HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-03-11, Page 2Since 1860 Serving the Community First
I1a1111 at ;SEAFORT'i1, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning by
McLEAN 13R0S., Publishers
Canada (in advance) $2.50 a Year
United States (in advance) $3.50 a Year
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
Member of
Canadian Weekly'
Seaforth Highlanders Need Help With Their Kilts
The Scotch are a hardy breed, ac-
eustomed to fending for themselves.
They will make -do for a long time
before asking for help, but when
they do seek aid it can be accepted
as a fact that the cause is a good
It is this racial characteristic—in-
herited perhaps from the organiza-
tion to which they belong—that has
caused the members of the Seaforth
Highlanders Band to defer until now
any mention of the difficutlies they
have been having with their kilts.
The trouble is, one of 'old age, the
Band reveals in an appeal made pub-
lic this week. The kilts, acquired
secondhand thirty-eight years ago,
can serve no longer and replacements
are necessary. The Band which does
• wonders with its annual grant from
the towns has nothing left over with
-which - to -renew its ,uniforms,- - and
-however mudh``it may dislike doing
so, has no recourse but to appeal to
the public for help. ,
The idea is that over -the next five
years through various means, a fund
Ontario Financial Wiza
can be created with which to buy new
kilts and tunics for the Band.
It is a pro.posal that should meet
with a ready response by the people
of the district. Few realize the con-
tribution which members of a band
make in time and effort to the end
that the organization can continue
to serve its community. The place
which a Band occupies in a town is
never fully realizeduntil, as has hap-
pened in so many centres, it has been
forced to give up through lack of •
While funds are being accumulat-
ed the Band will parade inordinary
dark pants. If anything is needed to
spur the town to action, it is this.
Who ever heard of a Highland Band
parading in'pants? The only way we
can avoid becoming the laughing
stock of every place that appreciates
the value of a good band—particular-
1y a Highland Band with the .tradi-
tions of the Seaforth Highlanders-
- -' is to co-operate promptly and gener-
ously, so that our bandsmen can get
out of pants and into kilts, where
they belong.
rdr"y i`s Wearing • Thin
than one billion dollars. If we can't
balance the budget in these affluent
years, when, will someone answer, do
we begin?"
"Where does it stop?" the Journal
continues. "Perhaps it is old fash-
ioned even to ask that question now.
The economists can "give' --'plausible
justification for this fiscal legerde-
main. Capital debt, indeed, is not ev-
en called debt. It is called, in more
than one place in this budget, `On-
tario's investment in physical assets
and human betterment.'
"We are all Tor physical assets and
human betterment. 'But we think too
that in prosperity we mighkdo a bet-
ter job of paying as we go,\perhaps
evenpayina little for those past
years when times were not so good."
Premier Frost, of course, justifies
his deficit financing . by suggesting
that Ontario can expect additional
amounts from the Federal Govern-
ment, which Prime Minister Diefen-
baker promised, and, that when these.
are received everything will. be all
right. However, on the basis of what
has happened to so many other prom-
ises made by the Federal Conserva-
tives, Ontario's chance of additional
revenue is pretty thin.
The Journal puts "it in these words
with which we are in complete agree- '
ment: "The hope that Ontario might.
seduce more revenue from the Fed-
eral Government is not too well
founded. If more money comes, so
much the better' for the province. But
it hardly seems sound to justify a de-
ficit budget on that elusive and thin
chance." .
Fateful Time For Bachelors
big decisions for mast married meg
we know have little or no say on
matters of importance). Before mar-
riage, a man should be able to -have
"his fiancee guarantee that (a) -he will
not be served cake mixes, (b) be
forced to use small ash trays, or (c)
miss his- favorite television show. He
should be able to choose the type of
lawn mower he must push or decide
what storm window he puts on first
in the .fall.
With careful management and✓ in-
sistence (while helcan still insist) the
prospective husband can ensure that
'his little bride knows enough about•
home economics to provide him with
fair -to -middling room and board
So you younger fellows can see that
this matrimony business is a pretty
fair proposition after all. If you pay
attention to such advice as- given
above you can live an even happier
life after the wedding.
. Marriage is never as black as it is
painted ... if it was,. there wouldn't
be thousands of other young fellows
like yourself getting. harried Lavery
day, • Isn't that right? •-- (The Ad-
d-',AI'llee " Renfrew : Out).,
There are still those who think the
Ontario Government is following
along sound fiscal paths and that a
financial miracle has beery- achieved
by bringing down a Budget with the.
biggest spending program in the his-
tory, of the Province, while at the
same time creating :--no ' additional
.taxes. We say there 'are still those
who believe in this financial magic,
but there are an increasing number
who don't, and among this latter
group is the staunchly Conservative
Ottawa Journal.
