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.101st Year
Whole No, 4804
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SEAFORTH LEGION PEE -WEE;: -HOCKEY TEAM will be strong contenders in the Goderich Young Canada Hockey Week, corning
up shortly.' The team have played eight games this year, winning seven and tieing one, They are also entered in the Mitchell Lions
tournament on March 26. This year, for the first, the WOAA has a Pee -Wee group in which this team is entered. In a home -and -
home final series they defeated Mitchell 16 to 8 on the round. They are now playing Palmerston, winning the first game .10 to 2.
Wednesday night theY..Played--in Palmerston, going into the._game with an eight goal lead. Players -include: front row, left to right,
Ron Hildebrand, Dave Britton, Ferg Quinn, Larry_Scott, Greg Rau; ,secontrrow, Brian Broome, Bill Boshart, Allan Carter, Brian Phil-
lips, Kerry Campbell; third row, Peter Williee,-- 'Larry McLlwai n, Garry Grey, Brian Stewart, Gary Finnigan, Keith Flannigan„
Craig Haney; baek-r.,s,v, Jack Eisler, coach of the 'team, and Ga rry Eisleri stick boy. Ray Devereaux, who recently suffered in-
-juries to his ankle, was absent when this picture was taken. (Expositor photo by Phillips).
.Liberals Choose
Huro nDelegates
Representatives to attend the
annual meeting of the Ontario Lib-
eral Association, to be held in To-
ronto April 1 next, were named at
a meeting of the Huron Liberal
Association (Provincial) in Clinton
Thursday evening.
Named as delegatii and alter-
nates were: Beecher eriziesClin-
ton; James Bisset and Don Mac-
Kay, Goderich; George _Reuther,
Exeter; Joseph Gunn, Crediton;
Mrs. S. C. Rowcliffe, Seaforth;
Ivan Forsyth, Tuckersmith; Wm.
Mickle, Hensall; Elmer Dennis,
McKillop; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Hul-
led; Ivan Kalbfleisck\Zurick and
Mrs. A. Addison, Clinton.
In addition; Cochrane, of
Exeter; and Harry Strang, .of Us•
borne, are delegates as a, result
- of having, been candidates in the
last provincial and federhl elec-
F of A Seeks S_upport for
Huron Technical School
Huron ,County Federation -of Ag- cializing in agricultural subject be
riculture, meeting in Clinton Tues- built in Huron County.
day, put the weight of that or- The federation voted to send its
ganization behind a resolution ask- resolution, backed bY Huron agri-
ing that a vocational school spe- culture representative Douglas 11.,
Miles, to the Ontario Federation of
Agriculture for its endoisation.
-There 'are five district high
schools in Huron but no vocational
schools of any sort, and there' are
Mrs. J. M. Govenlock, 94, fell 'about 6,000 farms, in the county,
while walking at the Huron County The possibility _of a vocational
Home at Clinton last week and school for Huron was raised last
fractured her right hip. She is a month at a meeting of the Clinton
patient in Clinton Public Hospital. District High Schpol board, but no
action was taken; The board, stu-
PEE-WEES TAKE SERIES dying the high' cot of school add! -
Playing in Palmerston Wednes- tions, had noted that size of enrol-
daynight, the Legion Pee°Wees mega in grades 9 and 10 was
took the two -game series 19-3, win- steadily increasing, but a relative-
ning the game 9-1, Previous score ly small proportion of students
was 10.2. was being graduated and that a
Mrs. -GovenItick
Fractures Hip
Cromarty Couple Wed50 Years
Mr. and Mr. George Wallace
celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary at their home in Crom-
arty on Wednesday. They were
married by the late Rev. R. G.
MacKay in a ceremony that took
place at the home of the bride's
permits, lot 9, concession 12, Hib-
bert, On March.9, 1910. .
The bride of fifty years ago is
Christina L. McKellar,daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald N.
