HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-03-11, Page 6K.ON EIcPQaU 'QR, SF,AVORTIL, ONT., MARCH u, 1960
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"Shure 'tis drawin' nigh to the
time for the wearin' o' the green,"
and Dublin is bringing out all its
green cloth in preparation for the
annual event. Thursday, March 17,
is Dublin's Day --the day when the
village honors St. Patrick.
However, Dublin will have its
Monster celebration on Saturday.
This yegr. will mark the fifth. an-
nual St. Patrick's party when Dub-
lin citizens travel to Toronto to
join with former Dublin citizens to
celebrate the • "Irish Day" -
Attendance results of previous
ventures, and -.current interest in
this year's event indicates another*
good turnout come next Saturday.
Committee members in charge of
the affair are: Jim Jordan, To-
ronto; Ed. Holland, Searboro;
Charlie Benn, Rexdale; Mrs. Nel-
lie Aykroyd, Toronto; Mrs•, „,Kay
Ryan, Kitchener ; and D a n
O'Rrourke, Gerald K. Holland and
Thomas G. Butters, Dublin. :.
An original idea of Dublin
descendents in Metropolitan Toron-
to ,the annual event attrapts about
200, with about 50 from the Dublin
area. The event is an informal
get-together, with little program
planned. It is a time for renew-
ing acquaintances.
Dublin- has claimed the Seven-
teenth of Ireland as its big day
in past year, and up until five
years ago had always celebrated
in Dublin. With the move towards
larger centres by many citizens,
the idea of an annual reunion•`
came about. This year's -event will
be held in the Forum Restaurant
in the Alderwood• Plaza, just out-
side Toronto.
Dublin is used to monster eele-
A social evening was held at the
home of Mr. Finlay McKercher on
Friday, with Mrs. Mac Scott in
charge. Miss Helen McKercher
showed pictures -and •gave --a-•talk
on her trip to England, Ireland and
Scotland, -which was very educa-
tional and interesting.
' Jean and Marguerite Scott sang,
"Open Up Your Heart," and'Mrs.
Gordan Papple gave a humorous
reading entitled, "Dorothy . Dumb
Shops For a Car." The evening
closed with lunch, and a Social
half-hour was spent.
The Legion Corner
Well, Comrades and friends, as
promised last week in this column,
I will give you the details of the
big hockey -night which Jack Eis-
ler, our . sports officer, has lined
top for Saturday night, March 19.
As we all know, the hockey season
is drawing to' a close and Jack
and his staff have a fine schedule
lined up for Parents' Night.
Now the plans 'for the playoffs
are to have the teams in each
group play two games each, goals
to count. The first games will be
played Saturday morning and the
finals Saturday, night, March 19.
The winners will be presented with
team -trophies after each game,
and individual trophies will be giv-
en to the players by the donors of
these beautiful prizes. ,No, moth-
ers, don't worry about your young
lad being away for a considerable
time without food.' The Ladies'
Auxiliary of the Legion are pre-
pared to feed all the players after
each gaine, with a good hot lunch.
Both of the Legion -sponsored
teams have had games out of town.
The Squirts have had -three trips
out of town and had a fine time.
They have made neer' friends at
each neighboring town. The Pee-
Wees have had eight games and
eight wins, so their spirits are
really -soaring and the morale is
The hockey kids are at present
selling tickets for the big night, so
don't forget to pick one up, and,
by the Way, the next time you are•
going, past Box Furniture Store,
take a moment and look over the
hockey trophies in the window. You
will see why there willbe so many
proud youngsters in the commun-
ity after March 19, when some of
them will be the recipients of
these prizes. So, parents, it's up
to all of us to turn out and give
these kids a cheer; they'll love it.
There is always something hap-
pening. Just before the sea•sfln's
end, Jack Eisler, Big Chief to the
kids, had an accident during a
game last Saturday morning, and
ended up with a broken ankle. Im-
agine that for luck! So Jack will
be conducting his coaching duties
from the players' bench for the
So glad to see Bob Smiih back
in our midst again. His .many
friends wish him a speedy and
complete recovery.