Says The Journal; "The talk of 18
years of consecutive surpluses is
only a bookkeeping truth: There is
indeed a surplus on ordinary ac-
' counts. Achieving that is' nothing to-
day. The harder and more significant
fact is that so much of our spending
is•capital spending; the province con-
tinuesto go into debt. The risi in the
debt is the ' simple answer to the
Treasurer's sleight-of-hand. The in-
crease in the capital debt of Ontario
at the 'end of the current fiscal year
will be 113,.531;500 dollars . :_ . It
is true that the rate of • increase in
our indebtedness is slowing down.
The Government borrowed 100 mil-
lion dollars last year; The year be-
fore it borrowed more than twice that.
amount. It is. also true that the per
capita debt is less today than it was
• 20 years ago. But that only means
that our production is rising , even
faster. The. disturbing fact remains:
theprovince's debt to the future con-
to rise even in the most pros-
perous of tirpes. Ontario, for the
first time in its history,. -owes more
Leap Year Need Not Be
Do girls really take advantage of
bachelors during Leap Year?
Despite the age-old tradition we
doubt that very many females,actual-
ly pop that important question about
marriage. Women aren't made that
way and they are not educated by
their mothers to even think that way..
They enjoy being pursued by the
right- young man but they are not
naturally pursuers (not on the sur-
face anyway).
In view of the fact that this is Leap
.,Year and might possibly be a time of
danger forsome eligible young men,
we , are .offering (free of. charge)
some pre -marital advice from a post-
mnarital standpoint.
This sort of advice would not be.
necessary if young men refrained
„from joining the ranks of married
men (comparable to the new recruit
thrust into the front line), but they
First, the expectant husband ought
t(. uthis foot down firmly in regard
o ?small abofit his future
(there is- no. AIMgNit* ` advice about
IIAIF - I*T i@gW
By W. (Bill) B. T. SMILEY -
It took a lot of planning, but I
wangled a 36 -hour leave the other'
weekend. It was the first time in
about two years that I'd been off
the reserve without the family
hanging around my -neck like an
albatross. „
* * *
It was nicely accomplished, if 1
do say it. I had to see.a man in
the city about a deal. Being an old
and cunning husband, I let on to
the family that I could see my man
any weekend., This lulled my wife
into a false 'sense of security, -;and
she started planning our weekend
in the city. ' ' •
4 *
Waiting until conditions. were
ideal, I struck. She didn't have her
hair done;- one or the kids had a
cold, and. our favorite baby-sitter
wasn't available. So I arrived
home from work on Thursday
looking depressed, told her I'd just
had a phone call from my man,
that he was leaving on Monday for
a month in the west, and I had to
-go...down-the next day or the deal
was 'off, and wasn't it a shame.
* * *
She couldn't do much but urge.
me to go. I protested- that •it••
wouldn't be any fun going alone.,
"You go on now," she pressed,
"it's important and anyway
wouldn't you like to and,
from us all for a day?" That's like
asking an alcoholic whether he'd
like a drink. But I was smart en-
ough to protest enough to keep her
on the offensive until she got a
little sore at my stubbornness.
* *
I finally gave in reluctantly, and
after she'd searched my bag tp
make sure I hadn't any liquor, I
went off, waving wistfully back-
wards at Draughty Windows. I've
never seen the old place so pic-
turesque, the garbage cans sil-
houetted on the snow banks, the
icicles forming a pipe -organ effect
Over the door, in which stood the
little woman, her brow darkening
as she ,simultaneously waved and
wondered whether she'd been con-
ned again.
* * *
That's when you really feel yotfr
age—when you leave home and,
loved ones on a 36 -hour pass. Nor-
mally, I feel about 54, but that
day •I felt every. one_of-ray, 39 years
as I belted gleefully through a
blizzard to "catch, the- train.
- * * *
When I arrived at Union Station
I found•it was the weekend the bi:
snow had hit the city. About -2
people were,waiting for cabs, and
none in sight. Undaunted, full of
good cheer, I was about to head
for the subway, when I saw an old
gentleman talking to the cab did -
rpatcher in great distress. In my
kindly Canadian way, I enquired
why there were screaming at each
other in fractured English. The
old chap was in a flap. He was
a •stran'ger-in 'the 'city, spoke al
most no English, ,wanted to get to
his hotel three miles away, and
couldn't get 'a taxi.