McKellar, while Mr. Wallace is
the son of the ate Mr. and Mrs.
John Wallace, of Downie township,
Following their , wedding the'
'couple farmed at lot 2, concession
7, Fullerton, moving to lot 11, con-
cession 11, Hibbert, in 1935. They
•retired to Cromarty 1 1950,
On Saturday, members of the
family and many friends, number-
ing around 50, were guests at a
dinner served by the Ladies' Aid
of Cromarty Presbyterian Church
in the Sunday school room in bon -
or of Mr. and Mr. Wallace.
Mr. Wallace is in his 80th year,
and Mrs. Wallace is 76. They are
both in- good health. Mrs. Wal-
laee's laverite pastime is making
quilts, which has been her hobby
since she was 13 years old.
TlieY are members of Cromarty
Preabyterian Church. They have a
family of two sons, Donald, Ful-
lartem township, and John, Crom.
arty, and twin daughters, Mrs•
Percy Adams, ,Blyth, and Mrs•
Ed. Bret:as, Staffa.
A program of music, readings
andaspeeches followed the dinner,
with Rev. S. Kerr as chairman.
Readings were given by Mrs.
Percy Adams and Miss Olive
Speare; a song by a grandson,
Kenneth Wallace. Otto -Walker
read their wedding notice of 50
years ago, Short addresses Were
given by their sons, Donald and
John Wallace.
Those serving were Mrs. Bruce
Armstrong and Mrs. John Drake,
Staffa, nieces of Mrs. Wallace; and
Mts. Jeffry ,pallantyne arid IVIrs.
Alvin Doell, of Avonton, nieces of
Mr. Wallace.
The occasion also marked the
79th birthday of Mrs. Sadie Scott,
a sister of Mrs. Wallace. A birth-
-day cake was presented by her
son, Gordon, and congratulatory
remarks were made by her 'son,
J. M. Scott. The cake was later
served to the guests.
A reception for the celebrants
was held later at the home, with
Mrs. Ed. Brooks in charge of the
register. The couple were shower-
ed with many gifts, among them
a television set from their sons;
corsage and boutonniere from the
great grandchildren, and lie elip
and brooch from the grandchil-
dren. The bridegroom's gift to the
bride was a gold wrist watch, and
the bride's gift to him was a gold.
headed cane.
Guests attending were from
Windsor, Avonton, Carlingord, Sci-
ence Hill, Blyth and staffa. Open
house was held Wednesday at the
Mine of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace,
when . manY.- friends and neighbors
called to extend congratulations.
In the afternoon Mrs. G. Heagy,
London, and Mts. Eimer Colqu-
houn, Clinton, poured tea, while
Mrs. James Scott and Mrs. Arnold
Scott . served. Mrs. Grace Scott
and Mrs. Ken McKellar poured in
the eyening, 'while those serving,
Were Alien Walker, Mrs. L. Wel-
bee and Mary Ann Wallace.
vocational school might help solve
this problem:
In other action at the county
meeting, the federation:
Endorsed a resolutions submitted
by 'the Huron County Hog Pro-
ducers' Association asking that the
wording on the forthcoming On-
tario -wide hog marketing ballot be
simply: "Are you in favor of a
producers' marketing plan for
hogs?" •
Endorsed a Gey Township Fed-
eration of Agriculture resolution
asking that the age limit tor farm
youth driving tractors and other
vehicles from farm 'to farm be
reduced from 16 to 1,4;
Backed another resolution from
the Grey Township group asking
that country of origin be clearly
stamped on all imported products,
noting that bacon, for example,.
sometimes losesthis labelling af-
ter being cut and' packaged in Can-
Passed a resolution asking that
all drivers, of farm _vehicles on
highways be covered by liability'
Askedithe federation's education-
al comnatee to call a meeting of
all area delegates to Ontario lead,
ership training forums at Vineland
with a view to setting up similar
courses for Huron residents. •
McKillop Wins -.
