supplies 1,000.00 lities , 350.00 el • 350.00 urance (see Note 1) 200.00 uipment (see Note 1) 500.00 intenance (see Note 1) 4,800.00 notal ' $ 8,000.00 rote: 1. Items indicated above )roved by authority of Property nmittee' before purchasing. Schedule 13 Dual: inty History (see Note 3) $ 9,500,00 port (see Note 2) 12,000.00 .'otal $ 21,500.00 rotes: 1• Capital expenditure for ads shown under Road 'Expendi- es, Schedule 7. 2. Net amount, ,wn total purchase price $30,000 3 resale to Goderich Mfg. Co. of ,000, balance of. $12,000 -to be nsferred from Capital Account. ['his item subject to authority of toric Committee. Schedule 14 int to Huron County lealth Unit (see bud - et) ' $ 44,000.00 ron Co. health Unit -1960 Budget, venue; inky of Huron 44,000.00 wince of Ontario: 'egular • , 44,000.00 r,H,G, 0,300.00 'otal $ 97;300.00 penditure: d. Officer of Health $10,950,00 sistants 1,250.00 rses 33,000.00 aitary inspectors .., -12,250.00 rical 5,300.00 ;erinary 4,700,00 iers 1,800,00 Tetary*-Treasurer (Co) 900.00 and members 720.00 iployee benefits, 3,200,00 (vel: taff 11,000.00 :oard 500,00 'eterinary 2,000.40 iupment: iffice 300.00 'eterinary 100.00 terial: ffice . 1,400.00 ledical and nursing ..,, 800.00 nt 2,500.00 ephone700.00 press, postage .. 300.00 lit 200.00 urance 300.00 ;eellaneous 630.00 ncellaneous--vet. (meat • ispector, etc.) 2,500.00 'otaI $ 97,300.00 Schedule- 15 seam: , ,..- ary $ .800.00 ary, others 500.00 titles 300.00 tionery 175.00 Bl 125,00 res 50.00 Iding 2,000.00 gine 3,000.00 urance 175.00 'otal $ 7,125,00 Schedule 16 intt,to Co. Library $12,500.00 rary Co -operative -1960 Budget revue: ,vine of Ontario $ 5,100.00 tnty , 12,500.00 4,800.00 $ 22,400.00 lit 'ditures : $ 50.00 oks 6,850.00 mileage ,.., ,, 450.00 nmittee payroll -i350.00 iipment ............ ......... 250.00 yup insurance 100,00 pita( care ... ........ 50,60 irate() 71:00 Library supplies Miscellaneous• . r Office supplies Pension Periodicals Postage, etc. Rebinding Rent: Garage Office Salaries: Librarian Assistant Clerk Telephone Travelling expenses Truck maintenance Unemployment insurance Workmen's Compensation 500.00 250.00 75.00 385.00 50.00 250.00 350,00 120.00 600.00 4,750.00 3,100.00" 1,900.00 150.00 000.00 720.00 25.00 100.00 • $ 22,400.00 COUNTY ROAD COMMITTEE A by-law has been, prepared which will provide sick -leave bene- fits for•Huron County Highways De- partment employees • identical to allose already being received by the remainder of Huron County employees. We recommend that this by-law be approved, Since the grelter percentage of employees of the county are road employees, and since we have sev- eral employees with more than 30 years' service, we telt that ' the clause which made the sick -leave benefits retroactive to commence- ment of employment was rather liberal. It would cost the county in the neighborhood_ of $20,000.00 -to do this. We do feel, however, that the benefits should be retroactive for a certain period of time and de- cided that. 10 years would be a reasonable period. We ,also feel that it would not be fair to the Highways Department employees to have benefits that were not eq- ual to those being received by the remainder of County of Huron em- ployees, and would suggest that the original by-law be amended to in- clude this 10 -year retoractive clause. If council does not see fit to amend this clause in the orig- inal bylaw we will have" no, alterna- tive but, to have these benefit sr e- troactive to commencement of em- ployment for' highways employees and absorb the cost as mentioned above. The •by-law providing for sick -leave benefits for highways employees must be approved by the Municipal Branch of the De- partment of .Highways and there is some question as to whether they would approve a by-law which con- tained a clause which made sick - leave benefits retroactive from commencement of employment. If this department refuses to accept this retrocative clause •it would be necessary for the county to pay 100 Per cent of the sick -leave bene- fits for the retrocative period, The Department of Highways will, how- ever, subsidize sick -leave benefits for any reasonable ,retroactive per- iod and will' subsidize at the rate of 50.per cent any future sick -leave credits. ► A by-law has been prepared in- creasing the,,Engineer's salary by. $250.00 per year, We recommend that this by-law be approved, At the 'January session of County Council the Road Committee was requested to 'study the question of - rebates