* g, *
I made it known that I'd see he
got there, via subway. Tears of
gratitude filled his eyes when he
understood. As we emerged from
the station, me carrying his heavy
bag, a taxi pulled up to disgorge
a passenger. My gentle old com-
pa'nion snatched his bag from me,
leaped across a vast puddle,, hurl-
ed himself• into the cab and 'shout-
ed, "Vestbury Hotel", without a
backward glance. As I tramped
through the slush to the subway
station, l.. reflected, somewhat
sombrely, that this... was Brother-
hood Week.
* * * -
I thought a good dinner might
lift my' spirits. When I'm on'
leave, I do it up brown. I sip my,
aperitif with appreciation. I glance
at the other diners with disdain.
,I order exotic foods.. This night I
was having pheasant au flambeau
12r something. A white -gloved
waiter brings in your bird, which'
is bla,g,nerrily, and with long
skewers ,and a flourish, transports
it to your plate. Quite impresses
the poor people eating steaks..
* *
Only this idiot's flourish was a
little too florid, his gloves caught
fire and he dropped my bird on
the floor 'while he beat his hot
little hands together, to • the de-
light of the other diners. I called
the headwaiter, informed him with
some hauteur that I had ordered
pheasant au flambeau, not flam-
ing pheasant, and stalked out of
the place.
* .0 *
My wbole leave went like that.
Had a shave in the hotel barber
shop. Paid the cashier with a $10
bill and was so busy trying to find
a dime for the little guy who was
beating me around the shoulders
with a whisk that I walked. out
without 'my change, some $8.75.
Late for my train home, 1 ran,
skidded on • ice, tore a cartilage
in my knee and have been on the
glimp ever .since: Bought some
sandwiches for the ride home, set
them on the station floor while I
purchased my ticket, , and walked
off without them.
* * *,.
Next time my . wife feels like
pulling a dirty :trick like sending
me off --On a 36 -hour pass, all
alone, she'll meet some -pretty stiff
resistance, I can tell you.
Grades Ignites ,
' Ai 5 o'clock Saturday morning
the „pillage was awakenedby the
sound of the --fire alarm when the
grader owned by the Radford Con-
struction Co. of Blyth, and engag-
ed by the village for snow plowing,
had caught fire, about 50 feet from
the fire hall. The operator, Mr.
Murray Lyon, immediately ran to
the hall and sounded 'the alarm
from the outside switch. Quick ac-
tion by the members of the de-
partment had the fire extingushed
in a matter of minutes and the
plow was able to continue on with
its duties. —Blyth Standard.
Approach Highways Minister
A 4elegation of men from Zurich
and ensall, accompanied by Hur-
on County Warden John Durnin,
were in Toronto on Tuesday, in-
terviewing the Minister of High-
ways in regards to retaining No.
84 as a provincial highway. Repre-
senting the village of Zurich were
Charles Thiel, 'president of the
Chamber of Commerce; Jack Pear-
son, who has served as the chair-
man of the committee working to
retain the highway; Lloyd O'Brien,
reeve of Zurich, and . B. Ruston,
owner of Ruston•'Transport. Hen -
sell was represented by Reeve
John Henderson and Councillor
Lorne Hay, who has been the'sec-
retary of the general committee.
--Zurich Citizens News.
Batn DeStroyell
Piro of unknown 'origin eomplete-
ly gutted a. 40 iy 68406t barn rues -
day •: nigght; Feb. 23, at .the iaertl,
Of Wesley ffoggarth,,, :,u, s, GIliv
ton., two miles north of here on
the Base Line. Partial insurance
was carried. Although nine sows
and 14 head of cattle were saved,
five sows and some grain were de-
stroyed, A strong northwest wind
helped to fan the flames. The farm
home, northeast of the barn, was
a considerable distance away from
the' burning building. Clinton Fire
Department, headed by Fire Chief
Grant hath, went to the scene at
about 11 p.m. The blaze was first
noticed by the owner's mother, who
looked out the window at 11 p.m.
and thought at first that she saw
the -reflection of the lights of a car.
The "lights" soon proved to be
roaring flames.—Clinton News -Re-
Arena Has Profit!