Dancing Award
The McKillop Squarettes were
second prize winners in the public
school square dancing competi-
tion at the Middlesex Seed Fair
in London on Friday night.
There were eight competitors.
Sharon Strong was also one of the
winners in a solo competition,
The MdKillop group comprises
Donna Faye Storey, Glen Doi -
mage, Patsy Storey, Murray Hen-
derson, Gail Storey, Jim -my Hen-
derson, Marie Scott and Billy lien-
derson. The Squarettes are under
the supervision of Mrs. Orville
ighianders Wear Pants
While Awaiting New Kilts
Members of the Seaforth High-
landers Band have worn out their
kilts. Purchased secondhand in
1922, the Scotch uniforms can take
no more parades, it is revealed in
a statement' issued over the signa-
ture of -band president F. C. J.
Sills; which tells of 'plans the long-
time Seaforth organization has to
provide new kilts and tunics.
Much askthey dislike it, the Band
will be ferced to parade In pants
until such time as funds are avail-
able with which to purchase new
uniforms. One of the oldest or-
ganizations in town, the Band
seeks public support for its fund-
raising progr a m.
The statement bK,. Mr. Sills:
This organization dates back to
the days before the turn of the
century when Seaforth always had
at least two bands. We don't know
'exactly when the band started, but
we do have a phottgraoh et (Mr
taken in 1871. It progressed
through different military stages,
as the 33rd Regimental, --then rte.,
161st Battalion, until in 199" 4"
Seaforth Highlander6
ed and the wearinr' .if kiit
came -a permare::.t part of our lo-
cal heritage.
The uniforms, purchased in 1922,
were from War Assets and -have.
been in continuous use ever since.
However, the ravages of time have
taken their toll, and one -by one
the parts of the uniform have worn
away. The tunics were replaced
in 1946 by the purchase of dis-
carded Jackets from the Army;
Now, time has caught up -with the
rest of the uniform, so that many,
members are ashamed to wear
them. It particularly hits new
members, and without them we
can't progress.
,The executive of the Band has,
therefore, decided to start a com-
piete overhaul of uniforms, music
and concerts, with a plan stretch-
ing over a five-year span. The
main object of taking five years
is an attempt to create a fund of
000.00, with which we can pur-
chase at least 20 kilted uniforms.
At present, the Band recerves-a
grant of $700.00 -from the town
rouncil--$600.00-of it pays the con-
ductor,. who puts in at least four
nights a week all year round,
teaching beginners or the regular
band. The other -$100.00 pays for
instrument repairs -which are ex-'
pensive -and any new music we
might require.
Dpn't think we bre complaining
about the grant! We certainly are
Resident Alone
AS Fire Destroys
Varna Residence
Fire destroyed a two - storey
frame home at Varna on Thursday.
The home was owned by Mrs. Al-
fred Ings, a sister of Albert -Horn-
er. Seaforth. Saved from destruc-
tion was a refrigerator, TY sdt and
some clothing.
The fire, which started in the
chimney, was beyond control when
Bayfield and Brucefield fire bri-
gades reached the scene. Mrs. Ings
Was alone hi the house at the time.
She had been ill with the flu and
was cared for by neighbors.
Shower Honors
Barbara 'Hillis
Miss Barbara Ann Hillis, bride of
this week, was honored by friends
Friday evening. A miscellaneous
shower was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Christie, Sper-
ling Street.
The event was arranged by Mrs.
Eric McCue, Mrs. Douglas Whyte,
Mrs. Gar Baker and,111i$S Marion
Wins Prize At
Topnotch School
There was a representative at-
tendance of area farmers at the
school sponsored by Topnotch
Feeds Limited, in the Legion Hall
Tuesday evening. The door prize
was won by Arthur Straus, Dublin.