to urban municipalities. We recommend that the,grant to urban municipalities under Sections 55 and 56, The Highways Improve- ment Act, R.S.O., 1957, be increas- ed from 40% to 45%, A by-law has been prepared ex- propriating certain lands in the Township of McKillop, from Lot 25, Concession 4, in the Township of McKillop: This is the land required to construct the new 'bridge ap- proaches for the proposed new bridge north of Seaforth, We re- -commend that this by-Iaw be ap- proved. A by-law was passed approxi- mately a year ago which made it illegal for Huron County employees. to become unionized. At that -time the Road Committee suggested,„fit the Huron County Highways- partment employees that they form their own employees' ass¢'cia- tion and suggested that they meet with the' Road Committee to dis- cuss any grievances which they might have. 'Subsequently in Janu- ary 'of this year, representatives of the Duron County Employees' As- sociation met with the Road Com- mittee and requested that we: (1) provide for sick -leave benefits, and (2) increase the" hourly rate. Af- ter considerable discussion apd in- vestigation, the following hourly rates were sets For labor, $1.00- $1.20 per hour; truck driver, $1.30 per hour; machine operator, $1,.30- $1,40 per hour; skilled labor, $1.30• $1.40 per hour. Since all Court House employees received increases, in salary in January, and since we increased the hourly rate to Huron County employees by l0c per hour, it was felt that we should increase the foremen's rate. It was decided to increase the foremen's salary by $250.00 per year. Under the new schedule the foremen receive from $337.50 per month to $450.00 per month, depending on type of work and length of service. Your committee . was advised that the rates we have been pay- ing for rented. trucks for the past several years were note' below that being paid by other concerns doing similar work,ppd that we would have considerable difficulty in hir- ing enough trucks to carry out our construction work. It was there- fore decided 'to increase the rate being paid hired trucks in line with that being paid by others, the new rate being: 5 -yard truck, $4.00 per hour; 6 -yard truck, $4.50 per hour; 7 -yard truck, $5.00 per hour. This rate includes the driver who is not a Huron County employee, and therefore does not receive the 'fringe benefits reeeived by em- ployees. We recommend that the persons holding the following positions be appointed by the Magistrate as "Special Constables" for the pur- pose of enforcing the provisions of the Iiighvvay Traffic Act, and more partieularly that" section dealing with load limits and half loading restrictions: 2 maintenande 'fore - Men, 1 construetion , foreman, 1 bifid fllr h' nn, 1'"gefidrat'foi�emlirl,, 1 road superintendent. - George McCutcheon, Chairman. PROPERTY COMMITTEE The. Property Committee -met 'with representatives of the Frank Cowan Company in connection -with: County insurance following the sur- veys submitted in the year 1959. Your Property Committee re- 4ommend that the Court House, Registry Office, Jail, and the con- tents of these buildings be all in- sured on a, replacement cost basis as outlined in the survey of insur- ance: Property Buildings Contents Co Ho$775,000 art use $125,000 County Jail 110,000 • 4,000 Governor'g Resi- dence ,. ,,,, ,,. 26,000 Nil Registry Office 60,000 35,000 We recommend other insurance as follows: boiler insurance as out- lined in the survey, Courf-House, $100,000; County Jail, $50,000, a blanket bond -insurance of $25,000.00 on employees, plus $25,000,00 ex- cess on the Treasurer; burglary in- surance of $3,000.00; County Coun- cil and officials accident policy of $5,000.00; extra compensation cov- erage, non -automobile coverage, valuable papers coverage at $35,- 000.00 on the Registry Office and $5,000.00 on the Court House; and that weed spraying be added to the county policy. Several items have been author- ized for your committee such as follows:, Fi -extil)i uishers for both Jail and Registry Office; shelving for the County Library; typewriter, desk, chair, for the Sheriff's Of- fice; new•sink for the County Jail; and extra heating at the County Jail, Jail uniforms were purchas- ed from Pridham's Men's Wear, of Goderich; tenders were received from three Goderich • merchants and Pridham's was the lowest ten- der. the price being between $75 and $80 per .uniform. The work at the Registry Office is now underway and is being car- ried out