One of the more cheerful aspects
of community financing is the
healthy state of economics in the
arena. Operated -as a public ser-
vice by an appointed committee,
the arena has, in' yrs past, de-
pended upon the town coffers to
meet- its annual costs. However,
the town has not been called upon
for help during the past two years,
and the arena commission ended
the 1959 fiscal year with a balance
of $063.13. Dwindling attendance at
games and for skating since the
first of the year have shaved the
cash balance to $315.00, but it is
expected that the current season
will end without a deficit. During
1959 there were 8,426 paid admis•
sions to WOAA hockey ,games and
7,235 paid adtniasiona,for skating,
exclusive df season tieitet holders.
Wingbri; Advaticiilos.
March was named for the Adm-
an god of war. Julius Caesar was
bidden to beware of the Ides of
March, And sure enough, on the
fatal day, he fell in the Senate,
pierced by the daggers of Brutus
and the rest. It would be a great
blessing to mankind if the peoples
of the world should beware of the
Ides of March and all the days of
the .year in which men prepare for
Consider the condition of the
world now with billions being spent
to prepare for war. But, one may
ask, what is the good in consider-
ing something that one can do
nothing abogt? That is indeed the
question. Let us hope that the
winds, proverbially active in the
present month, may blow away the
ideas that trouble men and pre-
pare men for the balmy days of
spring, when "all the trees on all
the hill's' open their thousand
At this point, I confess there is
nothing I can do or say about it
worth while. Yet, there --is some-
thing, for "Man's extremity is
God's opportunity." We can unite
in prayer to God to do what needs
be done for the distressed world.
(Prepared by the Research Staff
Of Encyclopetlia'-Canadiana)
What Is An Outport?
This is a term applied to- the.
smaller ports on the coast of New-
foundland. Originally it- meant any
coastal settlement in ' Newfound-
land other than St. John's. Now
thereare several larger ports,
such as Corner. Brook, Port aux
Basques and Botwood, that''are not
called outports..
• * *
Who Founded the Winnipeg
Robert Lorne Richardson, who
was born in Lanark County, Can-
ada West, in 1860. Until 1882 he
worked as a journalist in Toronto
and then moved west to Winnipeg
where he founded the Tribune in'
1889. For many years • e was its
editor. From 1896 until 1900 he.
represented the constituency 'of
•Lisgar as a Liberal in the House
of Commons. Richardson died in
Winnipeg in 1921.
* * *
Where is the Champlain Sea?'
The Champlain Sea.ne longer ex-
ists. It is the name given.: to one
of those bodies of water that cov-
ered .much of present-day Canada.
in postglacial times. It was really
a vast arm of the ocean that at
one period inundated the St. Lawr-
ence lowlands. As the continental
ice sheet melted away from the St.
Lawrence Valley, sea water en-
tered the region, spreading over
the lowlands bordering the St.
Lawrence and Ottawa rivers and
advancing( iilto....the Lake Ontario
basin and into the present Hudson
Valley. As -the ice sheet melted
further, the waters withdrew. The
ancient shores of this • area are
marked by shore lines, and ter-
races, which in many places' are
more• than 800 feet above present
sea level, . Marine shells can be
found on several of the old -beach-
es of this prehistoric sea.
* * *
What Was: Chautauqua?
Younger readers will not remem-
ber the big tent, the wooden bench
es and the varied types of enter-
tainment that characterized , the
Chautauqua' programs. during the
summer months in hundreds of
Canadian Communities after the
First World War. The competition
of movies and radio and then the
advent of the Great Depression
brought Canadian Chautauqua to
an end. It was through Chautauqua
(the name was borrowed from the
Chautauqua Institution in New
York State, which still operates)
that thousands of Canadians saw
their first play, listened to prom-
inent speakers or heard chamber
music or the famous Swiss Bell
Ringers. In those days, when en-
tertainments and cultural oppor-
tunities were few, people were
eager to support .a program that
could bring them the most famous
orators of the day, it varied pro-
gram of musical entertainment
and plays that the whole family
could enjoy. The program was so
organized that almost every com-
munity could afford it. At its
height, Chautauqua blanketed the
Prairie Provinces, much of On-
tario and the Martimes.
Friend: "Which of your works
of fiction do you consider the
Author: "My last income _tax
"No licence,lady?" growled the
traffic cop. "Don't you know you
can't drive without one?"
"That explains everything," said
she, "I thought it was because I
was nervous and nearsighted that
I hit two cars and ran into a fire
Warden: "Is there anything in
particular you'd like included in
your last meal?"