Until next week, a thought for
neer. Contrades: "At the going down
of the sun and in the morning, we
shall, remember them." Au revoir.
brations. One of the biggest took* -- - -,
place nearly 82 years agcy. 0,:
June 25, 1878, at a gala celebra-
tion, Dublin got its r:ew name.
Prior to that time the village was
known as Carronbrook. The
Change was made n hoar of
Joseph Kidd's birthplace in Ire-
land. At that time JLseph Kidd
and' Sons Salt Works were the
main induz try of the" village,
The streets were gaily decorat-
ed for Live occasion. In the pro-
cession Mrs. Will.am Carpenter,
riding is a decorated carriage,
with her:son, James, represented
the oldest inhabitants. In another
carriage, dr:;wn by four grey hors-
es, were nine little girls, dressed
in pure white, eight of whom re-
presented the Provinces of the
Dominion of Canada, and the other
the young "City of Dublin".
These were escorted by a mount-
ed guard, dressed in scarlet, with
drawn sword and lance. At the
entrance to"'the"picnic grounds the
Captain of the Guard, after de-
manding who sought admittance,
presented the key of Dublin to the
Fairy Queen, Miss Mary O'Con-
nell, who was crowned during the
ceremony, which followed.
The celebration lasted all day
and long into the night.
The St. Patrick's concert, put on
by the Dublin Separate School on
March 17, will be repeatedion Sun-
day • afternoon, March 20, at, 3•:00
p.m. in -,.St. Patrick's Hall.
Miss Mary Morrison, Kitchener,
with Mr. and Mrs. James Morri-
Misses Alice and Theresa Ryan,
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick.
Mr. and •Mrs. John Krauskopf
and children, of AIvinston, with
Mr. 'and Mrs. Dan Costello,
Mr. and -Mrs. Ftauk EV -ails and {
Mrs. Joe Melady in London.
Mrs. Joe Dill, Karen and Joanne
Stapleton in Kitchener and attend -i
ed the Ice Follies.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kroonen and
two sons, have returned from a
three months' visit to Holland.
They were accompanied back by
Mr. Kroonen's brother and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Griel Kroonen.
Miss Loreen Looby, London, with
Mrs. A. M. Looby.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson
and Mrs. Mary Krauskopf, Lon-
don, with Mr. and Mrs. J.' P.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ' Nagle,
Bobbie and Linda, of Stratford,
with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nagle.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Ken MacRae and
daughter at Parkhill. '
Mr. and Mrs. Joe'•Krauskopf and
family, of Forest, with Mrs. Nich-
olas Krauskopf.
Prayers were said Tuesday at
1:30 at Killingsworth Funeral
Home, London, for Lawrence J:
Marrinan, 11/2 -year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. James J. Marrinan, 121
Laurentian Drive, N., London.
Burial followed in Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel Cemetery.
The child Is survived by his par-
ents„ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph_ Connolly, Dublin, and Pat-
rick Marrinan, Clandeboye.
St. James' CWL
Plans Supper.'.
The monthly meeting of the
Catholic Women's League vvas
held in the school room. Rev. C:
E. Sullivan, spiritual director, op-
ened the meeting with prayer. The
-minutes of the last meeting were
read and officers gave • their re-
ports. Plans • were made to have
a pot -luck supper at the annual
meeting in April.
Rev. Sullivan read. a text from
the Bible and gave the explana-
tion of penance for Lent. The so-
cial ,part of the evening was in
Grandmother theme. Mrs. Jean
Fortune sang an Irish number, ac-
companied by,, Mrs. -Alice Stiles.
There Was group singing of Irish
Mrs. Ellen Bannon won the prize
for the grandmother -with the most
grandchildren,-- and Mrs. Lou Sills
a prize for the grandmother with
her birthday close to 17th March.