by Mr, Henry T. Young. of Clinton.' Mr: Young's tender of $2,915.56 was accepted for the work plus 35c per square foot if any of the old cement had to be removed. This price will be subject to slight variation due ' to existing condi- tions. The committee recommended certain changes in the office ac- commodation in the third floor; that Magistrate Glen Hays be giv- en larger quarters, and that the Family Court room be incorporat- ed into one of the jury rooms,,, at the rear of the court room. The committee recommend that a paint program be commenced in the Court House and that approxi- mately $1,00p.00 per year be spent until the work has been completed. The work will be under the direc- tion of Mr. James Sheardown. We recommend that the Cana- dian Arxny Recruiting station be granted the use of one of the wit- ne'ss rooms each week for ,inter- viewing purpose. The same priv- ilege is' now extended to the. Air Force, and therefore we would ap- preciate council endorsing the said recommendation. The matter of County Insurance Commissions is, new under discus* sign by your committee and a re- port will be maide at a later date. -Art Gibson, Chairman. HISTORIC CQMM'EE 'S'oui historic Committee °n1et. with • representatives • from the Frank Cowan Insurance Company and recommend insurance cover- age on the Museum as follows: Buildings, $85.500, and content$, $32,500; this insures the ,building and contents on -a' replacement cost basis, the same as the rest of the county insurance. We recommend to county council that Mr. Neill be reimbursed in the amount of $3,000 to cover the cost of the GPR engine now at the Museum, • We recommend an expenditure of approximately $2,000 at the Mus- eum to cover the cost of complet- • ing the addition started in 1959. We would recommend that Mr. Harry McCreath be appointed as- sistant curator of the Museum at an honorarium of $100 per year. The matter of a proper approach to Dunlop's tomb when the new highway is completed is again un- der consideration by your Historic Committee, and some action is be- ing sought in connection with sa me. There is no further report at the present* time in connection with the History of Huron County being prepared by Professor Scott. -...Dan Beuermann, Chairman. FINANCE COMMITTEE We would recommend that the Clerk -Treasurer's report and esti- mates for the year 1960, as out- lined . in Report No. 18, 1960, be accepted. and 'the mill rate estab- lished at 6,9 mills for general pur- poses and 7.0 mills for highway purposes. We would recommend that the following' changes be made in the county salary schedule: • 1. County' Librarian' annual in- crease changed .from $100.00 per annum to $250.00 per. annum. 2. The maximum salary of the Local Director of the Children's Aid Society be set at $7,000.00. - Ralph Jewell, Chairman. AGRICULTURAL AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE Your Agricultural Committee held a meeting with representa- tives. from the -Junior .Farmers in connection with their proposed sign program. Sometime ago the Junior Farm- ers did undertake a program where they intended to place signs at suitable points on main highways within the county, particularly close to the county boundaries. However, due to Department of Highway regulations,the program was not carried out. Now, it is the wish of the Junior Farmers that we again attempt to organize the program' and, if possible, bring it to a satisfactory conclusion., The Agricultural Committee have made a grant of $50 towards the project and will await a further re- port from ,the Juniott Farmers when they have completed one sign end have said .sign .ereeted in aer' c¢rdaxee with Department of High- way regulations, If the 4progrrana proves to be satisfactory, we would recommend that an ,allocation .of $500.00 be made ,in 1.960 for . this Purpose. We would recoulmend to County Council that Mr„ Alex Chesney be again. engaged as County Weed Iiyspeetor, and .that his salary be increased from 90c to $1.00 per hour, plus 8c mileage, effective January 1, 1960; and that a by-law be prepared accordingly. Tenders are: being called fpr the supply of chemicals for the weed program for this year; however, these tenders are not due at the present time and therefore no re- port can be made at this session of county council -Valentine Beck- er, Chairman. AIRPORT COMMITTEE Your- Airport Committee have held two meetings slime the Janu- ary session of count ' council and have now completed arrangements with the Goderich Manufacturing Co. Ltd. for, the purchase of a cer- tain portion of Sky Harbour Air- port. • The Goderich Manufacturing Co. Ltd. are purchasing both the sec- ond hangar and the drill hall build- ing and also sufficient land around these two buildings necessary for their operations, The final price as agreed UPAn p1'eViously WAS 418,000,' Tho •gountY: ilaVe agreed to stip••. 