A young Springfield district nurse
with a spirit of adventue, has join-
ed a Red Cross team of volunteers
headed from Toronto) to help 'the
thousands of refugees from the
stricken city of Agardir, destroy.
ed by twin earthquakes, tidal
wave and tire. Miss Marjorie Bax-
ter, daftghar of Mr. and Mrs. Ce-
cil Baxter, R.R. 2, Springfield, a
registered nurse on the staff- at
the Sick Children's Hospital, To-
ronto, left aboard a special RCAF
aircraft on Saturday. With Miss
Baxter were five other volunteer
nurses and a medical doctm The -
aircraft also carried three tons Of
Red Cross ti 1104 •
The mortes 'and doctor va
other Red Cross workers in help-
ing to take care of sick and injur-
ed victims in the disaster area.
The services of the volunteers may
be required for a number of
Miss B'axter was educated In
Goderich and is a graduate of
Western Hospital in Toronto. She
joined the Sick Children's Hospital
bad served three yedvs
that -at
staff abft a Year -age, and prior
the St. Thomas Elgin General Hos-
Her mother is the,'former Edna
Campb4/1, of MaKillop, and Miss
Baxter is a niece of R. W. Camp
bell and Mrs. ;Olin Inliebretht,
MeXUX�, and Mrs, Rite Orr, of
not, because it is quite -generous,
and werappreciate
It can be seen, however, that
there is nothing left for uniform
repairs, and that they must -.come
from the efforts of ,the members.
We ' are, therefore, issuing an
appeal to the public at large di
support us. We are --going to hold
a series of draws and variety con-
certs, with the hope that money
made by them, -combined with any
donations we might receive, will
be sufficient to buy new -uniforms
five years from now.
In the meantime, we hope to
smarten up -the appearance a the'
Band by playing concerts dressed
in dark trousers or skirts, with
white shirts, plaid tie and Glen-
garry caps.
We wish to assure you that we
don't airn to leave the kilti-for
lung,' because they are a Seaforth
tradition, and we are Feud IQ
carry it on,
Keeping a band togetheIr in this
age of motor travel, .summer cot-
tages and organized sports, is a
precarious business that requires
'taking advantage of every straw -
you can have a good Band all year
round, except in summertime when
you really need it. Looking around
the district you find very few bands
left -like the proverbial Arab, they
have silently folded their tent and
stolen away.
Here M Seaforth we have never
given up in spite of many handi-
caps,- and we feel that you people
appreciate it. During the past year
we have had a surge of strength,
so please don't let us miss the tide.
()Weil Wedding
About the only thing that hasn't
changed in.50 years is the' weather,
according ti Mr. and Mrs. David
G. Papple, as they looked back on
a half. century of married life.
• Mr. and Mrs. Papple were mar-
ried at the Egmondville manse by
the late Rev. NeilSha, on March
9, 1910, and following -the cere-
mony drove . to their farm home,
lot 31, concession 4, LRS, on- the
Road. Here they continued to
reside until their retirement to
it was nweatheri
e in1946Was a lot like this
year. There was all kinds of snow
-more than we have now," Mrs.
Papple recalled, and added that of
course there were no plowed roads,
nor snowplows. The trip,Lrom Eg-
mondville along the snow -filled
Mill Road was by horse and cutter,
and there were lots of pitch -holes.
"It was dull in the morning and
'foggy, but as we drove home the
sun came old and it was nice and
bright," Mr. Papple said.
Mr. Papple is the son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Papple and
was born on the Kippen Road. His
wife, the former Isabella Mohk,
was born in Hullett, the -daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Monk. When she was a baby her
father died, and the family moved
to the Mill Road.'
Thinking back over 50 years, the
Papples recalled the changes in
living that have occurred. "When
we were married everything was
done by manpower and horse%
poWer. There weren't any cars or
tractors or telephones or hydro.
But we had more sociability Than
there is now. People weren't rush-
ing all the time, and they liked
gather together in the evenings,
s mething people today won't think
of doing."