Kenny Devereaux and Mary Eck-
ert gave their public speaking sub-
jects. Angela Devereaux and Don-
na Reynolds danced.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Sam
Bates and Mrs. J. L. Slattery, as-
sisted by Mrs, L. Bedard and Mrs.
M. Elue. The meeting adjourned
and closed with prayer,'Ied by the
president, Mrs. John Maloney.
World Day of Prayer service
was held at St. Peter's 'Lutheran
Chureh, Brodhagen, on Friday af-
ternoon with ladies attending and
t:, part from First Lutheran
Church,;r Logan, and McKillop Unit-
•,! •tihren Church, along with
St.. Peter's, Brodhagen. The lead-
•rs were Mrs. Lew Hicks, Mrs.
George Mueller, Mrs. Ford Dicki-
•• n and Mrs. E. J. Fischer. Scrip-
• e reading was by Mrs. Carl Eis-
ler and Mrs. Alvin: Beuermann,
d prayers by Mrs. George Rock,
Mrs. Irvin Hillebrecht, Mrs. Rus-
sell Sholdice, Mrs. Arthur Nichol
and Mrs. August Ahrens.
Mrs, Ernest- Harley,,, of, Mitchell,
was the guest speaker,'outlining
four 'main points: We must be
praying women; we must be wor-
shipping women; we must be wit-
nessing women; we must be active
working women.
Mrs. Elmer Koehler, McKillop,
was the soloist. She sang, "How
Great Thou Art." Miss ,Audrey
Priestap, church organist; played
for the singing of the hymns and
accompanied • the • soloist. Mrs.
Manuel Beuermann and Mrs. Mar-
tin Dietz were ushers.
Will Make Layette
United Lutheran. Church Women
met in the church basement on
Wednesday afternoon with devo-
tions taken by Mrs. William Die -
gel, Mrs. Elizabeth Rock, Mrs.
Reuben Buuck and Mrs. Irvin Mil-
ler. The topic was, "My Lenten
Schedule.". Mrs. Irvin Miller read
several poems. A thank -you card
was read from Mr. and _Mrs,, Ed,-
Ahrens with a donation. It was
decided to give $10.00 to the Red
Cross. A layette is to be made
for Lutheran World Relief and us-
ed clothing and many other art:
icles to be collected for British
Guiana, Japan and Malaya. Birth-
days were reported by Mrs. Chris
Leonhardt and Mrs. Orland Rohrer.
Lunch was served by Mrs. E. 'J.
Fischer, Mrs. Lew Hicks, Mrs.
Dalton Hinz, Mrs. C. W. Leon-
lardt, Mrs. Harold Mogk and Mrs.
Irvin Miller.
The sympathy of the community
is extended to Mrs, Mary Dittmer
and Edward Prueter in the sudden
M„r•. and Mrs.. Alvin Williarns and
daughters, of Burford, 'and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Scott, Seaforth, with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon, Don-
na and Barry and Mr_ H. Gordon
visited on Sunday with Mrs. M.
Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Dal-
ton Malcolrh.
We are sorry to report Mr. Gor-
don Wells is a patient in Stratford
Hospital. -
Zion WA held a quilting in the
church on Tuesday with a pot-
luck dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malcolm and
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm vis-
ited Mrs. Alexia Malcolm in Avon
Crest Hospital on. Saturday.
A very enjoyable community
party was 'held Friday night at
the Orange Hall, with a good
crowd attending.
Here are two' recipes for supper
dishes, together with the recipe,for
tea biscuits called for in one of
them, which undoubtedly will prove
popular these winter evenings.
They're suggested by the Home
Economics Service of the Ontario
Department of Agriculture.
Italian Spaghetti
2 slices bacon
1 onion
2 stalks celery
1 clove garlic
4 oz. mushrooms
2 tbsp. cooking oil
I/2 Ib. ground beef
1 16 -oz. can tomato paste
4 cans water
Salt, pepper, cayenne
2 tbs. Parmesan cheese
Ground -cloves, nutmeg
1 bay leaf-
eaf8 oz. spaghetti, uncooked
1. Chop the first five ingredients
finely; brown in the oil until the
onion is tender and golden.
