HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-02-19, Page 9r • "x ' > *OSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT-, FEB, 19, 1960 zezo- Thinking of Altering Your Old Kitchen --Do It Now Is Advice Tired of the same old kitchen? Many homemakers, realizing that they spend the majority of their 'time in the kitchen, are tak- ing steps to make their kitchen a pleasant and comfortable spot to relax and entertain friends in ad- dition to being an efficient place to "'prepare meals. Local officials of the National Employment Office who are spear- heading the current winter work campaign,are urging these people that this work can and should be done now. Architects and builders are in- corporating many. design - features —formerly used only in informal living areas—into modern kitchens to develop a new "personality" for this all-purpose room, Woodgrain paneling, desk and telephone, television, comfortable - chairs, and even a cheerful fire- place. now are found. in. kitchens._ To emphasize this trend in kit- ,chens, tiffany interesting decors can be planned to complement the furnishings and appliances. Panel- ing in a wide range of colors and patterns makes it easy to create a distinctive and practical decor. . Woodgrain paneling is especially pbpular because•. It can be used in modern treatments or to accent an Early., American or Colonial theme. Ideal for kitchens wher-e heat and moisture are a problem are some of the hardboard ma- terials that are currently available and can be damp -wiped clean. Like the baked surface of a.,.range or refrigerator, surfaces of these ma- terials resist dirt, grease and stains. Handsome woodgrain paneling is an effective background for al- most any type of decor, and its warm tones help create an infor- mal atmosphere, Random -width grooves that are available in the planking, can be used over studs in new construction, or furring strips in remodeling, to give a dis- tinctive vertical line treatment. Hardboards for counter tops are available in a wide range of colors and patterns, making it easy to plan an eye-catching decor. Just a minimum of work and effort can change the appearance of any kitchen. However, a com- plete renovation is necessary to develop that' new, all-purpose ap- pearance: Whatever the choice,. there are plenty of skilled trades. men available if the.project is un- dertaken " now. Paper hanging, When checking the woodwork,• have another look at the walls. Winter is a good time to brighten the color scheme in your home. WE CO INSTALL A NEW FURNACE In your home and not leave you without heat for more Than Five Hours t GAS - OIL - COAL or WOOD EXAMPLE: A Standard Installation for six -room bungalow, CAS FURNACE, Completely Installed .. • CALL SEAFORTH 585 FOR FREE ESTIMATES $475.00 GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE Ltd.. PAY FOR THIS WITH YOUR GAS BILL ! =IN_ =e=•= -$- `sir=111 WHY WAIT FOR ' SPRING? Architect Includes. Family Room In Three -Bedroom Bungalow Inclusion of a family room in a house of modest area is an inter- esting feature of this three-bed- room design by architect Ronald Whiteley, of Don Mills. As well as providing a play area for children the room ensures good internal cir- culation. The basement extends only under the smaller wing of the house.- A: - wide roof overhang protects •both the main and rear entrances and shields the two living -dining room. windows. 'There is ample closet space. with two linen closets and a clothes closet in the family room in addition to a large coat closet at the front entrance. The total floor. area is 1,068 square feet and the exterior dimen- sions are 28. feet, eight inches, by 43 feet, six inches. Working draw-, ings for the house, Design 284, may • be obtained from Central Mortgage and; Housing Corporation. atDRO0M oto'. ,o -e' BEDROOM 9. e•t. BEDROOM 1 0 r - RI Sn- I 1 KITGNEN REF)___ FAMILY ROOM 0'•9• . tl.,• Y L NAIL t.WIN4.OINI116 ROOM II.4• . '9••'. Final Grading Determines:. Depth of House F�undation. (This is the fifth in a series of articles by Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Fed- eral 'housing ageifby, on build- ing a house). Once the footing are in place, work on the foundation walls- can proceed. There ,are two .main types of foundations, the monolithic, con- crete or "poured" foundation, con- sisting of a single concrete mass, and the unit masonry foundation made either of concrete blocks or of stone masonry. For appearance sake, the foun- FOR PLEASURE AND CONVENIENCE When. men are available START NOW ON AN ADDITION TO YOUR HOME We'll Give You Expert . Advice! Yes, you can have a beautiful new bedroom, rumpus room, outside workshop or play- room at a very economical price. It will not only give you comfort and pleasure, but increase the value of your property ! Free Estimates Gladly Given ! Terms Arranged on Your Lumber Needs ! WEA DELIVER YOUR REQUIREMENTS' We -have a