• Condemned, Pri tiee: "Ye,s-t-
mtrshrodms: I've"r. �alw ysn been, .-
m afraid to. -try, there&
OTTAWA -.--Can the power of a
woman, seldom' underestimated,
force the federal Government to
reverse a firm decision to build a
nuclear research centre in Mani-
The quick answer, under the cir-
cumstances, is not likely. Espec-
ially when' Trade Minister Gordon
Churchill has made the announce-
ment that the plum will go to his
own Province, and the alternative
is to put it in the home riding of
Liberal Leader Lester Pearson.
But logic fails when it is mea
sured against the peruasiveness of
irrepressible Shirleen O'Brien, or-
ganizer and leader of 150 house-
wives from the northern Ontario
uranium mining centre of Elliot
Miss O'Brien, a newpaper wo-
man, is determined that the cen-
tre should' be reassigned to Elliot
to provide employment in the mod-
el town, threatened with- extinc-
tion by the collapse of uranium
sales in the United States.
She and her ladies descended on
Ottawa in a friendly swarm to put
the case to Prime Minister Diefen-
baker, Trade Minister Churchill
and Labour Minister Michael Starr.
They gave advance notice that_
they wouldn't take no for an an-
swer. They didn't get it. They
did get a-80-minute_,`,*-p�e�r�sonal inter-
view with the Prime Minister, dur-
ing which they reported Mr. 'Dief-
enbaker appeared -close to tears as
he listened to details of Elliot
Lake's problems.
They did get assurance from Mr.
Starr that the mining centrewill
be declared a labor surplus area—
which means that registered job-
less will have fares and„ moving
costs paid to new employment
elsewhere. And they were told by
M -r. Churchill that the Government
would treat the matter with due
seriousness. The two junior min-
isters, however, failed to' impress
Miss O'Brien and her Elliot Lake
brood. .
Meanwhile Mr• Diefenbaker scor-
ed a hit. Without -making a -prom-
ise, beyond the usual "fullest con-
sideration," the Prime Minister
dent the delegation away happy
anti. applauding. They called him
"that wonderful man," and said
they were convinced that hewould
take direct action 'to, ease Elliot
Lake's plight., • •
"We were actually able to pro-
ject our problem through to him."
Miss O'Brien bubbled when the .in-
terview was over. "We feel this
wonderful man is definitely going
to do something. We' think that
things axe doing to, be fine from
now on.
But to allay any suspecion that
the delegation was • too. l.nhpressiorl-
able, and willing bait to the wiles
of a politieian, Miss O'Brien de-
clined to pay the same compli-
ment to Mr. Churchill. "He didn't
appear really concerned," she said
The gist of the Iadies' argument
is that the proposed nuclear -cen-
tre shout be, built at Elliot Lake
because s construction would co-
incide wi h the expected layoff of
up to 4,0 0 men from the uranium
mines this year.
' They reason that its eventual po-
tential work force of 2,500 men
would be enough to keep the town
alive, and prevent _the loss of a
$200,000,000—plus investment in
homes, stores and services.
The argument fails, however, to
take into account the" fact that
Manitoba is much shyer of employ-
ment -creating federal projects than'
its wealthy neighbor, Ontario—and
that the Prairie Province isn't like-
ly to give up its plum without a
still fight.
Listen to Joseph Slogan,' the -
Conservative M.P., whose Mani,
toba riding is slated to get the re-
search centre: "'Ontario is one of
the privileged Provinces. The Gov
ernment has centred nearly all its
nuclear research"' centres in that
Provin.ce. During the last 16 years
the federal Government has spent
$120,000,000 in this field in 'Ontario;
Ontario has the four.,major reac,
tor projects, the two at. Chalk Riv-
er and the new one under con-
struction. There is also CANDU, a
$00,000,000 project."
Mr. Slogan argues that relocation
of the new centre wouldn't help
Elliot Lake's -'immediate proli'lems
"because 'i.t:would be 1065 before
the project came into operation
and' at that time only 200 would
be employed on the staff. These
200 would be technicians." But it
would save the investment in
homes, stores, schools and roads.
• SO' much Tor the Thgic • or illogie"-'
of the Elliot Lake case,, and the
pros and cons of reneging on the
committments to Manitoba. Still
undisposed of, however, is the ra-
ther large matter of those 150
aroused housewives from Elliot
Lake. "We believe," said one o£
the marchers, "in the saying, 'Nev.
er underestimate the power'of a
John Diefenbaker, who is where
he is today, thanks—at least in
part—to the unswerving support of
a woman ..named Olive, must be
pondering that great truth most
carefully. • -
Interesting items gleaned from The Huron Expositor of 25, 50
and 75 years ago.