2 Add the ground beef, break up
with -fork; brown.
3. Add the tomato paste, plus
four cans of water.
4. Simmer two hours or until
sauce is thickened; add the sea-
sonings when partly cooked; taste
and season again before serving.
5. Cook the spaghetti according
to directions on package; arrange
spaghetti in casserole dish or on
individual plates; pour sauce over
At St. Patrick's Day,
amid all year
'round, visit_ . :
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mai iM 'lit
Fi{f?ollE'oil iimn tr A--% ti k'Edi .
death on Sunday morning cif their
brother, John -F. Prueter, also to
his aunt, Mrs., -Kate Bug, and oth-
er relatives:
Pupils of the school here par-
ticipated in the Mass choir of pub-
lic school pupils at Mitchell Unit-
ed Church, underthe direction of
the school music teacher, Mr. E.
on Sunday evening. Many
parents from here also attended.
On Friday afternoon pupils of S.
S. No. 6 and S.S. No, 8, McKillop,
and Brodhagen School held" a
..ockey game on the ice in the
sheds here.
Mrs. August Scherbarth under-
went an operation at Stratford
Hospital last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck,
Carl and Rose Eva visited Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Buuck in Milver-
ton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Tait and
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leeming, Wal-
ton, on. Sunday.
The- family of : Mr. and Mrs.
Frank 'Moore, R.R. 2, Dublin, plan-
ned a celebration for the on the
occasion of their 40th wedding an-
niversary, at the home :of their
daughter, Mrs. George Jarmutll,
and Mr. Jarmuth, on Monday eve-
Mr. Wayne Beuermann returned
to his job in London after being
in the hospital and at his home.
In the Garden
Are They Suitable For Canada
Anyone •who read the"`newspapers
last winter, or for that matter,
during the other seasons• of the
year too, knows that we have' our
own climate in Canada. Actually
we have several climates, ranging
from the balmy to the, shall we
say, brisk. For that reason the
flower and vegetable seeds that
we sow, the shrubs, and vines we
plant and even our trees must be
selected especially• to, grow well
under Canadian conditions.
Generally we must have vege-
tables and flowers that grow
quickly, come into. bloom or table
size away ahead of the early, frost.
And in nursery stock, too, !we
can't afford to plant namby-pamby
stuff that fears a bit of cold. But
there are compensations.' '
Nowhere in the world is the sun
warmer' or stronger than in Can-
ada . during the summer and as- a
result in ,the long hours of day-
light in June- and July growth is
far more rapid in northern Canada
than it is in. tropical Mexico. But
itis important that we plant things
that are especially designed for
the Canadian climate:- When one
selects seeds from a Canadian seed
catalogue, "one can be -sure that
that seed is suited to Canada, that
it has ' nen tes-ted under actual
Canadian conditions.
Plants Are Individualists
Plants, like people, are individu-
alists. Flowers and vegetables,
shrubs and vines, even the .grasses
have very real preferences when
it comes to soil, shade, moisture,
fertilizer, and such things that com-
bine to "make growth.
For steep, rather barren slopes,
for instance, there are a score of
special plants, mostly tiny, that
thrive in such a location. These
are listed in the seed .catalogue'
usually under, the general heading
of "Rock Garden" plants. They
need very little soil or moisture
and they will add color and cover
to any bit of steep ground.
Then there are other flowers
that actually prefer shade, things
like begonias, violets, pansies, lily
of the valley and so on. These are
just the right sort for planting on
the north side• of house or wall, or
other places where the ground is
heavily shaded. Here too is the
right place for the wild flower
garden. There' is '-eeVen special
grass for shady locations, ,
At the opposite end of the 'scale
are those flowers which will hoe
do well sinless they get lots of sun,
things like poppies, nasturtiums,
portulaca,• and many others. Most
of them are not very •particular
about soil•or moisture, but they do
love the hot sun.