Complete Selectioni of the Finest Building Materials. • Lumber - Paints - .Millwork Insulation - Lime - Cement Hardware .,.r Phone: ° Seaforth 787 Clinton IUJ 2-9514 acaulay' Limite * • dation should not project too high above ground level. On the other hand, the wooden framework of the house should not come too close to the ground. A certain minimum clearance is essential to guard against rotting of the woodwork. If the finish is brick veneer, the bottom part of wooden joists should be at "least six inches above ground. Minimum acceptable thicknesses for foundations, in NHA-financed houses are laid down in "Housing Standards". Poured foundations are usually from eight to 12 inches thick. Block foundations should normally be thicker than solid concrete foundations. The actual thickness, however, depends -. not only on the type of foundation, but also on the height and length of the house. Foundation walls have to be strong enough to withstand the thrust of the surrounding earth. To " provide additional strength, fouiidation walls exceeding a cer- tain length are buttressed with pilasters. A pilaster is a column tuilt integrally with the wall by increasing the thickness of the foundation at that point, making it more rigid. This type of supple- mehtary support is required, for example in concrete block founda- tion wails more than. 45 feet long. Basement windows installed at the fundation stage, should be equipped with weather bar, to pre- vent Boding of the basement in heavy rains. A weather bar is a raised strip, usually of metal or plastic, placed in a groove along the window sill. Standard base- ment windows are usually equip- ped with weather bars but made - to -measure windows should also be provided with this protection. Houses with a crawl space in place of a basement are built oil regular foundations with the foot-. ings carried below the frost line. Instead of excavating the full .length and width of the house, only a footing trench needs to be excavated. The foundation wall• is then built to a height of about two feet above ground level. The empty space between the ground and sup- er -structure is known at a "crawl space. Openings, or vents, are in- stalled at either end of the founda- tion to 'provide ventilation across the crawl space. •t Plumbing. You might only have a leaky tap or there might be a pipe threatening to burst. There is a plumber available now to solve your problem, Carpentry. Check and see if baseboards or mouldings are chip- ped and need replacing. Or you might want to start finishing off the basement or an attic. Screens can be repaired, sliding door units jnstalled, Electrical Work. There is hard- ly a house on any person's block that doesn't have an overloaded circuit somewhere. This can be dangerous. There are eleotrjeians available now to cheek the wiring In your home or plant and insthil 'new fikttitea., • F Check These important Points Now ! Seaforth and area homeowners and businessmen are urged by tho National Employment Service to check through their housesand plants, and get all the repair jobs that go with' sp?ing cleaning done now, while there is skilled labor available. Here are some points to check: Painting. Is the woodwork as bright as it should be? Are the walls marked,• or do .the kitchen cupboards need a coat of paint? There are painters available now to do minor touching up jobs or major redecorating jobs. Floor sanding, polishing. Floors that are overcoated with wax,. scuffed or marked, usually re= quire an experienced hand to bring them up to original gldss. Remodelling or repairing, whe- ther it means setting the garage door back on its track or building an entire new addition, can be done quicker during the winter. Why wait for Spring? DO IT •NOW! Fix Up That Old Floor With Floor Covering FROM . BOX PFURNITURE Check Our Selection . It's Always Complete ! • JASPE • RUGS • CONGOLEUMS • LINOLEUMS • MARBOLEUM TILES OF ALL KINDS - Yoi'Il find the widestvariety of Patterns, Styles and Quality in our store EXPERT FLOOR. SANDING • Before refinishing those old, rough wood floors: let our -experienced workmen re -sand them. Box Furniture Phone 43 •• Seaforth When remodelling, make plans to use Seaforth Fulvue • Windows. Modernize and beautify your home with these sashless sliders. Available indifferent jamb 'Widths for plaster or dry wall finishes, and for brick veneer or frame construc- tion. Fulvue Slider Windows are also ayailable for , cement block and concrete walls, for plastered or dry wall finishes. Whether bathroom; kitchen, or any room in the house, look to l?ulvue Sliders for that modernistic touch ! PERFECT FOR' THAT - NEW HOUSE,' TOO. !--:- When men are available FULVUE SLIDERS feature all-new Viny track, engineered and designed to assure lasting tight seal. Will not warp"! BUILT-IN CONDENSATION TROUGH , IMITED . MANUFACPI:JRERS OP SEAFORTI'1 PULVUE SLMEIt 'WINDOW'S Phone 74 • .. Seaforth