From The Hurdn Expositor
March 8, 1935.
The Benefit Night, arranged by
the Relief Committee of Seaforth
Council, was a profitable and amus-
ing affair. It commenced at the
Palace Rink with a battle royal be-
tween the Town Band and Firemen
and was followed by a hockey
game, Main Street vs. Industries..
Practically every -character from
primeval Indians. to the modern
quintuplets was represented at the
Legion Carnival on Friday. Irene
Porter was adjudged the Queen -of
_the' carnival. She represented.
The Legion is planning a big
zone rally in May,•when provincial
-president, D. J. Ferry, Sudbury,
and Gen. Alex Ross, Ottawa, will
give addresses.
Mr„ Charlie 'clever, of Manley,
has purchased the 134 -acre farm
from the estate of the late Dan
Regele. His many friends wish
him success in his undertaking.
Mayor A. D. Sutherland made an
announcement on Monday evening
that a ratepayers' meeting Would
be held on Thursday, March 8th.
Among"�'�thei• things§ on the agenda
will be a discussion of the flour
Fire broke out in the vacant frame
house, owned by Joseph Grummett
on No 8 Highway, abo.ut one mile
west of town. The Seaforth brigade
responded to the alarm and the
fire was extinguished without ser-
Iiensall. schools held their first
commencement in the Town Hall
to an audience that filled the large
hall. Everyone was delighted. with
the fine showing made by the
* * *
From The Huron Expositor
March 11, 1910 -
Considerable grain is being
brought,- into market and meets
with ready demand and good pric-
A few weeks ago an engineer
connected with the Hydro -Electric
Commission was in Seaforth look-
ing over the prospects for bringing
Niagara power to Seaforth and
points along the line.
The roads have been very bad
for the past couple of weeks and
one has to be a professional with
the reins to keep things right side
u License Inspector Asquith Was in
Brussels a couple of weeks -'ago
and fined the proprietor of the
Queen's Hotel $10 for selling to
There were three runaways in
town on Monday afternoon, but no
damage was ,done,,.. colt, which
was being broken, took a jump on-
to the sidewalk and nearly went
through some windows. ,
The Collegiate Institute hockey
team went to Clinton on Friday
evening when they defeated the
Collegiate team there by a score
of 9-8. The return tame was play-
ed here on Wednesday night when
Seaforth were again the victors,'
winning 7-6.
The first annual at-home of the
Collegiate Institute Literary Socie-
ty . was r, held last Friday evening.
Everyone appeared to have had a
good time arid hope the society
will entertain again in the near
* * *
From The 'Huron Expositor
March 13, 1885
The town treasurer of St. Marys
receives a salary of $225; in Mit- .
chell, the same officer gets $50,
and in Clinton the salary paid is
$100, while in Seaforth it is $75.
On Tuesday of last week some
good -"threshing was done on the
farm of Mr. A. Elcoat, second .•con-
cession of Tuckersmith, They were
threshing clober, Mr. Alex Thomp-
son's horsepower being used, and
53 bushels were turned out in eight
hours, -
Mr. -G. M. Chesney had in town
on Saturday a Welcome colt, one
year and a half old, which turned
the scales at 1,435 pounds. It was
raised by Mr. Hugh Chesney, of
Tuckersmith, •
Considerable excitement was.oc-
casioned in town on Saturday. Mr.,
L, L. McFaul was driving around
town when his cutter went over
the end of a. culvert, causing the
vehicle to upset. Mr. McFaul lost
control of the lines and the animal
dashed up Main Street A little
girl was run over but was not ser-
iously .injured.
Mr: Common bas made a splen-
did record as'a curler this season
and has won the distinction of
champion curler of Seaforth.
Mr,. Thomas Ward, of Varna, has
a couple of fine imported entire
colts. One is a Cleveland bay and
weighs 1,400 pounds. The other is,,
a thoroughbred cart "horse and.
weighs 1,500 pounds.
Two gentlemen were irf Brussels
last week to arrange for opening
a•branch of a new bank just start-
ing in Toronto, called "The Trad-
One day last week Mr. James
Hunter drew into Mr. Govenlock's
saw -mill, Winthrop, a Ioad of saw
logs measuring 850 feet. This was
drawn by, a span of horses:
FOR 24
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