Vegetables, too have preferenc-
es, especially when it . comes to
soil. But most of them, unlike
some of the 'special flowers, pre-
fer and need plenty of warm sun,
On most seed packets there are
notes about these special prefer-
ences. The smart gardener will
keep them in mind when he plans.
It is estimated that more -than 90
per cent of the work of the Cana-
dian Red Cross Society is done by
volunteer workers.
Bruceffeld firemen answered a
call Thursday morning to Varna,
when Mrs. Alfred Ings residence
Was completely destroyed by fire,
Mrs. A. McQueen suffered -a
week •spell on Wednesday and
was , regnoved to Scott Memorial
ii¢ pftal, SeaforW.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay, of
London, spent a few days with Mrs.
Stackhouse and Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Wilson, and attended the funeral
of Mr. McKay'saunt, Mrs. Robert
Smith, Seaforth.
Mrs. Elsie Forrest, London,
spent a few days last week at the
home of Mrs. A. McQueen.
,.Mrs. H. Berry spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. George Grif-
fith, Stratford.
Miss Gaye Elliott attended the
Ice Follies in Kitchener on Satur-
WA Meets
The 'Woman's Association held
their March meeting on Tuesday
afternoon with 29 attending. The.
meeting opened, with singing a
hymn. with Margaret McQueen at
the piano. Mrs. L. Eyre read„ the
Scripture from Corinthians. Mrs.
John Broadfoot, in the absence of
Mrs. Richardson, took as her topic,
"Living Epistles." Mrs. "Broadfoot
led in prayer..
The president, Mrs. W. Broad -
foot, took the chair. Mrs. D. Trieb-
ner gave the secretary's report.
The roll call was "a parable from
the Bible." Mrs. Taylor, gave the.
treasurer's report and the offer-
ing was received.
Thank,you cards were read froril
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson, Mrs.
W. H. Pepper, Mrs. B. Walters,
Mrs. George Armstrong, Mr. A.
Swan and the Robert Cooper fam-
ily. Mrs. Wilson reported for the
remodelling of the manse,i Mrs.
John Broadfoot for the church com-
mittee, and stated that, the tables
had been completed. She also re-
ported for the, visiting committee
for February. The ladies for visit-
ing in March are Mrs. Ross Scott
and Mrs: H. Taylor.
The devotional for April will be
taken by Miss E. Bowey and Mrs.
George Clifton, the roll call to be
azL Easter verse. Group No. IV
had charge of the lunch arid pro-
gram. Mrs. Douglas gave a
humorous reading, after which a
contest was conducted by Mrs. H.
Taylgr. Group I will have charge
of the April meeting,
Homely Woman: "Yes, it's real-
ly a very romantic. story. You see,
George finally narrowed his choice
down to the two of us. She was
beautiful, shapely, charming, and
witty—while about all I had was
a..soft heart and the ability to turn
out tempting dishes."
Friend: "Yes, yes, go' on. What
finally happened?"
Homely Woman: ,`What would
you expect to happen? He married'
her — and hired me to cook for
them." ..
...MECHANIC 0N' .DUTY,! .. .. -
See us for General Repairs
Bring your Tractor in for an Overhaul Now !
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JOE DILL — Proprietor since 1934
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t. Patrick'sD ry
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COOKER ... fngicpClndlve 'strut/IOW caoka kali* poultry or llve-
stook. ,Pipe, is thretldei and 10ekett in opentn `.Of dxatin .ba a not bfl !,**+hlideatektaid+t iAii10 M4 feS*WaitniglitittOtit, duiathipint
. *tomtit ice,.;
Tkiiu rsday
"May all of you enjoy
this Happy St. Patrick's
. o
Dublin' -- Ontario
Matt Murray Mrs. Catherine M. Feeney
President • - Seeretary-x'reasurer