While the wedding day was on
March 9, the anniversary celebra-
tion was held over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Papple were guests
of honor at a dinner arranged by
members of, their family in the
new, Legion Hall, Seaforth, on Sat-
urday evening -the first event to
be held in the new hall. They pre-
sented them with a swivel -rocker
and easy' chair. The grandchildren
presented gold flower -filled vases
and d purse of money. The dinner
was served by members of the
Legion Ladies' Auxiliary.
Later in the evening about 100
neighbors and friend- joined the
family, making a presentation of
a blanket, mantel clock and a cup
and saucer full of money': An ad-
dress was read by Wilson McCart-
ney while the presentations were
made by Arthur NicholsOn and
George McCartney. During the
Zvening cards were played, after
which a lunch was served.
Mr. and` Mrs. Papple havii a
faMII1Vfterr M Ming -West,
London; Gordan, R.R, 5, Seafort *
Wallace (Mary) Pringle:,
. , .
Brantford; • William, Egmondville;
Earl, R.R. 4, Seaforth; Mrs. Scott
(Ann) Kerr; Thorndale; Mrs. El-
mer (Myrtle) $cott, London; Lloyd,
London; Mrs: 'William (Olive) Lif-
tie R.R. 1,, Seaforth; Mrs. 1bug
"(Edna) Stinson, London. One ;son,
.Robertwas killed in action in 1944.
There are 30 grandchildren and
one great grandchild.
On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Papple
held open house when many other
friends called on them to extend
congratulations. They received a
large number of gifts and congratu-
latory rnessages, including mes-
sages from Mrs. Papple's brother,
Pearson Monk, of Edniontori; Hon.
Lester B. Pearton, and Senator W,
H. Golding.
Win Second At.
Wingham Spiel
Second prize was brought home
by a group of lady curlers from
Seaforth last week. The curlers,
participating in. a bonspiel at
Wingharn, were skipped by Mrs.
Effie Stephenson, and included,
Mrs. A. Y. McLean, Mrs. Norman
Scoins and Mrs, Garnet Crowe.
Hibbert Co-op
Reports Good Year
At the annual meeting of the
Hibbert Co-operative Dairy Asso-
ciation, held in Staffa, the share-
holders learned that another record
year had been achieved. A total
of 1,173,134 pounds of butter was
manufactured, and an average
price, including bonus, of 71.2 cents
a pound was paid for butter fat.
A total of $65,761.37 was returned
to 645 patrons as a patronage
Russell Worden, Staffa, was el-
ected a director to replace W. J.
Bell, whe'se resignation was ac-
cepted by the directors with regret
after eight years of service. J. M.
Scott was re-elected a director for
another five-year term.
Robert Jardine, field manager of
the Department of Agriculture,
was guest speaker, and told of
his trip to England -last summer
with a groep of dairy officials to
see at first; hand the milk -pooling
co-operative set-up • there. Slides
of his tour were also shown.
The officers for 1960 are: presi-
dent, Arthur Hemp, Staffa; vice-
president, Victor Jeffrey, Exeter;
secretary -treasurer, J. M. Stott).
Snafu; directors Russell Worden
Staffa; Mires lautsor4 Mitchell;
manager, ,Gerala Agar, Atiffa.
$240 'War in Advance
Single iCaplee,,„ S, Cents
Huron Juniors
James boWnian, ..5.„
Sels, and Marilyn Marshall, 'VA*.
-ton; were -elected presidents of the .„
Huron County Allier Farmers- and
Junior Institute .Association a' at •
Blyth Memorial -Hall Monday eve:'
ning, the election of officers wag,
the highlight of- the meeting,
Officers for 1960 were: Junior
Farmers -Past president, K e n
Campbell, R.R. 1, Dublin; presi-
dent, James BOWM8,11, ILR. 5, -
Brussels; first vice-president, Bill
Strong, R.R. 2, Dublin; second ,
vice-president, Murray Gaupt, R.