'Jocelyn water to•the preseLt Aptleta'p', eonneetiole with this property, ;but' on the other :hand, the Goderich Manufacturing people have agreed. to pay 50 per cent of any mainten- ance costs involved in connection with the said water system, Goderich Manlifacturing CO. Ltd. have also agreed to allow boundary lights to be placed on their hangar as required by the Department of Transport. • Your committee recommend the following insurance coverage be placed on the remainder -Of the buildings now owned by the Coun- ty: No. 1 Hangar, $15,000.00; 8 -bay garage, $1,500.00; workshop, $2,- 500.00; dwelling, $5,000.00; admini- stration building, $3,000.00. Your committee are now con- tinuing negotiations with Mr. Keith Hopkinson °regarding the sale of the balance of the property. - Ralph Jewell, Chairman. , WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission Band will meet on Saturday, at 2 p.m. Beginning Sunday, April 3, Sun- day School at Winthrop will open at 12:45 p.m., with church service at 2:00 p.m. OUR WINNING NIT! --- AT • MACHAN HARDWARE Brussels -- Ont. Completely AeUTOMATIC 30 -INCH 'RANGES_ -.1_' $195.00 17 Cubic -Foot DELUXE FREEZERS only --- ALSO --- One Newt? y, FRIGIDAIRE CLOTHES DRYER (Extra Good Condition) $289.00' One Used 17" SPAR4TON TV - Table Model $174.50 , $85-00 *Uwe ea LTV Ci Much. To: ger,, t Baster I Beautiful selettion CO .41. 4T'W.RS add, PLAN WE DWVr> We suggest an :Baogr Tr?1F ippt Bouquet BAses, C.a?raatlgnn,; Muted Floofwers, or A;, fi.QV Corsage. J { STAFFEN.S • PLUMBING and HEATING Phone 49 ' Seaforth HEADQUARTERS for . . EASTER CARDS • EASTER CANDY AA Chocolate Novelties • and Figurines Smiles 'N Chuckles CHEREOS, Home,- Made CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES We invite you to ' check our-" RECORD BAR FOR THE NEWEST RECORDS LARONE'S Seaforth Sc To $1.00 Store STATIONERY , GIFTS SEAF0RTH - 10% DOWN 10% DOWN -- 10% DOWN 10% DOWN JUST -- 10% DOWN 10% DOWN 1 ■ 10%.,DOWN 10% DOWN - LAST WEEK WE SOLD '2 CARS IN LONDON. 5 CARS IN CLINTON 3 CARS .IN GODERICH 2 CARS IN GRAND BEND 4 CARS IN SEAFORTH 2 CARS IN WINGHAM 6 CARS IN ZURICH & EXETER 24 CAR TOTAL 3 ONLY 1O%DOWN NO RED TAPE We Guarantee You Will NOT Be Turned Away gecause of Price, Terms, Age or income ! qYear ..,.• Make 'Down Monthly 59 CHEV. BEL AIRE, radio, automatic 'DODGE MAYFAIR SEDAN ONE BUICK LESABRE HARDTOP. OWNER PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF SEDAN CARS PONTIAC STATION WAGON $239 $ 79 229 78 349 110 239 79 295 98 58 NEEW NASH METRO HAIIDTOP METEOR CUSTOMLINE PONTIAC PARISIENNE HARDTOP CHEV. AUTOMATIC 119 199 249 199 42 69 85 69 57 METEOR CUSTOM "300" 179 62 1 56 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 139 48 ALL BUICK ROADMASTER HARDTOP 239 83 G PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN HARDTOP 169 59 o A CHEVROLET two -DOOR 129 45 A R AUSTIN A50 SEDAN 119 41 A FORD STATION WAGON 169 59 ct N BUICK SPECIAL HARDTOP 179 62 eek T PONTIAC' HARDTOP 179 62 I E • BUICK CONVERTIBLE-, 239 83 D 55 C FORD TUDOR TOP PONTIAC HARDTOP • CHEVROLET SEDAN A PONTIAC SEDAN L CHEV, BEL AIRE oej FORD SEDAN -Automatic' ,t4E NASH SEDAN - iS ..-.v .. 99 139 119 79 139 119 79 36 48 41 34 48• 41 34 JACK'S BEST BUY' '55` Oldsmobile 88. With hydromatic, custom radio, power brakes, smart finish in cream, white and turquoise. CAN'T MISS AT $895.00 TOP THIS ? ? '56 MONARCH Richelieu Hardtop With Automatic, radio, whitewalls. In stylish black astd white. - FULL PRICE - JUST $1250.00 Year Make 54 PONTIAC COUPE METEOR "NIAGARA" OLDSMOBILE "88"., BUICK HAR1i1T P FORD CUS'I'OMLINE CHEV. DELUXE TWO-DOQR FORD STATION WAGON r3 CHEV. BEL AI.(E SEDAN PONTIAC . '.O DOOR HUDSON HORNET OLDSMOBILE "88" CHEVROLET HARDTOP H Down Monthly C $1'09 $ 39 99 41 109 39 109 39 99 41 59 27 119 41 37 27 30 37 - 30 89 59 69 89 89 CONSUL FOUi3-DOOR 29 19 TRUCKS -- TRUCKS -r TRUCKS3 Pearson Motors limited PONTIAC -- BUICK - VAUXHALL -- G11C TRUCKS and BEDFORD VANS ZURICH' " Huron County's Largest Car, Dealer " E X T.R , 1 -- 10% DOWN 10% DOWN ---- 10% DOWN 10% DOWN - -- 10% DOWN10% DOWN 10% DOWN' .•�-- - 1%o i1'