R. 1, Lucknow; secretary, Jim.
Renwick, R.R. 1, Clifford. '
Provincial director, Larry Wheat, '
ley, R.R. 1, Dublin; assistant,Bit
Strong, R.R., 2, Dublin; press re-
porters, jean Fraser, R.R. 1, Eth-
el, and Ted Dunn, R.R. 3, Bay-
field; auditors, Larry Wheatley, R.
R. 1, Dublin, and Boyd Taylor, R.
It. 3, ,Walton. ,
-Snider Institute--Paet president,
Ethel MclVfichael, Wroxeter; Presi.
delirktio.nMurilyn ; -Marshall,ice-preiei. rittitlr
Procter, R.R. 5; Brussel; second "
vice-president, Ruth Toper, R.R, 2, •
Wroxeter; secretary, JoAnne Al. •
ton, R.R. 7, Lucknow.
Directors - Garnet Wright, Ted
Dunn; Colwanash, Ken Alton, Doug
Hacket, JoAnne Crozier, Diane Rit-
chie': Werth' Heron: Harry Brydges,
Boyd Taylor, Jean Fraser, Bessie
Johnston; Howick: Jack Statford,,
Murray Mulvey, Gwen lirtiman,
Evelyn Ann Stevens; S...aforth:,
Bruce Coleman, Jack Croz -4, Jean
Scott, June- Smith; South Huron:
Barry Jeffrey, Bob Down, Doreen
Brock, Blanche Rundel.
Seaforth Couple
Wed 25 Years
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Matthews,'Sea-
forth, were honored Sunday by
their family on the occasion of
their 25th wedding anniversary. A
family dinner was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hender-
son, lylitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were
married at St James' rectory, Sea- w.
forth, on March 2, 1935. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. T.
P. Hussey.
The groom 'of 25 years is the
son of Mrs. Matthews and the late
Joseph Matthews, Seaforth. The
bride of 25 years is the daughter
of Mrs. Farquharson, London, and
the late William Farquharson, Wal-
ton. The couple were attended by
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Hart.
, The family presented their par-
ents with a table lamp at the silt
ver anniversary.
The k have a family of four: a
daughter, Peggy Lou, Mrs. Stew-
art Henderson, Mitchell; and three
sons, Jack, Seaforth, and Donald
and Paul, at home. They also
have four grandchildren: Michael,
Patricia, Wayne and Sandra Hen-
derson, of Mitchell.
North Huron Wins
Drama Trophy
North Huron Junior Farmers
were awarded the trophy for the
third year in succession at the
Huron county drama festival in ,
Seaforth on Friday night.
The play, "The Pink Dress," was
directed by Mrs. .R. W. Kennedy,
and the cast of five included Ruth
Procter, JAI Bowman, Sheila
Black, Bessie Johnston and.Harry •
Ruth Procter and Jim Bowman
also received the awards for the
best actress and best actor, re-
, The South Huron Junior Farmers
and Junior Institute were the com-
petitors and presented "The , ,
Storrte" directed by Mrs. J. Smith.
The adjudicator, Don Pullen, Eng-
lish teacher at Seaforth District
High School, complimented all ac-
tors and actresses for playing a
fine performance.
Await Plans for
New St. James
Separate School
Approval' of preliminary sketeb
plans for a new • five-elastroom
school to serve St. James' Sepal..
ate School is being awaited; tie -
cording to board secretary Leen
Bannon. The new school will be
located immediately south of the •
present school, and will ince on
Chalk Street.
Decision regarding a utility
room will be -taken later when
preliminary sketches have been
approved, Mr. Bannon said,
Total cost of the new building
will not be finally determined WWI
plans are further atlitano4 butlt
is understood ; that- 4elin,WitS: to
provide for coristruttiOn 'halt*
be Wood to solo, 1n011t>
Arthitetts,f0t the new same!, aro
Wati,and Tillftian, of UAW« •